hungline · 5 years
let’s have a talk
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pairing: showki  genre: angst, cops au, supernatural au, rated m  warnings: possession, ghosts  words: 1600 
summary: Hyunwoo expected this, he just thought Hoseok would come to talk with him earlier is all. Except maybe he didn’t expect Hoseok to say that Kihyun is possessed. That took him completely by surprise.
⇢ day twenty-five of 31 days of halloween 
⇢ part five of eternally 
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"Chief, we need to talk."
Hyunwoo looks up to see Hoseok standing hesitantly in the doorway. The elder waves a hand, telling him to close the door and take a seat. Hoseok does so quickly, perching himself on the edge of the chair in front of Hyunwoo's desk. Hyunwoo finishes reading over the case file in his hand and closes it, lacing his fingers together as he studies Hoseok.
"What did you want to talk about?"
Hyunwoo knows what Hoseok is planning to say. If there's anybody on the force who might know Kihyun as well as he does, it'll be Hoseok. And Hoseok is over-observant almost always, so Hyunwoo is surprised it's taken this long for Hoseok to come talk to him about this.
"Well," Hoseok mumbles awkwardly, twisting his fingers together in his lap. "It's about Kihyun."
Hyunwoo nods, waiting for Hoseok to continue.
Hoseok looks sheepish when he finally says, "There's something wrong with him."
Hyunwoo leans back in his chair and sighs, relieved, glad he'd been right. "I thought it was just me."
"You mean, you've noticed?" Hoseok leans forward in his seat, gaping at his boss.
"Of course I have. He lives with me after all and we're, wellーwe're intimate," Hyunwoo shrugs, trying to gloss over the last part. "Of course I'd notice when he starts acting weird."
"Listen, Chief, you don't have to act like I'm a clueless five-year-old. Everyone knows you and Kihyun-ah are fucking. What we don't know is why you haven't confronted Kihyun about his behavior yet," Hoseok says with a scoff, crossing his arms over his chest as he watches a variety of emotions flicker across Hyunwoo's face.
"What do you mean everyone?" Hyunwoo finally manages to ask.
Hoseok rubs his arms, a shiver running down his spine. "Well, it's obvious to everyone on the force that Kihyun is acting strangely. At first, I thought it might be relationship problems between you two but that hasn't been the case at all really. I still remember when Kihyun went missing for two days and you went insane trying to find him. You obviously care a great deal for him and I know that he used to care for you a lot too. So my theory is that this is a doppelganger and the real Kihyun is still missing."
Hyunwoo raises a brow at Hoseok, incredulous of the younger's theory. "A doppelganger?"
"Well, what do you think? The man you've been sleeping with went missing and came back not himself, please enlighten me about what you think happened," Hoseok replies, incredibly irritated.
Hyunwoo blinks, surprised by the outburst. "I...well, I'm not very sure, butーI just...Look, all I know is that he's not my Kihyunnie."
Hoseok lets his arms fall, gripping his knees anxiously as he leans forward and peers up into Hyunwoo's crumpled face. "Chief, I have an aunt who's a medium."
Hyunwoo glances up at the younger, utterly confused about why Hoseok is bringing this up now.
Hoseok continues though, his words a rapid flurry of disbelief. "She never talks to me, says she hates how I don't take spirits seriously and stuff. But she called me yesterday."
Hyunwoo still doesn't know where Hoseok is going with this.
"She was scared. Almost hysterical as if she didn't expect me to answer the phone," Hoseok chews at his nail, obviously distressed. And thenー "Hyung, she told me that a dalgyal gwishin was near me. I didn't think anything of it really, just dismissed it but it came back to me later that she never calls me. I always have to call her."
Hyunwoo nods, not understanding how this is relevant but he can vaguely recall hearing stories about gwishins when he was younger and his grandmother was still alive. If Hyunwoo recalls correctly, she was a medium as well. She helped spirits pass over and cleared houses of dark gwishins. Hyunwoo tries to remember what she might have told him about dalgyal gwishins, but he's only drawing a blank so far.
