interminal · 4 years
[ True to his world, it’s about an hour before he arrives, with seemingly nothing in tow - but he’s got deep pockets in that (unseasonably heavy) jacket of his, and beyond his phone and wallet he’s carrying a selection of cured meats from Eveny, and a small but keenly sharpened knife. ]
[ He has no intention of letting her see the latter unless absolutely necessary. ]
[ Flat 9′s easy enough to find, and Jean hesitates for a few moments in front of the door, as though some part of him is still convinced he’ll walk in and see Victoria, not living and breathing, but dead and bloody and splayed open on a table, a display somehow of his own creation -- ]
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[ -- knock, knock. ] Vic? It’s me.
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scalysacrilege · 4 years
rxtriever liked your post “oh man lounge music is actually kinda boopin and weirdly sexy? welp...”
wait ur not supposed to see me get music horny on main
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alabasterapier · 4 years
rxtriever started following alabasterapier
“Hello, little pup. Lost, are we?”
He knows full well that she’s not exactly a puppy, but the knowing in his eyes is a bit too keen.
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reluctantlyreinel · 4 years
A long overdue reunion
[Many emotions went over him when he saw her. It had been years since he had gotten a last look at Victoria. He had to admit: he had done a poor job at keeping tabs on her. And he didn't know how much to apologize over it. He had so much to say. So much to go over. But. Whenever he needed to talk, failed him.]
[He said, for starters. And didn’t know how to begin to address what he had just finished. Jean was alive. But maybe, she already knew that.]
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bakerofmysteryroom · 5 years
With @rxtriever from here
“Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean t’scare y’.” She folded her hands together, looking a bit sheepish.
“I know yer da’ pretty well, I ‘ust wanted t’check up on y’...” 
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targenttraitor-blog · 5 years
[ Rook loiters outside Jean and Vic’s house for a moment. The usual egg cartons with a ‘ :>) ‘ note are held in his now chilly hands. Sure, he’d left the first few without staying to say hello, but he missed Victoria.. and Jean too, weirdly enough. ]
[ After waiting to the point where it became awkward and he’d checked his watch too many times to count, Rook set the egg carton on the ground with a sigh and left. Busy presuming they didn’t want to see him. ]
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rxtriever replied to your post: “Don’t mind me, I’m not saving anything at all~...
“Nothing at all! He looks good and shared a photo publicly. I’m not about to plaster it everywhere, if it makes you feel better.”
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mannerlycannibal · 4 years
Bit far from home, aren't you?
“A bit. I felt something was off and decided I’d go wandering. What of you, then?”
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mintteaandmemory · 4 years
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interminal · 4 years
@rxtriever​ | from here.
[ Victoria’s hostility is met with overwhelming apathy. Mercedes shrugs one shoulder - apparently she isn’t even worth the effort of shrugging both. Her words hadn’t been meant to be cruel, just...true. ]
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Wasn’t generosity. You were just part of a job. I had as much care for you as someone working in a shop would have for the broom they use to sweep the floor. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.
[ Is that the slightest hint of a smile at the end, there? Maybe she’s proud of her little joke. ]
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scalysacrilege · 5 years
Continued from here
“Jeez, do I look that rough?” He must. He gives himself a sniff. Nope, still smells like his usual two shots of AXE. “I’ve had a rough...yeah. Few years. Mostly, it’s been good, but there was some shit you missed that kinda ran me a little ragged. And this last thing, hoo. But, uh, that’s beside the point. How you doin’, Vicky?”
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bakerofmysteryroom · 4 years
With @rxtriever from here
She’s almost surprised when the door opens.
But she’s a little glad, her arms were maybe starting to hurt from all the stuff she’s carrying.
“Ah... I mean I ‘eard about a gunshot on th’West End, an’ there not bein’ a body... it weren’t ‘ard t’make some assumptions...”
She raises her arms a bit, to show two bags: one full of comfort food, dog treats, and movies while the other is full of ice cream and booze.
“I brought some snacks and treats, but I didn’t know if ya wanted company, so I’ll leave if ya don’t want me around.”
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rxtriever replied to your post: “Do I even want to know what all of you are...
A long, deep sigh.
“I want nothing to do with your discussion of eggs and vegetables, because I know for a fact it won’t go anywhere but in circles. I’d rather make eggs than converse about them.”
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mannerlycannibal · 4 years
[A coyote lays on the bridge, cautiously watching the ravens which surround Bjorn's house. Beside the creature is a small bundle of clothes, for when she needs to change back to communicate with him.]
Nosy cur!
No food for you here!
The ravens flap their wings and make an awful racket, punctuated by various insults and invitations to kindly scram before her eyes get pecked out. 
They don’t recognize her as the nuisance who struck a deal with their benefactor the other day, but they recognize her as a nuisance, regardless. 
Again, the racket they make with their croaking and carking and carrying on draws Bjorn out, but this time, from around the back of his house, rather than from the front door. 
Bjorn doesn’t seem to recognize her at first, either, but the clothes tip him off that something’s up, and he narrows his eyes.
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interminal · 4 years
I’m gonna have a bonfire. You want in?
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scalysacrilege · 4 years
Continued from here
“Hey, girl! Where’s your sister? Oh, I didn’t forget about ya, here.” 
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When Mocha comes back, she’s probably got a big, fat, chewy, dog-safe cookie in her teeth, followed shortly after by Snide, who’s carrying a cardboard box tied up with a hurriedly-put on piece of ribbon. “I came by as quickly as I could. Customs, an’ all. Well, no, I’m shittin’ ya with the customs, I had Kit bring me here. Have a cookie and tell me your problems, I cleared my schedule.”
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