#safaris sky land
mpregstory · 2 months
Lukas and Daniel had been looking forward to their vacation in Egypt for a long time. After months of hard work and hectic city life, they longed for peace and adventure at the same time. When they landed in Cairo, the air was warm and spicy, filled with the smells of the street markets and the distant sound of Arabic music.
Lukas, the pregnant man, had become accustomed to the curious glances over the past few months. His belly was round and firm, and he often stroked it as if to comfort the unborn child. Daniel, his boyfriend, was always by his side and supported him lovingly.
Their first stop was the Egyptian Museum, where they marveled at the treasures of the pharaohs. Lukas felt a special connection to the ancient statues and reliefs, which often depicted fertile goddesses. "It's amazing how old these cultures are and how much they worshipped fertility," he said thoughtfully to Daniel as they stood in front of a statue of the goddess Isis.
The next day they decided to go on a desert safari. They rented a jeep and drove out into the endless sand dunes that glittered under the sun. Daniel had planned everything carefully and made sure they had enough water and provisions. Lukas, although a little exhausted from the heat, enjoyed the vastness of the desert and the silence that was only interrupted by the wind.
When they stopped at an oasis, Lukas sat down under a date palm and put his hands on his belly. "The little one is kicking," he said to Daniel with a smile. "He seems to like the warmth." Daniel knelt down next to him and also put his hand on Lukas' belly. "Maybe one day he will hear this story and be proud that he was in Egypt before he was born," he said with a loving look.
In the following days, they visited the Pyramids of Giza and took a cruise on the Nile. During the boat ride, they enjoyed the gentle breeze and the passing scenery. One evening, as the sun was setting over the Nile and the sky was bathed in a deep orange, Lukas felt a strong movement in his stomach. "It feels like it's dancing," he laughed. Daniel held him close and whispered, "We're going to be a wonderful family."
Their trip ended in Alexandria, where they visited the ancient library and strolled through the city's busy streets. The street markets were packed with people, and the sounds of vendors touting their wares filled the air. Suddenly, Lukas stopped and clutched his stomach. His face twisted in pain. "Daniel... I think it's starting," he groaned.
Passersby looked on, curious and worried, as Daniel frantically called for help. A kind woman in a colorful dress came over and led them to a nearby cafe, where they sat Lukas on a bench. "Breathe deeply, honey," Daniel said, holding Lukas' hand. The woman called an ambulance, but the contractions became more intense and regular.
Amid the hustle and bustle of the street, surrounded by curious and helpful strangers, the dramatic birth began. Lukas' screams mixed with the sounds of the market. Daniel remained calm and tried to calm Lukas, even though he himself was shaking with fear. Finally, after what seemed like endless minutes, the cry of a newborn was heard.
The crowd erupted in cheers when they saw the baby. The ambulance finally arrived, and the paramedics helped to care for Lukas and the baby. Daniel held the small, screaming bundle in his arms, tears of relief and joy streaming down his cheeks. "We did it," he whispered to Lukas, who was smiling exhausted but happy.
The journey that began as an adventure ended in an unforgettable event that Luke and Daniel would remember forever. They returned home not only with memories of the majestic monuments and enchanting culture of Egypt, but also with the birth of their child - a new chapter in their life together.
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The curse of bigness is by no means limited to Google. The other tech giants have each attained gigantic market shares in their respective territories. Even where there is a duopoly — say, the Google/Apple mobile duopoly, or the Google/Meta ad duopoly — growth is more likely to come through enshittification than competition.
Google and Meta don’t want to compete on their respective share of the ad-market, because each one is strong enough to seriously challenge the other. Instead, they illegally colluded to rig the ad market in order to steal from advertisers and publishers, who are soft targets.
Likewise Google/Apple’s mobile duopoly is more cozy than competitive. Google pays Apple $15–20 billion, every single year, to be the default search in Safari and iOS. If Google and Apple were competing over mobile, you’d expect that one of them would drop the sky-high 30 percent rake they charge on in-app payments, but that would mess up their mutual good thing. Instead, these “competitors” charge exactly the same price for a service with minimal operating costs.
But it’s not just tech that faces the curse of bigness: your bank, your insurer, your beer company, the companies that make your eyeglasses and your athletic shoes — they’ve all run out of lands to conquer, but instead of weeping, they’re taking it out on you, with worse products that cost more.
- Microincentives and Enshittification: How the Curse of Bigness wrecked Google Search
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[Starship Icarus] III
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Part 1, Part 2
Summary: Dino safaris and appliance shenanigans, Mills’ mental and emotional deterioration and eventual decision, i.e., it gets juicy
CW:  lewd actions,  hints of suicidal ideation, angst, dark humor
Mills roved around the Icarus in search of more than just cracks and escape routes that time. He soon discovered a plethora of entertainment options available to the passengers and he sampled everything that seemed even remotely inviting. The charms of one-man basketball, one-man/one-holo dance offs, one-man dinosaur safaris. That one looked like fun.
As he stood decked out in his equipment, the simulation blinked to life. A primordial jungle sprawled out in front of him, lovely, dark and deep. It was full of rustlings, caws, murmurs, growls. Unfamiliar fauna and uncanny flora rose above and buzzed around him. As he explored, day turned into night and sunshine turned to pelting rain. Mills waded through the mud, growing more and more disappointed with the fact that the safari was really just a nature walk so far. Nothing very exciting seemed to be in the cards.
He stopped dead as his eyes landed on a large three-pronged imprint in the soupy mud. His blood warmed and he tracked similar prints deeper into the swallowing darkness. This went against all sage counsel, but what did he really have to lose? Suddenly, all the twitterings and fracas of the jungle went quiet. Out of the mist and rain, the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex strode out. Its powerful legs took great distances in single strides, its arms folded into an oily reptilian chest. Those delicate arms could pick a man up in its talons and examine him like a broken toy before snapping him to pieces. Mills could comfortably fit into that enormous head, now rising effortlessly towards the sky. That skull was probably roomier than his fucking bathroom, he thought, silently raising his laser rifle. The monstrous thing scented him, he realized, a split second before the snake neck snapped the head in his direction. In a bowel-loosening moment, the two apex predators locked eyes and Mills saw nothing in those evil beady marbles but hunger. With shocking speed, the creature ran at him, crushing bushes and smaller trees under untold tons of bone and muscle in its legs. Running on pure instinct, Mills took off.
Had he thought about anything, he wouldn’t have been able to dart away so quickly. His heart hammered wildly and the world blurred in the periphery as he flew away from danger. The strangest thing was, it felt so easy; like a dream. Mills ran so fast he didn’t feel the ground beneath his feet, so fast he felt the slap of air and slash of rain on his face. When the ground dropped out from under him and he fell inside a stony, jagged cave, he felt no pain.
Up on the surface, the commotion caught the attention of other reptilian hunters and he heard shrieks and thuds as the gathering throng salivated for him, frothing themselves into a frenzy. He wandered around the underground warrens, wondering if he was about to come face to face with some abominable ancient version of a mole, with chompers the size of elevator doors.
While he fumbled and waded in the unfamiliar terrain and near total darkness of the cave, clumsy and sinking under the weight of his equipment, he pondered how unfairly easy it all was for his hunters. He tripped over unknown, unforgiving terrain while his pursuers moved with a grace and dexterity that should not make sense for their gargantuan size. Mills felt one Velociraptor scrape and send vibrations around the cave as it pushed through a narrow slit in the rocks. He backed away, rifle trained in the direction he knew the monster would emerge. Unbeknownst to him, several dinosaurs surrounded him. One baited him with sound while the others crept silently towards the holes and fissures he used to crawl and move, cutting off escape routes. He loaded up several shots and the rifle emitted a tinny sound, rising in pitch as ammunition became available. The monster lunged towards the noise and Mills shot at it without hesitation. A craggy, leathery arm blew off its body and ruined flesh and bone sprayed over the rocky walls. The Velociraptor retreated, but from an unseen sideways crack behind him, another one stuck its hideous head inside, so huge it plugged the entire orifice, snapping its powerful jaw at him. Mills made for the only other available exit, but as he darted out, one piston-like leg struck him in the back, making the rifle fly out of his hands as he slipped off the path and slid into a ravine. As he grasped for anything to stop or at least slow his plunge, a crack of lightning illuminated the tableau before him. He was hurtling right towards snapping jaws and claws, clacking for him eagerly at the bottom. His hand reflexively closed around a sickly root sticking out of the terrain, soaked and slippery from the rain, but still brittle to the touch. With his other hand, he palpated almost blindly, looking for any concavity in the rock face to gain some purchase. The gnarled root crumbled away in his hand and he felt his heavy body drop a few inches. The ghastly sensation of weightlessness froze him and he began to mutter a thanks to whoever may be listening that it didn’t snap all the way. Before he could breathe with relief, claws dug into his ankles and he was yanked back, mind going blank with mortal panic. He shot up into a sitting position as the simulation abruptly cut out.
With his newfound breaking and entering skills - except to the places that would have been truly useful - Mills adopted the panem et circenses approach to pissing away his life. He broke his way into a gold-class suite and had his first non-hunched shower in approximately six months. When he grew tired of one, he helped himself to other fancy, gold-class suites, sampling the designs other people chose for themselves. He roomed in a minimalist cabin with Japanese cherry tree blossoms outside the artificial window for a while. Then a rustic cabin with rolling hills and verdant trees projected outside. He didn’t stay long in a red-light bathed, S&M dungeon with peepshow windows on the outside. The bed in that one was murder on his back.
Mills frequented Blade Runner-type restaurants, with Chinese dragons dancing as he supped, or a Mariachi band wishing him a happy birthday when he lied to the android waiter just to see what would happen. The 3D immersive porn selection was decent and he was generally growing so bored that he would actually pick the options with plot and not skip through anything, dick often untouched for the whole duration of the offering. That got him into a cinematic mood and he would while away his time at the ship’s cinema. Since he was obviously by himself, his booted feet rested on the seat in front of him and he could shamelessly pick out popcorn hulls out from between his teeth or toss candy and snacks on the floor for the little roomba robots to clean up during the boring scenes.
He knew that he had maxed out whatever mindless, numbing peace that drowning in pleasure can bring when he found himself settling in one cabin and abandoning the activities he had taken up. The dino safari was the last refuge he had as it could trick him into thinking he was genuinely about to die and the prospect was dangerously appealing. Besides, he wanted to complete a successful run and he had so far failed.
He had never imagined he would find himself pissing on the floor in outer space. But hey, when there are no consequences and he had already exhausted every idea he could think of how to amuse himself, that would have to do.
After the little buggers cleaned his shameful leavings, without protestation or embarrassment, Mills was the one to feel shamed. He then decided once was enough of this kind of preposterous behavior. It was a disturbing thought that had they beeped and blorped like some flustered R2D2, he most definitely would have done it again, just for the sadistic comfort of seeing another creature in the same distress as he was constantly in.
Those same robots would eventually have the last laugh anyway. One day, they will sweep away his rotting, stinking carcass when he dies like a dog. The other passengers won’t even notice at first that someone seems to be missing. When someone eventually does, they’ll huff and scratch their heads. What went wrong? Pondering his fate will instantly be cast aside in favor of examining the ship’s malfunction. Well, if he only knew to press the AZ-5 button or some simple shit like that, he could have gone gentle into that good night of his pod. Welp… no point in mulling over too much, time to start this adventure of a lifetime. And that will be that.
He cried into his pillow that night – whatever time of day meant anyway in this godforsaken stretch of eternity. When the first wave of crushing hopelessness ebbed, he cast a weary look over his shoulder, still paranoid that someone would see him and laugh at this display of weakness. Then he cried louder, inviting god if he was out there to send someone, to see him at his most piteous, and save him.
Mills awoke one day, many months into his purgatory, and felt no control of his body. He balled up a fist and felt how weak he’d grown. His body didn’t feel his own. The eerie dissociation made him break out in a cold sweat. He was sure this was what the beginnings of a dying mind felt like.
Mills avoided mirrors. His own solitary reflection staring back at him had become odious. Now he decided to face it again, half-fearing that he would find a stranger looking back. Though he didn’t feel prepared to, he stepped into the cramped shower of his original cabin again and looked.
After so much time wallowing and getting lost, his hair had grown long, spilling onto his chest and down between his shoulder blades. He ran his fingers down his sparse beard, now forming a goat-like point under his chin. Mills deemed he looked like some haunted Rasputin figure. It was fitting, somehow.
With at least some relief at having faced himself and recognized the man looking back as someone who wasn’t a stranger, he went out to play his improvised version of fetch, where he tossed whatever junk he could get his hands on in different directions and then watch the little roombas scramble to clean it up. Come to think of it, it was more akin to racing, seeing as they never brought anything back. He retrieved some gaudy glass unicorn from someone’s cabin and lobbed it into a room, trying to get it in before the door closed. It shattered and went flying in every direction, causing a satisfying commotion among the small floor crawlers. Some pieces seemed to be out of reach of their sensors and Mills lazily strode around, realizing the head piece had broken off and slid inside a pod room. He followed the shard and bent over to pick it up.
In his crouch, he came face to face with a female passenger and made the fatal mistake of looking.