Hoseok shifts in his seat, peering over his shoulder as he leans even farther forward, his elbows on Hyunwoo's desk now. "I did some research about them and oh god, hyung they're terrible dark spirits. They aren't meant to leave the spirit world, not unless someone has created a rift between spirits and humans that they can slip through, and that's actually more common than you'd think. No one who's seen a dalgyal gwishin has survived, hyung."
"Okay?" Hyunwoo asks, brows still raised, still going through old memories of his grandmother.
"I called my aunt back and asked her about the gwishin," Hoseok murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. "She didn't want to tell me anything at first, but when I mentioned Kihyun, she started babbling all this nonsense about a ritual and that someone close to me hasn't been acting themselves lately because they aren't. Themselves, I mean.
"Hyung, you're right, the Kihyun here with us isn't your Kihyun," Hoseok whispers.
Hyunwoo sits back in his chair, completely stunned. They stare at one another for some time, neither saying anything as the clock on the wall continues to tick. Hoseok wipes his forehead clear of sweat and looks over his shoulder again, nervous. Hyunwoo blinks and rubs his eyes, stretching his legs out in front of him as he slumps completely into his swivel chair.
"Hoseok-ah, are you implying that my boyfriend has been possessed by an evil spirit and that's why he's acting like more of an asshole than usual?" Hyunwoo quietly asks.
Hoseok drags in a sharp breath, fingers tangled together in his lap. "It's crazy, I know. I like my doppelganger theory better, to be honest, but I can't ignore my aunt. She's been right about a lot of things."
"Like what?" Hyunwoo asks.
Hoseok looks sheepish when he replies, "Well, she was right about you and she was right about Kihyun and I and she was right about me."
"Wow, wait. You've mentioned us to her?" Hyunwoo holds a hand up, still confused about what Hoseok is trying to prove with this.
"Well..." Hoseok hesitates, his body tensing up as he bites his lip and then finally he takes in a large gulp of air and says, "I thought you were a complete asshole when I first started working here and I told my aunt about it, just complaining you know, but she told me to get over it because you'd go on to do great things and you'd need someone trustworthy to have your back and that I was going to be that person and well, she turned out to be right when we were assigned as partners and then you got promoted and now you're Chief of Police."
Hoseok coughs then, peering tentatively up at the elder, relieved to see that Hyunwoo is fighting back laughter. Then Hoseok tenses up again, his fingers twisting in odd ways in his lap.
"And, uh, well, Kihyun and I. Weーwe were never a thing! Believe me, I'd very much have liked to, but my aunt advised me against it. Said our lives weren't meant to be intertwined that way."
Hoseok pauses to scratch his hair, his mouth a thin line as he thinks about his next sentence.
"She always asked me when the two soulmates would finally get together and I didn't realize until now that she meant you and Kihyun. She used to tell me about this grand love story between two cops when I was a kid and that was kind of why I became one in the first place, I wanted a grand story told about me too and then I met Kihyun and I thought, you know, that well, he's the one.
"Except he wasn't. He's your one. My aunt kept asking about you two and I was dumb enough to think it was about Kihyun and I when really, I never stood a chance," Hoseok finishes lamely, waving away the look Hyunwoo gives him. "Oh, don't look at me like I'm a kicked puppy. I got over Kihyun a long time ago and I'm really happy about you two, or at least, I was."
"Hoseok, I never even knew you thought about Kihyun like that," Hyunwoo murmurs. "Why didn't you say anything?"
Hoseok shrugs. "Didn't matter much in the long run, plus I kind of thought you were homophobic when we were first paired up."
Hyunwoo laughs then, the tense atmosphere around them breaking. Hoseok smiles, that wide smile that takes up his entire face and Hyunwoo can't help but lean over his desk and clap his ex-partner on the back.
"As you very well know, I'm not homophobic in the slightest. I think my long string of ex-boyfriends should be proof enough of that," Hyunwoo chortles.
Hoseok nods, his smile reigning itself in. "But about Kihyun..."
And just like that, the tense atmosphere is back.
"I'll look into it. My grandma was a medium too so I'm going to drive up to my grandpa's place this weekend and look through their old things, see if I can find anything that might prove your aunt right. In the meantime, let's look into that doppelganger theory of yours."
The two men lean in, whispering frantically and completely unbeknownst of the fact that Kihyun is standing behind Hyunwoo's desk, pressed against the wall and covered in a variety of charms and spells that conceal him from human eyes. It's just his luck he had to possess a man who's surrounded by spiritually influenced people.
