#saiga 0
kaiserouo · 4 months
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big armor
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vembit · 5 months
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Saiga-0 [Shangri-La Frontier]
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favficbirthdays · 3 months
Happy Birthday
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Rei Saiga/Psyger-0 (4th April)
Shangri-La Frontier
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hapalopus · 4 days
I've never seen a saiga with this coloration :0
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I'm not sure if it's just dust and molting or if it's a genuine morph but either way !!!!
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lettieriletti · 5 months
Shangri-La Frontier 10
IL MOSTRO UNICO PIÙ TEMUTO DI SHANGRI-LA FRONTIER Sunraku è di nuovo di fronte alla terrificante signora della notte? Sarà in grado di batterla? Di certo, avere al suo fianco un’alleata del calibro dell’Attack Holder Saiga-0 può rendere semplicemente improbabile un’impresa altrimenti impossibile!
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roll-a-troll · 8 months
You're Gamesa Lanque. You're lime. You were assigned canus. At 15 sweeps, you've made a life for yourself. Knight suits you. You're indecipherable, you use she/her. Fuck it, you ball. Your saiga luso raised you well. Would you trade your life for anything else? Hardly much of a life this is to begin with. You wish lived just a little longer. When you had the time, you did scutelliphily, and you loved it, and it kept the time moving, alongside poker.. You have fokerkind equipped, and you're figuring it out.. You use the handle absoluteGodet on trollian. When you type, you use 0's where your O's should be, it reflects how you speak offline. via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/mYxW8pt, do as you please
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Voice Samples from Mitsuki Saiga
LoZ: Link (ALBW, LA:Switch, TFH:Option), Ravio, Gulley, Irene
LU: Legend, Ravio
Free Talk at 0:00, Dialogue 1 at 0:12, Dialogue 2 at 0:42, Dialogue 3 at 1:12, Dialogue 4 at 1:49, Dialogue 5 at 2:42, and Narration at 3:21.
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ruiyuki-archives · 4 years
bnha x psycho pass AU
This is an AU I wrote on the todomomo discord server eons ago. Anything posted to this blog will be transcripts of old original work and not really edited, save for formatting. I have no guarantees if I will ever finish these AUs either so these will only be kept as an archive. 
 Original transcript posted to tdmm discord: Mar 2019
OK @xharu‘s tdmm psycho pass au fanart got me like 💡💡💡 all day at work so like ASHFJGLS JUST TAKE THIS IDEA VOMIT
ok so part of me wants to have Inspector!Momo and Enforcer!Todo but also Inspector!Todo makes so much more sense
esp if All Might and Endeavor are high ranking inspectors in the Public Safety Bureau
So like lets go with Inspector!Todo that needs to live up to his dad's reputation and very-good-at-her-job-but-not-always-confident Inspector!Momo as a team leading Division 1
That consists of Todo, Momo, and KamiJirou as enforcers and two others idk I haven’t decided yet
BUT ANYWAY Inspector!Todo takes his job very seriously like Gino in pp s1 bc not only is there living up to Endeavor's reputation, its also making sure he doesn’t fuck up his psycho pass bc he’s not the first one to walk down the MWPSB path
Bc knowing me, ofc im gonna throw in Dabi there and ofc its going to be Dabi who was the first one to become an inspector for the MWPSB like Endeavor and ofc his story is that his pp falls down into latent criminal status and he’s demoted into Enforcer
And duh Endeavor is disappointed af that his eldest became an Enforcer and thus becomes that trash dad he is putting pressure on Todo to do better than his brother
And this is just more backstory not related to tdmm but y’all need context so.....
