lionofchaeronea · 1 year
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Denarius minted in 17 BCE by Marcus Sanquinius, one of the IIIviri monetales, to mark Augustus' holding of the Ludi Saeculares (Secular Games). On the obverse, the bust of the deified Julius Caesar; above his head is the comet seen after his assassination that was thought to mark his ascent to the gods. On the reverse, the herald of the Secular Games, in a costume evocative of the divine herald Mercury, including the caduceus.
The Secular Games were ostensibly held every 110 years, this period having been set by Etruscan soothsayers as the farthest limit of a human lifespan. Civil war prevented the holding of the regularly scheduled Games in 46 BCE; after Augustus became sole ruler, he chose 17 BCE to inaugurate a new Golden Age (saeculum aureum). The Games began with three days of prayer and sacrifice by Augustus and M. Agrippa, held both by day and by night. The daylight sacrifices were to Olympian deities (Jupiter, Juno, and Apollo/Diana), while the nighttime sacrifices honored deities with chthonic associations (the Moerae [Fates], the Ilythiae [goddesses of childbirth], and Terra Mater {Mother Earth]). The poet Horace composed a hymn for the occasion, the Carmen Saeculare, which was performed by choirs of boys and girls on the Palatine and then on the Capitoline. This event had several purposes: it celebrated peace and prosperity after many years of civil war; it advanced Augustus' program of religious reform and a return to the "old ways"; and it made absolutely clear that Augustus himself was the foremost figure in Roman state religion--not only in his official capacity as pontifex maximus, but by virtue of his close association (if not identification) with Palatine Apollo. The overall template would be used again by Domitian (88 CE) and Septimius Severus (204 CE), but Constantine declined to hold the Games in 314, bringing them to an end.
Photo credit: Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. http://www.cngcoins.com
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rudyroth79 · 4 months
Știri: Concertul absolvenților la final de stagiune (5 iunie 2024, Piatra Neamț)
Stagiunea artistică 2023–2024, organizată în parteneriat de Centrul pentru Cultură şi Arte „Carmen Saeculare” Neamţ şi Academia de Muzică „Gheorghe Dima” Cluj-Napoca, Extensia Piatra-Neamţ, se va încheia miercuri, 5 iunie 2024, când este programat Concertul absolvenților. Cu această ocazie va avea loc ceremonia de absolvire a promoţiei anului 2024 de la instituţia de învăţământ muzical superior…
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“Ya don’t even know what music is!” 
“I do too!” 
“Ah, yea, nah, that poetry nonsense you romans are always hummin’? That ain’t real music, man!” 
“Uh- How dare you, I will have you know that I commissioned Horace for the Carmen saeculare particularly due to his heightened understanding of lyricism, meter, and melody! … Well, that and he often used the Sapphic meter, which I am quite partial to.” 
Jed raised an eyebrow, and Larry choked on his coke.
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hexjulia · 5 months
god i love this book. Byzantine monk beefs with dead pagan guy in the replies. he's so mad;
"1.1  ad Zos. 2.7.1 (f. 28r) After his account of the reign of Diocletian (284–305), which is missing from the manuscript, Zosimos digresses on the ludi saeculares and quotes a Sibylline oracle to prove his contention that the empire survived so long as these rites were performed.
Thus, as the oracle says and is only true, after all, while all this was observed according to tradition, the Roman empire was safe and the Romans maintained their control over what we might call our entire global empire. But once this festival was neglected after Diocletian’s abdication, the empire gradually collapsed and was imperceptibly barbarized.
The festival ought to have been celebrated in 313, but Constantine and Licinius neglected it, thus “matters were bound to come to their present unhappy state.”
Basileios the monk [responds]: This foul man assumes falsehoods as the truth and draws impossible conclusions as if they were possible. He says, “as per the oracle and what is only true.” But truth is not what the oracle spoke, nor were these rites performed according to a divine tradition, nor were they such as to survive to the very end. Even after this festival of yours was neglected, the empire of the Romans continued to rule over our global empire for no less a time than when this festival, which God hates, was observed. As nothing in this world of the senses is immutable, and even your Plato says that change is the mother of all things, how would it be possible, you impious man, for mutable and perishable men to hold a mutable and perishable global empire unchanged for the rest of time? But know that it is not atheists but Christians who hold it. Reader: see that you are not carried away by his argument. This impious writer bursts out with these comments against proper religion in order to make Christianity seem responsible for the barbarization of the Roman empire, and at the same time he says these things to open the door for his invective against the great and august Constantine."