Now he'll definitely have to kill them.
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parkseonghwadata · 3 years
211018 SBS KPOP YouTube Update
Seonghwa - Eternal Sunshine Fancam
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yunhodata · 3 years
210903 ATEEZ Official YouTube Update
Eternal Sunshine Performance Preview
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hungline · 5 years
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pairing: showki  genre: fluff, mild smut, cops au, rated m   warnings: mentions of a serial killer, implied sexual content, implied office sex  words: 1190 
summary: Kihyun doesn’t want to admit that what Hoseok said is true. That he and the Chief have a thing. 
⇢ day seven of 31 days of halloween 
⇢ part two of eternally 
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"Hey, Chief, you know that body Minhyuk and Hyungwon found?"
Hyunwoo looks up from the reports in front of him, already not liking where this conversation is headed. He nods anyway, showing Kihyun that he has his attention.
Kihyun sets down more files in front of Hyunwoo. "It's the same M.O."
Hyunwoo nods again, expecting this as soon as Kihyun had entered. "That makes four now."
"Sir, I know you said to wanted to avoid this, but I'm not sure we have a choice anymore," Kihyun murmurs. "We need to call in the feds."
Hyunwoo leans back into his chair, ultimately defeated. "Yeah...can you do it?"
Kihyun smiles sadly at the elder. "Sure, Chief. Whatever you need."
Kihyun leaves with a promise to contact the feds as soon as he can and Hyunwoo watches him go, feeling numb. He knew this could have been a possibility, hell, he practically expected this to happen. But he never wished for it. No.
For who would wish to have a serial killer amongst their midsts?
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  "How'd Chief take it?"
Kihyun doesn't stop in his pace, merely screwing his mouth up in distaste as he passes by Hoseok's desk. "As well as any other sane person."
Hoseok chuckles. "Calling me insane, little Kihyunnie?"
Kihyun knows better than to stop and face the elder, but there's something about arguing with Hoseok that Kihyun strangely likes. "Don't call me that."
"What? Kihyunnie? But it's cute!"
Kihyun takes a deep breath, reminding himself why it's illegal to throttle your co-workers.
"Aw, you know I'm just messing with you! Relax," Hoseok laughs, as boisterous and outrageous as ever. "But it's best if you stuck to Chief's side for the time being."
"Why?" Kihyun asks, suspicious of the concerned tone in Hoseok's voice.
Hoseok rolls his eyes. "Everyone knows you and the Chief have a thing going on and whenever trouble starts to brew, he goes out of his way to make sure he has clear access to you at any minute of the day."
Kihyun blinks, taken completely by surprise. Hoseok takes in his expression and chuckles lowly to himself, shaking his head as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"Are you telling me you've really never noticed?"
"Shut up," Kihyun manages to say before turning on his heel and heading down to check up on Jooheon in the lab.
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  "Kihyun, I want you to stay at my place while this investigation goes on."
Kihyun blinks, surprised and startled, doing his best to fight back the flush that's trying to color his face. "Excuse me?"
"For the time being, you will be staying at my place," Hyunwoo repeats himself, not even looking up from the file he's holding in his hands, before turning and typing something into the computer, pulling up images and more documents Kihyun can't make sense of from where he's standing.
"Chief, that seems highly unprofessional," Kihyun tries, biting his lip and twisting his fingers together in front of him.
Hyunwoo shakes his head and sighs, turning the computer screen for Kihyun to see. Kihyun steps closer, leaning over the elder to look at the images on the screen.
"Five people have now turned up dead with the same MO, Kihyun-ah. I can't let you stay in your apartment. Not when I know that it's lacking in security," Hyunwoo murmurs, his voice right by Kihyun's ear, breath hot on Kihyun's skin.
Kihyun fights back a shiver, both from disgust brought on by the photos and an unknown desire stemming from Hyunwoo. "My security is fine, sir. There's no need for you to worry."
Hyunwoo clicks on another photo, this one more grotesque than the one before. "Kihyun, I don't want the next body we find to be yours. Please, just consider staying with me for the time being."
