#ryn watches gossip girl
avoidingcertaindoom · 8 months
Song Pic Saying tag game
Thanks to @romances-not-tragedies for the tag!
Rules: Pick an OC and post a song you relate to them, an image that represents them in some way (aesthetic, picrew, art etc) and a quote of dialogue or narration from them. Totally feel free to expand and explain!
Going With Lady Pruina Lee because she's been doing the rounds in my head lately
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I decided to find dialogue that fit the song so here's a quote from one of my prequel pieces of Trufulla
"Watch your fucking—"
"And I did no such thing. I'm not a goddamn wind up toy. You can't keep pressing my buttons and getting mad at me when I don't put on a show for your friends."
"I really don't know what you're talking about."
Pruina's hand tightened over the mouth of the bottle, the numbness starting to give way to her earlier feelings. But worse. "You make me plan things for you and your friends, you try and make me stay and say stupid things to stupid people who gossip like birds, you bring any girl you can convince to sleep with you and let her laugh at me, and you always treat me with no respect no matter what I do for you. I'm fucking done."
Tagging; @ryns-ramblings @th3rdrealm @saintedseraph and anyone who sees this and wants to jump in!
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clarklovescarole · 2 years
October 1937: Stalkers and Ranch Land
October 2, 1937 – Evening Star
Twosome Kay Francis-Delmer Daves sit with Sweethearts Carole Lombard and Clark Gable watching Helen Wills Moody and Baron von Cramm make tennis mincemeat of Donald Budge and Mrs. John van Ryn…
October 3, 1937 – Los Angeles Times
Best-dressed star at the Pacific Southwest tennis championship matches last Sunday was Kay Francis, a study in gray… Clark Gable smiled affably at admiring fans. Carole Lombard made a hasty exit.
October 5, 1937 – Evening Star
While Clark Gable is not working, he escorts Carole Lombard to her studio at 6 o’clock every morning – according to Miss Lombard’s laundry woman…
October 6, 1937 – Evening News
Quite an exciting moment when Clark Gable, accompanied by Carole Lombard, almost brushed elbows with Rhea Gable in the cocktail lounge at the Tennis Club…
October 7, 1937 – Chicago Tribune
The tennis matches at the Hollywood Tennis Club were the next stop… Clark Gable in a gray suit and yellow tie lounged beside Carole Lombard. She was hatless and her blonde hair fell to her shoulders.
October 9, 1937 – Evening Standard
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Clark Gable, Myrna Loy and Carole Lombard at a lawn tennis meeting in Los Angeles. 
October 9, 1937 – San Bernardino County Sun
Production by the girl employees, both in the office and the bakery departments of Meyer Baking Co., stopped dead-still yesterday when a distinguished visitor appeared at the plant to order a birthday cake. 
The visitor was Clark Gable, the moving picture star.
Gable, who is on location at Lake Arrowhead, explained he needed an elaborately decorated birthday cake for – well, he didn’t say who. The bakers assured him the cake would be ready, and Gable, interested in the operation of the bakery, inspected the big plant, talking with the employees. 
The girl employees got a break when Gable appeared particularly interested in their work and devoted much of his time to chatting with them, even discussing his motion picture work. Later, he posed for photographs with the girls and other employees, who rushed for cameras when he graciously consented to be filmed. 
Gable slyly admitted the birthday cake would be served at a party at Lake Arrowhead, but even the gossip columnists didn’t know who the lady guest of honor will be. But Carole Lombard, too, is at the lake, where her new picture, “True Confessions,” is being shot.
October 11, 1937 – Harrisburg Telegraph
Clark Gable accompanied Carole Lombard to Arrowhead, where her company is on location…
October 11, 1937 – Sacramento Bee
Snapshots of Hollywood
Carole Lombard taken violently ill after making a scene in ice cold water at Lake Arrowhead. Clark Gable and Carole’s doctor hurrying to her side.
October 12, 1937 – Evening Star
Clark Gable celebrated Carole Lombard’s birthday anniversary with the actress at Lake Arrowhead. And I’m told they had a whale of a time.
