sweeter0da · 11 months
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rickyxmauro · 2 months
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I miss ricks vlogs
I miss vinny streams
I hope the band has fun on their Europe extravaganza coming up quick I believe?!
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punk-shroomie · 9 months
Something I conjured up today from some song titles
Even in another life I’ll be eternally yours my love, my graveyard baby, my little hatefuck, my everything. Never forget I may be dead as fuck but I’ll love you for eternity I apologize if I shatter you like porcelain but even while broken you will always be my masterpiece.
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motionlussyinwhussy · 2 years
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Hey yo!!
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fotograrte · 8 months
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(vía Palacio Real de Madrid (2): atardecer)
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How do you feel about this that his full name is Giuseppe "Peppino" Spaghetti?
TBH nothing really 😭😭😭 I dont know anything in italian so if its true; cool! If not, then nothing changes! I will still be calling him Peppino lol
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yournecessaryevil · 5 months
Random thought.
Was thinking about the 'Callsign: Horror' you got in the works, and it occurred to me, now correct me if I'm wrong but everyone would have a callsign but Justin (Vin-Sachetti, Chris-Motionless, Ryan-Skiez). This got me thinking-and I don't know if you've ever seen it-but the new Top Gun Maverick movie where they have that one pilot whose name is bob, and his call sign is bob.
Let me lay it out:
"And you are?"
"No, your callsign."
-Is my brain making any sense.
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Oh my GOD yes 😂
*gradually getting more frustrated* "No, I mean what do they call you for work??"
Justin: 👀 *confused* "JUSTIN."
The way this theory fits SO fucking perfect because he would be that extra is just.. ✨️✨️😂
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twinkubus · 1 year
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got tagged by @librarycards for a book rec list. ærs covered Q2'23; i'm just gonna do my faves from the first half of the year!
i've been reading a different crop of books since i made last year's list--i've taken a big dive back into sf, especially books by cj cherryh, as well as indie horror (that's... well, you'll find out when you look at the list).
again, they're ordered by when i read them. here we go!!!
Shmutz, Felicia Berliner (contemporary fiction, young hasidic woman comes of age, tries to find a husband, and gets obsessed with porn)
Father of Lies, Brian Evenson (psychological horror centering on a mormon religious leader. if you like books that make you feel gross and bad, this one's for you)
Any Other City, Hazel Jane Plante (fictional memoir of a trans musician. the book is split between her life right before she comes out, and then decades later when she's an established musician)
Camp Concentration, Thomas M. Disch (not even sure how to describe this one. fat, lapsed catholic, conscientous objector Louis Sachetti is imprisoned for refusing to become a US soldier and is sent to a prison where the (mostly black) inmates are being injected with experimental drugs. the author is gay and there's a lot of parallels to hiv/aids despite this being written in '68)
The World Cannot Give, Tara Isabella Burton (what if the secret history was catholic lesbians)
Amygdalatropolis, B.R. Yeager (another "if you like gross books" rec. i don't even know if i liked this one, but it was certainly interesting. chronicles the existence of a 4chan NEET)
Jealousy, Alain Robbe-Grillet (1957 french experientalism, i read this bc dennis cooper referenced it in an interview. believing his wife to be cheating on him, the narrator spies on her through a jalousie window, recording everything in his frame of vision that he can see. v interesting stylistically and could also rly benefit from a postcolonial reading)
The Pride of Chanur, CJ Cherryh (i read the entire trilogy pictured above, plus the first two books of her Foreigner series. it's basically a courtly fantasy/first contact mashup in space, really well developed alien cultures with lots of factions among them. tons of fun)
Frisk, Dennis Cooper (third "if you like gross extremist fiction" on here. this is my fave cooper after The Sluts and the most thematically resonant. if you haven't read the sluts i'd rec starting there. if i was a prof i would assign them together or even do this in a short course if there wasn't time for a longer book)
tagging @thebestestbat @tsubakiscarlet @danishprince @dovebeast @stackslip @eraserheadcrybaby @interstellarhitchhiker @kollapstradixionales @papika & would be happy to see book rec lists of anyone else!! fiction or non fiction or anything else idc whatever you're into ^_^
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sweeter0da · 11 months
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I don’t know how I’m expected to be a loyal Ricky man when VINNY IS RIGHT THERE
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rickyxmauro · 6 months
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*pic for attention*
Hii it's been awhile since I posted here.