Kihyun leans away, standing dutifully behind Hyunwoo's chair. "But why? I don't see you trying to invite Jooheon or Changkyun into your home, sir."
Hyunwoo swivels his chair around and lets both his hands grasp onto Kihyun's wrists. "I set them up in a hotel. They'll be safe, just as much as Minhyuk and Hyungwon will be. Just as safe as Hoseok is. But I need you to be safe as well."
Kihyun startles when he realizes that a flush is beginning to form on Hyunwoo's cheeks, a pretty dusk pink blush that feathers out across the tan skin covering his cheekbones. Hyunwoo's grip tightens on Kihyun's wrists and Kihyun looks down momentarily to eye at their point of contact before looking back up into the elder's face.
"Because you're important, Kihyun-ah. Not just to this investigation or to the force, but you're important to me," Hyunwoo says, his voice soft and low and Kihyun blinks, completely dumbfounded.
"I...I still don't understand, Chief," Kihyun manages to respond, his gaze solely on Hyunwoo's.
Hyunwoo sighs and before Kihyun knows it, he's seated in the elder's lap, his head on Hyunwoo's shoulder.
"Sir!" Kihyun spits out, frozen by the turn of events.
"Kihyunnie, you are very, very important to me. With this serial killer on the loose, I can't afford to let you go about your own way. I need to make sure you're safe so that I can work on catching this bastard without being distracted."
"So, I'm a distraction now?" Kihyun asks.
Hyunwoo chuckles and shakes his head, wrapping his arms around Kihyun's torso and readjusting the younger man until he's seated more comfortably in Hyunwoo's lap. "You're the sweetest distraction man has ever known. I need you safe. Please consider staying with me."
Kihyun looks up, startled to find that Hyunwoo's face is so close to his. Their breaths intermingle in the air between them, eyes only locked on each other. Kihyun is strangely turned on by this scenario and it isn't in his imagination when he shifts his hips and feels something poke into him. The younger blinks, things going a bit fuzzy at the edges, but he manages to draw in a deep breath and clear his mind before answering.
"I'll stay with you."
When Hyunwoo kisses him, it feels like something has tilted sideways in Kihyun and then righted itself before he could make any sense of it. Hyunwoo's lips are plush and hot against Kihyun's own and Kihyun doesn't know when he started moving his hips back on Hyunwoo's crotch, but the elder moans into his mouth when Kihyun's ass brushes against his dick and a pleasurable shock runs through Kihyun. Then Hyunwoo is pulling him up, sweeping his desk clear and laying Kihyun across it, kissing him with more vigor and intent than before. Kihyun loses himself in the elder's touch, arching his back and grinding down against the tent in Hyunwoo's pants.
If Kihyun comes out of the Chief's office forty-three minutes later with his hair disheveled, and the back of his shirt untucked, Hoseok definitely does not tease him about finally getting his shit together with the Chief for the rest of the week.
Or, maybe Hoseok does and Kihyun is just too stubborn to admit that he was right all along about them.
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hungline · 5 years
hood over my eyes
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pairing: showki   genre: horror, angst, supernatural au, rated m  warnings: kidnapping, talks about murders, possession, ghosts  words: 1100 
summary: Kihyun doesn't know how he became so careless and allowed this to happen to him. 
⇢ day thirteen of 31 days of halloween 
⇢ part three of eternally 
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There's something strange in the air.
Kihyun doesn't know what it might be but it feels like there are eyes on him.
He pushes the thought aside though, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. Kihyun had opted out of getting a taxi back to Hyunwoo's place, wanting to feel the bite of autumn as he walked down the streets. It's only late afternoon, the sun setting beautifully in the west and Kihyun sighs wistfully as he thinks about his life before the serial killer fiasco started.
He and the Chief had danced around each other for the longest time, always skirting along the line between co-workers and potential lovers. Hyunwoo would make blatantly grand gestures and Kihyun would blink and act as oblivious as ever. It’s how they had worked.
And while actual work was the reason they came together in the first place, it wasn’t what had strengthened their bond over time. It’d been Hyunwoo’s constant non-work related events that had.
Hyunwoo had started their weekly happy hour at the bar a few blocks over from the station. He’d invited Kihyun and that was how the force had grown closer.