October 13, 1937 – The Courier
Carole Lombard, who returned from location Saturday night, remaining in bed until she entirely recovers from her attack of illness at Lake Arrowhead…
October 16, 1937 – Collyer’s Eye
Clark Gable, rumored the constant companion of Carole Lombard, has a new gal or else he’s cheating… 
October 17, 1937 – San Francisco Examiner
The producers weren’t able to line up Carole Lombard to play opposite Clark Gable so they revived an old picture of them made years before there were any thought of a romantic attachment between these two. Gable and Lombard could command a king’s ransom if they appeared together today for there is no romance more popular with fans all over the world.
October 17, 1937 – Nashville Banner
When Clark Gable was rehearsing for his appearance with Cecil B. DeMille on his CBS Radio Theater hour, only one person sat as audience in the auditorium from 8 until midnight. This person was Carole Lombard. She occupied her time, when not listening to Clark, by skimming through a stack of national magazines, checking up on her publicity.
October 20, 1937 – Los Angeles Times
Rumors of a rift between Clark Gable and Carole Lombard should be laid to rest. On Sunday’s “Coffee” show, Miss L was wearing a huge diamond bracelet given to her by the handsome star. While he rehearsed for the program, the blonde actress spent the afternoon in the Jack Benny rehearsal studio. As for the comedy bit between Gable and Charlie McCarthy, the stars’ managers objected on the ground that the sketch would be undignified, but Gable overrode the negative nods…
October 21, 1937 – Fort Worth Star Telegram
By John Lawson
The great Gable provided an additional thrill for studio audiences around NBC Sunday. Scheduled for an appearance on the Charlie McCarthy program he showed up early with Carole Lombard and Don Ameche and sneaked into the 4 p.m. broadcast of the Jack Benny show. 
Sitting in the first row, Gable was a magnet for all feminine eyes – and droves of autograph seekers. Two uniformed page boys were finally assigned to relieve him of the latter. He laughed heartily at the show and was somewhat flustered by the gag struck in at the last minute in his honor – the “Clerk Gable” one in the grocery store skit.
Carole Lombard sat in the control room and stared attentively at her hero (Gable) when he faced Casanova McCarthy. The dialog duel between the Hollywood He-man and the Incorrigible Image rocked the audience – particularly when Clark asked Charlie for the secret of his success with the opposite sex and Charlie replied: “Would Garbo tell Dietrich?” 
Hollywood is alive with radio studio goers on Sunday afternoon. They come from all parts of the state – from all parts of the country, for that matter. They stand for hours around the studio gates, hoping for a glimpse of the stars who pass by in shiny limousines. 
October 26, 1937 – Gaffney Ledger
Haven’t seen Clark Gable to ask him, but I hear that Carole Lombard gave him the midget pony that he has been carting around MGM, much to the amusement of the lot. The horse is a real dwarf. Stands only about two feet high.
October 26, 1937 – Kilgore Daily News
Police informed a red-faced Clark Gable today that he and Carole Lombard are popular with the movie fans.
Gable called for Miss Lombard at the actress’ home and noticed an automobile parked nearby with two young men in it. He drove down Hollywood boulevard with Miss Lombard and the other car followed. He tried a few twists and turns but the car stayed on to his trail.
Gable jotted down the other car’s license number and gave it to police.
Police traced the number to Clifton Bryant, 25, and Alfred Dilly, who admired Gable and Miss Lombard on the screen and wanted a good look at them in real life.
October 26, 1937 – Los Angeles Times
Pair Pursuing Screen Stars Prove to Be Merely Curious
Clark Gable and Carole Lombard co-starred yesterday in a real-life drama involving pursuit by a strange automobile and police investigation.
The suspected “villains” were Clifton Bryant, 25 years of age of 108 East California Street, Glendale, and his friend Alfred Dilly of Pasadena.
Bryant and Dilly parked outside Miss Lombard’s home. Gable arrived, escorted Miss Lombard from her house and drove away. Bryant and Dilly followed down Hollywood Boulevard. 
Gable, worried, took the license number of the other car when the youths twice drove beside and stared. 
Glendale police traced the license plate to Bryant, but chuckled when they learned he and Dilly were merely curious fans of the film stars. 
