simmersworld98 · 10 months
Sims 4 Horror Mods
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my-dreamaissance · 1 year
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aliceinoakdale · 6 months
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Tente de Wondymoon Sacs de couchages de L.ovelybuilds Coussins de Pierisim Coussins de Harrie et Felixandre Coussin 'Kuromi' de Bknysimz Coussin de Simkoos Coussin de ATS4 Coussins et couverture pliées de Sixam Couverture de BuffSumm Sac de voyage de Pierisim Miroir de Tuds Ordinateur portable, casque, téléphone de RightHearted Vêtements pliés de Simkoos Vêtements pliés de Wondymoon Vêtements pliés, serviettes de Syboulette Pulls pliés de Leossims Pantalons pliés de Leosims Serviettes de Harrie et Felixandre Brosse à Cheveux de Sixam Préservatifs de Turbodriver Crème et Rasoir, étui et solution de lentilles, de Syboulette Crème de ATS4 Lingettes du jeu Masques de Simkoos Trousse de toilette de Platinumluxesims Sac de Platinumluxesims Tente de Sts-sims
Tapis de Who Is Sage Chips de ATS4 Cigarettes de Simsplex Valise de Felixandre Bottes de Bergdorfverse Sac à dos de ATS4 Baskets de Syboulette Bougie de TheClutterCats Feu de camp du jeu Pouf de Syboulette Set poêles de Pierisim Verre à vins de Myshunosun Bouteille de vin de Peacemaker Cagettes Plastique de Syboulette Enceinte de Sixam Tapis picnic de Wondymoon Couvertures, coussins de Ledger Atelier Coussin de Wondymoon Magazines de LargeTayterTots Téléphone de Littledica Crème pour le corps de LilacCreative Carton de nourritures de ATS4 Pack d'eaux et Boîtes de conserves de Pierisim Bouteilles de Sulainey
Table / Barbecue
Barbecue de Wondymoon Glacière de Max20 Viandes de Budgie Pack de bière de ATS4 Table du jeu Carafe d'eau et verres de Pierisim Serviettes de Wondymoon Plats, Planche, Smore de Ledger Atelier Pain de Srslysims Rouleau essuie-tout de ATS4 Assiettes et couverts de Wondymoon Canettes de ATS4 Sac à main de Bergdorfverse Lunettes de soleil de ATS4 Pince à cheveux de ATS4
Animation de Sacrificial Mods
Créateurs CC :
@wondymoondesign / @lovelybuilds / @pierisim / @harrie-cc / @felixandresims / @bknysimz / @simkoos / @aroundthesims / @imfromsixam / @Buffsumm / @tudtuds / @Righthearted / @syboubou / @leosims4cc / @Turbodriver / @xplatinumxluxexsimsx / @whois-sage / @simsplex / @bergdorfverse / @thecluttercat / @myshunosun / @peacemaker-ic / @Ledgeratelier / @largetaytertots / @littledica / @lilaccreative / @Sulainey / @maxsus / @ccbybudgie / @srslysims / @sts-sims / @SacrificialMods /
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errantce · 3 months
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sacrificialmods let me give you a kiss 🫶🏾
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petewentzwombtattoo · 7 months
would it kill sacrificialmods guy to make a website that is easy to look at
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annasimsagain · 3 years
These mods are wild
This drug dealin' b*tch usurped my position in my club then kicked me out of it. I started a new, better club and I guess she couldn't take it because she SHOWED UP AT THE BAR with her club to get into a gang fight with mine and STABBED ME TO DEATH! Then the hoe danced over my body and laughed.
I am so offended.
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xxxmasterkali · 4 years
Kingdom Sims Pt. 26
MATURE CONTENT for sexual content, nudity, language and violence.
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Kairi: I..I think..I think I’m pregnant.
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Namine: Oh my god. Kairi, are you sure? Did you take a test?
Kairi: I don’t need to. I know it. I can feel it. I’ve missed my period and I’ve been sick for two weeks. What do I do!?
Namine: Did you tell Sora?
Kairi: Oh no, Sora! I didn’t even think about how he’ll react! What do you think he’s gonna say?!
Tears streamed down Kairi’s face.
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Namine pulled Kairi into a hug.
Namine: Kairi, calm down. It’s gonna be alright. No matter what, Sora will always love you and he’ll be there for you. He might get scared but he will always stay by your side.
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Kairi calmed down a little.
Kairi: You’re right Namine. Thank you. Now I just have to figure out how to tell him. I know he won’t abandon me, but I still don’t know how and when to tell him.
Namine: Well you need to tell him so just do your best and keep in mind that he loves you.
Watching Namine and Kairi, down the hall through a mirror, was Bride Hannah. 
Bride Hannah: Pathetic. Stupid little princess and her stupid little hero. I’ll end their lives somehow and I’ll make them watch as I torture the living hell out of them. 