Life's been a rollercoaster lately and so far it's making it's way up to being alright and finding the brightside of a gloomy day
Cheers, April 2024 ! ✨️🥰
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foliosriot · 11 months
hey, sorry for the oblivious stupidity here, but where does someone watch Vinny's streams? I've never watched any streams except youtube before
and is it possible to watch his old ones?
not stupid at all, love! vinny streams over on twitch under the handle sachetti
twitch is pretty easy to use. i haven’t used it much myself over the years, but ik that it saves the most recent streams from that person. so maybe like 3-4 past streams i believe?? idk don’t quote me on that
however, ik people will save streams and then post them to youtube. you can find some of his old ones there and lots of clips too.
hope this helps <3
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thank you, friend! and since you said i could bother you with more dumb questions here's another one: what's the story behind "sachetti" ? ive seen it on his twitch channel and his merch website so ig i just wanna know 🤔
and if its not too much trouble please share a few fun Vinny (and Ricky) facts with me 🤲 since i know basically nothing about them. apart from the fact that Ricky directs their music videos ?? which is sick btw i love thoughts and prayers and werewolf!! and i also saw on his twitter that he's writing something omg i didn't know he was an author too? is there anything that man can't do? serious question.
this is going to ruin my reputation as the no.1 vinny mauro lover, but i genuinely do not know where "sachetti" comes from 😭 its something he's used for at least as long as he's been a public figure, and as far as i know, he's never said what it is? could be totally wrong, though, ive never really looked into it or thought too much about it 😭
as for the fun vinny and ricky facts, if you didn't know already, ricky has filmed a couple of short films (two of which star vinny funnily enough) that are on his youtube channel. he also has a book of short stories called "gloom". and im pretty sure he can do literally everything.
and for vinny, if you didn't know, he's also in a band called "suffer club" which is genuinely one of my favorite bands everrrr.
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fotograrte · 5 months
Plaza de Oriente, de noche: el Teatro Real (Madrid)
La Plaza de Oriente es uno de los sitios que no pueden dejarse de visitar cuando se hace turismo cultural en Madrid. En el blog ya he tratado otros dos monumentos que también están en esta plaza: el Palacio Real (1, 2, 3), situado al oeste (es decir, queda a nuestra espalda si tenemos la anterior vista delante) y el Convento de la Encarnación (queda al norte de la plaza). En esta entrada nos…
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ddafne · 1 year
El Palacio Real de Madrid
Es un impresionante edificio de estilo neoclásico. Fue construido en el siglo XVIII y es la residencia oficial de la familia real española. Su arquitectura imponente y sus lujosos interiores reflejan el poder y la grandeza de la monarquía en esa época. El palacio ha sido testigo de importantes eventos históricos y aún hoy se utiliza para ceremonias oficiales. Su influencia radica en su papel como símbolo de la realeza y su contribución al patrimonio arquitectónico y cultural de España.
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El Palacio Real de Madrid fue diseñado por diversos arquitectos, como Filippo Juvarra y Juan Bautista Sachetti, y su construcción duró más de 20 años. Con más de 3.000 habitaciones, es uno de los palacios más grandes de Europa. Su fachada principal, con su imponente balcón central, es un ejemplo destacado del estilo neoclásico. En su interior alberga una rica colección de arte, incluyendo obras de Goya y Velázquez. Además, el palacio cuenta con hermosos jardines como los Jardines de Sabatini y la Plaza de Oriente. Es una visita imprescindible para los amantes de la arquitectura y la historia en Madrid. Se construyó sobre el antiguo Alcázar Real, que fue destruido por un incendio en 1734. El diseño del palacio se inspiró en otros palacios europeos, como el Palacio de Versalles en Francia. Durante el reinado de Carlos III, se realizaron importantes reformas y se añadieron elementos decorativos de gran belleza, como los frescos del techo pintados por artistas como Tiepolo. El palacio también alberga la Real Armería, que exhibe una impresionante colección de armaduras y armas históricas.
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La planta del Palacio Real de Madrid tiene forma rectangular y está organizada alrededor de un patio central llamado Patio de Armas. En su distribución, se pueden distinguir varias áreas, como las salas de recepción, los aposentos reales, la capilla y las áreas de servicio. Además, cuenta con numerosas salas de gran valor artístico y decorativo, como el Salón del Trono, la Sala de Porcelana y la Sala de Gasparini. La planta del palacio refleja la simetría y la grandiosidad propias del estilo neoclásico.
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alexandramarqc · 3 months
Palacio real de Madrid Parcial #3
El Palacio Real de Madrid construido por varios arquitectos cómo Francesco Sabatini, Filippo Juvara, Juan Bautista Sachetti y José Segundo de Lema, se convirtió rápidamente en un modelo a seguir para la arquitectura de la época. Su diseño ejerció una enorme influencia en la construcción de otros palacios reales y edificios monumentales durante el siglo XVIII .Arquitectos de toda Europa viajaban a Madrid para estudiar las soluciones arquitectónicas y decorativas implementadas en el palacio,ya que era un gran ejemplo del barroco español, ya que este a veces tendían hacia un exceso decorativo y teatral, lo que podía resultar en composiciones recargadas y melodramáticas lo cual esta se puede ver en el interior del palacio con el trono, flanqueado por las estatuas de Minerva y Apolo y la Sala Gasparini que tiene un recargado de colgaduras bordadas en seda y multitud de hilos de oro y plata. Así, el Palacio Real siendo referente claro de este.
