#rvb jimmy
toastytrusty · 2 years
jimmy rvb is such an interesting character like alpha having memories of being buddies with him on sidewinder is such a curious thing.. alpha obviously has implanted memories because he remembers A childhood and all that but how much of that holds any relevance to the real leonard church whatsoever and how much of it is just him projecting himself into jimmys life. jimmy mentions having a girl back home he wanted to propose to, and alpha mentions having wanted to propose to tex.. and they both have relevance to sidewinder in memories the sidewinder parallels make my brain turn. also, what about the implantation of alpha was different than other ai implantations? how much of jimmys consciousness remained thereafter? idk idk
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recollection-alpha · 18 days
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yellow rose of texas clad in black
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purpleskelet0n · 1 month
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tried my best to make them look like how they're described but I throw in headcanon as well :3 really proud of all of them!
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agentcaboose · 2 months
missing that one era of my life where me and my friends would swap fanfiction in class and the reveal that alpha was put in private jimmy's body wasn't out yet so we were going to insane lengths of why it was totally normal that church never took off his armor and tucker never thought that was weird
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Well I guess I’m in the RvB fandom now
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wetstigmata · 1 year
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felix and locus are getting a new live action show on netflix and jimmy urine discovers his new kintype and tries fruitlessly to chase his youth by portraying felix by wearing a bad wig and too much makeup and you can tell the whole time,
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jamesbracket · 1 year
Bracket 4, Round 3
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RvB Friendship Fray- Round One, Part Two, Poll Eleven
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jovial-gender-jester · 10 months
something something chex & mcwexler parallels where the man kisses like he's the woman & not being the type of couple that's filled with 'i love you while knowing each other in a way no one else does but also holding such deep grudges because anything that impacts him impacts her because what is the lover's job if not to save the damsel and it's shit work but it's her work.
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favvnsongs · 1 year
rvb introduced the bodily/psychological horror of poor private jimmy being a prisoner in his own body and puppeted around by a pissy ai who doesn't Know he's in someone else's body and his only fucking freedom from that was being blown up ;___; and then literally they never revisited that concept again
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vs-blue · 2 years
New theory what if the pfl agents' states are picked according to their surnames' first letter
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mattastr0phic · 5 months
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Red Vs. Blue face headcanons! Since y'all wanted em out before Season 19 dropped!
In defense of Simmons not being a red haired twink: big buff DnD and science nerd.
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And some extra notes under the cut:
You can take all these with a silly grain of salt, I'm not a long-time RvB fandom frequenter but did like some bits.
Simmons: Dutch-Irish but keeps getting called 'of a Latino persuasion' by Grif. Also funnily uses 'cracker'. (so mixed.) Cybernetics built from the same sort of stuff Lopez is made out of, visibly running down the left of his face, neck, ribcage, and arm. His arm worked the best for Grif because they're around the same height.
Grif: Too lazy to cut much of his hair, but it's necessary when his helmet doesn't properly secure. Also, a beard is beneficial for catching some little save-for-later snacks. Carving started out as a fidgeting task if he somehow couldn't sleep.
Donut: Just barely hits the twunk allegations in comparison as the lankiest out of a group of fat and buff guys, somehow more durable than all of them despite it and is still above average in build. Started really trying to compensate for his image because of his scar, which developed into really being able to love himself.
Sarge: LOVES his sergeant stripes. Don't tell him but his eyes might be blue. He will say they're grey, though. Don't ask about the bullet hole in his head, either. It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it, just that he'll probably go on a rant about Grif.
Church: Rest in piss Jimmy. Church doesn't naturally feel sleepy though, not like he has this body for long. The scar on his neck was smooth enough to not raise any alarm, and a lack of sleep may have hindered his fight-or-flight reflexes while he still lived...
Tucker: A few scars from his alien encounter, a glimmer in his eyes a slight indication of his connection with the blade-key along with the visor changes. Poor guy couldn't grow his hair long because of the helmet.
Caboose: Most head trauma of anyone ever, injuries hidden by his thick curly hair. Sure doesn't keep him down! It may contribute to a loop of him losing teeth and continuing to worry about the tooth fairy being mad at him, though.
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rubykgrant · 3 months
Question for my RVB Friends-
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Thought I’d share some of my thought process behind my blue team face hc’s since so many of you seemed to like it so much
I’m absolutely biased since Church is by far my favorite (if that wasn’t obvious enough already), so he probably had the most thought put into his design.
According to the ultimate fanbook, the Director got in a fight with another private when he was in basic training who apparently broke his nose, up until Allison beat up the other guy. It’s not as noticeable in the hc sketches but in most art of Church I try to keep a small bump in the nose because of that. I just thought it was a cool nod to how Church is based on the Director.
Honestly I just can’t help but agree with the combination of glasses, black spiky hair, and goatee as the most widely-agreed upon design for Church. Like yeah, that’s what that crusty screaming blue guy would look like 👍
Compared to Tucker and Caboose, he goes through the least amount of drastic changes, somewhat due to the fact that he isn’t in a human body for very long. I like to think Church in his original AI form resembled a younger Director, maybe in his 20′s or 30′s, and the body they picked for him later just needed to look similar enough that the Alpha AI wouldn’t question it. It’s not exact, finding a perfect match is probably impossible, but I like to think poor Private Jimmy just happened to look enough like a younger Director that he ended up the Alpha AI’s host.