Later on that evening, Kairi found Sora walking through the foyer. 
Sora: Kairi! How has your day been beautiful? You feeling any better? I know you haven’t felt good the last couple of days but it’ll pass.
Kairi looked down at her feet. 
Kairi: Sora..about that....
Suddenly, Kairi was lifted from the air and tossed to the side by an unseen force. Sora reached for her and was about to run after her, but he was tossed against a wall and pinned to it. Then he felt a burning pain on his chest, he looked down to see a huge gash was carved into his chest. He screamed out in pain. They couldn’t see whatever it was that was doing this to them. There was nothing there. They both reached out their hands for each other, screaming the other’s name and Kairi tried to run to him. Bride Hannah suddenly appeared before her and stood between her and Sora.
Hannah: Hello, princess. You ready to watch your stupid boyfriend die?
Kairi: Don’t you dare touch him! You can’t hurt me and I will stop you!
Hannah: You’re right, I can’t hurt you...but...I can hurt that thing growing inside of you.
Sora and Kairi both gasped.
Sora: Kairi! What-what is she talking about!?
Hannah: Oh you didn’t tell him yet? Here, let me show him what I mean.
Hannah waved her hand at Kairi and Kairi clenched her stomach and dropped to her knees. Kairi cried. Sora was still pinned to wall but struggled to break free and tears fell from his eyes too.
Kairi: No...please. Stop! Don’t hurt them! Please, I’m begging you....
Sora: Kairi! Leave her alone!
Hannah: You might have a heart of pure light, but your unborn child has a heart just like it’s father. Made up of light and darkness. 
Sora: GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!! STOP!!!!! If you wanna hurt me then hurt me, but don’t hurt her! Don’t hurt either one of them! LEAVE KAIRI AND MY CHILD ALONE!!!!
Sora clenched his fists as hard as he could and flexed his body the most he could. He was finally able to get out and he raced over to Hannah and pushed her. She lost her grasp on Kairi and the baby.
Sora: Kairi! Go now!
Kairi: I’m not leaving you!
Sora: You need to protect our child, please!
Kairi: Sora...I can’t leave you...
Hannah flung Sora back and Kairi watched in terror. Hannah began to approach Sora, but Kairi jumped between them.
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Hannah: You better listen to your boyfriend because if you don’t, you can say goodbye to your baby.
Kairi: You’re just jealous.
Hannah: What did you say to me!?
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Sora stood up and was about to protect Kairi, but he stopped as he could see the light surrounding Kairi and he could see her eyes we shinning with pure light.
Sora: Ha! It’s the light! The power of light!
Kairi: You heard me. You’re jealous of what Sora and I have. We’ve been through hell and back to be with each other for almost a decade, we’ve been fighting. But we love each other so much that we never gave up fighting! You’re jealous of that! That’s why you’ve been targeting us! And I will do everything in my power to protect my family! You stay the hell away from us!
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The light grew bigger and bigger until it finally covered the entire room and Hannah yelled in pain.
Hannah: No! Too much light! It’s burning!
Sora covered his eyes. The light burned Hannah until she turned to ash on the floor. The bright light dissipated and Sora put his hands down to see Kairi falling to the floor. Sora ran for her and caught her before she hit the floor. She was unconscious and Sora knew she was okay. He tried to process everything that just happened. He could handle any sort of danger but what shocked him the most... Sora picked Kairi up and carried her to bed so she could rest. He laid her down and starred at her, and then his eyes traveled to her stomach. He gently laid his hand over her stomach. 
Sora: I can’t even believe...
Sora needed a moment to process it all. Sora walked down the stairs and as he was about to exit the house, Riku opened the front door.
Riku: Hey! Whoa you look like hell! You’re bleeding! What happened!? 
Sora: Oh, I totally forgot about that...
Riku: You forgot you have a huge gash across your chest and dripping blood?! You need to fill me in!
Sora: Well, Kairi defeated Hannah...
Riku: She did!? How?
Sora: Light...She channeled all the power she had and used it to defeat her for good..she was desperate to protect me and...
Riku: Who else? No one else was here with you guys.
Sora: ...Our baby...
Riku: Come again!? Did you say baby? You got her pregnant you numskull!
Riku smacked Sora upside the head. Sora rubbed the back of his head.
Sora: Hey! I didn’t plan it! I’m just as shocked as you are! I just found out!
Riku: How long has she known? 
Sora: I don’t know. I’m trying to think of how and when! We used protection every...oh wait...
Riku: You didn’t!
Sora: The night I proposed to her...we were on the beach, I forgot to bring anything with me and she said it was okay and I was okay with it too.
Riku: Sora, how could you be so careless and stupid!