Kihyun doesn’t think twice about the person he brushes past on the street, mind too far away to really notice that he passes right through them. But then a handkerchief is being pressed to his nose and mouth, forcing him to take in deep breaths and Kihyun doesn't know how he became so careless and allowed this to happen to him.
Hyunwoo is going to be furious with him, he thinks absentmindedly.
Everything goes black after that.
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  When Kihyun comes to, there’s a bag over his head and he’s tied to a chair.
He doesn’t know what to do but he focuses on calming his breathing, pretending he’s still unconscious for the time being. Anything to delay what may be coming.
The bag is pulled off his head anyway, showing Kihyun a dimly lit room with a high ceiling. A horn sounds out in the distance and Kihyun realizes he's somewhere by the docks, probably stowed away in a warehouse. He doesn't see any people though and when he cranes his neck to look behind him, he still comes up with nothing.
Something shifts in the shadows around him, barely out of the ring of light that engulfs Kihyun. He chalks it down to his imagination, until it shifts again and a voice speaks.
"You're awake."
Kihyun can't fight the shiver that wracks his entire body. Anyone would have the same reaction if they had to listen to this voice as cold as ice and simply leaking with death. Kihyun doesn't answer, merely following the shifting shadow with his eyes.
"I wanted to wait until you were aware. It's more fun that way."
Something shines in the darkness and Kihyun shivers again.
"A pity. I thought you'd give me more than this," the voice says, a hint of disappointment in its tone.
Kihyun sticks his chin out and glares at what he hopes is the direction the voice is coming from. "Fuck off."
"Oh, what a potty mouth you have," It laughs and Kihyun shivers again, frightened by the sound. "But I must say, despite your language, you are the perfect vessel."
And suddenly, Kihyun is reminded of the stories his grandmother used to tell him. Of the ghosts that would come for him if he didn't eat his vegetables and go to bed on time. As a child, he had no reason to take heed of his grandmother's stories, but now with a supernatural being of some sort in front of him, he wishes he had.
The shadows shift again and when the voice speak once more, Kihyun stares at the dark space it came from, straining his eyes to pick up on something, anything. "Yes. You're healthy, the right size, a nice voice even with all the f-bombs you drop on a regular, and your teeth! Your teeth are to die for."
Kihyun has a sinking feeling when he thinks that this thing, whatever it is, isn't kidding when it says Kihyun could die for his teeth.
"And not to mention that scrumptious looking boyfriend of yours."
"Don't you fucking dare-" Kihyun begins to say.
But It only cuts him off, a sneer in its voice as it replies. "Or what? Are you going to kill me? Good luck with that."
It laughs again, slinking forward but keeping to the very edge of where the light pans out. Kihyun eyes it as it circles him slowly, taking its time to close in on him.
"Was it you? Are you the one who's murdered all the others?"
"It was accidental murder," the voice says. "I never meant for any of them to die. I just wanted their bodies. But the soul extraction was too much for their weak minds to bear and so they exploded from the inside, leaving me bodiless once again."
Kihyun strains against his restraints now, leaning forward to glare furiously. "You did all this for a body? You killed all those people just so that you could have something that you're not meant to have!"
"And what would you know of it? Before long, I'll be the one occupying your body and your little boyfriend will be at my mercy. Not to mention, I'll take immense pleasure in feeding on your friends as well."
Kihyun fights against his restraints now, screaming at the top of his lungs. "Don't you touch a fucking hair on their heads. I'll kill you!"
The shadow shifts again, drawing impossibly close to the circle of light. "You can't do anything. I'm afraid that your hands are tied on this one."
And that's when Kihyun sees it. The egg-shaped head of it peeking from the shadows. It's all Kihyun needs before his grandmother's stories are bursting inside his skull at full force. He shifts through them quickly, latching onto the one that matters.
"You're a dalgyal gwishin! You're not supposed to be allowed in the realm of the living. Who let you out?"
It freezes in place, shocked that Kihyun has figured it out, but it's of no use Kihyun knows how this is going to pan out.
Anyone who's ever seen a dalgyal gwishin has always died right after. There's no hope for Kihyun.
He's going to miss Hyunwoo so much.
