moldbreakcr · 2 months
@sacredflorist sent, i would kill for a nice glass of wine right now.
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"i don't have nice wine, but i have this really kinda fruity one that i got super cheap. it's so good--" reno is so enthusiastic about that wine, okay? he didn't word it that way, but he did mean it as an offer to aerith. reno pauses, thinks about what he said and then adds, "that was an invitation."
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blackfenrir · 2 months
Emotionally charged starter continued @sacredflorist
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The fear born from a nightmare had been revealed. The vision of seeing all of his friends lying before him, dead. His heart raced so fast that he felt ringing in his ears. He bowed his head, ashamed of losing his cool and looking soft before the woman he swore to protect. 
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 Suddenly, she touched his arm, startling him, and he looked up at her with those stark mako hues. A subtle smile tugged at his lips, placing his roughened hand over hers briefly. The thought never crossed his mind that he helped her in such a way. Fate brought the party together, but they chose to continue this daunting journey of saving the world. 
"Y-yeah," he muttered, his mouth dry. Closing his eyes, he took a breath, and donned his mask again. 
"You've been more than helpful, Aerith. Without you, we wouldn't have come far. Don't...don't forget that, and please, if you need to go anywhere, at least let one of us join you." 
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evcryopeneye · 2 months
@sacredflorist asked: “Talk to me.” @ yuffie !
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Nightmares were something that happened more commonly than Yuffie would like to admit. While she liked to think of herself as carefree and wild, she wasn’t really all that ready to accept that some things in her life had even happened. Though, Yuffie at least had the self awareness that was exactly what she was doing, pretending things never happened in the first place. Why was a much harder question to answer. One that she wasn’t keen on even dealing with. 
She didn’t want to talk about it. 
Yet at the same time, she didn’t want to say no to Aerith. There was always something about her that made Yuffie unable to hide. Even as she pulled her knees up to her chest and attempted to make herself feel as small as possible, like prey attempting to hide in plain sight. Fingers wrapped the blanket around her shoulders tighter as dark brown eyes were cast down to the floor. 
How was she even meant to talk about it? There were protocols for most conversations, so much so that she could usually get out of them by turning on the annoyance. That was the real funny thing about being a loudmouth, people heard enough of your voice in random meaningless conversations that they didn’t care about it, they didn’t bother to ask questions, but she wasn’t sure that she was going to get away with that this time around. 
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“She…when we were…” Yuffie couldn’t quite bring herself to finish the statement. Even the smallest of disclosures felt frightening, saying it out loud was almost a confession. As if stirring all of those memories up would remind her it was real, and not just some second hard nightmare. “Scarlet killed my…” friend? No Sonon had been more than that, “he was kind of my brother.” Even if she had protested and screamed into the void that he wasn’t, it was simply an attempt to push the trauma as far away from her as possible. “I’m going to kill her one day.”
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soldier-lodbrok · 2 months
@sacredflorist liked for a Small Something
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"Listen, I don't know who you are, but you should probably know that your and your mom's home down in the undercity has been stalked by Turks extensively. You need any help?"
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brokeniisms · 3 months
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@sacredflorist asked: "Why does everything I do have to make sense? Why can't I just do what I want every once in a while?"
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Cloud listened carefully as she spoke. Aerith spoke deeply of her feelings every now and then, but this time Cloud felt a hint of sadness in her voice. There was still a lot that Cloud didn't understand about her. Just like him, Aerith held a lot back about herself. She hid it well with her sunny smile and optimism. ❝ I'm sorry Aerith... ❞
He knew she was the last Cetra, her fate was still unknown to him. Still, he's seen the pressure she's put on herself. He's seen the hell SHINRA puts her through. Other than being her bodyguard, Cloud wondered if he could ever offer her emotional support. ❝ I just want you to know you deserve that. Deserve to make your own choices... I hope in some way, I can help you through all of that. ❞
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slumberingchaos · 3 months
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Tis abnormal to see the young florist so alone, her typical demeanor demands the attention of those nearest. Perhaps... maybe... that is why he was so compelled to be near, not close by any other persons standards in truth, but for him it was an effort made. The clink of metal was the only sound to mark his presence, his left hand absently moving against itself as if it had a mind of its own. Turning his scarlet gaze away from the florist he took in their surroundings, vigilant still even in such an unassuming village as this.
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mezzomorendo · 3 months
[ @sacredflorist ]
He no longer knew how long it had been.
As Zack stood outside the familiar church, with its familiar wooden doors, the weight of time pressed firmly down on his shoulders. He knew it had been at least four years. Nearly half a decade without a word from him. That was when she had stopped writing and presumed him dead, Zack assumed. No use writing to a dead man.
But he hadn't left her. He was just captured. Then he was on the run... and then he did die. Except, he didn't. Something forced him to stay alive through the coma in the makeshift hospital, through the agonizingly long nights without sleep, through each stinging step of physical therapy.
And now... now he was here. He was standing outside her door once more. Perhaps in another life he excitedly burst the doors open to greet her. A more naive him might've done that. But he was older, smarter. He knew he couldn't expect her to feel the same as she did nearly a decade ago. Even if he had been aching for her each lonely dawn, it was rude of him to assume that she felt the same.
So, Zack hesitated. He sat frozen outside on her doorstep like a coward with his head between his knees and a now-familiar black dog pressed against his side.
"I dunno," He sighed to his companion, "what if she's not even home?"
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dragonliiight · 1 month
@sacredflorist liked for a starter.