Sora: I didn’t think about it! It was the heat of the moment, okay! I feel bad enough! I mean I wanted kids with her, eventually but right now..I don’t know if I’m ready to be a dad. And I still haven’t had a chance to talk to her about it so I have no idea how she feels. 
Riku: Sora, I know this is sudden and i definitely think you should’ve been more responsible but aside from all that, I have no doubt in my mind you would be a great dad! You guys will both be great! 
Sora: I just...I need a minute to think about all of this.
Sora walked outside and sat down on the bench. He starred up at the stars and he did this for at least an hour. Just thinking about everything. Sora put his hand down and covered his face. He was scared. Scared he wouldn’t be good enough.
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Suddenly he felt a hand on his back and head on his shoulder, and he could hear someone crying. He popped his head up to see it was Kairi.
Sora: Kairi! Are you okay? 
Kairi: Yes. Are you?
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Sora: Why didn’t you tell me?
Kairi: I was going to but I wasn’t sure how. I was scared. I’m sorry.
Kairi was about to get up but Sora grabbed her wrist.
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Sora: Kairi, don’t go. You can always tell me anything, it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t ever be scared to tell me anything.
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Kairi: I know I can but-
Sora: No but’s! Please talk to me when you need to. Whenever something is going on or when you feel any type of way, please express that to me. I don’t care what it is. I will always love you no matter what. It’s gonna be okay and we will get through this. I’m scared too. I’m petrified. But together, we can get through anything.
Sora stood up and pulled her up with me. He pulled into a hug and squeezed her tight.
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Kairi cried onto his shoulder.
Kairi: I’m scared though. Do you think we can do it? Will I be a good mom?
Sora: Of course you will. I question if I’ll be a good dad myself, but we’ll help each other.
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Sora rubbed her back and tried to comfort her as she cried.
Sora: Shh...Kairi, it’s okay. Please don’t cry. You’re going to make me cry. I hate seeing you sad. 
Kairi began to calm down and the tears started to subside. 
Sora: Come on, let’s get to bed.
Kairi: Will you hold me all night long?
Sora: Of course, that shouldn’t even be a question. I always do.
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Sora and Kairi got to their bedroom and Sora pulled Kairi in and kissed her. 
Sora: It’s okay, Kairi. We can do this.
Seconds later, their clothes had been tossed around the room.
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Sora gazed down at her stomach and rubbed his hand over it.
Kairi: I’m gonna be so fat...
Sora: I don’t care, you’re still beautiful no matter what. You always will be to me.
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Kairi pushed Sora down onto the bed and kissed him. No matter what situation they were in, Sora could always make her feel better.
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moniq31gamer · 6 years
My Master Mod List
Okay so until I figure out how to post all my previous game plays to bring this up to speed, I should probably give a list of all the mods I use in my game. Its a lot, like a lot a lot so...
Here goes...
Sacrificial :
Road To Fame
Passionate Romance
KawaiiStacie :
Explore Mod
Slice of Life
Preschool Mod
Christmas Party Event
Basic Event Bundle
After School Bundle 1 & 2
Housekeeper Job Event
Prom Night Event
LittleMsSam’s :
Auto Brush Teeth After Puking (found in Random Small Mods)
Auto-Drink When Eating (found in Random Small Mods) 
Better Nanny
Eco Dishwasher
Famous Sims Gain Followers Automatically (found in Random Small Mods)
 First Love
Grade School Everyday Clothes (found in Random Small Mods)
Live In Business
More Servings Options
New Hug Animation If Confident (found in Random Small Mods) 
Online Learning System
Personal Objects
Pet To Pet Greeting Fix (found in Random Small Mods) 
Restaurant Faster Cooking (found in Random Small Mods) 
Sack Lunch In Inventory (found in Random Small Mods) 
School Holidays Tradition
Sim Call Over Higher Distance (found in Random Small Mods) 
Social Activities
Spend Weekend With
Ultrasound Scan
Updated Zooroo ATM
Ask To Cook/Bake/Grill
Change Outfit Closet
Entrance Fee Lot Trait
Higher/Longer Payments for Apps, Games & more
Housewarming Party (instead of Welcome Wagon)
More Buyable Venues and new Venue Types
More Umbrella Variations In World
No Auto Food Grab After Cooking
Parenting Skill for Teens & more
Power Napping on Sofas
Send Sims to Bed
Train your Puppies
Unlock/Lock Door For Chosen Sims
Andrew’s Studio :
Crafting Enabler
Pose Player 
Studio Effect Player 
S4Studio Accessories 
Teleport Any Sim
Scumbumbo :
Don’t Prepare Food Where You Angry Poop
Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop
Bug fix - It's a Crying Shame
Random :
Ultimate Military Career (by Asiashamecca)
Singer Career (by ellenplop)
Baby Skins (by ColisWonderland)
Mermaid Lifestate 2.0 (by Gaybie)
Selectable Pets (by AOM)
Baby with Hidden Crib (by Kiolometro)
CAS Background (by Annett’s Sims 4 World)
Computer Writing Faster (by c821118 )
Higher & More Realistic Pay (by weerbesu)
No Celeb Walk Style (by Manderz)
No Cool-Down For Releasing Tracks (by Manderz) 
Live Game Drag Bassinets (by Deichschaf Sims 4)
Custom Food Interactions (by TheFoodGroup)
Lot Trait Extender (by Nisa K)
Sim National Bank (by SimRealist)
Privacy Tweak (by Deichschaf Sims 4)
Simulation Lag Fix (by Xerox)
Grocery Order From Computer (by SrslySims)
Extracted Body & Face Presets (by Zerbu)
More Cheat Shortcuts (by darkhorus)
More CAS Columns (by weerbesu)
Dark Loading Screen (by teanmoon)
And there it is. This was not easy, very hard work putting this together, but totally worth it. We, I say we because I know this list will benefit many including myself if anything should ever happen & I lose my mods, tahdah! my master list is basically back up on here. Now this list doesn’t include my body presets, sliders or default body removers(no ea eyelash, no eyeshine, breast, calf, arm, hip sliders & breast movement mod). Nor doesn’t it include my long list of harvestables & recipes(by Icemunmun & Leniad) or poses (HelgaTisha).
