#s/i: ☠️⚓️
dangregreal · 1 year
☀️ 🛼 🏝️ ~ rebeccaselfships
THANK YOUU i will do a different f/o and s/i for every question!!
☀️ how do you and your f/o feel about summer? (+ greg): i think greg wouldnt be a huge fan of summer but i dont think daniel would mind it!!!
🛼 what sort of summer activities do you and your f/o enjoy? (+ tom): for the sake of tgis ask lets they they are on earth !!! anyways tom and fidget would enjoy camping!!!! they set up a little tent in mikes backyard and bring out a little telescope or something and they look at tge stars and stuff and they are gay robots
🏝️ what's you and your f/o's dream vacation/trip? have you done it already? (+ wheatley): omg i think wheatley and roger would talk abt hypothetical vacations soooo often. they r both in an underground science facility but they talk abt what they would do and where they would go if they werent!!! i think theyd go everywhere those funny little robot spheres would like go on a boat and go everywhere
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Arrr, Matey! Twenty Pirate-Approved Greetings For D/S Adventurers
Ahoy, mateys! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day, a perfect time to blend a bit of swashbucklin' charm with the dynamic world of Dominance and Submission. Whether you're a seasoned sailor of the D/S lifestyle or just keen to explore, here be twenty pirate-themed greetings to spice up your interactions on this special day!
"Ahoy, me submissive heart! Ready to set sail on an adventure tonight?"
"Avast, me beauty! Prepare to be swept away by the tides of pleasure."
"Hoist the colors, me sub! We be charting new territories tonight."
"Yo ho ho! 'Tis time to surrender to the desires of your Captain."
"Shiver me timbers, ye fine First Mate! How 'bout a bit of role-play today?"
"Ahoy, ye saucy wench! Ready to walk the plank of desire?"
"Hoist the Jolly Roger, me love! We be embarkin' on a night of passion."
"Aye aye, Captain! I be at your service, ready for your commands."
"Ye be the treasure I've been seekin', me submissive soul."
"Ye be me North Star in this vast sea of pleasure, me dear."
"Avast, me heartie! Our safe word be 'Parlay' tonight."
"Me desire for ye be as endless as the ocean, me submissive muse."
"Yo ho ho! Let's explore the depths of your fantasies, me mate."
"Surrender to me, me love, and ye shall find pleasure beyond measure."
"Ye be the anchor to me soul, me dearest submissive."
"Aye aye, First Mate! Time to set a course for ecstasy."
"Hoist the crimson flag, me beauty! We be divin' into BDSM waters."
"Ahoy, me precious gem! Ye be me most prized booty."
"Ye be me muse, me submissive treasure, and me ultimate delight."
"Yo ho ho, me heartie! Let's make this Talk Like a Pirate Day a night to remember."
Remember, in the world of D/S, communication be key, so use these greetings only with consensual partners who be sharin' in the fun. Whether ye be a seasoned pirate of the D/S lifestyle or just testing the waters, may these pirate-themed greetings add a touch of adventure to your journey through the seven seas of desire. Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, and may yer safe words be ever at the ready! 🏴☠️💀⚓️
As with all of my thoughts, please see this disclaimer.
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emoji-completionist · 8 months
omg a gimmick blog 0-0
i count how many emojis were used in a post (out of apple emojis bc thats what ive got 👍)
#emoji counting = counting emojis in posts/asks
#not emoji counting = anything else
#reblog = reblogs (shocker /s)
#oo aa that's my favorite asks = asks
#tw nsft = nsfw posts (anything ab sex or sex words)
if u want me to not reblog ur post lmk and ill take it down
im not considering skin tone variations (ex. 👍👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿 would all only count as 1 👍)
under the cut are all of the emojis i'm counting(1,837 total):
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Hii! I hope I'm allowed to send this even tho I'm a new follower if not, so sorry!! I just find this whole thing really nice and I checked out your writing, it's great!!!
"⚓️ - Send this with a description of yourself and the fandom(s) you want a ship for!" Could I please get this with Harry Potter and Stranger things? 💗
I am an omnisexual (leaning towards men) she/her female.
I am 5'5 and not really chubby but not really skinny either? I'm in the middle. I'm white so on the paler side but I COOK in the summer, trust. I have hazel/green eyes and light brown, thick, fluffy hair that sits just above my armpits. My style mixes between y2k/streetwear to girlier (I think it'd called coquette).
