#ryosuke kiyasu
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Ryosuke Kiyasu
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narizentupidocartazes · 3 months
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[2024] 01 de Agosto | Ryosuke Kiyasu | Witch n' Monk | Escola do Largo
Cartaz [Matilde Feitor]
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3573: "Bereft" by - Ryosuke Kiyasu
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ryosukekiyasu · 1 year
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April 14th, 2023 Ryosuke Kiyasu live in Tokyo, Japan drum set solo Venue: 千駄木 Bar Isshee Web: http://www.bloc.jp/barisshee/ Map: https://goo.gl/maps/pKNb2rYVSPT4FyHh8 Open 19:30 / Start 20:00 Reservations Mail address : [email protected] Title it "4/14 Reservation" and send it to Please let us know your full name, number of people (max. 2) and phone number to the above address. We will reply with a reference number. Reservations will be closed at 24:00 on April 13th. If we reach the maximum number of people before that time, the reservation will be closed at that time. Admission will be in the order of the number of people who made reservations by e-mail. If you send us an e-mail from your cell phone, please make sure that you can rec eive e-mail from your PC. In case of cancellation without prior notice future reservations may not be possible. Please be aware of this. --- You can book this form below as well https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfFE5sSMszErTVDgzORshpKQr6Tfo4KctQASbeYGEjLe5Y5NA/viewform
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gcorvetti · 1 year
Ma dai?
L'altro giorno il concerto è stato in un posto che si chiama salone della cultura, che poi è un modo come dire abbiamo uno spazio cerchiamo di guadagnarci, ma in compenso sembra che qualcosa in più degli altri la facciano, infatti a fine mese viene a fare una performance Ryosuke Kiyasu direttamente (o quasi) dal Giappone. Si, dimmi? Chi è? Tempo fa un amico mi passò un video di un matto con i capelli lunghi che gioca, non suona, con il rullante, na cosa che girava in quel periodo come virale, avete presente il matto col rullante, faceva ridere, molti dicevano che se la musica diventa così tutti ma proprio tutti possono fare musica. In realtà è una sorta di performance fuori dagli schemi, non ho ben capito il significato o quello che vuole rappresentare anche se penso che non c'è molto da dire visto che potrebbe essere semplicemente il riflesso dei tempi che viviamo, un caos. Fatto sta che poi ho cercato di capire e ho trovato video dove lui suona molto bene jazz, quindi è un bravo batterista che come capita spesso si è stufato e si è inventato sta performance, c'avevo pensato anche io onestamente, non fare il matto col rullante, ma di liberarmi di quell'involucro che il musicista deve avere per poter suonare, la postura, la diteggiatura, la tecnica, la teoria ecc ecc, semplicemente emettere suoni, un pò come fanno i trapper senza autotune :D hahahhhahhahh
Comunque, fà sta performance e ci sono anche altri 2 tizi che fanno roba "sperimentale", alla modica cifra di 7€ in prevendita e 10 al botteghino, solo che ho chiesto dove si possono comprare se è già possibile, ieri mi pare, e non ho ottenuto risposta, vediamo quando rispondono, d'altronde sono quelli del salone della cultura, anzi ora che ho controllato si chiama Kultuuriklubi Salong tradotto salone del club della cultura, mmmmm, club eh? Va bè sorvolo e ringrazio che ci sia almeno qualcosa di masticabile oltre alle solite merdate commerciali. Scrivo sto pippone per dire che andrò a sta performance anche solo e vi posto il video di Ryosuke Kiyasu aka il matto col rullante :D
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albedofantastica · 2 years
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Albedo Fantastica Presents あまのはら富士のけぶりの春の色の霞になびくあけぼのの空 「新古今和歌集 巻第一 春歌上 0033」 前大僧正慈円 ●2023.2.25(SAT)@大久保ひかりのうま charge 2000yen +1drink open 19:00 / start 19:30 Albedo Gravitas 坂口光央 Kiyasu Orchestra
坂口光央 Mitsuhisa Sakaguchi keyboardsynth奏者/作曲家。複数のシンセサイザー、物音、ピアノ、発信機を同時に駆使し即興演奏や実験音楽においてロボットと人の間をプレイする。自身のリーダーユニットの坂口光央trio、stand alone-404を主宰し、さまざまなユニットに参加、サポートも行っている。solo作品をbandcampを中心にリリース。
Kiyasu Orchestra / キヤスオーケストラ メンバー: Ryosuke Kiyasu (Drums) tsubatics (Bass) Koichi Kidoura (Guitar) 2004年ドラマーのRyosuke Kiyasuを中心に結成。様々な音楽ジャンルをのみこみ、現代フリージャズの音を追求し、表現するために精力的に活動を続けている。2018年にはマレーシアツアーも行い、国外にも活動の範囲広げていっている。
Albedo Gravitas (Albedo Fantastica+内田静男)
ヒグチケイコとSachikoで結成された即興ユニット「Albedo Fantastica」に内田静男(bass)が加わったトリオ。Albedo Fantasticaのボーカルを基軸に展開するサウンドダイナミクスに、内田の変幻自在な低音の振動が加わり未明のサイケデリアが表出する。都内を中心に活動中。
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invisible-show · 5 months
Automine by HYENAZ | 18 maggio 2024 | In apertura e chiusura djing di mauromrk e Andlsia (Ono Collective) | Performatorio, via Nazario Sauro 3/a, Bergamo | apertura ore 20.30
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Percepisco il limite dei nostri corpi, sai, come se si stessero sempre più consumando e avvicinando a un punto in cui l'unità di energia, metabolismo e tutto ciò che ci mantiene… Beh, quell'unità non esisterà più. Adrienne Teicher in dialogo con Invisible°Show
Qualche mese fa con l’esibizione di Ryosuke Kiyasu, Invisible°Show ha scoperto in Performatorio uno spazio accogliente e grande quanto basta per un rullante, un batterista e un sacco di corpi stretti all’ascolto. Ma che valore hanno questi corpi? Sempre dentro Performatorio, il 18 maggio, il duo Hyenaz porta il progetto “Automine”, presentato nel 2022 al Performance Art Festival di Berlino. Un’esplorazione sul valore del corpo nell’era digitale.