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ateneanike · 7 months
Quinto Horacio Flaco nació en el año 65 a.C en Venusia, Italia. Era hijo de un liberto, es decir, un esclavo liberado por su amo.
Su etapa académica la pasó principalmente entre Roma y Grecia, esta última en la Academia estudiando filosofía y poesía.
Horacio fue tribuno militar por orden de Marco Junio Bruto (asesino de Julio César), cuando Bruto y Casio asesinaron a César, Horacio se posicionó en favor de aquellos que preservaban la República así que luchó junto a éstos en la batalla de Filipos donde finalmente Marco Antonio y Octavio se proclamaron vencedores.
Horacio temió por su vida pero finalmente se determinó que aquellos que habían luchado en el bando republicano podían regresar a Roma sin miedo a las represalias. Así fue como Horacio de nuevo en la ciudad dedicó su tiempo a escribir.
Paralelamente conoció al que sería su gran amigo, Virgilio, y éste a su vez le presentó a Mecenas, protector de las artes que le regaló una propiedad para que pudiera dedicarse plenamente a escribir.
Horacio escribió Sátiras, Épodos, Odas y Epístolas, que son 4 estilos de obras muy diferentes.
Sátiras (años 35-30 a.c.): Están compuestas por varios libros, donde emergen sus pensamientos sobre los grandes problemas del hombre y la ambición, la codicia o la riqueza personal, que ve como amenaza y que critica mordazmente.
Los Épodos (año 30 a.c) es una proclama política donde Horacio espera el fin de las hostilidades que han amenazado a Roma durante todos estos años, especialmente hace referencia a la batalla de Actium donde Octavio vence a Marco Antonio, esperando un período de paz por el bien de los ciudadanos.
Las Odas (año 23 a.C.): con claras influencias de la poesía griega, Horacio hace referencia a los temas sociales que tanto le preocupan, la paz, el amor, el respeto, las buenas costumbres, y el patriotismo.
Las Epístolas (20 a.c.): publica 20 cartas, en las que proclama sus pensamientos políticos, éticos y filosóficos, mostrándose favorable a los epicúreos.
Horacio pasó a ser el relevo natural de Virgilio a la muerte de este último, fue él el encargado de crear los Carmen Saeculare por orden del emperador Augusto.
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sothischickshe · 2 years
If you could decree *any* holiday (of any place, any culture) be a seven week holiday where you are to celebrate, which one would you choose and why?
Hey! 😚😚😚
so a seven WEEK holiday?? Like seven weeks off work in a row?? 🤯 Bro it would barely matter what it was about I want it 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕
In a perfect world maybe I'd pick something I've got a ~personal connection to, but we sure don't live in one of those, and this cunt-ry, well... ♻️♻️♻️
But maybe let's go for ludi saeculares bc the vibe is def bread and circuses and bc appaz it's got something to do with the expulsion of kings? 👀🤞
Orrrr could I pick the classic school summer holiday??? Need that back in grown up life 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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me doctarum hederae praemia frontium
dis miscent superis, me gelidum nemus
Nympharumque leves cum Satyris chori
secernunt populo, si neque tibias
Euterpe cohibet nec Polyhymnia
Lesboum refugit tendere barbiton.
quodsi me lyricis vatibus inseres,
sublimi feriam sidera vertice.
To me the artist's meed, the ivy wreath
Is very heaven: me the sweet cool of woods,
Where Satyrs frolic with the Nymphs, secludes
From rabble rout, so but Euterpe's breath
Fail not the flute, nor Polyhymnia fly
Averse from stringing new the Lesbian lyre.
O, write my name among that minstrel choir,
And my proud head shall strike upon the sky!
Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. John Conington. trans. London. George Bell and Sons. 1882.
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darning-alder · 2 years
"...although the musical element was lacking: music was an important element in Greek education, as it was not at Rome; most educated Greeks had some musical competence, whereas upper-class Romans tended to look down on musicians. As far as we know, Horace's Centennial Hymn (Carmen Saeculare) was the only Latin poem which was intended to be sung. And the emperor Nero, for example, who liked to sing and play the lyre in public, was generally vilified, not because he was bad at it but because he did it at all."
-My latin textbook
I think it might have also had something to do with the things he burned down but I could be wrong
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chattering-magpie-uk · 3 months
Horace - To Diana (Ode XXII)
Guardian of hill and woodland, Maid,Who to young wives in childbirth’s hourThrice call’d, vouchsafest sovereign aid,O three-form’d power! * This pine that shades my cot be thine;Here will I slay, as years come round,A youngling boar, whose tusks designThe side-long wound. * From the Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. John Conington. trans. London. George Bell and Sons. 1882.
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jamieroxxartist · 4 months
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Today, May 26 our Fun Friends in #AncientRome would have been throwing down with #LudiSaeculares!
*was a Roman religious celebration involving sacrifices and theatrical performances, held in ancient Rome for three days and nights to mark the end of a saeculum and the beginning of the next.
( https://classicalstudies.org/annual-meeting/150/abstract/ad-futuram-memoriam-augustan-ludi-saeculares )
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
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Denarius of Septimius Severus, minted in 204 CE to celebrate his holding of the Ludi Saeculares (Secular Games). Held (theoretically) every 110 years, the Ludi Saeculares were intended to commemorate and re-establish Rome's relationship with the deities who safeguarded its prosperity and power. On the obverse, the laureate head of Septimius. On the reverse, the inscription DI PATRII (Ancestral Gods) surrounding images of Bacchus and Hercules. Bacchus holds a wine-cup and his characteristic thyrsus and has a panther at his feet, while Hercules holds his club and lionskin. Photo credit: Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. http://www.cngcoins.com
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 4.27 (before 1970)
247 – Philip the Arab marks the millennium of Rome with a celebration of the ludi saeculares. 395 – Emperor Arcadius marries Aelia Eudoxia, daughter of the Frankish general Flavius Bauto. She becomes one of the more powerful Roman empresses of Late Antiquity. 711 – Islamic conquest of Hispania: Moorish troops led by Tariq ibn Ziyad land at Gibraltar to begin their invasion of the Iberian Peninsula (Al-Andalus). 1296 – First War of Scottish Independence: John Balliol's Scottish army is defeated by an English army commanded by John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey at the Battle of Dunbar. 1509 – Pope Julius II places the Italian state of Venice under interdict. 1521 – Battle of Mactan: Explorer Ferdinand Magellan is killed by natives in the Philippines led by chief Lapulapu. 1539 – Official founding of the city of Bogotá, New Granada (nowadays Colombia), by Nikolaus Federmann and Sebastián de Belalcázar. 1565 – Cebu is established becoming the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines. 1595 – The relics of Saint Sava are incinerated in Belgrade on the Vračar plateau by Ottoman Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha; the site of the incineration is now the location of the Church of Saint Sava, one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world 1650 – The Battle of Carbisdale: A Royalist army from Orkney invades mainland Scotland but is defeated by a Covenanter army. 1667 – Blind and impoverished, John Milton sells Paradise Lost to a printer for £10, so that it could be entered into the Stationers' Register. 1805 – First Barbary War: United States Marines and Berbers attack the Tripolitan city of Derna (The "shores of Tripoli" part of the Marines' Hymn). 1813 – War of 1812: American troops capture York, the capital of Upper Canada, in the Battle of York. 1861 – American President Abraham Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus. 1906 – The State Duma of the Russian Empire meets for the first time. 1909 – Sultan of Ottoman Empire Abdul Hamid II is overthrown, and is succeeded by his brother, Mehmed V. 1911 – The Second Canton Uprising took place in Guangzhou, Qing China but was suppressed. 1927 – Carabineros de Chile (Chilean national police force and gendarmerie) are created. 1936 – The United Auto Workers (UAW) gains autonomy from the American Federation of Labor. 1941 – World War II: German troops enter Athens. 1945 – World War II: The last German formations withdraw from Finland to Norway. The Lapland War and thus, World War II in Finland, comes to an end and the Raising the Flag on the Three-Country Cairn photograph is taken. 1945 – World War II: Benito Mussolini is arrested by Italian partisans in Dongo, while attempting escape disguised as a German soldier. 1953 – Operation Moolah offers $50,000 to any pilot who defects with a fully mission-capable Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 to South Korea. The first pilot was to receive $100,000. 1967 – Expo 67 officially opens in Montreal, Quebec, Canada with a large opening ceremony broadcast around the world. It opens to the public the next day.