She hung suspended in her serene slumber, blissfully unaware of this broken space-Rasputin feasting his greedy, starved eyes on her.
Mills was not sure how long he stayed there. He knelt and brought his nose close to the glass separating them, gazing at the woman like a kid pressing their nose to a window display of mouth-watering confections. What brought him out of his reverie was the feeling of his hands touching glass. They were trying to somehow reach inside, of their own accord. Mills jerked back, as if burnt, and shot upright, knees creaking from the sudden change of position they held so long on the floor next to her. He hadn’t meant to. Hadn’t meant to do any of it; not look, not yearn, and certainly not reach out. Somewhere, behind that delicious spot deep in his gut that warmed up and melted when he was aroused, he felt a phantom tug. In a deep place, further inside him than he’d felt before, he felt a pull to come closer again. Worse than that, it was another awareness inside his body, informing him it would not stop until it had her.
Open it, it demanded. It was soft, but a demand nonetheless. You can’t lie to me. You’ll open it, like Snow White’s glass coffin, and pull her into your arms. You’ll kiss her. You’ll do a lot more.
He was losing feeling in his body again. The control over his faculties slipped away as easily as exhaled breath.
Before he did something he knew was not right, he backed away and ran out of the room. He kept running, until he put as much distance as he could between himself and this new temptation.
All his good intentions and best laid plans notwithstanding, Mills found himself in one of the offices, watching her interviews and tests. He tossed and turned, like he was a fakir in training, trying to sleep on a bed of nails. With stinging eyes and a heart that beat as fast as a hummingbird’s for hours, Mills finally relented. It was either go look her up or suffer cardiac arrest.
Her image, animate and dazzling, blinked to life in front of him. He felt like a criminal, as though someone would read the secret yearnings inside him and come toss him in some ghastly medieval cell. She spoke then and the sound of her voice made his chest squeeze painfully.
“I am part of the overseeing body, sent to make sure Homestead and this mission are compliant with all the protocols laid out by the governing bodies who authorized the voyage.”
A defiant gleam sparked in her eyes. She was challenging the interviewer to prod for more. She would tell it all. Mills couldn’t look away.
“The agency is an independent body, not beholden to interests of billionaires, lobbyists or conglomerates. At the same time, the Agency is not against exploration, colonization or any other alternative to life on Earth. However, even in the brief amount of time that’s elapsed since the inception of programs like Homestead, there have been flagrant abuses of power, funds, and rampant misinformation. Allegedly,” she remembered to add and smirked. He smirked back.
“In the case of this exploratory mission to Homestead II, doubts have been raised as to its viability. The trip is long, the conditions on the planet are speculative, and the duration of stay is subject to change. I don’t believe I need to explain how ripe these conditions are for all sorts of nefarious activities. Homestead has been accused of fraud in the past, presenting a more favorable and, at times, egregiously false view of how colonization of Homestead was going. The matter is still being litigated as of the time of this recording, so I cannot comment on it further. However, for the safety and feasibility of all future missions, it is the Agency’s view that the inclusion of independent overseeing bodies is of paramount importance. Homestead currently, for all intents and purposes, has a monopoly on space travel for the purposes of colonization and exploration of habitable planets. Historically, monopolies have proven to be…” she cocked her head shrewdly and exposed her teeth in a restrained, but condescending smile, “problematic. To everyone but the direct beneficiaries, that is.”  
The first three times he rewound the video and watched it from the start, he wasn’t even breathing. Around the fifth time, he felt his body become blissfully relaxed and his heart rate settle. It kicked up again when she smiled to herself and looked down to hide it. He watched for the smiles greedily, melting when they appeared.
“Yer quiet tonight,” Clyde noted after Mills sat in his stool for a long time, gazing into the middle distance. His head was too full to speak. Had his heart been less full, he could have talked about it more.
He wondered if he should say anything. “You’ll think I’m crazy,” he started, with every intention to spill his guts. But he faltered, tongue tying into knot after knot as her face entered into his head.
“I’m not programmed t’judge,” Clyde reminded softly and went right on buffing that damn glass he always had in his hand.
“I’ve been, uh…making appointments. Of a sort,” Mills felt his heart drum in his head. His face suddenly grew so hot he was seeing red. “With…this girl,” he finished and thought he would slump from exhaustion to admitting to his dirty, filthy secret.
“Girl?” Clyde frowned, as though the concept were foreign to him.
Mills understood and kept on confessing. “A sleeping girl.”
Clyde buffed his glass in silence for a few torturous moments, processing. “Another passenger,” he nodded to himself when he figured out Mills’ euphemism.
Mills watched his face, awaiting some judgment.
“How did this come about?” Clyde prompted, unfazed by the discovery.
Once he started talking, he couldn’t stop. Mills told him about how he found her and how he almost lost his mind from it. About the videos of her he’d been watching incessantly. How similar they were. And, in low, confidential tones, about how much he liked her. It was a ludicrous way to feel, and the most embarrassing thing he’d ever admitted to. She was sharp. Wickedly funny. Had a good head on her shoulders. Mills took a long pause. Worse than the humiliation of his obsessive infatuation with a woman he hadn’t ever actually met was how he felt about the prospect of never knowing her.
“And I’ll never get to meet her,” he gave Clyde a heavy, forlorn smile, leaving his last drink untouched.
Weeks went on and Mills seemed to take pacing a groove in front of the pod room as a personal challenge set to him. He didn’t trust himself to re-enter the room and see her again. But he couldn’t pull himself away from her videos. He reasoned he was allowed this small mercy and a salve for his wounds.
Clyde talked him out of it. Mills expressly asked to be told, in the most direct and unkind terms, what a monstrous, unconscionable thought it was that the other presence in him brought up day and night. The bitter, solemn words served to keep him away for the night.
For something to do, he opted to get drunk. Shitfaced, to be more precise. After all, in beer there is freedom, in wine there is health, in cognac there is power, and in water there is bacteria.
In his abominable state, he wandered around, tripping over his feet and bumping into walls that rudely bent towards him and kept pushing to walk past him. Without intending to, he staggered into the space walk prep room. The walk was a pleasure he had decided to stave off until some very special time. Now that his mind and moral compass had started to noticeably disintegrate, he figured he might as well give it a whirl while he still had a faculty or two remaining.
“These spacesuits are designed to withstand the harsh environments of space. The carbon fiber and polyamide construction means your suit is more flexible and durable.”
Mills wasn’t listening. Being an engineer, he knew damn well what the fucking suits were made out of. He was more mesmerized by the approximation of the human form, albeit decapitated, that stood before him. He lifted the arm of the suit and examined the large gloves. They bent at the wrist and ended in five thick digits. He rested a hand on the chest, where the heart would be. What he would not have given for a conversation, a real one, with a real person.
“Remember, your spacesuit is your lifeline,” the voice told him as the suit gradually revolved and shuddered to life.
“Slide the handle on the right to release the air pressure,” the voice prompted. He had donned the suit and, thankfully, it did most of the work of setting up and securing itself on its own. His drunken hands were fat and clumsy and he never would have gotten anywhere with it.
He slid the handle and the ground yanked him down. “Your magnetic boots are now engaged.” For a moment, the magnets gave him the false sense of steady feet. When he moved to walk, he felt like a whole house was resting on top of him and he struggled to take even the smallest step. “They can be deactivated using the control panel on your arm.” Mills considered it, but his machismo had always run on alcohol. Now, it was fed to great heights and it refused to let him be reasonable. “Press the red button to open the airlock door.”
A mist-like current rushed around him as the endless outside sucked itself into the tunnel. It caused an uncanny feeling his body was unsuited to. He could not readily describe it, but it was there. “Have a wonderful time,” the voice said, soothing and encouraging.
Right at the end of the tunnel, as Mills teetered on the lips of its mouth, a tether attached itself to the back of his suit.
He walked out on steady boots and wobbly feet, narrowing his eyes as if in challenge to the cosmos to go ahead and strike him with awe. His vision was blurred with drink, and every sensation was processed with a delay. His ears felt full of cotton, rustling a perpetual hum. Blackness gaped ahead, behind, around, inside. It yawned with unrestrained avarice and consumed more than Mills could hope to behold.
The sight should have been beautiful. Taken his breath away. That’s what Homestead expected. All it did was make him think of the great nothingness. Not only the great nothingness that sprawled before him, but the other kind, the one that tempted him. Walked in his tracks, one step behind, hiding in his shadow. Calling out to him to end it while it was still on his terms. Whispered how easy it would be. Caressed his hands into doing it.
Remember, your spacesuit is your lifeline, the ghostly voice of the holo repeated in his head. Then his hands were on his helmet. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as his fingers crawled like hideous millipedes along the seam that shut the vacuum of space out. They were trying to unscrew his helmet, now listening to the other voice, the one behind. It had stepped out from the shadows into his body and there was no room for Mills to command anything. With a sinking feeling in his gut, he heard a hiss in his ear and some distressing sounds and warnings, as the suit worked to override the commands the hands were giving. He had thought he was only beginning to unravel. Now he knew he was almost done.
The icy feeling of dread sobered him for long enough to wrest control from that other presence and assert his will. His body turned around and sprang back towards the ship. It was like swimming in pudding. His progress was agonizingly slow and panic only made it creep by slower. Mills kept his hands busy by reeling himself back in. He tugged on the tether as hard as he could and received only the miniscule movements of a dull space ballet in return.
When he finally reached the door and hurled himself inside, he ran like the devil was snapping at his heels.
“We hope you decide to join us again for another thrilling experience,” the voice invited as he ran off, leaving discarded pieces of his suit in his wake.
Strength finally abandoned him. Mills collapsed in a corner. His body shook like an unstable compound, liable to burst and disintegrate into barely more than smoke any moment now. He shut his eyes against the crushing feeling of helplessness. This was not him and he did not know how to deal with this new self. He really would either crumble to pieces, or lose focus just long enough to do away with himself, whether he wanted to or not.
Gradually, the fog cleared and he opened his eyes. He was snatching for glimmers of clarity like trying to pluck soap bubbles out of the air. He tested his legs and found that he could stand up. His feet took him back to the office space.
Mills watched her some more, seeking comfort in that face and voice, both of which had become so familiar to him over time. Right now, she felt like a truer part of him than his own volatile, uncooperative consciousness. To his surprise, he unearthed a whole cache of other videos he hadn’t seen previously. With naked eagerness, he played them and sat on the edge of the seat, face just inches from the holo screen where his sleeping girl spoke.
These interviews were more intimate. She was no longer in what looked to be Homestead’s offices. He was immensely grateful she had opted to do her diaries, goodbyes, profiles and all the rest in video form. She was in her home, legs tucked beside her on the couch and a cushion hugging her along her side. It revealed more of her figure in a highly pleasing way and he felt his mouth salivate at the sight. Here, she was kinder. The professional mask that at times bordered on delightfully insolent had fallen away. She was more vulnerable and talked about some of the things he too had touched upon in the letters he left behind.
“I initially wanted to be a writer,” she said, averting her eyes. It looked like the admission embarrassed her somewhat. “Nothing prevented me from it, really. Except for the fact that it’s difficult, I suppose. When it came right down to it, I simply didn’t have anything to say that I intrinsically felt passionate enough about,” her eyes unfocused and her face took an ethereal beauty that sometimes comes with this sort of display of sheer vulnerability and pain. “Others had already expressed any thought that I began to have much better. Often hundreds of years before me,” she smiled crookedly and pushed away the specter of her abandoned dreams. “You know what they say – if you want to make god laugh, tell him about your plans. I can’t complain either. In my attempts, I found it was second nature to me to make other people’s stories compelling. I could always easily empathize with others and I hate injustice, so that coalesced into protecting the interests of the proverbial little guy. Eventually, I started working for the Agency and I…” she couldn’t quite say she was happy about it. Few people ever had the luxury of being happy about where they worked. “It’s a good fit. It makes sense. And it led to this opportunity,” she gave a smile that bled into sadness at the edges. It was only second best to her, Mills read between the lines. Like it was to him.
Mills had wanted to be part of a crew back on the Homestead I project. He was much younger then. Idealistic, naïve, people said. Dumb, is what they should have said. After a reshuffling of management came an offer of a merger with Homestead. That was declined and not long after, the company where he trained and worked his whole career was out of the space race in favor of Homestead. Changes to the crew roster saw him get the short end of the stick. It was a hard blow, but he set his sights on the future. He still had time to retrain before any other major mission was launched. If he wasn’t eligible to be part of the crew again, then he could try to get on with the other passengers. Tickets were, of course, absurdly and extortionately expensive. The kind of expensive that you could not pay for even if you spent the 250 years it took to get to and fro in indentured servitude. And he did not have 250 years to raise funds. But then came what he decided to consider a stroke of luck. People in useful professions, like chemists, engineers, builders, farmers, etc., could earn themselves a pod aboard the Icarus by proffering their services to the mission. Mills’ skills as an engineer were not the best, but the rest of his portfolio and the variety in his background – all useful and impressive skills – helped secure him a spot. It seemed like his sleeping girl had made a similar arrangement.