The dalgyal gwishin rushes into the light then, bringing the darkness that engulfs it with them. All Kihyun sees is a head without eyes, a nose, or a mouth before everything goes black again.
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hungline · 5 years
on duty
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pairing: hyunghyuk  genre: horror, some angst, cops au, supernatural au, rated m  warnings: attempted murder, gun violence, corpses, blood, knives  words: 915 
summary: It was just another patrol. Another simple day on the job. Until they came across the dead body and that in itself is out of the ordinary, but neither Minhyuk nor Hyungwon quite expected this.
⇢ day one of 31 days of halloween 
⇢ part one of eternally 
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"Don't say it, hyung. For fuck's sake, please don't fucking say it."
"ーa lot of blood," Minhyuk finishes anyway.
Hyungwon looks up at him, offended. "I told you not to say it, hyung. Why do you have to state the obvious? Of course, it's a lot of blood! The guy is dead!"
Minhyuk frowns at his husband. "Yeah, but it's still a lot of blood. And it's fresh. Whoever did this can't be too far away."
Hyungwon stands and brushes his hands off his pants. "What should we do then?"
Minhyuk stares at him like he just asked an idiotic question, which in hindsight, Hyungwon would realize he had. "We call it in, obviously."
"Yeah, but hyung, what if the culprit is still hanging around? Wouldn't it be better to investigate?"
"We have investigated. There's blood, lots of it, and a dead body. Investigation over. Now I'm going to call Hyunwoo and let him know about this. Please, don't go looking around," Minhyuk says as he heads back to the car, leaning over the driver's seat to reach the radio.
Minhyuk's barely reported back when something sharp and cold presses into his throat. Then a warm body is behind him, a hand on his arm raising goosebumps on Minhyuk's skin. Minhyuk can't turn to see if Hyungwon has noticed yet, but Minhyuk really wouldn't have worried about getting out of this situation until the hand trailed down to his gun and pulled it out of its holster. It's no surprise that his gun is then pushed into the small of his back and Minhyuk is stuck as he hears the safety click.
No words are spoken and Minhyuk can barely breathe, but he doesn't dare move.
Minhyuk prepares to die, clamping his eyes shut as the gun clocks and presses more insistently into his back. He never knew he'd go out like this, with an unknown person holding him at gun and knife point, his police radio buzzing in the background almost like music to ease his nerves. Minhyuk doesn't know where Hyungwon is, but he hopes that his husband had the brains to stay away and hide until Hyunwoo showed up with the rest of the force.
Sweat trails down his face and into his collar, the knife feels ice cold against his skin and it's pressing down harder now, drawing a tiny bit of blood. Minhyuk sees stars, trying in vain to figure out if there's anything he can do to go down fighting because he knows he's going down, but he'll be damned if he doesn't go down in a flame of glory.
"Any last words?"
The voice is rough and emotionless, borderline monotone and Minhyuk shivers, a dizzying rush of fear washing over him as he thinks about Hyungwon, his dear clumsy husband who he's only had the pleasure of being with for such a short time. They'd been assigned as partners two years ago and quickly fallen in love. It was due to Hyunwoo's clearly apparent favoritism towards Minhyuk that they were allowed to remain as partners once they began dating and when they got married.
I'm sorry is all Minhyuk can think of with Hyungwon in mind as he hears the stranger ready themselves to shoot.
A shot rings out, loud and sudden, ripping the air apart around them.
Minhyuk waits for the pain to register.
It never does.
The stranger's body slumps into his, the gun dropping to their feet along with the cold knife that had been pressed into Minhyuk's back. Minhyuk has barely enough time to think about how light his almost killer is before the weight is gone and Hyungwon is there, his face red and a desperate look in his eyes.
Minhyuk can hear sirens in the distance, but all he cares about is that he's alive and Hyungwon just saved him.
"Youー" Minhyuk tries to speak.
Hyungwon cuts him off before he can even think to say anything else. "You're bleeding. I'm sorry, I should've looked out for you better. Were you hurt anywhere else?"
Minhyuk numbly shakes his head, laying his palm flat against the delicate red line across his throat and watches as Hyungwon takes him in, checking him with his eyes for any other injuries. But Minhyuk is fine. Hyungwon doesn't relax, he remains tense.
