#s.k draws
skhardwarevers1 · 2 months
“Automaton freak”
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I have this really stupid and probably unoriginal idea of Mind being an actual robot with no real way of expressing any ounce of emotion he may have ever without verbally describing it
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japeneselunchtimerush · 5 months
I talked about this in the ask thingy but it was too interesting so I decided to make a separate post about it.
Saiki would take one look at Akashi and be like hell no. Appears to be perfect like teruhashi?No Has another person inside their head?Double No Wears his school jacket like a cape?Triple No
Akashi would be way to extraordinary for Saiki and hes friends with Kokomi. I also think it would be really funny if Saiki used telapathy and heard Bokushi and Oreshi conversing in his head. He would be flabbergasted imo
I also want to see the showdown between Kokomi "gods favourite" Teruhashi and Akashi "I am absolute" seijuro. Akashi would definitely be the perfect pretty boy of the school. He would have a version of the Kokomins as well lmao.
He would definitely be a gentleman to her and would probably protect her from her creepy brother.
People(aka Nendo) would mistake Akashi for Saiki and Saiki would be pissed lmfao.
(Excerpt from the ask thingy)
Can you imagine a scenario in which akashi and saiki play rock paper scissors? Akashi obviously uses his emperor eye and saiki reads his mind but both of them keep finding out what the other is going to do.So they keep changing their signa until the last seconed.
Now I dont really know who would win in this scenario but it would be so funny if it was a draw. Neither of them have ever lost in a rock papet scissors game before so both of them would be shocked.
Kusuke sees this and is infront of them in 2 seconds flat because even he has never gotten a draw with kusuo. He asks akashi whether he can fiddle with his brain a bit and akashi politely declines lmao.
His aura is probably huge as well tbh something like a cape and crown. She probably thinks akashi is her Mr. Right until she finds out his initials are S.A and not S.K
This has already been discussed in this post but yes kaidou and akashi can complain about their overbearing parents.
Hairo finds out that he is good at basketball(and a few other sports if he trys) and then never stops inviting him to practice(Akashi finds it very hard to say no to him)
I assume that the akashi corp still exists so akashi and saiko have probably met in one of their fathers business meetings(akashi is probably one of the only people that saiko respects because of his money)
Well thats all I could think for now, I might add on more later. Please talk to me about this au
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sofkonsworld · 1 year
I would use your body as a canvas, draw on it my sinful thoughts.
I would express my love to you with the soft sensations of my brush, draw lines and turn them to a masterpiece.
A masterpiece that matches the true creation of god.
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missmonstermel · 1 year
Well, well, well… look what the cat dragged in! Here are a few pictures of the former X-Orbital Sportzball champion herself and leader of the worst ( yet slowly growing!) gang of Neotropolis 2023 OFFICIAL EVENT…. SHITTY KITTY! One of the most famous cat spliced athletes in Sportzball history, subject SH-K was spliced from a young age and trained to become an elite orbital athlete. Rising to the top of her game during space college and professional career where she earned the nickname Shitty Kitty due to her antics, several famously telestarred scandals began to dim a career of high hopes. Defrauding space orphanages, exposure of her charities as tax shelter pump and dumps, on the constant run from space bookies, and drawing ire from multiple sponsors ,Shitty Kitty went into sudden retirement. Never one to miss a chance to make money she assembled a gang of fellow cat spliced outcasts to fleece the populace of Neotropolis, the gang of cats was just too lazy to be effective and dispersed last cycle. It is rumored she has been back at Neotropolis and is attempting to recruit new members but in typical S.K logic, is recruiting cat spliced individuals again so the threat to the populace is again, very low.
If you see this individual next cycle , please report to Detective Grip ( Untethered Synth Union 265) and report exact time and coordinates.
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jasdiary · 10 months
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“This really doesn’t seem like a good idea….Okay well wait for me!”
