#s: mareeta and nanna
mina7756 · 19 days
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I drew Mareeta and Nanna for Thracia 776's 25th anniversary!
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yanderefairyangel · 10 months
Alright so I remember reading someone trying to show that chapter 10 was badly done because "ackshually Alear didn't committed a mistake they fall into a trap and the only way to avoid it was to go to Solm so writing bad uwu" who I don't remember the author however...
Anyway. I am currently watching playthrough of Thracia cause I don't have the time to play it and it seems that chapter 10 of Engage and Alear being trapped by Hyacinth is a wink to Leif failing to rescue Nana in chapter 3 of Thracia and instead getting captured so....
Spoilers below
Basically in Thracia, Nana and Mareeta, Leif's childhood friend got kidnapped by Raydrik and Leif has to go to Manster to rescue them. On the way he meet Augustus after geeting rid of the pirates in Ys and in chapter 3 he arrrived a Kergeros' Gate.
Just like Alear who only went there to save King Morion, Leif's only objective is to save Nanna and Mareeta. Leif needs to go through this fortress to go to Manster.
Augustus warn Leif that this fortress is a base to keep the children that are soon to be used to feed Loptus. Leif will then tell Augustus that they will part ways and that he must save the children. Augustus warns Leif.... that the player can use a special mechanic to have the cavalier dismount their horse to pass through the gates and to use resue to save the children.... that's it.
So basically this person, when it comes to chapter 10 was saying that Marth never told Alear to just go to Solm and leave Morion... but the thing is that the only reason why they went to Elusia in the first place was to go save Morion... no other reason. Leif too is being busy saving his childhood friends and a bunch of other people instead of preparing the revolution he was supposed to prepare....that said. Marth still warned Alear about how they should retreat at the first sign of danger, even if it means abandonning King Morion which is already kinda something for MARTH to say that. You know the kind and brave Marth. However, in Leif situation... Augustus never warned him about a potential trap... even though it's an ennemy fortress. Marth warned Alear... Augustus didn't. That's already a big difference here. The way Alear showed their immaturity was an overconfidence in the Emblems showing their dependance while Leif only showed denial upon learning that there is child hunts.
Some will argue that Alear could actually do go to Solm directly while Leif would be forced to go through the fortress anyway to rejoin Manster... but that's disproven by Thracia itself since Augustus goes to Manster directly meaning that unlike Marth that at least warned Alear about the danger, Augustus let his naive and unexperienced 15 lord go save people without even warning him of the danger of taking this operation. He does wish him good luck and comparing him, an human to Marth, an Emblem that can sense Sombron's presence isn't the same. But the point is here : Alear was at least aware of the risk. Leif on the other hand had no idea.
So if we must act as if Alear didn't commited a strategical mistake because "they were trapped"... so was Leif. He and a handful of soldier were able to take over a fortress and save all the children in there. He was trapped too since it was when he was left alone for a brief moment that Raydrik appeared with Nanna as an hostage to force Leif to take the weapon down. Acting as if it was a mistake on Leif's part to not run away and leave Nanna is nonsensical since other then being is childhood friend/love interest, Leif's objective was to save her. Just as Alear's was to save King Morion ever since chapter 9. And that's not even the first time Alear needs to help their friend save their parents, not even the last : in chapter 5, you successfully save Queen Eve. In chapter 14, you successfully save Queen Seforia. The main difference is that Marth told Alear to at least try to retreat as fast as possible if something were to go wrong, even if King Morion is still alive, even if he can still be rescued. Even though it was the whole point of them going to Elusia in the first place. If chapter 10 doesn't count as Alear committing a mistake because trap, so is Leif in chapter 3 going into the fortress enemy to save the children and then being blackmailed by Raydrik. If you are gonna act as if Alear didn't failed in this chapter because "it wasn't out of their own fault, it was because trapp" then the same goes for Leif since it's not his recklessness that is to blame, it's Raydrik popping up with Nanna as a bargain to trap and arrest him.