My hobbies are drawing, writing, and I enjoy many different sports bit don't play super often. I am a HUGEEE foodie, I'll marry you if you give me some good food. If eating and shopping were officially considered hobbies, they'd be mine.
I love my stuffed animals (seriously, I have an unhealthy amount on my bed.), makeup and perfume (although I only wear mascara, lipgloss, and highlighter and only on certain days.). My fav colours are cherry (dark) red and baby pink. I love the tight shirt and baggy pants combo, but also baggy + baggy combo.
My hogwarts house is ravenclaw and I'm an A+ to B (occasionally a b- but only in certain subjects) student. I'm pretty shy when I don't know someone but once we are close I'm really loud and odd. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to things I enjoy, I can easily get into a ramble about them if they are even slightly mentioned ☠️. I know a lot of people but have 5-6 friends that I truly trust. I'd also say I'm a girls girl, but am also friends with a couple guys.
I say mean things but make it well known that I don't actually mean them and they are all lighthearted jokes that mainly are only said after they are said to me first. I have a really kind and sensitive heart but I cover it up with sarcasm and sassy jokes (that is also my personality, but only one side.) because one of my biggest fears is to be seen as weak or pitiful. I don't talk about my family life because I would rather seem like my life is put together, I don't l want to seem like the friend with a messy life.
I overall have confidence but have my insecure moments. I'm also an ambivert leaning towards extrovert, I enjoy hanging out w people but need a bit of time to myself to recharge after.
Also I apologize if the formatting is wrong or anything!! I've never done anything like this on here before :))
Ofc honey! Everyone is included!
First I ship you with James Potter! 🧡
He likes to silently listen to you rambles no matter what they are about or how long they are he always listens with a gentle smile on his face
He gets you a new stuffed animal every week when he can in between studies and classes always leaving the stuffed animal and a flower on your bed when you're in class
He loves how you just fit in with him and his friends always acting like an older sister to Remus and Sirius who love you dearly and protect you like you protect them
He likes to take you near the lake with food for a picnic instead of sitting and eating in the great hall sometimes so the two of you can have some time together
He likes your sarcasm within your humor always smiling and chuckling at the obvious sarcasm in your jokes especially if you're done dealing with people
He likes helping you with things even if they frustrate him too like helping you with potions or studying a spell together he doesn't stop until you got it in your back pocket
Next I ship you with Steve Harrington ❣️
He likes to bring you food with little notes attached to it even if some of them are cheesy but each note makes you smile
He likes to see you in baggy pants especially if you're also wearing one of his shirts it adds to the look for him making him smile from ear to ear when he sees you in baggy pants and one of his shirts for the day
He likes going out shopping and eating with you even if it's just for clothes or grocery shopping for the month he still likes going holding your hand the whole time
He likes to see you in anything red especially bright red to him red made you more vibrant and brought out more of your features especially your smile
He likes to read what you write especially poe's and stories always smiling and being giddy if it's about him
He likes to watch you draw but he loves when you draw him and leave it nearly folded in his pocket or on his pillow when you stay the night with him
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Hi there! I was wondering if you could do cowboy/western themed neos and pirate/pirating neos if you haven’t already? Thanks!
⚓️/ ⚓️s
hope you like. <33
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dangregreal · 1 year
Tumblr media
im replacing egg core with PIRATE CORE cuz im in my pirate era ARRRRGH!!!!!! his name is pirate core but since some of the cores have human names also his would be roger. like jolly roger🏴‍☠️
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dangregreal · 9 months
For the insert ask !! 💞, ☕️ and 🎞 for any insert you wanna answer with !!
💞: aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? why? (+ roger/pirate core (portal s/i))
i think roger would be commonly shipped with rick/adventure core bcuz they r sort of like rivals and they dont like eachother at all and i think ppl tend to like shipping characters with dynamics like that
☕️: what are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o? (+ daniel (outlaws s/i))
i think there would be a lot of dangreg first date fics!!! id imagine that if the fanbase for the outlaws were bigger and if daniel was a canon character there would be a lot of different ways ppl would imagine their first date going
🎞️: what ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship? (+ fidget (mst3k s/i))
i think there would be a lot of them!! i think the other characters in the show would make a few jokes and comments abt toms very obvious crush on fidget and tom would get very defensive in response to them. i also think fidget's little screen would display the little heart icon most often when it is talking to or about tom
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