Kathryn Fischer aka Mad Kate e Adrienne Teicher sono performer di musica elettronica. Performer di musica elettronica!? Il Tagesspiegel parla di "un progetto che dissolve i confini, torpedinando le linee di demarcazione tra musica e performance". Il Guardian parla di “monster duo della scena Queer berlinese”. Il corpo, nei suoi limiti e nei suoi usi è al centro dell’esplorazione di Hyenaz da anni.
Perché il corpo? Puoi leggere l’intervista che Invisible°Show ha fatto con Hyenaz in preparazione dell’evento (breve e in italiano o lunga e in inglese), oppure puoi portare il tuo corpo all’evento.
Per farlo, devi registrare il tuo corpo digitale sul sito di Performatorio.
CONTENUTI SENSIBILILa performance presenta contenuti espliciti ed è riservata a un pubblico adulto.
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letueriebeau · 8 months
Fuck yeah, I’m seeing Ryosuke Kiyasu live this fri
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tulipgardenband · 8 months
LSD and Ryosuke Kiyasu
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Today I woke up at 11:30 am, I had slept a full 24 hour the night before as I didn't go home fearing a stern talking to by my family, but today I woke up, drank my coffee and had my nicotine fix, I then left the house to go to the CBD, I met up with one of my good mates at around 1pm, he had given me some LSD that I had sent him money for previously, upon receiving said LSD I popped three tabs, we walked to the botanical Gardens and spent a while looking at the nature, my friend had a dmt cart which I tried to breakthrough on although I didn't it was still very enjoyable, the day progresses and I have some very profound realizations on the LSD, ones that I may keep to myself for now until I feel more comfortable on the platform, later in the day we go to Collingwood to see Ryosuke Kiyasu, a snare drum ordinated noise artist from Japan, I must say I didn't really expect to enjoy it but it was actually really fun, I met some people at the gig we shared a few laughs and a drink and all in all was a lovely day.
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cruel-nature-records · 10 months
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Hope all is well. We've been doing a bit of a stock-take and we're getting really low on these releases:
- David Colohan "Sargasso Sky" (1 copy)
- Spits Milk "Hells Lapels" (4 copies)
- Charlie Butler "Parts Unknown" (3 copies)
- Repo Man "Me Pop Now" (1 copy)
- Clara Engel "Sanguinaria" (5 copies)
- Gvantsa Narim "Gvantsa" (5 copies)
- TANKENGINE "EP 3" (4 copies)
- The Real Codington Factory "Nickel World" (3 copies)
- Basalt Shrine "From Fiery Tongues" (5 copies)
- Dybbuk "Dybbuk" (4 copies)
- Charlie Butler / Upward spiit (4 copies)
- Zebularin "Hegemon Amour" (5 copies)
- Friend Of God "II" (5 copies)
- Thought Forms "Pigments" (4 copies)
- Wille Stewart (Woven Skull) "Let's Explore The Floor Tom" (4 copies)
- R.Y.N. "Cosmic Death" (2 copies)
- Ryosuke Kiyasu + Watts "Zero Gap" (3 copies)
- Coaxial "Neo/ism" (5 copies)
- Score "Post Everything" (2 copies)
- Cody Noon "Ace Of Wands" (4 copies)
- Glasnost "House Of Culture" (2 copies)
- Delta Point "Vultures" (1 copy)
- Comicide "Moral Improvement (Live 1984CE)" (2 copies)
- Coaxial "Reductio ad Absurdum" (2 copies)
Head over to https://cruelnaturerecordings.bandcamp.com/ and grab yourself a copy before they're gone.
Steve x
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karlrutkarutshaqif · 1 year
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Kiyasu Live in KL • Ryosuke Kiyasu • 1st October 2023 • Fono, KL
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predrama · 1 year
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Ryosuke Kiyasu
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ironingmusic · 1 year
Past shows: other projects
as Andrew Chadwick
06/11/2011 @ Apartment Music #11, Hal McGee's Apartment, Gainesville, FL with Otto Van Rhinau, Otolathe, Andrew Weathers & Hal McGee, Nicholas Rejack, more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K58qFBw5BCk
03/03/2012 @ Laboratory Music #5 improvisation fest, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL in a randomly chosen duo collaborating with Steve Ladensack http://www.facebook.com/events/102227553234769/ video: youtu.be/F_WQbma7CDk audio: http://halmcgee.bandcamp.com/track/steve-ladensack-and-andrew-chadwick-at-laboratory-music-5
03/24/2012 @ John Cage's 100th birthday festival Jacksonville, FL event: https://www.facebook.com/events/120524111408760/ birthday celebration site: http://www.facebook.com/events/179725752134711
01/19/2013 @ Apartment Music #18 for Hal McGee's birthday with Cool Person, Hal McGee & Lumen Kishkumen, Canned Ham, Jim Ivy & Mark McGee, Kris Gruda, Jamison Williams, Fiver's Stereo & The Glyph, Jiblit Dupree, Lucy Bonk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyPUZunexcI
10/12/2013 @ Apartment Music #20, Gainesville, FL with Aaron Abrams, Fivers Stereo & Mark McGee, Hal McGee & Josh Tippery, AJ Herring, Trevor Luke, Steve Ladensack, Vasectomy Party, & Two Woos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aABu4y8COo
03/29/2014 @ The Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL collaborating with Adam Scott Neal, Zach Lovitch, & Hal McGee in response to and accompanying the exhibit of Helen Levitt's street photography titled "Public Dramas, Private Dreams." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B-FKHToX-k
09/13/2014 @ Apartment Music #27, Gainesville, FL with Richard Orlando, Captain Mission, Bluesharp, AJ Herring, Trevor Luke, Hell Garbage, Rauh https://halmcgee.bandcamp.com/album/apartment-music-27 09/29/2015 @ Doomed Unicorn’s Epic Show #20 @ Muddy Waters, Gainesville, FL w/ Andrew Weathers Ensemble, Andrew Virga, The Andrews https://www.facebook.com/events/1616697355257123/ https://youtu.be/Iixjsv7nKEs
10/20/2018 @ Apartment Music #31, Gainesville, FL with Canned Ham, Shelby Radcliffe, Tomokie's Cup, Aaron Abrams, Dylan Houser, Emmy Lou, Mullarkey, Lumen K., Jiblit Dupree http://halmcgee.bandcamp.com/track/am31-andrew-chadwick
