#s: kaganette
Of Patience and Pettiness
By: BelleAmant 
Ship: Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Félix Graham de Vanily/Kagami Tsurugi 
Minor Ships: Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Félix Graham de Vanily, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Status: Complete
Salt: Chloé Bourgeois Sugar, Juleka Couffaine Sugar, Rose Lavillant, Nathaniel Kurtzberg Sugar, Caline Bustier Sugar, MiracuClass Sugar, Adrien Agreste Salt, Alya Césaire Salt, Lila Rossi Salt, Caline Bustier Salt, MiracuClass Salt
Marinette is a patient girl. She always has been, but even she has a limit.
A.K.A., the story where Marinette is done and realizes that sometimes, it's up to her to create her narrative.
This won't be as frequently updated as my other story, but I hope you all will enjoy my salt!
Opinion: This is the perfect amount of Pettiness for Pettinette. Marinette is rightfully upset but doesn’t completely cut them offer let the MiracuClass sink. Well written and well thought out and I think it is the type of Classic Fic that anyone in the fandom should read so long as they like Marinette.
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grabowskibeepboop · 1 year
Before introducing my fandoms, I just want to say that my blog is meant to be a safe space where I share my ideas and thoughts and you're free to share yours, and nothing related to harassment or that is agains the law is meant to be taken seriously, unless it's talked about seriously. There will also be a lot of complaining, especially about tumblr.
Also description is supposed to be read on phone screen, and if you're on desktop feel free to open my custom html, it's not much but it took some time
So I mostly only downloaded the app for Wednesday and tylorpe/wenclair, but I do also like:
[-fandom(main ship/s)]
-BnHA(BkDk, KrKm, SrRk, yada yada)
-Sk8 The Infinity(c'mon, every ship is obvious)
-EddsWorld(Tomtord/Eddmatt, ikik don't ship real people, I ship the characters, I don't ship people I don't know enough like my friends or people that do fanservice)
-I used to like Miraculous but I haven't watched it in a while, I do plan on catching up with new episodes but I wouldn't say I love it anymore (lukadrien, kaganette, chloebrina, Felix x Wayhem, yada yada all the gays)
-mcyt(I think rn I only watch happyduo, but I was also obsessed with beeduo too, I just miss then so much)
-Helluva Boss
-Harry Potter AND THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I SUPPORT JKR IN ANY WAY (deamus, grindeldore and drarry [with them rasing Teddy Lupin] [also Harry in slytherin is a classic, go watch SuperCarlinBrothers][also haven't seen or read the cursed child but scorbus too])
-Total Drama(Gwen x Courtney, Sha-boyfriends aka Scott x Lightning, duncan x Trent ig, and Macarthur x Sanders)
-Umbrella Academy
-Community(trobed, Annie x Frankie, Jeff x Rich)
-The Good Place(Michael x Shawn)
-Sandman(Gaultienne, Matthew x Morpheus, and just Matthew is fucking amazing, favourite mortal/undead/birbman)
-Daniel Spellbound
-Marvel+Sony's spiderverse(ironstrange, thorquill, spideypool, punkflower, spiderdads, ghostbyte)
-Hunter x Hunter (do I need to explain?)
#gaybo gets a piercing
: about me getting a piercing
: reblogging products I want in the future
#ship tropes
: silly little ship tropes I either came up with or want to admire
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ladyofcreation · 5 years
Upset with Lila and her classmates, Marinette wrestles with herself over whether she's justified in her feelings, and finds herself saved from akumatization by one of the last people she ever would've expected to come to her aid.
I know, I know, everyone and their mother has been writing a salt fic in response to the Chameleon preview. Here's mine, just before the episode comes out.
Kagaminette (Kaganette? Marigami? Geez portmanteaus are troublesome), because I can.
Spoilers, obviously.
Tumblr is apparently making it difficult to find posts containing off-site links, so the “AO3 link” below is actually a link to the post with the link to the fic on AO3. Apologies for the inconvenience, but I would like my work to show up in tags.
Edit: apparently that didn’t work (and the in-site link doesn’t work on mobile, either). So I’ve edited it to be under a cut instead, since it’s short enough.
Things looked different from the back of the classroom.
Marinette often people-watched – it was good for inspiration. Of course, usually she did that by going out to popular public places, tourist attractions, and the like. Not her own classroom. But it was difficult to concentrate on learning when she felt like she had just tried to step on a step that wasn’t there, and about to tumble.
