kellykadesperate · 1 year
at the point in breaking bad where i would quite literally die for jesse
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whats-9plus10 · 1 year
Venture Bros Time Frame
Based on the Venture Brothers Wiki Timeline and what I could find in the show during my final rewatch before the movie. Like when I calculated Gary’s age, this is not an opinion piece. I pull straight from the source material. 
I am not starting from a specific year because we know Venture Bros references current pop culture based on the year each season was released. Various dates documented in the show fail to provide a cohesive timeline. Hence, my focus is on the time frame. I'll be keeping track by noting "Venture Bros Year _" when the series moves into the next year and by referencing years as "000(number of year)" while using dates. I suggest following along with your calendar open like I had to do while organizing this lol.
S1e11 Past Tense - Orpheus predicts that The Action Man will have a stroke in "2 years, 17 days." 
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We will start pretty late into the first year, Venture Bros Year 1
S1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean - Takes place in late September 0001. 
The episode features Monarch's birthday, which is around late September 0001 when, according to him, "the leaves would be orange enough..." to build his Monarch wings. 
The Monarch butterfly migration and the leaves turning can begin around late September in New Jersey. 
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A Very Venture Christmas Special occurs on Christmas, December 25th, 0001, between season 1 and season 2. 
While the entire episode was a dream, it was still revealed to be Christmas time. Sally is shown to be pregnant with Rocket. This is important because it solidifies that this episode specifically took place sometime between s1e7 Ice Station Impossible and s2e5 20 Years to Midnight. 
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Venture Bros Year 2 
S2e2 Hate Floats - The boys celebrate their 16th birthday.
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S2e5 20 Years to Midnight - This episode takes place May 4th, 0002, "...in Rusty's 44th year." In s1e8 Mid-life Chrysalis, he states his age is 43. Rusty must have turned 44 last month on April 30th, 0002. This means a little over 7 months have passed since s1e13. Rocket was born to Sally Impossible during that time. 
This means the boys' birthday is between December 26th - May 3rd. I'm casting a wide net because, for all we know, the episodes in between could have happened just days apart from each other. They live chaotic lives. 
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S2e11 ¡Viva los Muertos! - Rusty promises the boys will receive something better than their clones as Christmas gifts. 
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S2e12&13 Showdown at Cremation Creek (Parts 1 and 2) - This episode spans a month between the Monarch's proposal and the wedding. 
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S3e4 Home Is Where the Hate Is - The boys state that they are still 16 years old "going on 17". That phrase usually indicates a birthday is approaching, but we can't assume anything definitive. What this does tell us is that a full year has not gone by since s2e2 Hate Floats, assuming the boys didn't die again off-screen.
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S3e5 The Buddy System - Billy says he is 35. Based on s2e12&13 Showdown at Cremation Creek (Parts 1 and 2), we know that he is 35 at least a month after May 4th, 0002. 
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Here's where it gets tricky
S3e8 Tears of a Sea Cow - Dean's newspaper is dated May 23rd. I will explore two possibilities. 
Possibility 1
Even though I don't feel like the date on Dean's paper is strong evidence as it could be a secondhand thought made up by the animators or a reference to how each season seems to occur in the year it airs, the month of May would line up as the boys had previously told Hatred they were about to turn 17 years old four episodes prior, indicating a birthday was near. If we say we are already in Venture Bros Year 3 and believe the date in the newspaper to be May 23rd, 0003, the boys would already be 17 during this episode because we know their birthday is before May 4th. However...
S3e13 The Family That Slays Together, Stays Together Part 2 - Hank says "...open my Christmas gifts early...." referring to the clones they discovered in s2e11 ¡Viva los Muertos!. Indicating that December 25th, 0002 has not occurred yet. 
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Possibility 2
What this could mean, other than an oversight, is that it was May 23rd, 0002. This would make the boys still 16 years old. And everything between s2e5 20 Years to Midnight and s3e8 Tears of a Sea Cow takes place all in one month... but that also doesn't work because s2e12&13 Showdown at Cremation Creek (Parts 1 and 2) spans about a month by itself and we see the Monarchs multiple times in various stages of their relationship throughout season 2. 
Because acknowledging the date in the newspaper would not work either way, I feel that it's safe to disregard it completely based on the current information we have. I feel more confident in trusting the writing that came directly from Doc and Jackson rather than the animation. 
S4e1 Blood of the Father, Heart of Steel - The Nazis give Rusty "8 months" to clone Hitler. During this time Hank grew out his hair, Brock got out of shape and back in shape, and Gary got dieseled. Somewhere during those 8 months, we moved on to…
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Venture Bros Year 3 
S4e2 Handsome Ransom - Billy says he is 37. If Billy wasn't lying or rounding up, this means at least a year and a day have passed since s3e5 The Buddy System. The boys must be 17 at this point. 
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S4e5 The Revenge Society - Documenting where this episode takes place for a later reference. 
S4e10 Pomp and Circuitry - Brock tells Hank "...you also have to be 18" to dissuade him from joining SPHINX. Confirming that two whole years have not passed since s2e2 Hate Floats.
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S4e12 Everybody Comes to Hank's - Hank asks Dean "How was your summer?" hinting that they are approaching the middle to end of summer. 
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S4e15 The Silent Partners -JJ is in space building Gargantua II. This is information for later reference.
S4e16 Operation: P.R.O.M. - In the commentary, Doc and Jackson use prom to symbolize the boy's unofficial 18th birthday, more specifically their ascent into adulthood. I did not take this to mean it was literally their 18th birthday. The latest their birthday can be is May 3rd and at this point, they are nearing the fall. 
S5e1 What Color Is Your Cleansuit? - Takes place the day after P.R.O.M. and spans 3 months. A Very Venture Halloween special takes place in the middle of it on October 31st, 0003. We see Gary raking leaves - Fall. Then the compound is covered in snow - Winter. The weather here is intentional to show the passage of time. It is unclear at this point if we have moved on to the next year. There is no mention of Christmas or New Year's. By the end of the episode, it could be as early as November 0003. 
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At this point, we are over 2 years and at least 1 month into the series. We started in September 0001 in s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean and are now sometime past October 31st, 0003. I am keeping in mind Orpheus' prediction of "2 years and 17 days". In the commentary Doc and Jackson state that the Action Man could have considered his health since the prediction which resulted in delaying his stroke. 
S5e3 SPHINX Rising - Gary says "Hank is an adult." I took this to mean he had turned 18 at some point. While their birthday may be at the end of December because we had cast a wide net for them earlier, I will assume we’ve moved on to…
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Venture Bros Year 4
Here’s where it gets tricky part 2
S5e4 Spanakopita! - This episode should take place in October. Team Venture attended the wedding of Aristotle Onassis and Jackie Kennedy which took place on October 20th, 1968. Another historical event mentioned was the Apollo 7 mission, which took place Oct 11, 1968 – Oct 22, 1968. In the flashback we see Spanakopita aligning with the Splashdown date, October 22, 1968. This is evidence that the dates are intentional. 
In this episode we see Hank in his strength suit, confirming that Spanakopita takes place after s5e1 What Color Is Your Cleansuit? and A Very Venture Halloween special. I feel it's unlikely that they intended for a full year to have passed between s5e1 What Color Is Your Cleansuit? and s5e4 Spanakopita!. I want to make this as accurate as possible so I'm going to entertain two possibilities.
Possibility 1
If we say that s5e4 Spanakopita! was not intended to take place in October specifically and it was an oversight, then I feel safe to assume the warm weather we see after s5e1 What Color Is Your Cleansuit? indicates that we've moved onto spring or summer, still in Venture Bros Year 4. 
S5e5 O.S.I. Love You - Hank’s limbs atrophied from wearing the strength suit he found in S5e3 SPHINX Rising for “weeks”. 
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S5e6 Momma's Boys - Hank tells Dermott “Last year…” and references the events of s4e5 The Revenge Society which took place in Venture Bros Year 3.
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S5e7 Bot Seeks Bot - This episode takes place in July 0004. We see a flashback in S7e3 Arrears in Science which took place the night before Thanksgiving, November 0004.
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S5e8 The Devil's Grip - Dean says a third of his age is 6 - indicating he is probably 18. 
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All This and Gargantua-2 - Monarch says Rusty “hasn’t paid his electric bill since June.” We know we are in July or August because s5e7 Bot Seeks Bot takes place in July 0004.
Season 6 starts in Venture Bros Year 4, August or September 0004 because we know Dean had applied and enrolled in the Fall Semester. The boys would be 18 years old—3 years since s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. 
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S6e1 Hostile Makeover - Hatred says he's "been waiting to do that (hit Gary) for weeks”, assuming he is referring to the last time he saw Gary in either s5e8 The Devil's Grip.
S6e4 Rapacity in Blue - Takes place on October 7th, 0004. The timestamps are in the top right corner of the security camera videos.
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S6e5 Tanks for Nuthin’ - Takes place on October 8th, 0004 the morning after s6e4 Rapacity in Blue.
S7e1 The Venture Bros. & The Curse of the Haunted Problem - This episode takes place the in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, November 0004. We flashback 2 years ago to JJ discovering the Gargantua crash. This implies JJ made this discovery sometime in Venture Bros Year 2.
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According to The Art and Making of the Venture Bros. - Rocket is 3 or 4 years old now.
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Next, we have a clear time span thanks to s7e3 Arrears in Science. It's Thanksgiving, November 0004. 3 years and 2 months since s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. 
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Time jump to the start of the Spring Semester in s7e4 The High Cost of Loathing, which starts in Venture Bros Year 5, January 0005.
S7e4 High Cost of Loathing - There is a "two months later" time jump at the beginning of the episode.
We are still in Winter Venture Bros Year 5 as of the final episode. In total making the time span from s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean to s7e10 The Saphrax Protocol 3 years and at least 4 months.
Possibility 2 
If we do say it has been another year and s5e4 Spanakopita! takes place in Venture Bros Year 4, October 0004, which means almost everything is pushed back a year. The boys would be 18 years old. 
S5e5 O.S.I. Love You - Hank’s limbs atrophied from wearing the strength suit he found in S5e3 for “weeks”.
S5e6 Momma's Boys - Hank tells Dermott “Last year…” and references the events of s4e5 The Revenge Society which took place in Venture Bros Year 3. That would mean this episode would need to take place between October 23rd, 0004 and December 31st, 0004.
Venture Bros Year 5
S5e7 Bot Seeks Bot - This episode takes place in July 0005. We see a flashback in S7e3 Arrears in Science which took place the night before Thanksgiving, November 0005.