09/06/2019 at Action Research 202 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Ryosuke Kiyasu, Bluesharp, No Coding, Jonas, Van Den Bossche, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/573371499860935/ https://youtu.be/nywk1lU3Qlw
09/18/2019 at Sun-Ray Cinema, Jacksonville, FL w/ Carl Stone, Fiver’s Stereo https://www.facebook.com/events/1122534884800681 https://youtu.be/2OpzRKw9cBw
11/16/2019 at Apartment Music 36, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee, Formaldehydra, Danger Games, Fiver’s Stereo, & more http://www.haltapes.com/apartment-music-36.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibahVNt-v3A Alternate: https://youtu.be/iHeYya3sdoE
11/10/2021 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcIUX_kNpT8
11/13/2021 at Apartment Music 39 at Hal McGee’s apartment, Gainesville, FL w/ Hal McGee, Firestroke, Agna, DJ Hollow Life, Jason Irvin, Orphling, Aaron Abrams https://youtu.be/wBaPsAJ_iuo
03/08/2023 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/vSYsZ8mvL7w 02/14/2024 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBCsMPvRt1c 08/21/2024 Action Research 240 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL w/ Danny Kamins, Hal McGee, The Healing Center, A.J. Herring, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1007423117521773/ -------------------------------
as Capstan Drive (all microcassette)
7/21/2007 @ Action Research #4, 2nd Street Bakery, Gainesville, FL with Pax Titania, Free Space, Jijimuge, Aaron Zarzutzki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q7kARWRmM0
09/30/2007 @ Microshow, The Photobooth, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee, Jijimuge, Revolucion Al Azar http://youtu.be/1mxBlZZrQzw
02/09/2008 @ Action Research #14, OAF House, Tallahassee, FL with God Willing, Unicorn Hard-On, Leslie Keffer, Darker Florida, The Penetralia, The Viirus, Kristin Calvarese, Keep Bullfighting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpC9o3fHo60
07/24/2009 @ Action Research #42, Spagandyland, Gainesville, FL with GayBomb, Matt Rabin, Psychic Friends Hotline, AG Davis & Jamison Williams, Hal McGee, Frog http://youtu.be/ZW0BRKjpwA0
11/7/2009 @ Dictaphonia Fest, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with M.Stactor, Richard Orlando, Hal McGee, William Wesley & The Tiny Sockets, Projexorcism, Mannequin Hollowcaust, minimum of none, S.O.S., Vagina Teeth/Jesus Teeth, Waterdigger, Otolathe, Krysten Davis, Jamison Williams with Jay Peele, Black Beast of Arrrghhh, Mark McGee, Su Sous Toulouse En Rouge, and Lindsey Leepe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poLf9ztF29E
1/16/2010 @ Hal McGee's 52nd birthday show, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL microcassette duel with Hal McGee. Also: Naked City Cinema, Action Sound Painting Orchestra, Hal McGee/Mark McGee/No Limit Cycle, Blast & The Detergents, Kris Gruda/Jamison Williams/Hal McGee, Jiblet Dupree/Hal McGee, Matrix Infinity w/ Hal McGee, and more part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrCjglsqZyg part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzfp8vhwo-I alternate clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJETp46vvAA
3/18/2011 @ Action Research #66, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Headwar, John Makay, Koonda Holaa, Hal McGee, (MC)², Time Ghost, Hurricanes of Love, Frog filmed by Hal McGee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7p-8EmJ9Gg filmed by Keaton: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya0eLVt3zgs
5/14/2011 @ Apartment Music #9, Hal McGee's Apartment, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee & Jim Ivy, Travis Johnson & Kris Gruda, Keahota Hota, Loren Knack, Greg Owens, Kevin Lewis, Natalja Marie & Mark McGee, Greg Owens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox1xa_d94fg
12/22/2012 @ Apartment Music #17, Hal McGee's apartment, Gainesville, FL with Zebulon, Subversive Intentions, Panther Sequoia, Canned Ham, and more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD7hMSIxrVc
02/15/2014 @ Apartment Music #23, Hal McGee's apartment, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee, Jiblit Dupree, Rauh, A.J. Herring, Jay Peele, Hell Garbage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oChJAVZb6rM
09/27/2014 at Rain Dogs in Jacksonville, FL with Royallen, Rollercoaster, Creep City, Mouth Mouth https://www.facebook.com/events/790274151024022/ https://youtu.be/EdCFZnGBKuM -------------------------------
as The Pete/Repeat Experience (manipulated CD players)
11/15/2010 @ Tom Miller's Summer Unspectacular, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with other open mic weirdos
01/15/2011 @ Laboratory Music #2, Gainesville, FL with 37 other solo free improv performers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdylayxFyEU
05/27/2011 @ Tooth House, Tallahassee, FL with John Mannion, Monolith Transmission No. 2, Philospiders, more http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=228787217136917
05/28/2011 @ Apartment Music #10, Hal McGee's Apartment, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee & The Subliminator, Jackie Kennedy, Nicholas Rejack, Frog, Clutter, Drinking, Lucy Bonk, Jiblit Dupree http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=226325814050459 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7bnd3Sspe4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I2HNFr9hao
10/26/2011 @ Action Research #76, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Dylan Tietze, Styrofoamswamp, Cheryl Borja, Nicholas Rejack, John David Eriksen, Hot Whale http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=243615052352806 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW5OUga_Lk8
12/23/2011 @ Invermere House, Jacksonville, FL http://www.facebook.com/events/154204401351965 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4A0Jq77VEc
10/16/2012 @ The Tom Miller Summer Unspectacular, The Laboratory, Gainesville, Florida http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrZy0wIuNpE
