#sad truth is it /would/ work (better) if he was an overlord still rip
von-eldritch · 6 months
@hclluvahctel replied to your post “//also, unrelated to the everything going on, but...”:
Tell it to Husk. Wise old bartender is good at keeping secrets wink
​//I mean, she might but only because Husk would NOT be able to utilize it
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Yooo let me contribute my thoughts to Yan!Momgana
The gumm-gumms all revere you as her child, you're the only person in the world who could ask them to dress in a pink frilly dress and play house with you and they'd agree
Starts as begrudging compliance, but as time goes on you start to grow on them
"Ah, yes. Precious child, our child. The Pale Lady's offspring will be indulged in their games, and no, don't you dare say no to the tiny whelp, you might make the whelp sad!!1!1"
Morgana is happy with the outcome, but that doesn't mean she let's you play with the goblins any longer than she's gone doing evil war stuff. When mom arrives it's shoo shoo, give momma her precious baby they're gonna play peek-a-boo now.
Because you were an infant when Morgana left the castle and joined the gumm-gumms, you have little to no knowledge of human world nor have you interacted with any. All your manners come from your momma, who raises you pretty good and proper.
You probably will grow some of your childhood in the surface world, but only in fortresses and gumm-gumm territories they've captured.
You know nothing about the war, but you've probably been revealed the truth a few times when a random human has managed to sneak in and mistaken you for a prisoner and tried to take you with.
It would probably go pretty easy for the intruder, you won't have a normal sense of stranger danger when literally everyone around you have been real nice to you all your life, so you'd probably just go along with whatever, thinking it's a game or just being confused as to why the weird pale troll is so anxious.
These incidents end really quick, because when Morgana finds out her precious child is gone she absolutely decimates everything within a 5 mile radius.
The intruder always dies an agonizing and slow death.
Morgana is too enraged to think about what her child sees in those moments. And you probably will see everything.
It doesn't matter though, Morgana's got it.
"Oh no, sweetheart, don't cry. Here, let mom make it all go away..."
The memories of any violence or pesky humans are wiped and you go back to the carefree and happy life in some stolen palace.
You probably grow close with your mother and are very attached to her as a child. How could you not? She always plays with you when you ask, she almost never says no to you, she gives you all the treats and toys you ask and she never gets mad (or that's what you think).
You're spoiled and you don't even know it, and it's not like anyone would point that out to you or Morgana.
But then the Killahead fiasco happens...
I stand by that Morgana and the gumm-gumms had operated in the Darklands prior, since it's stated to be the trolls' original homeland.
The time you hadn't spent in the surfacelands, you had spent in the Darklands.
Morgana probably had a real nice castle built there just for your and hers sake, so you could have a place to be 100% safe from all those traitorous trolls and humans. They never came to the Darklands voluntarily.
You've spent a good portion of your childhood there, so you probably don't see the place as anything bad. It's just another nice home where you, your mother and her subjects live and play all day and night.
The big fight and the portal thing happens and suddenly big Gunmar is here.
(Gunmar and Bular are totally your self appointed godfathers, at least)
You go and run to meet him, asking him to play with you, but Gunmar seems really unwell. Is he okay?
Gunmar takes some time to fully process the turn of events, and what he has to do now.
You're told more than you ever before about any conflict in the world right then and there. That Gunmar and the other trolls are trapped in the Darklands now.
Of course Gunmar knows better than to tell you of the war, that'd be way too hard on your innocent, pure whelp mind! So you get something along the lines of this:
You're told that bad monsters trapped you here, but Bular and your mother are outside and coming to free you very, very soon. 
He paints your mother in a very heroic light, and you drink it up because as if a child like you would think of your mother as anything else than a hero.
Gunmar now has his trolls and court take care of you, keeping you entertained and trying to keep as many things as the same as they were before for you. You probably will have to deal with worse food though.
This means you living the majority of your unnaturally long life in the Darklands.
Now that your mom's gone, you'll enter a rebellious stage sooner or later. You don't really take what rules the gumm-gumms give you seriously since they're not your mom!
You'll live with uncharacteristically much freedom for a yan!parent's kid, or any kid for that matter.
Gunmar of course cares about you, but is by no means a yandere or good at raising human whelps, so he kinda leaves you to your own devices and let's you do whatever. He doesn't really give you any rules or whatever.