The way everyone had looked at her…for something she hadn’t even said…
She couldn’t think about that. She’d only get angry again, and then she’d do something stupid that’d only make things worse.
But it was so unfair!
But what could she complain about, really? Everyone else was happier in this arrangement. Everyone else got to sit by who they wanted to. If only one person had to be alone, then that was better, strictly speaking.
Though no one had been unhappy with the previous seating arrangement. Though it was so obvious that Lila had manipulated the situation to sit by Adrien.
But everyone else had gotten what they’d wanted out of it. And really, if she’d been there when they’d discussed the seat changes, wouldn’t she have ended up offering to sit in the back herself to make the others happy?
But they didn’t discuss it with her. They’d just sprung it on her without warning. Not even Alya, Alya who’d helped her fight for that seat in the first place…
She was getting upset again. She had to calm down. And if she stayed here, that wasn’t going to happen. Marinette excused herself to the bathroom.
She only made it as far as the locker room, before she became overwhelmed. She sank down against the lockers, hunched up on her knees as she let out a wordless noise of frustration and clenched her fists.
Why, why, why?
Weren’t they her friends? Hadn’t they always been there for her before? Hadn’t she always been there for them? Why, then, were a few fake tears from Lila all it took for them all to turn on her?
Something whizzed past the side of her head, and Marinette jumped, coiling into a fighting position. She didn’t know who or why or what, but she knew immediately that someone had thrown something at her. A foil, she registered half a second later, the object quivering as it stuck out between the lockers; someone had thrown a freaking fencing foil at her.
No…not at her, Marinette realized with growing terror as she saw the akuma pinned under its point. At the akuma.
It had been so close, and she hadn’t even noticed…she could’ve been…
She tried to force herself to be calm, to breathe, but the voice that spoke did nothing to help with that.
“So what’s going on?” Kagami said bluntly. Marinette turned to her, still keeping her eyes on the struggling akuma.
“Nothing! It’s nothing, really.” Of all the people to find her here, why did it have to be the Ice Queen herself? Of course this just had to be one of the times she was here for an early solo fencing lesson. This was the last thing Marinette needed when she could be akumatized any second now.
Kagami gestured at the pinned akuma. “Clearly not.”
“I just need to calm down,” Marinette said, more to herself than Kagami. “And you should go! In case I, in case it…”
“It’s not going anywhere,” Kagami said, again gesturing towards the akuma.
“I…” Marinette said, switching her gaze between the akuma and Kagami. She frowned. “How come it didn’t get absorbed into the blade?”
“Perhaps because, unlike you, I’m not upset at the moment,” Kagami said.
Marinette was…safe. Papillon couldn’t get her. She could…be angry, without risking the safety of the city. She was allowed to be angry, now, just this once. A weight that she hadn’t even realized she was carrying was eased, and perhaps it was that sense of relief and freedom that caused her to spill out her frustrations, when normally Kagami would’ve been one of the last people Marinette would’ve wanted to tell her troubles to.
“It’s…it’s this girl! No, my whole class. She waltzes in, telling these stupid, obvious lies – saved Jagged Stone’s kitten, what a laugh – and everyone believes her! No one questions her but me, and then I’m the bad guy because she makes a sad face! And all because of her, everyone switches the seats around and send me to the back without even asking. And maybe it’s stupid to be so worked up about a stupid seat, but this girl drives me crazy when she just…gets everything she wants with lies and tears, and everyone hates me because I don’t play along. And there’s nothing I can do about it, because the second I call her out, she’ll cry about how mean I am!”
Marinette exhaled, for a moment enjoying the catharsis of letting out her frustrations. But anxiety flooded back in an instant later as she remembered that she was not alone, venting to Tikki, but that Kagami was there with her. She looked up at the other girl, worried that she was going to be laughed at. But Kagami simply stood there as neutrally as ever, and offered her hand to help Marinette up.
“Better now? Because I do need that back,” she said, indicating the foil still pinning down the akuma.
Marinette blinked, as her world was turned on its head with the realization that she had entirely misjudged Kagami before.
Unable to find her words, Marinette accepted Kagami’s hand, her eyes never leaving hers as she was pulled to her feet. Marinette wondered how she had ever thought of Kagami as an ice queen. Because while her voice may have been cool, and her manner aloof, her eyes…
…Her eyes were so warm.
