last-capy-hupping · 2 years
One last update before my busy weekend takes off!
Chapter 29 of AWY, featuring terrible decisions galore.
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elithien · 4 years
hi! im absolutely in love with your thranduil/elithien artwork & im about to read your work on ao3!! i was wondering, what would thranduil’s nickname for elithien be? and how do you envision elithien being pronounced? thank you so much for your beautiful content lovely🤍xx
hello! Oh god please don’t read my cringy attempt of a fanfic haha. 
The nickname Thran gave Elithien in that story was actually Síloril which is Silvan for ‘she who shines’. I got the inspiration when I was reading the story of Beren and Luthien in the Silmarillion. I loved the concept that elves have different names depending on the language they used. 
The correct way to pronounce elithien is eh-lith-ee-en
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lesbiansforboromir · 5 years
Family tree of all Boromir’s large extended family including names for unnamed woman and filler characters that I just made up for flavour.
This has a little extra than the timeline like the Steward’s connection to Pinnath Gelin and some more of Rohan’s royal line. 
Timeline pertaining to Boromir and his extended family and Gondor and Rohan as a whole below the cut. 
Begins with Turin II becoming the ruling Steward of Gondor. If you see inaccuracies then please give me a bell.
2882 Death of Thorondir, Turin II becomes ruling Steward of Gondor. 2883 Birth of Lord Faelon the Fisher, Lord of Pelargir. 2886 Birth of Ecthelion II, son of Steward Turgon. 2899 Death of the unnamed eighteenth Prince of Dol Amroth. The eighteenth Prince's son, Aglahad, becomes the nineteenth Prince of Dol Amroth. 2901 Most of the remaining inhabitants of Ithilien desert it, owing to the attacks of Uruks of the Morgul Vale. The secret refuge of Henneth Annûn is built. 2903 Birth of Mesgiel of Pelargir, Wife of Ecthelion II, sister to Faelon. Death of Folcwine, Fengel takes the sceptre of Rohan. 2905 Birth of Thengel, son of King Fengel of Rohan. 2907 Birth of Gilraen, mother of Aragorn. 2911 The Fell Winter, Wolves invade Eriador. 2912 Devastating floods in Minhiriath and Enedwaith, death of Argonui, Arador becomes Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Tharbad deserted. Saruman discovers Sauron is searching the Gladden Fields. 2914 Death of Túrin II, Turgon becomes Ruling Steward of Gondor. 2917 Birth of Prince Adrahil of Dol Amroth. Birth of Cardir, Seneschal of Tumladen. 2920 Prince Thengel leaves Rohan’s court due to a break with his father and is welcomed in Gondor. 2921 Lord Faelon the Fisher weds Tinnoril of Pelargir. Birth of Sirgon, son of Faelon. 2922 Birth of Morwen Steelsheen. 2924 Birth of Lady Arasser of Lamedon. Mesgiel of Pelargir weds Steward Ecthelion II. 2925 Birth of Lady Terenis, eldest daughter of Steward Ecthelion. Birth of Laegeth of Cair Andros. 2927 Birth of Lady Vanyalos, youngest daughter of Steward Ecthelion. 2929 Arathorn II weds Gilraen. 2930 Death of Arador, Arathorn II becomes Chieftain of the Dúnedain. Birth of Denethor II 2931 Birth of Aragorn. 2932 Death of Prince Aglahad, Angelimir becomes Prince of Dol Amroth. 2933 Death of Arathorn II, Aragorn becomes Chieftain of the Dúnedain. 2935 Birth of Forlong, Lord of Lossenarch. 2939 Saruman discovers that Sauron's servants are searching the Anduin near Gladden Fields, and that Sauron therefore has learned of Isildur's end. He is alarmed, but says nothing to the White Council. 2941 Sauron driven from Dol Guldur, Battle of Five Armies. Dáin II becomes King of Erebor. 2942 Sauron returns in secret to Mordor. 2943 Prince Thengel of Rohan weds Morwen Steelsheen. 2944 Birth of Princess Eadoina, eldest daughter of Prince Thengel. 2945 Birth of Princess Éadwara, second eldest daughter of Prince Thengel. Prince Adrahil weds Lady Arasser of Lamedon. 2946 Birth of Princess Aldwyn, third eldest daughter of Prince Thengel. 2947 Death of Faeron, Sirgon becomes Lord of Lebennin. Birth of Ivriniel, first daughter of Prince Adrahil.  