It's the servants who are responsible of your raising and if you get hurt.
You'll probably start to manifest magic in your time down there, making you even harder to contain.
In other words, you're living your best life, causing chaos, playing around with nobody to discipline you and even if you get caught messing around you'd be able to point a finger at any of your servants and Gunmar wouldn't doubt you for a second.
Now then, you've lived the majority of your life with the gumm-gumm's, you have like no experience of people being mean or other's taking advantage of you, and the little human mannerisms and morals you have came from your mother in a distant childhood.
= an innocent but very immoral teen, who probably doesn't  act their age and has very weird logic and mannerisms.
I'd imagine you'd think disemboweling some creature because you were curious of what was inside was totally fine because you've done that with the worm-monster-things in the Darklands and the gumm-gumms didn't bat an eye.
The little interaction you've had with the "Surfacelands" has probably been the little trinkets and weird trivia by the changelings or goblins who've been able to traverse through the small gates.
For the longest time you probably didn't even care about the surfacelands, since you've got everything you'd ever want here ('cept your beloved mom...), but kids tend to get more curious and adventurous when they grow up to their teens.
And then some additional things about the changelings! They're probably a bit concerned with how you've grown, being the only ones who understand what is "normal" for a human your (mental) age, but won't be able to bring themselves to tell you to stop or inform you about right and wrong, lest they want Gunmar to rip their heads off for making you upset.
On top of that, being nearly direct creations of Morgana, I think they'd hold you on an even higher pedestal than the other gumm-gumms. We've seen the Janus order treat Morgana like a goddess at times, perhaps their view of you would be something akin to a messiah or something similar.
In conclusion, once again, like with everything else in your life, you're being kept in the dark about it.
Then bam-bam-Baam! The trollhunter has entered the arena!
You start finding the most delicious brown sticks wrapped in silly crinkly paper around the Darklands and collecting them.
Then one day you're running around the castle from your servants and notice a weird changeling in the dungeon!
He's acting all weird and panicky and doesn't seem to recognize you, and on top of that all he's still in a human form. You introduce yourself merrily and scurry off in search of something else to do, maybe to find more funny crinkly paper with super tasty sticks inside!
Meanwhile Jim is had a slight heart attack, because first of all, he saw a human in the Darklands and his first thought was that they had fell into the Darklands and were in great danger. They seem fine though, even pretty cheery for someone in such a place, introduced themselves and ran off before Jim has any time to tell them to help him out.
Then Nomura goes and casually tells him that's MORGANA'S FREAKING CHILD.
Meanwhile you go to ask uncle Gunmar why there's a funny changeling who's looking like a human
Gunmar almost does a spit-take and tells you not to go there anymore. He's an monstrous criminal and your mom wouldn't want you associating with such trash
Hah, referencing your mom, works every time. One more point for Gunmar and his masterful parenting skills... 'CEPT NOT THIS TIME.
Your no longer a kid who would just accept that as an answer and forget about it. No, you're an old kid, you're a teen and you know what Gunmar actually meant...
Clearly, this was one of the traitors against your valiant awesome hero mom and Gunmar just wanted to keep you safe.
But no fear! You're old now, and with your magic you can hold your own against some puny traitor weirdo! And so you go and sneak immediately after that to the weird changeling's cage
Jim is confused by you more than anything. You think your mom is the good guy? And he's evil??? Jim takes time to talk and explain things to you the best he can, and from what he can gather he's succeeding in lowering your defenses, even if by a little
You don't have much experience with lies, but you're sure he's tricking you. All your life is built up on idolizing your mother and she has never done anything bad to you or anyone before you.
But on the other hand, he doesn't seem mean at all. He seems really nice, even if he is weird. Maybe he's been tricked.
Eventually you come to the conclusion that this changeling is alright, only brainwashed. But then he says something about being able to go to the Surfacelands and your interest is immediately peaked. Your mom is there! If you manage to play your cards right you'll be able to free him from his tyrant overlords, meet your mom again and be a totally awesome mom-kid duo with supercool magic powers and save the world!
When Jim escapes you end up coming with on accident, teleporting into the gyre because you thought it looked fun right before they go through the portal.
I have a feeling that the surface trolls don't recognize you, you're existence was probably kept secret by Morgana, and are panicked when an additional "halfling" crashes outside.