“I am really going along with the rest of the useful people,” she said the euphemism with her usual bite. He shared her distaste for bullshit and smiled, “to render an exact, impartial detailing of how exploration is going and how successful any future colonization might be. Essentially, I exchanged my life, and all the people in it that I’ve known and loved, who will all be long gone before I’m back with my little report in my hands. Of course, if you look at the contract, it will say I was given my ticket in exchange for my time commitment and services rendered. I suppose that’s one way of putting it,” she sighed, but her countenance was still brave. Mentioning the great cost she was paying to participate in the mission did not deter her or make her maudlin.
“Why?” she echoed part of the question asked of her. She shrugged and puffed out some air, re-arranging her hair as she did. Mills watched the motion breathlessly, feeling the phantom strands of her hair slip past his fingers. The act made a bowtie knot itself in his throat. “Why not?” she offered in return. “It’s something that’s never been done before. We all have dreams. You know that a majority of Christians believe Christ will return in their lifetime? Studies show that everyone is convinced they are the individual in an ocean of sheeple, with an emotional and intellectual life that far outstrips their peers, who just don’t feel as profoundly or think as good as them,” she emphasized her grammatical mistake and gave a tiny eye roll. “Everyone thinks they’re special and destined for something amazingly out of the ordinary. I can’t claim that, deep down, I’m any different. So…I’m here. I already know Earth, I already know about as much as I’m ever going to learn about it and life on it. I am trying to embrace something different and disruptive. See the dawn break over a new world.”
Mills finally decided to go back in to see her. Not because he had managed to pull from some heretofore untapped wellspring of strength. He was seeking her out again because he had exhausted what reserves he had and needed a new source to draw from.
She was as immaculate as she was in his memory. This time, though, he could see how the lines of her face would move. How her neck angled elegantly when she swept her hair aside, how the apples of her cheeks rounded with a smile, how her clever eyes rolled and took his heart with them.
“I need to talk to you,” he croaked, voice strained with emotion. “I need you to wake up,” he pleaded, as if she could decide to open her eyes and live for him. “Please, wake up.”
With Clyde, he simply could not stop talking about her. Luckily for him, they did not outfit androids with the ability to get bored and frustrated from hearing the same stories and infatuated proclamations over and over again. He was the perfect audience for Mills.
From watching her videos obsessively and analyzing them like the Zapruder film, Julian knew everything there was to glean about her.
Best of all, he felt his sanity returning. For weeks, he had not suffered the uncanny out-of-body experiences, or the ominous crumble of a mind deteriorating. He was establishing healthier routines and patterns of behavior. When he decided he would be taking his meals with her, watching her talk on a smaller, portable holo pad, he also decided it was unseemly to look like some unwashed miscreant. He cut his own hair and beard in the bathroom sink and rummaged through his closet for his uniform. The ladies always like a man in uniform, he told his reflection as he assessed himself. That was more like it.
He provided running commentary on her videos – some that he had seen in the hundreds of times, others he had only recently uncovered. He gave feedback when she asked rhetorical questions. Told her she was funny when she quipped or scrunched her nose at her own inside jokes. Videos were filmed at various points, so in some she had more, or less, makeup, and in others her hair was longer, or shorter. He decided his favorite was the long hair, no makeup combo. Then he would shake his head at himself and apologize. She was beautiful either way and every way, the fuck was he talking about. He jerked up and a hand flew to clap over his mouth. He muttered an apology, as if he would be upbraided for his language. He had grown too free and careless with Clyde. To him, he could say anything, ask for anything, amble on up wrapped in a blanket - undergarments optional - and, on his worst days, start drinking as soon as his first cigarette of the day was smoked. His gaze fell on the pod and tears welled up, hot and quivering on the precipice of his eyes, when the sleeping girl just went on floating in her mechanical cocoon, serene and unknowing. Mills may as well have been a million light years away. Though her shell was resting right next to him, she was more than 88 years away from him. She would never know a man lived and died by her pod, loving her with the desperation and sincerity of the truly hopeless.
“Clyde, you need to stop me,” Mills marched into the bar and gripped the bartop like a drowning rat in a wreckage. His tone did not make Clyde snap up and give him a concerned look as it should have, but he went on anyway. “Punch me, drug me, anything you can. If you got a shotgun behind that bar, I got a kneecap right here for you.”
Clyde still looked on uncomprehendingly.
“Otherwise I’ll go and open her pod right now,” Mills choked out and his gut twisted, half-disgust, half-excitement.
“M’not allowed t’do that, Mills. Androids ain’t violent.”
“I am hanging by a fucking thread here!”
Clyde thought, sifting through options available to the both of them. “I can getcha drunk, if ya’d like.”
“Tell me not to do it. I need to hear a voice outside my head say it. Tell me it’s immoral, it’s evil.”
“S’immoral, Mills. S’evil t’do that to yer sleepin’ gal.”
For days, Mills did what he could to exhaust himself. A steady schedule of passing out drunk, then boxing or running until he couldn’t move anymore, alternating endlessly.
“Don’t do it, Julian, you dumb prick. She’ll never forgive you. You’ll never forgive you. Just die like a man,” he would tell the Mills in the mirror. That one was faltering; a weak man, needy man that could barely meet his gaze.
“I came in here a man,” he paced in endless circles around the winding corridors of the ship.
“Give me the strength to walk out of here a man,” he jumped rope, sweat wicking off of him, feet thudding a steady, fast rhythm into the soft floor of the gym, forever and then some more.
‘”We’re not talking about the sleepin’ gal anymore,” Mills announced defensively, having adopted Clyde’s moniker for the girl who would, from here on out, not be mentioned again.
“If I bring her up, toss a drink in my face,” he commanded.
Clyde pouted, pondering.
“You can do that, right?”
“I think I can.”
“Good then, it’s settled.”
But it never lasted long.
Mills took a drink to the face three or four times before he discontinued the rule.
“I’m dreaming about her now,” Mills sighed one night after a long silence. A maudlin ballad was playing on the jukebox and it only made him think of his dreams more.
“What do ya dream?”
“That she wakes up. Stretches like a cat after a long sleep and walks out of her glass coffin, happy to be alive. We just do mundane things. Sit around the table. Laugh. She comes to my room…” he trailed off, a bead of titillated sweat licking down the long groove in the middle of his muscled back.
Clyde waited for the end of the sentence. His android brain was not able to connect the dots as to what might occur next.
Mills missed the confidences he could share with other men back on Earth. He would not need to explain any of this to them. Conversely, their conversation lacked some of the depth Clyde’s had. Had he mentioned this to them, he might get a knowing wink, a wiggle of the eyebrows, or a lewd gesture, but he would hardly go on talking and moping.
“Do you know what humans do in bed?” he asked out of curiosity, relieved not to be thinking of her for at least a moment or two.
“I know they sleep,” Clyde offered with the hopefulness of a kid in grade school, spelling cat with a k.
“Right,” Mills smiled crookedly. He had no wish to discuss sex or nocturnal emissions with an android, but his naiveté was just too amusing.
“I know they have intercourse too, if that’s what yer aimin’ for.”
“Good,” Clyde was satisfied to be on the right track and able to provide germane responses. “Ya probably miss it. The average adult male has sexual relations on average once’r twice a week. And it’s been about…”
“I’d rather not have an update on that, Clyde,” Mills interrupted, jaw pulsating tightly. “Suffice it to say you’re right, I’m fucking missing it.”
Mills shot Clyde a dirty look.
“’Bout the dream, I mean,” Clyde expounded, “those are s’posed to help.”
Mills rolled his eyes.
“And I like bein’ able t’follow the conversation.”
The halls carried murmured whispers, the shuffling of Mills’ boots, the occasional groans and the fleshy thuds of his forehead against walls.
“…came in here a man…”
“…walk out of here a man…”
“…don’t do it...”
“…someone fucking stop me before I do it…”
@safarigirlsp​ @queeniebee​ @vedavan​ @heartlight-starlight​ @house-of-cadwyn​ @lumberjack00fantasies​ 
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pokemonfangame · 1 year
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Pokémon: Chaos in Vesita
Far away from every known continent is an island located in the deepest blues of coral oceans. So rich of Pokémon and nature, life has evolved into the most beautiful ways all around the region. From 'the lungs of Vesita' the Saltu Jungle to the highest peaks of Vesita Mountains Pokémon, nature and people lived in harmony and peace. No one knows how life on Vesita would have looked like if the shadow of chaos never striped the island. But it landed on here. Errupting into chaos, life on Vesita would never be the same again. Pokémon turn against human while a new ice age emerged killing everything coming its way. Hope is near, as two more shadows appear over the night sky of the fresh born chaos. Sent by the guardian of equality and balance they were able to defeat the chaos in a three year long war resulting into many innocent deaths. Dust has settled over Vesita and the story of the so called 'Savior-Pokémon' lives on to this day inspiring a whole new generation of people. Your adventure starts with a huge surprise! An organisation called PokéVentur is offering you an once in a lifetime, all-inclusive trainer experience. As one of three lucky winners of a starcard you will travel around the region accompanied by the diligent helpers of PokéVentur. However things take a dark turn very fast. Vesita is built on destruction, death, war but also hope. People from all over the region have gathered and formed another organisation called Team Duplex. Their leader is... one of a kind. He lost the presidental election to the admiring and charming Alexo. Team Duplex leader Master Ilan does everything in his power to get what he wants. Will you prevent him from birthing another chaos into the Vesita region?
Discover a completely new region!
Meet many new characters with aspiring ambitions!
Encounter new Pokémon forms from the sixth gen!
Dive into a historic storyline through the Vesita region!
Challenging Pokémon battles and terrain!
Try your luck in the safari zone, local casino or triple triad matches!
Enter every PokéVentur to master the full trainer experience and gain special rewards!
A long post game with tons of legendaries waiting for you!
Meet the chaos itself! A never seen before Pokémon!
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Favorite Disney Parks Attraction Showdown: Round 1 
Here is the round one matchups
Links to polls will be added when made.
(Link to full bracket)
Note, I will specify which parks and versions more on each poll!
Group A1:
Star Tours VS. Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run
Muppet*Vision 3D VS. Mickey's PhilharMagic
Horizons VS. Journey into Imagination (1983-1998)
Country Bear Jamboree VS. It's a Small World
Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress VS. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
Voyage of the Little Mermaid VS. WEDWay PeopleMover
Matterhorn Bobsleds VS. Expedition Everest
Frozen Ever After VS. Rise of the Resistance
Group A2:
Tron Lightcycle Power Run VS. Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind . Tie Breaker
Mystic Manor VS. Phantom Manor 
World of Motion VS. Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room
Stitch's Great Escape! VS. Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith
Incredicoaster VS. Soarin’
Maelstrom VS. Remy's Ratatouille Adventure . Tie Breaker
California Screamin’ VS. Indiana Jones Adventures
Beauty and the Beast: Live on Stage VS. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
Group B1:
Dumbo the Flying Elephant VS. Mad Tea Party/Teacups
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train VS. Jungle Cruise
The Studio Backlot Tour VS. The Monorail 
Doug: Live! VS. Big Thunder Ranch
The Legend of the Lion King VS. America Sings
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage/Submarine Voyage/20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Submarine Voyage VS. Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast
Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure VS. Avatar Flight of Passage
La Tanière du Dragon VS. Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour
Group B2:
Innoventions VS. Conservation Station
Snow White's Scary Adventures VS. Pinocchio's Daring Journey 
Adventure Thru Inner Space VS. Spaceship Earth
Rocket Rods VS. Superstar Limo 
Astro Orbiter VS. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Hyperspace Mountain(Disneyland Paris) VS. Sindbad's Storybook Voyage
Turtle Talk with Crush VS. Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor
Finding Nemo - The Musical VS. Splash Mountain
Group C1:
Monsters, Inc. Ride & Go Seek VS. Pooh's Hunny Hunt
Primeval Whirl VS. Goofy's Sky School/Mulholland Madness : Tie breaker
Radiator Springs Racers VS. Test Track 2.0
Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure VS. Toy Story Mania!
Crush's Coaster VS. The Barnstormer
Cranium Command VS. Ellen's Energy Adventure
Disney Riverboats VS. Na'vi River Journey
Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin VS. Haunted Mansion
Group C2:
The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure VS. Peter Pan’s Flight
Kali River Rapid VS. Grizzly River Run 
Circle of Life: An Environmental Fable VS. Living with the Land
Typhoon Lagoon Wave Pool VS. Polynesian Volcano Slide
Raging Spirits VS. Dinosaur
Disney's Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular VS. Frozen – Live at the Hyperion
Silly Symphony Swings VS. Mater's Junkyard Jamboree
Alice's Curious Labyrinth VS. The Great Movie Ride
Group D1:
Jumpin' Jellyfish VS. Maliboomer
Railroads (any of the parks) VS. Pirates of the Caribbean 
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Movie Set Adventure VS. Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril VS. Journey to the Center of the Earth
Festival of the Lion King VS. Fantasmic!