Full Name : Sinan Aspen Keene
Nicknames : S.K, Sinner, Princey (Meryl @rosietrace ), Lord Sinan/Mr. Sinan (Gwen @starry-night-rose ), Sinny/Sinnamon/Princley (Ellis), Nana (Gemma), Si (Nyla)
Jp Va : Kengo Kawanishi
En Va : Howard Wang / John Cusack
Age : 17-18
Height : 177 cm (5’9)
Homeland : Gale Empire
Birthday : 11/25 November 25th
Zodiac sign : Sagittarius
Species : Ice Fae/quarter Wind Fae
Hair Color : Navy Blue
Eye Color : Caramel Brown
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Sexuality : Demiromantic Pansexual
Family : Boreas Keene, Gale Keene(Mother)†, Nevin Keene (Older brother)
Occupation : Student at Scepter Hall Institute, Prince of the Gale Empire
Twisted From : Spike from Tinkerbell
!Neka.cc is just a placeholder until i have the time to draw him!
School Information
Dorm : Forêt Gelée
School Year : 2nd (Sophomore)
Class : 2-B
Best Subject : Incantations / Wing Study (Wingology)
Worst Class : Physical Education
Club : Ice Skating
Dominant Hand : Right
Favorite Food : Summer Salad Bowls
Least Favorite Food : Corn
Likes : Relaxing, Not doing anything, Teasing people, Naps, Babysitting Meryl, Spending time with his father and brother, Talking about his mother, Daydreaming, Decently done work, Skincare, Windy weather, hand holding
Dislikes : Extremely hot temperatures, Not being taken seriously, Being bored, His sleeping habits, Dry skin, Getting a low grade, Being unnecessarily provoked, Large Crowds, Not having physical interaction
Hobbies : Ice Skating, Sledding, Sleeping, Slight of Hand tricks, Coin tricks, Playing with snowflakes, Messing with Nyla, Fashion
Personality : Sinan comes off as lazy, blunt and a little sly. Which is 100% correct! No one knows if his half-lidded, smirking stare intimidates or attracts them. Sinan’s very straightforward with his words, but is still playful nonetheless. He’s an unintentional flirt. The way he speaks and presents himself gives others the impression of the bad boy(which he really isn’t ☠️) you can’t resist. Despite all of that, Sinan is very well liked for his cool, go with the flow attitude.
Unique Magic : ‘Secret Of The Wings’
“Why don’t you try a little harder? Y’never know, you MAY succeed. Emphasis on the may~ Secret Of The Wings!”
Sinan summons a flutter of butterflies formed from sparkling ice that surrounds him as an impenetrable shield. The shield protects Sinan from both physical and magic attacks. Coming into contact with the shield will freeze or frost whatever it touches. Despite being mostly winter fae, using Secret Of The Wings too much will cause his wings to crack ever so slightly. It may not be noticeable, but it is definitely felt.
Backstory :
Sinan Keene is the youngest son of the late Queen Gale Keene, who was a beloved ruler of the small fae dominated empire that bore her name. Sinan's mother was known for her kindness and compassion, and she instilled those same values in her children. The small prince grew up surrounded by love and support, and he always knew that he wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps and become a leader in his own right.
Despite his royal status and the expectations that came with it, Sinan was always a laid-back and chill individual. He had a tendency to be lazy and procrastinate, but he was also a natural jokester and had a way of making those around him feel at ease. Sinan was approachable and easy to talk to, and he made friends easily.
Sinan’s attitude comes from his heart that cracked from a young age when his mother passed away. He was very much a mama’s boy, always clinging to her. His mother was his best friend. Gale Keene wasn’t violently taken from this world, she was just ill. It didn’t hurt the Keene family any less however. The energetic, hard working boy that Sinan Aspen Keene once was had vanished. For a while, not even his older brother he looked up to so much could motivate him. It took Sinan months before he decided to just…let things happen. He’ll let life take the wheel for now. He’ll take control again one day. He just doesn’t know when.
For now, Sinan hides those sad and dark parts of himself deep inside and shows only what he wants others to see. There are certain people who get to see these sides of Sinan, but you wouldn’t believe them if they told you.
Random Trivia!
His first friend at SHI was Gemma Phaedra. It wasn’t that Sinan couldn’t approach people, Gemma just beat him to it! From then on, they became attached at the hip.
Sinan knows Nyla is scared of ice-skating, even if she denies it.
Sinan makes Mercury want to murder him whenever he makes a snarky comment ; it's a bloodbath when it comes to them.
Admittedly, Sinan became Meryl's new crush after Porter got expelled! She's always so flustered whenever he speaks to her, and she's practically clinging to him like a koala.