"But Nanna told him to run !" and ? Even if Nanna didn't said anything or would have begged for help Leif would have still being in the same position because blackmailling him this way is nothing more then a trap. He obviously couldn't refuse to help Nanna not matter how you phrase it and not because of any other reason then she is someone who means to him. And that is the precise reason why Alear, trap or not, would have accepted to stay in the cathedral to help Diamant and Alcryst to save their father as shown by the way they said their name.
"But Alcryst and Diamant's reaction prevent it from being Alear's fault !" How ? First off, the dialogue in chapter 11 pretty much as them acknowledge that they are partly to blame. Alfred tells Alear they had no way to prevent what happened. And Ivy got one of her line cut by the localization but in the JP version of this dialogue where she says and I quote " Are you the reason why the Divine one's judgement got clouded ? What a stupid decision". This means that Ivy is blamming the Brodian brother for causing Alear to make a stupid decision that cause them to be trapped.... meaning that according to Ivy, Alear and co would still have had a chance had they not "clouded" Alear's judgement. In other words... even if Alcryst and Diamant expressed their refusal to leave... Ivy still admitt that it was Alear's decision.... hmmm... incredible how for some reason the localization decided to cut this line.
"But Ivy is biased for Alear and she wasn't even in the cathedral !" Ivy herself in the map of chapter 11 will admit that she returned in Destinea to try to talk to Hyacinth, hence the reason she was able to take Lyn's ring who was clearly in the cathedral since the custcene where Sombron eats Hyacinth shows her ring falling on the ground. She herself said she retrieved Lucina and Lyn's ring from the cathedral.
And finally, the aftermarth. Chapter 4 to 6 of Thracia are all about Leif and his friends trying to escape from prison. There was a great loss in the mean time as Evelyn got turned into stone and Mareeta is being possesed by en evil sword. However... none of this is Leif's fault. Evelyn realized that Leif got trapped and decided to surrender to help him from the inside, leading to her having to fight against Raydrik's pitfighters and protect Nanna while Leif and the people he escaped with help them escape. But the whole Evelyn turning into a statue and Mareeta being possessed had nothing to do with Leif being reckless. Mareeta was already given the sword prior to this chapter. Leif and his team successfully saved Nanna, Evelyn turning into a statue was all the work of Veld to prevent Evelyn from succefully escaping. And Leif having to leave her is even adressed by the plot itself since it's only by listening to Augustus that Leif accept to give up on saving her for the meantime... so... yeah. The only falw that Leif showed in this moment was the extent of his naivety and blindness since he kept denying the horrible truth Augustus was telling him about and his rage about thinking the parents did nothing to help their kids, but he still accepted to let go of Evelyn and listen to Augustus...that's the one moment where Augustus call him out on his impulsivty but... that's clearly not what got Leif to be trapped in chapter 3 since Augustus was ok with him attacking the fortress so that's completely unrelated to say that Leif committed a mistake whereas Alear didn't when Alear gets called out for the flaws they displayed !!!
Yes, Alear in chapter 11 gets called out by Lyn and Lucina but not about the cathedral fiasco since these two weren't there when Marth told Alear to retreat as soon as possible so of course, they can't scold them for that. What they scold them for was their behaviour after losing the rings : not accepting the loss. The same flaw Sombron displayed. After Veyle stole the rings, Alear is furious and refuse to run away, even in the map of chapter 11 they refuse to do so and are shown trying to save the Emblems no matter what. That is what Lyn and Lucina noticed and calle them out for since Alear immediately was planning to find a way to save the Emblems rather then go to Solm. It's only when Lyn and Lucina lectured them that Alear decide to listen to them.
So to be clear, I am not saying that Engage did better then Thracia or Thracia better then Engage. I am saying that Leif and Alear were in the EXACT same situation so that if you have to point Alear has not being blammed because "trapped akshually uwu" then the same applies to Leif.
My stance is that both committed a strategical mistake that made them fall into a trap and both showed flaws that were rightfully called out by their mentor figure.
But if your stance is "Alear didn't failed or wasn't shown failing because trap" then the same applies to Leif, no matter how naive the guy show he is.