Dabi's an Enforcer who somehow manages to run away from house arrest in the MWPSB while on a mission and goes into hiding bc duh Sybil's got eyes everywhere
So on the run Latent Criminal Dabi manages to join up with Shigaraki's gang who are also a bunch of LCs hiding underground, and you can guess the rest but also more on that later
Ok back to tdmm:
Todo always tries to keep his crime coefficient at like 65 bc it really doesn’t go any lower considering he is under stress and he knows and that makes it worse so ya really like s1 Gino
Momo's good with her pp like Akane is so honestly it keeps around 20-30
(And for those that didn’t know, crime coefficients: 0-100 = you’re good, 100-300 = latent criminal, 300+ = Sybil doesn’t like you)
And Jirou probably hang around 110-120... Kaminari probs a little higher 150ish and part of me wants to make him like Kagari whos pp has been above 100 his whole life but nah im not gonna do that bc that’s playing the trope card
Other MWPSB members probably like this:
already mentioned All Might and Endeavor as top inspectors
Nedzu as the chief bc he knows and y k n o w from s1 👀👀👀
Division 2 is probs led by Inspector!Deku and Inspector!Bakugou under the mentorship of All Might
(another part of me wants to put Enforcer!Bakugou on tdmm's team but im really fighting myself over this)
Aizawa is Professor Saiga. thats it there’s nothing else.
Ok i lied maybe something else lmao idk mebbe Aizawa was an inspector during All Might’s and Endeavor’s generation but retired bc his pp was getting cloudy AND he clouds other people
but that doesn’t stop Dhinsou from getting mentored by him and eyyy Shinsou becomes the MWPSB's interrogator like Saiga does in s2
idk whos gonna be the analyst yet bc im learning toward Tsuyu for some reason
wait no scratch that. Eccentric analyst should be HATSUME MEI bc ofc shjfkaoa
Kendou, Tetsutetsu, Monoma and Yui and idk who else from 1-B make up Division 3 bc must have Class B in there and KendouMomo friendship okay
OKAY now then......
AfO is criminally asymptomatic (aka is villain af but Sybil doesn’t recognize his CC as what it really is) bc ofc he is
And guess what, Shig is too
So AfO nurtures Shig into a master manipulator n all that bc ofc he does bc "they’re both special"
And ofc AfO learns the secret of Sybil and becomes part of Sybil too bc y’know that’s how it is
But Shig doesn’t know that and he’s on a mission to find out where adoptive criminally asymptomatic mastermind dad went
But really this story will be Shig v Deku's team cuz gotta keep it organic
And tdmm's team will be v Dabi BC Y’KNOW
Makishima's role from the original pp will prob be divided between Shig and Dabi bc ya, sure, Shig is criminally asymptomatic but Dabi was an Inspector and knows the ins and outs of MWPSB so that’s why he joins Shig so they can play the system
So like, pp s1 there’s a bunch of cases that tdmm team goes thru thus:
1) one of em is Overhaul who runs a drug ring selling drugs that artificially lowers one's psycho pass
2) Gentle whos been quarantined his whole life in rehab bc his pp has been 100+ his whole life but breaks out bc he just really wants to be an Inspector of the MWPSB
And now the meat of tdmm is that they've been partners for a long time on Division 1 but even though they’re the same rank Momo relies on Todo too often for decisions on how to handle a case and Todo's always under pressure from Endeavor, he doesn,t ask for help when really EVERYONE CAN SEE IT. HE NEEDS MOMO AS HIS EMOTIONAL CRUTCH
Okay so idk what he actually did to incite the case (probably tried to bomb smth tbh) but the general idea is after tdmm team runs into Dabi and they confront him like Kogami + Akane did with Makishima at the tower. Basically, Todo loses it with seeing Touya becoming Dabi and tries to lethal eliminate him but ofc Momo knows that’s not the right thing to do since Dabi's coeff isnt 300+ yet and has to stop Todo but also stop Dabi from getting away
And Todo seeing Dabi makes his pp creep up reaaalllly close to 100+ which is Todo's greatest fear
So. Momo in the moment has to like throw the dominators away, tie up Todo or smth and knock out dabi all in a split second
And then finally todo comes to his senses while tied up and collapses on the floor like "im sorry.... thank you Momo. I believed in you"
