#rw monkvulet
draagu · 11 months
Can I offer; Monk x Rivulet
(I had to delete a paragraph long ramble I accidentally fell into about it in the ask jasd;lkf)
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mjdrawzz · 5 months
Warrior slugs: days 1 2 3 and 4
Day 1: goldenpaw
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Goldenpaw was found as a kit on the bank of a river in rainclan’s territory, shortly after the discovery of his sister by Rufflekit, daughter of Moonstar. They immediately became friends, Rufflekit helping Goldenkit out of his shell. Goldenkit immediately knew they wanted to be a medicine cat, and to study under mosspool.
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Frostfeather was swept away in a flash flood and their brother jumped after them. They luckily both got out with only minor pneumonia, but now Frostfeather won’t go anywhere near water, and sometimes has trouble drinking because of it. She typically has to drink from sponge like moss, because puddles scare her. They’re a semi-permanent medicine den resident, being treated for ptsd.
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Flarecherry was a curious specimen, brought in as a kit by a loner named “Sig” who shortly left. Flarekit was always on death’s door, strange lumps growing on her back and face. Moonstar hadn’t seen such a frail kit make it this long, and was always expecting her to die in her sleep. But Flarekit became Flarepaw who became Flarecherry, though her condition gets worse every day. She earned her deputy status after she helped Moonstar recover from losing a life to dehydration. She was bandaged up to prevent her from scratching at her tumours, but now she uses the wrappings to carry sticks.
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Carameldawn was a kittypet who stumbled into Rainclan after running away from her twolegs because they put her on a diet. She now goes back and forth, being a daylight warriors, but she does love the fresh kill. Her twolegs wonder how she keeps getting fatter, despite their countless weight loss measures. She’s just sneaking out to enjoy the simple pleasures. Or she was, until the siblings showed up. They were grieving the family they had been swept away from, and a warm soft blanket of a cat was right there. They eventually viewed each other as family. Hell, goldenpaw even looks like Carameldawn!
Sorry if you read all that, I can’t give short explanations :,)
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cameroneatsdirt · 8 months
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hello tumblr rainworld community! ^^ Have some bannanaboat! (Ignore the fact I’ve neglected my tumbr acc for likee 3 monthsss shhhh “.) ruffles def shows affection through face touching at least in my hc. Also bringing stuff like pearls and other trinkets. Admittedly I meant to make riv a little taller than monk but whatevverrr x3
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cameroneatsdirt · 8 months
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They both share one braincell (literally)
You could probably consider this goldfish art idk they just kinda hanging out
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