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randomnameless · 1 year
Ah oui. Le fameux S support de Nel et Rafal. Bah c'est just le "vous en faites pas en realité cest pas de l'inceste" que tous les jeux de fire emblem ont depuis que Daraen pouvait se marier avec Aversa. Enfin bon, rien de bien méchant et la au moins le seul problème qu'il pouvait y avoir c'est biologiquement. C'est pas comme Corrin qui peu se marier avec ceux qu'il prennaient pour ses frères et soeurs parce qu'ils ont été elevé ensemble. Et ça doit être des plaintes de gens nouveaux dans la série, parce que Fire emblem est célèbre pour ces cas de fausse inceste. S'il ne peuvent pas supporter un simple "oui mais ils ne sont pas de la même famille parce que il y a 2 sombron qui sont 2 personne differentes" ils ne vont pas surivivre Judgral.
Techniquement c'est pas de l'inceste, mais la simple possibilité que ce ship se réalise joue sur ce genre de fantasmes ?
Au final je pense que c'est un troll, comme Kaga qui avait lancé le "ptet que Sylvia et Claude ont des liens de parenté ohoho" dans un sbs si je me souviens bien (dispo sur SF !), mais comme tu le dis, si le Fandom de fire emblem se met à prendre tout au super sérieux...
Après quoi, on va accuser les fans de blagounettes sur Sigurd et le bbq de méchants méchants qui rient de la souffrance d'autrui et s'adonnent à l'immolation à leurs heures perdues ?
Enfin, je me faisais des runs de Fe4 où Lex! Larcei se marie avec son cousin de Dozel et où Patty peut finir avec son cousin Lester... Qui est le fils de la jumelle de sa mère ? Sans oublier Fe5, le meilleur fe de la série, qui clôt le couple Leif/Nanna par Mareeta qui lance le "fais lui ta déclaration, sinon tu vas rester sa petite sœur pour le vie !" donc bon, si engage fait peur pour des persos issus d'univers alternatifs, je n'ose même pas imaginer le bordel que Jugdral va créer !
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adelle-ein · 5 years
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FEFemslash20, sprite edition based on this prompt list!
Here’s batch three! click for captions/prompts, you can also see them the day they’re uploaded on my twitter.
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gascon-en-exil · 6 years
Finn/Lachy for the meme, since we did wonder a while back how this ship became large (or loud) enough in the JP fandom to influence FE5's development.
Yeah, I still have no idea how this one got off the ground other than the circumstantial evidence of Nanna joining with Finn and Leif. Even leaving aside my preference for gay Finn, one of the major thematic thrusts of FE5 is the dismantling of many of the explicit and implied themes of the preceding game. People lacking connections to specific bloodlines can make a difference in the world for good or ill, and family can be about something other than biology. It’s still weird to me that, in a story where Eyvel and Mareeta exist and where Finn is raising a boy who is definitely not his son, so much was made of Nanna getting referred to as Finn’s daughter.
As for the ship itself, they’re both coping with the loss of major figures in their lives who were also objects of their affections(?), but as a foundation for a stable relationship goes that one’s pretty bad. That’s not even getting into their precarious living circumstances during the years they were together. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I actually prefer a Lachesis who never fully moves on from Eldigan. Her life from the time she joins Sigurd’s army is one big snowballing mess, and it doesn’t seem logical to me that in the midst of all of that she’d somehow become well-adjusted enough to overcome her grief at her brother’s death and settle into an emotionally fulfilling relationship with another man - especially one who’s got his own hang-ups he’s not fully over and a bunch of extenuating circumstances that would make committing to a stable relationship nearly impossible for anyone.
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banished-away · 7 years
looking through the cipher twitter, here are some Opinions (TM) (in order as i scroll down their twitter):
myrrh looks adorable!!!!
J O S H U A. i dont like the card too much but its not bad
the innes card looks drawn by senri kita????? i am blessed???
both the twin’s art is by wada!
they made a card out of the spider that attacks the villagers in that one chapter. w h y
there are 4 cards by mayo of character i cant recognize. i think they are new mascots?
matching art of the kannas! they have waaay to many cards but the new ones are pretty
shigure and dying azura card :’(
the veronica card is gorgeous!
both sharena and alphonse have two cards, two of them by kozaki, all of them quite pretty!
iago and hans cards.
two nice cards of our favorite party man izana!
shiro and siegbert both got a card with their fathers. the shiro and ryoma one is by rika suzuki!