Jim calms them down and you're immediately enraptured by what you see. The ceiling is suuuper high and has like, a million diamonds in it, and there are so many trees and colours and the floor is super soft. You can even hear singing from the grass.
Jim says you're Morgana's kid and if you hadn't been so invested in ripping grass off the roots you would've seen a total of five trollhunters nearly leaping to maul your ass
Jim and Nomura manage to stop them. Jim says that you clearly have no idea about what's going on, you don't know about any war and think your mother is well and alive and fighting to free the trollkind and vanquish evil. Nomura in turn says that if you get hurt all hell will break loose, the Janus order will definitely drop all subtlety and end the humans' families and friends before your body hits the ground, and the act of killing you will generally do no good.
You seem innocent enough, you're not doing anything bad, really. You're just looking at the trees.
"Hey, what's this?"
"That's a stag beetle- wait WHAT NO DON'T PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH WHAT!?"
The group is uncertain of what to do with you. They could bring you to troll market but you'd probably either blurt out your mother's name and get killed, or try to attack the market because you think they're all evil.
They decide you need to be let in on the events slowly.
When Strickler sees you he has a near aneurism.
"WhY IS ThE chILD oF MOrgANa hERE?!?!"
They decide to let Nomura, Strickler and the humans to keep you with them and hidden from both Angor and the Janus order.
Turns out to be easier said than done, mostly because you keep teleporting around like it's nobody's business and are so blatantly clueless about how the human world works. Most of their stress is caused by having to keep an eye on you and stop you from casually stealing things or ripping some poor lady's hand off because you liked her rings.
You are mostly confused by it all, and why you can't do certain things, but don't mind it too much. The world feels really alien to you, even if it's pretty, and a part of you is happy that there's someone to guide you through it. But you're getting more and more frustrated with the lack of your mom, nobody believing that your mother is the righteous heroine in the story and that you're constantly told not to do this and that.
Despite all the effort, it doesn't take much time before the Janus order finds out about you.
We all know that Otto is a major bootlicker of Gunmar, but just you wait until he finds about you.
The second you're found out about all their resources are on bringing you to base.
Happens pretty smoothly after he explains that he's working for your mother. You join voluntarily and enthusiastically.
Otto practically worships the ground you walk on, and you bet your ass he has a huge room filled with anything he thinks you could possibly want made for you in 1 day sharp.
Gunmar is shocked to see you on the Surfaceworld, and makes it clear to Otto that if any harm comes to you or you get sad/mad he will bite Otto's head off.
Also, Morgana.
Morgana is absolutely panicking now that her baby's in the surfaceworld without her around. She's extremely happy to see you once more, to see you've grown up happy, but oh god she has to be there with you! She has to hold you, keep you safe!!!
She tries her damnest to contact you, to make you see she's here for you, but to no avail. Although you are cruel and selfish at times, it's not because of any darkness inside you, it's because you don't know any better. So she settles for the next best thing, she tells her changelings to keep you safe, inside and entertained and orders them to hurry with bringing her back. Everyone's working overtime now.
Meanwhile you're having fun again. Everything's like it's been before, you've got toys and playmates and everyone's doing their best to keep you happy, but...
You kind of miss the trollhunters... Your... Friends...
You haven't had a mutual and equal relationship for a long time, not to mention they taught and showed you so many incredible things... You kinda want to see them.
Morgana's ripping at her ghost-hair when you sneak out to meet with the trollhunters.
You're still adamant that they have no idea what they're talking about, but you're having so much fun with them.
You don't play in any team to say, you just kind of pester and get into shenanigans with the trollhunters when they're not fighting your own allies. If they are, you just shrug, say "Then stop being evil" and teleport away.
When the Heartstone saga happens you're watching mostly from the sidelines until someone says something along the lines "something something free Morgana."
The first time you actually fight is in that battle. You're a difficult opponent, teleporting around and being able to cast minor dark magic at your foes. 
It's not like you contributed much to the fight, your side won in the end either way.
This is the first time you actually see the trollmarket and its trolls. If it would've been you from before, you would've shown no mercy, partly because you didn't really grasp the concept of death and partly because they were traitors, but now... You know better about death and empathy, and you have at least a tiny bit of understanding that these trolls are just misled, not completely at fault or evil.