Sinan is.... Apprehensive about Eclair and how she treats Meryl. He can tell that Eclair adores her daughter, but with the way she essentially locked her up in SHI for all of her life is.... Disturbing to Sinan.
Sinan takes after his mother the most. When she passed away, it was hard for Sinan’s father to look at him for too long because he looked *too* much like her.
Sinan’s mother was half ice fae and half wind fae, making Sinan a quarter wind fae.
Sinan wants to be a professional ice skater.
Sinan may be on the sillier side, but he’s smarter than he lets on. He’s always one of the top students in his classes.
Sinan tends to twirl his hair. He usually does it when he’s nervous.
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circusclownsam · 4 days
carmen sandiego oc (will add more to it, probably)
general info
first name; Min-Ya
last name; Choi
nickname; Minnie, prefers that nickname only
age; 18-20s
race; asian
ethnicity; korean, australian
birth date; 3 / 9
voice; mid pitch, noticeable australian accent
physical appearance
height; 158cm, 5’2
weight; [undocumented]
skin tone; warm tan
eye colour; dark blue, with specks of light blue around the pupil
hair colour; chocolate brown
hair length; thigh length
hair texture; 2c
scars?; located on her arms, inner thighs and back.
face claim; https://pin.it/5KnCWcFde
body shape; hourglass, average thickness, small waist, d cup size
other noticeable features; freckled cheeks, nose and shoulders. dimpled smile
casual attire;
; https://pin.it/4XkokLx84
; https://pin.it/5AII6qS1W
; https://pin.it/5QYCUjj7t
; https://pin.it/18SCD2amn
; https://pin.it/41OMWGu1K
; https://pin.it/e4jZEikrZ
; https://pin.it/4OzOVsXUl
; https://pin.it/3jUJ7FIWw
positive traits; honest, caring, kind-hearted, flirtatious, selfless (more, if i remember)
negative traits; introverted, cold, sarcastic, secluded, rarely talks / quiet (more, if i remember)
likes; pulling capers with carmen, reading in her spare time, beating VILE, cats, trying food with zack, fixing cars with ivy
dislikes; VILE, sheena, being poked at, slimy-textured food, interpol, being captured
good habits; neatening things, brushing her teeth after every meal
bad habits; picking at her nails, pacing when in thought, scratching at her scars
hobbies; drawing, gymnastics
favourites; white chocolate, acrylic paint, gymnastics, horror movies/books, hot chocolate
non-favourites; dark chocolate, romance movies/books, brussel sprouts
father; she doesn’t know much of her father, just that he was abusive towards her as a child.
mother; unnamed, most likely deceased.
sister; only child
brother; only child
friends; ivy, zack, carmen and player
enemies; VILE, ACME (formerly)
possible love interest; Graham calloway
living arrangements
birth country; south korea, seoul
past residence(s); sydney, australia. VILE island
current residence(s); carmen HQ
owned residence(s); an apartment in sydeny, AUS. a beach house in S.K
occupation (/spy information)
current occupation; a spy/thief for carmen sandiego
past occupation; an operative for VILE.
known as; shadow
specialises in; thievery, spy work
strengths; stealing things, gymnastics, keeping to the shadows, hand - to hand combat
weaknesses; (girl idk what to put here)
spy attire;
; https://pin.it/xIMEES7iW
; https://pin.it/59jDxAWvG
; https://pin.it/5Z0YVjFbq
; https://pin.it/2wadAaBrg
; https://pin.it/kvX36HTcP
; https://pin.it/5ZUQTPBdm
; https://pin.it/2nMa5aroN
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tamrieldrifter · 1 month
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When only echoes answer me
The Echo cave, so named after the ‘echoes of the living’ that roam freely through it’s icy caverns and sunken ruins, has been the haunt of the undead for as long as any can remember. So what would possess a group of adventures to camp outside and attempt to explore these notorious caves in such times of turbulence and strife, when in all the years of peace the Legions themselves never deemed to clear them? The answer is always the same; fortune, fame, or power.
So what about me you may ask. Well I guess could easily claim some noble purpose. To cull the undead perhaps, making the roads safer for travellers and merchants to pass. To banish the unnatural from our land under the pretence of Arkay’s banner. Or simply just to test my skill and mettle against ones whose quietus is liberated from moral consequence.