2948 Birth of Théoden, Son of Thengel. 2950 Birth of Finduilas, second daughter of Prince Adrahil. 2951 Sauron declares himself openly and gathers power in Mordor. He begins the rebuilding of Barad-dûr and sends three Nazgûl to reoccupy Dol Guldur. Gondor. 2952 Aragorn discovers his true name from Elrond and goes into the Wild. 2953 The Dark Tower rises again. Last meeting of the White Council. They debate the Rings of Power. Saruman feigns that he has discovered that the One Ring has passed down Anduin to the Sea. Saruman withdraws to Isengard, which he takes as his own, and fortifies it. Being jealous and afraid of Gandalf he sets spies to watch all his movements; and notes his interest in the Shire. He soon begins to keep agents in Bree and the Southfarthing.. Death of Steward Turgon, Ecthelion II becomes Ruling Steward of Gondor, Saruman begins to fortify Isengard, death of King Fengel, Thengel returns from Gondor to take the throne of Rohan, Theoden accompanies him. 2954 Mount Doom bursts into flame again. The last inhabitants of Ithilien flee over Anduin. 2955 Birth of Imrahil, son of Prince Adrahil. 2957 Sirgon weds Laegeth of Cair Andros Aragorn begins his great journeys as Thorongil. 2960 Birth of Siriel, daughter of Lord Sirgon. 2961 Birth of Lorvegil, eldest son of Lord Sirgon. 2963 Birth of Théodwyn, youngest daughter of Thengel. 2964 Birth of Falathran, youngest son of Sirgon. Lady Vanyalos weds Lord Forlong of Lossenarch. 2967 Birth of Tathrenes, eldest daughter of Lord Forlong. 2969 Birth of Lothuial, second eldest daughter of Lord Forlong. 2970 Lady Terenis weds Cardir of Tumladen. 2973 Prince Theoden weds Elfhild of Rohan. 2974 Birth of Collas, youngest daughter of Lord Forlong. Birth of Eradan II, eldest son of Lady Terenis and Cardir of Tumladen. 2976 Denethor II weds Finduilas 2977 Birth of Halas II, youngest son of Lady Terenis and Cardir of Tumladen. Death of Angelimir, Adrahil II becomes Prince of Dol Amroth.  2978 Births of Boromir and Théodred. Death of Elfhild in childbirth. 2979 Death of Falathran in the sudden increase in Corsair hostilities. 2980 Attack on Umbar. Death of Thengel, Theoden takes the Throne of Rohan. Adventures of Thorongil end and Aragorn and Arwen are betrothed. About this time Gollum reaches the confines of Mordor and becomes acquainted with Shelob. 2983 Siriel weds Beinor of Minas Tirith. Birth of Faramir. 2984 Deaths of Ecthelion II, Denethor becomes Ruling Steward of Gondor. Denethor II begins to use the Anor-stone. 2985 Birth of Hirgon, son of Siriel. 2988 Death of Finduilas after a period of illness.  2989 Éomund weds Théodwyn. 2990 Saruman begins breeding Orcs. Birth of Erchirion son of Prince Imrahil. Birth of Belegorn, son of Tathrenes out of wedlock. 2991 Birth of Éomer, son of Eomund. Lady Tathrenes weds a Knight Barahon of Imloth Melui. 2992 Death of Cardir, Seneschal of Tumladen, killed defending the fords of the river Sirith. Eradan II becomes lord of Tumladen. 2993 Birth of Cúlalf, second son of Lady Tathrenes. 2994 Destruction of Balin's colony, birth of Amrothos, son of Prince Imrahil. 2995 Births of Falasser, son of Lorvegil. Birth of Eowyn, daughter of Eomund. Birth of Cordover, third son of Tathrenes. Lothuial weds Lord Rondil of Arnach. 2998 Siriel killed whilst helping evacuate the city, Beinor leaves Pelargir and raises Hirgon in Minas Tirith. 2999 Birth of Lothíriel, daughter of Prince Imrahil. Birth of Cúdulus, youngest son of Lady Tathrenes. 3000 The shadow of Mordor lengthens. Saruman dares to use the palantír of Orthanc, but becomes ensnared by Sauron, who has the Ithil-stone. He becomes a traitor to the White Council. His spies report that the Shire is being closely guarded by the Rangers. Birth of Celebros, daughter of Lorvegil. (79) Birth of Rhossolas, daughter of Lady Lothuial.  3001 Bilbo's birthday feast.  3002 Easterlings attack the Eastemnet of Rohan aided by the orcs of the White mountains. Death of Éomund battling Orcs at Emyn Muil. Death of Théodwyn, Eomer and Eowyn are adopted into King Theoden’s house. Bilbo comes to Imladris. 