Seeing as Epsilon is based on an AI who’s based on a person, it made sense to me that the details got muddled somewhere down the line like a game of telephone. Since he’s only a fragment, the details aren’t as precise as they were on Alpha Church, hence more straight edges (like a model with less polygons).
Tucker was by far the most fun to work on, honestly. The fandom seems a little more divided on how he should look, but that just gave me more ideas to work with.
I like the idea that all 3 of them started off with shorter, ‘military-approved’ length haircuts which grew out as rvb went on.
Can’t forget Florida’s comment about Tucker’s ‘metrosexual good looks’
After the BGC and Tucker went on to become an ambassador, I imagine he got more confident with his energy sword and himself as a soldier. He’s got a few scars, a little stubble, and he’s grown up a bit, but he’s still good ol’ Tucker. His hair kind of worked perfectly for me to illustrate how he grows and develops as a person, for better and for worse.
In The Recollection Trilogy, it’s grown out a bit, but Tucker still keeps his hair neat and up in a ponytail. He’s still figuring shit out, but he’s doing well for himself.
Then the Chorus Trilogy comes along and BAM, hit ‘em with the depression. Some more facial hair, another piercing, a few more scars, but mostly the eyebags and his hair growing out more. First Epsilon leaving with Carolina, then losing Wash, Tucker had to balance the sudden responsibility of becoming captain to the lieutenants on Chorus along with the stress of losing his friends. He was never the leader, Church was always around 'to take the blame when shit went wrong’, and then Wash took his place. A ton of responsibility is suddenly thrust onto Tucker (bow chika bow wow), and I wanted to illustrate visually that he’s NOT taking it well at ALL.
Not only did his hair get longer, but it’s more disheveled now, hanging lower and not as neat anymore as he struggles to keep everything together.
Finally though, I like to think he eventually felt worthy enough as a soldier, a leader, and as a warrior to shave the energy sword symbol into his hair. I’ve seen a ton of fantastic art where people gave him that, and I loved it, but to me it felt almost like a sign of honor, something that he didn’t feel he was ready for until later into the Chorus trilogy when he’d start getting his foothold and regaining his confidence. Eventually he felt he was ready as he truly became a warrior deserving of the symbol.
Caboose was probably the hardest to pin down. There’s a ton of variation in designs, and I don’t think a single design has really become the most agreed-upon. It took some time to think of a design that, at least to me, felt like it matched his voice and personality.
Just like Church and Tucker, I gave him a shorter haircut for his BGC era when he was still a rookie. I had to ensure he looked friendly enough, so after a little searching around for ideas I settled on curly hair. I imagine he’d probably be a brunette. Real warm vibe.
Shoutout to @picz for the idea to give him freckles, outstanding move.
Of course during the Recollection Trilogy his hair grows out like it does for Tucker since they’re... Not really in the army anymore...? They’re sorta... Doing their own thing, so I imagine no one’s sticking to army protocols for hair length anymore (Except Sarge, obviously. Might make some red team face hc’s sometime too....)
I get the impression Caboose doesn’t outwardly show signs of stress quite as badly as Tucker during the Chorus Trilogy. He’s sad Epsilon left, but he isn’t anywhere near overwhelmed or distressed enough to develop eyebags like Tucker.
His hair has grown out longer, so Tucker or Wash probably tied it up into a ponytail for him.
Of course, Caboose grows up too, so I put some facial hair on that boy, plus a few more band-aids and patches here and there. He’s probably got a few scars by now, but not as many as Tucker since Tucker seems more the type to get up close and personal in combat with his energy sword.
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autisdicksimmons · 2 years
Rvb character disabilities pt. 2
Blue team’s turn baybeeee
Church, Alpha
(This is assuming that Private Jimmy’s body was compatible enough to fit his memories in look and functionality)
* Bad eyesight
* Dead
* HC— Hard of Hearing bc I can. Also it adds a little depth to him always fucking yelling
* HC— I like the idea of him having a tremor, I think it would be a list if it were canonical, but if adds some depth to him never hitting anything
* HC— I know I said I wasn’t doing mental illness last time, buttttttttttt he’s so BPD coded
* HC— also def autistic
* Other than complications from the abdominal injuries he’s sustained (birth/being stabbed) I can’t think of anything, really. Huh
* Canonically has brain damage from various sources
* Had his pinky toe shot off
* HC— Deaf/Hard of Hearing, would explain him commonly saying or hearing things wrong and, when corrected, being like. Yeah that’s what I said. Like he’s not stupid it’s just a miscommunication
* HC— Also he’s autistic (I recognize how this hc is often used in infantilizing ways, but I’m autistic and I love him so he is too)
* Canonically she has a robot body but honestly even if I wasn’t considering that I can’t think of anything?? Is she abled too??
* Dead tho
* Colorblind (is that a disability?? I’m counting it)
* HC— Hyper-mobile EDS bc I have it too and it REALLY fits with her crazy flexibility
* Cerebral Hypoxia
* Regardless of that though between having an ai blow up in his head and his season 11-12 concussion? He’s had some mild/moderate brain damage for a while
* Canonically has at least some chronic pain (when in his younger body in s17 he remarks that he feels amazing, and asks if that’s what it was like to be young)
* HC— Hard of Hearing
Church, Epsilon
* Being far more aware of his being an ai/never having a fleshy body the physical ones from Alpha don’t apply, but the mental ones do
* EDIT- I had it pointed out that it is v much canon that Church has MPD, so he’s plural/a system
* Has a bad knee from it being injured so. Many. Times
* HC— Chronic pain of some capacity, she’s been through A Lot
* HC— also autistic for sure
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