The simple truth is however, that my time in the Heartlands is drawing to an end and I am simply in need of coin. Hardly a virtuous or worthy cause I realise, but it is the privilege of only the Eight Divines to want for nothing, and of the undead to want for little more then echoes.
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richincolor · 2 years
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New Releases
Five new books coming out this week, including the highly anticipated sequel to the romance we all loved "Love from A to Z." I swear I wasn't going to buy any more books for the rest of the year because my TBR pile is about to topple over, but some of these look to interesting to pass up.
We Are the Scribes by Randi Pink Feiwel Friends
Ruth Fitz is surrounded by activism. Her mother is a senator who frequently appears on CNN as a powerful Black voice fighting for legislative social change within the Black community. Her father, a professor of African American history, is a walking encyclopedia, spouting off random dates and events. And her beloved older sister, Virginia, is a natural activist, steadily gaining notoriety within the community and on social media. Ruth, on the other hand, would rather sit quietly reading or writing in her journal.
When her family is rocked by tragedy, Ruth stops writing. As life goes on, Ruth’s mother is presented with a political opportunity she can’t refuse. Just as Senator Fitz is more absent, Ruth begins receiving parchment letters with a seal reading WE ARE THE SCRIBES, sent by Harriet Jacobs, the author of the autobiography and 1861 American classic, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.
Is Ruth dreaming? How has she been chosen as a “scribe” when she can barely put a sentence together? In a narrative that blends present with past, Randi Pink explores two extraordinary characters who channel their hopelessness and find their voices to make history.
Love from Mecca to Medina (Love from A to Z #2) by S.K. Ali Salaam Reads
Adam and Zayneb. Perfectly matched. Painfully apart. Adam is in Doha, Qatar, making a map of the hijrah, a historic migration from Mecca to Medina and worried about where his next paycheck will come from. Zayneb is in Chicago, where school and extracurricular stresses are piling on top of a terrible frenemy situation and making her miserable.
Then a marvel occurs: Adam and Zayneb get the chance to spend Thanksgiving week on the Umrah, a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, tracing the hijrah in real life, together. Adam’s thrilled, and Zayneb hopes for a spiritual reset—and they can’t wait to see each other.
But the trip is nothing like what they expect, from the appearance of Adam’s ex in their traveling group to the anxiety gripping Zayneb everywhere they go. And as one wedge after another drives them apart as they make their way from one holy city to another, Adam and Zayneb start to wonder: was their meeting just an oddity after all? Or can their love transcend everything else like the greatest marvels of the world?
Beneath the Wide Silk Sky by Emily Inouye Huey Scholastic
Sam Sakamoto doesn’t have space in her life for dreams. With the recent death of her mother, Sam’s focus is the farm, which her family will lose if they can’t make one last payment. There’s no time for her secret and unrealistic hope of becoming a photographer, no matter how skilled she’s become. But Sam doesn’t know that an even bigger threat looms on the horizon.
On December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes attack the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. Fury towards Japanese Americans ignites across the country. In Sam’s community in Washington State, the attack gives those who already harbor prejudice an excuse to hate.
As Sam’s family wrestles with intensifying discrimination and even violence, Sam forges a new and unexpected friendship with her neighbor Hiro Tanaka. When he offers Sam a way to resume her photography, she realizes she can document the bigotry around her — if she’s willing to take the risk. When the United States announces that those of Japanese descent will be forced into “relocation camps,” Sam knows she must act or lose her voice forever. She engages in one last battle to leave with her identity — and her family — intact.
Emily Inouye Huey movingly draws inspiration from her own family history to paint an intimate portrait of the lead-up to Japanese incarceration, racism on the World War II homefront, and the relationship between patriotism and protest in this stunningly lyrical debut.
Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove by Rati Mehrota Wednesday Books
Katyani’s role in the kingdom of Chandela has always been clear: becoming an advisor and protector of the crown prince, Ayan, when he ascends to the throne. Bound to the Queen of Chandela through a forbidden soul bond that saved her when she was a child, Katyani has grown up in the royal family and become the best guardswoman the Garuda has ever seen. But when a series of assassination attempts threatens the royals, Katyani is shipped off to the gurukul of the famous Acharya Mahavir as an escort to Ayan and his cousin, Bhairav, to protect them as they hone the skills needed to be the next leaders of the kingdom. Nothing could annoy Katyani more than being stuck in a monastic school in the middle of a forest, except her run-ins with Daksh, the Acharya’s son, who can’t stop going on about the rules and whose gaze makes her feel like he can see into her soul.