Más allá de su impacto directo en la arquitectura, el Palacio Real de Madrid también influyó en el desarrollo urbanístico de Madrid. Su construcción transformó completamente el entorno, potenciando el crecimiento de la ciudad en torno a este edificio, así viendo como en el barroco no solo la estructura de los edificios cambian sino también la zona urbanística. Este edificio es un símbolo de poder y grandeza de la monarquía española. Fue creado como una manifestación de la autoridad de la corona, cuya grandeza debía ser admirada tanto por los súbditos como por los visitantes extranjeros. La imponente presencia del palacio en el centro de Madrid refleja el prestigio y ambición de los Borbones, con esto se puede apreciar que en esta época una de las herramientas publicitarias más utilizadas en el Barroco por la Iglesia y los reyes del Absolutismo fue la arquitectura.
Su construcción se convirtió en un proyecto emblemático, que demandó muchos esfuerzos y movilizó a los principales artistas y arquitectos de la época.De esta manera, el Palacio Real de Madrid se erigió como un símbolo de poder. Su legado como obra maestra del barroco perdura hasta la actualidad.
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sofiablog22 · 3 months
The Royal Palace of Madrid: A Timeless Symbol of Spain's Heritage
The Royal Palace of Madrid, an emblem of Spain's rich history and cultural opulence, stands majestically in the heart of the nation's capital. As the largest royal palace in Europe by floor area, it serves not only as a symbol of the Spanish monarchy but also as a treasure trove of art and architecture, attracting millions of visitors annually.
Historical Overview The origins of the Royal Palace of Madrid date back to the early 18th century when King Philip V decided to build a grand palace following the destruction of the old Alcázar by fire in 1734. Construction began in 1738 under the direction of Italian architect Filippo Juvarra and was later overseen by his compatriots, Juan Bautista Sachetti and Francesco Sabatini. The project spanned several decades, culminating in a magnificent Baroque structure infused with neoclassical elements.
Architectural Splendor The palace's exterior exudes grandeur with its vast limestone façade and intricate detailing. Inside, the palace boasts over 3,000 rooms, each more lavish than the last. Notable among these is the Throne Room, with its rich red velvet walls and ceiling frescoes by the Italian artist Corrado Giaquinto. The Hall of Mirrors and the Royal Chapel are equally impressive, adorned with frescoes, gilded stucco, and intricate tapestries.
Art and Culture The Royal Palace of Madrid is a repository of artistic and cultural treasures. Its walls are adorned with masterpieces by artists such as Velázquez, Goya, and Caravaggio. The Royal Armory, one of the most significant collections of its kind, showcases an array of medieval weapons and armor, offering a glimpse into Spain's martial history. The palace also houses the Royal Pharmacy and the Royal Library, each preserving priceless historical artifacts and manuscripts.
Visitor Experience Visitors to the Royal Palace of Madrid can expect an immersive journey through Spain's regal past. The palace is open to the public, with tickets available for various types of tours, including guided and self-guided options. For those keen to delve deeper into its history and significance, securing Royal Palace of Madrid tickets in advance is highly recommended, particularly during peak tourist seasons.
A standard tour covers many of the palace's most important rooms and collections. Special tours provide access to areas typically closed to the public, such as the Royal Kitchens, giving visitors a more comprehensive understanding of the palace's operations and history.
Ceremonial Functions Despite its primary function as a museum and tourist attraction, the Royal Palace of Madrid remains a pivotal venue for state ceremonies and official events. It hosts state dinners, official receptions, and the presentation of credentials by foreign ambassadors, reaffirming its status as a living symbol of Spanish heritage and governance.
Preservation Efforts Maintaining the Royal Palace of Madrid's grandeur requires ongoing preservation and restoration efforts. These projects ensure that the palace's structural integrity and artistic treasures are preserved for future generations. Conservation work is meticulously carried out to retain the authenticity and historical accuracy of the palace's interiors and exteriors.
Surrounding Attractions The palace's central location makes it an ideal starting point for exploring other historical and cultural sites in Madrid. Adjacent to the palace is the Almudena Cathedral, a striking architectural blend of neoclassical and Gothic styles. The Plaza de Oriente, with its beautifully manicured gardens and statues of Spanish monarchs, provides a tranquil space for reflection and leisure.
The Royal Palace of Madrid is more than a historical monument; it is a testament to the enduring legacy of the Spanish monarchy and a beacon of the nation's cultural and artistic achievements. Its majestic architecture, extensive art collections, and ongoing ceremonial role make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Spain's rich heritage. By visiting and exploring its opulent halls, visitors can gain a profound appreciation for the historical and cultural tapestry that defines Spain.
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