#rwby hunter sonata
team-jpde · 1 year
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Hello, everyone! I hope this Thursday finds you well, I'm personally fresh from a written French exam –which I believe went well- and one hell of a work week which isn't even over yet. I can't wait to be done with it, and I also can't wait for the 22nd when FFXVI comes out... (THAT DEMO IS EVIL!)
In the meanwhile, what about we go down RWBY lane with a new JPDE – Character Spotlight post! Today we're delving into the behind the scenes for the strawberry fiend –yes, her favourite food is actually strawberries, not cookies- Ruby Rose! And oh boi, looking back at it... I was shooting from the hip.
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While that's standard for most of JPDE – Sonata of Fire (I never knew where I was gonna end up with any route, leave alone the main story), for Ruby in particular there was the issue that... The original RWBY series doesn't give much inspiration to work with? Without going into the later volumes, even in the first ones Ruby seemed to be pigeon-holed into being a plot-only kind of gal, without many character moments.
Not to say that she doesn't have interactions with other characters, but whenever they happen they're always about the other character she interacts with, and the most that she does is react to what's happening in front of her. It fits her narrative role as the main character and leader but that leaves us knowing nothing about her that is not in relation to someone/something else.
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There's little hints here and there that never get brought up again. She had friends back in Signal she wrote letters to, what happened to that? She was supposed to be a weapons freak, I think? She likes reading, what genre? We first see her listening to music with headphones, what's her favourite band? What does she think about love and marriage, considering her disastrous family?
Even her becoming a leader despite being the youngest student at Beacon is barely touched upon, let alone wanting to be a hero... At first it was a bit daunting but I then realized that it was an opportunity: if you won't do that, I will. I guess that's why, except for that first cookie incident, all of Ruby Rose's events are about her insecurities and growth.
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Sure, she's a kick-ass Hunter/engineer but she's also a young girl who's growing, put into a situation she wasn't supposed to be in for years yet due to her potential. That undiscovered side is what I ended up exploring in Sonata of Fire, alongside a few other things where I went in depth in ways that... Well, let's just say that Ruby's main story beats are when I really decided to stop caring about respecting canon. We're in uncharted waters now, boys.
Going into JPDE2 – Adagio of Darkness, Ruby has lost much: her team, her sister, respect for her dad, but she has also gained a lot. Including a tan and a new teacher which, ehm... Let's just say that in the JPDEVerse, Maria is quite different from canon... Alas, poor Ruby.
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Amaco - http://amaco-illust.weebly.com/
Sa-Dui - https://twitter.com/MintSaDui
Chocojax - http://www.chocojax.com/
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aftermathdb · 5 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Weiss vs. Misturu
Y’know, I had a gag planned when that required Weiss to be introduced after two other RWBY Characters that I don’t think I can do anymore since Weiss got introduced before them. Maybe I can do a deleted scenes thing later…
Two Ice Queens battle for the true reign over the ice castle!
Weiss′s Preview.
The world of Remnant is full of many things that make it famous. From the vicious creatures of Grimm, to the Huntsman and Huntresses that are sworn to fight them, and many many more. But in this world, you’d be hard pressed to find a person who has never heard of the Schnee family.
And like any famous family, these guys are like royalty. And their princess, is Weiss Schnee.
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Like many children born to great families, Weiss’ home life wasn’t that fun. Her father had high expectations for her, and she was set to just run the place… Whenever that happens. But, in defiance to her father’s wishes, she got out and joined Beacon Academy, an illustrious school where everyone can learn how to fight monsters. And once she joined a team, she put the ‘W’ in team RWBY.
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But Weiss can’t just get by with money. So like most Hunters (Which is what I’m going to be calling them so that I can save some space), Weiss got herself a weapon, which Boomstick nicknamed Merc-Nasty.
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This rapier is nearly three feet in length, and, much like nearly every other weapon in the show, it doubles as a gun (insert “it’s also a gun” joke here)!
Myrtenaster comes equipped with a six-slot Dust chamber. And unlike the dust in our world, the Dust in this world is special. Similar to the materia from Final Fantasy or Crystals from Storm Hawks, these all come with their own stats and effects.
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Weiss is a fan of combining water and wind to create Ice Dust
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But, if you’re going to fight giant shadow monsters, criminals, and godzilla dragons, you’re  going to need way more than just a stick to fight them with.
