#sabella dracula
Open RP
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"I have spent a lot of my undeath trying to take control of the world. But times have changed, and I have found that I don't need to be the "Dark Lord" or the "Prince of Darkness." These days, there's one title that means more to me than any other..."
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laurasanchez36 · 1 month
Sammy the Kind Sun and Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon My NEW MSA X Dark Deception OCS
1.- Sammy the Kind Sun/Harrison ___
Full Name: Sammy the Kind Sun, Harrison ___ (in the past)
First Name: Harrison
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 6 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives: Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon/Willie ___ (his brother)
Species: Human, later Animatronic Sun
Friends: Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self), Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends,
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Sammy the Kind Sun's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeasT3qcqVc
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Sundrop (from FNAF SB) and Mickey Mouse (from Epic Mickey)
2.- Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon/Willie ___
Full Name: Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Willie ___ (in the past)
First Name: Willie
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 7 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives: Sammy the Kind Sun/Harrison ___ (his brother)
Species: Human, later Animatronic Moon
Friends: Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self), Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends,
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Weapons: Magic Staff
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgLlSQoDjw8
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Moondrop (from FNAF SB) and Oswald (from Epic Mickey)
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ANOTHER TANITH LEE FAN OH THANK THE GODS. What book is your favorite? What was the first one you read? Who's your favorite character? (I'm sorry if I'm overly enthusiastic but I find so few Tanith Lee fans.)
first off i’m very sorry for the long wait for my response and secondly – omg another Tanith Lee Fan!!! was my reaction upon seeing this ask (i’ve found we’re a rather small bunch). after giving this a fair bit of thought as i’ve received a few requests for my personal rec’s regarding this authors work, below is a short list of tales that have impacted on my imagination and left behind a lasting impression long after the book/novella was read 
but before i go onto the list i’ll answer your main questions here: 
favorite book/first book i read: 
Sabella (The Blood Stone) and i have no chill when it comes to this book ok 
p. 1980 - i stumbled over this book in a dusty secondhand bookstore as a teenager, this novella deals with all of my favorite gothic tropes and then goes one further and sets them. In. Space. …a pale dark haired gothic heroine who is  actually the villain  complicated, the foppish slender hero who isn’t actually a hero at all, Dracula/Vampire origin mythos subtext IN SPACE. the villain who isn’t actually the villain. i love this story with the fires of a thousand suns. the end. 
fav character: i can’t pick one ok, there are too many. i find that with this author all the varied characters will have something that i find fascinating and tug at my imagination. 
– Tiny, Tiny List of Favorites/Rec’s – 
Women As Demons: The Male Perception Of Women Through Space And Time p. 1989 - a collection of short tales focusing not as was the norm until recently on the male hero protagonist but the female as the central character (Lee was an outstanding writer when it came to issues of feminism and female agency in science fiction and dark fantasy/horror) *this one is an all time personal favorite of mine and shaped how i view women in fiction tbh 
DANZA MACABRA (DARK DANCE) p. 1992 - the first in an unfinished series, The Blood Opera Sequence. i’ve read all that are in the unfinished series and they are dark with seriously heavy subtext dealing with socially taboo subject matter in the continuing overall story arc, so definitely not everyone’s cup of tea) 
The Marble Web p. 1991 - a ficlet (originally published in a collection of tales from a series titled, The Secret Books of Paradys) involving a conjuror and a pale young lady and a disappearance *this one is another personal all time fav of mine 
Death Fell In Love With A Stuffed Marmoset In A Taxidermist’s Store Front Window - a teensy tiny ficlet that still makes me laugh 
Delusion’s Master p. 1981 - third in the Tales From the Flat Earth series and my personal favorite of the series although i struggle to say this because as always each book in the series is seriously good dark fantasy writing at its finest and weirdest 
The Silver Metal Lover (and it’s sequel Metallic Love) p. 1981 - i have no objectivity when it comes to the first in this two part series of novels ok so i’m not even going to try. i love it. the end. 
in conclusion i could go on for a thesis length with rec’s as there are literally so many of T. Lee’s works i’ve not mentioned here that are solid gold when it comes to quality writing. 
thanks so much for your ask, lovely as it gave me an excuse to yell at my followers about a seriously brilliant writer. 
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may85 · 8 years
I was tagged by @vizhi0n  to post 11 random facts about me.
1. I’ve always wanted to be a voice over actress
2. I cried my eyes out when Robin Williams passed away. That man made my childhood so much cooler. Without him, I never would have gotten into doing diffrent voices.
3. I have one tattoo. It’s of a blue and purple feather with my daughters name, Jaiden Sabella, under it.
4. I hate whipped cream. Like when you go to Sonics Drive-In and they put it on top of ice cream; I always give it to my hubby or daughter.
5. I’m not big on milkshakes. I like my ‘milkshakes’ to be like ice cream. Dairy Queen Blizzards are the shitznit!
6. I’m a quarter Italian and I thought a quarter Swedish, but come to find out, I’m at least half Swedish. Also, Cherokee and Black Foot Indian, Scottish and British.
7. I resemble my Great Grandmother’s to the point that it’s down right creepy.
8. I’m such a Zombie Slut!
9. My next tattoo, I want it to be an anchor with my sons name, Boby Eugene, and the date that he was born/passed away. April 7, 2006.
