exturk · 6 months
@sacredflorist asked: Aerith is ready, a chair in her hands. She can't believe she's about to hit her friend, but sometimes, this is the best way to take care of others. "Cissnei. You leave or you don't leave. It's this simple. And you should know which option is the best one for you. Like... come on! What he's doing is just real manipulation!" And she did it: she hits Cissnei with that chair, not too strongly, but hopefully it's enough to help her see the truth. / sorry i had to hfdghdf 😂
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    DID   AERITH   REALLY   HIT   HER   WITH   A   CHAIR?   ".....Ow.....   w-why....   would   you   do   that???"   and   she   was   yelling   at   her   too.   So   much   for   the   DAINTY   FLORIST.
    "Ugh   .....   thanks   for   the   advice?   But   I've   got   the   situation   handled   ...."   her   head   was   still   spinning,   that   wasn't   the   worst   hit   she   has   ever   taken   but   it   wasn't   pleasant   ....
    "Rufus   isn't   going   to   get   his   way   ....   -"
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nierielfaegir · 7 months
Cait Sith to Cloud about finding Sephiroth:
"Seek and you are sure to find. But alas, you shall forever lose what you cherish most."
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Well… that was accurate.
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prayersfromaerith · 1 month
I might've missed his birthday, but...!! The posts are cute! So I'll still be reblogging some of those, even if late.
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just-absolutely-super · 7 months
Nanaki reliving his capture and abuse by Hojo and Shinra got me like TTATT
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 5 months
I saw your post about Cloud saying things like "Fiddle Sticks" and the like. (And you are right he would.) But i need you to know it'll spread. At work I've trained myself not to swear so I'll say things like "Gosh Dangit" or "Ah Heck" and without even meaning to I've gotten at least 3 coworkers doing it to.
It's only a matter of time until the rest of the party is talking like that too.
No but you’re so right cause the same happened to me 😂
After the initial shock of Cloud (of all people) saying it, Tifa would eventually just kinda slip into it as well and start throwing in her own variations that she’s either heard or made up herself. Aerith definitely uses them as well cause how could she not??
Red and Cait still don’t understand why it’s so funny that Cloud said fiddlesticks and they don’t understand the little giggles the girls give whenever they come up with a new one but they kind of just roll with it.
Barret would be adamant that he won’t start saying those sorts of things. He will sometimes go out of his way to swear just to prove his point and Aerith and Tifa tease him endlessly about it.
But then one day he just kinda slips and says ‘geez Louise’ and the speed at which Tifa and Aerith pin him with the widest, smuggest smiles anyone’s ever seen on them is so very mortifying for him.
He denies it till he’s blue in the face but there is no escaping the two of them and their teasing now and they are adamant to keep up with it. Always admonishing him and telling him to watch his language whenever he actually swears. It’s very amusing for everyone else to see.
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icharchivist · 5 months
so i'm back with ffviirg playing Hojo's experiments and the whole lab has been turned into somewhat of a puzzle, because you need to switch between Cloud/Barret/Nanaki & Tifa/Aerith in order to progress and unlocking specific doors and paths, and it can be interesting to do on an exploration level--
but they really spell out EVERYTHING you're supposed to do. Like i can't even get to a plateform to get my bearing and seeing what i could possibly do without a character to freeze my screen for a second to tell me "you need to do this" "you need to do that" like GEEZ let me observe the area first oh my god.
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kinglyraiments · 3 months
CONTINUED . . . @oneplea .
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❛ mmm . . . ❜ he groans something groggy and half - asleep , dreams of romanticism in the form of intimacy still recurring behind closed eyes . sleepy hands search for his lover as the light of dawn's entry climbs through their cascading curtain , and he wraps his arms lazily around her waist , pulling her ever closer , but she could never be close enough . she beings to lay her lips into his skin , already flushed from the embarrassment of his wandering mind , and he bites gently into his bottom lip , a pitiful sigh escaping him as he stretches his toes through the blankets . he can't open his eyes yet . it's already too much . ❛ aerith . ❜ his voice is scratchy and pleading . she's already teasing him to this extent ; he's coming undone , his undergarments are becoming uncomfortable with the building moisture .
she shifts above him , clearly taking initiative , and he would be begging if it wouldn't cost him his pride . she grinds into his hips and with a desperate need for friction , his pelvis magnetizes to hers , and his arms cling to her back , because again , she can never be close enough . soft desirous breaths slip in rhythm from his lips and he presses them firmly into her shoulders , her collar bone , her neck , and nibbles behind her ear , drawing her nearer , nearer , closer to him . the feeling of them against each other is mesmerizing , and he can't help but to wrap her into him and roll , that he might straddle above her and kiss down her frame ; her breasts , her ribs , her stomach , her thighs . . . there's a fire behind his eyes as he looks into hers . ❛ yours . ❜
and he grabs the barrier that keeps him from her , sparing no time to tease the cloth with his finger , and drags them down her legs , leaving them dangling from her ankles . a soft kiss is placed at the base of his most intimate desires and he laps his tongue against her clit , breathing hotly against her core and meeting her lips to his . he moans quietly against her , as if to elicit further pleasure from the vibrations of his love , and thumbs circles into her hips as he works her . ❛ geez . ❜ he mutters between her legs , ❛ you're pretty . ❜ and the heat and wetness between his own grow unbearable .
to absolute hell with any of today's previous plans .