Kagami had shown her kindness in her own way. She had saved Marinette from becoming akumatized, even at risk to herself – had her bid to trap the akuma failed, she would’ve been the first victim to whatever Marinette would’ve become. She’d let Marinette rant and listened to her troubles without any reason to.
“Y…yeah. I’m nine fow…fine now!” Marinette managed.
Kagami withdrew her hand, and Marinette immediately missed its warmth.
“Good,” she said, and retrieved her blade. Weakly, the akuma flew away, and Kagami turned back to Marinette.
“When your usual technique isn’t working against an unfamiliar opponent, you step back, and analyze their technique. Find their weak points, and then strike back when they least expect it. Stay focused, and don’t concern yourself with the spectator’s jeers; it will only distract you.”
Marinette considered the advice. It made sense, of course – it was not unlike how she fought supervillains as Ladybug. But was it right to treat this like a battle?
Perhaps it was worth a shot. After all, she was good at turning battle to her advantage, and it made sense to work with her strengths.
“Thank you,” Marinette said.
Kagami nodded, and turned to leave.
Marinette wasn’t sure what possessed her to do it, but she called out before Kagami vanished.
“Kagami! Uh…um…” she hesitated as Kagami turned back to her, waiting. “Would you, maybe, like to have lunch with me later?”
Kagami looked surprised, and internally, Marinette panicked. Why had she asked that? They weren’t friends or anything, just because Kagami had been nice to her this once, didn’t mean that she wanted to hang out. Now she was just going to think Marinette was weird, and…
But to Marinette’s surprise, Kagami smiled softly, and Marinette felt a sudden warmth spread up from her chest to her cheeks as Kagami.
“I’d like that.”
“Oh…then…s…see you, then,” Marinette said, her composure slipping as Kagami walked away, and she shut her mouth before her words stopped working completely. Her cheeks felt like they were burning, but the rest of her felt comfortably warm.
“Are you going to be alright, Marinette?” Tikki said, poking out. “That was a really close call.”
“Yeah…yeah, I’m alright,” Marinette said, a little breathlessly. She continued to stand there, staring after where Kagami had disappeared.
“Marinette,” Tikki admonished, though there was a knowing smile on her face. “You should go catch up to that akuma before it ruins anyone else’s day.”
“Right!” Marinette said, snapping out of it. “Akuma. Let’s go, Tikki!” With a few words, she was soon sailing through the sky, chasing after the injured butterfly.
And for a moment, her troubles were forgotten, left behind on the ground.
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imthepunchlord · 5 years
Is DjWifi a thing in that LB-AJ setting? I mean, would their setup exist? Does Alya have the attention span to look away from her hero job and notice boys? Is that even a risk she would take before HM is goes down once she gets more serious and invested and comic book tropes with fridged love interests? And does Tikki still do her unhealthy Adrinette goading when he isn't her fated Cat?(lbr tho I'd take any excuse to trash Adrinette even before I was rabid Kaganette trash)
Uh, I’d presume so but in truth I haven’t really thought about DJWifi in this. Them being a couple isn’t the forefront of this set up so yeah, haven’t really thought about them. I presume they happen but that can be changed. 
But to answer some, while Alya embraces the heroic side of life, I can’t see her being aware or concerned about dating someone while she’s a secret hero, immediately. Especially since, while she loves comic book heroes, a lot of them stress the importance of secrecy which in canon she ignores to try and publicly reveal LB’s identity (at least s1 wise). If starting out as a hero, I don’t see this coming to her immediately as something to be nervous about or would put any thought into. 
If she revealed herself publicly and while after the reality of how bad a decision that is, yes, she’d be leery, but no one knowing she’s AJ and having a more safety net, no, she won’t immediately see the issues of dating someone. Those issues would be more gradual and later. In canon, because she’s a temp hero, she gets to enjoy all the perks without the drawbacks. But here, she is a constant hero, and she gets both perks and drawbacks. Like, take take the what if she is dating Nino, he is very patience, able to roll with her dropping out on dates, doesn’t need her tied to his hip 24/7 and has other friends to hang out; but, at some point, he will ask where does she disappear to. And now that she knows better than to share her secret willy nilly, she struggles to deal with Nino wondering where she goes and what’s going on. Its another thing for Alya to learn and realize about being a hero, it changes things, and it makes things harder. 