Heimlich's Chew Chew Train VS. Food Rocks/Kitchen Kabaret
Aquatopia VS. Space Mountain
The Making of Me VS. Captain EO
Group D2:
Journey into Imagination with Figment VS. Alice in Wonderland
The Casey Jr. Circus Train VS. Storybook Land Canal Boats
Slinky Dog Dash VS. Test Track 1.0
Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters VS. Gran Fiesta Tour Starring the Three Caballeros
Armageddon – Les Effets Speciaux VS. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway VS. Mission: Space
Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular! VS. Lights, Motors, Action!: Extreme Stunt Show
Kilimanjaro Safaris VS. Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars
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I miss being a little girl and putting my feet on top of my dad’s so he can walk while I hugged him. I miss that joy. I miss climbing on the rocks in Central Park and feeding the horses carrots. I miss the tulips in my neighbor’s yard and the caterpillars on the tomato plants and the pansies planted around the bird bath. I miss the sunflowers taller than me. I miss the intricate wrought iron railing with filigree. I miss the wooden chest with fish shaped brass handles that flipped up and down. I miss my giant, empty, carpeted room and scratchy blue heated blanket. I miss the sound of the motor humming and clicking from my favorite nightlight. I miss playing in the park next to the elementary school across from my house. I miss the frost on the steel bars that stung my skin. I miss the cold tile in the kitchen and the broken clock above the dining room table. I miss the corded phone that was always tangled and the screen door that never closed just right. I miss footy pajamas and sliding down the carpeted stairs on my butt and crashing into the coat closet at the bottom. I miss the scary basement. I miss watching the sun set over the Brooklyn bridge. I miss Fergus scratching up my legs when I’d get home. I miss sitting in the back of an airport terminal tram while the sun rises. I miss the bumps of a plane landing and the ding before a pilot’s announcement. I miss yawning to pop my ears during take off and that momentary feeling of falling when the plane wheels leave the runway. I miss the silent dark car rides home with only the glow of the buttons to light up the car’s interior. I miss the strange carpet in the Tampa International baggage claim with its rows and rows of empty carousels. I miss those little curled leaves that crunch when you step on them. I miss the feeling of my baby brother’s hand gripping my fingers. I miss how he always laughed hysterically every time I smiled at him. I miss building train tracks for him after school. I miss watching his favorite shows with him and his hugs when we’d pick him up from preschool. I miss mixing and heating up his baby bottles and cleaning his binkys. I miss his mouth breathing when he passed out in his car seat. I miss scrubbing the spaghetti stains off his high chair. I miss playing on the roots on the trees in Medard Park and running across the boardwalk to hear my feet thunk against the wood. I miss hiding my DS under my pillow so I could play Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. I miss playing with my bakugan and pretending they were empires at war. I miss sleeping in my closet just because I could. I miss the dark parking garages and dull beige walls at USF. I miss sitting with my mom in the campus library. I miss going to Busch Gardens every weekend and riding the sky ride over the habitats. I miss taking the train through the safari area and being lulled to sleep by the clacking of the wheels. I miss running across the rope bridges in Jungala and riding Air Grover with my little brother. I miss the smell of chlorine and the cold unfriendly YMCA changing rooms. I miss the rock wall and the hot concrete. I miss swimming in pools and being afraid of the robot cleaning the deep end. I miss feeding the ducks stale bread. I miss my 8th grade history teacher. I miss the cold dark mornings in the car. I miss sitting on my backpack outside the door of my first period class. I miss skipping lunch and hiding in the darkness backstage in the auditorium. I miss the library after school. I miss cleaning the fish tanks in the marine science room. I miss the smell of formaldehyde. I miss walking from the school to the local library and hunkering down in the corner to watch Hetalia on my laptop. I miss listening to music as I walked through fog to the bus stop just before sunrise. I miss the dew on the bus windows and the painfully cold mornings and blue faux leather seats always cracked and peeling. I miss the snails hiding in the cracks of the bricks. I miss the warm summer rain and the windy fall days. I miss hiding in the nurse’s room during pep rallies.
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roomchailimited · 4 months
Scandinavian Wildlife Expedition: Exploring Sweden and Finland's Natural Wonders
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Our journey from Dhaka, Bangladesh, to the breathtaking wilderness of Sweden and Finland was a dream come true for nature enthusiasts like us. The thrill of encountering Nordic wildlife in their natural habitats, coupled with the serene beauty of Scandinavian landscapes, made this expedition truly unforgettable. Planning such an adventure required careful preparation, and Bangladeshi travel agencies like Roomchai Limited, Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash played a crucial role in making it seamless.
Starting in Stockholm: Gateway to the Wilderness
Our adventure began in Stockholm, a city that beautifully blends modernity with nature. After a few days of exploring its historic sites and vibrant culture, we set our sights on the wilderness of Swedish Lapland. The transition from the urban charm of Stockholm to the untouched beauty of Lapland was nothing short of magical.
The Wild Heart of Swedish Lapland
Swedish Lapland is a realm of endless forests, clear lakes, and majestic mountains. We embarked on guided tours that led us deep into this wilderness, where we had the privilege of observing reindeer herds and tracking moose. One of the most exhilarating moments was catching sight of a lynx, a rare and elusive predator that epitomizes the untamed spirit of Lapland.
Our stay included an unforgettable visit to a Sami village. The Sami people, with their rich cultural heritage and deep connection to the land, welcomed us warmly. We participated in reindeer sledding, listened to traditional joik songs, and shared stories around a fire beneath the aurora borealis, which painted the night sky with its ethereal glow.
Finnish Lapland: A Continuation of Wilderness and Wonder
Our expedition continued as we crossed into Finnish Lapland. Here, the landscapes were equally stunning, and the opportunities for wildlife observation were abundant. Finnish Lapland is known for its bear watching tours, and we were fortunate to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural environment.
A highlight of our Finnish adventure was exploring Oulanka National Park. This park is a paradise for nature lovers, with its diverse flora and fauna, picturesque rapids, and tranquil forests. We hiked through its scenic trails, encountering bird species like the Siberian jay and marveling at the park’s natural beauty.
Choosing the Right Travel Partner
Organizing such an extensive and detailed safari required the expertise of reliable travel agencies. We found Roomchai Limited to be exceptionally well-suited for our needs. Their personalized approach, from handling visa applications to crafting a detailed itinerary, made our journey smooth and stress-free. Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash also offered valuable services and packages, but Roomchai’s attention to detail and customer service stood out.
Reflections on Our Journey
Looking back, our Scandinavian wildlife expedition was more than just a travel experience—it was a journey of discovery and connection. The landscapes of Sweden and Finland, with their pristine beauty and rich biodiversity, provided us with countless moments of awe and inspiration.
For travelers from Bangladesh considering a similar adventure, we wholeheartedly recommend exploring the wilds of Sweden and Finland. The support of Roomchai Limited, Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash will ensure that your journey is as seamless and enjoyable as ours was.
This expedition has reinforced our passion for travel and nature, and we eagerly anticipate our next adventure, wherever it may lead. Until then, we cherish the memories and lessons from our time in the Scandinavian wilderness.
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egyptatours · 4 months
Family Vacations to Egypt In 2024
Get ready for an unforgettable adventure as we embark on family vacations to Egypt in 2024! Egypt, with its rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and captivating culture, is the perfect destination for an exciting family getaway. Imagine exploring the ancient wonders of the world, sailing down the majestic Nile River, and discovering hidden treasures in the bustling markets. In 2024, Egypt promises to offer even more incredible experiences and memories for the whole family.
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As you step foot in Egypt, you will be transported back in time to a land filled with mysteries and wonders. The pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Valley of the Kings will leave you awe-struck by their sheer magnificence.
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Imagine witnessing these iconic landmarks up close, learning about their history and significance. Your children will be fascinated by the stories of pharaohs and ancient civilizations, sparking their curiosity and love for learning.
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But Egypt is not just about history. In 2024, you can indulge in new thrilling experiences that cater to the whole family. Picture yourself snorkeling in the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea, exploring vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful marine life. Or perhaps you'd prefer a desert safari, riding camels across golden sand dunes and camping under a star-filled sky. The possibilities are endless for adventure and excitement.
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Moreover, Egypt's warm hospitality and delicious cuisine will charm your taste buds. From traditional Egyptian dishes like koshari and falafel to mouthwatering desserts like baklava and busboys, your family will be treated to a gastronomic delight.
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And let's not forget about the vibrant bazaars and markets where you can haggle for souvenirs and unique handicrafts to bring back home.
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Reach out to us:
WhatsApp: (+20) 1553119249
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 65″
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
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"Who took movement Spirit included Made it a Movement We did (Never Forget)
Who's the origin straight from the soil? And, then redistributed Who did (Never Forget)
Future ancient our souls they'll never get it Aye, information passed down for generation Future ancients our souls they'll never get it They will never forget"
Sampa the Great – "Never Forget"
Twyla's Wakanda tour was a tremendous success.
Professional, punctual, and far-reaching, it showcased her love for history and culture. It also revealed her love for the country as a new citizen. N'Jadaka joined a hover bus ride to a river pick-up spot north of Warrior Falls where they landed on River Tribe territory. The tours were divided into daily rotations over three days allowing the guests to pick what activities they were up for each day culminating with their participation in all of them. The city tour covered Birnin Zana's museums, temples, and other historical structures ending with shopping at a popular bazaar and dinner at a restaurant overlooking the palace. The wildlife tour was a safari day trip with elephant rides, flights across the long Ibukun River, a fancy lunch at a wildlife preserve, and then a special musical play at the Zana Performance Theater that ushered in an eight-course dinner near Mount Bashenga to see the spectacular sunset. The River Tour was a day-long excursion aboard several large luxury boats with cultural geography lessons, a gourmet lunch on the river, and then a tour of the double palace before an exclusive dinner inside one of the extravagant palace dining rooms.
N'Jadaka brought his grandfather and Marisol with him on the boat and they watched the spectacular scenery through the eyes of their guests.
When they reached the palace tour, N'Jadaka made his leave and met with his children for an early private dinner with the Udaku clan. Their family meal placated his stomach and spirit and he left his young ones with Ramonda and Shuri. He noticed T'Challa slipping away from the dining room with Nakia and grinned. They no longer hid their rekindled closeness. Ramonda appeared thrilled by it and no one said anything about the warmth exuding between them.
From N'Jadaka's viewpoint, T'Challa was in his element as the Black Panther. He allowed the king to concentrate on other matters without having to second-guess what was happening outside of Wakanda. T'Chaka's son was built for the mantle. Being free of ruling seemed to make the man happy. It gave him time with Nakia in private, unlike N'Jadaka who had to be the face of the palace at every moment. He leaned into Ramonda for guidance. Her decades of experience as Queen Consort mentored him on how to behave during the conference with all the power he exuded. She suggested he become less familiar with the visitors and create some distance so that they would understand the immense responsibility he had. Plus, he needed rest. His energy tanks were depleted by nightfall as his empath abilities took in everything.
She was tickled pink when he told her that T'Challa would join Nakia in New York for the U.N. general assembly. They would be there to work on behalf of the nation, but Ramonda acted like it was a honeymoon trip for her son and favorite War Dog.
N'Jadaka walked with his hands clasped behind his back strolling on the deck of the palace moon room. A giant telescope pointed toward the dark sky and he snuck a peek through it. The dog star Sirius shined high above.
"It is a beautiful night."
He turned to find Ramonda walking toward him. Without her isicholo, her long white locs flowed down to her waist and brushed against the pale green silk of her dress.
"Shuri and the children are playing the Catch Me VR game and it is a little too loud to read in my quarters," she said.
Resting her arms on the balcony, she looked at the skyline with him.
"Your father used to come out here to stare at the stars after his dinner meals, too. I thought he was daydreaming about parties and traveling around town with his friends… now I know he was thinking of his family on the other side of the world."
She glanced at him with soft features in the moonlight.
"He was a wonderful man. Beloved by all who knew and met him. Your mother was very blessed to have him as a husband. You and I had a very troubling introduction… life has an extraordinary way of shaking up the world and turning it into something so unexpected."
She laced her fingers together and stared back at the stars.
"Listening to all those people from across the world has been a tremendous experience these last three days, N'Jadaka. Welcoming them here has opened my eyes to so much. Wakanda is the light of the world. We were just afraid of the responsibility… the weight of it. Your paternal grandfather… my own husband… they were not willing to carry that burden on their shoulders. T'Challa did his best to step into that role with Nakia's coaxing, but in the end, you are the one best equipped for the task. When T'Challa was king, he encountered so much treachery and deceit from the west, especially from the Americans. They chomp at the bit to take from us and that made my son so tired of dancing around all of the constant diplomacy games they play out there."
"We won't be dancing anymore. T'Challa is our greatest weapon of protection out there. I almost feel sorry for whoever challenges him in the future," he said.
"No… the two of you together are Wakanda's greatest weapon. Bast saw fit to bring you back to us in the way it was meant to be. A rebirth. The Black Panther and the Golden Jaguar. T'Chaka and N'Jobu were never able to sit and talk together the way you and T'Challa do. I can only imagine what a force they would've been if N'Jobu brought you home with Califia," she said.
N'Jadaka patted her hand.
"The past is at rest, Auntie. T'Challa and I make a great team."
Ramonda placed her hand on top of his.
"Our country will be greater for it," she said.