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ladyodaskonpeito · 11 months
Trick or treat!
Thank you so much for the ask!
Since no fandom is specified, please have this WIP I wrote from some time ago (Zakkura fic, FFVII):
Cloud wakes up on the wrong side of the bed on the fine morning of his 28th birthday. He creases his brow as soon as he realises that the other side of the bed is cold and empty. Zack has, uncharacteristically, woken up earlier without arousing Cloud. A job in Sector 8. Will be out for the entire day, his note reads. Made strawberry pancakes for breakfast, so don't forget to eat your fill before heading out! Don't wait for dinner with me tonight, this might end later than usual. XOXO Zack Cloud frowns as he recalls how he had missed Zack before falling asleep the previous night. He had been looking forward to hearing Zack's birthday wishes for him, which always arrive as soon as the clock strikes midnight throughout the years they've been together. Maybe he'd been spoiled rotten by his husband, Cloud thinks. The rest of the day isn't any kinder to him either, as he makes his usual deliveries and has the misfortune of coming across entitled customers complaining about his delivery speed. In hindsight, Cloud now clenches his teeth in regret for giving up his last name. He should have insisted that Zack Strife sounds so much better than Cloud Fair. Sure, he knows this sounds incredibly petty. But can he be blamed for feeling neglected on his birthday? Despite his easy-going attitude and happy-go-lucky demeanour, Zack is usually an attentive and meticulous lover. Cloud worries his lower lip as he contemplates what might have changed this year. When Zack eventually reaches home that night, Cloud has gone down the rabbit hole of imagining what happens if Zack falls out of love with him. Has Zack finally gotten tired of him? Has he finally realised that Cloud is not worth his affection after all? “Hey, babe,” Zack flashes his smile at Cloud, seemingly unaware of the latter’s foul mood. Cloud has to admit, finally seeing that charming smile of his does make the day slightly more tolerable. If only his husband would finally wish him a happy birthday. “How was your day?” is what Zack opts for instead. So Cloud entertains the conversation but omits the details to avoid disclosing what a terrible day he’d had. He also fails to mention how it’d go a hundred times worse if Zack were to forget about his birthday. “Look what I found when I was on my way back from Sector 8,” Zack holds out a yellow rose. “It reminds me of Aerith.” Cloud gives a noncommittal huh in response to that and raises a brow. “I’m thinking we should visit her tonight, it’s been so long since we’ve had a chat after all,” Zack muses. “I can imagine she’d be delighted to receive a gift like this.” Cloud isn’t sure how he feels about that idea. Maybe he’s a little too tired from his work, or maybe he’s sensitive when it comes to this (because come on, this is his husband’s ex we’re talking about). He clenches his fist and he can’t help but heave a sigh. Zack looks at him expectantly, still. “How about no,” says Cloud in a quiet voice. “Why not?” Geez, Zack can be so tactless at times. Cloud scowls. “Because aren’t you forgetting something?” Zack appears to ponder over the question for a few moments. “Hmmm,” He eyes the ceiling and strokes his chin as he contemplates. “I was sure we have no other plans for the night… Do you have anywhere else you need to be?” Cloud tsks. Count on Zack to come to that conclusion for why I disapprove. “If that’s the case would you at least give me a lift on your way there? I’m sure you can still reach in time with how fast Fenrir can be,” Zack is giving him puppy eyes, seemingly not even the slightest bit ashamed of the selfish request. Cloud rolls his eyes and complies reluctantly. He really doesn’t want to make this day any worse than it already is by ending it with an argument. At least he can go out for some fresh air after dropping Zack off to spend time alone. To enjoy some peace and quiet. To celebrate his birthday alone. To contemplate why his life has come full circle into loneliness’ embrace again.
Zack actually has a surprise birthday party planned for Cloud at Aerith's place, I just haven't gotten to writing that part out for at least two years already 🙈
Once again, the ask is much appreciated as this thing at least got the chance to see the light of day. I hope you'll enjoy a happy Halloween ahead, @thefinaljediknight!