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Think of Semblances as “X-Men” powers. They’re all unique in their own ways. However, Weiss’ Semblance is a bit different. In the sense that instead of it being unique, it’s actually inherited through her family line. Kinda like the mark of the Joestar (Before you ask, no. No Jojo character is up next. I’m upset about it too).
Weiss’ Semblance lets her do all sorts of crazy stuff. From manipulating gravity, to time dilation, to manipulating dust.
But most impressive of all, is the summons, which lets Weiss act like Yuna from FF X and bring out monsters she’s beaten to fight alongside her.  And the most powerful one of all, would be knight, the Arma Gigas… Which means “Giant Armor” in Latin.
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But yeah. Weiss’ family is pretty dysfunctional, and kinda abusive at times. Her Colonel Sanders-looking dad up there cut her out of the family line, leaving her piece of shit brother as the sole heir to the company.
But if there are any physical weaknesses Weiss has, it would probably be her durability.
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Aura is finite, and takes time to recharge. Sure, you’re basically invincible when you do have it, but when it’s out, you’re out.  And compared to Best Girl Yang (Fight me), Weiss’ durability isn’t that great. And since using her Semblance also burns aura, she’s more likely to run out sooner rather than later.
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But Weiss is pretty tough. She once managed to survive a train crash. Judging by the size of the fragmentation, and applying the appropriate mathematics, the amount of force Weiss withstood comes out to be about…
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Not good enough?- Then how about the time she knocked over a giant mech that was designed to fight giant leviathan grimm?
Judging by the size of her partner beside her, Weiss’ output of force should come around to about…
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And it’s unlikely that Weiss is doing this using only dust. So, by using the water,  we can get an estimate as to how much energy is being used for this attack.
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For those of you wondering, this translates to over 230 tons of TNT!
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Forget Dust. Weiss could make a killing on giving people renewable power alone.
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Weiss might not be the strongest of her team, but with her newfound family, she’s certainly proven that she is far more than just a name. And she’s out to prove that this life is hers.
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Misturu′s Preview.
In the early 2000s, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Japan who hasn’t heard of the Kirjio group, a global conglomerate that was involved in nearly every aspect of daily life. .
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And just like any other major company like this, they had a family. And this princess, was known as Mitsuru Kirijo
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One day, Mitsuru’s Grandfather was experimenting with some sort of mental world called “The Mind Place.” Officially known as “The collective unconscious.” Because companies doing shady business deals is apparently something we should expect. When is news going to break out that Disney does have their founder’s head in a jar?
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Anyways, the Mind Place connects every living being’s subconscious mind. Things known as “Shadows” lived there.
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These things are basically demons. But if you want to see an inner demon, you find a person’s “Shadow Self.”
Surprise surprise, Grandpa Kirijo decided to try and get to the shadows for himself. But, as per usual, summoning demons never works out… Unless you play an Archfiend Deck in Yu-Gi-Oh, in which case, go nuts.
So, everything kinda went to shit because of it, and not only were the shadows released into the world to attack an unsuspecting populace, this tower thing here:
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the Tartarus, arose. It’s basically the citadel between worlds. The earth was changed with a new “Dark Hour.” A period of time where everything freezes at Midnight.
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Most people don’t really notice though. Time resumes as normal when it’s over, and almost nobody really notices.
Some people can keep moving around in this time. Mitsuru is one of them. since she felt bad about her family’s company screwing everyone over, so she decided to fix it.
And while her rapier skills are certainly good, on account that she’s in the fencing club at her school, a small sword like that isn’t exactly enough to take down a bunch of evil shadows… Wait, hang on. Do both of these franchises have Heartless ripoffs?- Moving on, Mitsuru also has various abilities that she can use.
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And on top of all of it, she even got a Stand Persona, named Penthesilea, which later grew into Artemisia.
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With Artemisia by her side, Mitsuru has a lot of powerful ice spells that she can call upon in battle. So it’s basically a Stand except they don’t have that rule of “Only a Stand can defeat another Stand” thing going for them… Huh, note to self: Have Jotaro and Mitsuru get into an argument about terminology. Also unlike Stands, Personas can be defeated, but they’ll come back after a short time.
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Similar to Stands, Personas also kinda reflect damage back to the user. But since it’s more linked to the personality rather than the soul or fighting spirit, it’s more mental stress if anything else.