But when Katyani and the princes are hurriedly summoned back to Chandela before their training is complete, tragedy strikes and Katyani is torn from the only life she has ever known. Alone and betrayed in a land infested by monsters, Katyani must find answers from her past to save all she loves and forge her own destiny. Bonds can be broken, but debts must be repaid.
Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things (Songbird Inn #1) by Maya Prasad Disney-Hyperion
Four sisters, four seasons, four flavors of romance.
The Singh sisters grew up helping their father navigate the bustle of the Songbird Inn. Nestled on dreamy and drizzly Orcas Island in the Pacific Northwest, the inn’s always been warm and cozy and filled with interesting guests—the perfect home. But things are about to heat up now that the Songbird has been named the Most Romantic Inn in America.
Nidhi has everything planned out—until a storm brings a wayward tree crashing into her life one autumn . . . and along with it, an intriguing construction worker and a yearning for her motherland. Suddenly, she’s questioning everything she thought she wanted.
Avani can’t sit still. If she does, her grief for Pop, their dad’s late husband, will overwhelm her. So she keeps moving as much as she can, planning an elaborate Winter Ball in Pop’s memory. Until a blizzard traps her in a barn with the boy she accidentally stood up and has been actively avoiding ever since.
Sirisha loves seeing the world through her camera, but her shyness prevents her from stepping out from behind the lens. Talking to girls is such a struggle! When a pretty actress comes to the Songbird with her theater troupe, spring has sprung for Sirisha—if only she can find the words.
Rani is a hopeless romantic through and through. After gently nudging her sisters to open their hearts, she is convinced it’s finally her turn to find love. When two potential suitors float in on a summer breeze, Rani is swept up in grandeur to match her wildest Bollywood dreams. But which boy is the one she’s meant to be with?
Ultimately, the magic of the Songbird Inn leads the tight-knit Singh sisters to new passions and breathtaking kisses—and to unearth the truest versions of themselves.
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nttctf · 2 years
Tag Nine People You Want to Know Better
Tagged by @shadowsfascination
Favorite Color: Green 💚💚💚
Currently Reading: Love from A to Z by: S.K Ali
Last Song: Camellia - slchld
Last Television Series: American Ninja Warrio (counts as a television series right 🤔)
Last Movie: Flipped
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Between all 3 Imma have to go with sweet, especially cold sweet things like ice cream🍦😋.
Currently Working On: A grey scale challenge, i hope it turns out good cause this is my second attempt at it 😅. I have a few Wips in store as well as just trying to get back after an art block. Also I have an idea for a comic/ series I guess but not sure if I should draw or write it.
Thank you for tagging me these are always super fun to do and I’m glad I also got to know others as well. I’m going to tag(only if you want to no pressure:): @night-hedgie @sthrox @winterxisxcomingx @midnight-raven ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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newyeardiaries10 · 8 days
Navigating the Best Promotional Gifts Manufacturer in Delhi for New Year Diaries
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Businesses get ready to fortify their bonds with customers, partners, and staff as the New Year draws near. Well-thought-out promotional gifts manufacturer in Delhi are among the best methods to make a lasting impression. New Year journals are a stylish and useful option among these. This guide will give you all the necessary information if you're thinking of producing promotional New Year diaries in Delhi.  
Why Choose New Year Diaries as Promotional Gifts?
1. Practical Use
New Year diaries are incredibly useful, ensuring your brand remains in the recipient’s hands and thoughts throughout the year. They serve as daily planners, appointment schedulers, and note-taking tools, making them indispensable.
2. Branding Opportunity
A well-designed diary offers ample space for your company’s logo, tagline, and other branding elements. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to keep your brand visible every day.
3. Professional Appeal
Diaries exude professionalism and thoughtfulness. They are suitable for a wide range of recipients, from corporate clients to employees, enhancing your brand’s image.
4. Long-Lasting Impact
Unlike other promotional items that may be discarded quickly, diaries are used throughout the year, ensuring prolonged exposure to your brand.