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level99challenge · 4 months
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ah geez, aerith is asking cloud to give another hot take
protect trans kids
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vtriol · 3 months
they lean over the couch where @aicidos lays, grinning wildly at the sight of his wounds. to rub salt in the wound, thana pokes his chest near the bandaged area. “ geez, reno, you look like shit. who kicked your ass this bad? ” scooting his legs off, they sit down beside the poor, injured turk. “ wait, weren't you supposed to get aerith? did she do this? ”
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shinigxmi-muses · 1 year
How many times will Aerith be hit on before the days end? And why were most of them Jill and Clive???
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"H-Huh?! What do you... Geez, don't joke around like that!" Talk about a momentary heart attack! No one's flirted with her yet, least of all Clive...or Jill. Whoever that is. (Could it be the silver-haired girl back at the Hideaway? They do spend a fair deal of time together...)
Pretty as she is and handsome as Clive is, however, neither have flirted with her. Perhaps just as well, given that both of their worlds are in peril! And other people have been pretty...respectful...
...Hmm. Okay, maybe not. In retrospect, there have been a lot of staring. It once again makes it a Gaia-damned mystery why no one would've saved her the trouble and brought up a change of clothes before this, but... It's okay. It'll have to be, cause Charon is definitely putting in an order for new clothes when she gets back.
And no, she's not going to acknowledge that teeny crush on the aforementioned duo. We're definitely not going there when she's still potentially on the Planet's chopping block...
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exturk · 5 months
send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully. | accepting
@lastflowerpetal asked: be honest... when was the last time you drunk dialed an ex?
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"I've   never   drunk   dialed   an   ex    .......    because   I've   never   had   an   ex.        Is   that...    surprising?"           geez   Aerith,   what   kind   of   question   was   that?
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undeadnecromancer · 4 years
I just beat the FF7 remake! I'm typing out thoughts/spoilers in the tags
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just-absolutely-super · 7 months
FF7 Rebirth Ending Thoughts
So at first I thought Cloud seeing Aerith's spirit while no one else did meant that Cloud was just gonna go through the 3rd game believing Aerith is still with the party when really she's his little ghost buddy that no one else can see
But then she gets left behind, meaning to me she is for real dead and in the Lifestream, and I guess because Cloud is so connected to the multiverse Lifestream because of his connections with Seph and Aerith that that's why he's still able to see and feel her presence
Whether Cloud knows she's for real dead or not, I have no idea. He acts like she's still alive and with them, but it's hard to say for sure given his mind is so screwed up
Tifa's gonna have her work cut out for her next game geez...
Anyways, so I'm sure Aerith will be having her own side journey in the next game, probably her going through the Planet trying to foil Sephiroth's plans. We never saw her in the third disk after her death in OG until the very end, so this time we will actually have her POV of what she went through to stop Meteor
I bet she'll also show up every now and then to help Cloud and the rest of the party as they continue their journey (the Maiden of the Planet novel does mention she's the one who guided Tifa to Cloud in the Lifestream so his memories could be fixed)
As for Zack...bruh idek what's up with his story now
It's obvious his goal is to make it out of this alive but who knows what's gonna happen now. Damn I was really hoping both he and Aerith would survive so they could officially reunite. I only hope that while Aerith is playing Big Good, she finds Zack in his universe and guides him back home (please Square, I need my Zer.ith crumbs)
Anyways, Rebirth was such a loaded game, but there's still more to do
They gotta do Rocket Town so they can sit down, shut up, and drink their GD tea!
Vincent's backstory still needs to be explored
They need to go to Wutai for Yuffie's arc
They gotta explain what the F U C K is up with Glenn and the SRC stuff
Cloud's literal mind break at the Northern Crater
Meteor being summoned and the awakening of the rest of the Weapons
Tifa becoming the focus for a hot minute and finding Cloud in Mideel then putting his mind back together
The Highwind Scene for my shipper heart
And finally the actual, for real, we promise, final battle with Sephiroth
aaaaand whatever extra stuff they'll add to make sure this game lasts a full week of gameplay lmao
I'm looking forward to how they'll handle it all
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midgarslumflower · 6 years
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Hello! New to your blog! Saw request are open! Yayyy! May I request a Cloud Strife drabble were reader is allergic to flowers and since Cloud hangs around Aerith they sneeze a lot and he gets confused as to why they tend to slightly avoid him since he kind of likes them- the reader does too.
Hey there! Welcome to my blog, I hope you'll have a great time here. <3 Thank you for your request, I really liked the idea and I hope I did it justice. Take care and stay safe!
Bless you, sneezy – Cloud Strife x gn!reader
“(Y/N)! It’s so good to see you again!”
Cloud looked up from his drink at Tifa’s cheerful greetings. She was smiling, just like she always did when a new customer entered her bar but this time, she seemed to be truly excited. And he could totally understand why.
Because he was excited, too, although he actually managed to fight back the smile that had started to form on his lips as soon as he heard you say, “Hi, Tifa!”