03/09/2013 @ Action Research #102, Display, Gainesville, FL as a duo with Id M Theft Able with Id M Theft Able, Tussin, Ice Jet, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/547618215268595/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXa6XtehVrE
02/02/2014 @ Groundhog's Day edition of Sunday Schoolin' at The Midnight, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/271410086346750/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnGMpbhUeh0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPbkF81IXo8
06/06/2015 @ Action Research #146 at P.Arts & Labor, Gainesville, FL with Severed+Said, Ben Varian, Kane Pour, Flower Child, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/413948738784852/ https://youtu.be/hVAqHJVkfg4
02/09/2022 @ Squared Wave at 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL with Sam, Chris Bailey, AsleepZZZ, Arv7z, Covered In Bugs https://youtu.be/xXHFwcsIL9o
02/22/2023 (The Petesa/Repeatsa Experience) @ Squared After Dark, Satch Squared. Gainesville, FL w/ Landforms, Hogtown Slow Club, Mal Func
as Heirloom (ambient drone tones)
02/19/2011 a house in Tallahassee, FL with Transmuteo, Plastic Flowers, Off Balance Atlas, Great Beer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BayodQL1_A
05/20/2011 @ Mannateas house, Gainesville, FL
04/04/2012 @ The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Tracey Trance, Roamer, Michael Collins, Kathleen Kennedy
04/07/2012 @ Citrus Party #8 / Electronic SubSouth House Show #9, ESS HQ, Gainesville, FL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSDDqUYtm_w
08/07/2012 @ Action Research #94, Display, Gainesville, FL with Andrew Weathers Ensemble, Justin Clifford Rhody, Kathleen Kennedy, Frog
09/01/2012 in the afternoon at Nicholas' & AJ's housewarming, Hostage House, Gainesville, FL
11/17/2012 @ Amplifier Cenotaph: Boardwalk Music #1 at ESS HQ, Gainesville, FL with John David Eriksen & Loren Knack, Deathtraps, '...and the earth will speak in sun cycles' https://www.facebook.com/events/336559126442106 Heirloom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WyMUAgLX_k John David Eriksen & Loren Knack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_S77gWryCA
02/15/2013 @ Display, Gainesville, FL with Aster, Michael Collins, Witch Titz, Raja Vidya http://www.facebook.com/events/556295881056692/ http://youtu.be/MCaM24v1YyI
06/03/2013 @ Action Research #107, Display, Gainesville, FL with Zack Kouns, Velma & The Happy Campers, John David Eriksen, Bluesharp, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/515913651802648/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7NAdgysx2I
06/15/2013 @ Ambienfest at Heart's Desire in Tallahassee, FL with Cult Cosmos, Great Beer, blacksunblackmoon, Caribiner, Ironing, No Face, Centipede Switch, Fountainpen http://www.facebook.com/events/641326082562687/ http://youtu.be/WJpW-sOBA7c
08/23/2013 @ F.L.A. Gallery, Gainesville, FL with Roamer X, Dust Congress http://www.facebook.com/events/542532649147575/ http://youtu.be/4-OPCsNFpGQ
09/14/2013 @ Apartment Music #19, Hal McGee's Apartment, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T8aJo6jh-8
10/13/2013 @ with A.J. Herring at Action Research #117: Boardwalk Music #2 at The Boardwalk, ESS HQ, Gainesville, FL with Nagual, No Face, Peace Arrow & Bois, The Hifi Envelope, Deathraps, & Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/457699084345061/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvrCR9c4mAU
5/22/2014 at Display, Gainesville, FL with Peace Arrow, Grommet, Hastur https://www.facebook.com/events/1420548214877009/ http://youtu.be/LGsB70r5Aw8
01/25/2015 at Action Research #136, A Space, Gainesville, FL w/ Drekka, Bluesharp, Ben Varian, Daydream, & Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/776772319043221/ https://youtu.be/bJ7BXlQn468
03/27/2015 at The Blueprint Show by P.ARTS at Poole Building, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/789056294516833/ first set: https://youtu.be/dd5u-cyR6ps second set: https://youtu.be/gXqQfXvNlJ8
06/29/2015 @ Sunmoonstar party, Gainesville, FL w/ Sunmoonstar, T. Whitehill https://www.facebook.com/events/562403643899854/ https://youtu.be/1gCtPTolb9M
03/24/2016 @ Sun-Ray Cinema, Jacksonville with William Basinski, Tim Albro https://www.facebook.com/events/103754016680960/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teDXbqAY1S4
06/08/2016 at a house, Gainesville, FL w/ Ben Varian, Jake Tobin, Sunmoonstar https://www.facebook.com/events/129650680779079 https://youtu.be/ZCL588ssocU
06/18/2016 at Shitty Life, Gainesville, FL with Destructive Bodies, Dunce Party https://www.facebook.com/events/480465932157177 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52pqwQA54uQ
06/29/2016 at Doomed Unicorn’s Epic Show #21 at Muddy Waters, Gainesville, FL with Majid Araim, Flower Child, The Andrews https://www.facebook.com/events/1258149994225692/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRnXOm5QpnM
02/20/2017 at Alix Hyde’s album release at Gallery Protocol, Gainesville, FL with Alix Hyde, Nagual, Animal Prince, Goode Bye https://www.facebook.com/events/1562838157067326/ https://youtu.be/QPbNXNiBZ3I
08/12/2017 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/  Plake 64 And The Hexagrams, Rayya https://www.facebook.com/events/1932645560328315/   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dtZmGLtJlg
10/12/2017 at Action Research #173, The Limin Room, Gainesville, FL w/ Burnt Hair, Fjshwjfe, Fleetwood Snack, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1844032172574974/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4nqgIJx4HI
10/21/2017 at Racket Music, Liv Apartments, Gainesville, FL w/ Hal McGee, Bluesharp, Orphling, Amigos, Hell Garbage, Petit Laffite, Fiver’s Stereo, A.J. Herring, Vasectomy Party http://www.haltapes.com/racket-music.html by Francisca: https://youtu.be/M6Vv8-5CK1I by Trevor: https://youtu.be/95TzTDtdI3Y