And she collapses on the floor beside him too and they both kinda just put their heads together to take a moment bc ahsjjdslfs the whole situation was just too much
AT THE VERY END FINALE (assuming Dabi escapes like Makishima did or smth) WHEN TODO FINDS HIM, DABI'S GONNA BE LIKE "Im happy it ends this way and happy you found her bc I didn’t have someone like that to keep me afloat under all of dad's pressure"
(Note: whatever "ends this way" entails has yet to be decided)
(But he’s not gonna die and im not making Todo a killer)
this story could end with him leaving the country like Kogami did
And hey y’know what. lets do that. He escapes. that’s a re-occuring theme here lol
The blossoming romance w Momo is what keeps Todo’s pp down. like it gradually drops from 65 to 40ish and he doesn’t notice it as plot and romance goes on until the very end when, the day after the finale when Dabi escapes, he wakes up, has an Official Date™ w Momo and then checks his pp later which suddenly is at 40
Qjdkkfsk how funny would it be if every time Todo thinks pervy thoughts of Momo his pp tracker spikes up from 40 to 70+ and whoever checks the trackers see it 😂😂😂
Bakugou just happens to check the monitors as Deku walks in like "Kacchan lets go its our shift" and Deku sees it too and he gets worried and consults Iida who talks to Kaminari bc he’s on Todo’s team and it goes around the MWPSB like wildfire among all the guys
So going out for drinks later is like 8 of them sans the Enforcers and really, most of the time Deku and Bakugou have their pp under control but when Todo tells them abt that moment, everyone is too sh00k and then THE WHOLE GROUP'S PP GETS TOO HIGH AND CAUSES AN AREA EFFECT ADKJDFJDAHSFK
the iinspectors themselves instigate a psycho hazard and the enforcers that stayed back, particularly the girls are like what the fuCK Guys
It probably becomes an inside joke among all the guys some ways down the line. they had to do their own damage control and it was A Disaster™ 😂😂😂
Aizawa is still the captain of the ship in this au bc even though he’s basically Saiga and retired, All might & Endeavor tell bkdk and tdmm's team to consult him bc he has really good insight on cases
and when Aizawa meets tdmm when they consult with him over Dabi's case he's so ONBOARD
And mebbe helps out with Todo's pp problem like dropping hints that hey, y’know, mebbe your partner can help - in more ways than one - if you just listen to her instead of tryna bottle it up all yourself
kamijirou has had a bet for how long it'll take them to fuck since they've been assigned under tdmm
Aizawa joins in on the bet
And honestly Bakugou probably does too only bc he gets pissed off looking at the unresolved sexual tension and being the victim so he wants to win
> archives masterpost 
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Seiyuu Challenge: Bonus Rounds
This is inspired by the seiyuu challenge I saw @rukiinightray doing on their Tumblr. Check out the #Seiyuu Challenge tag on their Tumblr to see the questions. 
I just picked my favourites from Rukii’s to add to the compilation. After this, I will be posting the masterpost for my fully answered 30 Day challenge (it’s a separate one) including this bonus round!
Bonus Rounds Include:
Favourite Seiyuu above 40 Years Old
Favourite Singing Unit/Group
Seiyuu with Cute Voices
Seiyuu with Attractive Voices
Seiyuu with the Best Smiles :D
Bonus Round #1: Favourite Seiyuu Above 40 Years Old
Hiroshi Kamiya (pretty much 44)
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Akira Ishida (51)
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Romi Park (46)
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Good luck finding current female seiyuu that still get hired above age 40 without having “legendary” status. Hahaha... why is the industry like this.
Tomokazu Sugita, Nana Mizuki, and Yuuichi Nakamura are all 39. I just wanted to mention that.
The gifs are just the most iconic character for them (although I had a tough time choosing)
Bonus Round #2: Best Singing Unit/Group
I’ll be honest, I don’t listen to units often, but I do come across the occasional song, so I’ll be sharing a few of those! I’d say that the three following groups are the only ones that I’ve actually listened to on their own. 