more kannas. again, i dont think we need more
anankos card. nothing to say
lara. poor lara. she has an horrible underboob. its not like her entire character backstory is about her being a former child slave dancer.
a dean card!
halvan and fergus!
lifis got a nice card, but he doesnt look like an asshole like he does in fe5 :C
another leaf! not a fan of it tbh
poor dear nanna. they gave her lots of armpit and put that metal chestplate on bare skin. its painful just to look at it
however safy has a pretty card!!!
and some leaf cards we already saw. im glad the boy got a lot of cards
sadly we didnt get any saias, reinhardt, olwen or galzus cards yet. there is still plenty of time however, and they will probably announce more in the future, so im not worried too much.
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randomnameless · 2 years
How about 31 Some moments of Fire Emblem you keep thinking of?
Keep thinking of?
There are a lot of them, Rhea jumping in the frey to save the people from Garreg Mach, Eliwood's mistake with Ninian, Elincia's speech to Ludveck where she roasts him, Innes trying to look cool by firing Gerik'n'pals...
FE5's Mother and Child - the chapter, how it plays, everything, it just takes the cake. It shows Raydrick's pettiness, Eyvel never retaliating against Mareeta and trying to call her back, the gameplay where you have to protect Nanna - who is hiding behind Eyvel's back, healing her hoping Leif will come and save them or just, Mareeta will return to her sense - Raydrick being afraid, Veld doing his magic just for Raydric's lols and Galzus taking Mareeta away with his ominous "..." - complete with the end of the chapter, Galzus saving Mareeta and giving her to a clueless Saias who immediately guesses what is their link, to Leif and Nanna wanting revenge because of the immediate loss they just suffered.
Damn, after "and here is Toxic Mom (tm) the new mascot of the game!" it stings hard!
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randomnameless · 7 years
apologies for the lack of activity
but hey the FE5 manga came home! It alternates between silly and heartwarming stories (there are 15 short (a few pages) stories drawn by different artists in it)
I’ll scan them later but if you to know what this is about
first one is, i think, the story of how Eyvel and Dagda met, Othin meets Tany (i think he and Halvan and Eyvel are storming Dagda’s mansion?), Othin knocks Tanya out, Eyvel pwns Dagda but at the end everything seems to be settled (everyone is smiling?)
then the second story is about Sara,  think they’re in Manster (eyvel’s there) and she takes a stroll through a forest, kills a random bandit but her tome breaks and she is lost, and she thinks about her friensd in Leif’s group, but then thinks about Manfroy (maybe he told her that she can’t have friends because she is from the loptyr sect?) - leif decides to look for her (Galzus, Shiva, Tanya and some other people go too) and when the random bandit’s friends come to kill Sara Leif&co (rather Tany and Mareeta) kill them, then Tanya hugs Sara and she cries, but ultimately everything ends well, Eyvel is smiling and the sun is shining. (i really liked this one because it’s not only about Leif and Nanna being friends with Sara, but Mareeta, Eyvel, Safy and Tanya hugs her at the end, maybe they bonded over growing up in a with weirdos?)
the third one is in the silly category, basically it’s Leif&co thinking on how to deal with Shiva when they’re storming Lifis’ hideout, and then the guy pops up with Safy during that chapter where you reunite with Finn.
i didn’t undersstodd the fourth one, i think Finn and nanna (rather Nanna) is complaining about their lack of funds, and then Leif gets rekt, tries to hang out with Shiva and ultimately goes to wear clothes straight out from the 70s (or he wants to but Nanna says no)
Fifth one is how Finn and Homeros deal with their issue, mainl Nanna (because Finn noticed how Homeros always hangs out with her), they seem to argue in a comic fashion, then Homeros saves Finn’s life (that’s what he gets for trying to use lances indoor) and they seem to have gone over their silly bickering (homeros tries to deny saving Finn, it’s just that Nanna’d be sad if he died?) but then he flirts with her again and they’re back to square one
this one is about Lifis’ adventures with Pahn and Lara, I think he wants to impress Safy but fails.
again one with Lifis, Leif gets the flu (it’s contagious!), but still manages to end the chapter? But it was a fluke, actually Lifis pretended to be Leif (he got to be the lord seizing the throne for one day?) and i think Safy supports him.