N'Jadaka accepted the compliment. Ramonda had been a slow thawing of glacial animosity with their interpersonal relationship. He was a living testament to her husband's tragic flaws, and yet, the Queen Mother Consort of Wakanda… the respected dowager of the T'Chaka lineage, accepted him fully as the rightful ruler.
"I will leave you, my king," she said.
His gaze lingered on her exit before he returned to his own quiet thoughts. He spent another two hours on the moon deck reflecting on the invited guests. Sydette's avatar popped up.
"Baba, where are you? You promised us a story tonight to make up for the other nights," Sydette said.
"I'm sorry Sweet Pea."
"Auntie Shuri told us a story about Mama Wati, so you don't have to worry about tonight. However, tomorrow night—"
"I will tell you a story about your grandfather N'Jobu and how he came to America."
"Good," she said.
He ended the call and wandered out into the palace halls. Art and structural beauty guided his relaxing walking meditation. To be a ruler was to be conscious of every aspect of his life and the lives of others. He thought of the two thousand visitors and their first introduction to the wonders of his new world. As a king, he was in control of the fate of every human living on the planet.
At least above the surface.
He took an express elevator to the palace swimming pool. He stripped naked and slipped earbuds into his ears so the sound of the pool waterfall wouldn't distract him. Tapping his kimoyo, he contacted his Sea Leopard naval captain for a debriefing of the day's reconnaissance.
Captain Lebohang, a hard-faced Border Tribe member with a wrinkled bald head and hooded eyes, stared back at N'Jadaka.
"My king," Lebohang said.
Visual logistical reports sprung around N'Jadaka's kimoyo. Lebohang added images from their sea probes too. N'Jadaka rubbed the top of his locs and stretched his back before resting against the side of the smooth pool wall.
"Fill me in," N'Jadaka said.
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Yani hid between the cavernous walls of the fake waterfall as she spied N'Jadaka speaking to his military captain. She hadn't moved fast enough to hop out of the deep end of the elaborate pool to grab her swim robe and bathing suit. Naked and feeling the chill of the waterfall mist behind a fifteen-foot rocky façade, she stayed rooted in place hoping the king would move to the other side of the massive pool that would hide him from her so she could escape with her dignity intact. No one ever used the pool late at night and Yani expected N'Jadaka to be in his quarters or reading to their children for bed.
His nudity surprised her. The body she knew so well was heavier all over from eating buttery-rich palace foods. The palace learned he liked yam cornbread and since his return, they sent him loaves every other day. His pubic area was untrimmed and grown wild. She liked it. His flaccid dick hung heavy between his legs, and all the wiry hair around it made it seem more illicit to be out in the open. Steam rose around him from the heated water. Hopefully, he wouldn't get too hot and wade down to cool himself in the waterfall that was created for that purpose.
She listened to him speak forcefully but noticed the fatigue riding on his shoulders. He wasn't getting enough sleep. His voice sounded tired. She wanted to slip back down into the balmy water, however, any movement would attract his attention.
"…keep me updated," he said.
N'Jadaka rested his head on the lip of the pool. His kimoyo lit up again and Riki's avatar floated in his face.
"Hey Lil man, you're supposed to be sleeping," he said.
"Baba, tell me a story."
"Shuri told you a story already."
"I wahn hear one from you."
"It's late Riki—"
"I'm in my own room by myself."
"Why aren't you with Joba?"
"Auntie Shuri said I was too scared to sleep by myself, and I told her I wasn't. I'm alone… it's too dark in here."
"Use your kimoyo night light—"
"I am, but they'll make fun of me."
"It's okay to go sleep with Joba and Sweet Pea—"
"They'll say I'm a baby… not a big boy."
"If I tell you a story, will that help you sleep by yourself?"
"Can you come get me? I wahn be with you."
"I'll come get all of you, then—"
"No, just me."
"Ramonda and Shuri will miss you at breakfast—"
"I miss you. How come we can't come to the hotel place?" Riki asked.
"That's for the grownups. You would be bored."
"No, I wouldn't."
"Yes, you would."
"Nuh-uh! I know how to write now, so I can take notes for you."
"My assistant does that for me."
"Baba… please."
N'Jadaka moved from the ledge and waded toward the wide steps. Water rolled down his skin in thick droplets.
"I'll come sleep there. Will that make you feel better?"
Riki nodded.
"Give me a few minutes. I have to clean up from the pool and I'll be there soon," N'Jadaka said.
Yani pressed her hands against the center of her chest. The king was weary, but he wanted to comfort his son. She watched N'Jadaka enter a cleaning chamber where a high-speed heater evaporated the pool water from his body. He dressed quickly and left the room. She lunged forward in the warm water and swam to the nearest steps. Bypassing the cleaning chamber, she threw on her swimsuit and cover-up. Rushing out of the pool room, she trekked her way back to the guest suite given to her for her stay at the palace. Guards who were sprinkled throughout the upper floors paid little attention to her because of her status. Entering her quarters, she shed her swimwear and showered, later changing into a flowing house dress. She curled herself up on a loveseat and practiced her presentation for the conference.
Observing N'Jadaka drove her to perfect her physical stance while speaking her words. She stood up and practiced moving around to engage an audience. Yani had to convey to the cabinet the dire circumstances in healthcare for poor Black people. Affordability, racism, lack of access, and stark poverty steeped too many in predictable untimely deaths.
Sleep overtook her, but she didn't worry. Her conference section didn't start until later in the afternoon. She could sleep in and skip the buffet breakfast at the hotel. Yani's dreams were pleasant and scattered. Images of St. Thomas and cooking on the outdoor grill. Standing on the beach of an ocean she didn't recognize.
She awoke refreshed and energized. The palace kitchen sent up fancy overstuffed breakfast omelets with all of her favorite sides and fruits, and she ate a generous portion of the freshly baked raspberry coffee cake to finish it all off. Checking the waves in her hair, she looked over her outfit for the day as Disa walked into her dressing room to fetch her.
"Ready?" Disa asked.
They looked each other over to make sure they were color-coordinated for Yani's presentation. Together they settled on coral pink and pale crème for a soft maternal look. Disa sported a flared pants ensemble with a waist-length jacket and Yani went for a flowing long skirt with a silky, off-the-shoulder blouse.
"Pretty diamonds," Disa said, admiring the earrings N'Jadaka bought her years before.
Yani took a deep breath.
"You'll be amazing. I have the holo pics lined up with your speech, and I'll keep my part of the presentation under ten minutes in the end so there can be a longer Q & A for the king's cabinet," Disa said.
"I know what I will say by heart, but I still feel like I need to hold onto something to keep me from talking too fast," Yani said.
"Maybe use your comm tab at the podium instead of the holo prompter?" Disa suggested.
Yani nodded. It was a good idea. She could glance at the comm tab and even touch it without the audience knowing.
"We look good," Yani said.
Disa grinned.
Both of their kimoyo alarms went off to remind them to leave the palace on time.
"Show time," Disa said.
Yani shook her hands nervously and grabbed her attaché. Their heels clicked in the palace hallway and they chatted about Disa's trip in the Jabari lands. Disa appeared giddy and her eyes crinkled with her smiles talking about the beauty high above them. Yani inferred that a lot of the enjoyment came from her time with Adebiyi, but she didn't let on to Disa that she suspected as much. Yani was happy for her. There was a bounce in Disa's step as she carried her own leather messenger bag. Two Doras met them at the launch site of the Royal Scorpion Fighter and she looked back with Disa at the palace. Their children had gone for a day trip with Dante to visit Umama and Baba Z giving their mothers quiet time to work and get ready without interruption. A gentle, skin-caressing breeze carried the vibrant scent of river waterlilies. Yani sniffed the sweet odors of the flowers wafting around them and took it as a good sign that the day would go well.
The flight to the hotel conference center was quiet. Yani went over her speech in her mind and their stroll into the main room kept her focused. The diaspora delegates had been divided into sections dealing with health. The afternoon session centered on maternal health and postnatal well-being. Yani would open the session and the rest of their time there would be spent hashing out the best way Wakanda could assist the various countries represented. Yani met up with her leadership team of Dr. Bryan, Dr. Dixon, and Dr. Alcindor and they all prepared paper documents to pass out to the round delegate work tables. The conference area had been broken down into a war room of sorts. People arrived on time and ready, and as the crowd surged, the more nervous Yani became.
Disa set up her holo projector and waited at a nearby side table for Yani's cue to begin after Queen Ramonda welcomed the delegates and did a bit of conference housekeeping. A shout from a side door by a Dora announced the arrival of King N'Jadaka. Everyone rose to their feet and a hush went across the room.
N'Jadaka gazed at everyone he passed by. Mpilo walked behind him with a new contingency of people. Yani recognized Rolita and Nevaeh walking with the king, but ten other Native people were with them. N'Jadaka led them to a special table near his and the Council of Elders. He walked to the podium and lowered his hands for people to sit.
"Good afternoon. I know this morning's session was busy, but you all look well-fed and ready for another round," N'Jadaka joked.
The audience agreed with him. He glanced over at Rolita.
"Seated near me is a very special delegation of Native elders who were selected to bear witness to our proceedings. Many of us throughout the African diaspora live on stolen Indigenous lands, and any plans we have to shape the countries we live in must take into consideration the people who lived there first. My Aunt Rolita is here representing the Yurok and will act as a lead liaison for Native affairs that may overlap with our plans. This small delegation has members of First Nations from Canada, Central America, and South American tribes. They are sworn to secrecy just the same as all of you. Are there any questions?" N'Jadaka said.
No one said anything.
The king turned toward Yani and she prayed her knees wouldn't knock. His intense eyes demanded the best of her.
"I present to you Princess and doctor Yani Galiber, a direct descendent of Queen Mary Thomas of St. Croix."
The audience rose and clapped for her. Yani threw her shoulders back and stepped up to the podium. N'Jadaka held out his hand for her and she took it. He bent over resting his lips near her ear.
"Do your thing, Ma," he said.
He winked at her as he walked to his seat. She nodded to Disa who awaited her signal to begin.
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Disa tapped her holo projector displaying a beautiful model of a birth care center she made for Yani. She watched Yani captivate the enthralled audience with her moving speech and plans to replicate the successful birthing practices of Wakanda and Black midwives from an island collective she belonged to with members spanning the globe. Yani's voice remained confident throughout the presentation, although she stumbled once while glancing toward N'Jadaka. He wore a stern expression with a wrinkled fold down the center of his forehead, and Disa wondered if he was displeased with some figures and financial predictions presented. Wakanda was a wealthy nation, but it would take more than half a billion over the course of twenty years Yani projected to get at least two generations on track in the future.
Yani ended her speech and received a full round of applause before Disa stood up to show more sketches and models.
"Thank you Dr. Galiber for an excellent presentation," Disa said.
Yani stood next to her, relief softening her sweet face. Disa displayed her work and Yani answered questions with her when needed. They wrapped up in under seventy-five minutes. The next thirty minutes were given over for a Q & A with N'Jadaka's cabinet officials. They were all given a twenty-minute break before a late working lunch at their assigned colleague tables. Disa stuffed her mouth with garlic-fried potatoes and pepper steak while going over building codes in the U.S. with her northern hemisphere team. She ate, took, notes, gave suggestions, and listened to experts in her field from various countries on how to build affordable healthcare centers that would attract very little attention from other governments.
Before the dinner break, Rolita and a First Nation elder from the Kanai nation in Alberta Canada spoke of sovereign indigenous lands willing to have wellness hospitals built on tribal territories in exchange for protection and use with the African diaspora. Clean water was a critical issue in many areas, especially on tribal lands in the U.S.
Disa watched N'Jadaka's face as he listened. He interjected very little the entire day, preferring to listen and let the experts there present their needs and solutions. It was a good look for Wakanda from her vantage point. Wakanda became a partner instead of acting like a powerful twenty-first-century global colonizer. N'Jadaka still projected an imposing figure in his seat while talking with Ramonda and Efetobo.
She skipped the hearty dinner buffet and sampled a small salad and fruit cup instead. N'Jadaka made his rounds to speak with people seated at the outdoor dining areas before joining her and Yani in enjoying the cooling summer air. Reaching across the table he squeezed Yani's hand and she beamed from ear to ear.
"You put it down, Yani. Disa… you were outstanding, too. Thank you for all your hard work. I sent your projections of cost and labor to the treasurer early and we should be able to come up with a working budget soon," he said.
Yani leaned forward in her chair to say something to him, but Ramonda pulled him away from the table to discuss the evening program that would be a closed debriefing with the delegates. N'Jadaka greeted an older American woman from the Bay area and led her to a table with Ramonda far away from them. Yani sat back in her seat, the corners of her lips downturned by his departure. Disa lifted a glass of water.
"He's so busy," Disa said.
Yani nodded and tried to muster a smile, but her body language didn't reciprocate.
"I haven't had a chance to talk to him since we've been back here," Yani said. "The palace keeps him tied up with all his other duties."
"I'm glad that things are running well with the conference for him. A lot of Wakandans are still against helping on the outside."
Yani glanced around at all the visitors.
"These people are here to work for themselves. They just need our protection more than anything," Yani said.
"I heard he's flying Walter here to work on some protective clothing designs next month," Disa said.