The original question was the best 2.5D and 3D group, but I didn’t know exactly what those meant. I’m guessing 2.5D means there are anime characters played by seiyuu who also perform live like Utapri whereas 3D have real people performing and not as characters.
I’ve been listening to Yoshimasa Hosoya and Toshiki Masuda's Maxboys, but they’ve disbanded. I personally think this was due to bad timing, lack of variety and risk, and Masuda being a little less experienced on vocals. (if you can see the thumbnail of the video) *passes towel* 
I did listen to a few TrySail things, but often, female units to me sound a bit too high-pitched and cutesy. I had the same problem when listening to a few K-Pop songs, but hey, I now know a song or two from Girls’ Generation and Twice (who the heck wouldn’t know those groups?) The members of TrySail include Momo Asakura (pink), Sora Amamiya (blue), and Shiina Natsukawa (yellow).
Alternative: Adrenaline - Eromanga-Sensei ED
But my top pick would probably be Sphere. Sphere was one of the first groups that caught my eye which was only got noticed because they sang a Honeyworks song. With members like Haruka Tomatsu, Ayahi Takagaki, Minako Kotobuki, and Aki Toyosaki, they are a bit older than their TrySail counterpart (TrySail members are 22-24ish while Sphere members are late-20s to early-30s). All of this group’s members are listed as actresses and voice actresses as well as singers. Yeah, so they voice act in various anime (each having their own list of shows), occasionally live-action act and make appearances, and sing and practice dancing. In fact, Ayahi Takagaki is one of the few women to appear on Kenichi Suzumura’s AD-LIVE event, and she went twice. I knew each of these members individually for their voice acting first, but they can also go solo (and they do) for their music, but as far as I’m concerned, Sphere is still on hiatus.
Alternative: Here are their top tracks. I couldn’t choose. (I could’ve added a lot more than 15 tracks)
I’d also like to mention that there is a top 20 list for male units (not mine) [source]
1 – ELEKITER ROUND 0 2 – E.M.U 3 – ST☆RISH 4 – QUARTET★NIGHT 5 – HE★VENS 6 – D.A.T 7 – 神谷浩史+小野大輔 8 – フェロ☆メン 9 – Marginal#4 10 – CELL DIVISION 11 - G.Addict 12 - Maxboys 13 - KAmiYU 14 - Trignal 15 - CONNECT 16 - X.I.P 17 - STYLE FIVE 18 - Stella Quintet 19 - R-16 20 - アニ○ズ
This is purely opinion-based obviously, and since I don’t listen to most of these groups (I’ve heard of them), I trust these people’s word. I just don’t like Hiroshi Kamiya’s singing, and I know I will be kicked in the shins again for saying that. Some of these groups are old too so you can see them with funny hairdos. Seriously, Sakurai had a mad mop on his head. I wonder if it was real.
I’d also like to give a quick shoutout to the Honeyworks seiyuu because even if that’s not a “unit”, they still sing a lot of songs from them.
Natsuki Enomoto (CV: Haruka Tomatsu) - song
Yuu Setoguchi (CV: Hiroshi Kamiya) - song
Akari Hayasaka (CV: Kana Asumi) - song
Souta Mochizuki (CV: Yuuki Kaji) - song
Miou Aida (CV: Aki Toyosaki) - song
Haruki Serizawa (CV: Kenichi Suzumura) - song
Saku Akechi (CV: Hikaru Midorikawa) - song
Koyuki Ayase (CV: Tsubasa Yonaga) - song
Hina Setoguchi (CV: Momo Asakura) - song
Kotarou Enomoto (CV: Natsuki Hanae) - song
Sena Narumi (CV: Sora Amamiya) - song
Midori Hamanaka (CV: Gero) - song
Arisa Takamizawa (CV: Nao Touyama) - song
Ken Shibazaki (CV: Yoshimasa Hosoya) - HOW IS HE THE ONLY ONE THERE ISN’T A SONG FOR (or one that I can’t seem to access???)