10. I’ve never been to a Con before and would absolutely love to go to one. Preferably if JDM was there, lol.
11. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was on a HUGE cartoon kick. I got Jaiden’s middle name Sabella, from Scooby Doo Goes to Ghoul School. Dracula’s daughters name was Sibella. I couldn’t help myself, lol.
I tag @magikat409 @smuttwd @texasgal2222
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Wilbert the psycho Wolf My NEW MSA X Dark Deception Enemy OC
Full Name: Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Varian ___ (in the past)
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 28 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Animatronic Wolf Hybrid
Friends: Mr. Giggles the Jester-Collector, Beverly the Bee, Dennis the Gopher and Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind control), Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers
Enemies: The unknown investigators (killed and deceased), Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self)
Alignment: Evil/Bad
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Wilbert the psycho Wolf's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRSYoIjMGm0
Wilbert the psycho Wolf's Chase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNpqH0yiNto
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds likes Death (from Puss In Boots) and Salem the Skunk (from Indigo Park)
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Farkle the Prince Fox My NEW MSA X Dark Deception OC
Full Name: Farkle the Prince Fox, Sam ___ (in the past)
First Name: Sam
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 15 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Animatronic Prince Fox
Friends: Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid (his girlfriend), Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self), Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends,
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Weapons: Sword and Shield
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Farkle the Prince Fox's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyfK3bldiUU
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Foxy (from FNAF Game and FNAF Movie) and Disney Princes (from Disney)
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid My NEW MSA X Dark Deception OC
Full Name: Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Alicia ___ (in the past)
First Name: Alicia
Last Name:
Gender: Female
Profile Pic
Age: 13 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Animatronic Princess Cat
Friends: Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox (her boyfriend), Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self), Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends,
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Weapons: Magic Staff
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmLMa1SUnwo
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Cat Bee (from Poppy Playtime), Pretty Princess (from WordGirl) and Disney Princesses (from Disney)
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid My NEW MSA X Dark Deception Enemy OC
Full Name: Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid, Bobby ___ (in the past)
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 28 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Animatronic Goat/Raccoon Hybrid
Friends: The unknown investigators (in the past and friends; killed and deceased) Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, (in his normal-self), Mr. Giggles the Jester-Collector, Beverly the Bee, Dennis the Gopher and Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers (in his mind control)
Enemies: The unknown investigators (his mind control; killed and deceased), Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson (in his mind control), Mr. Giggles the Jester-Collector, Beverly the Bee, Dennis the Gopher and Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers (in his normal-self)
Alignment: Good (in his normal-self), Evil/Bad (in his mind control)
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Hpg7lOKFXo
Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid's Chase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7Wir-ZHDQU
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds likes Billie the Goat (from Billie Bust Up), Rambley the Raccon (from Indigo Park) and Dogday (from Poppy Playtime)
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Aurora Woodson My NEW MSA X Dark Deception OC
Full Name: Aurora Woodson
First Name: Aurora Woodson
Last Name:
Gender: Female
Profile Pic
Age: 31
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives: Stanley Woodson (her husband), Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson (her son and daughter)
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human
Friends: Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly and Billie the farmer bunny, Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self)
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Alaster the new mascot bear/demon hybrid My NEW MSA X Dark Deception OC
Full Name: Alaster the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Stephen ___ (in the past)
First Name: Stephen
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 9 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Animatronic bear/demon hybrid
Friends: Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly and Billie the farmer bunny, Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self)
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid's Music Box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0NUNGC2VR4
Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid's Theme/Music Box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9Biu5I_BFM
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Freddy Fazbear (from FNAF Game and FNAF Movie) and Alastor (from Hazbin Hotel)
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly My NEW MSA X Dark Deception OC
Full Name: Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly, Lewana ___ (in the past)
First Name: Lewana
Last Name:
Gender: Female
Profile Pic
Age: 8 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives: ___ and ___ (her parents), Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___ (her evil sister: disowed)
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Animatronic Butterfly
Friends: Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self)
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___ (her evil sister: disowed)
Alignment: Good
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly's Music Box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IokRUbCj1S4
Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1ExrOuEQkA
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Beverly the Bee My NEW MSA X Dark Deception Enemy OC
Full Name: Beverly the Bee, Vanessa ___ (in the past)
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Female
Profile Pic
Age: 26 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives: ___ and ___ (her parents), Sabella the Butterfly/Lewana ___ (her sister: disowed)
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Animatronic Bee
Friends: Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid (former), Mr. Giggles the Jester-Collector, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers
Enemies: The unknown investigators (killed and deceased), Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self), Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson (his mind control)
Alignment: Good (in the past), Evil/Bad
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Beverly the Bee's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2tbWYNKNsM
Beverly the Bee's Chase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBHU6TQCago
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds likes Blossom (IF 2024 Movie), Baylee the Bee (from Andy's Apple Farm) and Siren Sara (from Willy's Wonderland)
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Ghoul School Dracula isn't in the movie that much, but he seems like a decent guy so long as Sabella is safe.
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This Dracula is a grouch. He's also a bully and a liar, but hey, Dracula should be a bad guy, right?
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Admittedly, I don't remember much of this Dracula, but if you do, what do you think?
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This guy looks good, but he's not actually Dracula, just a guy in a costume, so he doesn't count.
Is there a version of Dracula from Scooby Doo that I missed? Let me know.
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