October 26, 1937 – Spokesman Review
Clark Gable has leased the Rex Ingram house for one year, by which time the home he is building for the prospective Mrs. Clark Gable the third (Carole Lombard) will be ready for occupation. 
October 27, 1937 – Monrovia News Post
Bandit or Movie Bug?
Sometimes from the way people act you cannot tell whether they are kidnappers or hero-worshipping fanatics. A couple of youths who are doubtless “that way” about Carole Lombard parked a car near her home and when Clark Gable called for Miss Lombard in his car they trailed the couple along the streets for several blocks, at times drawing up to their car and staring at them. Had Gable been excitable he might have taken a shot at the youths, and any jury would have excused him. In this day of automobile crimes, it is not safe to act like a yegg if you are not one. This hero worship is growing to such an absurd extent that people are breaking into the homes of the movie stars to find some trifling relic they can take. Day by day in every way we are getting sillier and sillier. 
October 28, 1937 – The Gazette
Chatter in Hollywood: Clark Gable has rented himself a little house in the valley not far from the ranch homes of Al Jolson, Hal Willis, Barbara Stanwyck and the Zeppo Marxes. He will have a riding horse, raise a few crops, and go in for gentleman farming in a small but effective way. The house Clark has rented is furnished, but when Carole Lombard gets through redecorating it in her own inimitable style you won’t know it. That gal has a real flair for doing houses.
October 29, 1937 – Ogden Standard
Ranch Land Bought
Clark Gable has forty acres of ranch land in the same vicinity (as Bob Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck). When Carole Lombard purchased the adjoining forty acres Hollywood buzzed. The rumor is that Clark and Carole will wed this spring, and make the ranch their honeymoon home. However, the public is forgetting that Mr. Gable is technically already wed. At a recent party, Mrs. Gable sighed over her tea cup and said to another guest: “Strange how everyone in Hollywood is always wanting a divorce. My husband doesn’t want one.” 
October 31, 1937 – Nashville Banner
By Grace Wilcox
A sextet who go completely Western over the weekend is composed of Carole Lombard, Clark Gable, Barbara Stanwyck, Bob Taylor, Gail Patrick, and Bob Cobb.
Cowboys from neighboring ranches bite the dust in dismay as they give a quick look at the Lombard boots, buckskin britches, rainbow skirt, sombrero, fancy bandana, and Mexican saddle. Her spirited Western pony with an Arabian strain causes heart burnings on practically every ranch from San Gabriel to San Ysidro. 
Gable has bought a 25-acre ranch in the San Fernando Valley, and not far away Miss Lombard has got herself a neat 35-acre outfit on which she can run as wild as any jack rabbit. 
More often than not, the sextet get together on the Marwyck ranch, where Barbara Stanwyck’s handsome stone house is built on a hill.
Carole is, as always, the life of the party. Last Sunday, when she announced her intention of milking a cow, Gable bet her a pair of silk stockings against a carton of cigarettes she couldn’t do it. 
Exerting all her charm, Miss Lombard approached Bossy, who apparently had no faith in moving picture stars as milkers. She pushed the lovely Carole into a tailspin. This was a mistake on her part, for, with the aid of four stanchions to which she attached Miss Moo’s four legs, Miss Lombard proceeded to milk in peace and demand payment of the bet. 
Newest development is Gable’s attempt to start a cattle ranch with some of Joel McCrea’s prize-winning stock as a beginning. 
October 31, 1937 - Springfield Leader
Clark Gable, who has three interests in life – Carole Lombard, acting and guns – has just received a prized addition to his private arsenal’s museum. It’s a bullet fired during the Civil War, sent to him by a fan, Leslie M. Page, of Wilmington, NC. 
“I have always been an admirer of yours, and knowing that you collect firearms, I trust you might like to have this very rare bullet, a relic from bombardment of Fort Fisher,” Page wrote.
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donutcats · 4 years
rewatching some gg scenes and yet another reason dan couldn’t have been gossip girl: in 1x10 when he meets carter bazen, he has No Clue who this guy is, and yet one of the girls says “gossip girl even had a dedicated carter bazen map!” to which dan seemed like this was completely new information. 
and you can say oh he was pretending not to know carter, he set up the map, blah blah. I Don’t Buy It! 
