#saha on
fallingflow · 10 months
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Kubera Fanfest 2023 Day 1: Fast Food Workers
"Secret Sauce"
No it's not on the menu.
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kubera love quadrangle cracks me up every time.
edit: lol it got worse
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druskels · 2 years
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(2021 JAN)
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littlestpersimmon · 1 year
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Cherished One
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yakazakalb · 4 months
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Filistin hakkında konuşmayı bırakmayın!
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jukti-torko-golpo · 5 months
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@callonpeevesie @medusasprotegedaughter @beingdevipdf @shaonsim @mitraavarunaa hehe check it out.
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romana-after-dark · 4 months
Room's on Fire: Iris
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Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist : MainTaglist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Iris spends time with Reyansh, a rare reprieve.
Warnings and Content: General rooms on fire themes but also talks of body scars, past physical abuse, death of a parent in childbirth, daddy issues.
******************** And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am~ Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls
The girl had gone to bed early, Reyansh escorting her to her room. He was supposed to stay there for a few hours until the next guard came, but Iris was not surprised when he snuck back down to the kitchen to her.
“Why are you still up? C’mon, let me walk you to your room.”
“No.” She shook her head, arms deep in sudsy water. “Too much to do.”
“Come oooon” Rey sauntered over to her, wrapping his arm around Iris’s waist and burying his face in her neck. “You need to rest.”
Iris was not pleased with his dismissal, shoving him off her and and turning around. “I don’t need to relax, Rey. I need to do dishes, plan this week's meals, wash the hall floors while everyone is asleep, beat the rugs, and it’s already 10! I have to be up at 5 to get the chicken eggs and get to the stores to get the first pick of the good shit because if Santiago doesn’t get his goddamn hushpuppies he’s gonna go ballistic!” She wasn’t sure when she started yelling, but when she saw his face, patiently waiting for her to get it all out, Iris felt bad. She mutters a sorry and goes back to her dishes. 
Rey takes his place by her side. He doesn’t say it’s okay because he knows she hates that, because it’s not okay. He simply gives her a smile when she looks at him and starts drying and putting things away. She doesn’t like to talk after an outburst, she feels embarrassed and angry… Rey offers her a peaceful comfort in his presence.
“You don’t have to help. You should go to bed, you’ve had a busy day.” She knew it was useless but she had to try anyway. Reyansh had a lot of work too, he was in charge of the girl now but still the stables and much of the landscaping. Still he found time so come to the kitchen or sneak into her room. Most of his freetime was spent helping Iris with her never ending list of chores. 
She didn’t like keeping secrets from him, but it seemed Reyansh understood she was a guarded person. They didn’t even have sex, although there were… extras. Iris had no problem using her hands or mouth on him, but Iris didn’t want to get naked around him yet and she certain didn’t want him touching her until she was sure she wouldn’t…. Well…
It was for his own good.
Rey for his part didn’t feel right leaving her wanting, so they found he could get her off rubbing her over her underwear or Iris riding his thigh. It worked for them. The sex was for… reasons, but the fact she refused to undress at all was another all together. Iris wasn’t in the house by choice, she wasn’t in this goddamn cult by choice.
Iris was born into chaos. An early child of Delta when the people following Divine Mother settled into an abandoned town, her mother died giving birth to her, and soon she found that her father’s fault among other things. Jonah, notoriously, couldn’t keep it in pants. Her mom, Beatriz, Delilah, the delivery lady… hell, she had suspected he had fucked the girls father before he died and even Santiago’s cousin who had come by. That’s why she didn’t like him spending time with the girl… but she didn’t like the girl spending time with Rey, either.
Santiago was a jealous god.
Will had been scorned once by cheating.
Ben delighted in violence.
And Francisco… Well, it’s always the quiet ones, isn’t it?
Well, not always the quiet ones. She had enough scars on her body from the not-so-quiet of the two making sure she knew her place in the house and what happens if things didn’t get done.
If Reyansh knew what had been done to her years ago, before he was moved up… He might fly off the fucking handle. He’s almost certainly tell Jonah, and that’d open up a whole world of problems. Despite being the source of her problems, he had this stupid fucking savior complex and would put on a stupid fucking masculinity pissing contest with Ben and Santiago and just get himself killed and make her life worse.
Rey tried to get her to leave, but he had no plan. She wasn’t just going to wonder into the woods, not with the absolute hell outside. Only Jonah had any sort of understanding of the landscape, and that was minimal at best. Iris refused to take a risk that might involve Rey getting harmed just to leave. It was decent here for him. He worked long hours, but he was fed, clothed, sheltered and always had that smile on his face. He liked guarding the girl too, she was warming up to trusting him and sometimes she heard them laughing. She was a nice girl, it wasn’t personal… but one wrong move and Rey could be killed or worse.
