#s: stella roth
lifetime-want · 2 years
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compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 16, 2023
Sleep deprivation and hippocampal ripple disruption after one-session learning eliminate memory expression the next day. Aleman-Zapata, A., Morris, R. G. M., & Genzel, L. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123424119.
Aversive memory formation in humans involves an amygdala-hippocampus phase code. Costa, M., Lozano-Soldevilla, D., Gil-Nagel, A., Toledano, R., Oehrn, C. R., Kunz, L., … Strange, B. A. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6403.
Sleep preferentially consolidates negative aspects of human memory: Well-powered evidence from two large online experiments. Denis, D., Sanders, K. E. G., Kensinger, E. A., & Payne, J. D. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2202657119.
How do (perceptual) distracters distract? Dumbalska, T., Rudzka, K., Smithson, H. E., & Summerfield, C. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(10), e1010609.
The induced motion effect is a high-level visual phenomenon: Psychophysical evidence. Falconbridge, M., Hewitt, K., Haille, J., Badcock, D. R., & Edwards, M. (2022). I-Perception, 13(5), 204166952211181.
Salience memories formed by value, novelty and aversiveness jointly shape object responses in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. Ghazizadeh, A., & Hikosaka, O. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6338.
Recurrent Hippocampo-neocortical sleep-state divergence in humans. Jang, R. S., Ciliberti, D., Mankin, E. A., & Poe, G. R. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123427119.
Cone opponent functional domains in primary visual cortex combine signals for color appearance mechanisms. Li, P., Garg, A. K., Zhang, L. A., Rashid, M. S., & Callaway, E. M. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6344.
Hippocampal gamma and sharp wave/ripples mediate bidirectional interactions with cortical networks during sleep. Pedrosa, R., Nazari, M., Mohajerani, M. H., Knöpfel, T., Stella, F., & Battaglia, F. P. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2204959119.
Generalizing the control architecture of the lateral prefrontal cortex. Pitts, M., & Nee, D. E. (2022). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 195, 107688.
Natural scene sampling reveals reliable coarse-scale orientation tuning in human V1. Roth, Z. N., Kay, K., & Merriam, E. P. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6469.
Stable Working Memory and Perceptual Representations in Macaque Lateral Prefrontal Cortex during Naturalistic Vision. Roussy, M., Corrigan, B., Luna, R., Gulli, R. A., Sachs, A. J., Palaniyappan, L., & Martinez-Trujillo, J. C. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(44), 8328–8342.
A Midbrain Inspired Recurrent Neural Network Model for Robust Change Detection. Sawant, Y., Kundu, J. N., Radhakrishnan, V. B., & Sridharan, D. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(44), 8262–8283.
Distinct organization of two cortico-cortical feedback pathways. Shen, S., Jiang, X., Scala, F., Fu, J., Fahey, P., Kobak, D., … Tolias, A. S. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6389.
Predictive coding, multisensory integration, and attentional control: A multicomponent framework for lucid dreaming. Simor, P., Bogdány, T., & Peigneux, P. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123418119.
A model of autonomous interactions between hippocampus and neocortex driving sleep-dependent memory consolidation. Singh, D., Norman, K. A., & Schapiro, A. C. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123432119.
A robust core architecture of functional brain networks supports topological resilience and cognitive performance in middle- and old-aged adults. Stanford, W. C., Mucha, P. J., & Dayan, E. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2203682119.
Optimal noise level for coding with tightly balanced networks of spiking neurons in the presence of transmission delays. Timcheck, J., Kadmon, J., Boahen, K., & Ganguli, S. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(10), e1010593.
Dissociating the involvement of muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors in object memory destabilization and reconsolidation. Wideman, C. E., Minard, E. P., Zakaria, J. M., Capistrano, J. D. R., Scott, G. A., & Winters, B. D. (2022). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 195, 107686.
Inducing forgetting of unwanted memories through subliminal reactivation. Zhu, Z., Anderson, M. C., & Wang, Y. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6496.
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plumcakedeathcake · 1 month
Heres part one of the baby list as im working on a cleaner, better version.
Apple EAH F
Ashlynn EAH F
Blondie EAH F
Briar EAH F
Brooke EAH F
Bunny EAH F
Cerise EAH F
Cedar EAH F
Courtly EAH F
Crystal EAH F
Cupid EAH F
Darling EAH F
Duchess EAH F
Farrah EAH F
Faybelle EAH F
Holly EAH F
Justine EAH F
Jillian EAH F
Kitty EAH F
Lizzy EAH F
Lilly EAH F
Madeline EAH F
Meeshell EAH F
Mirra EAH F
Melody EAH F
Nina EAH F
Poppy EAH F
Rosabella EAH F
Raven EAH F
Alistair EAH M
Chase EAH M
Dexter EAH M
Daring EAH M
Humphry EAH M
Hunter EAH M
Hopper EAH M
Sparrow EAH M
Alina S&B F
Aleksander S&B M
Kirigian S&B M
Darkling S&B M
Mal S&B M
Inej S&B F
Zoya S&B F
Nina S&B F
Kaz S&B M
Jesper S&B M
Wylen S&B M
Mattias S&B M
Nikolai S&B M
Milo S&B M
Vasily S&B M
David s&b m
Genya S&B F
Aisha WINX F
Bloom WINX F
Diaspro WINX F
Daphne WINX F
Darcy WINX F
Flora WINX F
Faragonda WINX F
Griffin WINX F
Layla WINX F
Stella WINX F
Stormy WINX F
Valtor WINX M
Tecna Winx F
Domino WINX F/M
Sparks WINX F/M
Andros WINX M/F
Dyamond WINX F/M
Earth WINX F/M
Tir na Nog WINX F/M
Erkalyon WINX F/M
Karunda WINX F/M
Linphea WINX FM
Melody WINX FM
Obsidian WINX FM
Solaria WINX FM
Zenith WINX FM
Belladonna WINX F
Liliss WINX F
Tharma WINX F
Mirta WINX F
Mitzi WINX F
Aelin TOG F
Caleana TOG F
Lysandra TOG F
Manon TOG F
Nehemia TOG F
Yrene TOG F
Chaol TOG M
Dorian TOG M
Rowan TOG M
Kaltain TOG F
Cairn TOG M
Maeve TOG F
Lorcan TOG M
Aedion TOG M
Asterin TOG F
Fenrys TOG M
Gavriel TOG M
Erawan TOG M
Rolfe TOG M
Neseryn TOG M
Amani ROTS F
Delila ROTS F
Shazad ROTS F
Leyla ROTS F
Shira ROTS F
Ahmed ROTS M
Nagiub ROTS M
Noorsham ROTS M
Kadir ROTS M
Tamin ROTS M
Rahim ROTS M
America TS F
Celeste TS F
Elise TS F
Eadlyn TS F
Kriss TS F
Marley TS F
Amberly TS F
Klarkson TS M
Aspen TS M
Maxon TS M
Eikko TS M
Kile TS M
Carter TS M
Natalie TS F
Lucy TS F
Brice TS F
Marianna LEGACY F
Steldor LEGACY M
Annalisa TEQ F
Everly TEQ F
Foreverly TEQ F
Farrah TEQ F
Hartly TEQ F
Truely TEQ F
Roth TEQ M
Reese TEQ M
Saxon TEQ M
Vikander TEQ M
Warick TEQ M
Ashleigh TCQ F
Wren TC F
Rose TC F
Alessandra TSBU F
Kallias TSBU M
Morrigan ACOTAR F
Cassian ACOTAR M
Rhysand ACOTAR M
Aurora ROAR F
Amarantha ACOTAR F
Cassius ROAR M
Locke ROAR M
Arya GOT F
Brienne GOT F
Cersei GOT F
Catalyn GOT F
Daenerys GOT F
Ellaria GOT F
Melisandre GOT F
Margaery GOT F
Missandei GOT F
Myrcella GOT F
Lyanna GOT F
Mirri GOT F
Olenna GOT F
Volantis GOT GN
Targaryen GOT GN
Stark GOT GN
Lannister GOT GN
Tyrell GOT GN
0 notes
kendelias · 3 years
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OC ALBUMS 💿: S O U R  by olivia rodrigo
ALWAYS TAG LIST: @bravelittleflower @richitozier @julianblackthcrns @foxesandmagic @anotherunreadblog @ochub @pock-galliard @loveallthatjazz @fiercefray @delicateblackrose @eddysocs @ocappreciationtag @notanannoyingfangirl @raith-way @noratilney @hiddenqveendom (want to be added? just shoot me an ask!)
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grivessillus · 2 years
Poppy Playtime Part 2 Theories!
So Part 2 came out!
It's awesome!
I want to play it.
Theory Time!
A Focus On Europeans In USA
So I noticed something.
There's a lot of Europeans in the USA in it. Germans, Germanic, specifically.
Eliott Ludwig is German. Stella Greyber is German. Lathe Pierre may be French. Eddie Ritterhausen is German.
There's a lot of very German or Germanic names in it. European.
It seems too specific to be a accident.
So. Maybe that's important.
The tape says Elliot Ludwig was married, then divorced. Came to USA. And he had a tragedy in 19..
Maybe he lost his family in WWII? Lost some one\s then.
His company dates to the 1950s. At least. There is a poster for a toy from 1952. He might have been running the company from the 1940s.
It's unlikely. But maybe he came over in Operation Paperclip. The thing were the USA vied to claim the best of the best from the Axis forces.
They bought the clever, but not Nazis, etc, over to the USA.
Operation Paperclip is pushing it. But maybe he was a toymaker who took the chance to leave post war Germany and go to the USA.
Stella Greyber is obviously a immigrant.
Maybe he hired immigrants? Preferred his fellow Europeans.
If a English person can get fed up of Americans on CoD, etc, multiplayer and prefer Europeans. You can absolutely do that in life.
There's also a Irish man there. Marcus, played by Jack Septiceye. In 1991.
There a American too, in 1991. Eli Roth plays him. Eli Roth! That is awesome!
He might have been taking advantage of the influx of people immigrating to the USA, in the post WWII era, to have a guaranteed workforce.
Hopefully not abusing them by making the wages lower than normal.
It may also have been he preferred Europeans. Wanted to help his fellows.
Hopefully he was being nice or neutral and paid them well.
Maybe there's a place\s in Europe were there's lots of Poppies.
Most Of The Toys Are Not Bad
The toys are not bad. A toy wouldn't be bad. Generally.
