#s: ot4
mullomohiam · 5 months
This scene is excellent I think they should pass Frank around like this more
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bandsanitizer · 2 months
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oh how I missed them
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s-ilueta · 3 months
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cosmojjong · 1 year
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new polaroids of jonghyun from his harper's bazar photoshoot!!
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kiofkissy · 26 days
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240830 Tyla's Twitter Update
Tyllaaaaaaa: 2024, Korea
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kissoflifenet · 3 months
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kiof instagram update
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Lilith would absolutely adopt a retired racing greyhound: a poorly socialized creature bred for one purpose, the discarded once they were no longer useful to those i charge.
Also as the owner of a part greyhound, I think Lilith would really enjoy what pedantic little bastards they can be. They're all about loopholes and technicalities; they read the rulebook cover to cover, so they can learn how to get around them
YOU SEE MY VISION!!! YES!!! She has one of those pedantic asshole dogs and she loves it even if her partners don't necessarily lmao. Beatrice can't find it in her to be upset when she finds that the dog has stolen yet another sandwich off the coffee table because, in its defense, she only specified no stealing food from the countertop.
Of course it is Camila's little baby baby boy and must be addressed as such. Ava and the puppy run around the yard at breakneck speeds and they both consider it to be the pinnacle of fun 🥰🥰
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nyoomfruits · 10 months
Okay so, really creepy in a ‘can-this-still-be-considered-a-coincidence’-way, but I was just about to ask you if you’d ever consider writing some Charles/Lando/Max/Oscar, when I saw that ask you answered earlier, about you already having written a couple of drabbles about them.
But it tells me that the demand is high 😈😏
i mean. i'll have to give the people what they want right???? but honestly. i love this dynamic if i ever figure out a way to write a Big Fic about these four its OVER for you guys
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autistic-sidestep · 1 year
uh oh thinking abt cyranga again. TWO gay telepaths committing crimes and being the biggest headache known to man (one very exasperated marshal). ortega is also involved cos sura and cyrus are both (at least Aiming for) steelchargesteps in their own verses
first the only time they'd get along was when they were annoying chen, (then getting to gradually trust eachother and the peak of that being the nanosurge) but now sura's miraculously alive post-hb (and doing a shit job of pretending they didn't know that) and they're theyre getting on even better than before…
also @geek-o13 thought abt Mia interviewing Helios and Argos and they keep bantering off of each other and going off track
Mia: there's been some speculation about the nature of your relationship"
cyrus saying something like "[argos] is my partner in this hell hole" and suranga responding "wow, romantic"
cue the heligos fanclub going insane
+ the rangers having to do a press junket with more villain fridge headlines (and cos someone on the rangers pr team found the AO3 page of rangers rpf and panicked) and poor Chen is forced to give a speech that basically sums up to "please stop shipping us with villains."
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summer-eighty-five · 5 months
unpopular music opinion:
the overblown hatred of jesy nelson getting post her leaving little mix was pushed by online tabloid rags, gossip content farms and fans that never liked her in the fucking first place. I just want to be clear this isn’t excusing jesy’s own behaviour. but to fucking diminish her own very much clear mental health struggles as a way to push the narrative that she’s as evil as a corrupted politician is just vile.
also to make another point, making fun of the other three girls for mentioning jesy in a positive manner just shows that y’all don’t care about these women as human beings. y’all see them as fictionalized versions of themselves which is just gross behaviour.
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
🧥 for your muse to give my muse their jacket when it’s cold out (Pogue giving his jacket to Jayn because she's probably not as used to chilly autumn evenings as he is~)
Jayn always had mixed feelings about September. It was her birthday month (and Caleb's), and she took an odd sense of pride in being a Virgo. September meant that Spooky Season was near--but it also meant that school had already begun. And it was the month when most of the day would be a hot 85 degrees...until the sun decided to go home for the evening and drop things down to 50 degrees. The big drop hadn't happened, so Jayn hadn't brought a jacket on her date with Pogue. REGRET, her mind and all the teeny hairs on her skin screamed as she and her boyfriend left the gelateria. Mind you, the only reason they were outside was because she'd started to get sleepy, given the amount of carb-laden, delicious, perfect food in her tummy.