S5e8 The Devil's Grip - Dean says a third of his age is 6 - Dean must be 19 at this point and have rounded 6 years and 3 months down to just 6. 
All This and Gargantua-2 - Monarch says Rusty “hasn’t paid his electric bill since June.” We know we are in July or August because s5e7 Bot Seeks Bot takes place in July 0005. 
Season 6 starts in August or September 0005, because we know Dean had applied and enrolled in the Fall Semester. At this point, the boys would have to be 19 years old. - 4 years since s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. Overshooting the 2 years and 17 days prediction by a lot.
S6e1 Hostile Makeover - Hatred says he's "been waiting to do that (hit Gary) for weeks”, assuming he is referring to the last time he saw Gary in either s5e8 The Devil's Grip.
S6e4 Rapacity in Blue - Takes place on October 7th, 0005. 
S6e5 Tanks for Nuthin’ - Takes place on October 8th, 0005 the morning after s6e4 Rapacity in Blue.
S7e1 The Venture Bros. & The Curse of the Haunted Problem - This episode takes place the in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, November 0005. We flashback 2 years ago to JJ discovering the Gargantua crash. This implies JJ made the discovery sometime in Venture Bros Year 3 before S4e15 The Silent Partners.
According to The Art and Making of the Venture Bros. - Rocket is 3 or 4 years old now.
Again, we have a clear time span thanks to s7e3 Arrears in Science. It's Thanksgiving, November 0005. 4 years and 2 months since s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. 
Finally, we have the time jump to the start of the Spring Semester in s7e4 The High Cost of Loathing, which would start in Venture Bros Year 6, January 0006.
S7e4 High Cost of Loathing - There is a "two months later" time jump at the beginning of the episode.
We are still in Winter 0006 as of the final episode. Making the time span in this possibility, from s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean to s7e10 The Saphrax Protocol, 4 years and at least 4 months. 
S1e1 Dia de los Dangerous - Presumably this episode takes place on Dia los Muertos, November 1st. Monarch states that he's in Mexico to find his foster parents. Butterflies arrive in Mexico around early November. Because this happened before Orpheus' prediction, it could be plausible that there is almost a year between the first episode and s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. It is probably just as likely that Doc and Jackson were not considering keeping to a set time frame until much later in the series.
JJ did not appear in the season 1 Christmas Special. The boys are alive. Rusty was not on his journey running away from the boys' deaths. I wonder if this means s1e13 Return to Spider-Skull Island took place after Christmas. I am also not considering the weather as a determining factor here because I remember hearing about issues with animating different backgrounds in the earlier seasons. 
If it helps, I placed the boy’s birthday on the Ides of March (March 15th) to help me keep track of things. It’s both a significant historical date and a 70’s rock band. Plus I wanted them to be Pisces :)
I also stuck the Monarch's birthday on September 30th because that's when Don became Venturion. I think it's poetic.
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Doc and Jackson are phenomenal writers and I’m sure if they were to address this in the show they would find a way for it to make sense that we would all enjoy. I had a lot of fun doing this. I love digging deep into my favorite show and piecing together what I find 💛 Go Team Venture!
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questforgalas · 2 years
We'll be waiting for you
Summary: Crosshair didn't face the trudge back to the outpost alone
Notes: Welp this popped into my head after today. Enjoy some major brotherly support and major Crosshair feels
WC: 900
Tags: Crosshair, Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker
Warnings: Talks of an avalanche, talks of being buried alive, TBB S2E12 spoilers
Tay's Masterlist
On AO3
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Weight. Crushing weight. That’s all he felt. Wrecker was going to pay for falling asleep on top of him again. Crosshair moved his arm to shove his giant of a brother off of him. Or he tried to. His arm felt trapped, wouldn’t move without extreme effort that Crosshair delved deep within himself to find. His limb felt buried. Buried? Oh right. He wasn’t being crushed under Wrecker’s weight. That was snow.
Tech’s voice rattled in Crosshair’s head. “Move your digits. If you can move your toes and fingers, your spinal chord is still intact. At this depth, you will not be crushed, but temperatures are still dropping, so you must move quickly. Punch through the snow.”
Crosshair tested his elbow, seeing how far the snow would let it bend. Giving just enough, he burrowed back to give him momentum. Then he punched. He wasn’t far down, only about a foot based on how far out his hand went. Punch. Both arms were free.
“Ok, Crosshair. Now heave. You’re not far down, you’ll be free shortly,” he heard Echo encouraging him.
He tried. He really did. But the snow was heavy and his energy was on reserves. This was it. All the missions, all the hair-brained ways he and his brothers go out of them, and this is how he’ll go. Buried under snow.
“Heave, Crosshair!” Echo shouted.
He dug deep, clenched his stomach and thighs, gritted his teeth, and lifted. Inch by inch, his back left its snowy bed, and his head broke the surface. Wind whipped at his face, snow pelting his eyes, but his lungs were finally full.
Crosshair looked around, gathered his bearings. It was cold. So cold. But he was alive, and he wasn’t alone.
“Check for the reg. There’s a chance Mayday made it,” Hunter’s gruff voice filled his head.
“Now you’re an avalanche expert?” He was already trudging through the snow to the rock Mayday pushed him away from, but it was instinct to jab at Hunter. “Just get over there,” was the gruff response.
His hands were going numb, the standard gloves doing nothing to protect in this weather. Still, he dug. Only a few inches were gone before he saw the top of Mayday’s head. He was breathing. Faster. Dig faster. Seconds went by before Mayday’s head fully surfaced. A weak cough jolted his body. “Go. I won’t make it”.
“I’m detecting multiple bone fractures, and his body temperature is critically low. He has a 13% chance of making it through the night. Even less so making it back to base,” Tech rattled off.
“You have to try. You can’t leave him out here,” Echo argued back.
“I was not suggesting we leave him. I was simply stating…”
“Both of you shut it. I can’t think with you prattling about,” Crosshair shushed them. But he was with Echo. He wasn’t going to leave Mayday.
Bending low, he placed Mayday’s arm around his shoulder, stabilizing them both. Balanced and upright, Crosshair started trudging. The avalanche settle wasn’t wide, but Crosshair lost the feeling in his toes 10 minutes ago, and it was creeping up his legs. Waist deep in snow, deadweight commander leaning, every step was a mile.
“It’s all in the legs. Just like back on Kamino when I’d carry you on my back between trainins! Come on, Crosshair. This ain’t nothin,” Wrecker’s booming voice cheered him on. A memory flashed through his mind. Young cadets, brothers, in the halls of Kamino. Lithe, gangly body dangling from his brother’s shoulders. It was enough. Another step. And another. Memories kept flashing. He kept trudging. All through the night. All through the day. 4 enhanced brothers with him every step.
The next night approached. “If you do not find shelter, you will perish,” Tech stated.
“You don’t say?” Crosshair sneered. He paused. Looked around. They were in the middle of nowhere. A rock formation to the left offered the best option. Tucking into the nook, Crosshair propped Mayday into his side. Body heat was their chance. However small it was.
“Stay awake,” a gruff voice entered his thoughts. “You’re almost there, Crosshair. Just get through the night.”
“You’d be miserable to deal with right now.”
Hunter sighed. “Not my fault my mutation makes me hate the cold. And I only stole your blanket once. Let it go.”
“One day, I’ll prove the Marauder instance.”
Hunter smirked. “You gotta get back to us first.”
They never left him. His brothers stayed through the night. Keeping him awake. Keeping him alive. The sun started appearing on the horizon. Crosshair found whatever energy remained, and readied himself. “Alright commander. One last push.”
Midday passed, and imperial shuttles flew overhead. The outpost was on just on the ridge. They made it.
His body was numb. His knees were buckling. Every breath was shards of glass.
“We did it,” Crosshair said. But not to Mayday. In his mind, he felt the pat on his shoulder. Saw the knowing smirk on Hunter’s face, never losing faith in his brother.
“Get up there, Crosshair. We’ll be waiting for you when you’re done.”
He hoped they were. He really hoped they were.
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comicbookddr · 2 years
Every Episode of MBAV Gifset Masterlist
Every episode list here:
Season 1
S1E1: Lawn of the Dead, S1E2: Three Cheers for Evil, S1E3: Friday Night Frights, S1E4: Blue Moon, S1E5: Blood Drive, S1E6: Doug the Vampire Hunter, S1E7: Guys and Dolls, S1E8: Double Negative, S1E9: Smells Like Trouble, S1E10: Die, Pod!, S1E11: The Brewed, S1E12: Three Geeks and a Demon, S1E13: Revamped
Season 2
S2E1: Welcome Back Dusker, S2E2: Say You'll Be Maztak, S2E3: Fanged and Furious, S2E4: Flushed, S2E5: Jokenstein, S2E6: Mirror/Rorrim, S2E7: Village of the Darned, S2E8: Hottie Ho-Tep, S2E9: Siren Song, S2E10: Halloweird, S2E11: Independence Daze, S2E12&13: The Dates to End All Dates
Also check out: The Video Game
just as a warning, tags will be empty for some time until the entire series is finished.
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marismoments39 · 9 months
Not-pow anon here! DW lol I figured. I would like to ask how you got into yuru yuri, its been going on for over a decade now and everything, I'm surprised it still has fresh fans coming in
I got into yuruyuri in early-mid 2020! but don't be fooled, it doesn't really have anything to do with lockdowns or anything!! I believe I was 12 at the time.