They were driven insane or to rage. But you would not make a bad toy.
They're programmed to do stuff. But it doesn't make them bad.
Huggy Wuggy is Security. He's doing what he was supposed to.
Kissy Missy is nice and helped the children. She looks so sad and worried about you.
Mommy Long Legs was not bad at all.
She's angry at employees. But fiercely protective of the experiments.
They 'conditioned' her to take care of the children in the Game Station. And she loved children. And Employees had to stay 20ft from her.
She must have snapped at some point. After it shut down. Or before.
Being protective and loving is a good thing. And she had reasons to hate the company. Maybe they turned a good toy insane.
Bunzo Bunny was made to test children. And eat the ones who failed, apparently. Though Makayla survived two tests in each one. So maybe he didn't eat them all. Maybe he started eating people later. He might have clanged symbols near them before.
But he isn't bad.
PJ Puglipiller isn't bad either.
Maybe he chased the children but didn't eat them.
He started eating people later.
The Huggy Wuggys were on strings to stop them getting to the children. Maybe they were hungry and angry. Maybe made to attack and used in the test. Perhaps the being hit by Grab Packs made them angry at all who played.
The point is. You can't blame a toy for being programmed to do stuff. And some are and were clearly were not bad at all. Mommy Long Legs was a angry but protective spider before.
Kissy Missy looks nice. She might have spent the entire time hugging and kissing them.
It's so sad that they were used and treated the way they were. I hope you can save them.
So Poppy is in it! Yay!
She is very cute.
She doesn't seem evil. Even with the end.
She's been trapped in a bad place and got angry. She wants revenge.
Stella Greyber Is Poppy
Stella Greyber might be Poppy.
She was used in a successful experiment and kept her will.
She also might be the doll who has the voice box pulled out in the Maintenance Tape.
Stella is German or Dutch, etc. Maybe her real accent came through and they changed it to a default American.
There might be many different Poppy's.
Only Some Toys Were Technomagic
They can't have made all their toys from people. They would get found out quick.
They have blood and fluids. One bad hit and a child's holding a bloody toy up to a horrified parent.
Most were normal and the special ones were in the factory, base.
There's normal toys in the factory.
They used the toys as bases for their experiments.
That's All For Now!
Stay tuned for part 2!
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weapn · 2 years
*  knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,  repost,  do  not  reblog.
name :  Rel
pronouns :    she / her
preference  of  communication :   Discord is a touch easier,  but I’m always lurking here for messages too.
name  of  muse(s) :     Stella Kinney daughter of my life ..    i also have a shitton of others on @voiced ,      maps mizoguchi on @mizogchi , and a raven roth blog but i haven’t had the attention span.  stella brainrot.
experience / how  long  ( months / years ? ) :    ...   I’ve been roleplaying since Neopet days when I was 11.   
best  experience :    There’s really too many to count.   My favorite is when muses get along so well,    or when friendships and found families form.
rp  pet  peeves / deal  breakers :   It was a common struggle to be forced to ship in the past before I finally started putting my foot down,   so I say that’s one of my peeves now.   haven’t had this issue in a while though,  thankfully.
second peeve I think is when people aren’t respected,   especially boundaries established.     if you don’t like a blog simply block or unfollow.     * exception being if someone is being gross or phobic or problematic in every way.
plots or memes :   dude i love both.    somedays it’s easier for me to plot things out first and somedays all i want to do is throw out random stuff and see where it goes. 
preferences  fluff,  angst,  or  smut :    fluff and angst.    no smut.
best  time  to  write :    ask my brain for me and let me know what its answer is because I have no idea.
Tagged by:    @rageclaws
Tagging:      anyone wearing socks !
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decennia · 3 years
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species: vedma.
love interest(s): Adam Grimshaw (ex-husband), Noah Stilinski.
face claim: Kathryn Newton, Jennifer Morrison.
fic: Deliverance.
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species: necromancer effigy.
love interest(s): Stiles Stilinski.
face claim: Jessica Rothe.
fic: Gallowdance.
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nicknames: Lenny.
species: vedma, baba yaga's ward.
love interest(s): Nolan Holloway, Brett Talbot, Liam Dunbar (endgame).
face claim: Sophie Simnett.
fic: Deliverance.
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species: valkyrie.
love interest(s): Jordan Parrish.
face claim: Stella Maeve.
fic: Heathens.
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species: hunter become ghoul.
love interest(s): Peter Hale.
face claim: Victoria Pedretti.
fic: Blood In The Water.
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species: succubus.
love interest(s): Deucalion.
face claim: Eiza González.
fic: Hit & Run.
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nicknames: Sam
species: possessed; human.
love interest(s): Scott McCall.
face claim: Naomi Scott.
fic: Kingdom Come.
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species: druid, changeling.
love interest(s): Isaac Lahey.
face claim: Herizen Guardiola.
fic: Suspiria.
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nicknames: Remi.
species: human.
love interest(s): none.
face claim: Harvey Guillen.
fic: Spirit Scouts.
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
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what’s been going on in Riverblossom Hills so far :3
Martin: both Betty Goldstein and Catherine Viejo have passed on of old age, leaving Andrew and his newly aged-up adult son Jacob all alone in this big house
McGreggor-Shikibu: this blended household consists of the farmer Leod, his wife Cleo (who kept her last name), and their daughter Charlotte…Cleo also rolled the want for another baby so they may be trying for another one (or two) soon
Greenman: Rose spawned two more PlantSims after Daisy - Petunia and Dandelion - while also having two sets of twins with Jason (who also turned PlantSim thanks to pesticide) - Heather & Oakley and Basil & Bracken…Daisy is a Romance sim and is currently involved with two sims: Andrew Martin and David Ottomas
Roth: don’t let the happy picture fool you - Stella got caught in an affair with Peter Ottomas (that’s who’s baby she’s carrying) after their twins (Lucien and Laura) aged up into children…Sandra despises her mother but can’t stand to leave her younger siblings by themselves in the chaotic household
O’Mackey: Gabe and Patricia got together after waiting until Jules was a little older and out on her own, but now they have little Jasper to keep them busy
O’Mackey II - Jules is currently juggling her job in Journalism and writing her own book on her PlantSim relatives and how they’ve adjusted to “normal” society
Teatherton: Alexandra has been causing some relational disruption(s) by romancing both Morty and Stella Roth and also Leod McGreggor (who she got pregnant by and had a son, Jackson)
Ramaswami: these two have been making fast friends in their new neighborhood and have quickly started their family: Mohinder, Shanti, and their unborn twins
Ottomas: ah, yes, the infamous Ottomases - Samantha had her twins (Ryan and Kelvin), promptly had #6 Joanna, and then had #7 Leslie…and, unsurprisingly, she’s expecting #8…as previously mentioned, Peter is conducting an affair with Stella Roth and poor Samantha is none the wiser…Sharla and Tommy have really stepped up to help raise their younger siblings
Ottomas II: David is enjoying his life away from his family but is also looking to start one of his own one day soon
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nerdyth · 4 years
Hi everyone! 🥰 i hope that you’re all well! I was originally wanting to share another part of my sims 3 fallout challenge today, but I had so many technical difficulties that I gave up on that idea 😂
Instead, we have the next part of mine and @cloudydaz3 ‘s Riverblossom Hills collab! We are checking in with the Roth family and getting them set up! I hope that you’re able to join me as we get to know them!
Morty moved his family to the town to be closer to his family (Betty, who you might remember married Leod in my last gameplay part) but that has left his wife feeling quite lonely. Sandra and Xander are settling into their new lives quite well however. Will Stella be able to find peace with her family, or will she break free and forge her own path?