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Artemesia gives Mitsuru all sorts of awesome stuff. Like ice powers that could give Elsa a run for her money. It also grants Mitsuru enhanced strength, speed, and durability. In addition, it also makes her completely immune to the cold and ice-based attacks. I’d ask “Why the fur coat?” But, as we all know, Everyone needs a fur coat (And it’s a pretty nice coat). She can also sense her surroundings via analytical clairvoyance, which makes sneaking up on her pretty hard.
But, like all great heroes, nobody really does it on their own. Mitsuru created the S.E.E.S, or the “Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad.” A group of Persona users that were basically the Teen Titans, if they had Stands instead of superpowers. And, as an added bonus, it’s an after school club, so bonus extra credit!
And you might be thinking “How would one summon a Persona?” Well, since this franchise wasn’t done ripping off Jojo (I looked it up, Stands and the Stand Arrows were introduced about three years prior to Persona 1), they decided to uh… Use the Evoker… Which… Fair warning…
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(I think I’ll take the Stand Arrow instead).
The idea behind the Evoker is that it evokes a strong traumatic experience to awaken a person’s Persona, similar to how Mitsuru’s first experience in summoning hers was also traumatic.
To add to the unsettling nature of this, you don’t just have it shot at you. You aim it at your face, and pull the trigger. DEFINITELY taking the Stand Arrow over that.
Anyways, with all that power, Mitsuru’s pulled off some ridiculous stuff.
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Here’s an added bonus: One Persona user that could outrun a bullet fired from a Magnum. So it’s reasonable to say that Mitsuru could do this too.
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If that last feat wasn’t impressive enough for you, Personas can move even faster. One of them reacted to and caught an arrow within milliseconds. And since Mitsuru defeated this user and Persona in a fight.
But if you’re looking for a durability feat, then look no further, because Mitsuru once survived an explosion.
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This one to be exact.
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This is easily the longest series of images I’ve had to upload in a row. And isn’t Boomstick a Poultry Scientist?- Why’d he say “I’m a scientist now.”?
Ahem, moving on. Artemisia also once helped out in icing these creepy puppet things:
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Now, using the surrounding air and accounting for Nitrogen (As it makes up a good chunk of the air we breathe), we can get some calculations for this feat.
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The energy output, after the calculations are done, comes to around…
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Okay, forget Weiss supplying people with Power, Mitsuru’s where it’s at. Maybe she could slow down out polar ice caps from melting.
And after ending the Dark Hour and redeeming her family name, Mitsuru continued battling for people everywhere. One shadow at a time.
Not too shabby.
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The Battle Itself.
Torrian and Kristina are here for animation, Weiss will be voiced by Kara Eberle and Mitsuru will be voiced by Corey Pettit, music (Winter Sonata) by Therewolf,  and audio by Chris Kokkinos.
So, we just jump right into the middle of the fight. No explanations, no story build-up, no nothing. It’s just like RWBY Volume 4! Ha ha! … Sorry, I, I just, I had to get that in there… God, that was a garbage volume.
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So, with swordplay looking to be about even, both sides are basically going to be relying on their other skills for this bout. Y’know, a fencing tournament getting out of hand would have been an interesting story for this fight.
So, a bit of talking later, and the fight just picks up. And it occurs to me that they should have used this as the example fight for why the “FIGHT!” soundbite shouldn’t return. Like, c’mon guys.
Back on the fight, Weiss uses her ice powers to try to give Mitsuru the cold shoulder, but as we’re already aware, that’s not very effective.
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And out comes Artemisia, which Weiss manages to parry some of the attacks, and opts to get the hell out of dodge after a quick burst of fire.
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The Wasp up there is then sent to fight Mitsuru’s Persona while Weiss opts to fight Mitsuru directly.
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But, let’s face it. The Rapier Wasp is a Bug Flying type. So Artemisia takes it down.
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And with Weiss distracted, Mitsuru then gives her a kick to the face. That’s the face of someone who was wondering why she was just standing around when there was someone trying to kill you right in front of you.
But Weiss isn’t a fan of being kicked in the face, so she uses her gravity glyphs to make some distance.
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And with that distance comes…
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The Arma Gigas! Let’s be real, we wanted this fight so that we could see this knight fight Artemisia. After a couple of combos where neither side seems to make any headway, Artemisia then fires some frigid projectiles towards Weiss.
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Her Knight, being a gentleman, takes the blow for her.
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Weiss charges (with added assistance from her time dilation glyphs) and manages to actually stab Mitsuru.