Since Tikki is canonly supportive of Marinette pursuing her crush, yes, she’d probably still encourage it. Alya would too. Depending on things, it maybe Pollen or their other partner(s) that bring up a possibility to Marinette to move on. 
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naiadqueen · 6 years
why is this flower so SIGNIFICANT SHE’S CHANGING
it’s a dream i hate this
awww look at his fantasies
FUCK his face
why are they talking so candidly all of the sudden
kagami you bitch i love you
plagg NOOOO
her casual clothes i love her
dfkldjflksjflkas BABY nonofjkdfjlajfal
oh fuck this i S SO DUMB
that’s a brutal wake up call
hey actually nice save mari
he’s so fucking cute running off like that
aww mari you are such a good friend
alya is right tho
mylene is so upset by that notion lmao
aww mariiiiii
that is such an accurate representation of girl friend groups
luka you fucking moron I WILL MARRY YOU
the animation looks shit
it looks like a animation test??? the shading is weird....
team gorille
no music??? shyikes
this older boy i-
omg so cute
so boat boy knows how to skate? i call bullshit
the shading is so fucking terrible i feel so jerked out of the scene
also felipe’s eyebrows are.....
this is so awkward just say you’re too lazy to animate background characters ice skating and go
this would be so awkard.... where did they get their skates?? where are the other workers?? a coach wouldn’t have a public rink if they even OWNED  a rink
he convincing himself at this point i d i ot
frozer is the worst name..... ice man
wait stalatikki is so fucking cute
astruc PLEASE give some proper exposition
ok but those treats would be so fucking schnasyty by then
thye look so goodddddddd
climatika did it better lol
ok but it is so unlike him to be this sulky WHAT IS CONSISTNECY
and i had to swtich to the pr dub
where did everyone go
yeah of fucking course he went to the eiffel tower where else would a villain go
the episode spent so long on the romance bit that this villain aint shit
was chat just chilling
awwww thats so cute
it’s a beso fucking chill with the american centrism
luka is so cute
jesus i fucking knew it
say it bitch say it
but though he would be like “i love you too! like a friend!! thank you !!!”
a TAD overhyped tbqh
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specificity-archive · 6 years
three fandoms
rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag some friends
i was tagged by @this-was-a-terrible-idea​ (luv ya bean!)
i choose:
miraculous ladybug
avatar the last airbender
voltron legendary defender
the first character you loved:
marinette dupain-cheng
the character you never expected to love so much:
kagami tsurugi
the character you relate to the most:
adrien agreste (very very different in front of public/family vs in front of close friends, bad relationship with overprotective and manipulative parent(s), initially structured my life and future career around what parents wanted, zero chill around (very specific) cute girls, so many bad puns, impulse control??? what is thaaaat, and jeans)
tossup between aang and toph?
idek i relate to all of them but only a small amount each i guess? maybe a bit more lance than the rest
the character you’d slap:
garbage agreste (lmao, who else?) maybe mme mendeliev a little bit cause she reminds me of teachers who made high school hell for me
ozai! who burns a small boy and sends him on an exile quest for daring to open his mouth and not wanting to fight his own dad???
idek, man... lotor maybe? he’s fascinating but s u s p i c i o u s and i don’t trust that easily
three favorite characters (in order of preference):
don’t do this to meeeeee
marinette dupain-cheng, alya cesaire, adrien agreste
aang, katara, toph (tbh katara and toph tie and they’re very close to aang)
allura, pidge, lance (or hunk! don’t make me choose!)
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
le papillon? he was never a good villain but he was a hilarious one, and when his identity turned out to not be a red herring it just. destroyed whatever mild amusement i regarded him with. now he’s just a bad guy, a bad villain, and a bad dad. 100% garbage agreste
i love all my kids don’t do this to me
^same as above
a character you did not like at first but now do:
chloé bourgeois
... mai, i guess? i never really disliked her but i do like her better now than i did before
lotor! i know i said i'd slap him three questions ago but he’s a fun and interesting character and his story could really go in any direction at this point and i enjoy that potential.
three otps (in no order):
alyanette, kaganette, lovesquare
kataang, sukka, zukka
hance, allurance, klance
i tag @megatraven, @sadrien-depreste, and anyone who wants to do this!
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