It was all Pogue's fault. He'd endured her griping, worrying, and (a tiny bit of) crying concerning the big Modern Greek III test Jayn had. She loved hearing Greek, but trying to conjugate the words, not to mention remember all the grammatical rules, was so confusing to her. Their group put in extra effort to help her study and just support her in general, until she finally had to confront the test on her own. Somehow, she scraped by with a B+. Pogue rewarded her with a surprise date, picking her up on his motorcycle as usual. Pastries and coffee, then a trip to a science museum (it was for Pogue's homework but they had fun), the most AMAZING Italian food, and a showing of one of Pogue's favorite movies (The Boondock Saints; Jayn liked it because she enjoyed both violence and young Sean Patrick Flanery), and finally they ended the day by picking up some gelato to go. They'd planned to stop at some of the shops, but they were both starting to get tired. As usual, they would drive back with leftovers. If either of them began to doze off, Jayn would teleport them back to Caleb's. Neither of them had anticipated how cold it would get.
Jayn yelped right as Pogue cursed under his breath. He was able to adjust in a couple of seconds, having gone through mini snowstorms in Massachusetts before. But poor Jayn was a California girl--one who had never been to Tahoe, one who loved and preferred Southern California's mid-70s to the current 50s. "Jay?"
"Hm? y-yES?" she squeaked, trying to get Pogue going with her in a brisk fast walk. In her mind, they just had to hurry. Soon enough, they'd be on the motorcycle, hopefully, surrounded by the warm winds of freedom instead of cold breezes--
Pogue was laughing. Curious, Jayn turned around. "Jay..baby, c'mere."
"You're freezing. C'mere." She pouted and frowned, mad that he was laughing at her discomfort. He always loved how emotive she was, even though she could be a little crazy sometimes. At least she wasn't keeping how she felt a secret from him. Pogue took off his beloved leather jacket, holding it so his girlfriend could put it on. Her eyes widened in surprise.
"Pogue! No! I can't--no. Then you're gonna be cold." Damn. The way she cared for him always made him feel special.
"Then you can warm me up when we get home." It was so easy to make her flustered, even though they'd been dating for a while now.
"Yeah, okay, fine." Jayn carefully moved the bag holding their gelato from one hand to another as he helped her put his jacket on. They both laughed--his sleeves were several inches longer than her arms, so much so that he took the bag from her hands and just let her flail around.
"Haha, alright Little Penguin Love, c'mon before you freeze."
"Little?!--my gods, Pogue--ugh, fine." He turned to go, and she stopped him by gently bumping into his side. Jayn managed to grip his sides (sort of). "Thank you. For everything: putting up with my venting, and inability to decide on food, and my--" He interrupted her with a kiss. Rude, the logical, boring part of her brain muttered, as she smiled with tired eyes. "I love you, too."
"Hey, keep those eyes open. I want a good cuddle before I go."
"No. Stay the night."
"Yeah. Okay."
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philtatosbuck · 1 year
i did remember your url used to be bugvarchie but i kind of thought it was more of a joke i didn't know you shipped all four of them together
to be clear i don't ship betty and archie if we're being technical my endgames were specifically bughead & varchie but i do support the ot4 ending even though i stopped watching that shit at some point in season five lmao
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rainbowcarousels · 2 years
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
I feel like I'm about to curse myself, but there was a discussion about what would happen if Nicki and Bianca had been the ones to find Armand after TVA as opposed to Benji and Sybelle and I haven't been able to get the idea out of my head.
I think they both deserved a chance to be featured since Bianca is around in PL and just about everyone BUT Nicki comes back from the dead, with Armand's contrasting relationships with them both fascinate me. Bianca is ruthless but emotional and I think it would have been a beautiful thing for her to help him as she nursed him when he was sick and dying and for him to realise there are people he loves still around and how he impacts them. She's also done with Marius' shit, so that would have been interesting to look at too.
I feel like it would have had a lot of meaning for Lestat, who is always the light and bright one to Nicki's darkness, awoke from his state to him playing to mirror what happened in TVL and that the echo of Daniel's condition to Nicki's could have been explored in a really interesting way. Looking at Louis and Antoine with the Mark 1 around? Absolutely fascinating. He's also just, and I can't really use another word for it because this is it, a bitch and I love that about him. He does not give even a little fuck what people think of him, he's not afraid to die (he's tried enough) so he's not afraid of the older generation in the slightest and just does whatever.
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
this suiyoubi, we attempt to answer the most pressing question, as seen in senpai.:
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kiofkissy · 2 months
240719 NCT 127's Instagram Reel
nct127: 🌹걸음걸이 고장 나 버린 듯이 Walk🦋 (With. #KISSOFLIFE)
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kissoflifenet · 3 months
kiof instagram update
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