"Dante mentioned it to me before I left for the Jabari lands. The idea is to have DNA sequenced shirts that activate by mental command."
Yani folded her hands on the table.
"Is everything okay, Yani?" Disa asked.
"Do you think he's doing too much too fast?" Yani asked.
"He's always been meticulous… a heavy planner with contingency plans while he was in school. When he sets his mind on something, he'll see it through."
"There's so much coming at him. I worry about his health."
"He's put on weight in the mountains," Disa said.
"Yeah," Yani said.
Yani's eyes became wistful and dreamy.
They were still in love with each other.
Disa felt it when N'Jadaka reached across the table for Yani's hand. Yani's hesitation was understandable, but Disa and the Udaku family knew the truth. N'Jadaka and Yani were scared to lose one another. But N'Jadaka had to serve the people first. That was the ultimate job of a ruler.
She thought of her time in the mountains with Adebiyi, how freeing it was to get to know a man away from prying eyes and public speculation. Disa gave that up willingly as she discovered the beautiful parts of a man from a new culture just as hidden as Wakanda. Her trip was eye-opening and solidified her desire to take what she needed in a relaxed environment. Ayomide was pleased with the interest in her brother from Disa, and she planned on exploring that relationship slowly without her daughter mixed up in it. That meant more trips alone and perhaps a move away from the palace. Umama and Baba Z were open to anyone coming to their Jabari estate, and if Adebiyi turned out to be the man she felt he was from her first visit, there were changes to come for her and Joba. A serious conversation needed to be had with N'Jadaka about that. Like Yani, Disa secretly worried about his mental and physical health with all the tasks he wanted to accomplish before the year's end. Had he bitten more than he could chew? The man was fully capable of compartmentalizing his world, but being the public face of a kingdom was all-encompassing of his twenty-four hours each day. The only exception he made for anyone was his children. They always came first.
The doors of the conference room opened back up and she took a seat behind her former professor from M.I.T. who had retired after Disa received her Ph.D. Professor Donald Robinson had been the reason why Disa chose to study at M.I.T. in the first place. He was one of the rare teachers who understood the need to integrate climate change with architecture in coastal territories. She patted his back to get his attention and he clasped her hand to shake it, his fingers trembling with nervous energy. The podium in front of the room had been removed and in its place were ten stately chairs with men and women seated in them. Once the doors were closed, N'Jadaka stepped to the side of the front chairs and addressed the audience.
"Dr. Barbara Davis, please stand," N'Jadaka said.
The older woman with slicked-back white hair and dark chestnut skin who sat in the center stood and surveyed the audience. She adjusted her thick glasses and glanced at the king. N'Jadaka walked over and held her hand.
"Dr. Davis was my therapist when I was a child. She specializes in generational trauma, especially in children. I asked for her help in dealing with issues that may be brought up because of your stay here for this gathering. Because we are all part of the diaspora with troubling histories, I believe it's important to face and voice what your experience has been like here, so far. I grew up only knowing the iceberg tip of what Wakanda was. To find out the truth was painful for me and my mother. Many of you may feel the same. Dr. Davis and her team will talk with us about how to deal with our emotions as descendants from the Lost Tribe, and they will help us look toward the future with tools to help us work through the mental work we will face leaving here… Dr. Davis…"
N'Jadaka stepped away from the front of the room and took a seat on a corner chair near the front. Dr. Davis greeted everyone with a warm hot cocoa voice that had the authority of a beloved grandmother smothering her grandchildren in a cozy weighted blanket. Disa didn't expect to get a wonderfully succinct explanation of epigenetics and the history of the enslaved, but she sat there and listened to Dr. Davis capture the minds of everyone present.
Disa glanced over at N'Jadaka and imagined him being a child and talking to Dr. Davis about his childhood pain. There were sniffles and quiet weeping throughout the room. She glimpsed Yani wiping her eyes with a tissue. So much hurt filled the air with a thick cloud that choked Disa up too. The psychic trauma of loss and abandonment pervaded the space. No wonder N'Jadaka kept all the Wakandans out of the room, including his royal guards. They had to purge their pain in private.
The other therapists there spoke after Dr. Davis, and the other people in the room who wanted to ask a question or vent their pain in a safe space did so. The mood grew too overbearing for some, and they were allowed to go sit in an adjoining room that was created for that need. Disa counted about forty people needing to step out from the core group. N'Jadaka had been so wise to set aside time for a mental health discussion.
The private session concluded after two hours, and everyone was free to relax and reflect for the rest of the night and all of the next day. Disa watched Yani step into a corner with Twyla. The two cousins hugged each other and Twyla kept wiping Yani's cheeks. She looked for N'Jadaka, but he had vanished from the scene, probably off to work on something else without resting. Her cheeks grew tight with a smile when she caught sight of him taking long strides to the Royal Talon Fighter waiting for him on the top of a grassy knoll of the hotel's welcoming landscape.
He was beautiful… his swagger so full of confidence and royal cool. The colors of the fading late sunset painted him with glorious shades of royal purple and burnt orange. The sunset was like their past loving romance… still beautiful even as that relationship ended. He would always be her special one, but like sunsets dying, there was always the promise of a new day and a new sunrise. Adebiyi proved that to her with his uncovered kindness and passion for his life as a creative builder… just like her. Disa blew a kiss N'Jadaka's way as he stepped onto the Talon Fighter with his Dora Milaje. Allah had blessed her king and best friend.
Yani and Twyla wandered out from the conference room and found her gazing at a blue-black sky.
"Ready to head to the palace?" Disa asked.
Yani stared at her face, then reached up and wiped a tear away from Disa's left eyelid. Twyla rubbed her back. The gestures of kindness were another gift from Allah. Marisol joined them and the mood lifted to one of reverent joy. Disa would always have a loving bond with the three of them. They were a sacred sisterhood in Wakanda. Daughters of the diaspora who returned home.
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N'Jadaka waited until after four in the afternoon to leave for a visit aboard the Sea Leopard. He slept in all day and visited his children for an early dinner before picking up Shuri and T'Challa from her lab. They flew across Birnin S'Yan to reach the ocean and followed a course correction that was transmitted from the Sea Leopard hundreds of miles out to sea.
"There," Okoye said, bringing up the images of the formidable ship.
The Royal Talon fighter circled the Sea Leopard once before docking on it. Captain Lebohang greeted him with brisk professionalism. His eyes looked strained and bloodshot from a lack of sleep. Setting foot on the top deck, N'Jadaka adjusted his balance from the heavy swells rocking the ship. A gust of wind ticked up and blew cool air on his face.
"The weather shifted twenty minutes ago, there is a storm headed this way," Lebohang said.
Shuri kept up with N'Jadaka, geeked out that he had permitted her to come on the sudden trip. She deserved a break from the lab and babysitting Bucky Barnes and Nick Fury. T'Challa led the way to the quarterdeck where the bridge was. Ship personnel greeted him and his cousins with hearty enthusiasm. The three of them together were a sight to see. The Dora Milaje stayed in the background.
"There," Lebohag said, pointing to the radar imaging. "We have kept an eye on that ship all day. No movement. No signs of anything."
"Let's get closer," N'Jadaka said.
The chief officer moved quickly to direct the Sea Leopard toward the unknown ship. A gray hue of fat storm clouds crowded the horizon, swallowing the rays of sunlight until the giant puffy condensed air looked like smoke rising from a sea fire. Their ship moved a slow ten knots, and the closer they moved toward their target, the darker the sky became.
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"So strange," Shuri said.
The waves kicked up, rocking them more, and the sky changed into a stark grayish blue.
"I see it," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka glanced at the radar first, then stared through the window at a large vessel sitting in the middle of the sea.
"American," Lebohang said as he scanned the ship.
"Captain, there are no life readings on board," the first officer said.
"A ghost ship?" N'Jadaka said.
"I tapped into the ship's manifest. It is the U.S.S. Powell. The ship is only ten years old," Lebohang said.
The captain ran his fingers across a touch screen. N'Jadaka turned to T'Challa.
"Go with the ship's team to check it out. We need to know if this is a lure to trick us," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa's Black Panther suit swarmed over him and he left N'Jadaka's side. Ten other soldiers from the ship joined him on board a spider-class aircraft that lifted away to go land on the abandoned ship. Lebohag set the soldier's visuals on a viewscreen.
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The soldiers on the ghost ship scanned the vessel further for leaks, explosives, or traps. Nothing appeared wrong. Fresh food sat piping hot on their mess deck.
"N'Jadaka, all of their electronics work and there is no damage in the engine room," T'Challa reported.
"Where are the crew?" Shuri muttered under her breath.
"Their lifeboats and emergency equipment are intact," a soldier informed them on the other ship.
"Another American ship is approaching. Five miles away. Moving fast," the first officer said.
T'Challa and the inspection team gathered together and flew back over on the spider craft. Lebohang ordered submersion and the Sea Leopard camouflaged itself before going underwater to hide.
"Captain Lebohang!" The first officer shouted.
The Sea Leopard had only gone to a depth of one hundred meters, and their sonar picked up images that made Shuri gasp next to him. Lebohang tapped the screen in front of him and underwater lights revealed the fate of the U.S.S. Powell crew.
Hundreds of drowned bodies floated within the pale light of their submerged ship.
"Scanning," Lebohang said.
The captain stared at N'Jadaka.
"No wounds… no bleeding…" Lebohang said with disbelief.
All dead. Drowned by a hidden hand.
"Back us away at a safe distance. I want us to stay hidden but back up on the surface," N'Jadaka said.
He rushed away from the captain with T'Challa and Shuri on his heels. The low hum of the ship guided them back to the surface. The spectral camouflage allowed them to see out, but the Americans had no clue they were being spied on by the Wakandans. On the top deck, N'Jadaka's golden jaguar suit enveloped him. He used his mask to see further on the other ship. Shuri stood between them with her own binocular shades on.
The new ship approached the U.S.S. Powell and a flurry of activity took place on it as they maneuvered closer to the ghost ship.
"What is that glowing redness in the water?" T'Challa said.
They gazed at the dark water as a shimmering neon blood-red shape emerged from the deep. A monstrous giant squid breached the surface, stopping the new ship.
A shrill sound stabbed N'Jadaka's eardrum and he jammed his hands over his ears. T'Challa and Shuri became transfixed and slowly walked toward the edge of the Sea Leopard.
"The fuck?" N'Jadaka screeched.
Hundreds of human heads bobbed in the water, facing the ship. With his mask's enhanced optics, he made out fierce faces that seemed to be… singing?
He grabbed T'Challa and Shuri's arms, but they kept moving closer to the edge. Splashes broke his concentration away from his cousins. Across the water, sailors from the new American ship leaped to their deaths, the choppy waves folding over their bodies as they joined their unfortunate comrades floating dead down below.
"Captain Lebohang! Soundproof the Sea Leopard! Now!" N'Jadaka screamed.
He watched in rising dread as men took their own lives listening to the deadly voices luring them to commit mass suicide. T'Challa slumped to his knees as the effects wore off, but Shuri had reached the protective railing and climbed over it. She dangled like a limp doll, but N'Jadaka grabbed her, yanking her body back to him. Her foot smacked the spectral camouflage shield making it glint brightly.
A body floated out of the sea and flew toward the middle of both ships. It rose above the Sea Leopard's great height and N'Jadaka observed that it was a man. He stared directly at their hidden ship.
"How can he know we are here?" T'Challa said, shaking his head to get his mind right again.
"He senses that there is a protective covering," Shuri said, resting her fingers against her temples.
All they could see was his dark shape holding a spear.
"There are wings on his feet," N'Jadaka said.
"The others aren't able to fly," T'Challa said.
They watched a swarm of men and women crawl up the side of the new ship. Soldiers continued to toss themselves overboard.
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"Should we help them?" Shuri asked.
"No, we'll be blamed for all of this and we don't have enough manpower to fight them," N'Jadaka said.
He shifted to night vision with his mask.
"Oh, my Bast!" Shuri shrieked.
N'Jadaka swallowed hard. The hairs on his arms rose. There were at least a thousand people in the water that they could see, their heads lifted in siren song to kill their enemy. Sonic warfare at its best.
"It is them… the Talokanil," N'Jadaka said.
Shuri clutched at her brother's arm.
"That is their leader," N'Jadaka said, pointing to the flying man who rose higher in the sky above them hidden in the darkness of the black clouds.
The Talokan leader thrust his spear out and hovered in the air. Waiting.
No more bodies jumped from the new ship. The bobbing heads turned to face their flying leader.
"Lebohang, lower the camouflage shield," N'Jadaka ordered.
"Are you sure about that?" T'Challa asked.
"They aren't singing," N'Jadaka said.
The shield disappeared and the Sea Leopard became visible to the Talokanil.
N'Jadaka stepped forward, his golden jaguar suit covering every inch of him. He lowered his mask and latched his eyes on the flying man.
"Ndingu ukumkani N'Jadaka Udaku, ukusuka Wakanda!" N'Jadaka shouted.
The flying man raised his hand and flicked it. His people in the water disappeared below the surface. Captain Lebohang turned on underwater lights and N'Jadaka exhaled with a shuddery breath. There were thousands more swimming under the water with orcas and humpback whales carrying most of them away. No wonder King T'Chaka kept his mouth shut for so long.