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Unfortunately for her, Mitsuru doesn’t go down that easily. And she uses Artemisia to knock them both down.
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Finishing blow in 5…
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Imperious Queen of Executions indeed.
Verdict + Explanation.
So, to Weiss’ credit, her versatility put up a decent fight. But she was pretty outclassed in other categories aside from speed thanks to time dilation.
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But with Mitsuru’s analytical clairvoyance, that speed gap gets a lot smaller. To the point that Mitsuru’s the one that can outpace Weiss. Not that it matters, Artemisia outpaces Weiss a few times over.
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Now sure, the time powers seem like an insta-win, right? Well, maybe that would give Weiss a win in some scenarios, but not all of them.
Since Weiss is extra reliant on Ice Dust, and her other Dusts are fairly lacking, Mitsuru didn’t really have to deal with fire at all. Especially since Weiss doesn’t have the best track record with fire (As we’ve seen from that fire geyser from before).
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It also doesn’t help that the explosion from earlier is pretty up there in terms of destructive power. Power that isn’t really that low for anything Weiss had to really beat it out.
Using calculation provided by Boomstick (Yes, you read that right), the calculations can be made through the height of the bridge.
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This puts the explosive yield to about.
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And this is even accounting for the fact that the person setting it off wasn’t even planning on killing Mitsuru too.
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Also, remember those big ice structures that each of them made?- Well, comparing them directly, Weiss’ energy output doesn’t come close. Even if one were to cut Mitsuru’s stat in half, on account that she had help for this feat, Weiss falls short. About a hundred times short to be exact.
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At the end of the day, Mitsuru had the power, skill, and durability to take Weiss down. Sure Snow White there had versatility, but at the end of it all,
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Overall impression.
I heard from a friend of mine (And I  read  it on the Persona Wiki) that Personas can’t really be seen by non-persona users. Whilst this doesn’t really make much of a difference since it was more exciting to see the Arma Gigas directly fighting Artemisia instead of having it flailing around while the Persona just chipped away at it, it would have been nice to have seen this acknowledged.
Also, I kinda had like… Ten jokes that I could have used for my own end quip, but I’ll just post that to my Deviantart account as a list.
Overall, the results are solid, the animation is good, and it feels well-made. Sure, Weiss’ death could have been a bit more brutal (I would have liked to have seen her shattering with the ice), but as far as underwhelming deaths go, this one wasn’t that bad.
6.9/10. It would have been higher, but we didn’t get a “Bites the Dust” reference for Boomstick’s end joke (The song, not the Stand).
Next Time…
MORTAL KOMBAT! DO do do do dodo doot do do doot do doot do do do!
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By the Gods I have been wanting to use Johnny Cage for the story. And having another Nintendo rep is always a plus. This… Is gonna be fun!
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Falcon Punch vs. Nut Punch
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Who are your OCs?
Wonderful that you asked, Anon!
My three OCs are from my fan fiction/AU “RWBY: The New Sisterhood.” It takes place five years after v5 in an alternate timeline where Haven fell and pretty much everything went badly. Ruby (about 23-years-old now) is a jaded Huntress based in Mistral, and she happens upon a Faunus girl who can summon lightning on command.
I haven’t updated this story in a long while because of waning motivation and uncertainty about the story’s direction, but perhaps writing about my OCs and my future versions of the canon characters is exactly what I need to reinvigorate my motivation. Or I could just turn it into an AU that exists here on this blog or a separate blog.
Here’s a bit about each OC!
Soul Sonata
Gender: Female
Age: 21
From: Mistral
Sexual orientation: Lesbian
Species: Tiger Faunus
Semblance/Special Abilities: Summer Maiden, most adept with using Lightning Magic. Her Semblance is Emotion Manipulation; she can make someone feel any emotion just by looking at them, though any time she uses her Semblance, her tiger stripes turn from black to white, so the person affected by her Semblance would know it’s her doing.
Weapon: A circular black metal shield, which she uses for defense and offense.
Affiliations: Ruby Rose and the Sisterhood, Nikos Academy, (formerly) Sonata Prideship
Orange-ish brown wavy hair, almost shoulder length
Orange-ish brown striped tiger ears
Aqua blue eyes
Medium/medium-dark skin
Black tiger stripes along her cheeks, neck, back, arms, and legs.
Signature colors are yellow and orange.