3006 Birth of Pelilas, youngest daughter of Lady Lothuial. Death of Rondil of Arnach during a corsair siege. Death of Collas, daughter of Vanyalos, killed in an ambush whilst tending to the wounded refugees. 3007 Death of Lorvegil in ship combat, Sirgon takes in Celebros and Falasser. 3009 Gandalf and Aragorn renew their hunt for Gollum at intervals during the next eight years, searching in the vales of Anduin, Mirkwood, and Rhovanion to the confines of Mordor. At some time during these years Gollum himself ventured into Mordor, and was captured by Sauron.  3010 Death of Adrahil II, Imrahil becomes Prince of Dol Amroth. 3012 Eradan II weds Gladhriel of Lamedon. Death of Arasser, mother of Prince Imrahil, at the age of 88. 3014 Théoden begins to fall ill after a wound and his counselor, Gríma Wormtongue, begins to gain power over the King. Birth of Faeleth, daughter of Eradan II. Death of Mesgiel, mother of Denethor II, at the age of 111. 3015 Prince Elphir weds Síloril of Dol Amroth. Death of Morwen Steelsheen at the age of 93. 3017 Birth of Lenneth, Falasser’s daughter out of wedlock. Her father claims her. Birth of Thorondir II, son of Eradan II. Birth of Alphros son of Prince Elphir. Gollum is released from Mordor. Aragorn captures Gollum in the Dead Marshes. On his way to Mirkwood, Aragorn crosses the Anduin assisted by the Beornings. Gandalf visits Minas Tirith and reads the scroll of Isildur. He then leaves for the Shire. On his way northwards, Gandalf gets word from Lothlórien that Aragorn passed by with captured Gollum, and changes his course to meet him. Aragorn brings Gollum to Thranduil in Mirkwood. Gandalf comes to Thranduil and questions Gollum. Gandalf leaves Mirkwood and resumes his course west for Hobbiton. 3018 Boromir and Faramir receive the riddle in their sleep. Sauron attacks Osgiliath. Death of Eradan II and Cúlalf, killed defending the bridge of Osgiliath beside their cousins Boromir and Faramir. Thorondir II becomes lord of Tumladen with his mother acting as his regent. About the same time Thranduil is attacked, and Gollum escapes. Boromir sets out from Minas Tirith for Rivendell. Gandalf imprisoned in Orthanc. Sauron learns of the treachery of Saruman, Frodo reaches Rivendell, the Council of Elrond is held and the Fellowship of the Ring formed. Belegorn, son of Tathrenes, engaged to a healer of Arnach. Birth of Alwed, son of Rhossolas out of wedlock.  3019 Deaths of Gollum, Boromir, Denethor II, Dáin II, Brand, Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Saruman, Théoden, Nazgûl destroyed, One Ring destroyed, End of Sauron, Bard II becomes King of Dale, Thorin III Stonehelm becomes King of Erebor, Aragorn takes the name Elessar, Aragorn takes the Sceptre of the Reunited Kingdom, Mirkwood renamed Eryn Lasgalen, East Lórien founded. 3020 Drúedain destroy remnant of Saruman's Orcs, Faramir and Éowyn wed. 3021 Éomer and Lothíriel wed. Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf, Bilbo and Frodo pass over the Sea.
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last-capy-hupping · 2 years
Have two AWY chapters, from me! Sealing up a cliffhanger.
Featuring the triumphant return and departure of Síloril!
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elithien · 6 years
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Name: Elithien Síloril Tindaurë  Heritage: Half-Noldorin / Half-Sindarin  Birth: circa. F.A. 586 Height: 5′8″ Hometown: Lindon (Beleriand) Status: Queen of the Woodland Realm Alignment: Chaotic Good Spouse: Thranduil Oropherion Children: Legolas Lasgalen ☽ Weapon of choice: Longbow Favourite past-time: gardening, magical practice, arcane studies Languages Spoken: Quenya, Sindarin, Silvan, Common (Men), basic Old Quenya Main Colour themes: silver, grey, ivory, charcoal black, royal blue Season: Winter Symbolic associations: the moon, stars, night Spirituality: strongly religious to Varda Elentári, Ilúvatar, Oromë Characteristics: strong-minded, cunning, intelligent, eloquent, reserved Flaws: hotheaded, arrogant, stubborn, proud
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