The eight one is about Safy, she tries to heal people but fails because this is FE5, then she questions her purpose but Shiva cheers her up (and gets hit with a meteor on the way).
The next one is about aht dreaded chapter where Gomez plans his coup, Tanya and Dagda are in their dark room, and Tanya reminisces abut her first meeting with Othin/Halvan, and who comes to save her? Othin, of course! (by breaking a wall poor Dagda we’re ruining his mansion)
I didn’t understadnt this one, is during chapter 1, Tanya and Dagda meet Leif and Eyvel when they want to save Fiana, Othin and Tanya visit a house and then? that’ s it? Maybe i’d understand better with GT
in this one we see Karin and Fergus (and Lara too, and Karin’s pegasi!), Karin is hiding in a forest, she is hurt and a random with a bow is lurking, but when he is about to kill her Fergus rides to her rescue, they bicker and it’s all good. Karin then complains to Lara, they talk about Ced but then the discussion shifts to Fergus, then they go spy on him and Brighton who are napping/talking under a tree, and ultimately, Karin chases him again because he said sometihng dumb.
okay so this one is pure silly and i was just wtf during a few days, but it’s a scene in chapter 1 (again) where Halvan is jealous of Othin who got his broken!axe, so he wants one too and his sister says she met a strange lady in a lake, but instead of giving her a choice between two axes she gave her.. a Lex statue? ultimately Halvan picks it, and fights with his statue (???) Finn is appealed and they decide to let it rest near a tree. WTF?
this one is a bit strange too, MAchua tries to fight with LEif’s light brand, but it doesn’t work, so she gives it back to LEif, Birghton notices how she seems sad so when she and Leif are training their swords are thrown away (under the impact?), Nanna, Lara and Brighton suspicioulsy go to pick them, and then Brighton wears a fake beard (is he trying to copy the lady of the lake?) and asks Machua what sword she’d like, the light brand or her iron one? Leif picks his a bit embarassed and Machua is pissed at Lara and Brighton.
this one is a bit more serious (a lot?) and is about Tina’s story, how she was captured (?) by Pahn’s group (she fell in a trap with a net), she’s afraid he will make her work like a slave but he asks her to heal one of his friends, Salem. Then Salem has a flashback on how his former loptyr friends tried to murder him, then he talks with Tina, they mention Leif, Seliph (?) and Safy, everything seems to end well but Phan comes with a bug and scares Tina away. What a jerk!
Last one is about Eyvel finding a stranger, and while she nurses him to health Leif and Nanna are worried about everything, Othin wants to play with Nanna but Leif scares him off (or at least he tries to). Othin is pissed to he pranks Leif with the traditional “pithole but with mud on top so you can’t see it’s a pithole”, Leif falls, they throw mud (and fists?) at each other, but in the end they’re laughing. Eyvel comes to see what’s going on, Othin apologises for hitting the prince but Leif doesn’t mind, and Finn wakes up and smiles. the end!
Granted this is rather rough, i didn’t even use the google app to see what everything was really about but at least it gives some broad overview about what this manga is about. I’m kind of happy some characters that aren’t really touched upon in other mangas/books/comics like Brighton or Tina and Salem and Pahn or the Othin-Tanya-Halvan dynamic. But if there is a thing i really loved, it’s the Sara short story. I think it’s the first one i’ll scan.
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randomnameless · 7 years
the cipher stream has ended!
I’m not super fond of promoted!Nanna’s armor but her sword (is it the earth sword) is gorgeous and it’s clear that this nanna is made for war not for tea parties thrown in Nodion’s estate. I can’t say anything about Safy though, she’s cool and her clothes are quite detailed. I wonder what staff she is using
Diarmuid smirking, i thought at first he was Fergus but no. I rally like this card though, for some reason i can’t explain (he doesn’t have a cravat)
Halvan is capturing a loldier and Fergus is... uh, well Delmud could pass for a knight/noble, Fergus is just, Fergus. I don’t understand though how he is riding his horse, is he dismounting or something?