There’s also Nobunaga Shimazaki and Kouki Uchiyama in LIP x LIP. [Song Recommendations] [Newest Song]
Honestly, I can make more than one post about them. Stay tuned for that! I’m going to make all my song recommendations and explain this whole universe. 
Bonus Round #3: Seiyuu with Cute Voices
Kana Hanazawa
Sora Amamiya
Maaya Sakamoto
Saori Hayami
Ai Kayano
Sumire Morohoshi
Maaya Uchida
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Yuuki Kaji
These don’t even need explanation. If you’ve heard them, you know exactly what I mean.
Bonus Round #4: Seiyuu with Attractive Voices
Mitsuki Saiga
Megumi Ogata
Hikaru Midorikawa
Kazuhiko Inoue
Akira Ishida
Takahiro Sakurai
Junichi Suwabe
Yuuichi Nakamura
Yuuichirou Umehara
Kouki Uchiyama
Ryouhei Kimura 
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Mamoru Miyano
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Shizuka Itou
Eri Kitamura
Kikuko Inoue
Miyuki Sawashiro
Kana Hanazawa
Saori Hayami
Aki Toyosaki
Haruka Tomatsu
Asami Seto
I probably missed a ton, but this is such an open-ended category. 
Bonus Round #5: Seiyuu with the Best Smiles :D 
Kouki Uchiyama He doesn’t smile too often, but apparently, he smiles when misfortune happens to others. I sympathize. Why do you think fail videos can be funny sometimes?
Miyuki Sawashiro
Mamoru Miyano
Tomokazu Sugita
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Saori Hayami
I feel like I had to put that tadbit for Kouki because he’s such an odd choice. The other ones are quite obvious. There are certain smiles that just make you smile, and that’s my list.
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kaiserouo · 8 months
I literally can't resist her.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Iwakakeru - Sport Climbing Girls - Crunchyroll Fall 2020 Spotlight
  Ryudai Ishizaka's sports manga series Iwakakeru - Sport Climbing Girls is getting ready to ascend as part of Crunchyroll's Fall 2020 Lineup, so we're here to get your hands all chalked up and ready for the big climb. Read on for more on what to expect from the series, including the visual, trailer, cast and character info, and more! 
  Official website
Launch Info
Official Trailers
Characters and Cast
Additional Info
  Launch Info
Launch Time: TBD
Territories: North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS 
Show Page (Coming Soon!)
  Official Trailers
  Sport climbing is a sport that makes use of both the body and the brain to climb walls. Kasahara Konomi, a master at puzzles, just happens to discover her school's climbing wall, and it looks almost like a colorful sort of puzzle in her eyes. This fateful encounter brings big changes to Konomi's life! With her teammates in the Hanamiya Girls' High School Climbing Club, Konomi races for the top in this passionate climbing story!
  Characters and Cast
  Konomi Kasahara
VA: Sumire Uesaka (Karin Nanase in In/Spectre)
Jun Uehara
VA: Yui Ishikawa (Mikasa Ackerman in Attack on Titan)
Sayo Yotsuba
VA: Aina Suzuki (Mari Ohara in Love Live! Sunshine!!)