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alystayr · 3 years
Playlist musicale 2021 (1/2)
Liste des chansons (playlist 2021 - part. 1)
Mise à jour : 30 juin 2021
playlist 2020 (part.2), playlist 2020 (part. 1)
playlist 2019 (part.2), playlist 2019 (part. 1)
playlist 2018 (part. 2), playlist 2018 (part. 1)
playlist 2017 (part. 2), playlist 2017 (part. 1)
playlist 2016 (part. 2), playlist 2016 (part. 1)
playlist 2015
0-9 #
AC/DC - Demon Fire (2020)
Bryan Adams - Summer Of '69 (1985)
Alabama Shakes - Hold On (2012)
America - A horse with no name (1971)
Angèle - Balance Ton Quoi (2018)
Archive - Fool (2002)
Jean-Louis Aubert - Bien Sûr (2019)
Asaf Avidan - Different Pulses (2012)
George Baker - Little Green Bag (from Reservoir Dogs) (1969)
Band Of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You (2007)
The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (1967)
Jeff Beck (feat. Imogen Heap) - Blanket (2007)
Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (from  Saturday Night Fever) (1977)
Chuck Berry - Darlin' (2017)
The Black Keys (cover John Lee Hooker) - Crawling Kingsnake (2021)
Black Pistol Fire - Morning Star (2016)
Black Pumas - Colors (2019)
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - What Ever Happened To My Rock And Roll (2001)
Black Sabbath - God Is Dead? (2013)
Blind Melon - No Rain (1992)
Blondie - Heart Of Glass (1978)
The Blue Stones - Black Holes (Solid Ground) (2015)
The Blues Mystery - Back to the Dirty Town (2013)
Blues Traveler - Run-Around (1995)
Blur (Feat. Phil Daniels) - Parklife (1994)
David Bowie - Survive (1999)
Jacques Brel - La chanson des vieux amants (1967)
Brigitte - Battez-Vous (2010)
Francis Cabrel - Peuple des fontaines (2020)
J.J. Cale - Durango (1997)
CAN - Vitamin C (1972)
Cats on trees - Sirens call (2013)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Distant Sky (2016)
Tracy Chapman - Give Me One Reason (1995)
Joe Cocker (cover Randy Newman) - You Can Leave Your Hat On (from  9½ Weeks) (1986/1972)
CocoRosie - Did Me Wrong (2020)
Cœur de pirate (feat. Loud)   - Dans la nuit (2018)
Leonard Cohen - Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (1967)
The Cranberries - Animal Instinct (1999)
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son (1969)
Sheryl Crow - If It Makes You Happy (1996)
Eddy de Pretto - Bateaux-Mouches (2020)
Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over The Country Club (2021)
Depeche Mode - Freelove (2001)
Détroit - Null And Void (2013)
Dinosaur Jr - Freak Scene (1988)
Dire Straits - Expresso Love (1980)
Eels - Earth To Dora (2020)
Eminem  (feat. Anderson .Paak)   - Lock It Up (2020)
Endless Boogie - The Artemus Ward (2013)
Piers Faccini - Foghorn Calling (2021)
Mylène Farmer - Fuck them all (2005)
Léo Ferré – Les anarchistes (1969)
Feu! Chatterton - Monde Nouveau (2021)
Foo Fighters - Walk (2011)
Maxime Le Forestier - Saltimbanque (1975)
Foster The People - Sit Next to Me (2017)
Franz Ferdinand - Michael (2004)
Fugees - Ready or Not (1996)
Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street (1986)
Serge Gainsbourg - Requiem Pour Un Con (1968)
France Gall - Evidemment (1987)
Genesis - Invisible Touch (1986)
Girls in Hawaii - Found in the Ground (2002)
Goldfrapp - Ooh La La (2005)
Jean-Jacques Goldman - Comme toi (1982)
Grand Corps Malade & Louane - Derrière le brouillard (2020)
Juliette Greco - Le p'tit bal perdu (1961)
Greta Van Fleet - Age of Machine (2020)
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine (1987)
Bill Haley & His Comets - Rock Around The Clock (1954)
PJ Harvey - Dress (1992)
Murray Head - Say It Ain't So Joe (1975)
Heartless Bastards - Revolution (2020)
Bernard Herrmann - Taxi Driver (theme) (1976)
The Hives - Hate to Say I Told You So (2000)
The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress) (1971)
Hollywood Undead (feat. Hyro The Hero) - Comin' Thru The Stereo (2021)
Romain Humeau - Echos (2020)
IDLES - Mr. Motivator (2020)
Interpol - Stella Was A Diver (2002)
Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name (1982)
Michael Jackson - Black or White (1991)
The Jesus And Mary Chain (Feat. Hope Sandoval) -   Sometimes Always (1994)
Quincy Jones - Soul Bossa Nova (1962)
Kaleo - Backbone (2020)
Kansas - Dust in the Wind (1977)
The Killers - Caution (2020)
The Kills - The Search For Cherry Red (2020)
Kings Of Leon - The Bandit (2021)
Kiss - Heaven's On Fire (1984)
Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way (1993)
Kyo - Le Graal (2014)
Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You (1970)
Liars - Sekwar (2021)
Limp Bizkit (Feat. Lil Wayne) - Ready To Go (2013)
Louise Attaque - La plume (2000)
Mad Season - Wake Up (1995)
Manu Chao – Clandestino (1998)
Laura Marling - What He Wrote (2010)
Memphis Slim - Born With The Blues (1972)
Metronomy - Walking In The Dark (2019)
Mickey 3D - La mort du peuple (2005)
Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner (1977)
The Mission - Wasteland (1986)
Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? (1999)
Mogwai - It's What I Want To Do, Mum (2021)
Moondog - New Amsterdam (1997)
Morcheeba - Sweet L.A. (2018)
Motörhead - Till The End (2015)
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (2005)
Muse - Supermassive Black Hole (2006)
Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile (1999)
Nirvana - All Apologies (1993)
Noir Désir - Aux sombres héros de l'amer (1989)
Claude Nougaro (cover Chico Buarque) - Tu verras (1978)
Oasis - D'You Know What I Mean? (1997)
Of Montreal - The Past Is A Grotesque Animal (2007)
The Offspring - Why Don't You Get A Job? (1998)
Panaviscope – Sham (2020)
Pigalle - Dans La Salle Du Bar-Tabac De La Rue Des Martyrs (1990)
Pink Floyd - Us And Them (1973)
The Police - Synchronicity II (1983)
Pomme (cover Mylène Farmer) - Désenchantée (2020/1991)
Iggy Pop - Dirty Little Virus (2020)
Portishead - Chase The Tear (2009)
Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still (2017)
The Pretty Reckless - My Bones (2021)
Queen - The Miracle (1989)
Queens of the Stone Age - Go With The Flow (2002)
The Raconteurs – Broken Boy Soldier (2006)
Rammstein - Du Hast (1997)
Chris Rea - The Blue Cafe (1998)
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Suck My Kiss (1992)
Lou Reed (cover The Drifters)  - This Magic Moment (1995/1960)
R.E.M. - What's The Frequency, Kenneth? (1994)
Renaud - Mistral gagnant (1985)
Rival Sons - Too Bad (2019)
The Rolling Stones - Star Star (1973)
Royal Blood - Typhoons (2021)
David Lee Roth - Just Like Paradise (1987)
La Rue Ketanou - Le Capitaine de la Barrique (2014)
Olivia Ruiz - De Toi A Moi (2003)
Santana (cover  Fleetwood Mac) - Black Magic Woman (1970)
Shocking Blue - Venus (1969)
Simple Minds - Mandela Day (1989)
The Sisters of Mercy - Emma (1987)
Slayer - Raining Blood (1986)
Sasha Sloan (feat. Sam Hunt) - when was it over? (2020)
The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm (1993)
Patti Smith - Rock N Roll Nigger (1978)
The Smiths - Barbarism Begins at Home (1985)
Sonny & The Sunsets  - Too Young to Burn (2009)
Regina Spektor - One Little Soldier (from Scandale) (2019)
Spoon - The Way We Get By (2002)
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Backstreets (1975)
St. Vincent - Los Ageless (2017)
Stereophonics - Bust This Town (2019)
Sub Urban - Cradles (2021)
Superbus - Mes Défauts (2010)
James Supercave - Better Strange (2016)
Taylor Swift (feat. Bon Iver) – Exile (2020)
System Of A Down - Spiders (1998)
Téléphone - Au coeur de la nuit (1980)
Têtes Raides - Tam Tam (2007)
Charles Trenet - Je chante (1937)
Tool - Schism (2001)
Tina Turner - The Best (1989)
U2 - Angel Of Harlem (1988)
Van Morrison - Country Fair (1974)
Laurent Voulzy - Rockollection (1977)
Tom Waits - Wrong Side Of The Road (1978)
Weezer - Beverly Hills (2005)
The White Stripes - Hotel Yorba (2001)
Amy Winehouse - Fuck Me Pumps (2003)
Woodkid - In Your Likeness (2020)
Wovenhand - Crook and Flail (2016)
Shannon Wright - Division (2017)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll (2009)
Yes - Roundabout (1971)
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lifetime-want · 2 years
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erism · 4 years
Townie Makeover: Bella Goth
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(This post is gonna be longer than usual)
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Before anything, here’s a fun little reference of Bella throughout the years. I think I drew the most inspiration from Sims 2 Bella! Also, not to be the most cliche Simmer ever but I just love Bella Goth to the point that this whole makeover probably took me almost two weeks of trial and error. I have posted some initial edits of her but haven’t really been as comprehensive with it as my posts here. But finally....the end is here and I’ve created the Bella Goth of my hopes and dreams (or the closest one to it I guess). 
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When I tell people it’s a lengthy process, I really do mean that it’s a lengthy process. Bella Goth went through three main stages. These are just the most identifiable makeovers I’ve given her. Trust me.....there were so much more. It came to a point where I just downloaded all my saved Bellas.
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I eventually deleted everything and just made this fun little collage.
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After seeing this, I realized how I really wanted Bella to look like so I redid everything from scratch to make the new Bella look like the one on the upper right....with a few modifications of course. That lipstick was more purple than red. I honestly can’t believe the amount of time I spent on this but....well, here we are!
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Here’s a side-by-side comparison of pre-made Bella and Bella from my edit. My biggest peeve with pre-made Bella was that her lip color didn’t match her dress...like she would never commit that fashion don’t. Also yes, there were no sliders used on her anything. She was simply pre-made that way, baby!
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Outfit-wise, I’ve chosen to follow Bella’s iconic little red dress and the stockings + pumps combo. I wanted to change the rounded heels into more pointed ones to make her look more fashionable also! I found some bedazzled pointed heels that complemented her overall look and aesthetic so much better.
This whole process honestly took so much time but I’m really happy with how it turned out so I guess it might just be so worth it.
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Bonus with “Reverse Bella” or Stella Roth
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Custom Content Used (TSR)
S Club Eyeshadow
S Club Wrist Left Band Diamonds
S Club Necklace Charm Pearl
S Club Left Gem Ring
S Club Necklace Charm Heart
S Club Eyebrows
S Club Nail Art
PralineSims Eyeliner 44
PralineSims Pearl Earring Set
PralineSims Contour 01
RemusSirion Metazoa Blush
Seleng Eyes N72
BillSims Moonstruck Satin Mini Dress
Anto Susana Hair
Madlen Sakura Shoes
Merci Face Shine
Kijiko Lashes
MsBlue Lauruna Skin
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
“I’M SO OFF MY TITS ON COFFEE,” Stella McCartney admits, knocking back yet another cup in the foyer of a boutique hotel a stone’s throw from her home in London’s Notting Hill. “I had four school drop-offs this morning,” she explains. “I start at 6:30 a.m., and by the time I get to work [by bicycle], I feel like I’m literally done for the day. I’m a big hot sweaty mess, too,” she adds, having decided that a thick organic-cotton flying suit (no pesticides used in its production) was the way to dress for a Monday morning that started grimly overcast but soon turned sultry. “It’s just so difficult being in fashion, isn’t it?” McCartney sighs. “We have to pretend to be so perfect. I’m the one that comes in with a punk-rock kind of ‘fuck this perfection,’ ” says the woman who famously turned up, with Liv Tyler, to the Costume Institute’s 1999 “Rock Style” exhibition, both wearing jeans and custom T-shirts spelling out ROCK ROYALTY. “It’s not maintainable, it’s not wise, and it’s very old-fashioned. So there you go.”
McCartney does the school run five days a week with daughters Bailey, 13, and Reiley, 9, and sons Miller, 14, and Beckett, 11. “When you’ve got a job and you’ve got kids,” she says, “it’s when you get to see them, and you have to wake up super early and engage in that moment. Then I try and squeeze in some exercise, and then I go to work. And I try and get back for the bookending of being a mum.”
On weekends, McCartney spends more time with the family when they decamp to an estate in the wilds of unfashionable north Gloucestershire, the result of a house hunt born, as McCartney has explained, of “a desperate mission to find land so that I could ride my horse.”
