#s: heather and nephenee
adelle-ein · 5 years
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FEFemslash20, sprite edition based on this prompt list!
Here’s batch three! click for captions/prompts, you can also see them the day they’re uploaded on my twitter.
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demoiselledefortune · 7 years
Tellius tier list based on how much i like each character (like i once did for awakening but we gonna need more tier for this)
SS tier (my absolute faves): Soren, Sanaki, Naesala, Elincia, Pelleas
S tier (characters I love): Ranulf, Reyson, Jill, Micaiah, Tormod, Nephenee, Heather, Kieran, Astrid, Calill, Titania, Mist, Shinon, Tanith, Kurthnaga, Sephiran, Levail, Petrine, Almedha
A tier (characters I like a lot): Tibarn, Leanne, Skrimir, Nolan, Zihark, Meg, Volug, Fiona, Muarim, Nailah, Leanne, Nealuchi, Haar, Lucia, Lethe, Geoffrey, Mia, Bastian, Ena, Nasir, Izuka, Yune, Ashera, Jarod, Septimus
B tier (characters that are okay): Leonardo, Sothe, Vika, Rafiel, Marcia, Mordecai, Ike, Boyd, Rolf, Oscar, Janaff, Sigrun, Volk, Caineghis, Ashnard, Lekain, Ludvek, Lazgo, Deghinsea
C tier (characters I am indifferent to): Tauroneo, Laura, Ilyana, Aran, Brom, Makalov, Rhys, Kyza, Lyre, Ulki, Stefan, Giffca, Renning, Gareth, Greil, Numida, Hetzel, Valtome
D tier (characters that kinda annoy me): Edward, Danved, Gatrie, Bryce
E tier (*spit*): Oliver
?? tier (i find them oddly fascinating but not with a lot of affection?): Zelgius
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tellius · 7 years
by SaraJaye
She breezed back into Nephenee's life one day with a proposal.
Words: 920, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fire Emblem: Soen no Kiseki/Akatsuki no Megami | Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Heather (Fire Emblem), Nephenee (Fire Emblem)
Relationships: Heather/Nephenee (Fire Emblem)
Additional Tags: Post-Game(s), Reunions, Marriage Proposal, First Kiss
read on Ao3: http://ift.tt/2ngJ3Gf
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burgermiester · 8 years
Why Brom is the best Armored Unit in Radiant Dawn
First off, “best armored unit” is not the most auspicious title.  Its pretty rare for a Fire Emblem game to have worthwhile armor knights.  As a general rule, mounted units and fliers reach the enemies first and get the bulk of the kills/exp/functionality, unarmored foot units come next and get the scraps, and armor knights are left with the crumbs.  Radiant Dawn is not an exception in this regard, for the most part.  At least in Radiant Dawn there do exist chapters where your armor knights are useful because of “scenario” style chapters and occasional limited units to choose from. So instead of comparing the armors to each other in terms of stats and raw number of chapters they are available in, I think its more important to look at how many chapters they are in where they can contribute meaningfully and how much they do contribute, starting with the man of the hour:
Brom has part 2.  I could probably stop typing right here but I dont know when to quit so I will continue.  2-1 has only Brom, Nephenee, and Heather.  Heather cant do much to most of the enemies on any difficulty, Nephenee cant really touch the enemy armors, including the boss, and on hard I dont even think she can do enough damage to feasibly take him on so that makes Brom your only option for the boss, and the best option to take on most enemies. That right there would be enough for me to call Brom the best armor in the game, because being the best unit in one chapter (and on hard being the only unit capable of beating the chapter)>being available but not worth using in a dozen others.  But it doesnt end there, in 2-2 hes one of the most capable and certainly tankiest fighters and you will probably have him leading the march through the dark cave, and you especially will on the turns where Mordecai is untransformed.  Lucia can get more kills but you have to be a bit cautious since a few lances or lucky other hits will put her down.  Brom gets to actually be a tank and do it well in the situation where it makes the most sense to have a tank (in cramped fog of war.)  Last, hes got 2-E.  Now, theres lots of ways to cheese this map as well as take it head-on, but even the cheesy strats involve blocking one of the two sides with Brom.  So hes not as crucial as in the other two chapters, but he still is absolutely contributing.  
Poor Meg.  Shes got horrible bases, growths that clash with her class caps, and is stuck in the dawn brigade where shes competing with too many other growth units with too few exp to spread between them.  The chapters where youd want an armor, 3-6, 3-12 and 3-13, dont really beg for you to train her since Nolan, Jill and even Aran if you are dying for a tank all get you through those chapters more easily (and shell probably not have the defense to really tank 3-6).  I probably didnt even need to write this part, we all know ultimately unimpressive Meg’s combat capabilities are, even if it can be a lot of fun to use her for novelty’s sake.  