The war with Waloed had dragged on for longer than expected. The two countries were at a stalemate and with Odin primed to take the field at any moment, Dion was stuck on the front lines for the foreseeable future.
Dion had always been ready for a fight, but he never particularly enjoyed fighting. He didn't like putting his people's lives on the line and all for what? What did Waloed hope to gain by encroaching on their territory? Had it already been that devastated by blight?
And then there was his personal family issues to deal with. His father was not acting himself and Annabella had been even more secretive than usual.
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He was staring at a tactics map when a familiar presence broke him from his thoughts.
"Aerith," Dion blinked, suddenly seeing the brunette standing in front of them, "My apologies, I didn't see you come in. Is there something you needed?"
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fearlessmonk · 1 month
Closed Starter for @sacredflorist
Something magical seemed to always happen when the florist spoke of difficult topics. Maybe it was her tone, the way she carried herself in conversation, Tifa couldn't quite put her finger on it. It was as if the the lifestream would react to her words.
Tifa took a slow breath, giving a nod. Aerith always had a way of looking at things with her spark of positivity. "You're right," the monk replied with a warm smile. "It really doesn't make things any easier to let go, even when they're gone."
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fcrir · 2 months
     Aerith just hugs him and refuses to let go. Nope. He's not moving anytime soon. 🥺🥰
     Periods of stillness was something the soldier learned to appreciate,   to bask in the simple happiness of the company of a loved one instead of needing to be active at all hours.   He would credit Aerith fully in that regard as she often found ways to keep him grounded   &.   a little less-absent minded with all the troubles that awaits his every return.   There was a beauty in that stillness he had never paid attention to,   little by little had he began to see the world from a different point view,   from her point of view,   where the world still glimmered with the promise of a new dawn.   Hope was everywhere to those who look close enough,   she was the kind he had been seeking for long.   He had been observing the patch of flowers for a moment,   until his gaze follows the thin rays that slipped from between the plates above.   One day   ...   I'll show you a pretty sky.   He smiles at the thought,   smile widening as he feels her smaller hands wrap around his waist.        ❛❛   Hey,   you !   ❜❜        a warm laugh escapes him as arms return the gesture almost instantly,   it's strange to be with someone more affectionate than him,   but he doesn't why away from surrendering into her warmth,   &.   that sweet scent of lilies that always stuck to her hair.   This was no new gesture of theirs,   yet   ...   it seems to last longer than usual                 as a matter of a fact,   her grip was growing tighter by the minute.
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       ❛❛   You okay ?   ❜❜         he asks,   peeking down at her to see if he can catch something from her expression,   but she held on stubbornly and didn't let go.        ❛❛   Hm,   you need your battery recharged,   that it ?   Well don't worry,   see these arms ?   They were made for hugging !   ❜❜        a tight squeeze is given on cue,   lifting her off her feet momentarily to bring out a laugh from her.        ❛❛   I'll be here for as long as you want me to.   ❜❜        his tone softens as he leans to press a kiss to the top of her head before resting his cheek there.   I've got you.
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@sacredflorist // is holding the puppy captive
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azure-steel · 3 months
@sacredflorist liked this for a starter
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Cloud wasn't really one for a lot of physical contact, to the point where feeling socially awkward was probably putting it mildly. It wasn't exactly a secret either but one Aerith Gainsborough would cross this boundary whenever she saw fit, grabbing at him and tugging him along at her whim and leisure.
Kind of embarrassing really, being dragged along like a toddler... And yet still Strife hadn't it in him to really protest, to just go along with it for whatever's sake escaped him in the moments it occurred.
Today being the exception.
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"Do I walk too slow for you or something?" was all he said, not especially irritated, maybe just eager to go at his own pace for a change.
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exturk · 3 months
@sacredflorist asked: Aerith is ready, a chair in her hands. She can't believe she's about to hit her friend, but sometimes, this is the best way to take care of others. "Cissnei. You leave or you don't leave. It's this simple. And you should know which option is the best one for you. Like... come on! What he's doing is just real manipulation!" And she did it: she hits Cissnei with that chair, not too strongly, but hopefully it's enough to help her see the truth. / sorry i had to hfdghdf 😂
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    DID   AERITH   REALLY   HIT   HER   WITH   A   CHAIR?   ".....Ow.....   w-why....   would   you   do   that???"   and   she   was   yelling   at   her   too.   So   much   for   the   DAINTY   FLORIST.
    "Ugh   .....   thanks   for   the   advice?   But   I've   got   the   situation   handled   ...."   her   head   was   still   spinning,   that   wasn't   the   worst   hit   she   has   ever   taken   but   it   wasn't   pleasant   ....
    "Rufus   isn't   going   to   get   his   way   ....   -"
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phoenixfiiire · 9 days
@sacredflorist asked: 🎶 | send me 🎶 and i'll arrange a playlist of 3-5 songs for our muses' relationship! | ACCEPTING
So a lot of these are more aesthetic/vibes and not like you know beat for beat perfect
Blank Space
Wildest Dreams
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youchxse · 2 months
💕 for zack !
Aerith Gainsborough & Zack Fair
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Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Aerith Gainsborough and Zack Fair has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you don't have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together, talking with each other etc.
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"Aerith.... wait for me."
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makostrife · 13 days
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@sacredflorist ━━ prompted.
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ceaselxss · 1 month
@sacredflorist replied to your post “He's not feeling great.”:
*casts curaga on him as she's fighting her tears*
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"Aerith I'm alright-- It's alright." Remarkable how stable he can keep his voice when he is clearly bleeding out.
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