I first discovered it back when I used to use reddit. I saw an artwork of Sakurako and Himawari, and I saw the title of the series! "Yuru Yuri!"
now, prior to that, I'd already been stung by like.. stuff I thought was yuri but wasn't... or stuff that was just too sexualized for me... but I saw "yuru yuri," looked up what the title meant, and I was like "huh! that's interesting!" I went to go read the manga and... well, I was pretty hooked! I love everyone in the amusement club's dynamic, and I loved the characters' relationships! I read it for quite a long time! I'd go through about one volume per night. I was a massive super duper yuru yuri fan!! like, a REAL big one!! Fun fact: When I first read through yuruyuri, I was as clueless as sakurako/himawari because I did NOT realize they liked each other AT ALL. I was always like "oh! hey! sakurako and akari have something going on? maybe? that's cool!" I WANNA HIT MY PAST SELF IN THE HEAD MOON!! MOON IT'S OBVIOUSLY HIMAWWARI!!! IT'S HIMAWARI AND SAKURAKO SMH OMG SMHHH
Anyways, once I finished reading it, I watched the anime... I cannot tell you how happy I was. I'd been reading yuruyuri and talking about it for a few months at that point, and when I finally watched it... It was like magic! I saw my favourite characters ANIMATED!! I saw Akari, chinatsu, and ayano who I saw myself in. I saw yui and kyouko, who were just SO DANG COOL!! I saw sakurako who I loved and Himawari who I.... well, though she's probably my favourite character nowadays, I don't think I liked her too much initially? anyways (oh and once I started watching the anime I think I was 13
I meant to portion my watches so that I don't finish the whole thing in one day-- AAAND I FINISHED ALL OF SEASON ONE IN ONE DAY
it was amazing. it was so amazing. I literally cried in episode 11, and I was laughing and smiling my way through all the rest
it was amazing... but it'd be over soon if I didn't stop.. watching...
so. I stopped. I remember it was a saturday. I set an alarm for exactly seven days from then, so I could watch season two. I mean, it was the least I could do, really!! people back in 2011 had to wait an entire YEAR for a new season! surely I, the AMAZING SUPER COOL Moon, could wait for a mere week..?
it was painful. Arduous. but I did it. I went a week without watching yuruyuri! that's not to say I wasn't engaging with yuru yuri as a whole! no, I was looking at the songs and stuff, REWATCHING season 1 since I wasn't allowing myself to watch season 2, talking to my friends about it... (I believe this was still late 2020 btw)... I was making do...
Until finally, the week past, and I allowed myself to watch season 2. "I won't finish it in a day. I won't finish it in a-" I finished it in a day. I cannot tell you how I felt listening to minna daisuki no uta for the first time. I feel like that's when yuruyuri truly hooked me. it was that precise moment when akari chose to keep her memories. Nowadays, I believe that memories are some of the most important things in the world. Do I think that because of yuruyuri? I can't tell you since I don't know, but probably.
I cried in s2e3. I laughed so hard I had hiccups and nearly threw up in s2e8, and I cried for a very long time in s2e11. I was so surprised that s2e11 and s2e12 were ORIGINAL! they weren't in the manga! I forgot to mention it earlier but seeing the manga moments I read animated was SO cool! SEEING YURUYURI ANIMATeD WAS SO SO SO COOL
it's always nice thinking about the first time I listened to minna daisuki no uta, and how far I've come since then... I can even play it on the piano now! how time flies!!
(okay yes shameless self promo SHHH)
anyways. rinse and repeat for season three. I skipped nachuyachumi and nachuyachumi+ because... well, uh, I didn't know they existed. but yeah I rewatched season 1 and 2 when waiting and.. it was fun. yuruyuri is fun. my memories from that timeframe are hazy but it was fun
after all that... well, yuruyuri's been a great part of my life. did you know that I was once scared to grow past 14?? I mean, I still am but like I was TERRIFIED "I'm not gonna be ayano age anymore.. what am I to do.."
since that time I've done so much yuruyuri stuff. I've talked about it, I've learned the songs, I've learn big amounts of japanese frmo it, I OWN NEARLY EVERY SONG ON CD!! IT GOT ME INTO CDS!!! It (alongside pow and NNEX) got me to start making music! it encouraged me to be more confident and loving with my friends! I wouldn't be moon without yuruyuri
there's more.. there's alot more. but I'm a bit tired now! sorry! send more asks about whatever! I'll be sure to answer~
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gleepolls · 1 year
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tada - here’s the bracket folks! matches were randomized and the four episodes that received the most votes in the initial round have automatically moved into the third round. 
we’ll start with the first 14 match ups on monday and the next 14 on tuesday. then round 3 will start on wednesday with the first 8 match ups and thursday with the final 8 of that round. round 4 on friday and saturday will consist of the last single day polls for the final 16 episodes. final 8 onwards polls will last a full week starting on mondays until we have a winner.
the above image may be difficult to read so click the read more below to read the matchup. see you at the polls!
Top 4 from Round 1 moving into Round 3 S6E13 Dreams Come True S4E17 Guilty Pleasures S3E15 Big Brother S5E03 The Quarterback Round 2  Battle 1 S5E11 City of Angels S6E01 Loser Like Me
Battle 2  S1E17 Bad Reputation S5E14 New New York
Battle 3 S1E10 Ballad S5E19 Old Dog, New Tricks
Battle 4 S3E22 Goodbye S6E02 Homecoming
Battle 5 S1E05 The Rhodes Not Taken S2E10 A Very Glee Christmas
Battle 6  S2E11 The Sue Sylvester Shuffle S3E20 Props
Battle 7 S1E04 Preggers S2E05 The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Battle 8 S5E16 Tested S3E05 The First Time
Battle 9 S2E20 Prom Queen S3E17 Dance with Somebody
Battle 10 S5E09 Frenemies S1E15 The Power of Madonna
Battle 11 S4E14 I Do S2E06 Never Been Kissed
Battle 12 S4E15 Girls (and Boys) On Film S3E11 Michael
Battle 13 S4E02 Britney 2.0 S3E02 I Am Unicorn
Battle 14 S1E18 Laryngitis S5E15 Bash
Battle 15 S4E07 Dynamic Duets S1E22 Journey to Regionals
Battle 16 S1E13 Sectionals S6E07 Transitioning
Battle 17 S4E12 Naked S2E04 Duets
Battle 18 S4E13 Diva S2E09 Special Education
Battle 19 S1E07 Throwdown S3E03 Asian F
Battle 20 S5E07 Puppet Master S4E06 Glease
Battle 21 S4E04 The Break Up S5E02 Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
Battle 22 S4E11 Sadie Hawkins S3E08 Hold On to Sixteen
Battle 23 S1E20 Theatricality S2E16 Original Song
Battle 24 S5E01 Love Love Love S6E05 The Hurt Locker, Part Two
Battle 25 S2E18 Born This Way S6E08 A Wedding
Battle 26 S4E08 Thanksgiving S3E13 Heart
Battle 27 S1E21 Funk S2E12 Silly Love Songs
Battle 28 S2E14 Blame it on the Alcohol S3E16 Saturday Night Glee-ver
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herroyalbubbliness · 2 years
Let's talk series and movies
1. Afro beats: The Backstory
2. Alchemy of Souls
3. A Teacher
4. Black Bird
5. Blacklist
Raymond Reddington
The Inner Voice
6. Blood & Water S2
7. Bridgerton
Quick Thoughts on S2
Additional Thoughts
8. Chernobyl
9. Cowboy Bebop
10. Echoes
11. Firefly Lane
12. Gilded Age
13. Godfather of Harlem: Home
14 Gossip Girl:
Gossip Girl Reboot S1E4
Gossip Girl Reboot S1E5
16. Inventing Anna
Gossip Girl Reboot S1E6
15. Interview With The Vampire
In Throes of Increasing Wonder
17. Killing Eve:
Villanelle 2
Is there really a side to pick?
Can't help but think of Villanelle
It breaks my heart
18. Leverage: Redemption
Thoughts on S1E1-S1E8
Thoughts on S1E9-S1E16
Thoughts on S2E1-S2E3
19. Lucifer
A Scene From S4E1
S6-The Finale
20. Money Heist P1V1
21. Never Have I Ever: A Celebration of Quirks
22. Power Book II
S2E2: Selfless Acts...?
Detective Diana
23. P-Valley
I miss the valley already
24. Scenes From a Marriage
25. Severance
26. Sex Education
27. Shadow and Bone:
Kaz Brekker
Matthias Helvar
General Kirigan
28. Ted Lasso
29. Tell Me Lies
30. The Bold Type
31. The Chair
32. The Handmaid's Tale
33. This World Can't Tear Me Down
34. The Time Traveler's Wife
35. The Witcher
S2 Intro
Who is a Monster Really?
Don't You Just Love Their Banter?
Scars To Your Perfect Ying Yang
I want to be powerful
Kim Bodnia
The Darkness Growing Within
36. Virgin River S4
37. What If...?S1E2
38. Why Women Kill
39. You
1. Don't Look Up
2. Encanto
3. Everything Everywhere All At Once
4. Free Guy
5. Gunpowder Milkshake
6. Help (Channel4)
7. King Richard
8. Kissing Girl Booth 3
10. Passing
11. Taylor Swift - All Too Well
12. Tick, Tick... Boom
13. The Harder They Fall
14. The Last Duel
15. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
16. The Suicide Squad (2021)
17. The Tragedy of Macbeth
18. Vivo
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, September 6
BUFFY: It's "come as you aren't" night. The perfect chance for a girl to get sexy and wild with no repercussions. WILLOW: Oh, I don't get wild. Wild on me equals spaz.