04/11/2018 at Portal 4 in Gainesville, FL with In Sonitus Lux, Severed+Said, Deterritory https://www.facebook.com/events/183357525791501/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXRbyjjWb7k Audio released as “Portal” cassette on Hideous Seed: https://www.discogs.com/release/12616909-Heirloom-Portal
10/03/2018 “Portal” tape release show at Action Research #190 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Lavas Magmas, Bluesharp, Penance, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/720943908268052/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWZqZpXljRs Audio released as a 3″ CDr on Hymns titled “October 3, 2018″ : https://www.discogs.com/release/22248496-Heirloom-October-3-2018
01/11/2019 at Action Research #193 at Portal 4 in Gainesville, FL w/ Lauren Tosswill, Bluesharp, Millenial Matter, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1228989560589796/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=capeUE4gPGU
08/25/2019 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL collaborating with Blacksunblackmoon w/ Toned, The Andrews https://www.facebook.com/events/848665352182893/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcIwukpwUxU
02/26/2022 at Action Research 218, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL collaborating with The Andrews also performed: Landforms, Heirloom, AsleepZZZ, Covered In Bugs, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/371406024413773 https://youtu.be/jSBOZKQNppE
07/07/2022 at the Wormhole, Gainesville, FL with Miracle Roy, Kevin Pm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLM3cuNNtyk
02/09/2023 at Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL w/ Hifi Envelope, Ash, Baby Arms, Bugbaby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J6Xd0KW-a0
03/27/2023 at Action Research 228, Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL w/ Colby Nathan, Ash, Goode Bye, & Frog ------------------------------- as Tall In Front: 06/29/2019 at Action Research #200 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/648817502258787/ https://youtu.be/t6AS3v4GhUo ------------------------------- showing Gainesville Shuffle, 2005-2015 12/13/2014 at Curia on the Drag, Gainesville, FL
01/13/2015 - 01/29/2015 in the window at Gallery Protocol, Gainesville, FL
05/26/2015 at The Backyard in Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1447338938913674/
04/17/2016 at the Main Library, St. Petersburg, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1737865619766191/
07/18/2018 at The Backyard, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/2078129689128012/
08/16/2018 at 777 International Mall in Miami, FL as part of Third Saturdays, presented by MANA Contemporary Miami & Vidium https://www.facebook.com/events/1905169436211100/ https://www.manacontemporarymiami.com/20180818thirdsaturdays ------------------------------- collaborating with Troy (Pairs) as Bearses 04/19/2005 @ Javatropolis, Tampa, FL with The Windshield Death Threat Procedure 05/05/2005 @ Seizure Overpalace, Orlando, FL with Meneguar 05/14/2005 @ Masquerade, Tampa, FL with Lightning Bolt, The Band of the Name, Bug Sized Mind, The Windshield Death Threat Procedure. 06/17/2005 @ Vulture Tower, Tampa, FL with Yip-Yip, My [Left] Uterus, Limplungs, Uh-Oh Spades! and others. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8gfpK73PRA ------------------------------- as part of the SLAUGHTERIN' SLOBBERSVILLE tour: variety show in a two act musical format featuring the talents of Kevin Blechdom, Blevin Blectum, Irene Moon, Justice Yeldham, Elisabeth King, Ching Chong Song, Maryclare Brzytwa and more
25 April 2009 -- Leipzig, Germany - Skala Leipzig
28 April 2009 -- Munich, Germany - Lothringer 13 Blectum from Blechdom: https://youtu.be/u4AxR6xOZAc Justice Yeldham: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHj1b84Pa6M
30 April 2009 -- Krems, Austria - Donau Festival w/ Aphex Twin, Luke Vibert, more https://youtu.be/-mBWlnGmKJg?t=27s 01 May 2009 -- Rotterdam, Netherlands - the WORM 02 May 2009 -- Hasselt, Belgium - Kunstencentrum w/ Twig Harper, more 03 May 2009 -- Hamburg, Germany - Golden Pudel http://freemusicarchive.org/music/slaughtering_slobbersville/live_in_hamburg_030509__golden_pudel/ 04 May 2009 -- Amsterdam, Netherlands - OCCII 06 May 2009 -- Brussels, Belgium - L’Ecurie 07 May 2009 -- Wetzlar, Germany - Franzis 08 May 2009 -- Nijmegen, Netherlands - EXTRAPOOL 09 May 2009 -- Utrecht, Netherlands - Vecht Club ------------------------------- half of Beach People 12/6/2008 at Action Research 32 at the beach in Panacea, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNvk03OoSVE 07/18/2009 at Action Research 41 at the beach in Panacea, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK4DDsxNpIE0 8/07/2010 at Action Research 59 at Hickory Pond, Waldo, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HbezEoY8cg ------------------------------- collaborating with Hal McGee & No Limit Cycle as Deep Trench (low bass oriented marianas trench influenced sounds) 06/25/2009 @ Action Research #39, Story House, Gainesville, FL with Aaron Zarzutzki, Skeleton Warrior, Globular, Frog http://youtu.be/mlaYHUjMqTE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5mwbbYaWf4 10/10/2009 @ Action Research #45, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with The Lady Of Situations, Sean Earl Beard, Glockenshock, Frog, Zhinsinura, The Viirus https://youtu.be/AXBYaXm3GTo ------------------------------- collaborating with No Limit Cycle as Bros 12/12/2009 @ Action Research #46, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Layne Garrett, Hal McGee, Hydrogen Arm, Kane Pour, Cowabunga Blood, Frog https://youtu.be/W9tTkq63iTM 03/05/2010 @ Action Research #49, Ironing's 5th birthday party @ The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Ironing, Hal McGee, Janet Night, The Lady Of Situations, Dubbio Nil, The Hifi Envelope, Frog, and DJ Smooth Guy https://youtu.be/k7pDdi-rSRA 06/18/2010 @ Action Research #55, @ Spagandyland, Gainesville, FL with Female Topics, The Lady Of Situations, Philospiders, Fill Spectrum, Slam Dunk