Soul is the Summer Maiden, and Team RNJR have recruited her to their cause of defeating Salem. The problem is Soul wants nothing to do this mission. Despite this, she agrees to train under Ruby’s instruction, while also living with her. The more training she gets, the stronger and more confident Soul becomes, and her admiration for her mentor only grows.
Lyka Amaranth
Gender: Non-binary
Age: 19
From: Vale
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Species: Human
Semblance/Special Abilities: Their Semblance is Ethereal Retrieval; they’re able to make objects disappear and reappear on command, but can only “store” so many objects at one time. Often utilizes this ability to “store” their weapon.
Weapon: A Dust-infused staff with spear heads on each end. (Similar to Amber’s weapon)
Affiliations: Neopolitan’s protégé and interpreter
4’9” (Emerald to Neo: “How’d you manage to find someone shorter than you?”)
Short blond hair
Light blue eyes
Pale skin
Signature colors are blue and pink
Lyka is a bounty-hunter-in-training who also interprets Neo’s sign language. They have been under Neo’s wing for about two years at this point. They think of Neo as their mentor and only friend.
Park (last name unknown)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
From: Vacuo
Sexual orientation: Questioning
Species: Human
Semblance/Special Abilities: Winter Maiden, most adept in using water/ice magic. Semblance unknown. She has no previous fighting experience.
Weapon: None
Affiliations: Weiss and Winter Schnee and the Sisterhood, Atlas Alternative Academy
Long, straight black hair
Blue eyes
Light/medium-light skin
Signature color is blue
Park is the Winter Maiden, discovered by an informant to Weiss and Winter in the streets of Vacuo. She was homeless for most of her life with no family. Now she trains at Atlas Alternative Academy. She is immature and does not take her role as Winter Maiden very seriously. Although, Weiss and Winter have kept her in the dark in regards to a lot of things. She does not understand the true nature of her destiny.
And there you have it! Thank you again, Anon! I’m glad to have finally gotten asked about my OCs! If anyone has any other questions about them, feel free to ask!
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bigbadwolf619 · 6 years
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Leader of SVRN, during Adam Taurus's massacre in Beacon, Sol was fatally wounded with his guts hanging out, luckily Virens was there to fend off the Masked Tyrant and rescue her leader, Sol was healed and patched up but left comatose for 3 months, finally waking up, he finds out that Captain Prince has been fired and his annoying brother Ataur took over G.R.I.M.Ms, Maxy is wanted for their operator Cindy's murder and paranoia of the Black Claw who hasn't been proven to exist yet Solstice is an extremely intelligent individual who can make machines and weapons at a young age, but he is also a great detective as he can memorise almost every moment in his life and figure out crime scenes and puzzles, he figured out Maxy and Ricky were Secret Agents during their time in Beacon, because of each of the members of Team SVRN having their own talents, Captain Pasu Prince hires them and have them work alongside Maxy and Ricky find the Faunas Hunter Because of the Beacon Incident and Maxy, Virens and Ricky going rogue, he had to do a lot of paperwork and had some catching up to do for 3 months, suddenly he receives a call from Maxy to help him kill a Black Claw General pretending to be a teacher in Sades Academy in Vacuo, Sol goes there (with no other choice after Rei robbed the New Captain) and demanded Maxy tell him everything before they were attacked by the Black Claw Undead Assassins the Titans along with Ryzen's apprentice and lover Schnitter After that Sol had to disguise himself as a temporary teach with a fake I.D and glasses being called Professor Jeenair Rick (who Ricky suggested to tease Sol) and taught the students of Shades while trying to get close to Professor Kit who was really Katze a Black Claw General, he fought her finding her out and kills her, he left Shades Academy after that and went back to the others finding out a cure after Maxy was infected by Schnitter's Grimm Converting Drug SVRN helping Maxy and Ricky battle against the Black Claw continue their journey on their own reuniting with Kalista and Zalick, they discover more secrets and more in their abilities to fight against their enemies Solstice Letter Dear Mum and Dad I still don't know where you guys have gone, you told me Dad that I would regret my life that I have chosen, that not being in Mantle would make me someone you would hate, I know deep down you guys went off because there was a secret I was nearly uncovering, that I would do something bad if I knew what it was... Solstice: {looking at a mirror buttoning his shirt} Solstice Letter I'm sorry I couldn't be the son you wanted, hell being your real son for that matter... Solstice: {puts on his tie neatly} Solstice