McCartney married the dashing and protective Alasdhair Willis—the former publisher of Wallpaper and a creative guru himself—in the fall of 2003, and their aligned aesthetic passions run the gamut from the innovative indoor-outdoor architecture of the midcentury Sri Lankan architect Sir Geoffrey Bawa to old English roses. Over the past 15 years, the couple have transformed their handsome but once desolate Georgian manor house, sitting in bleak open farmland, into “a redbrick box within a garden within a garden within a garden,” as McCartney describes it, a breathtaking landscape of grand walled enclosures and allées of trees reflecting both her belief that “being out in a beautiful garden is nicer than sitting in a beautiful room” and her husband’s passion for such stately English flowering landscapes as Hidcote and Sissinghurst. “We planted a million trees,” McCartney told Vogue in 2010, “made another Eden.”
“You know what I was doing this weekend?” asks McCartney. “I was riding my horse barefoot and bareback, with my daughter [Reiley]. It was about as good as it gets.”
On a visit there in 2010 I was intrigued to discover—among the bridle paths, wild meadows, orchards, and Downton-scaled rose gardens and herbaceous borders—a series of reed-filled ponds that turned out to be the McCartney-Willises’ off-the-grid sewage system. “See?” says McCartney with her impish laugh. “Being an environmentalist can be sexy!”
McCartney has been environmentally conscious since childhood. “I was privileged,” she has admitted. “I grew up on an organic farm; I saw the seasons. My parents were vegetarians—they were change agents.” (That childhood idyll is evoked in her late mother, Linda McCartney’s, book The Polaroid Diaries, which also captures the world of McCartney’s American relatives, including her Eastman grandfather, who lunched at the exclusive Maidstone Club and hung de Koonings and Rothkos in his Billy Baldwin–decorated Fifth Avenue drawing room, where the infant McCartney amused herself with Joseph Cornell’s magical shadow boxes, alluringly placed on a child’s-height shelf.)
The great outdoors is also reflected in McCartney’s state-of-the-sustainable-arts London flagship store—which she designed herself, with a soundtrack that includes a three-hour loop of her father, Paul’s, demo tapes along with a Bob Roth meditation in the changing rooms. “The audio is important for me,” she says as she proudly walks me round it, “because it’s obviously such a big part of my upbringing.” There are papier-mâché walls made from “all of the shredded paper from the office,” along with a silver birch grove and a moss-covered rockery of giant granite rocks brought from the 1,100-acre McCartney family farm on Scotland’s Mull of Kintyre. “My personality is this sort of contrast between the hard and the soft, the masculine and feminine,” says McCartney. “I wanted to have life in the store—to bring nature into the experience of shopping,” she explains as she takes me up in the Stellevator to the floor where she fitted the Duchess of Sussex for the glamorous halter-neck dress she wore for the wedding reception following her marriage to Prince Harry. There are also pieces from McCartney’s “All Together Now” Beatles collaboration, inspired by a friends-and-family screening of Yellow Submarine that her father staged on the film’s 50th anniversary. “It just blew my brains because I hadn’t seen it since I was a kid,” she recalls. “It’s astonishing—just mental and so trippy and so childlike and so innocent and so heavy and so meaningful.”
Since McCartney’s 1995 Central Saint Martins graduation show, her brand has been defined by the urgent desire to do away with animal cruelty in the fashion industry. And while, 20 years ago, there were fake furs on the market, the only glues available were animal-based. “I imagine Vikings sitting around a pot, boiling down the last bones of the elk that they skinned for the fur,” says McCartney. “And I think, Wow—we’re still there.” Today McCartney uses renewable energy where it’s available for both her stores and offices; the eyewear she shows me in her store is bi-acetate, and her sneakers are made with biodegradable Loop technology; she uses regenerated nylon, polyester, and cashmere but also works with producers making innovative fashion fibers—building fake fur from sustainable corn fiber, for instance, producing vegan microsilk, and growing mycelium-based “leather.”
“I was always a bit of a freak in the house of fashion,” McCartney says. “My regime, my culture, has been different from day one.” In Paris, where she was appointed creative director of Chloé in 1997, she struggled with the perception that at 26 she was too young and unqualified for the job (“The Beatles wrote Sgt. Pepper when they were 26,” she told Vogue tartly), and her working practice was “totally at odds with the rest of the industry,” as she recalls. Even now, she says, “every single day in our office is this sort of daily challenge—a way of trying to perfect and persist and find realistic solutions within the luxury-fashion sector—and even in a more broadstream way with the collaborations with Adidas [initiated in 2004]. Each day,” she says, “there are questions that I ask that we try to find an answer for. And if we can’t, we’ll try again tomorrow.”
Despite what she refers to as “a lot of resistance,” McCartney turned the Chloé gig (which lasted through the launch of her self-titled brand in 2001) into a triumph, tripling sales. Today, as we march inexorably to global Armageddon, her commitment to cruelty-free fashion and sustainability is fast becoming the industry norm. In recent years, for instance, luxury brands including Gucci, Prada, Michael Kors, Armani, and Chanel have declared themselves fur-free. “I’m hugely relieved,” says McCartney, “but I’m actually astounded that it’s taken so long.”
McCartney now gives scholarships at Central Saint Martins, her alma mater, for students who “adhere to our ethical charter,” and helps young designers navigate the complicated terrain of sustainability. “We’re in the farming industry in fashion,” she says. “We look at the biodiversity and the soil. It’s crazy. It’s basically exhausting. It’s much easier not to do it. So I kind of understand why the world hasn’t quite followed.”
BUT McCartney has far more ambitious goals for expanding her global industry reach. Last year, she bought back full ownership of her label from Kering, 17 years after the group’s then–creative director Tom Ford had urged the company to invest in McCartney’s fledgling brand. Following her move, “people began to show an interest quite quickly,” as McCartney recalls. “I was fortunate enough that Mr. Arnault was one of the people.” She’s speaking, of course, of Bernard Arnault, the all-powerful chairman and chief executive of LVMH, which acquired a minority share in Stella McCartney in July. “I think it’s incredibly exciting. It sends a big, big message to the industry if Mr. Arnault is asking me to be his personal adviser on sustainability at LVMH. I think that was one of the attractions for me—it is a big, timely statement, and hopefully game-changing for all of us.”
McCartney points out that the fashion brands with the biggest environmental impact in terms of scale are “the high-end luxury houses, and then the fast-fashion sector. They have massive impact in a negative way, and they can have a massive impact in a positive way.” These fast-fashion retailers, as she observes, turned from fur far earlier than luxury brands. “They’re more in touch with the youth,” she says, “and what the next generation of consumers actually wants. It’s a given for my children,” she notes, “that you have to show some kind of mindfulness or awareness.” (In recognition of the next generation’s activists, McCartney has launched the Stella McCartney Today for Tomorrow Award—video nominations via Instagram—“to celebrate,” as she says, “a new generation of change agents and eco-warriors under 25 who are kicking ass for Mother Earth.”)
She may have her work cut out for her. A week after our coffee klatch and four days before presenting her spring-summer 2020 show in Paris (“our most sustainable collection ever”), Arnault, addressing an LVMH sustainability event in Paris, called out 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg for “indulging in an absolute catastrophism about the evolution of the world” in her electrifying appearance at the United Nations summit on climate change. “I find it demoralizing,” he added. It was perhaps no accident that McCartney raced to put together a sustainability panel (no questions, no photographs) of her own on the eve of her show at the Opéra Garnier—a panel that included Extinction Rebellion activist Clare Farrell, the legendary environmentalist and activist Yann Arthus-Bertrand, and author Dana Thomas (Fashionopolis: The Price of Fast Fashion and the Future of Clothes), who noted that “we wear our clothes seven times on average before throwing them away . . . we’re perpetuating this bulimia of buying, using, and throwing away.”
“What we’ve seen over the last few weeks and months,” McCartney said, pointedly, “is children and young people taking action.” The designer also addressed the issue of young activists’ rejecting the idea of consumerism. “If the youth of today stop buying into it,” McCartney added, “then obviously, the people at the top have got to deliver on that.”
Rayon, or viscose, an indispensable fashion fiber, for instance, is created from wood pulp. “This year alone,” McCartney says, “up to 150 million trees have been cut down just for viscose.” McCartney now sources hers from sustainable forests in Sweden. “I’m trying to create something that’s still sexy and desirable and luxurious that isn’t landfill,” she tells me. “Every single second, fast fashion is landfill.”
Does McCartney feel that she’s had an impact on the practices of other brands? “That’s not for me to say,” she demurs. “That would be so unchic of us. But we are a kind of incubator. I have sympathy for how hard it is to shift the massive Titanic ship away from the iceberg,” she says. “We’re a little agile sailboat, and we built the ship. And I think that’s easier than changing something that’s been going in one direction for so long.”
While she was at Kering, the company developed an environmental profit-and-loss tool that assigned a monetary value to environmental impact—something that led to McCartney’s decision (to give just one example) to stop the use of virgin cashmere, a material with 100 times the environmental impact of wool. (It takes four goats to make enough cashmere for a single sweater, resulting in a need for grazing land that has destroyed the steppes of Mongolia and led to desertification and sandstorms in northern China.) Her label now uses regenerated cashmere, made from factory scraps that are shredded and respun into new yarn, and focuses on alpaca (“a much more friendly material”) and traceable wool (four sweaters from one sheep).
McCartney also holds an annual forum for all of her suppliers to talk with them about what her company requires and to share information on recent advances. “A lot of people see change as something scary,” she says, “but the mills are interested in working with innovators.
“I think that in a sense we’re a project,” she adds. “We’re trying to prove that this is a viable way to do business in our industry—and that you don’t have to sacrifice any style or any edginess or coolness in order to work this way. At the end of the day,” she says, “we’re a fashion house trying to deliver on the promise of desirability. Without that, I can’t even have this conversation. So I have to try and find a healthy balance—and doing both jobs is a balance. It’s the same as being a mum. My other ‘family’ is work. And I have to find the balance between this conversation of fashion and the conversation of consciousness—and they have to complement each other.”
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slavinggrace-blog · 5 years
The List! Edited as read.