Millionaire, Frog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiaA1V7pLpA alternate view: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zss6uHL_E18 08/07/2010 @ Action Research #59, Bryson County, Waldo, FL with Aloonaluna, Attachedhands, Beach People, Birdfeeder, Black Circle Boys, Burlington Coke Factory, Diamonds Guns Gold, DJ Thanatos, Dubbio Nil, Frog, Ironing, Lads of the Lake, Lady of Situations, LZRKMMNDR, minim, Perspectives, Philospiders, Rabbit Punch, Saving Twilight, Ylayali ------------------------------- collaborating with John David Eriksen & Brian Lee as Ice Jet as a duo with John David Eriksen: 06/05/2010 @ Action Research #54, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Screwed Anthologies, J.Thelonious, Roamer, Rainbow Blood, DJ Smooth Guy, Frog https://youtu.be/wRzKbNOTWGY 07/07/2010 @ Liminal Collisions, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville, FL with Ironing and John David Eriksen https://youtu.be/mxL9yfRwPpY 01/19/2012 @ The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Double Morris, Human+Plus, EarthMasters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d8U60u4taQ 03/15/2012 @ Action Research #83, Display, Gainesville, FL with Doggebi, Chairs, Loïc Bertrand, Cox Populi,  Glass Dog, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/395082253838735/ first 5 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QznCHekK1ow Brian Lee joined on drums & electronics: 05/02/2012 @ Action Research #87, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with No Milk, Mike Bison, Lung of Flowers, Roamer X, Kathleen Kennedy, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/338810346186176/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzwKHXcAFiE 05/04/2012 @ Total Bummer 3D, Sip, Orlando, FL with Kitty Pryde, Acoqui, Digital Natives, Koas, Lung Of Flowers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY3DBZ1Aois 06/09/2012 @ Action Research #89, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Profligate, Father Finger, Craow, Cox Populi, Hal & Mark McGee, Frogunmueller http://www.facebook.com/events/238302396282933/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmKZwcxlwPw 09/27/2012 @ Action Research #96, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with No Babies, Die Hoffnung, Scientifically Speaking with Irene Moon, Fujoshi, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/401266653272802/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGt5TTMH9sM 10/28/2012 @ Urban Rethink, Orlando, FL Gatto Pazzo, Velma Trotsky's Ghost of Mass Control, ARS, Jamison Williams & Dan Kozak http://www.facebook.com/events/432971506760882/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RAsXGDh_5w 11/26/2012 @ Display, Gainesville, FL with Aloonaluna, Christopher Fleeger, Charlet http://www.facebook.com/events/165887410223642/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVvQk1J8aPs 
12/21/2012 @ End of the World party, The Church of Holy Colors, Gainesville, FL with Ghost Fields, Michael Collins, Pospulenn, Roamer X, Golden Arc of Three Returns, Ironing http://www.facebook.com/events/306940246072769/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2BEOITyizU
03/09/2013 @ Action Research #102, Display, Gainesville, FL with Id M Theft Able, Tussin, The Pete/Repeat Experience, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/547618215268595/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SuHQzMpdtw
------------------------------- collaborating with Loren Knack as Lads Of The Lake
08/07/2010 @ Action Research #59, Bryson County, Waldo, FL with Aloonaluna, Attachedhands, Beach People, Birdfeeder, Black Circle Boys, Burlington Coke Factory, Diamonds Guns Gold, DJ Thanatos, Dubbio Nil, Frog, Ironing, Lads of the Lake, Lady of Situations, LZRKMMNDR, minim, Perspectives, Philospiders, Rabbit Punch, Saving Twilight, Ylayali https://youtu.be/BVbIYMg4GQc alternate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQAtlWoJKfc
------------------------------ collaborating with Aaron Zarzutzki as Bee Tongues
01/06/2011 @ Action Research #63, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Yebo Gogo, Kreb Drawn Hoops, Atomic Populist Melt Machine, Back Pockets, Frog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRb05-qwNZA
01/07/2011 @ Branch Ranch Pervert Pit, Tampa, FL with Yebo Gogo, Kreb Drawn Hoops, Southern Nights, Booga Boooga
------------------------------- collaborating with Nicholas as Prescient Orphans
03/02/2012 @ Ante-Scientia: The Laboratory Music #5 Preshow, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Bluesharp, Cheryl Borja,  John David Eriksen & Amir Rios, Hal McGee - "Op. 25 (Fluxscore)", Dan Reaves & Mark McGee, Styrofoamswamp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVvZNPsOIG8
03/29/2012 Action Research #84, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Tonstartssbandht, Michael Collins, Jason Harvey, Hear Hums, Sean McDonald, Digital Natives, Frog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkBKTBkKbbg
03/30/2012 Fooles Holy Eve. @ Venture Compound, St Petersburg, FL with Styrofoamswamp, HOW RUDE, Whitey Alabastard, DC9V, Poisson d'avril, Solid Action, Tree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nPturf_JrM
06/15/2012 @ Action Research #90, Display, Gainesville, FL with Voids, Glass Dog, Mike Bison, Photogenic Memory, Oedipus Complex, Frog
09/09/2012 @ Uncle Lou’s Entertainment Hall, Orlando, FL with Newton, Togna Bologna, Rat Bastard, Jiblit Dupree, Whitey & Trotsky, Windsor's Ghost, Cardiel
11/11/2012 Transflorida Feedback at Hostage House, Gainesville, FL with Blast & The Detergents, Memphibians, Velma & The Happy Campers, Danger Games, Fujoshi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylk_ot7UCzw
11/13/2012 at Boca Fiesta, Gainesville, FL with Royallen, Do Tell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC3VN1AJ0hI