Brom has 3 chapters he can really contribute in, while Tauroneo has only 2*, yet one of those chapters is 3-13, which for many is the hardest chapter in the game.   That being said, like most defense chapters its very easy to beat it cheaply, so its hard for me to rate Tauroneo all that highly just for this chapter.  But even if you are cheesing it you will probably want to use Tauroneo, so I would consider him contributing as much in 3-13 as Brom in 2-E, even if thats perhaps a bit too generous considering other units can be trained up to plug important gaps whereas Brom is in a more preset role so hes always going to be necessary for a gap or 2.  In his only other chapter, 3-12, he unfortunately starts far on the left when youd want him on the right, and it takes a few turns for him to join the fight, although when hes there he kicks ass. But in any case, 3-12 can be beaten pretty much entirely by the ally units so any contributions are not that impressive.
*he can also contribute in the first map of 1-6, but you really want to be training Nolan and Jill and any other DB baby in part 1 so its a bit of a waste to let him get these easy kills, especially when its not that hard to beat the chapter without him.
Finally, we have Gatrie.  Hes the guy that I have little doubt gamefaqs guides and tierers in general will call the best armor knight in the game.  And before I get to the real meat of Gatrie’s usefulness by my standards, I feel I must make a brief aside to address the general idea of usefulness and why Gatrie is cited as better than Brom, which is to say raw availability, bases and growths and starting level, and usable weapons/rank.  Brom actually has one chapter of availability more than Gatrie, but for the most part they are nearly the same.  Brom joins at level 2 and Gatrie 10, but in my experience using both sensibly and not giving either of them favoritism or anti-favoritism by the time they are in a party together Brom is close to level 10 and Gatrie to 13-15, so its not a big difference there, and if you look at their average stats on SF youll see its really not a big difference in stats at those levels, or indeed at any level. The only important stats Gatrie excels over Brom in is speed and strength, and its only by a point or two, so they are both doubling or not doubling or getting doubled by pretty much the exact same enemies.   And in actual damage Brom will be outperforming Gatrie because hes using axes, which more than make up for the couple points of str to outperform Gatrie with his weaker lances.  When taking all that into account I dont see either of them being significantly better than the other in a statoff, and since I still am saying that “how useful are they in the chapters where its worth using them?” is much more important than “how useful would they be if I forced myself to use them?” lets put this aside and go back to where Gatrie is uniquely useful.
So what does Gatrie do that only Gatrie can do? Well, hes got 2 chapters, 3-P and 3-1.  In 3-1 Gatrie is fantastic.  Its a small fog of war map with chokepoints and a time limit.  Gatrie excels at heading up the left path through the grass towards the boss, especially with Shinon at his back shooting from behind and through the fence, giving the enemies the old thunder and lightning maneuver while the more mobile members of the GM sweep around to clear out the rest of the map.  Its a bit like Brom’s contributions in 2-2 but I would say slightly better.  In 2-2 Brom is great, but you could potentially take the dark very slowly with just Lucia or any other character of your choosing if you desired, but in 3-1 theres a time limit so its all hands on deck, everyone has to help and Gatrie has a convenient spot he excels at.  Sadly, 3-P is not nearly as good for Gatrie.  Its textbook armor knight curse map design.  The enemies are all on one path, your more mobile units, in this case everyone else, will reach and kill enemies before Gatrie arrives.  He might as well not even exist.  
And speaking of might as well not even existing; the rest of the game.  From 3-3 onward Brom and Gatrie have identical availability, and its really not worth using either of them.  Just like 3-P, time and time again the poor armors just cant reach fighting before its over.  3-5 is a defense chapter where either of them might contribute but in the entire series 3-5 is perhaps the easiest defense chapter to play offensively, so thats not really an opportunity for them to be useful.  Plenty of chapters have reinforcements from behind that they could potentially fight, but to the question “why not instead of using armors just keep training all high movement units who can either finish chapters before reinforcements become an issue or run back and kill reinforcements and return to the main fight quickly” there is no objective answer in favor of armor knights.  If you were to ask yourself “I am determined to use one of the armor knights in every single chapter despite the fact that using no armor knight would be a better choice, so which one should I choose?” The answer might be Gatrie or it might be too close to call.  If you were to ask yourself the much more practical question “which units should I use?” the answer in regards to this subject at least, is, “however many deployment slots you have, Brom and Gatrie are equally unworthy of filling them.”  There are always better units to choose from than either of them.  They are comrades in obsolescence.
The Very Short Version:
When it comes to a class thats overall not worth using like Armors in a game with as strange of a structure as Radiant Dawn, comparing their usefulness is about looking at where each of them is actually worth using and how well they perform.  Meg has nothing, Tauroneo has two chapters where hes good, Gatrie has one chapter where hes great, and Brom has one chapter where hes good, one where hes great, and one where hes indispensable.  
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
fire emblem radiant dawn wii
fire emblem radiant dawn wii
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Wii cheats we have available for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Intellegent Systems Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone-10 Release Date: November 7, 2007
Hidden Skill
In part 1 chapter 4 there is a skill called beastfoe 8 spaces down from the top left corner. Soathe will be able to get it the first time you move over the space.