List Number, Title, Author 1 The Master and Magarita Mikhail Bulgakov 2 Tales of the City Armistead Maupin 3 The Wasp Factory Iain Banks 4 The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared Jonas Jonasson 5 The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Atwood 6 The Alchemist Paulo Coelho 7 With The Night Mail Rudyard Kipling 8 The Princess Bride William Goldman 9 Sharpe's Tiger Bernard Cornwall 10 American Psycho Bret Easton Ellis 11 Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes 12 The Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri 13 I capture the castle Dodie Smith 14 Dune Frank Herbert 15 One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez 16 The Diary of a Nobody George and Weedon Grossmith 17 Brighton Rock Graham Greene 18 Moby Dick Herman Melville 19 Beyond Black Hilary Mantel 20 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Hunter S. Thompson 21 Atonement Ian McEwan 22 The Sea The Sea Iris Murdoch 23 The Stars Like Dust Isaac Asimov 24 Emma Jane Austen 25 Nausea Jean-Paul Sartre 26 Stand on Zanzibar John Brunner 27 A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole 28 Paradise Lost John Milton 29 The Crysalids John Wyndham 30 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey 31 The Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame 32 The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini 33 Breakfast of Champions Kurt Vonnegut 34 Slaughterhouse 5 Kurt Vonnegut 35 The Dice Man Luke Rhinehart 36 Under the volcano Malcolm Lowry 37 Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell 38 Frankenstein Mary Shelley 39 Titus Alone Mervyn Peake 40 Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Muriel Spark 41 The Code of the Woosters P.G. Wodehouse 42 The Pigeon Patrick Süskind 43 Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury 44 The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists Robert Tressel 45 Tipping the Velvet Sarah Waters 46 Cold Comfort Farm Stella Gibbons 47 The Bachman Books Stephen King 48 Child '44 Tom Rob Smith 49 In cold blood Truman Capote 50 The Woman in White Wilkie Collins 51 Neuromancer William Gibson 52 Vanity Fair William Makepeace Thackeray 53 Of Human Bondage William Somerset Maugham 54 Life of Pi Yann Martel 55 Uncle Varnye A. P. Chekhov 56 The Colour Purple Alice Walker 57 Sons and Lovers D.H Lawrence 58 The Outsiders S E Hinton 59 Once Were Warriors Alan Duff 60 One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Alexander Solzhenitsyn 61 The Lovely Bones Alice Sebold 62 Delta of Venus Anais Nin 63 The God Of Small Things Arundhati Roy 64 The Time Traveler's Wife Audrey Niffenegger 65 Dracula Bram Stoker 66 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers 67 Absolute Beginners Colin MacInnes 68 Rebecca Daphne Du Maurier 69 Cloud Atlas David Mitchell 70 The Secret History Donna Tartt 71 House of Mirth Edith Wharton 72 North and South Elizabeth Gaskell 73 The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett 74 Mister God this is Anna Fynn 75 The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoyevsky 76 Silas Marner George Eliot 77 Madame Bovery Gustave Flaubert 78 On the Road Jack Kerouac 79 A Prayer for Owen Meaney John Irving 80 East of Eden John Steinbeck 81 Around the world in 80 days Jules Verne 82 Wild Swans Jung Chang 83 Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy 84 Anne of Green Gables Lucy Maud Montgomery 85 The Book Thief Markus Zusak 86 The Sparrow Mary Doria Russell 87 The Crimson Petal and the White Michael Faber 88 Don Quixote Miguel De Cervantes 89 The Five People You Meet In Heaven Mitch Albom 90 Mary Poppins P. L. Travers 91 Everyman Phillip Roth 92 Kidnapped Robert Louis Stephenson 93 A Tale for the Time Being Ruth Ozeki 94 Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie 95 A Kind of Loving Stan Barstow 96 Far from the Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy 97 Beloved Toni Morrison 98 Girl with The Pearl Earring Tracy Chevalier 99 To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf 100 Snowcrash Neal Stephenson SUB 1 A Knot in Your Stomach Yvonne Postma SUB 2 David Copperfield Charles Dickens SUB 3 Age of Innocence Edith Wharton SUB 4 All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque SUB 5 The Leopard Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa SUB 6 War of the Worlds H. G. Wells SUB 7 Pilgrims Progress John Bunyan SUB 8 Labyrinth Kate Mosse SUB 9 The Remains of the Day Kazuo Ishiguro SUB 10 War and Peace Leo Tolstoy SUB 11 Captain Corelli's Mandolin Louis de Bernieres SUB 12 Cryptonomicon Neal Stephenson SUB 13 A Town Like Alice Nevil Shute SUB 14 Watership Down Richard Adams SUB 15 The Girl Who Fell from the Sky Simon Mawer SUB 16 Lolita Vladimir Nabokov SUB 17 The Cherry Orchard A. P. Chekhov SUB 18 Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky SUB 19 Love in the time of Cholera Gabriel Garcia Marquez SUB 20 Middlemarch George Eliot SUB 21 Wolf Hall Hilary Mantel SUB 22 Persuasion Jane Austen SUB 23 The Cider House Rules John Irving SUB 24 Alias Grace Margaret Attwood SUB 25 Puck of Pook's Hill Rudyard Kipling
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
OK, August 5
Cover: Property Brothers tell all 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle call a truce 
Page 6: How Katy Perry and Taylor Swift mended ties 
Page 8: Spencer Pratt targeting Mischa Barton, Julia Roberts to cut back on work to focus on herself and her family, although Zendaya is just one star in HBO’s new ensemble drama Euphoria some people believe she’s taking all the credit for its success 
Page 9: Kris Jenner is seeking a 10-year $300 million deal for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kathy Griffin slams Andy Cohen, Andrew Lincoln is having regrets over leaving The Walking Dead 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- shades of pink -- Emily Blunt, Zendaya, Lady Kitty Spencer 
Page 11: Issa Rae, Kate Bosworth, Marisa Tomei 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Becky G vs. Lindsey Vonn, Barbara Palvin vs. Anne Hathaway, Cassie Randolph vs. Aijia Grammer 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello 
Page 16: Luann de Lesseps and Bethenny Frankel, Peter Thomas Roth 
Page 17: Irina Shayk and daughter Lea, Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla 
Page 18: Giada De Laurentiis, Austin Butler and Vanessa Hudgens 
Page 19: Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas and son Dylan, Sailor Brinkley-Cook 
Page 20: John Legend, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma 
Page 22: Sunny Disposition -- Eva Longoria and son Santiago, Audrina Patridge, Dylan McDermott, Stella Maxwell and Kristen Stewart 
Page 24: Drake’s home in Hidden Hills 
Page 26: Hayden Panettiere’s toxic romance 
Page 27: Princess Beatrice getting married 
Page 28: Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz’s wedding in Italy, Carrie Underwood frees husband Mike Fisher from tour life, Bella Hadid and The Weeknd on the rocks 
Page 29: Natalia Dyer and Charlie Heaton’s hot and cold romance, Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness counseling Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock and Bryan Randall’s are visiting rescues to find the next addition to their pet family -- adopt, don’t shop 
Page 30: Cover Story -- The Property Brothers Drew and Jonathan Scott -- inside their private world 
Page 34: A baby at last for Cameron Diaz 
Page 36: Jennifer Lopez at 50 
Page 38: Then and Now -- these celeb kids aren’t babies anymore -- Leni and Henry and Johan and Lou Samuel, Honor Warren, Harper Beckham 
Page 39: Flynn Bloom, Harlow Madden, Everly Tatum, Sean and Jayden Federline, Coco Arquette 
Page 42: Amp Up Your Workout -- Karlie Kloss, Maria Menounos, Julianne Hough 
Page 43: Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Behati Prinsloo 
Page 46: Style -- Sofia Richie 
Page 49: Nikki Reed 
Page 51: Shorts -- Victoria Justice 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 58: Stars age themselves with the Faceapp -- Miley Cyrus, Terry Crews, Derek Hough, Mindy Kaling, Jared Leto, cast of Queer Eye 
Page 60: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Harry Styles is in talks to play Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid, Cardi B and Offset spent $400,000 om daughter Kulture’s first birthday party, Wells Adams proposed to Sarah Hyland, Gossip Girl reboot, Michael Sheen and Anna Lundberg are expecting, Small-Screen Snubs -- these movie stars failed to receive Emmy nods for their TV projects -- Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Emma Roberts, Chris Pine, Jim Carrey 
Page 61: Sound Bites -- Brad Pitt on Leonardo DiCaprio, Dax Shepard, Awkwafina 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Leo Kate Beckinsale 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Margot Robbie
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sidekickhq · 5 years
Any WCs recommendations that can be filled by a character’s that 18/19
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everything is under the cut !
AJAX FALCONE , our CHARLES MICHAEL DAVIS fc is looking for OTHER GANG MEMBERS connection who looks like UTP who is UTP YEARS OLD you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( very very flexible on who these characters are. The one requirement is that they would be members of a mutant street gang, based out of several different large cities. you want jax to be like an older bro? DONE. pal? DONE. wise old man? DONE. literally, i’ll work with your character however, but it just needs to make sense for them to be part of a mutant street gang! )
ANDROMEDA ROSALIE ISLEY-QUINZEL, our LANA CONDOR fc is looking for a GOTHAM FRIEND connection who looks like UTP who is 19-26 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( they were both in gotham together at/around the same time! there’s a few ways this could go. they went to dance academy with andy, they were someone who took her under their wing, or just someone right around her age that she became friends with. while andy didn’t partake in the gotham walk of life directly, she didn’t ever judge it or care about it much. she helped, sometimes, too, so this char’s morality is rather open. )
BEATRICE ZSASZ, our EMMY ROSSUM fc is looking for a GOOD INFLUENCE connection who looks like UTP who is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying at scbotage ( but feel free to do so !! ). ( bea has a lot of bad habits. she’s constantly destroying herself, and yet she survives. like a cockroach. every sort of risky business she can participate in, i assure you she has. she’s done everything in her power to make sure she doesn’t make it past 30. this is someone who tries to steer her away from her self-destructive tendencies. )
ETIENNE BEAUBIER-JINADU, our SUHO fc is looking for a EX FRIENDS / MAX OF FIVE connection who looks like HENRIK HOLM, BARBIE FERREIRA, CODY CHRISTIAN, HASEUL, MAIA COTTON, MADELAINE PETSCH / UP TO PLAYER who is 19-25 you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( tw: abusive relationship. this is for the group of friends that etienne cut out of his life when he was dating his now ex-girlfriend. it was an abusive and controlling relationship so his friends could have possibly tried to talk to him about it and he ended up pushing them away until they were gone. i think it would be cool for them to be friends again. he’s put his past behind him and is trying to move forward. ) 
MAGGIE THANOSDOTTIR, our ZOEY DEUTCH fc is looking for a SPACE BEST FRIEND connection who looks like UTP who is 100+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( maggie spent most of her life in space - she is currently 450 and has only been on midgard for like 1-2 of those years. i would love for her to have someone that she was very close with when she was younger ( 200’s) and have travelled around space with. she’s was a little less morally concious then, so they probably got into some fun but crazy shit. if you want more infor or to talk this plot through more just message me at bby-thanos)
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for her ADULTHOOD SUX SQUAD / THREE - FOUR FRIENDS connection who look like UTP who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( you know what’s hard about adulthood? all of it. makena was kinda super shuttled towards having to be a functioning adult when keely came along, but that doesn’t mean she 1. enjoys it and 2. is any good at it. paying bills on time is hard. remembering to renew her internet security is hard. getting regular smear tests? hard. nothing is easy, and this is the group of friends she laments that with. three to four wine mom’s / dad’s / parent’s / people who aren’t parents but who are in or around the same age and having just as much trouble adjusting / etc who met in a doctors office or something and who now get together every week just to drink wine and complain about taxes and anti-vaxxers. )
MORGAN ROTH, our SOFIA CARSON fc is, looking for a BEST FRIEND connection who looks like UTP who is 18 TO 20 you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( preferably another tt kid. but they grew up together and have been friends since they were little kids. just ! best friends ! who care about and support each other !)