Letter But I don't regret my choice, choosing Beacon, making friends, forming SVRN, finding a family that would give their life for me... Solstice: {puts on his jacket} Heh {neatens his hair bit it goes rough again} Darn... Solstice's Letter You will hear what happened at Beacon, so many death and so much despair, I myself was caught off guard by a bloodthirsty tyrant claiming to be a hero, you may think that would break me, with how my life went... Solstice: {walks off then opens a case with his claws & wings inside} Hm Solstice's Letter But no, even if I may not be the strongest man alive, even if I let my emotions get the best of me, the tears shed that day, the blood spilled, the pain... Solstice: {puts on his wings & tweaks his claws} Give a little...there we go Solstice's Letter I am not running from this, if I were alone, then I would, but I have my friends, my family who deserve better, I want revenge for the pain inflicted on them, not my own pain, not for injury, Virens Indomitos, Reikon Ganbaru, Nichibotsu Sonata, Maximus Laark, Ricky Laark, Kalista Prince Zalick Kojirra... Solstice: {puts some dust in his jacket's inner pockets} Check Solstice's Letter Captain Pasu Prince, these people would give their lives for someone even weak as me, so in return I will protect them all, no matter what we go through, so before you think I'm going to cry and regret my choices, I want you to know that I'm happy with the life I've chosen, all I ask is that you accept my decision Your Sincerely Solstice Shokunin Virens: Hey come on Sol! We have a Giant to kill! Solstice: I'm coming....wait what? Solstice Shokunin belongs to my buddy MMDabstracts17, check him out when you guys can, I plan to do more RWBY OCs in future
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blue-scorpion-king · 8 years
The Zolubu Challenge
An new idea has been made, where Earl makes a challenge for any villain that has sights on him to accept or not. :3 All on the Notepad program that all PC computers have.
Earl sends out one of his Mec-Maids to deliver an written invitation to an villain to come and do an challenge, at the cathedral that is at the back of his mansion home, where Earl is the end goal. It states that to get to Earl, the villain first has to fight 32 Black Blood Beasts members, or bring his/her/tre subordinates along, not fight, but talk it out, which are choices, or something outside the box, and then, he/she/tre gets to fight Earl.
There are also rules, which states:
=The villain can't destroy the letter that is for verification of the accepted challenge, has to fight one Black Blood Beasts member at an time, gets to call and get one of three healing potions when injuries, or lost limbs, are too much, must try and stay inside the cathedral first floor for the fight, don't try to hit opponents that they don't have their turn yet, especially not Earl, can have infinite amount of attempts if he/she/tre gets beaten down and stands completely on their own 2 feet, and please, don't die. But, the villain can run and get their subordinates, if they came to the challenge alone, and if they got defeated by Earl, they can do the challenge all over again.
After the villain walks through an empty, silent Zolubu mansion, from front to back of the first floor, Earl plays some music through some loud speakers, or through his pipe organ, as the villain gets to the outside of the back of the mansion and where the whole servant staff, Earl's 37 wives, his 4 siblings, since Count is one of the challenge's contestants, and his children are silently outside of the walkway to the cathedral, in funeral attire. Inside, the pews, or the long seats of churches and cathedrals, are put away, with four stacked to block the double front doors, and four pews are next to each other, blocking the way to the stairs that is to Earl's throne, where his huge pipe organ is also at, and where the 32 Black Blood Beasts are sitting, waiting for the villain to come and get the challenge, either right away or some talking, and while the fights go on, random songs will be played by Earl and offer food to the villain, so he/she/tre wouldn't get dehydrated and starve during the challenge.
-(Note: The mansion and cathedral of Zolubu Manor are large enough for giant guest to fit in, with many feet above their heads, like all of the buildings in the locations where the faction of BLU rules on Bagklock Earth)
The 32 members of the Black Blood Beasts that the villain has to fight through to get to Earl, that have been randomized by picking their names written an strips of paper from Earl's gaucho hat:
1) Earl Zolubu, The Blue Scorpion King (The endgoal). 2) G.O.D.D.E.S.S. [No one has know on how and what went down between her and Earl...] (Actually female Enel) 3) Count Zolubu, CEO of the Font-Fink Company, also known as The Scarlet Goat, and younger, yet taller brother of Earl. 4) Armadillomon/Armaddie. 5) [Female] Genos/Genas, the Blond Demon Cyborg; Who has grown an displince link to Earl & Akuma, on her own.