Desert Secrets
In part IV, level 3, (aka the “desert” level) there are lots of cool things hidden in the sand. There is a super powerful dagger located 9 spaces left and 10 spaces up from the bottom, right-hand corner. Also, there is a miniature 3-space cliff near the upper-right hand part of the battlefield (it faces “southwest”). On the “top” of the cliff (the upper-right-hand corner) there is a hidden daemon card. Make sure to pick these up!
Super Desert Dagger
In part 4, in the desert level, there is a hidden ULTIMATE DAGGER. It does tons of damage but requires SS level dagger to use. I don’t remember exactly where I picked it up, but just walk on the spaces near the intersection of the eastern mountains, the horizontal ridge, and the lower part of the screen. It’s completely worth walking around for a while and even if you can’t use it you can sell it for a LOT of money so try to get it.
Love Is In The Air
Support is good for more than one thing. At the end of the game, if Micaiah has “A” rank support with Sothe, she will marry him. Here’s a list of all the characters that can marry each other:
Elincia + GeoffreyJill + HaarRaven King + Leeane Mist + BoydAstrid + Makalov
Almost Invincible Gatrie
Gatrie is pretty good from the start, but he can be nearly invincible. All you have to do is level him up as much as possible, so give him a master crown or two. Plus, give him lots of items that raise defense. If you do this right, by the time he’s a level 10 marshall, the only enemies that can hurt him are bosses and mages!
How To Get Meg
At the start of Part 1 Chapter 4 go to the info screen and talk to Meg. She is a Level 4 Armor Sword. Her skill isn’t to good when you first get her. So she might have a lot of armor but she still can get hurt
Part 3 Chapter 10 Hint: Protecting Elincia
In Part 3 chapter 10 your goal is to rout the enemy and keep Elincia alive, the easiest way to do this is to rescue her with a gold/ silver night or a marschall, the take her to the bottom left corner of the map and rout the enemy, In this leve there are few things that hit her, but there are 4-5 bow paladins near the boss that hit 30’s on her EACH!
Hidden Master’s Crest
In Part 1 chapter 4 (the first laguz encounter) there is a hidden Master’s Crest. Go to the bottom right of the map then go 2 spaces left and 1 space up.
Free Items
Most bosses have items like gems or skill scrolls, however they will not always give it to you when you kill them, only when the item is red. To get these items take Heather (acquired in part 2 chapter 1) or Sothe (acquired in part 1 chapter 3) and go up to the boss and use the Steal technique, only rougues have this skill. Word of advise for this first press attack and make sure you can withstand the hit the boss will throw at you.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Hard Mode
Successfully complete the game on normal difficulty setting to unlock the hard mode setting.
Part 1, Chapter 3: Speak to him with Laura.
Part 2, Endgame: View the infoconversation before starting the level.
Part 2, Chapter 3: View the infoconversation before starting the level.
Part 1, Chapter 7: Joins automatically ifshe survived 1-6.
Part 4, Endgame: Joins automatically if hesurvived Part 3, Endgame.
Part 2, Prologue: Speak to him with Marcia.
Part 2, Chapter 1: Speak to her with Bromor Nephenee.
Part 3, Chapter 8: Speak to him with Ikeor Reyson (Ulki joins too).
Part 4, Endgame: Joins automatically afterviewing Ike’s memory scene (second playthrough orhigher).
Part 1, Chapter 4: View the info conversationbefore starting the level.
Part 1, Chapter 7: Joins automaticallywhen Tormod is recruited.
Part 4, Endgame (5): Joins automatically ifhe survived Part 4, Endgame (3).
Part 4, Chapter 4: Speak to him with Rafiel.
Part 4, Chapter 2: Joins automatically ifhe survived Part 3, Chapter 13 (second playthroughor higher).
Part 4, Endgame: View the infoconversation before starting the level.
Part 4, Chapter 3: Move Micaiah, Lethe, orMordecai onto the tile 11 up & 1 left from thebottom-right corner.
Part 1, Chapter 7: Speak to him with Sothe.Ulki: Part 3, Chapter 8: Speak to him with Ike orReyson (Janaff joins too).
Part 1, Chapter 7: Joins automatically whenTormod is recruited.
Part 4, Chapter 5: Pay him 3000G withBastian or Elincia.
Part 1, Chapter 5: View the infoconversation before the level.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
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adelle-ein · 7 years
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endless list of otps // femslash february 2018 ➝ heather and nephenee (fire emblem: radiant dawn)
nephenee...what a cute name. i’m heather. pleased to meet you...it looks to me like you have an uphill battle to fight. i bet i can help you out. // but you... // don’t worry about it. i’m the type that likes to help nice country girls like you. tee hee...this is turning out to be a great day!
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tellius · 8 years
Instant Family
by SaraJaye
Heather brings home a surprise for Nephenee, who already has a surprise for her.
Words: 703, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fire Emblem: Soen no Kiseki/Akatsuki no Megami | Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Heather (Fire Emblem), Nephenee (Fire Emblem), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Heather/Nephenee
Additional Tags: Adoption, Lesbian Moms, Cats, Post-Game(s), Family Fluff, Pickpockets, sassy little girls
read on Ao3: http://ift.tt/2kdGpy7
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