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for a YOUNGER SIBLING FIGURE connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER who is UNDER 21. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so! i’m into two versions of how this goes, but both of them are down to one thing: nikki has never had a sibling, and with the shitty homelife she’s had… she’s always kind of craved one. she sees something of herself in this character, and that’s where the option is. either they’re sweet and innocent and something to be protected, like she once was… or they’re a demon straight out of the depths of hell, and someone she can see her current self in. nikki will take them under her wing and be a voice of reason, if needed, or a cool older figure who can supply them with booze, if .. also needed. it’s p open cause i’m not too fussy ! )
PERSEUS XAVIER-LEHNSHERR, our NICK ROBINSON fc is looking for an ADHD PAL connection who looks like UTP, who is 17-24 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( they’ve been best friends since percy was adopted by the xavier-lehnsherrs at five years old, and have been best friends since. they grew up together. learned how to ride a bike together, snuck out for the first time together, and everything in-between and after the fact. the general polarity of their personalities doesn’t matter, but it’s necessary that they get along. bonus fun if this person doesn’t like will, percy’s s/o. )
PERSEUS XAVIER-LEHNSHERR & WILLIAM WADE WILSON, our NICK ROBINSON & BRANDON FLYNN fcs are looking for a PARTY SQUAD / 4 PEOPLE connection who looks like UTP who is UTP YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( a party squad !!! yeet. those who go out together stay together. they’re thick as thieves and have been through a lot. they’re totally awful in the fact that they have very little respect for the law. percy + will hav been friends w them for a while + spends a lot of his time w them. check out pinterest @ desiderum/party-squad/ for the board.  ) ( blayze constantine, more )
PERSEUS XAVIER-LEHNSHERR, our NICK ROBINSON fc is looking for a WOMB TO TOMB BEST FRIEND connection who looks like UTP, who is 17-21 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( they’ve been best friends since percy was adopted by the xavier-lehnsherrs at five years old, and have been best friends since. they grew up together. learned how to ride a bike together, snuck out for the first time together, and everything in-between and after the fact. the general polarity of their personalities doesn’t matter, but it’s necessary that they get along. bonus fun if this person doesn’t like will, percy’s s/o. )
SELENE CONSTANTINE, our VIRGINIA GARDNER fc, is looking for a MAGIC FRIENDS // TWO TO THREE connection who looks like ANY FACE who is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( selene’s been around magic their entire life, and they are very comfortable with magic and other magic users. i just want a friend group of people that are all magical or magic-adjacent. they don’t have to be the traditional witch / sorcerers / magicians just… magic-adjacent. )
TEDDY BROCK our TOM HOLLAND fc is looking for a PUNK GANG connection who looks like UTP who is 17-23 YEARS OLD. ? you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( it’d be rad to have some kinda cool kid gang who just skip class n chill and listen to records and hate authority (like “cool” kids) kinda like an old biker gang ! ) ( gunnar vidarson, more )
TEDDY BROCK, our TOM HOLLAND fc is looking for a BEST FRIENDS/SECRET CRUSH connection who looks like PLAYER’S CHOICE, ANY GENDER who is 18-20 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( just someone they relate to or someone completely different that checks up on them, gets them massively. their symbiote probably loves ur character a lot ?? friends to lovers type bs!!)
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for SOMEONE TO PROTECT who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is ANY AGE / PREFERABLY YOUNGER THAN HER. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( from now and until the end of her life, victoria is gonna be living with what she’s done, and working on making herself better. i like the idea of her coming across someone who’s just… good. the goodness radiates off of them, and they make her think of all the innocent people she’s hurt, and also kind of make her think about the innocent person she could have been, if the world allowed - and maybe they’re not having such a good time of it, or maybe they are and she just wants to make sure that things never sour for them, but either way, she takes it upon herself to be their guardian angel. maybe more accurately. personal attack dog. she works hard to keep them safe and to her that means being willing to lay her life down for them at a moments notice and being equally as willing to take a life for them, too. ) ( isaac howlett & ? )
WINIFRED BANNER-ROSS, our SOPHIE TURNER fc is looking for a CHURCH FRIEND connection who looks like UTP, who is 18-24 OR 25+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying . ( tw: church / catholicism. winnie runs the youth group @ the church near paragon so im. idk just pals from that church. youth group kids, maybe. 18-24 would b youth group ppl, anything older would be other church attendants )
WINIFRED BANNER-ROSS, our SOPHIE TURNER fc is looking for a SHARED / MUTUAL TRAUMA BUDDY connection who looks like UTP, who is UTP YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying . ( tw: shooting. despite being completely different, they bond over the trauma they’ve suffered after being shot, and ur character helps winnie out quite a bit. their friendship is peculiar, but an essential one for both of them )
ATTICUS ‘KIT’ COULSON , our LUKE PASQUALINO fc is looking for a YOUNGER SIBLING  connection who looks like  LUDOVICA MARTINO, GIORGIA WHIGHAM, NICOLE MAINES, HERMAN TOMMERAAS, LUDOVICO TERSIGNI, OR UTP  who is  16-21 YEARS OLD.  you  DON’T  have to contact prior to applying at. ( kit was all over the place as a teenager, constantly in trouble for partying. growing up, they were always the closest to their twin and probably wasn’t the best older sibling, whereas their twin probably was much closer with the younger sibling. i can see this sibling either trying to get closer to kit, or pushing them further away after their mother and brother died when kit was 18. )
BUCKY BARNES, our SEBASTIAN STAN fc is looking for a BIOLOGICAL SON connection who looks like PLAYER’S CHOICE, who is 17-21. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( honestly just a mini bucky would be amazing )
FABIAN TODD, our BOB MORLEY fc is looking for a BIO SIBLINGS ( 3 ) connection who looks like LIZA SOBERNO, JAMES REID, PARIS BERELC / ANY RELEVANT FC who is 18-25 you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so they’re kids of mario falcone + his wife, though fabian doesn’t know it and doesn’t know they’re siblings because fabian was left in an alley not long after they’re birth. )
ISAAC HOWLETT, our BEN HARDY fc is looking for a YOUNGER SIBLING connection who looks like  PLAYER’S CHOICE, who is 16-18 years old. you DO have to contact prior to applying at FLOWINGELECTRICITYX. ( the two of them would’ve been half siblings, same mother different father. They also would’ve been really close until their mother died. They got separated then, because of Isaac running off and being taken to Xavier’s School. They then would’ve been adopted/taken in by a superhero/villain!)