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tacticalvalor · 5 months
«────── « HEADCANON » ──────»
Watched Monica (2022) today, which like... You should absolutely watch it. It's a wonderful transfem narrative that isn't about coming out or being subject to violent, brutal transphobia to "show the audience how bad things can be". It's artsy (in the sense the film is, at least on Hulu, in a 1:1 aspect ratio and has a lot of quieter shots). It's comforting. It has a happy fucking ending. But anyway-
Since Trace Lysette is Luna's fc, and a big inspiration to my trans!Luna canon truth, I wrote out some headcanons for everyone's favorite neighborhood watch leader. Most are focused on her gender, bc I know I've posted a little more about her job before-
She moved in with Sarah after obtaining her degree, both because Sarah lived closer to the city and because her family wouldn't take her back, as she'd used her independence to transition socially and medically.
Sarah is one of few family members who didn't outcast/disown her when she'd come out prior to leaving for university. While not able to provide much support, Sarah did give Luna a decent amount of her old clothing she'd been saving to donate prior to her leaving.
She's estranged from her family, but it's hard to keep contact to a minimum when her work with the District Attorney often means working in conjunction with them. Of course, she remains professional and treats them as she would any other officers/legal personnel she works with. That respect is hardly returned, but she bites her tongue as it would put her job further at risk (given raising flags about the BBK investigation and starting her own community watch has put her on the radar).
She doesn't smoke anymore, but she used to while in uni. It was a combination of peer influence, stress management, and so on. She kicked the habit after a few months, when she'd begun to feel sickly.
Luna's chosen name is a product of her fixation on classic literature, which she's always had from a young age. For her 16th birthday, a family member had found a collection of works by the Roman poet Horace, which Luna has read front-to-back more times than she could count. Her favorite story is that of Carmen saeculare, or "Song of the Ages", which was a dedication to Apollo (God of the Sun) and Diana (Goddess of the Moon). While digging into the imagery Horace used to invoke Diana (the "two-horned queen of the stars"), she was interested in how Luna as an entity often came to represent both Diana and Juno (or, in some literatures, Diana with either Proserpina or Hecate) as more of an epithet. This resonated with her, and thus Luna became her name.
Likewise, Luna chose to keep her legal surname despite distancing herself from her family. She briefly considered completely changing her name, distancing herself entirely, but she realized that it was still her name. Her legacy. And it would be a nice way of rubbing salt in the wound to remind the rest of her family that they couldn't get rid of her completely.
Luna would love to be a mom someday. She's kind of put that on the back burner because of her… run-ins with Adam's crew and the BBK, but when things settle down? When she feels truly safe? She would absolutely look into adoption options.
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autodaemonium · 2 years
Pronounced: uhwuhrluhlvaytvuhntuhidthka.
Pantheon of: positivity, destructiveness, age, ease, unsuitability, psychic energy, abstraction.
Pronounced: bouttdmarluhnnaiiduasum Ease: effortlessness. Destructiveness: poison. Age: chronological age. Unsuitability: unfitness. Abstraction: set. Psychic Energy: incitement. Positivity: assertiveness. Legends: contretemps, backing, fabrication, spray painting. Prophecies: protest march, curatorship. Relations: dʒərtzʌrʌtnknstʊlmztt (myrrh), æɪwplrimnəsiəʌskʃədu (calf), dswvnɑtpdiztonʒtɪgtv (chlorobenzene).