Finding the Right Promotional Gifts Manufacturer in Delhi
Delhi, a hub for manufacturing and commerce, offers numerous options for creating high-quality promotional gifts. Here’s how to find the best manufacturer for your New Year diaries:
1. Research and Shortlist
Start by researching manufacturers online. Look for those with positive reviews and a strong portfolio. Shortlist a few based on their experience, product range, and reputation.
2. Quality and Customization
Quality is paramount when it comes to promotional gifts. Ensure the manufacturer uses high-quality materials and offers customization options such as logo embossing, custom covers, and personalised pages.
3. Sample Request
Request samples to evaluate the quality firsthand. This will give you a clear idea of the craftsmanship and attention to detail you can expect.
4. Pricing and MOQ
Discuss pricing and minimum order quantities (MOQ) with potential manufacturers. Ensure the pricing fits your budget without compromising on quality.
5. Turnaround Time
Consider the manufacturer’s production and delivery timelines. Ensure they can meet your deadlines, especially if you’re planning to distribute the diaries before the New Year.
Top Promotional Gifts Manufacturers in Delhi
Here are some reputable manufacturers in Delhi known for their expertise in creating promotional New Year diaries:
1. S.K. Enterprises
S.K. Enterprises specialise in high-quality diaries and planners with a focus on customization. They offer a wide range of designs and finishes to suit various corporate needs.
2. National Diaries
National Diaries is a well-known name in the diary manufacturing industry. They provide personalised diaries with options for custom covers, logo printing, and unique layouts.
3. Aggarwal Dairy Manufacturing Co.
Aggarwal Dairy Manufacturing Co. offers a diverse selection of diaries and planners. Their products are known for their durability and elegant designs, making them perfect for corporate gifting.
4. Sharma Diary Suppliers
Sharma Diary Suppliers combine quality with affordability. They provide a range of promotional diaries that can be customised to reflect your brand’s identity.
5. Luxor Writing Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
Luxor, though primarily known for writing instruments, also offers high-quality diaries and planners. Their products are stylish and can be personalised to meet your branding needs.
Design Tips for New Year Diaries
1. Cover Design
Choose a cover design that reflects your brand’s personality. Consider using premium materials like leather or faux leather for an upscale look.
2. Inside Pages
Include useful pages such as a yearly calendar, monthly planners, and notes sections. You can also add inspirational quotes, company information, and important dates.
3. Branding Elements
Ensure your logo and brand colours are prominently displayed. You can also include a personalised message or a thank-you note to add a personal touch.
4. Functionality
Prioritise functionality by ensuring the diary is easy to use. Features like ribbon bookmarks, elastic closures, and pen holders can enhance the user experience.
Promotional New Year diaries are a smart and stylish way to enhance your brand’s visibility and build strong relationships. By choosing the right manufacturer in Delhi and focusing on quality and customization, you can create a promotional gift manufacturer in Delhi  that will be appreciated and used throughout the year. Start your search today and ensure your brand stands out as the New Year begins!Visit more information about our website: https://newyeardiaries.in/
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skhardwarevers1 · 3 months
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Okay at this point I just really like putting them in masks
like…blindfolds are cool and all but have you considered. Mask. Cover it all up entirely. Not that he has to be that fucked up that a blindfold won’t do just. Yknow.
Painted expressions and faces meant to reflect a sense of unity.
….yeah. That totally doesn’t have its hooks on my little brain. Unity
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veritasss5 · 14 days
hi there! can i be apart of your free readings? i came to your blog because your readings seem well articulated.🌙 my initials are s.k and my question is how can i reach my highest power as a woman regarding beauty, kindness, and success? thank you so much for your time :)
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Be in tune with your spiritual path, or spirituality in general.
I don’t know if you are part of a specific religion or believe in a specific divinity, but I do see that you can draw your power by trusting in the divinity and explore more your spiritual or psychic powers.
You can draw a lot of knowledge from spiritual books. This also includes if you are in touch with witchcraft.
Following certain spiritual teachings, can help you explore more your inner self and try to tap more in your inner world.
I see this with my mind's eye where you are walking through a dark blue space filled with stars, any stars can help you teach knowledge to become stronger, beautiful and successful.
Spiritual teachings can teach different values and perspectives that you never see up until now.
