the-starry-lycan · 2 months
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12th of April, 2024.. Happy Birthday to Thierry Boulanger, and in turn, the whole Saboverse!!
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kiyaraka · 2 years
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kyuohki · 3 months
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Didn't have enough room for Erlina or Brugaves on the last one (12 people limit), so here's their heights and the Messenger headcanons!
(Here's a link if y'all wanna play with it)!
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Here's the plan: The ocean just mugged Ruxxtin so he gathered up his bros to go beat the shit out of it.
It's me. I'm his bros. Gonna kick the ocean's ass.
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Agreed. It's a fine day for unleashing retaliatory violence on a geographic feature.
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I feel like I could have intuited that one. Rocks hurt when your face slams into them at Agony MPH. Trust me, I am Mesa Island's foremost expert on that subject.
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Go fast and don't pain. Got it. Let's go. I feel like an expert already.
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I don't know what that cool feather is but I have never wanted anything more in my life let's goooooooo
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Yeah, this has been a piece of cake so I feel ready. I definitely didn't get us killed multiple times on purpose so that I could take advantage of Quarble's time manipulation to make sure I got every feather.
At least, as far as you know. I am an effortless first-time pro.
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Oh wow, it's huge. That's okay. I have a plan. In the noble words of my generation:
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Stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself
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Retaliation complete! I feel good about this.
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Hey. Uh. Ruxxtin?
Who the fuck did we just assault? Because this is starting to feel like family drama.
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Oh my goddess, this is family drama. Well. I no longer feel good about this.
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Ooh, feather. The feather means I'm good at surfing. I no longer have any reservations about what transpired here. Let's go, buddy.
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Ruxxtin, my dude, we have got to hang out more. Your life is so fucking interesting. When my travels inevitably get written down into storied histories, it might even be worth its own spinoff fable. Just food for thought.
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Oh that's cute actually.
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Do you smell something? I'm catching just the faintest whiff of brimstone and inadequacy. I'm pretty sure I beat a guy's ass who smelled like that once. But....
Eh. Guess he wasn't very memorable. He did seem slow on the uptake, though.
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Looking sharp, bruh. The funny thing is, Roro up there gets a passive boon from your insecurities. Due to the nature of your relationship, she gets a height boost every time you do.
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I swear, there's someone watching me. I can feel the monocular gaze of decaying menace. As if a once-proud warrior had been lowered to comical shenanigans in a futile bid to reclaim his extinguished glory.
Eh, it's probably just 'cause I'm hot. This is what it feels like to be everybody's superstar. I should strut.
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thestalkerbunny · 2 years
I like to present you this guy:
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His name is Ruxxtin (From the game The Messenger), and he tried to be an evil necromancer but it honestly wasn't really working for him. (Also his staff can talk)
I'ma kiss hislittle skelly face
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artroidsart · 4 years
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I did it! I did the challenge!
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luminair · 6 years
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The Messenger chilling with friends
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smb3 · 3 years
The Messenger: Picnic Panic stream!
Going live in a few with some The Messenger DLC: Picnic Panic! I really don't know much of what this has in store but it looks like RUXXTIN might make an appearance which has me hype. Come hang! https://www.twitch.tv/lupermattroid
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veigarthevile · 5 years
Question, have you heard of the game 'The Messenger' or more specifically the boss Ruxxtin the great? If you haven't look it up on youtube. It's the closest thing to a Veigar boss fight I've ever seen.
//Not enough grandstanding or bullet hell elements for my taste, but close
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winterfurst · 5 years
[ruxxtin: GIMME BACK MY STILTS!!!!
octo: why wont you tell us whats wrong :(
ruxxtin: STOP!!!!!
octo: WHy wont you visit?
ruxxtin: STOP IT! YOU’RE NOT MY MOM!!!!”
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Three down, three to go. Just like that, it's tea time.
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There we go. There's my tea leaves.
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You got it. So long as a given task requires a precise amount of 500 years to elapse, I've got that shit down.
I am a master of time manipulation but only in an absurdly specific and limited capacity!
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Uh. Hold up. What the shit?
You're supposed to teach me... teach me the... the vision of... seeing... good.
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Well. Fuck my life. I can't even accuse you of conning me if I don't remember what we agreed to in the first place.
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Okay. I guess we agreed that you'd pay me in candles.
I guess my takeaway is that I should pay more attention when other people promise me things. This is on me. I accept that.
Whatever. IT'S FINE. It's fine.
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After all, I do still have a use for this dumbass candle.
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Not so fucking impenetrable when I can SEE, are you!? Your secrets can't hide in the darkness forever, mysterious chamber that my buddy Ruxxtin found after I abandoned him for centuries! Not from my lit candle precariously taped to the rim of my killer hat ULTIMATE NINJA TECHNIQUE, THE POWER OF TRUE SIGHT.
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What the fuck is this place? The tree are burning with blue flame. The river is green.
Did the Ferryman's whole swamp uproot and move to Mesa Island?
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The absolute fuck.
How. How. How did a vision of Roro's nightmares transform into this verdant paradise over 500 years? This is the most dramatic transformation of a region I've seen yet.
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Wait a second. What the hell am I worried about? I can literally run on water. Check this shit out.
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Okay. So.
The takeaway here is that being able to run on water is not very helpful if the water is moving so goddamn fast that you immediately lose your footing, crash into the waves headfirst, and then get torn apart by sharp rocks.
This was a valuable learning experience.
I wish fewer of my lessons involved sharp rocks.
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Some sort of weird plant bulb. I wonder what it--
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Hey, what the fuck!? Rude. What, is your palette too fucking refined to eat me? I'll have you know that I am a goddamn dish, okay? There are people in this world who would be honored to digest a tender musculature like mine, you self-important piece of--
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You are actually doing this right now.
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I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just having a pleasant stroll through the flowers. The tasteless, uncultured flowers.
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Hold up, there was a Messenger cycle that looped a Messenger in to a point between my past and my future? The cycles are in no way consecutive but instead weave and loop around one another through the Tower of Time?
That is. Honestly, kind of cool in an existentially dreadful sort of way. I knew we were outside time and space and that the Tower sends Messengers to a point in history where they can conjoin to the start of a new Messenger's journey, but I didn't realize the process was so... intricate.
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Honestly, neither. Makes perfect sense to me. No one ever said time travel has to operate down a linear path. It does imply a fatalistic interpretation of reality where the future is already written and can't be altered. However, when guaranteed 100% infallible prophecies are as big of a deal as they are for our world, that ship's already sailed.
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