~~BtVS 2x06 "Halloween"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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No Turning Back (Buffy, Joyce, Angel/Angelus, PG) by badly_knitted
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I remember who you are (Buffy/Spike, Giles, T) by desicat
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Days of Future Past, Chapter 19 (Buffy/OC, Angel/OC, Buffy/Angel, M) by a2zmom
Secret Scars, Chapter 9 (Complete!) (Buffy/Spike, M) by vampwillz
All Things End, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Dean, Supernatural xover, T) by dwinchester
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, Chapter 20 (BtVS ensemble, M) by ttfan111robstar1
Bargain, Chapter 38 (Xander/Spike, E) by immortal_katharina99
Not Alone, Chapter 7 (Daryl/Faith, The Walking Dead xover, T) by Storm_Arke
Season 1, Episode 11: Memento Mori, Chapter 4 (Complete!) (Connor/OC, Connor & Andrew, T) by Emcee
Plus Jamais, Chapter 9 [French language] (Buffy/Angel, Wednesday xover, T) by Wencel
Supporting Natasha Romanoff (and Iron Man too), Chapter 52 (Willow/Natasha Romanoff, Marvel xover, T) by SomeMeaninglessName
Spidey Does Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1, Chapter 6 (Complete!) (multiship, Spiderman xover, E) by megamatt09
The Gift, Chapter 2 (multiship, E) by the_widow_twankey
An Immortal, A Vampire, and An Exorcist Walk Into a Bar, Chapter 3 (Spike, Willow, The Sandman xover, T) by LinzOd
The destiny of Wiccas, Chapter 5 (Buffy & Dawn & Willow, Charmed xover, T) by Bl4ckHunter
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Return of the Soulless Vampire: BTVS S9 Rewrite, Chapter 24-25 (Buffy/Spike, Willow/Tara, M) by Hoomanbeans
Changing Fate, Chapter 19 (Dawn, Willow, T) by fmfan1980
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Plenty of Fish, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by all_choseny
In The Dark With You, Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Spiderwebs, Chapter 38 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Willow25
Rewrite, Chapter 37 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by hopelesswanderer
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Blood and Black Lace, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, R) by SlayrGrl
Mommy...?, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Grief Counseling
Diary of Dawn, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by DeamonQueen
the broken gates of kingdom come, Chapters 6-7 (Buffy/Spike, R) by disco-tea
The Nips!, Chapter 14-15 (Complete!) (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Desicat
Haunted, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Moodboard requested by aufredpratt (Spike/Fred, worksafe) by wills-boards
Artwork: Buffy Summers icons (worksafe) by onegirlinallthewrld
[Reviews & Recaps]
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The Buffy Re-watch: S2E12 (part 1) by jvstheworld
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PODCAST: Episode 37: Band Candy (W/ Samantha Marr) by Gym Was Cancelled: A Buffy Podcast
PODCAST: 5.21 Power Play by Angel On Top
PODCAST: BTVS 420 - The Yoko Factor by Another Buffy Podcast
[In Search Of]
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Will someone please make a Spuffy video using the song “Daylight” by David Kus requested by illek00
Searching for long-term roleplay partners 21+ that would be interested in writing Spuffy requested by tatirps
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Any fan artists here willing to draw some Buffy stuff for me? requested by Overtheedge33
[Fandom Discussions]
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Buffy had a strict code against killing humans unnecessarily, otherwise known as murder by nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather
Unpopular opinion: Seeing Red (tw:sa) by a-heart-of-kyber
About Robin Wood saying “I don’t want to kill you. I want to kill the monster that killed my mother.” to Spike by bluestarsandclouds
The treatment of Kendra in Becoming pt 1/pt 2 + the rest of the show by coraniaid
Becoming: people get worked up about Xander's lie and Joyce, but not about Willow's unilateral decision to "cure" Angel by coraniaid
I do love the way that Cordy is so obviously just running Angel Investigations all the time by herinsectreflection
I’m not really sure much would have been changed by jesse surviving vs xander, tbh. by detectivedawnsummers
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Buffy and Angel Book Discussion: Monster Island Chapter 5-9 (p.91-197) by Taake
Buffy and Angel Book Discussion: Monster Island Chapter 10-13 (p.198-288) by Taake
Why did some fans turn on Willow and Xander? They went from fan favorites to most hated by multiple authors
Thoughts on Giles/Willow by thetopher, multiple authors
Scenes that you HATE to rewatch by burrunjor, multiple authors
POV and Reliable/Unreliable Narrators by thetopher, multiple authors
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Which character from Angel would’ve been great in a crossover? by Chaucersbeard
Why did they change the werewolf appearance of Oz? by Che_Consolini
Do you guys think Spike could take Eric from True Blood in a fight? by staplerbot
What was all of your honest, thorough opinions on the ending? Or Maybe just season 7 in general? by Local-Extension3409
Does season 2 feel unfocused to anyone? by Tuxedo_Mark
What would have happened during the final battle if… by _Hypokrisis_
What In YOUR Opinion is The Worst Thing Angelus has EVER Done? (Season 2 and Flashbacks Included) by Khalesssi_Slayer1
What In Your Opinion Is The WORST Thing Angelus Has EVER DONE Part 2 by Khalesssi_Slayer1
Prevent Sweet from being summoned? by Inoutngone
“I am tired of defensiveness and weird mixed signals y’know. I have Faith for that” by classified12345
Where to start with Angel? by ApprehensiveBuy2009
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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CONVENTION: Charisma Carpenter will be joining James Marsters and Juliet Landau at Comic Con Scotland Aberdeen — March 23-24! via James Marsters News
CONVENTION: James Marsters to Attend Edmonton Expo 15-17 September + Schedule via James Marsters News
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ronpe0524 · 5 months