"Are you the son of King T'Chaka?"
The flying man dropped down so that he was only twenty feet away from N'Jadaka and his cousins.
"I am the late king's son," T'Challa said.
T'Challa stepped in front of N'Jadaka, automatically protecting the king even though he had his own suit.
"King T'Chaka was my uncle," N'Jadaka said.
"You see what we have done to those surface dwellers?" the stranger said, pointing his spear toward the water.
"We still recognize the truce between Wakanda and Talokan," N'Jadaka said.
The stranger tilted his head and his lips curled into a sinister smile.
"That is good to hear."
"What do they call you?" N'Jadaka asked, watching the last of the Talokanil disappear.
"He is a mutant," Shuri said, tapping her kimoyo scanner.
K'uk'ulkan stared at her and his jaw tightened, making the smile turn into a cruel sneer.
"I am the feathered serpent God," he said with a hard tone.
"Why did you kill them? What did they do to you?" T'Challa asked.
"Nothing. I will keep it that way," K'uk'ulkan said.
"Captain Lebohang, take us back to Wakanda," N'Jadaka commanded.
The Sea Leopard hummed and moved away slowly from the dead and two ghost ships. N'Jadaka turned his back on the feathered serpent God. Shuri rushed to his side.
"Wait, N'Jadaka! We must talk with him! Did you not see that he wore vibranium on his body? Even his spear was made from it," Shuri blurted out.
"I saw it, and that's why we're going home and minding our business for now. They don't fuck with the surface world and we will not fuck with them until we need to."
"But this is a tremendous discovery! That means Wakanda isn't the only country to have vibranium. We need to know how much they have… maybe even see their world."
"In due time cuz, but right now I need him to see that we're not a problem to him. The truce is our temporary buffer," N'Jadaka said.
"When we get back home, I am going to find where they come from and send a tracking drone—"
"Shuri. You can do your research for me, but we will not antagonize him. I needed them to see me in person so they know I'm not a punk. He knows that now. He'll also kill without provocation. That tells me his people come first above anything. He's not interested in a foreign exchange of intellect or curiosity. He don't give a fuck. He also knows we have vibranium."
"You're scared like our father," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka stopped walking. They were back on the bridge.
"Cautious," N'Jadaka said. "We can't afford to look weak. But we know where his territory begins."
He rubbed his forehead.
"Show me where I can rest and think," N'Jadaka said.
"Right this way, King N'Jadaka," Lebohang said.
Chapter 66 HERE.
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seabreeze2022 · 7 months
Photo safari to Tanzania Jan. 2024, part 1
Nancy and I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go on a photo safari. A friend of Nancy's mentioned she was leaving in 30 days for her 30th trip to Africa. Nancy said that would be cool and her friend said “come with us.” So we did.
Ruth and Bob had been with our guide Raffy recently and he was starting his own guide service. So here we are on a 10-day safari with a new business owner who is going to pull out all the stops for his first clients. Plus Ruth is almost as knowledgeable about the birds and animals of Africa herself.
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Above is Ruth, Nancy, Dana and Bob at the gateway to the Serengeti about day 7 of our adventure.
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Here is Raffy, Nancy and Ruth having breakfast in the middle of the Ndutu Conservation Area. This is typical of our days. We are always the first jeep out of camp as the sun is just lightening the sky. After several hours of viewing lions, zebras, wildebeest, and gazelle. Raffy parks us in the open and we break out the breakfast provided by the camp.
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Did we get to see animals up close?
You bet we saw them all, here is a tonsil check on a male lion of the Upper and Lower Marsh Pride. Hopefully, I have your attention and will start over at the beginning of the journey.
Nancy and I flew Miami-Philly-Doha, Qatar on American Airlines. Doha is about the cleanest prettiest airport in the world. Since we had a 7 hour break there and needed to get on Tanzania time. We opted for a private cubicle to sleep in. Pay by the hour, nice bunks and just what we needed. Leaving Doha at 0115 in the morning we flew 5 hours to Killamanjaro Airport (JRO) in Tanzania.
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Changing of the Guard. Turns out that the Captain flying us from Miami to Philadelphia is none other than a former First Officer of mine in Miami, Brandon Lozano. On our flight was his soon-to-be in-laws, Dawn and Mike. We have to get back quickly from this journey since we are invited to Brandon and Jackie’s wedding in Key Largo. Super smooth flight, Capt. thanks for the ride!
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Doha airport and Nancy in our “Sleep N’ Fly” bunk room.
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Kilimanjaro Airport and Qatar aircraft we arrived on. My visa had been approved prior to the trip but Nancy’s had not. Turned out not to be a big deal, and they allowed her in the country. Everyone we met in Tanzania could not have been nicer, starting with the Customs and Immigration officials. This country knows their future lies with tourism. Every person we met including all the camp staff, asked us to tell our friends about Tanzania and to come back soon.
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This is “Simba” a 10-year-old 300,000-mile 4-wheel drive Toyota Jeep Land Cruiser. Raffy and John met us at the airport and drove us to our first lodge, Shamba. We were the only guests at the five-cabin lodge. Outstanding staff and great food. “Simba” is Swahili for Elephant.
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This cabin has a loft with a huge bed upstairs, bath and kitchen downstairs.
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Mosquito nets surrounding the beds is standard in Africa. Even though there very heavy rains the weeks before we arrived, we only had one or two mosquito bites.
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Sitting by the “Camp TV” in the evenings as it chilled down. Nancy at dinner.
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While we waited for Ruth and Bob to arrive in Arusha, Tanzania. We spent one day with Raffy in Arusha National Park. This was going to be our appetizer for the parks. A small park but it did have a monkey we would not see in any other park. So we got to see our first giraffe, elephant, zebras and baboons.
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Once into the park, Raffy took a side road through the heavy woods. It was a road less traveled. Which is Raffy’s style. We ran across several giraffes which made the entire safari worthwhile in Nancy’s eyes. Things would only get better. The only giraffe in Tanzania is the Masai Giraffe.
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Above is a very elusive “Harvey’s Red Duiker”, which is a very small deer. We saw a couple and were lucky to get this photo. I think they get the prize for the homeliest-looking deer.
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This is the seventh-highest mountain in Africa, Mt. Meru at 14,980 ft. It is inside the park. Many hikers spend three days hiking up to the summit. Each group of hikers is required to have 2 armed Rangers to protect them from predators.
Above Nancy is standing up in the jeep and taking photos. Tremendous viewing with the top raised.
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Nancy face to face with her first of many elephants. This is an older male. He was a half mile behind a female with a juvenile. Elephants have 7 sets of teeth. They wear each of the sets out in about 10 years. This guy was probably on his last set. He was not in great shape. You may have heard about elephant graveyards. Where there are multiple elephant skeletons. These graveyards are in the easiest food-gathering places for elephants that have lost their teeth. Once they lose their teeth they basically starve to death.
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This is our lunch break at a park site, that provides picnic tables and restrooms. Armed park rangers are nearby and ready to escort hikers to the top of the Mt. Meru.
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This is life in a third-world country. Using gravity, not much to break; just saying….
Out of permitted photos. check out part 2. above.
If you are interested in your own African Safari, check out Raffy’s website: https://maweafricanventure.com
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vannrajresorts · 8 months
Pench National Park: Explore Wildlife Wonderland
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Located in the southeastern foothills of the Satpuda Mountains, Pench National Park invites nature enthusiasts to explore its diverse ecosystems. The park, named after the winding Pench River, spans the southeast border of Madhya Pradesh and seamlessly extends into Maharashtra. Covering 758 sq km of pristine wilderness, it is divided into the 299 sq km Indira Priyadarshini Pench Nationwide Park and the 464 sq km Mowgli Pench Sanctuary.
For an immersive adventure in dense forests, encountering wildlife and marveling at nature's beauty, consider booking a Pench safari online. Ensure your reservation for an extraordinary journey into the heart of the wilderness.
Flora & Fauna at Pench National Park:
Pench's undulating hills and valleys are mainly covered by dry deciduous forest, transitioning to lush greenery near the Pench River. Dominant tree species include Teak, Mahua, Tendu, Flame of the Forest, Golden Shower, and Bamboo.
The park provides a habitat for 39 mammal species, 13 reptile species, and 3 amphibian species. Commonly sighted animals include chital, sambar, wild boar, jackal, Indian leopard, sloth bear, wild dog, jungle cat, and gaur. With over 300 bird species, including migratory birds, Pench offers a rich birdlife experience.
Location of Pench National Park: Spanning 758 sq km in the lower southern Satpura hills, Pench National Park is divided by the Pench River into Seoni and Chhindwara districts. Accessible near Turia Gate, Seoni district, Kurai, Madhya Pradesh, the park can be reached via air, road, and railway. Inquire or contact provided phone numbers for Pench safari bookings.
History of Pench National Park:
Declared a sanctuary in 1977 and a national park in 1983, Pench became the 19th tiger reserve in India. In 2011, it was recognized as the "Best Managed Park" by Madhya Pradesh Tourism. Pench's biodiversity has inspired renowned authors and, notably, Rudyard Kipling's classic 'The Jungle Book.'
How to Reach:
Nagpur airport (93 km) and Seoni Railway Station (30 km) serve as convenient entry points. Make an online Pench safari booking in advance for easy transit from these hubs. Buses and jeeps are available at Seoni bus stand for swift park access.
Lakes in Pench:
Explore Khokha Lake, Junewani Talao, and the picturesque lake area of Bodha Nala. Enhance your adventure with an online Pench safari booking, ensuring an immersive experience in renowned spots like Baghin Nala, known for tiger sightings.
Best Season to Visit:
Plan your Pench safari booking between November and May for a captivating experience. Note that the park remains closed in July, August, and September.
Land of Tigers:
Embark on a Pench jungle safari for a chance to witness the significant Bengal Tiger population, with approximately 40 tigers as per the latest Tiger Census.
Different Bird Species:
Experience vibrant birdlife at Pench National Park, home to over 210 species, including migratory birds. Book your Pench safari for an unforgettable encounter.
Other Animals:
Embark on a thrilling journey with a safari booking in Pench, home to approximately 39 mammal species, 13 reptile species, and 3 amphibian species. Encounter Chital, Sambar, Nilgai, wild boar, and Jackal among common wildlife sightings.
Why Make a Pench Safari Booking at Vannraj Resorts? Discover the reasons for a Pench National Park safari booking with Vannraj Resorts:
Immersive Jungle Experience: Expert naturalists guide you through Pench, sharing extensive knowledge about the diverse flora and fauna.
Night Safari Adventure: Explore Pench’s wildlife from a different perspective with knowledgeable guides.
Stargazing under the Pench Sky: Enjoy a mesmerizing stargazing session away from urban lights.
Wildlife Photography Tips: Learn valuable tips and tricks from experienced naturalists and wildlife photographers.
Luxurious Accommodations: Unwind in comfortable and stylish accommodations surrounded by the natural beauty of Pench at Vannraj Resorts.
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misterygx · 1 year
Every Mario Featured In Project 128 (PART 7)
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Sketchy Mario
Source: Many bootleg Mario cartridges.
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Dr. Amigo
Source: Dr. Amigo Family Clinic
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Pillow Pet Mario
Source: A bootleg Mario pillow pet.
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Balloon Mario
Source: Super Mario World/Super Mario Maker 2
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Satellaview Mario
Source: Various Satellaview adverts.
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MAD Mario
Source: MAD (Cartoon series): Lemming Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Video Game Deaths
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Source: Megas XLR
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Bald Mario wearing Yoshi's skin.
Source: This weird bootleg Mario plush.
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Source: CVG Magazine Issue 197
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Mario riding the Sky Pop
Source: Super Mario Land
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Builder Mario
Source: Super Mario Maker
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Hammer Mario
Source: Super Mario Bros 3
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Source: Reactor Special Metallic Edition Plug & Play
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Anime Plumber
Source: Lexibook TV Game Console 200-in-1 Games
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I have no idea what this guy's name is.
Source: 3D Cartoon Land: Safari
Part 8 coming tomorrow.
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travelguideuae · 9 months
Outdoor Adventures in Dubai
Dubai, the glitzy jewel of the Middle East, is renowned for its towering skyscrapers, luxury shopping, and extravagant lifestyle. However, beyond the city's opulent facade lies a playground for outdoor enthusiasts seeking thrilling escapades amidst the desert landscape. From adrenaline-pumping desert safaris to sky-high escapades, Dubai offers several outdoor adventures that cater to every taste and preference.
1. Dune Bashing:
Dune bashing Dubai is an exhilarating adventure that thrusts participants into the heart of the Arabian Desert. Beyond the thrill, dune bashing offers stunning panoramic views of the expansive desert landscape, adding a magical touch. The adventure, often part of desert safari tours, combines the excitement of dune bashing with cultural immersion as participants conclude their desert journey at a traditional Bedouin-style camp. Participants can immerse themselves in Bedouin culture with activities like camel rides, henna painting, and traditional dance performances. Safety remains paramount, with expert guides ensuring a thrilling yet secure experience amidst the desert's enchanting beauty.