"He's gone," Hyungwon says then, his voice barely above a whisper.
Minhyuk blinks then looks behind him, finding that Hyungwon is right.
There's no body.
"We need to scout the surrounding area and see if we can catch up to him. He couldn't have gotten far, he's on foot."
Hyungwon shakes his head slowly, a look of true, undisputable fear stemming from his heavy gaze. "No, hyung, you don't get it. He's gone. I shot him and he... disappeared into thin air."
Minhyuk blinks, shocked. "But, heーhe felt... real."
"He looked real too," Hyungwon adds on and Minhyuk can still see the fear in his eyes.
When Hyunwoo arrives with the rest of the force and immediately sends out men to canvas the forest and contact their forensics team to examine the dead body Minhyuk had long forgotten about, Hyungwon is clinging to Minhyuk. Minhyuk lets him because he can't really see a reason why he shouldn't.
And if Hyunwoo notices that the two regard each other a bit differently now that Minhyuk's had a brush with death, he says nothing about it.
Except that maybe, Minhyuk really did have a brush with Death.
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hungline · 5 years
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pairing: showki   genre: angst, mild horror, cops au, supernatural au, rated m  warnings: gore, blood, vivid description of corpses  words: 235 
summary: Something’s wrong and Hyunwoo knows he isn’t just imagining it.
⇢ day fifteen of 31 days of halloween 
⇢ part four of eternally 
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Blood and entrails line the area. Hyunwoo averts his eyes as they try to piece together another body, this one more mangled than the one before.
Hyunwoo isn’t weak stomached usually, but with a room smelling thickly of blood and gore in every which direction, no one can blame the chief of police for being relieved once he’s no longer needed at the scene. Kihyun lingers after him for a while, his eyes bright with a strange light that Hyunwoo feels uncomfortable with.
Ever since Kihyun had spent those two days missing, Hyunwoo has known that there’s been something off about his lover.
He can’t put his finger on it, but it’s strange and vaguely frightens him sometimes.
Kihyun acts different as well.
Not enough for any other person to notice, but if they were as close to him as Hyunwoo is, then the change is fundamental and clearly there.
It isn’t just in Hyunwoo’s imagination when Kihyun comes back to the apartment, smelling of blood and death with a wicked gleam in his eyes. It’s not something Hyunwoo conjured up when Kihyun bites him hard enough to bleed when they fuck through the night. Kihyun is more snappy, less docile and less willing to adhere to Hyunwoo’s decisions as Chief.
Something is wrong.
The Kihyun that follows after him isn’t his Kihyun and he’s going to get to the bottom of this somehow, someway.
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yunhodata · 3 years
211015 ALL THE K-POP YouTube Update
Yunho - Eternal Sunshine Fancam
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parkseonghwadata · 3 years
210913 ZERO : FEVER Part.3 Showcase Eternal Sunshine Stage
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parkseonghwadata · 3 years
211009 MBCkpop YouTube Update
Seonghwa - Eternal Sunshine Fancam
16 notes · View notes
parkseonghwadata · 3 years
211011 SBS KPOP YouTube Update
Seonghwa - Eternal Sunshine Fancam
9 notes · View notes
yunhodata · 3 years
211018 SBS KPOP YouTube Update
Yunho - Eternal Sunshine Facecam
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parkseonghwadata · 3 years
210831 ATEEZ Official Twitter Update
[📷] ATEEZ(에이티즈) - 'Eternal Sunshine' Song Pre-Listening
ALBUM RELEASE 2021. 9. 13 6PM
#FEVER_Part_3 #Eternal_Sunshine #ATEEZ #에이티즈
12 notes · View notes
yunhodata · 3 years
210831 ATEEZ Official Twitter Update
[📷] ATEEZ(에이티즈) - 'Eternal Sunshine' Song Pre-Listening
ALBUM RELEASE 2021. 9. 13 6PM
#FEVER_Part_3 #Eternal_Sunshine #ATEEZ #에이티즈
12 notes · View notes
yunhodata · 3 years
210913 ZERO : FEVER Part.3 Showcase Eternal Sunshine Stage
9 notes · View notes
yunhodata · 3 years
211016 MBCkpop YouTube Update
Yunho - Eternal Sunshine Fancam
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