I think this also the first time Angor sees you. He's shocked for many reasons, 1. you've grown so much, look at you! Just like your mother! 2. You're in the surfacelands? He thought you were in the castle in the Darklands. 3. You're fighting so valiantly for your mother, he's so proud of you!
This all ends when Morgana breaks free.
It takes about 0.00001 seconds before she has you in her tight embrace. It's a really emotional moment for the both of you.
Uuuntil all the eternal night and all you shall die stuff.
You're standing beside your mother with the brightest smile on your face when she gives the speech. All the troops are here and now you can free the Darklands and go to the surface world and when all the bad trolls are defeated you can live in Arcadia with all the people you love and-
That smile falls like stone when Morgana attacks her own troops
You cling to her and ask her to stop. You don't understand, this isn't right!
Morgana in turn just smushes your face and coddles you, telling that it's fine.
You ask if she's gonna hurt the humans and she says she'll kill every single one of them.
You're very against this, but keep quiet and feel silently torn. You don't know what to think.
I feel like Angor seeing you so troubled played a tiny part in his betrayal too.
You notice very quickly how tight Morgana is holding your wrist and she doesn't let go. You ask her to let go of your hand and she refuses, looking at you with frantic eyes. For the first time, you feel like something is very wrong. She starts dragging you around with her, acting all cheery and gleeful with you here.
No, this isn't right... You don't want this...! This is all wrong!
You start struggling, you want your freedom back, you want to go be with your friends and everyone else!
Morgana recognizes this as a sign that she should probably wipe your mind again and takes away all memories of time she was gone.
Now you're back to normal, back to the bright-eyed little child who clung to her hand like always and Morgana's happy.
When Merlin and the others come to stop her, you're still with her and she tosses you to the side, away from the harm, and you dutifully stay in place like your mother asked.
Merlin, more out of spite than anything else, nullifies all of  the memory wipes Morgana had performed during your life and you're back to normal, now with the realization that your mother isn't all what she was cracked up to be.
(Now Angor has seen Morgana kill his comrades, had his soul stolen, witnessed Morgana traumatize, memory-wipe and employ some very dubious parenting tactics on you, so he really is at his wits end here)
Now they have one more mage against Morgana in the final battle, even if you're heartbroken and reluctant to face off against your own mother.
(Yes, this is my cheap excuse for saving Angor)
Morgana stares right at you as she is sealed to the shadow realm with such heartbreak.
Morgana's child, ripped away from her once more!
She's way too attached to you and waaay too far gone to think it's your fault for betraying her. No, it's Merlin's, it's the trollhunter's, ANGOR ROT'S!!
She's furious, she will have you back, she will SLAUGHTER everyone on that damned land to save you! You two will rule together like you were meant to, you would be happy in her wonderful world without traitors or humans, just the two of you! She'll save you from all those monsters, those delusions they put in your precious little head! If only you hadn't known, you shouldn't have known, you're still a child, too young to have to know the cruel world of grown-ups, if only they would've let her keep you in the dark and safe!!! She's in hysterics.
Meanwhile, you are too. You are absolutely heartbroken, soul-shattered. To you, you've just killed your own mother. No matter how cruel she was to others around you or how restricting she was to you, you loved her so much. Your gumm-gumm family's all gone, killed by the friends you sided with.
You have no idea what to do anymore.
Angor and you probably move together, him being the only one understanding how close you were with your mother and the fact that you feel truly alone now.
There is a minor outrage with the trolls when they hear about you and your heritage, but you are ultimately left alone due to the fact that you assisted in bringing Morgana to justice.
You're enrolled in Arcadia High, and although it starts rocky with your now estranged friends, you start to move on with everyone's help and support.
You're now an honorary trollhunter and in the process of getting to understand humankind and it's culture with just slightly less insane friends and family, and living the closest approximation to a normal human life possible.
Happy end! Jesus, this got long. Okay, I dub thee "Momgana's teen AU"
This could be an entire fic. Honestly I love this. Morgana is so well written and the Orders absolutely hilarious. I also love dad Gunmar and Gum Gums trying to reign in a magical teen lmao
Honestly remind me a lot of Dawn. Thankyou so much for this gift!!!!! 🎃 🎃 🎃
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