Because you are in touch with your spiritual side, you can draw more wisdom and knowledge by following your own intuition.
I see that by tuning with your higher self, your mysterious and mystical self, you will naturally know how to be the one that you want to be.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Thank you so much for trusting me and have a nice day or night!✨ don’t forget to show gratitude after the reading as rules written♥️
Reminder: if you don’t say at least “thank you”, I will remember to not give you future readings from me.
Reading #8
Game status: OPEN
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marwahstudios · 2 months
Media & Entertainment Committee at BIS Ministry of Consumer Affairs Pursues Standards Setting Goals
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New Delhi: In a concerted effort to elevate the standards of the Indian media and entertainment industry, a pivotal meeting was recently convened at the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India. Dr. Sandeep Marwah, in his capacity as the National Chairman for the Media & Entertainment Committee SSD13, spearheaded the discussion, drawing upon the expertise of nearly 40 industry experts.
The meeting served as a platform for the exchange of invaluable insights, suggestions, and experiences, with a keen focus on setting standards that would bolster the integrity and quality of the Indian media and entertainment sector. Emphasizing the significance of this endeavor, Dr. Sandeep Marwah underscored the importance of ensuring that the industry adheres to stringent standards, which in turn would enhance India’s global standing and foster a conducive environment for professionals.
“We are working very hard with our team, and we are growing every day at BIS. The Indian Media and Entertainment Committee has expanded significantly and requires our full attention in setting robust standards,” remarked Dr. Sandeep Marwah, founder of Noida Film City and Chair for the Media and Entertainment Committee at the Bureau of Indian Standards. He further added, “This initiative will immediately enhance the image of India and provide a very pleasant environment for everyone working in the industry.”
The concerted efforts of the Media & Entertainment Committee at BIS have received unwavering support from key stakeholders, including S.K. Kanojia, Scientist-E & Head (Service Sector Department-II), and Shivam Soni, member Secretary, who have wholeheartedly backed the committee’s endeavours.
The commitment and dedication exhibited by all involved reflect a collective determination to raise the bar and ensure that the Indian media and entertainment industry attains global recognition for its excellence and adherence to rigorous standards.
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shinshikesesese · 4 years
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this winter I’m going to wear a long white scarf
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hikasetas · 3 years
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[i.d.: a drawing of a fake youtube video featuring saiki kusuo from the disastrous life of saiki k; the thumbnail shows saiki from the shoulders up staring at the viewer, wearing a medical mask and scrubs. he is levitating a scalpel with his right hand, which is raised up near his head; his father in the background looking on in shock and attempting to prevent him from doing something dangerous. the video is titled, "[asmr] i, a 17 year old psychic, do your top surgery for 12 coffee jellies", and was posted by a user called s.k., whose icon is a drawing of saiki with limiters on the outside of the icon's circle. the video is shown to have 6.9 thousand views, and to have been posted four months prior. end i.d.]
when you put too much effort into a shitpost (also saiki says trans rights :smirl:)
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tamrieldrifter · 2 months
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The occupations of Bruma
Bruma is a city under occupation. When the Planemeld first struck, Bruma was attacked by both Dremora and Shadowed Path cultists. A Dark Anchor was swiftly built and opened above the city in an attempt to stream Daedric reinforcements into the north of Cyrodiil. It is even believed by some that they planed to draw the city itself into Coldharbour. But surely that would have been a strategic mistake, for when you have an agent in play on the Tribute board, why remove it on your own turn?
Yet in some peoples eyes Bruma has always been occupied territory, a Nordic city within the Heartland borders. But it’s not just a Nibenese city become occupied by Nord migration or conquest. It’s architecture is Nord, it’s leaders are Nord, it’s militia is Nord, and it’s icons are Nord. And it is an occupation that seems to have been acceptable to both Imperial politicians and people alike, for who else would want to live in the cold, inhospitable climes of the Jerall Mountains, but Nords.
It is clear however that the Dremora and cultists believed that the Nord city would get little support from the rest of the region, and it turns out they were right. The few survivors who have barricaded themselves within the chapel and manor house sent out pleas to the alliances for aid, but none came. Now they must rely upon wandering mercenaries and small bands of Alliance soldiers for aid, and this has meant that they now suffer another occupation, by the Banners themselves who fight blade and spell over a flagpole.
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