Pronounced: dswvnahtpdiztonztigtv Ease: effortlessness. Destructiveness: harmfulness. Age: developmental age. Unsuitability: inconvenience. Abstraction: communication. Psychic Energy: libidinal energy. Positivity: assertiveness. Legends: trench warfare, reburying. Relations: ləɪɒiaɪtkdnɪɪderfətæs (sazerac).
Pronounced: juhrtzurutnknstoolmztt Ease: effortlessness. Destructiveness: harmfulness. Age: developmental age. Unsuitability: unfitness. Abstraction: set. Psychic Energy: libidinal energy. Positivity: assertiveness. Legends: red herring, group action, routemarch. Prophecies: impingement, colostomy, kill. Relations: oyɪəelmtrəipɒndʒnprðd (discount rate).
Pronounced: luhiouiaitkdniiderfuhtas Ease: effortlessness. Destructiveness: poison. Age: oldness. Unsuitability: inconvenience. Abstraction: attribute. Psychic Energy: incitement. Positivity: assertiveness. Legends: lineman, set, vengeance. Prophecies: jingle, electrosurgery, chemical terrorism. Relations: rfwərmsɑlfəkstʃzðuvr (cocoa), dʒərtzʌrʌtnknstʊlmztt (whey).
Pronounced: oyiuhelmtruhipounjnprthd Ease: effortlessness. Destructiveness: poison. Age: developmental age. Unsuitability: unfitness. Abstraction: set. Psychic Energy: incitement. Positivity: assertiveness. Legends: counselorship, legislatorship. Prophecies: cholecystectomy, indirect fire, el nino, position, ludi saeculares. Relations: ləɪɒiaɪtkdnɪɪderfətæs (tax base), dswvnɑtpdiztonʒtɪgtv (quick time), rfwərmsɑlfəkstʃzðuvr (camomile tea), dʒərtzʌrʌtnknstʊlmztt (tristearin).
Pronounced: rfwuhrmsahlfuhkstshzthuvr Ease: effortlessness. Destructiveness: harmfulness. Age: developmental age. Unsuitability: inappropriateness. Abstraction: group. Psychic Energy: libidinal energy. Positivity: assertiveness. Legends: kick in the butt, foray, verbalization. Prophecies: barrage, pitch, judgment in personam, bronco busting. Relations: æɪwplrimnəsiəʌskʃədu (drying oil), dʒərtzʌrʌtnknstʊlmztt (debt limit), dswvnɑtpdiztonʒtɪgtv (animal glue), bɒttdmærlənnaɪɪduæsʌm (copal).
Pronounced: aiwplrimnuhsiuhuskshuhdu Ease: effortlessness. Destructiveness: poison. Age: newness. Unsuitability: inconvenience. Abstraction: measure. Psychic Energy: incitement. Positivity: assertiveness. Legends: haircut, database management, valvotomy, first-place finish, damage control. Prophecies: discontinuance, gun control. Relations: dswvnɑtpdiztonʒtɪgtv (sebum), dʒərtzʌrʌtnknstʊlmztt (fluorescein isothiocyanate), rfwərmsɑlfəkstʃzðuvr (epoxy).
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rudyroth79 · 2 years
Știri: Concert extraordinar în deschiderea Stagiunii artistice 2022–2023 (12 octombrie 2022, Piatra Neamț)
Știri: Concert extraordinar în deschiderea Stagiunii artistice 2022–2023 (12 octombrie 2022, Piatra Neamț)
Centrul pentru Cultură și Arte „Carmen Saeculare” Neamț, în parteneriat cu Academia Națională de Muzică „Gheorghe Dima” Cluj-Napoca, Extensia Piatra-Neamț, invită publicul meloman în Sala „Calistrat Hogaș” a Consiliului Județean Neamț, miercuri, 12 octombrie 2022, ora 18.00, la deschiderea Stagiunii artistice 2022–2023. Concertul extraordinar programat pentru acest eveniment îi va avea…
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catilinas · 2 years
girl help i think i need to read horace
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