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2. Hot Air Ballooning:
For those seeking a more serene and breathtaking adventure, hot air ballooning offers a unique perspective of Dubai's diverse terrain. As the balloon gracefully ascends, participants get treated to panoramic views against the rugged beauty of the desert. The sunrise hot air balloon rides are particularly popular, offering an ethereal experience as the first rays of the sun illuminate the landscape.
3. Mountain Hiking:
Hatta, a mountainous enclave located a short drive from the city, offers a different adventure experience. The Hajar Mountains boast rugged trails that wind through rocky terrain, providing hiking enthusiasts with a challenging yet rewarding experience. One of the highlights of Hatta is the Hatta Dam, surrounded by stunning mountains and crystal-clear waters. Hikers can explore the trails leading to the dam, taking in the breathtaking scenery. The Hatta region also offers mountain biking opportunities, adding excitement for those seeking an active outdoor adventure.
4. Skydiving:
Skydiving over the Palm Jumeirah is a must-do activity for anyone looking for an adrenaline rush. Thrill-seekers jump from up to 13,000 feet in the air and can enjoy stunning views of Palm Island. The tandem skydiving experience ensures that even beginners can enjoy this activity, guided by experienced instructors. The free fall provides an intense rush, followed by the tranquillity of the parachute descent, allowing participants to savour the breathtaking views before landing on the soft sandy beaches.
5. Scuba Diving:
Dubai's coastal waters are not just for sun-soaked afternoons on the beach; they also offer a mesmerizing underwater world. Scuba diving in the Arabian Gulf allows enthusiasts to discover vibrant coral reefs and marine life. Dive centres along the coast cater to divers of all levels, offering courses for beginners and exciting dive sites for seasoned underwater explorers. The artificial reef structures, such as The World Islands and the Dubai Mall Underwater Zoo, create unique habitats for marine life, making each dive an adventure filled with fascinating encounters. The clear waters and diverse aquatic ecosystems contribute to Dubai's growing reputation as a scuba diving destination.
6. Ziplining:
For those who crave a unique blend of urban excitement and natural beauty, ziplining across the iconic Dubai Fountain provides an unparalleled experience. The XLine Dubai Marina, one of the world's longest urban ziplines, propels participants from the Amwaj Towers, soaring high above the bustling streets of Dubai Marina. With adrenaline pumping and the city lights glittering below, thrill-seekers zoom past skyscrapers, catching glimpses of the Persian Gulf in the distance. The stunning views and the adrenaline rush make this ziplining experience a must-try for adventure enthusiasts looking for a novel way to appreciate Dubai's modern marvels.
7. Sandboarding:
If you have ever dreamt of surfing on land, then a sandboarding adventure in the vast desert dunes of Dubai is your chance to turn that dream into reality. Compared to snowboarding, this exhilarating activity involves sliding down the steep slopes of the dunes, offering an adrenaline rush with a scenic desert backdrop. Dubai's desert terrain provides the perfect playground for sandboarders, whether you are a professional or a first-timer. Numerous tour operators in the city offer sandboarding as part of their desert safari packages, combining the thrill of sandboarding with the excitement of other desert activities like dune bashing and camel riding.
8. Paddleboarding
Water sports enthusiasts can enjoy the serene adventure of paddleboarding along the picturesque coastline of Dubai. Participants stand on a paddleboard, gliding gracefully over the calm waters of the Arabian Gulf. Against the backdrop of the city's iconic landmarks, paddleboarders experience a unique blend of tranquillity and urban grandeur. Whether navigating through the marina or enjoying the gentle lapping of the waves near Kite Beach, paddleboarding in Dubai offers a refreshing perspective of this dynamic city, combining leisure and adventure in a harmonious aquatic escapade.
9. Kite Surfing
Kite Surfing is a water sport for those seeking an exhilarating aquatic experience in Dubai. Harnessing the powerful winds that sweep across the Arabian Gulf, kite surfers ride the waves on a board while being propelled by a kite. The city's modern skyline against the vast expanse of the open sea provides a thrilling backdrop for this dynamic sport. With kite surfing hubs like Kite Beach attracting enthusiasts, Dubai solidifies its position as a premier destination for those craving the perfect synergy of wind, water, and the sheer thrill of riding the waves.
Dubai's allure extends beyond its glitzy urban landscape. From the adrenaline-pumping thrill of desert safaris and skydiving to the serene beauty of hot air balloon rides and mountain hikes, Dubai blends the excitement of outdoor escapades with the natural splendour of its diverse landscapes. Dubai's outdoor offerings promise an unforgettable experience that will leave you yearning for more.
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nagirambles · 2 years
Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 176
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Honestly, I wish there was more to Extalia. Because as it is, other than the fact that it’s full of cats, it looks just like an average city in this manga. 
Like, visuallyit’s pretty, but I wish there was more going on, you know? 
More high platforms, stairs, walkways, because cats love jumping up to places. They have wings, don’t they? Then high, crow’s nest-like platforms to land on and set off from would be nice. What’s the point of this weirdly double-paved road that’s just asking for people to trip? Why is everyone walking and no one flying? Maybe make the walls ruglike! Commodity scratching poles! Frizzy walls with stray fur because everyone’s scratched their back on it. Who cares about the weather and practicality of it, this is a town of magic with rivers in the sky! 
I know these are all details Mashima can’t go into because it’s too specific, but, come on, man! Mashima is exploring the idea of going into ‘different places’, so, I want a bit more heart in the town design. 
I love the touch of the little cat with a telescopr up there but what’s the point, my dear, just fly that distance, you are literally a flying cat, you are what bird’s eye vision means. It’d be another thing if that tower was over the edge, looking into human life, though! They regard humans as below them. I can see them making a business out of observatories to observe human life, like zoos and safaris. The whole royal city that is fenced in like an enclosure. 
Make a cat paradise that a pet cat would love, rather than a minisized human town but everyone’s gotten faceswapped with a cat. Kinda like the Ichiya zombie chapter but less nightmare fuel. 
I mean, I get that the point is ‘the cats are just like us humans’, but like, worldbuild, Mashima! Don’t put cats in this town and call it a day! Make it interesting!
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solowonderer · 2 years
Top 8 Natural Tourist Locations in Malawi by Satguru Travel
The mesmerising beauty of the landlocked country Malawi in the southeast part of Africa will leave you speechless once you visit. A wide range of agriculturists living here makes this place a heaven for nature lovers. The top natural tourist locations in Malawi by Satguru Travel attract people from all over the world. If you are planning a trip to Africa, add Malawi to your list of places to visit and enjoy the heavenly spectacular views of nature. 
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1.Nkhoma Mountain
If you are taking Malawi corporate travel services and planning to hike this mountain, you must be aware of the route to the summit, which is as follows:
You will find mostly flat land during the first part of the track
Once you get past the initial trail, you will come upon a fish pond. You may spot children playing near the place. 
When you are done with half the trail, you will find slight difficulty as the slope gets steeper there. You can have a view of the pond and most areas of the land while you are trekking up. 
At this point, you will have a spectacular view of the summit. One can relax here as about 75% of the hike is done and you need some rest time before restarting the hike. 
You will find a rocky slope near this point which is very difficult to pass. In order to clear this difficult part, you are required to use both hands and legs. 
Voila! You have reached the Summit within four hours. The mesmerising view from this spot will surely make you forget the tough part of the hiking journey. 
2.Mount Mulanje
Located 65 km east of Blantyre, Mount Mulanje or Mulanje Massif rises sharply from the plains of Chizardzulu and is one of the most preferred places for hiking in Malawi. One can also spend some time in the tea-growing district nearby with the same name, Mulanje. This mountain with an altitude of 3000 m is popularly called “island in the sky” by the locals. You will notice what a suitable name it is when you see the mountain enclosed in a smoke-like haze on a misty day. 
Just like Nkhoma Mountain, Massif is popular among adventure lovers for hiking and climbing. The Malawi Mountain Club and Forestry Department maintains several mountain huts scattered around the mountain. Hikers can choose from a large number of trails depending on the length of stay and what summits they want to reach. People who do not want to hike can simply visit the Mulanje Forest Reserve and spend some time exploring the plant and animal species. 
3.Lake Malawi National Park
Located at the southern end of Lake Malawi, this place is enlisted in the World Heritage Site and is the world’s first freshwater national park. Lake Malawi National Park includes a land area around the bay and cape together with the Lake and islands offshore. You will see a veritable aquarium of tropical fish offering a colourful kaleidoscopic display. 
Lake Malawi National Park holds the record for having thousands of freshwater fish that you will not see anywhere else in the world. One can also hire a boat and feed the fish directly from the hand. You can spot baboons, hyrax, antelope, and large species of birds like cormorants, eagles, and hamerkops away from the lake, in the park. 
4.Majete Wildlife Reserve
If you are visiting Malawi, do not forget to put Majete Wildlife Reserve on your list of places to visit. The continuous efforts of professionals in the protection of endangered species make Majate the most popular reserve for wildlife and safaris in Malawi. This place is located in the Lower Shire Valley, South West of Malawi. 
In the 1990s, there was heavy eradication of wildlife from this region. A non-profit organization named African Parks Majete (APM) in collaboration with the Malawian government took full responsibility and rehabilitated the reserve. The restoration includes infrastructure development, wildlife stocking, scientific monitoring function, and law enforcement. 
The satellite town of Dwangwa is situated on the central shores of Lake Malawi, thirty miles north of Nkhotakota. If you are visiting the lakeshore, make sure you spend some time here apart from fuelling and stocking up. You can find good accommodation facilities in this town and enjoy some lake activities during your stay. 
6.Shire River
Visiting the largest river of Malawi must be already on your list of places to visit. Shire river is the only outlet of Lake Malawi that flows directly into Mozambique’s Zambezi river. It begins from Lake Malawi and enters into shallow Lake Malombe after a 19 km (12 miles) journey; after draining Lake Malombe it flows southward towards Liwonde National Park, where you can spot hippopotami in abundance. 
7.Kasungu National Park
Located on the border of Zambia and Malawi, Kasunga National Park is full of natural woodland and bush and is spread across 800 sq miles. It was one of the oldest premiere national parks in Malawi. With time, the fame of this place has been overtaken by Majete, Liwonde, and Nyika National Park. Nowadays, most visitors prefer going to Nkhotakoata Wildlife Reserve for safaris that is being managed very well. Check the website for flight booking in Malawi and spend some time in the laps of nature here. 
8.Chongoni Rock Art Area
Located at the granite hills northwest of Dedza, in Central Malawi, Chongoni Rock Art Area is full of ancient rock paintings, constituting the densest rock art cluster in central Africa. From the paintings by BaTwa hunter-gatherers to rare farmer rock art, you will find every rare and beautiful painting from the Stone Age here. The symbols in the paintings have firm associations with females and are still culturally relevant to the Chewa community. 
Chongoni Rock Art is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that comprises around 127 sites of which some are still active for rituals and ceremonies. The tour packages offered by top corporate travel management companies in Malawi often include a trip to this exotic location. You are less likely to find such an amazing collection of preserved ancient art and Chewa’s cultural history from their early transition as agriculturists to the arrival of colonial Europeans. 
Satguru Travel is the largest travel management company in Malawi. They have certified professionals who make your travel memorable and hassle-free to enjoy your valuable time. To book a package, contact us. 
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Match ups Round 2
Will be links to polls when they are posted Link to full updated bracket Round 2 ends end of day (ET) Tues Sept 26th
Group A:
Star Tours vs. Muppet*Vision 3D
Journey Into Imagination vs. Small World
Carousel of Progress vs. Peoplemover
Expedition Everest vs. Star Wars Rise of the Resistance
Tron Lightcycle Power Run vs. Phantom Manor
Enchanted Tiki Room vs. Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith
Soarin vs. Remy's Ratatouille Adventure
Indiana Jones Adventure vs. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
Group B:
Mad Tea Party/Teacups vs. Jungle Cruise
The Monorail vs. Big Thunder Ranch
Legend of the Lion King vs. Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast
Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure vs. Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour
Innoventions vs. Snow White's Scary Adventures
Spaceship Earth vs. Superstar Limo
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad vs. Hyperspace Mountain
Monsters Inc Laugh Floor vs. Splash Mountain
Group C:
Pooh’s Hunny Hunt vs Goofy's Sky School/Mulholland Madness 
Radiator Springs Racers vs Toy Story Mania
Na'vi River Journey vs The Haunted Mansion
The Barnstormer vs Cranium Command
Living with the Land vs Typhoon Lagoon Wave Pool
Grizzly River Run vs Peter Pan's Flight
Disney's Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular vs Dinosaur
Silly Symphony Swings vs The Great Movie Ride
Group: D
Jumpin' Jellyfish VS Pirates of the Caribbean 
Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin/all Buzz rides vs Journey to the Center of the Earth
Fantastic! vs Heimlich's Chew Chew Train
Captain EO vs Space Mountain
Journey into Imagination with Figment vs Storybook Land Canal Boats
Test Track 1.0 vs Gran Fiesta Tour Starring the Three Caballeros
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh vs Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway
Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular! vs Kilimanjaro Safaris
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