He always acted like that when he was around you – well, not always. In the beginning of your acquaintanceship, he had been quite approachable, at least for his usual standards, and had even initiated a conversation with you from time to time, unlike he did with others. He had valued your company, catching himself admiring you every so often.
But now… well, he wasn’t so sure if you actually shared the sympathy he felt for you.
Cloud turned his face away and pretended to focus on his drink when you approached the bar. You gave him a nod and greeted him with a brief “Oh, hi Cloud!” before returning your attention to Tifa who was already reaching out for a glass to pour you your favorite drink.
From the corner of his eye, Cloud could see the smile that flashed over your face as you thanked her before picking up your glass and looking around to find the perfect spot to sit. He pressed his lips together, watching you as you purposely overlooked the empty barstool right next to him to sit down at the other end of the bar counter, ensuring that there were two seats empty between the two of you.
He held back a sigh. “Hi, (Y/N),” he mumbled, his voice way too quiet for you to actually hear it but as it seemed, you weren’t interested in a conversation anyway.
And recently, it was always like that. You avoided him all the time, keeping your distance whenever you had to be in the same room, despite the fact that you had actually gotten along quite well in the beginning. He didn’t understand where things had gone wrong, and he had no idea what he should do to fix it. Not to mention that there was a nagging fear that everything he could try would make your relationship even worse.
He took a sip from his drink, one of Tifa’s new creations which he always got to try before she served it to other customers, while he continued to watch you, almost as if he could figure out what you were thinking just by staring at you.
You weren’t paying attention to him. Instead, you were focused on chitchatting with Tifa, telling her about your day while you stirred your drink with your straw. Then, all of a sudden, you scrunched up your nose, a few tears welling up in your eyes – and then, you quickly buried your face in your hands before letting out a heart-wrenching sneeze.
“Bless you,” Tifa said but another sneeze coming from you drowned her word out.
Cloud’s eyes widened when you sneezed a third time. Why did it sound so goddamn adorable? He wasn’t supposed to find everything about you cute! And still, he somehow did.
You sniffled and pulled a tissue out of your pocket to blow your nose. “Geez,” you mumbled, wiping the tears from your eyes. “Damn allergies.”
Cloud was still staring at you. And then, before he could stop himself, he asked, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m just… I have allergies. Some things just make me sneeze all the time. No need to worry.”
“Oh,” he replied slowly. You sniffled again. “Yeah. It’s usually not that bad but-“
Another sneeze cut you short, and you laughed; a quiet, awkward laugh. “Well – whenever you’re near it seems to get even worse.”
He wasn’t sure whether you were joking or not but it probably didn’t matter anyway. “What kind of allergies?” he pumped you in an almost desperate attempt to keep the conversation going, now that you were finally talking to him again.
“Flowers, mostly,” you replied and shrugged. “But there must be something else as well because – well, I guess, you don’t spend your time surrounded by flowers, so that can’t be the explanation why I apparently can’t,” you paused and pinched the bridge of your nose when you felt the familiar tingle building up again, “stop sneezing around you.”
Cloud frowned. Then, when he fully understood what you were trying to say, a surprised chuckle escaped his throat. Could it really be that simple?
“Actually, I do,” he said slowly. You raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“I do spend a lot of time around flowers,” he explained, shaking his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe that’s why you’ve been avoiding me. I thought – well, I thought it had something to do with me. That you started to dislike me or something.”
“You – what?” You looked at him, your eyes filled with utter confusion before you started to laugh. “Cloud, I’m not avoiding you! Or, maybe I do but that’s not because I don’t like you. It’s because you smell like flowers all the damn time and the constant sneezing is really annoying!”
“This is ridiculous.” Cloud shook his head once again, completely baffled by his own stupidity. The whole situation could have been so much easier if he had just asked you about the sudden change in your behavior instead of visiting Aerith over and over again, unknowingly making things worse with every hour he had spent with the flower girl to ask her for advice regarding you.
You rolled your eyes but there was also a soft smile tugging at the corners of your mouth when you stood up and sat down on the barstool next to him, ignoring the fact that your eyes started to water again. “You really thought I didn’t like you?” “Well, what was I supposed to think? Whenever we met, you either turned around and left immediately or you spent the entire time on the other side of the room!”
“Because you make me sneeze!”
The two of you laughed, earning an amused smile from Tifa while she polished a glass. Then, you reached out for his hand. “Cloud,” you said softly, “I’m sorry. I should have taken the time to explain my allergy to you instead of avoiding you.”
He looked at you, an almost tender expression in his blue eyes, and your breath hitched in your throat. “Nevermind. I understand it now.”
For a few seconds, you kept staring at each other, unwittingly leaning in until you were so close to him that you could smell the sweet scent of flowers again. And, as if by command, you had to turn away to sneeze, effectively spoiling the mood.
“Cloud, I really like you but please go and change your clothes, or else I will sneeze myself to death when I try to kiss your stupid face.”
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