JEANNIE DRAKE KENT, our STEFANIE SCOTT fc is looking for a HALF SIBLING ( via warren )  connection who looks like ( EMMA DUMONT, ASAMI ZDRENKA, RYAN POTTER ANY ½ WHITE FC ))  who is ( 19-23 YEARS OLD. ) you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( half siblings that are known publically to be worthington – nothing is set in stone with this connection but feel free to message at gods lost roomba#5813 to hear more about it!  )
LAURA KINNEY, our MONICA RAYMUND fc is looking for a ADOPTED CHILD ( 2 ) connection who looks like CENGIZ AL, FROY GUTIERREZ, SHAMIR BAILEY, JUDE KARDA, CAMERON BOYCE / UTP who is 16-23 you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so these two, laura took in, probably a few years ago but could’ve been more recently too. they’d be a victim of abuse, underage prostitution, kidnapping or even from an organization similar to weapon x or weapon x itself. just abuse in general because i think it would hit laura hard and she wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to them. laura would’ve rescued them on one of her missions and took them in and eventually legally adopted them. they’re really close, i imagine and laura would kill anything for them. bonus points if they’re trans or nb !!! )
RAYNOR LOKISON, our CODY FERN fc is looking for a ADOPTED CHILD connection who looks like PLAYER’S CHOICE, who is 16-17 YEARS OLD. you CAN have to contact prior to applying at ofrcvenants. ( raynor is a therapist who works with kids/people who have lost someone. Raynor tries to keep a distance from clients, but he got attached to your character and close, and ended up adopting them. )
SOFIA STRANGE, our ELIZABETH OLSEN fc is looking for a FULL SIBLING connection who looks like KIERNAN SHIPKA, ALDEN EHRENREICH, EZRA MILLER, UTP who is 18-25. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( they would probs be a sorcerer too? but like a mini army of strange kids would be dope. )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for her ( TWO ) YOUNGER HALF-SIBLINGS VIA CHLOE & LUCIFER who look like ANY FACE CLAIM / ONLY HAVE TO BE HALF WHITE who are anything from 16-22 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i’m tweaking the timeline that i’m mainly working from - the lucifer tv show - just a bit to allow for a broader age range of siblings, but what i waNT here is !! lil decker-morningstar kids !! i’m not even fussy on whether they’re like, bio or not, i just think… trix would be an awesome big sister, and it would REALLY solidify the fam connection here for there to be a lil fam running abt the place. )
ANDROMEDA ISLEY-QUINZEL, our LANA CONDOR fc is looking for a POLY SHIP / 2 1 CHARS connection who looks like UTP, who is 19-25 YEARS OLD. you DO have to contact prior to applying at SHCOTINGSTAR. ( andy has baggage, certainly. she’s a past weapon x detainee, unbeknownst to her, adopted from a broken family, and had her heart broken by the first person she dated. she’s serial dated for years. but these people, they made her stop & start to appreciate love for what it is again. this connect can be filled by someone of any gender. ) ( half filled by birdie drake-kent )
DANIEL FOSTER-THORSON, our TARJEI SANDVIK MOE fc is looking for a EX BOYFRIEND connection who looks like MIGUEL BERNARDEAU, CHRIS VERES, DYLAN SPRAYBERRY, ANY FC who is 18-21. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( they’d preferably be a kid of another asgardian. someone not related to thor, obviously. he and danny dated when he spent a summer on asgard, and it probably happened directly after he and his first girlfriend broke up. he was exploring his sexuality and they were super cute for as long as they lasted, but it was the briefest fling and when he returned to earth, it ended. now they’re reunited! )
DANIEL FOSTER-THORSON, our TARJEI SANDVIK MOE fc is looking for an EX GIRLFRIEND connection who looks like OLIVIA COOKE, ISABELA MONER, BENEDETTA PORCAROLI, LETITIA WRIGHT, ANY FC who is 18-21. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( the first and only girlfriend danny ever had. they were probably really cute at first and perfectly on track, but as time went on danny’s misgivings grew, and he started to realize that he wasn’t into her in the way he should have been. they could have ended badly or on good terms, and either would be cool by me! )
DEVYN XAVIER-LEHNSHERR, our COURTNEY EATON fc is looking for a SKINNY LOVE connection who looks like PLAYER’S CHOICE, who is 19-22 you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( basically, your character and Devyn are in love with each other but neither of them have been able to tell the other. )
HELENA BARNES, our KATHERINE LANGFORD fc, is looking for a EX GIRLFRIEND connection who looks like IMAN MESKINI. INDYA MOORE, ARIELA BARER, NEELAM GILL, ODEYA RUSH, PARIS BERELC, LYDIA GRAHAM, NICOLE MAINES, NATALIE ALYN LIND, LIZA SOBERANO, NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO / UTP who is 18-21 you DON’T have to contact prior to applying at. ( the relationship wouldn’t have been the healthiest uh because helena isn’t the best at emotions other than anger  )
HELENA BARNES, our KATHERINE LANGFORD fc, is looking for a SLOW BURN ROMANCE connection who looks like LYRICA OKANO, NATALIA DYER, ARIELA BARER, LISA TEIGE, PARIS BERELC, HAILEE STEINFELD, LIZA SOBERANO, CINDY KIMBERLY // PLAYER’S CHOICE who is 18-21. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( girls falling in love and working through trauma and being soft ! it’s all i want )
IVAR BRAGISON, our KIM JISOO fc is looking for a MUSE/ROMANTIC PARTNER connection who looks like UTP! who is 18+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( at first, ivar is just drawn to them and wants to know about them, to write about them but the more they get to know each other, the more they romantically bond and like many other muses with their artist, they become lovers. - any gender is ok for this connection )
SERAPHINE CURRY, our MAIA COTTON fc is looking for a LOVE INTEREST connection who looks like ANY FEMALE/FEMALE ALLIGNING NB FC who is 19-23 YEARS OLD. you (DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying at BUT CAN @/SELACHIS. (can also … be apart of the childhood crush wc, but effectively, someone who is a lot more assertive in their emotions, very much the yang to sela’s ying, i would love to have an end game ship but 👉👈 )
TEDDY BROCK, our TOM HOLLAND fc is looking for an EX-SOMETHING connection who looks like ANY MALE FC who is  18-22 YEARS OLD you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( teddy is an emo loser who pretends to be all emotionless and punk, it would be nice for them to have someone they can be nerdy and vulnerable around, they maybe even know the symbiote? ? but just someone who he can be soft w !)
TEDDY BROCK, our TOM HOLLAND fc is looking for a FLING/FWB connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER who is # 19-22 YEARS OLD you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( honestly something casual and regular ig?? like whenever one of them is bored or stressed they,, hang out. the symbiote means my kid has a lotta…energy so this can be multiple connections, any gender!! ) 
WILLIAM WILSON, our BRANDON FLYNN fc is looking for his EXES connection who look like PLAYERS CHOICE who are 19-23. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( before he got with percy will was sort of all over the place, and he has a lot of exes to prove it. he probably stupidly let quite a few of them think that they were going to be something more before moving on from his flavor of the week, so there’s equal opportunity here for grudges to be held as there is for them both to have moved on. )
AERONWY GWYNN, our VAJEN VAN DEN BOSCH fc is looking for a PARENTS CLUB connection who looks like UTP ! who is ANY AGE you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( this is for a group of parents who aren’t necessarily the best parents? they all try super hard but they probably didn’t have the initial instincts people assume parents have. bonus points if they struggle with post partum depression / psychosis like aeron does. )
ANDROMEDA ROSALIE ISLEY-QUINZEL, our LANA CONDOR fc is looking for a LITTLE SIBLING FIGURE connection who looks like UTP+ who is YOUNGER THAN 24 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( something about them drew andy in and made her want to protect them. it can be as simple as they’re aura or as intricate as them being the same in some way - similar powers, both adopted, etc. but andy is fiercely protective of this person. she’s not a very scary person, she’s often the one BEING protected, but for them it’s a role reversal, whether they younger of the two likes it or not. )
CASSIE LANG, KATE BISHOP, & NOH-VARR, our HAYLEY KIYOKO, MEDALION RAHIMI, & NICO TORTORELLA fc, is looking for a NEW YOUNG AVENGERS // MAX TWO connection who looks like INDYA MOORE, LYRICA OKANO, ANA DE ARMAS, LISA TEIGE, AMANDLA STENBERG, KARAN BARR, DAVID CASTRO, RJ CYLER, ABIGAIL COWEN, PARIS BERELC, YARA SHAHIDI, IMAN MESKINI // ANY FC THAT WORKS who is 26 & UNDER you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( a few months ago, the young avengers got back together! exciting. this is basically a wc for new paragon students that they have welcomed into the young avengers since then. can be an avengers or not, can have a legacy or not, it doesn’t really matter! )
DANIEL FOSTER-THORSON, our TARJEI SANDVIK MOE fc is looking for PEOPLE HE TUTORS connection who looks like PLAYERS CHOICE who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( danny is pretty smart, so if your character is slacking at school or something, he can be of assistance! he’s also… pretty easy to walk all over, so this doesn’t have to be such a cut and dry connect if you want someone to play off of your character a bit ) ( gunnar vidarson, more )
DANIEL FOSTER-THORSON, our TARJEI SANDVIK MOE fc is looking for a FORMER BULLY connection who looks like PLAYERS CHOICE who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( kids can sometimes be.. not the best. back when they were younger, this character used to pick on danny a bit; it was easily done, but also, you know, not great. danny’s never quite forgiven them and it might be the only grudge he’s ever held, but they’ve kinda. totally forgotten about him. )
ELEKTRA TROY, our JENNA COLEMAN fc is looking for a CLIENT connections who looks like UTP who is ANY AGE you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( elektra is a defense attorney and has probably defended some people in paragon - would love for her to have some clients either present or past! ) 
FLETCHER WEST, our GRANT GUSTIN fc is looking for a PATIENT connection who looks like UTP who is UTP YEARS OLD you DON’T have to contact prior to applying ( young medical resident Fletcher West sees a career for himself in treating/taking care of meta-humans, mutants, mutates, etc. If you gotta problem, yo he’ll solve it) ( kurt rogers, benjamin parker ii, more )
GARFIELD LOGAN , our MANNY JACINTO fc is looking for a YOUTUBE FAN connection who looks like UTP who is 16 - 24 YEARS OLD you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying ( SO Beast Boy has a very popular Youtube channel, because he also is an actor and does voice acting. Ya boy is an entertainer! And hes here at Paragon!! Your muse would be a fan, and we can decide what happens from there! Fun fan bonding times would be something gar is here for. Let him happily influence young people for the better ! )
JOSEPHINE-MARIE JUDE MURDOCK, our MEAGHAN RATH fc, is looking for a STUDENTS connection who looks like UTP who is 16-18 you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( have a high schooler that needs to impress a girl and/or colleges? have a high schooler that needs another elective? have a pretentious high schooler? put them in French class. )
JOSEPHINE-MARIE JUDE MURDOCK, our MEAGHAN RATH fc, is looking for a ZOMBIE / BACK FROM THE DEAD CLUB connection who looks like UTP who is ANY AGE. you DON’T. ( not the official name but just people who are friends based on the fact that they all died and came back to life. )
KATE BISHOP, our MEDALION RAHIMI fc, is looking for CLIENTS (MULTIPLE) connection who looks like UTP who are ANY AGE.  you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( kate’s a p.i., she investigates things from cheating to crimes to the occasional crime ring, so uh yeah hire this coffee-fueled mess. ) 
KURT ROGERS, our ALPEREN DUYMAZ fc is looking for a CLIENTS connection who looks like UTP who is UTP YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( if your muse needs to hire a hero who is trying his gosh dang hardest but will probably only produce mediocre results, then kurt is your boi.)
KURT ROGERS, our ALPEREN DUYMAZ fc is looking for a PARTNER/HERO TEAM connection who looks like UTP who is UTP YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i just need him to have at least a partner while he’s doing heroics, otherwise the big dummy is going to get himself killed.)