Now that I see the length of this list, I can understand why my mods folder size is so enormous. Tip for finding mods when you click the links press Ctr+F type the name of the mod and it should find it. Go ahead dive in, Have fun.
Laters, I’m exhausted after all that.
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Never underestimate a pregnant lady, especially in a modded Sims game 💥 
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nephilimcreations · 4 years
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Supervillain powers!
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itzknewdull · 5 years
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get a girl who can do both
haruka // mason
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rurienmoon · 5 years
Oh nooo!!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own the song used for this video.
Credits goes to: Déjà Vu is a song performed by Dave Rodgers, an Italian songwriter, composer, and producer heavily known for his contributions to the Eurobeat genre of dance music.This song is heard in Act 13 of Second Stage in a race between Takumi Fujiwara and a Turbo fitted Toyota AE86 Levin driven by Wataru Akiyama.
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fabtiffsim · 5 years
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Catherine Clarke had come to this hot dusty lands only to be objected to violence and bloodshed. The horrific scene she had walked into involved a bloody but blue and terrifying woman under a vampire spell on the floor and Ms. Em slaughtering another one just like it was a fresh catch from the hunters.
  But she had since seen them succumb to the strange illness being spread by these ghouls. They would turn to bite her if she hadn’t run quickly to what was Ms. Em’s house, and she locked the door.
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But after some time the rain slowed, and she could hear footsteps. She could hear the swish of a skirt. But after a minute she could hear the person quietly talking to themself. It couldn’t be one of the sick. But she could still get sick. So Catherine picked herself up off the floor and snuck quietly out the door and down the back alley to The Butcher Shoppe.
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It was horrific in the Shoppe.  There was blood, there were hand prints, there were wet puddles, there were strange foods being displayed. She looked around the dark room and wondered if Ms. Em was more dangerous now as a flesh-eating demon or as a wild vampire?
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She went up the stairs to Jo Stein’s lab. She had a sim trapped in a small room with big windows, he was dirty and probably hungry. There were books and glass tubes, and many other interesting objects that she knew nothing about. She was looking for anything that could help them against these sick sims.
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She couldn’t figure the whole formula out herself. She was close, but not quite complete. She left Jo Stein’s lab and went down the stairs to the hall where Gertie Beebe’s rooms were.
It was there that she met Aney Ho’awa??? who had some knowledge of medicine and they created a strong tincture that could clean their wounds if they should acquire any.
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They had both seen a lot of carnage and knew that most of their village was dead and walking around. They knew that the two of them could possibly be the last of what remained of Red Earth. Aney, this mysterious woman from the second floor, had a gun and they thought they had to try and escape. They couldn’t survive here. They would take their new medicine and they would run.
So they peaked out the window and decided to open the door and make a run for it.
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  Catherine Catherine Clarke had come to this hot dusty lands only to be objected to violence and bloodshed.
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ts4hyrule · 3 years
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stargazing 🥺
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simsmodelsimmer · 5 years
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Sacrificial’s Armageddon Superhero Vs. Villains Mod
This update will be available for public on June 6th here: https://sacrificialmods.com/downloads.html
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heavensickness · 2 years
i'm obsessed with your serial killer sim and i have to ask HOW do you do it is this a mod or smth???? the selfies!!!
Extreme Violence mod by sacrificialmods!
I prefer a vanilla game though, so I will probably delete this mod later after this sim's story ends
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