■2024/3/1 金曜日。3月がはじまってしまった。今月もまたInstagramのPost数をチェックしてみましょう。2525ですね。てことは2月に見た映画鑑賞数のトータルは79。なんと1月より多い。2月短いのに。短編映画もしっかり見ていくというのをやってることもあり大変順調です2024年。毎月1日は釜揚げうどんの日!釜揚げが半額、ということで丸亀製麺にて釜揚げ大と鮭おむすび。WOWOWオンデマンド『ハルモニア』を見る。U-NEXT『ポーカー・フェイス』E1を見る。ライアン・ジョンソンによるミステリー・ドラマ。『ナイブズ・アウト』の嘘をつくと吐いてしまうキャラクターのような、ひとつの特殊な設定をつくった上でミステリを作るのが好きなのかもしれない。ミステリ作りのひとつの手法ですね。MOVIX昭島にて『ARGYLLE アーガイル』鑑賞。
■2024/3/2 土曜日。朝からWOWOWオンデマンド『撮影/鏑木真一』を見る。渋谷へ向かう。『ヴェルクマイスター・ハーモニー 4Kレストア版』鑑賞@イメフォ。観終わってすぐに帰る。移動中にWOWOWオンデマンド『スター・トレック:ストレンジ・ニュー・ワールド』S2E7を見る。これすごい。なかなかのコラボレーションなエピソードなんですが、事前にまったく知らなかったのでびっくり。本当はMCUとかもこういうレベルのものをやりたいんだろうなぁ。BS録画『特攻野郎Aチーム』S2E9を見る。Amazon Prime Video『アメリカン・フィクション』を見る。U-NEXT『アダプテーション』を見る。音源を1本編集。もう1本映画を見たかったけど力尽きて寝る。
■2024/3/3 日曜日。本日は娘と歩いて昭島へ。MOVIX昭島にて『映画ドラえもん のび太の地球交響楽(シンフォニー)』鑑賞。娘と観る『映画ドラえもん』も今回か来年が最後だろうか。そう思うとちょっと切ない。昭島のミスドでお昼を食べて帰る。帰宅してすぐに自転車で昭島図書館へ。本を借りたり返したり。WOWOWオンデマンド『イツキトミワ』を見る。Apple TV+『マスターズ・オブ・ザ・エアー』E7を見る。ラジオを聴いたり、映画の感想を考えたり、雑誌を読んだりで時間がすぎていく。夜はイシヤマさんとDiggin' U-NEXTを収録。2月の収録とインターバルが短いのでぜんぜん久しぶり感がない。
■2024/3/4 月曜日。午前中はミーティングで終わる。お昼にWOWOWオ���デマンド『せん』を見る。中尾ちひろさんのカラオケをツイキャスを見る。資料作成をせっせとやる。仕事終わりで立川へ。WOWOWオンデマンド『メイヤー・オブ・キングスタウン』S2E3を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『極道黒社会 RAINY DOG』を見る。シネマシティで『ネクスト・ゴール・ウィンズ』鑑賞。2週目でかなり上映回が減っていたけどたしかに集客悪い。けっこう楽しかったけど。BS録画『特攻野郎Aチーム』S2E10を見る。ラジオなど聴きながら僕モテメルマガの情報コーナーを書く。
■2024/3/5 火曜日。昨日から覚悟はしていたがとても急ぎの仕事の対応で午前中が終わる。ぜんぜんやったことない仕事を代打でやるもんだから手探り感ハンパない。たぶん本来それをやってる人が対応したら一瞬で終わるやつ。まぁしょうがない。お昼にNetflix『彼方に』を見る。ファミマおにぎりの新作、明太マヨクリームチーズを食べる。そりゃうまいでしょうよ。仕事終わりで立川へ。松屋にて、チキンマサラカレー。Disney+『SHOGUN 将軍』E3を見る。『コヴェナント 約束の救出』鑑賞@kino cinéma 立川高島屋S.C.館。映画館を出たら雪が舞っていた。BS録画『特攻野郎Aチーム』S2E11を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『かぞくのくに』を見る。音源編集1本やりたかったけどもう元気が残っていなかった。
■2024/3/6 水曜日。雪は雨になってましたね。ちょっと今日の朝ウォーキングは断念。BSSTO『インディアナとアーシバルド』を見る。朝ウォーキングをしないと朝、家を出るのに30分ほど余裕が生まれる。この30分がとても大きくていろいろできる。じゃあいつもあと30分早く起きればいいのではないか?それができれば苦労などしないのである。お昼はマクドナルドにて、のり塩じゃがバターベーコンてりたま。Apple TV+『コンステレーション』E5を見る。会社のPCのパスワード変更。しばらくは慣れないんだよなぁ。帰宅してからBS録画『特攻野郎Aチーム』S2E12を見る。エンジェルがぜんぜん知らないおじさんをハンニバルの変相だと間違える場面が面白い。U-NEXT『フォルス・ポジティブ』を見る。音源を1本編集。ラロッカさんとDiggin' Netflixを収録。なんとか録画した『相棒』を見てから寝ようとしたが眠すぎて途中で寝落ち。
■2024/3/7 木曜日。今日はお昼に外に出る余裕がなさそうなのでランチ用のサンドイッチを朝からつくる。ランチ代節約にもなります。通勤しながらApple tv+『ミッドナイト』を見る。お昼休みにWOWOWオンデマンド『メイヤー・オブ・キングスタウン』S2E4を見る。仕事忙しかったけど先行『関心領域』のチケットは忘れずに取る。まぁ余裕だろうとは思っていたけど余裕だった。帰宅してからNetflix『ジェントルメン』E1を見る。監督、ガイ・リッチーだ。U-NEXT『テッド ザ・シリーズ』E1を見る。今年は映画鑑賞を優先するために海外ドラマは基本的に1日1エピソードだけ見ようとしてるのですが、さすがに見たいドラマ作品が渋滞してしまっている。というわけで今日は3エピソードも見てしまった。で寝る前に映画を1本見ようとしたら眠くなってしまい途中まで見て断念。バランス、難しいな。
■2024/3/8 金曜日。夜中に雪が降ったようで寒い。小雨が残っていて朝ウォーキングは断念。通勤途中でNetflix『ハート・ショット』を見る。お昼はCoCo壱にて、五香粉香る魯肉スパイスカレー。WOWOWオンデマンド『スター・トレック:ストレンジ・ニュー・ワールド』S2E8を見る。鳥山明死去の報。僕が影響を受けた漫画作品はゆでたまご先生の『キン肉マン』と鳥山明先生の『ドラゴンボール』の2つが抜け出てるぐらい大きい。こういう大きな喪失を感じることがこれから増えていくのだろうと思います。それだけ自分も年をとってきたってことですよね。帰宅してからAmazon Prime Video『ウーマン・キング 無敵の女戦士たち』を見る。Netflix『パレード』を見る。寝る前にYouTubeのばっけんのレトロゲームチャンネル「ドラゴンボール 神龍の謎」回を見る。子供のころ、クリアできなかったなぁこのゲーム。
■2024/3/9 土曜日。Netflix『ビフォア・マイ・アイズ』を見る。開館のタイミングにあわせて自転車で昭島図書館へ。本を借りたり返したり。Apple TV+『マスターズ・オブ・ザ・エアー』E8を見る。Amazon Prime Video『DUNE デューン 砂の惑星』を見る。吹替で見直してみましたよ。U-NEXT『トーク・トゥ・ハー』を見る。音源を1本編集。夜、娘が寝てからサントラ当てClubhouseに参加。だらだらした週末だ。
■2024/3/10 日曜日。娘は午前中から試験があるとのこと。頑張ってくれ。BSSTO『おべんとう』を見る。U-NEXT『それだけが、僕の世界』を見る。昼から立川へ。kino cinéma 立川高島屋S.C.館にて『エル・スール』鑑賞。ちょっと観るのをあきらめかけていたけど観れました。嬉しい。伊勢丹でホワイトデー催事的なのを見ようと思ったら信じられないぐらいどこも並んでいてあきらめ。タカノで娘もよろこびそうなゼリーを買う。高い。WOWOWオンデマンド『メイヤー・オブ・キングスタウン』S2E5を見る。R-1の録画も見る。『関心領域』先行上映@新宿ピカデリー。帰りの電車でU-NEXT『ロー・タイド』を見る。連続A24。帰宅してからU-NEXT『手紙と線路と小さな奇跡』を見る。
■2024/3/11 月曜日。うーむ、朝起きられず寝坊である。朝ウォーキングはあきらめ。オスカーの結果をTLで追いながら会社に向かう。お昼休みにBSSTO『マックス』を見る。なんかMeetingに出ては担当する仕事が増えていく感じで月曜から憂鬱です。帰宅してからWOWOWオンデマンド『メイヤー・オブ・キングスタウン』S2E6を見る。Disney+『ラスト・リペア・ショップ』を見る。ラジオを聴きながら僕モテメルガマを書く。アカデミー賞授賞式(字幕版)も見たかったけどまだオンデマンドにきてなかったのであきらめ。
■2024/3/12 火曜日。お昼は丸亀製麺にて、焼きたて牛すきごぼ天ぶっかけうどん(温)並。WOWOWオンデマンド『Beyond Teruel/テルエルの彼方へ』を見る。ドラマの『SHOGUN 将軍』の配信時間がよくわかってなかったんですけど13時なんですね。お昼休みには見れないこの中途半端な感じ。仕事を切り上げ急いで帰宅。ノーランが出演するNHK「クローズアップ現代」をリアタイで見る。普段テレビ画面でテレビの番組を見ることがほとんどないので新鮮。Disney+『SHOGUN 将軍』E4を見る。U-NEXT『三度目の、正直』を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『日本黒社会 LEY LINES』を見る。アカデミー賞のアーカイブ配信も部分的に見る。
■2024/3/13 水曜日。朝、家を出たらすさまじい強風。しかも追い風。なんか速足の朝ウォーキングとなる。通勤しながらWOWOWオンデマンド『The Bridge/希望のかけ橋』を見る。久々に社員証を忘れてしまった。昨日着てたコートのポケットにある入ってるはず。たぶん。お昼にWREPで「LUNCHTIME BREAKS」のMummy-Dゲスト回を聴く。WREPのツイートすると毎回読んでくれるジブさん。嬉しい。帰宅して社員証を確認。ちゃんとありました。良かった良かった。WOWOWオンデマンド『ハンサン 龍の出現』を観る。見応えある海戦韓国映画だったけどぜんぜん人物が覚えられないやつ。ラフランスさんとDiggin' Disney+を緊急収録、ていうほど大げさなものではないですがなる早で配信します。Apple TV+『コンステレーション』E6を見る。
■2024/3/14 木曜日。いやー困った。家の事情で今週末の予定がぶっとびそう。『デューン2』を観るのが遅くなるのはまぁいいとして、TBSドキュメンタリー映画祭に行けなそうだ。たぶん貴重な上映だったんだけどな。お昼休みにWOWOWオンデマンド『Heart of an Astronaut/宇宙飛行士の心』を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『メイヤー・オブ・キングスタウン』S2E7を見る。ノーランの『フォロウィング』も劇場公開とのこと。Twitterで「日本劇場初公開」とツイートしている人がいたけど、『フォロウィング』は『メメント』公開時に日本でも劇場でかかっていたはず。もちろんHDレストア版は初でしょうけど。で、先日気づいたのですが、ノーランも10作以上長編監督作があり、僕はその全作を劇場鑑賞しているんですよ。なので『オッペンハイマー』も絶対に観逃がしてはならないのした。まぁ普通に考えて観ますけど。帰宅してから音源を1本編集。U-NEXT『幸せなひとりぼっち』を見る。
■2024/3/15 金曜日。通勤しながらBSSTO『ナルヴィックのヘアパーラー/ Frydenlund Hair Parlour』を見る。お昼にファミマおにぎりの新作「だし香る たけのこごはん」を食べる。中心に濃いめ味付けのたけのこが入っている感じ。WOWOWオンデマンド『スター・トレック:ストレンジ・ニュー・ワールド』S2E9を見る。これも素晴らしいエピソードでした。仕事終わってまっすぐ帰宅。『デューン2』の公開日なんですけどね。今日も観れないし、土日も観れなそう。WOWOWオンデマンド『コンペティション』を見る。音源を1本編集。
■2024/3/16 土曜日。基本家にいなきゃな土曜ですが午前中に昭島図書館に行く。最近、ちょっと昔のキネマ旬報を借りてパラパラ読んでいます。WOWOWにて『OFF SIDE/カミーユとコンティさん』を見る。Apple TV+『マスターズ・オブ・ザ・エアー』E9を見る。これで完走。爆撃機の描写はなかなか凄かったです。BSで福岡×FC東京戦を見る。DAZNやめたのでBSでの放送ありがたいです。そしてFC東京の今季初勝利。1点目の長友、熱かった。DVD『記憶の棘』を見る。たまーに見るDVDって画質悪いですよね。冒頭の「新作紹介」とかムダに見ちゃいますが。U-NEXT『スライス』を見る。DVD『アンダー・ザ・スキン 種の捕食』を見る。
■2024/3/17 日曜日。娘が新宿まで塾の試験を受けに行くってことで早朝からたたき起こす。本当は僕が新宿の会場までの送迎もする予定であったが塾友達のお父さんが行ってくれるってことで免除に。本当に助かります。これで近所の映画館であれば1本映画が観に行ける。てことでMOVIX昭島で『デューン 砂の惑星PART2』鑑賞。もちろん池袋のIMAXとかで観た方が良いのは云われなくてもわかっていますが、そういうのは時間的にも金銭的にも余裕がある人の言い分ですよ。僕なんてSMTの60P無料鑑賞クーポンで、スクリーンで観れるだけで感謝ですよ(週末の予定が狂いまくって感情がネガティブになっています)。帰宅してWOWOWオンデマンド『El Carrito/タマレス』を見る。NHK-BS特別番組「渥美清にあいたい 山田洋次×黒柳徹子」を見る。あー今月分の寅さんを見るのもの楽しみだな。U-NEXT『テッド ザ・シリーズ』E2を見る。夕飯は家族で外食。娘のリクエストによりがってん寿司。がってん寿司はけっこう高いので大人は遠慮しながら食べる。娘は(金額的には)僕の倍ぐらい食べてたでしょう。WOWOWオンデマンド『ペルシャン・レッスン 戦場の教室』を見る。本当は渋谷でやってるTBSドキュメンタリー映画祭2024『オキュパイド・シティ(原題)』を観に行きたかったんですけどね。ただTwitterで流れていくる感想がどれも不評でややホッとしている自分もいます。まったく良くないマインドですね。DVD『ロードハウス 孤独の街』を見る。