02/02/2013 @ pre-INC Jacksonville, Burro Bar, Jacksonville, FL with Slasher Risk, Proud/Father, Jamison Williams & Scott Smith, Faker, Nequam Sonitus, Creep City, Helen, Cellular Terror, The Glyph, Julie Gem, Mason McGough Ensemble, Dan Kozak, Sasquatch On Mars http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQf0GQgOcOw
07/19/2014 at Hostage House, Gainesville, FL with Poncili Creacion, Velma And The Happy Campers, Burnt Hair, Permanent Makeup, Danger Games https://www.facebook.com/events/816294115049004/ http://youtu.be/96DLJnPC29E
10/05/2019 at Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL with A.J. Herring, Serpentlightprism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4koTssltRU0
09/18/2021 Action Research 217 at 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL w/ Error Mortal, A.J. Herring, LZRKMMNDR, Frog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9SzNwnxPVw
-------------------------------------- collaborating with Rosemarie Romero as tl:dl
03/15/2014 @ Apartment Music #24 at Hal McGee's Apartment in Gainesville, FL with Danger Games, Vasectomy Party & Trevor Luke, Zach Lovitch, A.J. Herring & Fiver's Stereo, & the Pots N Pans Orchestra http://youtu.be/A-Ehp-sTxlM as Big Purr: 09/21/2014 at Action Research #128 at Display, Gainesville, FL with Besito Negro, Rauh, Royallen, Ben Varian, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/312173178968482/ http://youtu.be/aob8xwppzn8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - collaborating with Jen Downey & Pat Hughes as Chrysocolla: 11/12/2016 at Cyclops Cinema, Gainesville, FL at the showing of the “Borbetomagus - A Pollock of Sound“ https://www.facebook.com/events/1692972547694148/ https://youtu.be/EIaymAs0zjA 12/14/2016 at Action Research #160 at Superfun, Gainesville, FL w/ Jamison Williams, Charles Pagano, & Majid Araim; The Andrews; Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1590850047888960/ https://youtu.be/fzGFcmakEgo Room recording: https://chrysocolla.bandcamp.com/ 05/19/2017 at Action Research #168 at the Hardback Cafe, Gainesville, FL with Newagehillbilly, Comfort Link, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/777716809049578/ https://youtu.be/W4IvIV-GzGQ
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - collaborating with Frog as The Actioneers:
08/03/2018 at The Worst Show Ever, The Limin Room, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1021312331369854/ https://youtu.be/qJVl8A_aSkk
12/01/2018 at The Worst Show Ever 2, The Limin Room, Gainesville, FL (as The Actioneers 2) https://www.facebook.com/events/284962982148913/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ooUA3TwPQY
06/29/2019 at Action Research #200 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/648817502258787/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqxRzHSRPjs
08/05/2022 at Action Research 222 at The G8, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/983441592348531 all duos show with Senski, Choice Hymns Of The Faith, Dragon’s Breath, Frog, Life Alert, Industry Plant https://www.facebook.com/events/983441592348531 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - collaborating with Mark Rodriguez as L😎L DETH🌴 /  Lull Deth:
07/14/2021 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/Ce4fmQezNjc
10/13/2021 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdmTRyb5fS8
01/12/2022 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/34IhNvviXnk03/31/2022 at Satch Squared, Gainesville, FL with Mal Func https://youtu.be/1r8zvUvdglE
04/13/2022 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave one year anniversary, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/Jq9rxdeyVJw
04/21/2022 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL with Blu Anxxiety, Severed & Said, Visitation, Error Mortal, La Elipse & Pozzo https://youtu.be/IfPXBtQMMns
07/03/2022 at Action Research 221, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Echo Beauty Terror, Isthmus Ov Styx, Mal Func vs Gener8er, Frog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRUVOrskutE
08/10/2022 (as Lull Def) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1fuV7NGpJE
08/13/2022 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ CRT, Mother Juno, La Elipse, Error Mortal https://youtu.be/f4S0qaGvAoM
10/12/2022  (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO9Mb37vjAk
10/15/2022 at Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL w/ Error Mortal, bugbaby, Waterpepper https://youtu.be/w2r_kCqBrVs
10/22/2022 at Circuit Church at the Nook on Robinson, Orlando, FL with She Dreamed in Pixels, Isomanalog
10/31/2022 (L🎃L Death 🧛‍♂️) Halloween house show at Davis’ house, Rochelle, FL Banshee Boogie, Room Thirteen, La Elipse https://youtu.be/zDUxen0ptGQ
12/01/2022 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Dot Com Bubble, Cabo Boing, Euglossine, Heel, Baby Arms, La Elipse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y2WGbi_5Us
01/11/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjpG6xCTN9Q
01/10/2024 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe7bnX_4QiI 02/082023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h85Go5rKE_A 04/12/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL  https://youtu.be/xKS80dtqPPY
05/10/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/2Vle8eSPwVk
06/14/2023 Landforms, Lull Deth, & Haptic Mass at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/FG86D08v0dw
07/02/2023 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Ghstflwr, Putty Knife, Penance, Mal Func https://youtu.be/BLHmYwusR04 08/09/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/8f8EcfxliMU 09/13/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/Bq8qKFWujfA 01/29/2024 at Action Research 231 w/ Secret Boyfriend, Error Mortal, Work From Home, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1130677164776750 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYiwkJxrhhI
02/02/2024 (LOL Birth) Greg’s birthday party, Dry Wrought Cider, Gainesville, FL w/ Vap, Work From Home, Mal Func, Hogtown Slow Club https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KXS_lbptYc 03/08/2024 at Action Research 235, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Bubblegum Octopus, ISYA, Cloutpics, Penance, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/959733725818017/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYdXopbtjBs 03/14/2024 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-9Wg_mPMQM 04/01/2024 Action Research 236, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Some Pepper, arvoffline, Ash Shadow, White Sands, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/2319113044964514/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMvosDTu85w 04/10/2024 (Lull Deth) 3 year anniversary of Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/mc55vsyPwCo 06/30/2024 Action Research 238 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ GATERROR, Tympanic Rupture, Black Caligula, Kill Zach, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/3611648525812422 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - collaborating with Greg Hudalla as Flatiron Estate:
09/24/2022 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL with Storage Music Unit, Haptic Mass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqSvynd8XKc collaborating with Storage Music Unit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuGIVu5vjzk
11/26/2022 at Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL with Euglossine, Ash, Jupiter From Earth https://youtu.be/HnHECaD_8E4
04/01/2023 at a house, Alachua, FL w/ Other Rooms, Ceramicats, Bear Maze, Loris, Kyle Keller, Austin Brockner https://youtu.be/_c0YzAXybIM
07/10/2023 Action Research 229, Gainesville, FL w/ Arritola / Ayn /Hickerson / Milovac, Black Mayonnaise, Freak Traction, Frog https://youtu.be/E5j6XOPmuSk 03/01/2024 at Action Research 234, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Danny Kamins, Majid Araim, Mike Baggetta https://youtu.be/1nicTP2MROA 04/12/2024 at Kyle’s, Alachua, FL w/ Ted The Block, Hiri Hiri, baby arms, Kestral Sky, Haptic Mass, Work From Home, Spirit Tramp, A.sunroom, Flatiron Estate, Glare   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of My Despair:
1993 Club Nowhere, Orlando, FL 11/26/1993 at The Hustler, Indialantic, FL with Exploding Horse Boy, Mama Spider https://youtu.be/0fBt2VFW9gI
05/10/1996 at the Lyons Den, Titusville w/ Thanatos, Allison With One
1996 house show, Melbourne, FL other shows I need to find the date for: Marz, Cocoa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
as a member of the Cling-Glows:
04/29/1995 at The Old Schoolhouse, Ft. Pierce, FL with Point of Anger, Failsafe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of the Action Sound Painting Orchestra
10/09/2010 @ Solder VII, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL as part of the Action Sound Painting Orchestra with Perspectives, Neuborn, Ars Phoenix, Hear Hums, Michael Parallax, The Viirus part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po1MQM1Xpog part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvXRdLDL3YM
11/13/2010 @ Droney Woods #2, Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, Gainesville, FL with Ironing, Clay House Stories, Dubbio Nil, Frog, minim, Perspectives, Paulapart, CV-P
01/15/2011 @ Laboratory Music #2, Gainesville, FL with 37 other solo free improv performers
02/26/2011 @ 727 Showcase, Cafe Bohemia, St. Petersburg, FL with Hal McGee, Atomic Populist Melt Machine, Kris Gruda & Jim Ivy, Young Egypt, J. Thelonious, and more
04/30/2011 @ The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with If, Bwana, Brian Eubanks & Ironing, Dan Reaves & Kathy Burkett, Hal McGee & Kris Gruda & Jim Ivy & Mark McGee, Travis Johnson & Keaton Orsborn & Jill Burton, Al Margolis & Hal McGee, Florida League For Indeterminate Performance, Frog
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of the Laundry Room Squelchers:
04/30/2010 @ Action Research #50: INC on tour, Civic Media Center, Gainesville, FL with Alien Overmind, B. Baphomet, Boy+Girl, Diamonds Guns Gold, Dubbio Nil, Florida, Frog, Gainesville, Gem Of Skin, Glockenshock, Hal McGee, Ironing, Janet Night, Jugu, Laundry Room Squelchers, Marcus Aurelius, No Limit Cycle, Rat Bastard, Sloweater, The Lady Of Situations, The Uh, minim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDbGKoe3FdE
08/17/2013 @ Voice of the Valley Noise Rally V, Alderwood campground, Chloe, WV http://www.facebook.com/events/357893040982614 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCEJb21MDo8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of the (Neu)Sonics Orchestra:
03/16/2015 @ Timucua White House, Orlando, FL performing the program “When You Wish Upon A Star” in an ensemble with Jamison Williams, Jim Ivy, A.J. Herring, AG Davis, Elizabeth A. Baker, Charles Pagano, Dan Kozak, Nick Boutwell, Thomas Milovac, Evan Shafron, and more video from the front: https://youtu.be/atJEs1ktrfU stationary house camera in back: https://youtu.be/5D_vJ-y1ox8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of Hidden Language (Mike Baggetta, Dave LeBleu, Robert Edmondson):
10/18/2022 at Action Research 223, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Jaap Blonk, Frog, and a duo of A.J. Herring & Greg Hudalla part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOJIGyaeP4U part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aWkMHO4J3M
11/07/2022 at Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXvpBofHmsg
03/14/2023 at Action Research 227 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Tatsuya Nakatani, Greg Hudalla, Frog
0 notes
Écouter / acheter: Live in The Hague, Netherlands on March 1st, 2023 de Ryosuke Kiyasu
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ryosukekiyasu · 2 years
August 15th, 2022
Ryosuke Kiyasu duo w/Kirstine Elisa Kjeldsen in Berlin, Germany
Venue: Atelier Äuglein
you can watch 4K full length video for below subscription users
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filmskribent · 2 years
Den experimentella trumslagaren Ryosuke Kiyasu ska snart uppträda igen på Larry’s Corner i Stockholm. Vi som var där 2019 hade en minst sagt udda upplevelse.
0 notes