Mareeta has pants but her colors are kind of weird, someone on discord said it reminded him (?) of some space show or something? I can’t really see what’s going on but hey, it’s better than the first ciphre card. If you liked Hannibal you will like Deen (from jugdral! why they needed to add from jugdral are there other deen around? oh wait i frogot that guy in echoes if you kill Sonya), his dragons looks menacing! and the dragon lance looks like a jousting lance.
Lara is not wearing much, as expected of a dancer but i like the colors on her card! 
Loptyr heard our prayers and Sara avoided the moe hammer (the kanas got it) while Lifis is doing what he does best, and lol to his wanted poster. The sara card is, imo, the best one released so far for the FE5 set (or maybe i say best because i was afraid she’d get the Lana treatment)!
then fates stuff, kanas, Siegbert et Shiro, Izana, Hans + Iago, Shigure holding a dying Azura, double Kana from the DLC, then heroes stuff, Alfonse, Sharena and Veronica, then new characters and finally
FE8′s heroes
Magvel’s one and only Garcia being awesome, a Bael (you know those ugly spiders?) going to eat civilians, Eirika and Ephraim, Innes shooting at something, Joshua playing with a pouch of gold and Myrrh befriending birds (don’t forget your dragonstone Myrrh!).
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randomnameless · 7 years
i was thinking about fe5 lately and i thought how could a remake fail with one of IS’ ideas of pleasing the fans, and i happened on Jeigan!Raquie instead of Eyvel
i tried to be salt free but it didn’t work
prologue : you have Raquie and Finn running away from dragons, they’re rescuing Nanna/Leif (and can’t drop them!) and have to escape a map - then storywise they are caught, Raquie give Nanna to Finn, makes a last stand (tm) to buy him time and the map ends
IS pros : Raquie goes missing because she fights, not because she abandons Nanna and Finn during a dire time because she suddenly remembers her son
cons : poor Delmud never weighted on his mom’s mind
then the beginning chapters would change, the girls get captured, Finn and Eyvel fight against Raydrick’s goons but when the map is over, the goons takes the girls away but wait, Raquie comes out from a bush and saves them both! Then she becomes playable and here you have your master knight jeigan.
IS pros : Master knight Jeigan! And another mounted unit to capture things more reliably
cons : Raquie takes Eyvel’s place, Eyvel is “at home” and protects the village
then how will be Raquie stoned? Easy, Nanna will follow a NPC villager called Anthony who isn’t shady at all, wanting to help him and his family, Raquie’d tell her not to follow but Nanna won’t listen to her (she might still be angry), Nanna’d be captured, Leif surrenders etc... Then Raquie fights in Raydrick’s arena to protect her daughter, but ends up stoned by Veld’s evil magic.
IS pros : kind of faithful to the original, Jeigan gets stoned to protect her child, Raquie has an “acceptable end”
cons : no Eyvel + Nanna endangers everyone because she dislikes her mom :’(
So FE5 happens as usual (Mareeta joins later because she wanted to help her siblings and Eyvel said “ok” and sent her away, she met Saias on the way who gave her a magical sword), Dagda and co decide to join Leif in his quest because they’re interested in whoever sits on Leonster’s throne, not because of the rescue Eyvel plan just like the Fiana boys, and in 24x we rescue Raquie!
IS pros : a family is reunited, and Raquie has a meaningful long convo at the end of 24x with Delmud, who joined to meet his mom + no secret identities or gesh things that might annoy everyone + reveal that no Delmud isn’t Finn’s kid
super IS pro : as a statue Raquie heard loptyr goons talking about other people like her (she’s badass she can hear even when she is a statue) which kind of justify the third DLC for the FE4 remake where you strom Yied to find survivors of the last war
cons : no Eyvel, no children loving her even if she isn’t their bio mom which kinds of defeat, imo, one of FE5′s themes (family isn’t blood) + Raquie “must be” a good mom so her arc gets totally rewritten and IS can’t tolerate that one of the 1st gen characters cannot be a “good mom” because of tropes or stupid things like that.
Well, given how SOV went, i’m sure this will never happen and i’m just worrying about nothing. And yet, as someone said
“But remember, FE fan. (...) Remember... As long as there is hope, there will always be salt...”
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