KURT ROGERS, our ALPEREN DUYMAZ fc is looking for a COWORKERS connection who looks like UTP who is UTP YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( just give me people who work at johnny’s bar and complain about customers with kurt or bother him about his lack of people skills. )
LOGAN, our  HUGH JACKMAN fc is looking for SAVED MUTANTS connections who looks like UTP who is ANY AGE you DONT have to contact prior to applying. ( So we all know Logan has a habit of happening upon small mutant children that have run into some trouble. The details of this are VERY open to each specific muse, but basically Logan found these connections in a tough spot, then probably brought them to Xavier’s (or, more recently, Paragon) for help. ) 
LOGAN, our  HUGH JACKMAN fc is looking for WEAPON X connections who looks like UTP who is ANY AGE you DONT have to contact prior to applying. ( The only requirement of this connection is that the muse was somehow affiliated with Weapon X, and somehow had contact with Logan at some point. Very loose & open, we can decide whether they’re allies or enemies or somewhere in between, and where things go! ) 
LOGAN, our HUGH JACKMAN fc is looking for PEOPLE HE’S HELPED connection who looks like UTP who is ANY AGE you DONT have to contact prior to applying. ( This is vague because there are SO MANY possibilities. Logan has travelled far and wide, and if a major issue comes up somewhere around him and catches his attention? You bet he tried to help somehow. This could range from like…. helping someone escape an abusive partner to stopping a small town from falling into the hands of total corruption. Come at me with your ideas!!! ) 
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for her ACCIDENTAL VICTIM connection who looks like UTP who is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( though she doesn’t really know it ( she’s always suspected, but there’s no real way for her to check ), makena has some level of probability manipulation, inherited from her mother. for her, this manifested as doing well in tests she didn’t study for, but stressed about until her mutation kicked in, or being unusually good at convincing her parents to allow certain things, or… dot dot dot. a lot of lucky coincidences, if you will, have dotted HER life - but for this character, just being in the vicinity of the girl that doesn’t like them and who they certainly don’t like either ( reasons tbd ) turns their luck sour. she projects onto them unknowingly, twisting their luck and turning it bad - meaning that when they’re around kena, they’re FAR more likely to suffer some pretty horrible happenings. maybe they realize what’s happening, based solely on knowing about her mom. maybe not, and it’s something that needs to be discovered. either way… who’s to say how they’ll solve it?)
MARISOL GRAYSON, our VICTORIA JUSTICE fc is looking for a NEXT GEN TITANS connection who looks like LIZA SOBERANO, TIERA SKOVBYE, OLIVIA HOLT, SHARON ROONEY, ARIA SHAHGHASEMI, ASA BUTTERFIELD, CODY FERN, AUBREY JOSEPH / UP TO PLAYER who is 17+ you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( marisol’s dream has always been to be a vigilante and now she is under the mantle of blackbat, which means that she desperately wants to get a team going. they don’t even have to be a kid of a canon yj/tt/titans member and their mantle’s could be completely original! i also see it as everyone being a leader depending on what’s going on and what mission they’re handling. ) 
MORGAN ROTH, our SOFIA CARSON fc, is looking for a INCORRECT PREDICTION connection who looks like ANY FC who is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( morgan gives out cheap divination readings and sometimes just… gives someone a reading because she is um a lot. she’s mostly correct, but this time ! she was wrong ! just flat out wrong! i imagine it was something comically wrong like ‘you are going to get a promotion at work soon’ and the next day… your muse was fired or smth )
NAOMI DANE-SUMMERS, our NAOMI SCOTT fc is looking for a MINI BROTHERHOOD OF EVIL MUTANTS connection who looks like UTP who is 16-28ISH you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( essentially they’re the new age of the brotherhood of evil mutants !! the new generation. )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for a EX-CLIENTS connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER who is ANY AGE you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i’m gonna keep this one a little vague, cause.. i wanna leave it open to multiple people, and i think every single one of those could have a different sort of dynamic with her. nikki used to work as a drugrunner for a major dealer named callum. he was, for want of a better description - an abusive piece of shit, and he continued to be that right up until nikki killed him in self defense. HOWEVER, before he died and she got carted off to jail, nikki used to do a lot of jobs for him, and they led her across states. she would have rubbed shoulders with a lot of not so great people, but also some kinda ok ones. some might have heard what happened, others won’t and might be kinda confused about what the FUCK happened to their supply, but either way.. i want. also. callum coulda had some other helpers. idk. i just want it ALL. ) 
RAMONA DARKHOLME, our MADCHEN AMICK fc is looking for a APPRENTICE connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is YOUNGER THAN 30. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( right now, she’s a security guard and mechanic, but over her 53 years, romy has been a lot of things. while i see this as someone who she’s grown quite close to / taken under her wing / been adopted by who’s interested in learning the tricks of the mechanics trade, i’d be willing to talk with anyone on changing that and making what they’re learning from romy into something different! i just think it’d be neat if she had someone who’s almost becoming a child figure, in her eyes, who she can kinda… learn to be softer with, and really practice with in regards to learning how to be a better mother. )
SELENE CONSTANTINE, our VIRGINIA GARDNER fc is looking for a TEAM OF SCAM ARTISTS & THIEVES connection who looks like UTP who is ANY AGE you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( think leverage! a close-knit found family who just happen to be crooks and criminals. part robin hood type thing part just for their own gain ) ( manon gwynn, ajax falcone + others ! )
SERAPHINE CURRY, our MAIA COTTON fc is looking for a MUSE connection who looks like ANY FC who is 19-25 YEARS OLD. you (DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying at BUT CAN @/SELACHIS. ( just someone she paints and writes music for all the time. would love. )
SKYLAR MCCOY, our JENNIE KIM fc is looking for a SOMEONE SHE KNEW FROM WHEN SHE WAS WITH VICTOR connection who looks like UTP, who is UTP YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( she spent eleven years of her life with him. from ages six to seventeen, skylar, or as this muse would have known her, artemis, was under victor creed’s hand, going around the world with him as he worked with the hand - and when she worked with him, eventually. this connection is someone that knew skylar during her time then. who remember her as someone else. artemis, a dying light that only knew how to fight, not how to think. )
THEORA TREVOR, our KATE SIEGEL fc, is looking for a PROTEGE-LIKE connection who looks like UTP who is 16 TO 26. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( This is basically for a character that wants to be a doctor, whatever stage of their education they are in. And while Theora isn’t exactly the traditional mentor type, she took them under her wing. She cares, even if she’s not the best as expressing that. )
TOMMY SHEPHERD MAXIMOFF, our SURAJ SHARMA fc is looking for a GROUP OF FELLOW FORMER INMATES/WEAPON EXPERIMENTS BY THE US GOVERNMENT THAT TOMMY BROKE OUT (unlimited) connection who looks like UTP, who is 16-26. you DON’T (but can) have to contact prior to applying at FEELTHESTXRM/DISCORD. ( basically while the young avengers were broken up Tommy sort of bounced aimlessly around the country from family member to family member until eventually he got tired of feeling useless and decided to start going around to other ““juvies”” (read: lowkey mutant/superhuman testing facilities trying to turn kids and teens into weapons under the guise of being maximum security juvenile detention centers for superhumans) and basically destroying them and freeing everyone along the way. Some of these people ended up joining Tommy on his quest and they ended up forming this sort of, makeshift family especially considering most of them had no family to go back to and that they were all technically escaped felons. Some of them probably left over time to do other stuff, some of them could even be villains now (which would be fun (read: dramatic) since tommy is back with the YA), but they all would still love each other lots and probably be highkey protective of each other. (some of these folks could also end up in part of the new YA, i think that wuld be neato!))
TOVA VIDARSDOTTIR, our EMMA MACKEY fc is looking for COWORKERS connection who looks like ANY FC who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( just a small connect for more people who work in the local record store ! tova could do with some people who she can have the typical work dynamic with, and mayb they can even b friends outside of it! )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for ILLEGAL PATIENTS who look like UP TO PLAYER and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( trix is a med student, and she does a lot of work at the local hospital - but i also imagine that over the last few years, she’s sort of made a name for herself in the lowkey sense as someone who’s willing to treat patients out of hours / out of the hospital / etc on the downlow. if your character is a vigilante / hero / villain / etc, who sometimes gets themselves fuckt up and doesn’t want to make the big deal it could be by getting treated officially… hit her up ! she’ll fix you up for free, and she’ll do it discreetly. )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for MORTUARY COWORKERS who look like UP TO PLAYER and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so !! trixie currently works at the local morgue, and as of right now… i think she’s the only one who does? and i’d love for her to have some coworkers there, cause it’s obviously such a heavy job, and i think… while it doesn’t phase trix, it would still be nice for her to have people who can relate to how TOUGH it can be sometimes, and who she can kind of have developed a little something something with. )
WILLIAM WILSON, our BRANDON FLYNN fc is looking for his ARCH-NEMESIS connection who looks like ANY FC who us ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( wrong place, wrong time, every time, apparently. will isn’t a vigilante by any means, and he definitely gets into a lot of trouble on his own, but he likes to be nosy and that has led to him seemingly foiling this characters plans… quite a few times, now. almost habitually. they probably think of him as the worlds biggest killjoy because he always stops their fun, specifically, unaware that will can be as bad as them usually. )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for her THERAPIST who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( victoria is just the latest in a line of traumatized students to begin attending the school / living in paragon, but… when i say she’d really benefit from having someone who’s trying to listen and understand and help her… i mean it. they don’t even have to be fully licensed therapists - and part of me kind of loves if it’s just someone doing this out of the goodness of their heart. she’s spent twenty six years being broken down into a shell of an actual human being, and under her “fathers” thumb, she’s never developed any sort of emotional or social or, well, normal skills needed to live, and really suffered every sort of abuse a person could. she certainly has some sort of stockholm syndrome from it all that’s going to be hard to break through, and she just needs someone who’ll listen, and hear her, and then.. offer a shoulder to lean on, or offer words that might help her through. )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for her TUTOR / ANY NUMBER OF who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( again ! victoria is another in a long line joining the school who doesn’t really have.. any sort of formal education behind her, and while i do think it’s a good idea to have her go down this path, i struggle to see how she’ll make it without having people willing to work with her. she’s smart, and she’ll pick things up quite quickly, but she’s still going to be a difficult sort of student just because she’s never really had to learn things in this kind of setting - people with patience encouraged, but people without would be equally fun )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for VICTIMS who look like UP TO PLAYER and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( twenty six years spent being little more than another weapon in victor creed’s hands means that victoria has… a lot of blood on her hands. i dare say that none of it is blood she wanted to spill, but the fact remains that she never really knew enough torefuse. she’s done a lot of things she’s not proud of, and she’s hurt a lot of people - meaning she’s going to be spending a great deal of her very long life trying, in vain, to make amends in some way. i want for her to encounter people who she’s hurt. either directly, or that… she hurt their family or distant family before alongside victor, and either she recognizes them and seeks them out, or they recognize her and seek her out. give her people who shout and scream about what she’s done, and people who can’t believe she’s being allowed walk around and keep on living. give her people who know she was just another victim of a psychopath, who could maybe give her something she’s never had before - forgiveness - and make her feel a way she’s also… never felt before. give her all sorts of connections under this heading bc i think it’s unrealistic if she has none. ) 
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