■2024/3/18 月曜日。朝ウォーキング時の風がすごい。砂埃が目に入ったのでしょう。左目だけ真っ赤になってしまいホラー映画みたいな状態に。劇場鑑賞映画の記録をしていたら昨日観た『デューン2』が今年の50本目でした。2023年の50本目を調べてみると日付がまったく同じ。同じペースで映画を観れているってことですかね。お昼はマクドナルドにてハッピーセット食べてゾロリの本をGET。YouTubeにて短編映画『此処だけの話』を見る。仕事終わりで立川へ。かなり余裕をもっての予定を立てていたのに電車が遅れまくり、オンタイムでkino cinéma 立川高島屋S.C.館へ。『12日の殺人』鑑賞。映画観終わってから松屋のチキングリル定食を食べる。夜、WOWOWオンデマンドでドラマを見ようと思ったらメンテ中。しょうがないからU-NEXTで映画を見ようとしたけど途中で撃沈。なんかすぐ眠くなっちゃうな。
■2024/3/19 火曜日。どうも家でテレビ番組を録画しているトルネ(ナスネ)とスマホアプリの接続がうまくいかない。トルネに録画されている番組をスマホアプリで見ることはできるのですが、スマホアプリへデータを移動することができない。家のWi-Fi環境が変わったタイミングなのでそれが原因なのは間違いないのですが、じゃあどうやったらこの接続を戻せるのかがさっぱりわからない。ネットで調べても似たような理由で困っている人がたくさんいて解決方法がわからない。僕はテレビ番組をほぼこのこの方法で見ているのでとても困る。まいったな。お昼は 丸亀製麺にて、山盛りあさりうどんを食べる。ランチの予算オーバーなんですけど食べる価値あり。WOWOWオンデマンド『メイヤー・オブ・キングスタウン』S2E8。WOWOWアプリ、なんかUpdateされたのだろうか。帰宅してから『Portrait of a Disappearing Woman/消えゆく彼女の肖像』を見る。U-NEXT『ゴーストバスターズ』を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『メイヤー・オブ・キングスタウン』S2E9を見る。昨日見れなかった分、今日は海外ドラマを2エピソード見てしまった。U-NEXT『はい、泳げません』を見る。
■2024/3/20 祝日の水曜日。春分の日。朝から娘と昭島へ。MOVIX昭島にて『恐竜超伝説2 劇場版ダーウィンが来た!』観賞。ダーウィンとイルミ��ーションとおしりたんていの三択だったのですが、娘のチョイスはダーウィンだった。ドキュメンタリー好きなんだよなぁ。お父さんは『FLY!』が観たかったんですけどね。モリタウンのフードコートの丸亀製麺でランチ。カルボナーラうどんを食べる。一度帰宅してから自転車で昭島図書館へ。Disney+『SHOGUN 将軍』E5を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『No Ghost in the Morgue/安置所に幽霊は出ない』を見る。Disney+『X-Men '97』E1を見る。Disney+ 『SAND LAND: THE SERIES』E1を見る。U-NEXT『ゴーストバスターズ2』を見る。Netflix『妻消えて』を見る。日付変更と同時に土曜のル・シネマのチケ取り。中央席の埋まり方がエグいスピード。
■2024/3/21 木曜日。本日は仕事を休んで早い時間から通院。朝ウォーキングはなし。八王子の病院で検査と診察。超音波の検査はとくに問題なしってことで。想定内で時間で病院終わって横浜方面へ向かう。WOWOWオンデマンド『禁書のイロハ』を見る。さらにドラマを1本見ようと思ったけど眠くて眠くてムリ。仮眠をとりつつ桜木町に到着。馬車道うどん 頑陣本店にて、海老鶏餅うどん(温)特盛。夕飯食べる時間すらなさそうなのでお昼にたくさん食べておく作戦。時間があるのでみなとみらいエリアを散策。絶賛遅れまくりのradikoを聴きつつ水際を散歩。カモがいるかなぁと期待したけどほとんどいなくて残念。卒業式シーズンってことで大学の卒業式っぽ服装の子たちがたくさんいた。Apple TV+『コンステレーション』E7を見る。Disney+『X-Men '97』E2を見る。大変面白いのですが、日本語吹替がないのが本当に残念。Disney+ 『SAND LAND: THE SERIES』E2を見る。横浜フランス映画祭 2024『バティモン5 望まれざる者』観賞@横浜ブルク13。前代未聞のチケット販売後スクリーン変更があった回で、予想どーり多少うまくいっていない部分があったようですね。ラジ・リ監督のQ&A、客席にいたクレール・ドゥニが回答の補足をするというやりとりあり。インターバルでサッカー日本代表の試合をチェック。横浜フランス映画祭 2024『けもの』観賞@横浜ブルク13。僕は電車の関係でQ&Aはパス。エンドロールがはじまったら退席しようと思っていたぐらいなのですが、これが噂のQRコードエンドロール映画だった。つまり映画本編が終わるとQRコードがスクリーンに表示され、そのアドレスにアクセスするとエンドロールの動画が見れるという作品。こういう作品があることはたしか矢田部さんのブログで知っていたんだけどこの映画だったのか。慌ててスキャンしてダッシュで駅へ向かう。なんとか乗りたい電車に乗れました。帰りの電車でNetflix『三体』E1を見る。さすが中国版が30エピソードでやった内容を8エピソードにまとめているだけあってすごいスピード。明滅ってそういうことでいいのか。それにしても吹替版がないのが残念。多言語作品なので難しいところはあるかと思いますが。
■2024/3/22 金曜日。通勤途中にBSSTO『ある村で』を見る。昨日休んでしまったのでメールがためっていますよね。午前中ではとても対応しきれず。お昼、OKの弁当を食べながらWOWOWオンデマンド『スター・トレック:ストレンジ・ニュー・ワールド』S2E10を見る。これでシーズン2完走。文句なしに面白かったんですけど。今回のエピソードはいい!という回が3つぐらいありましたよ。午後も仕事に集中。ミーティングが多かったのもあるけど気づけばけっこう仕事してしまった。サッカーU23の試合を見ながら帰る。帰宅してからNetflix『ゴーストバスターズ/アフターライフ』を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『零落』を見る。国内ドラマをいけるとこまで見ようと思ったけど座ったままの姿勢で寝落ち。身体がいたい。
■2024/3/23 土曜日。なんか早起きできました。WOWOWオンデマンド『The Wake/覚醒の時』を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『FALL フォール』を見る。ちょっと早めのお昼を家で食べてから渋谷へ。移動中にWOWOWオンデマンド『メイヤー・オブ・キングスタウン』S2E10を見る。これでシーズン2完走。みんな勝手なことをするから大変なんですよ、ジェレミー・レナーが。『海がきこえる』鑑賞@Bunkamuraル・シネマ 渋谷宮下。たぶん満席だったんですけど客層がとても良い。今年、ジブリ映画を劇場で観るの4作品目ですよ。素晴らしいです。帰宅してからU-NEXT『ワンダフルライフ』を見る。U-NEXT『ヴァル・キルマー/映画に人生を捧げた男』を見る。僕も病気の状況によっては手術後にもっと発声できない可能性はあったので、ちょっとその部分はシンパシーを感じながら見てしまった。
■2024/3/24 日曜日。娘は美容室に行くとのことです。WOWOWオンデマンド『WILD SUMMON/ワイルドサモン』を見る。ランチというには早すぎる時間にチキンラーメンを食べてから横浜方面に向かう。移動しながらNetflix『三体』E2を見る。横浜フランス映画祭 2024『美しき仕事 4Kレストア版』観賞@横浜ブルク13。グッチーズのいい仕事。観終わって同回を観にきていたイシヤマさんとお茶する。けっこう久々に対面で会ったけど久々感はぜんぜんない。そのあと僕はもう1本、横浜フランス映画祭 2024『Vermines (原題)』観賞@横浜ブルク13。やっと今回のフランス映画祭のQ&Aで質問できました。本作、年内には日本公開あるみたいですね。帰りの電車でDisney+ 『SAND LAND: THE SERIES』E3を見る。帰宅してから音源を1本編集。U-NEXT『男はつらいよ 噂の寅次郎』を見る。
■2024/3/25 月曜日。娘は春休みに突入中。塾の春期講習も明日からってことで今朝はぜんぜん起きてこない。まぁいつも大変そうだからたまにゆっくりできるのもいいよね。僕ひとりで起きて朝食食べて仕事へ。微妙な小雨だったけど朝ウォーキングを決行。お昼はコンビニごはん。ファミマのおにぎり新作、もっちりしたもち麦入り鮭わかめ。WOWOWオンデマンド『Borekas /ボレカス』を見る。これでWOWOWにあった短編映画傑作選みたいのを見終わってしまった。またやってくださいこれ。中尾ちひろさんのカラオケツイキャスを見る。帰宅してからサッカーU23×ウクライナの試合を見る。FC東京の若手選手たちも頑張っております。Netflix『三体』E3を見る。子供が寝てからコヨイチのリモート収録に参加。収録終わったあとも夜中まで映画駄話。古い映画の話ほど盛り上がる。
■2024/3/26 火曜日。娘は今日から春期講習。がんばってくれ。そしてがっつり雨。さすがに朝ウォーキングは断念。時間があったので家でNetflix『ディスコ・インフェルノ』を見てから出勤。お昼はOKのTHE鮭弁当���全角。Netflix『三体』E4を見る。しかしずっと雨だな。帰宅してからDisney+ 『SAND LAND: THE SERIES』E4を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『オットーという男』を見る。僕モテメルマガの原稿をやる。座った姿勢のままけっこうな時間寝落ちしてしまって腰が痛い。
■2024/3/27 水曜日。ちょっと寝坊してしまった。急いで準備。でも天気がいいので朝ウォーキングが気持ちいい。一応寝る前の薬は飲み続けているけど、僕の中での今年の花粉症は終わったな。良かった良かった。Netflix『愛してるって言っておくね』を見る。昼休みにDisney+『SHOGUN 将軍』E6を見る。帰宅してからDisney+『X-Men '97』E3を見る。面白いけどやっぱ吹替ほしい。Netflix『ゴーストバスターズ(2016)』を吹替で見る。友近の吹替はけっこううまい。昔、ビバヒルの吹替ネタとかやってたぐらいですからね。けんす君、なんすけ君とDiggin' Amazon Prime Video収録。収録終わってからも、結婚するといろいろ大変だよね、って雑談をする(実は子供が生まれるとさらにスーパーハードモードが待っている)
■2024/3/28 木曜日。なんか今日も天気が悪そうです。午前中からアジア圏の人たちとオンラインミーティング。とにかく日本に出張に行きたい、桜の季節はまだか、と云ってくる。お昼は丸亀製麺でかけ並とジャンボカニカマ天。フィルムは記録する ―国立映画アーカイブ歴史映像ポータル―『隅田川』を見る。国立映画アーカイブがオンラインで映画を提供してるというのは知ってたけどラインナップがすごい増えてた。これは1931年の記録映画。監督のクレジットもない。当時の隅田川周辺を描いたドキュメンタリーみたいなものだろう、と思っていたらちょっと違う。運搬船で寝泊まりして暮らしているある父息子の暮らし、1日半ぐらいを描いていて脚本もあるっぽい。この作品の尺は21分。毎日1本短編映画を見る生活を続けている僕には掘りがいがありますね、このサービスは。午後、強烈な片頭痛。カロナール飲んでみたけど歯がたたない。帰宅してからApple TV+『コンステレーション』E8を見る。これで完走。何が起きているかわからなかった序盤が一番面白かった印象です。MCTOSに参加したかったけどあいにくの雨で断念。空いた時間で音源を1本編集。ラロッカさんとペップさんがやってたMCTOSアフタートーク(スペース)だけ聴く。U-NEXT『劇場版 からかい上手の高木さん』を見る。アニメのやつ。日付変更と同時の来週月曜の『とりつくしま』のチケ取り。オンタイムで座席選択画面までいけたときの席の埋まりぐあいに戦慄したがなんとかチケット取れた。嬉しい。
■2024/3/29 金曜日。雨、というか風が強い。さすがに朝ウォーキングはムリ。電車で出勤しながら、フィルムは記録する ―国立映画アーカイブ歴史映像ポータル―『馬の馴致』を見る。ビヨンセが日本にいるという情報と、サイン会をするという情報に驚愕。まぁ行けませんけど。でもなんでこの重要なタイミングで日本にいるんだろうな。不思議すぎる。お昼に来週の『リトル・エッラ』のチケット無事確保。イタリア映画祭の情報がやっと出たけどマッテオ・ガッローネ以外はよくわからないので詳しい人の調査結果を待ちます。てゆーかスケジュール出てないし。Netflix『三体』E5を見る。今日でけっこう退職する人がいて、お世話になりましたメールがとんでくる。お疲れ様でした。仕事終わりで立川へ。『RHEINGOLD ラインゴールド』鑑賞@kino cinéma 立川高島屋S.C.館。帰宅してからU-NEXT『シチズンフォー スノーデンの暴露』を見る。
■2024/3/30 土曜日。朝からBSSTO『月/ Moon』を見る。自転車でMOVIX昭島へ。『ゴーストバスターズ フローズン・サマー』鑑賞。帰宅してお昼ごはん食べながらNetflix『三体』E6を見る。また自転車で出かけて昭島図書館。娘の本を借りたり返したり。帰宅してBSにてJリーグ川崎×FC東京戦を見る。完敗。がっくり。Netflix『ビューティフル・ゲーム』を見る。U-NEXT『ザ・ヒューマンズ』を見る。Disney+ 『SAND LAND: THE SERIES』E5を見る。日付変更と同時にやっと『オッペンハイマー』のチケットを購入。火曜の。
■2024/3/31 日曜日。朝からフィルムは記録する ―国立映画アーカイブ歴史映像ポータル―『アテナ・ライブラリー 第六十四篇 軍用犬』を見る。Netflix『三体』E7を見る。自転車でMOVIX昭島へ。『美と殺戮のすべて』鑑賞。帰りにセブンイレブンで、あさりだしが効いた塩ラーメンを買ってきて食べる。たしかにこれは美味しい。たらこのおにぎりと一緒に食べたら最高でした。Netflix『恐怖の報酬』を見る。Amazon Prime Video『ロードハウス/孤独の街』を見る。Disney+『SAND LAND: THE SERIES』E6を見る。WOWOWオンデマンド『放課後アングラーライフ』を見る。娘が長い時間春期講習に行っているので自宅の映画鑑賞ががっつり進んでしまう。そんな感じで3月も終わり。
0 notes
sainthippie · 7 months
DISCLAIMER: none of these are flaws with the show! i love it, and his character is wonderfully well acted. i just really despise the guy.