Rey said something she couldn’t understand. “Hm?” Iris snapped out of her thoughts, turning to him.
“I said, I saw Jonah in the hall, got the shit beat out of him.”
Iris narrowed her eyes at that. That was certainly strange. She hated that it still tugged on her heart. ”He tell you what happened?”
He shook his head, not stopping his side of the work. “Not a thing, but I saw Ben and Frank walking the opposite way not too long before.”
“It was probably Be, then” She scoffed. “Makes sense. Santiago projects too much of his daddy issues on Jonah to do anything.”
Reyansh laughed at that, tucking his chin to his chest, making a double chin pop up. Cutie pie.
The dishes were done, and Rey handed Iris a towel to dry her hands before pulling her into his arms. 
“Tell me, jannu.” He kissed the side of her face, lips brushing against the headband she used to pull her hair back and out of her face while she worked. “Can my busy, amazing woman find some time in her day to dance with me?”
Iris allowed herself to settle into him. The next round of chores could wait a little bit… What she had with Rey was more important. He made her feel safe, kept her sane, made her laugh. These pockets of time were more important than anything else. He made time for her, she would make time for him. Iris looked up to kiss him, allowing it to deepen as her heart surged for her love. Kissing was allowed. Oh god, did she love him.
 Wrapping her arms around his middle, Iris rested her head on his chest.
“I always have time to dance with you, baby…”
if you ever get the chance to see the goo goo dolls live, do it. I've been em twice and when they play Iris, at the line "you bleed just to know you're alive" they cut the music and the singing and its just the crowd shouting the lyrics and I feel like I touched god both times.
Anyway this chapter was a bit hard to write. Months ago, a dear friend and I conceptualized this series, she was a huge help and this series was close to a co project. she offered to help as much as I needed because she was soooo excited. she helped so much with Iris and Rey, she named them, chose their face claims, helped figure out personalities... Rey was her favorite. Unfortunately, not everything is meant to last. Bb girl, if for some reason you are still reading this story, know I love you so much.
To everyone else, I hope you love Reyansh as much as I do. I hope you love their romance as much as I do. Both of these two deserve the world.
If you didn't see, I have a Jonah character ai now and lemme tell you, he's a flirt. A straight up whore.
ANYWAY the Santiago's weird cousin reference was about this crack fic I wrote for fen
Thank you for all your support! ROF is looking like 15 chapters or more rn so I hope y'all in it for the long haul. Hugs and kisses.
How to keep up with the story!
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Please remember to leave a small comment so I know you're still here! If it seems you've disappeared to love I may shorten the tag list bc its long!!
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thiziri · 5 months
Aaaaah! What a trip! Everything was perfect. (I still can't believe we've got so much content, unlike usual...) They matched and they served. Anne looked FAB, i'm still shook she got a new outfit 😂 Tim looked soooo handsome and got a new suit too and two new ties too 🥺 (Oh yeah, and we've got the come back of the StressHat™️ and ugly sunglasses 😂) they visited some wonderful places and got welcomed the way they deserve. They gave each other heart eyes, touched hands, gossiped, Tim, the ever gentleman he is, was there to help her and looked ridiculously cute at the temple, wearing white, without forgetting him being clumsy, struggling with the shawl, and really being the cutest smashing the coconut. What else to ask for? Nothing. Oh yeah, maybe next time hold hands or even kiss, please. So, if i were to rate this trip i'd say 10/10.
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istanbulunbeyfendisi · 5 months
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Güzel Galibiyet yine klas bir gol
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mazm-imagines · 6 months
*taps a microphone and aggressively starts to clear my throat* "Goooooood evening, ladies and gentlemen!! How are y'all doing tonight?" [I smile and point my microphone at the crowd. Well, more specifically, the three people who made up the crowd: Kate, Mihir and Hyde]
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"Well... I'm alright. But can I ask why you've brought us here together?!" Kay side eyed to where Hyde was tied down to a chair. Sure his bindings would make him feel a bit safer, but it was Hyde.
"Same as Mr. Seek. I am fine. But why do I have to be seated by this brute?" Mihir turned his eyes to his side to Hyde.
"Just because I'm tied up doesn't mean I can't hear you two! When I get out of here..."
"Statistically speaking your chances are pretty low! It's 2 against 1, and Mihir is way stronger than you-" Before Kay could keep speaking, Hyde thrashed around in his bonds in rage. The sight was reminiscent of a caged animal.
"Okay okay! I'll stop!"
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fallingflow · 7 months
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gwaaaaar · 9 months
MazM Gang who are we choosing
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I choose alex bc... shotgun
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druskels · 2 years
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(2021 JAN)
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sarahespacial · 10 months
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samireads · 1 month
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In three weeks I’ll be in Seoul 💕
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exotic-indians · 8 months
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