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bijouxs · 4 years
favorite colour: pink is my ult fav... 
last song i listened to: black mamba by aespa :0 not THAT good but a lovely chorus that sticks
last film i watched: coco T_T so freaking good every time... TEARS
last show i watched: gossip girl, unfortunately
favorite character: FROM the show?!?!?! LIKE NOBODY. in general i can’t really think of a fav one... maybe kristofferson from fantastic mr fox
sweet, savoury, spicy, or sour: savoury! 
sparkling water, tea, or coffee: hmmmm iced coffee for me... 
pets: a lovely little gremlin of a dog!! 
tagged by: @viciousvenganza
tagging: @disembark, @kowlazovdi, @pamsdrabbles, @isherwoodj, @kitblogsthings, @ryns-ramblings, @aetherwrites + @chloeswords
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donutcats · 6 years
blair and dan had a frIENDSHIP !!! they built themselves a friendship from the gROUND UP !!! they became best friends !!! dan knew all the little intricate parts that made up blair waldorf and accepted them !! even if he didn’t agree with some of the things she did, he still knew it was part of her. he loved her for her and never expected her to change !!! and no matter how much she made fun of him, she never really expected him to change either !!! they always met in the middle and became better because of it !!! they challenged each other and made each other genuinely completely happy !!! and the writers want me to believe they weren’t endgame?? they want to convince me that blair and dan went their separate ways?? that they’re happy in relationships with people who were shown to be toxic for them?? OK GG WRITERS SURE OK 
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donutcats · 6 years
“what if I lose everything?” “you’ll still have me” AND THEY DIDN’T END UP TOGETHER HOW??? 
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donutcats · 6 years
anyways want you back by 5sos is a dan/blair song thank you goodnight 
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donutcats · 6 years
I have no clue exactly when gg got canceled and honestly I don’t care enough to google it, but I’m convinced they got canceled like, mid-early season 6. mostly because I completely believe dan and blair had an unfinished story and with the small scenes we got in early s6, I think they were building up to More between them. and then it’s like the writers ended up Scrambling for ways to tie up the entire series in a few short episodes. how else to end the show but by having dan and blair end up were they started. with chuck and serena. makes Perfect sense. show how the characters haven’t grown at all in 6 seasons. brilliant. amazing. 
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donutcats · 6 years
I haven’t really thought about gossip girl since I watched all of it like, last year. but I was just recently reminded of how dan and blair were robbed of being happy together. they deserved to be together and the gg writers are cowards. 
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donutcats · 6 years
blair ending up bACK WITH CHUCK??? MAKES NO SENSE
they’re meant to have an ‘epic’ love or whatever. BULLSHIT !!! the whole chuck and blair thing just sets a precedent for people thinking their relationship needs to be verging on toxic to be epic. it doesn’t !!! chuck and blair were toxic!! don’t emulate that!! 
sure I won’t lie at the beginning of the series i was rooting for them cause they had a cool dynamic but then, I noticed that they were constantly stuck on loop. they never grew or learned from each other. they kept fucking each other over and claiming it was just How They Were.
blair deserves better than chuck bass deciding when he wants to be with her. she’s always all in with him. he never affords her the same luxury. he’ll claim she’s the one for him, but then something new comes up and he’s once again choosing his business over her. choosing other people over her. and just Expecting her to understand. 
blair ending up with chuck after everything they went through together is ridiculous. the fact that the writers want me to believe that blair wouldn’t realize that it’s not her job to constantly save chuck ?? is mind boggling. 
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donutcats · 6 years
like. hOW can you have blair say to dan “I told chuck he doesn’t have my heart anymore. I realized it belongs to someone else.” and nOT MAKE THEM ENDGAME?? 
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donutcats · 7 years
I know I get upset easily over a bunch of different characters from a bunch of different things not ending up together, but the fact that Blair and Dan from gossip girl ended the way they did? A Tragedy. A Robbery. It hurts me to no end. it cut so deep and I don't think I’ll ever truly be over it because they were perfect together and the gg writers were blind to their potential. 
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