genuinely do not understand how anyone likes walter. i'm up to s2e12 or 13 (can't remember) and i from the memes and shit i didn't think he'd be this awful, but wow. hes the cause of so many problems in nearly everyone's lives there. i don't think he cared for jesse at all even when he killed jane, he was just doing that shit to get him ready for when he needs to use him again. and the manipulation is constant. his need for control in literally every situation he's in makes him see fights with people where they genuinely just want to help.
here i wanna talk about something i've seen sooo much on reddit and such - that skyler is a bitch wife. that's just straight up not true. even tho she kinda tries to get it out of him, she still just lets him go out and come home whenever he wants without knowing where he was . even though she knows that he lies to her constantly, she believes him over and over again.
also, he thinks he's some sort of mastermind, smarter than everyone around him. he's really dumb without even realizing it tho. putting the phone in the class, showing his face everywhere, using those low level drug dealers, staying in the place where his brother in law is a dea agent. honestly, getting jesse involved was a mistake. and it made his life so much more miserable. walter makes everyone he sees miserable because their lives are nothing compared to his. hugo, the plane crash, jane, combo, skyler. they're all just tools to him.
(also jermapost)
0 notes
imy2 · 9 months
again w notes
3-6 ok ngl s3 so far has been mid.. i think i'm paying attention less.. high10k was funny•
3-7 murphy looks cool this ep.. •
"it's weird." "how?" "well - everybody likes him." ..... "that's f'd up." •
hector looks cute this ep, so does kaskae ... also kaya :-) •
"fear no more" on van w 'fear' repeating on speaker n 'fear' on back was a cool bit .. •
i meant to note it then(2-6) but didnt so will now bc theyre going to her.. when murphy left lucy, just no one questioned it.. they rly thought he killed her ? interesting. . •
the man watching murphy eat this brain rn feels sexual .. lmfaoo then he puts a gun to him •
operation bite-mark need a spark, did u carry on need to hear ur call we've been gone - you've been gone too long c-z wannabe, that's me i need to see murphy talk to me - please don't freeze on my knees beggin hear my plea whoo! • ready? i'm kaya on the wire can't get by ya, why ya try it ain't a liar, mama mercy is my business and my business is on fire still alive at the northern lights we had a fright but we alright we ok, we hold tight every day, day by day x5 day by day • kaya in the sky-a B)
lol the man leaving his hand w his middle finger up for murphy•
3-8 sketchy n skeezy r baack .. tbh they r worse than i rmbr .•
"lost causes are worth dying for! yeaahh, wooo!" my lovr (inmydreamsofc)•
"fear turns us into monsters; no less violent than the enders and no more alive than the z's." •
"who won the election anyway?" "everyone wrote in the same thing.. 'that weed doctor'" •
3-9 i forgot abt vasquez... ahh damn... well hi n bye vasquez :/ .... i feel like if roberta warren n teresa mendoza could team up, in either of their worlds.. pheww ... o hi lucy .. wth's happenin w hector •
3-10 murphy -_- 10k :(.. here we go w lucy.. doc looked cute this ep•
3-11 doc at the table ... •
oh hell no..
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3-12 perhaps murphys best look.. damn he changes sm.. lets see 1. s1e1-4, skin - white, hair - br/shaggy . 3/5 2. s1e5-12, skin - white, hair - bald 2/5 3. s1e12-s2e12, skin - blue, hair - br/buzzed 2/5 4. flashback s2ep14, skin - white, hair - br/fancy? 3/5 5. s2e13 - s3e6, skin - blue, hair - bl/shaggy 3.5/5 6. s3e7-s3e11, skin - blue+white, hair - bl/shaggy 4/5 7. s3e12-?, skin - lavender?+blue, hair - wh/fancy 5/5•
ahhhh murphy n warren purpleroom scene... the tension, the looks! ooo when warren pulls out the brain n looks at him like :/ •
lol 10k n red r cute but sun mei bein completely over them is funnier •
"you dont understand." "if i did, i'd kill myself." ooof. .... "you know what they'll do to us." "i know." "we need you. - help me, warren." n warrens facee :') •
•^i need to rewatch killing eve.... n mayb the 100 but idk abt that.. but gahh enemies to/and(lol) lovers •
3-13 lucy ep, fun.. doc n addy at end were cute•
3-14 man ending the season w not 1 but 4 ppl jumpin off a cliff + 2 ppl shot. incredible •
• overall .... 2.5 .. not my fav apparently •
4-1 "2 yrs later, things have gotten worse" then showing warrens helldream, so funny •
intro - bulletbulletbigbullet.. •
aww warren n murphy this ep r so cute •
4-2 addy n 10k bullet moment, cool ... hi sarge •
4-3 "no one said anything about frickin canada!" "you got a problem with canada?" "yeah i do it's far" murphyagain •
4-4 "well if you're going im going. idk what's going on in that head of urs but i'm gonna throw a little faith ur way." murphy n warren 🤝•
4-5 warren n this elevator is reminding me of beef.. man that still is one of the most surprising n disturbing scenes ever .. i think beef was the best show i seen in 2023.. outta 66 •
10k "i love dog food! puppy chow's my stuff, man!" sarge waking up - "we saved u some puppy chow" "oh! *eats it quick* *notices bird w her* bird? bird. bird! i found a bird! *shoves fist w bird in air* it was alive when i got it." doc n murphy n warren "hey, let me see that." .... "murphy?" "hmm?" "did you eat the bird?" "*coughs feathers* no." "never mind that." lmaoo one of the funniest scenes •
"well now what are we gonna do?" "i don't know abt u but i'm just gonna curl up and die." doc lmao •
"what is our fate?" .. "i'm not sure. i just feel it. it's like i felt the first time i laid eyes on you, murphy. i didn't know the how, why, or any of the what was coming next. the second i saw you i knew my job in life was to get you wherever the hell you were going." "..when you put it that way." warren n murphyyy •
4-6 sarge is so pretty ugh, warren ofc is gorgeous .. aww lucy :( ughh murphy n warren </333 "goodbye july, hate to see u go - so fast that i got a bloody nose" •
4-7 warren n murphy getting pissed for each other.. warren when theyre zapping murphy 2x, murphy "you son of a bitch, i'm gonna beat you til the clown meat shows" •
4-8 awww kaya n jz :') nana tooo.. •
warren n murphy being in mindscape together but her seeing dreamhell n him seein a nice field , til he burns "i felt it - what she's feeling. it's excruciating." n them lookin at each other ....... •
"you think this will be over? i call that faith." "nah, that's just basic survival. you gotta believe this will end, right? if you don't - hug a zombie." pftt •
4-9 awww kaya n cz n jz :') •
0 notes
seancamerons · 3 years
talking about season 2 episodes 12 and 13 titled white wedding gets me super warm and fuzzy and nostalgic. overall it's an underrated one and most people don't like it I'm sure because the parents have a larger role than the teens which i can see how that could be a downer.
i'm putting this under a cut so you can read it at your leisure. took me long enough eh?
so yeah white wedding is my favorite episode and this ep had everything you could want, a big event being the wedding spike finding out she's pregnant again, this time days before the main event, we have jt and toby hijinks with the fancy plot, joey and caitlin flirting pretty much all episode, manny playing matchmaker and of course the at the time long-awaited reunion of semma. i remember i recorded it on my VCR in my room back in the day when it aired and even now it's my favorite episode.
so we begin with sean, jt, manny and toby in the media immersion room about to listen to a speech about love and marriage but its acutally the theme of a show called the love boat.