6) Jarlial Zoryofu, The Purple Crocoshark. 7) Regal Lujuro, The Red Spider. 8) Url Stevensogorehound, The Green Hyena. 9) Toll Hazeynapalm, The Silver Cobra. 10) Nemeanal Ghostlyhornet, The Bronze Lion. 11) Lowl, The White Moth. 12) Ripal K.J., The Black Vulture. 13) Larealial Buluzoo, The Gray Owl. 14) Gold Pyro/Piel Hoth, The Gold Gorilla. 15) Cadie Pumakeep, The Yellowish Octopus. 16) Anny Karheart, The Orange Goat. 17) Morgen Drachen Frau Langley Dunkelheit, the Copper Boar. 18) Diane Gargantuan, The Pink Mastodon. 19) Inhai Drayo, The Sapphire Manticore. 20) AU!Female Ulquiorra Cifer, the Black-green Devil; Cifer is an supposed result of an 'spirit & body merged' experiment, during Ulquiorra's very early, very vague past, where she is similar to a devil from hell, living among mortals. Other than her age of 22, with the year of 'registration' on 2022 and an birthyear of 1998, nothing else is known about Ulquiorra Cifer, the 'black-green devil among mortals'. 21) Roger Beanball/Yellow, to Apricot Ninja Baseball Batman, and the Apricot Dragon. 22) [AU!Bagklock] Meruem [Once the ‘King’ of the Chimera Ants, who a bit after his birth, Earl, who was on an trip to the Dark Continent for some fighting tournaments for charity, & for his idol production company, along with Genos & Akuma, encountered Meruem during a walk and for a period of time, no one knows what happened during that time, in 2033; But, those two individuals walk side by side after that, despite their huge difference gap & height difference, of course]. 23) Cheshire, the female, four-armed Cobalt Mandrill/Hairy Frog/Baweng Satanic Leaf Gecko/Pangolin Gecko bio-mutant cyborg fusion/Bio-Fusion Beast, where the Gypsy Danger-like extra arms are robotic and on the back of her shoulders, and is from the Aperture underground labs at Siberia. 24) [AU!7 Foot Blaster] Machine Gundan Blaster; Robocles, Bullceaser, Sandaioh, & Bosspaider. 25) Jin Kanzaki/Zetman, the Blackred Zet. 26) Green Dragon Ranger (AU!Burai) 27) [AU!Bagklock] Akuma. 28) Gwen Tennyson, the Alien-Shifter Girl; An teen that has been a lot of alien adventures and has an device that can transform her into many aliens, by using an DNA codex, but all of that changed when Earl got dragged into the aliean affairs and have to beat Vilgax, an tyrant of his space ship, almost to death and while being serious; but, after that fight, the seriousness died out immediately, and that is when he look at Gwen like 'What? An ass, he was to you. Beat him, I did so. Alright now, it is.' 29) [AU!Bagklock] Tenten [Former kuniochi of the village, Konohagakure, at the branching corner lands of Russia, and used to be part of Team Guy, with an strange set of four hidden eyes on the forehead, with complete eye sockets. Also, a futai after an surgery]. 30) Wendy Marvell ([AU!Not Edolas-20YO]) 31) Stun Goldberg [AU!former, resentful Terminator Marine of the fallen forces of R.E.D., or Reliable Excavation Demolition, after the Black Blood War ended]. 32) Emerald Sustrai, The Emerald Mantis [AU!Bagklock X-Huntress and former GRN elite trooper, during the 1st Black Blood War, and was an inside Huntress on Cinder’s side, until Beacon’s fall and rescuing Pyrrha from certain death, using her illusion semblance] [She is also married to Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk in 2043]. & 33) Neo/Neopolitan [An X-Huntress and one of the two Black Blood Beast traitors during the RWBY events in the Purge timeline, who got brought back and had to work to gain trust of her fellow hunters and her boss, Earl, again. That went with the other traitor too].
So, would your villain character, or characters, accept this challenge, or not?
Tell me with an ask, do a reblog, do a repost, or say it on an IM.
Hope you like this challenge for villains/antagonists to take on, or not. :3 Also, context from reading the pages about the Bagklock Universe, Earl, the Black Blood Beasts, and the Zolubu manor, which are at my blog, are needed to completely understand all of this.
DeviantArt journal version: http://hades-hando.deviantart.com/journal/The-Zolubu-Challenge-660543483
~The Bat~
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