"someone's never been in love" sean says when jt acts love makes him wanna throw up and then they assume he means he's been in love before and they all assume it's emma because at that time yes it makes sense.
getting back to sean, he's always been on the outside looking in despite being a member of the original 6 it's important to note that he knew he was the only one not invited to the wedding and when manny invites him it's as if he'd come into the fold by the invitation so i think that was another reason why he was crushed, because he wanted to be a part of it and manny gave him an in and took it away. i expected him to disappointed or sad but literally sniffling and tearing up made me feel bad for him. boy had it bad. lol @ tracker eating out of a pot. of course they play 'the sean music' which is a guitar i believe but they play it whenever something happens to sean or whenever he's on screen i don't get it but it's something i observed over the years. sean music also could be attributed to emma and sean's relationship at least in season 1 so that's i guess something to note.
moving on, so emma's home from school. she recieved the wedding cake which was swapped by mistake. i couldn't help but note spike and emma's dynamic is somewhat codependent and sisterly. very candid can talk about whatever and they're comfortable about it. spike doesn't want to change the relationship and sees nothing wrong with it. even when what happens is inappropriate, spike shouldn't tell emma about her pregnancy and abortion, a conversation more suitable for an adult being snake. spike shouldn't have to rely on a 13 year old for support when she knows she has her friends around is all i'm saying.
elsewhere, jt, toby and craig scheme to get a stripper to come to the 'stag'. who calls a bachelor party a stag? i guess only in canada lmao they try to go but they obviously look juvenile so craig ditches them pretty much and goes to joey.
fun fact: the address on the strip club door is 212 the number of the episode in pt 1.
so caitlin and lucy come over and they decided to wear the same dress to the wedding which makes sense since they're bridesmaids but of course they're here to party so they go to this weird place with mexican singers which idk the song they're singing so if there's symbolism who knows? but spike aint in the party mood.
fun fact: lucy wears the same outfit in the series premire '1.01 mother child reunion'.
also that scene when joey and snake come over with lucy and caitlin over somethings to note starting with, "when are you gonna add a little spike and snake to add to mini caitlin over there?" it's a funny little nod to the original series, that emma was coined by lucy as mini-caitlin because it's true! after all, caitlin interfered with spike's pregnancy back in the day on degrassi junior high when she famously wrote an opinion piece in favor of keeping spike at degrassi despite the angry parents who wanted to ban spike from school due to her pregnancy. emma too has the tendency to stick her nose where it doesn't belong and this very episode is no exception somewhat following in caitlin's footsteps in this very episode and others at the time. it was pretty obvious that emma was written to be much like caitlin in the mix of characters from the og degrassi. emma has always liked and looked up to caitlin and was seen in 1.01 mother child reunion to be a fan of ryan's planet, caitlin's environmental television show and took shitty romantic advise from her espy as well.
nearing the end of part one, it's worth noting that yes, spike's secret wasn't emma's to tell but spike should've known better to talk to a friend of hers not her 13-14 year old daughter. spike makes it seems like snake would abandon her or not help out when we know snake isn't like that. i guess she did talk to caitlin and caitlin gives notoriously bad advice and says, "call him in the morning." like he should know five seconds before they get married or whatever. i guess they didn't think 'mini caitlin' would wake up in the middle of the night and spill the beans to him as if she was sent by spike. wtf?
fun fact: at the party, mr raditch wants everyone to call him dan lol irl the actors name is dan as well.
poor toby gets his hand stepped on but i have a lot of feelings about snake and emma's talk outside when he yells at her but, he had a point that spike should've told him not her, "why you why not your mom?" but the remark, "what kind of family is this?" was a tough blow.
so then - we got a pissy emma in the morning, manny when she's not sucking heilium explains that emma did fuck up and she should feel bad. emma goes off and sees sean in her pjs and tracker is trying to phase sean as they talk. words cannot describe how much i love that emma went to sean and she invited him to the wedding.
meanwhile spike and snake are talking rightfully so on some boardwalk pier thing. snake remarks, "yeah as friends, maybe we should've kept it that way." but it reminds us that they started out as friends, and she should've been able to tell him things no matter how weird or complicated especially since they were about to be married.
the directors cut always cuts out jaitlin's discussion about their past engagement. spike is late as usual, a nod to 'it's late' from degrassi junior high and her pregnancy in this ep and current situation nice. i love how they reference the original series.
joey catching the bouquet and him lament that he plans, makes me wonder if the show was going to explore a real take on marriage between jaitlin. so the 'slow song' playing at this time is titled just jane by christopher rouse which i scoured the internet way back in 2003 for it and didn't get a real download of it until this cd degrassi released with all their background songs on it. i doubt it's available anymore but my friend at the time had it and ripped it and sent me a bunch of the songs like 'heartbreaker' 'get it right this time' and some others.
getting back to the final scene emma discovers sean came to the wedding and the rest is history. the end scene made degrassi crash course on the-n as most intense moment but also it's probably the most romantic because it seems so genuine. and that's a wrap on white wedding. i also would like to mention, if anyone has seen sixteen candles with molly ringwald there's a stark similarity in the dress samantha baker wears and what emma nelson wears. if you know you know if you don't sean is like the 'jake ryan' waiting outside the church or in emma's case under the tree. i only recently made the connection, someone made a post about it but now it's my favorite little thing to think about when i watch this episode and that's all i'm gonna say about that.
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let-me-be-your-home · 2 years
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Getting ready for the race | Walker 2x12 | Common Ground 
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zayadriancas · 6 years
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Top 100 Degrassi: The Next Generation Episodes as voted by my followers #53: White Wedding
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mad-madam-m · 2 years
Hi M I love your fics and your metas abt t&b. Do you think that in the second part of s2 we might see them go out on a date and or kiss or is it too much to ask and the universe isn't ready yet? I thought it might be too much to hope for that but with the way they're written in s2 maybe there will be something more perhaps?
Haha, thank you so much!! I’m glad you’re enjoying my screeching about this show; Tiger & Bunny has been my happy place for awhile and I’m excited to see so many other people getting into it.
To answer your question: No, I don’t think we’ll see a kiss, mostly because Tiger & Bunny isn’t that kind of show. Like, as much as we joke about them focusing on romcom-esque shenanigans for seven episodes in this world of superheroes and adventure, Tiger & Bunny is still not actually a romance. Hell, we never even see Kotetsu kiss his actual wife, and we see their wedding in The Beginning.
If I had to venture a guess, I would say it’s more likely that we’d see them having that dinner/drinks they’ve been trying to have for 13 episodes while being blocked at every turn, or maybe even see the hug Kotetsu was denied in s2e12 just because those are things that have already been mentioned and/or focused on to some extent.
But please, as I’ve said before, take everything I say (or frankly anybody who isn’t involved with the show) with a massive grain of salt. Much as I enjoy speculation, I have no idea what they’re going to do; nobody does. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about this show, it’s that it never goes the way I would expect but the way it does go is absolutely perfect for the characters.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Your posts have me watching Leverage while working. Would you recommend jumping from 0 to Redemption after a few episodes? What are the important ones to see?
I'd say watch the original Leverage in full if you can, because a lot of the emotional weight in the sequel is built from the death of a main character from the original, and you do benefit from having the full background on how much he meant to them. That said, here's a bunch I'd say are worth considering, and why, so you can decide which ones you actually want to see. I included more than half (unfortunate if you're low on time).
S1E1 - The Nigerian Job (how the team got together) S1E3 - The Two-Horse Job (Eliot backstory) S1E4 - The Miracle Job (Nate backstory) S1E6 - The Stork Job (Parker backstory; I have a lot of issues with this episode but it is important) S1E7 - The Wedding Job (introduces the FBI duo, best meme) S1E10 - The 12-Step Job (heavy focus on Nate's alcoholism) S1E12/13 - The First David Job/The Second David Job (finale two-parter has heavy focus on Sophie and Nate, introduces Nate's ex-wife, addresses what happened to their son)
S2E1 - The Beantown Bailout Job (Irish Mob, which is important, getting the team back together) S2E4 - The Fairy Godparents Job (overall fun, Sophie development) S2E7 - The Two Live Crew Job (another con team gets involved, introduces recurring antagonist Cha0s, played by Wil Wheaton) S2E11 - The Bottle Job (Nate's alcoholism, more Irish mob) S2E12 - The Zanzibar Marketplace Job (Nate's wife again) S2E13 - The Psychic Job (Parker development) S2E14/15 - The Three Strikes Job/The Maltese Falcon Job (it is a finale, but it's just... very much my least favorite ngl; also this is one of the ones where Nate gets shot)
S3E1 - The Jailhouse Job (the team breaks Nate out of supermax prison) S3E3 - The Inside Job (Parker backstory, introduces her mentor/father figure) S3E6 - The Studio Job (this one is just really fun, that's all) S3E9 - The Three-Card Monte Job (introduces Nate's dad, as well as including the Irish and Russian mobs; yes this is why the Irish mob is important) S3E11 - The Rashomon Job (a classic, absolute must-watch, gives you great insight about how the cast worked solo before they became a team) S3E12 - The King George Job (Sophie development) S3E13 - The Morning After Job (Parker fakes her death) S3E14 - The Ho Ho Ho Job (Cha0s is back) S3E15/16 - The Big Bang Job/The San Lorenzo Job (massive Eliot development, the team steals a small country, Sophie fakes her death)
S4E1 - The Long Way Down Job (Eliot and Parker development) S4E2 - The 10 Li'l Grifters Job (murder mystery, just a lot of fun) S4E4 - The Van Gogh Job (the first period piece! the actual core plot is a story told by an old man about a romance he had in the 1940s, with the team playing out his flashbacks; good for Parker/Hardison, period costumes, FEELS) S4E5 - The Hot Potato Job (this is the one where Sophie impersonates Eliot to sell a bit) S4E6 - The Carnival Job (tfw you're just stealing something but the Russian Mob gets involved) S4E7 - The Grave Danger Job (Hardison gets buried alive, good for Parker/Hardison) S4E9 - The Cross My Heart Job (bottle episode, the team has minimal resources and time to save a child's life) S4E10 - The Queen's Gambit Job (Sterling's back, Nate cheats at a chess competition) S4E11 - The Experimental Job (Parker/Hardison development, Eliot development) S4E12 - The Office Job (mockumentary, very fun) S4E13 - The Girls' Night Out Job (Tara, Parker, and Sophie run a con together, Parker's friend from a previous episode makes an appearance) S4E14 - The Boys' Night Out Job (Nate, Eliot, and Hardison run a con together, Hurley from S1E10 is back, we get the Irish Mob again but this time they bring one of the absolute best meme conversations in the show with them) S4E15 - The Gold Job (Hardison takes lead on a con; he's not great at it) S4E16/17 - The Radio Job/The Last Dam Job (Nate's dad is back, the team gathers allies from past jobs, just a lot of fun and a few people die)
S5E1 - The (Very) Big Bird Job (team moves to Portland, fake-steal a giant wooden plane) S5E3 - The First Contact Job (faking alien contact is fun okay) S5E4 - The French Connection Job (Eliot backstory, Parker development) S5E5 - The Gimme a K Street Job (do you hate politicians? Watch this. Lots of Leverage hates politicians but this episode REALLY hates politicians) S5E6 - The D.B. Cooper Job (the second period piece! this one's in the 1970s and has Parker and Eliot playing the happy couple) S5E8 - The Broken Wing Job (Parker and a new friend run an entire con together because Parker's home with an injury while everyone else is running a con abroad) S5E10 - The Frame Up Job (Sophie and Nate fuck with Sterling) S5E11 - The Low Low Price Job (Eliot development) S5E12 - The White Rabbit Job (sometimes you just gotta drug and psychologically pressure a man until he breaks) S5E15 - The Long Goodbye Job (series finale! Very important! Sophie and Nate retire. Everyone fakes their death except Nate. Nate gives Sterling an entire tragic story about how the others died. Parker is put in charge of everything forever. It's great)
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