  Nonoaka Sugiura
VA: Miyu Tomita (Rizu Ogata in We Never Learn: BOKUBEN)
  Kurikawa High School
  Chinari Iwamine
VA: Mikako Komatsu (Sanae Kozuki in Sakura Quest) 
  Chigusa Kumagai
VA: Sachi Kokuryu (Ilse Langnar in Attack on Titan)
  St. Catalano Girls
  Masumi Fujita
VA: Chihiro Ueda (Masaru Saiga in Karakuri Circus)
Rina Samura
VA: Daria Midou (Chihiro Onizuka in Hi Score Girl)
Kurea Oba
VA: Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki in The Idolmaster Million Live! video games)
  Kokureikan High School
  Anne Kurusu
VA: Yukari Tamura (Suzuha Amane in Steins;Gate 0)
  Original Creator
Ryudai Ishizaka
Tetsuro Amino (Shiki, Macross 7) 
  Series Composition
Touko Machida (Lucky Star, Caligula)
  Character Design 
Yoshihiro Watanabe
  Chief Animation Director
Yoshihiro Watanabe
Motohiro Taniguchi
Kenji Terao
  Art Director
Tomoyasu Hosoi
  Sound Director
Takatoshi Hamano
Tsubasa Ito
  Opening Theme Performer
Aina Suzuki
  Ending Theme Performers
Aina Suzuki
Miyu Tomita
Sumire Uesaka
Yui Ishikawa
  Animation Production
  Additional Info
  The original Iwakakeru manga by Ryudai Ishizaka first started with online serialization via Cygame's Cycomi app and site, running from 2017-2019 and collected into four volumes published by Kodansha. A sequel has been running since right after the original ended, with two collected volumes published so far. 
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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Guns for the Hunting and Self- Defense
Hunter is mainly going to hunt with guns. Guns also provide a safety feeling .To shoot wild boars, wild goats, European and Caucasian deer at distances up to 50 m, you can shoot bullets from 12-and 16-caliber smooth-bore rifles, medium and small boars at short distances (no more than 30 m) you can shoot large-bore smooth-bore rifles (9 mm) buckshot of shotguns of the 12th and 16th calibers.
The shooting of roe deer and saigas at distances up to 35-40 m is carried out with small ones from 12-gauge and 16-gauge smooth-bore weapons; foxes at this distance shoot: from under the hounds - shot No. 3, 2; from the approach - No. 1, 0, but not larger than 0000. It is preferable to shoot a wolf and a lynx from 12-gauge smoothbore guns at distances up to 30 m with cartridges equipped with small buckshot.
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  How to choose best Gun
Until now, many hunters are unjustifiably carried away by large shots, which reduces the effectiveness of shooting and increases the number of wounded animals. If it is correct, that is, sharply and carefully, the shotgun must be fired accurately. Find best gun online Guns And Ammo Near Me.
The hunter must choose the number of fractions, the size of the buckshot, the type of bullet, depending on the specific conditions of the hunt, i.e., on the distance that you have to shoot, the time of year, ammunition equipment.
The greater the distance, the colder, the larger the numbers of the fraction (buckshot) should be consumed without going beyond the limits of the reasonable. And finally, after you have decided on the type and caliber of the gun that you need, a few tips that you should follow when buying a weapon. The shotgun should fit your weight. For an average man, the weight of a gun equal to one twenty-second of its weight is optimal.
The gun should be applied, i.e. the gun should match your anthropometry and have the right balance. Currently, it is believed that the center of gravity of the double-barreled smoothbore gun should be approximately around the axis of the hinge. Find a point in the store and try several times, with your eyes closed, throw the gun to your shoulder. You can get Firearm Sales Online with wide range of gun.
This is especially true for rifles that were already in use. But the fact that the gun is completely new does not mean anything. There are many low-quality guns on the market with boxes made of alloy materials and poor-quality assembly. This is especially different Turkish and Chinese guns, but, unfortunately, the quality of assembly and decoration of Russian guns, in recent years, has fallen markedly.  The Guns For Sell provides affordable ranges of guns.
 "Americans" are also not very reliable, although inexpensive and practical. Traditionally a win-win option is German or Italian weapons.So ,Firearms For Sale Near Me  offer you best gun. Moreover, not only such serial brands as Sauer, Blaser or Benelli, but also the guns of small arms workshops, such as: FAIR or Sigal, show excellent.
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katerinadj · 5 years
week 1: self-initiated project
Initial Ideas
It’s so nice to be back at uni.
Blue Planet II and Planet Earth II have been playing on my Netflix constantly - I’m obsessed!! The animals documented here are fascinating; in particular their purposeful features which help them survive. For example, the nomadic Saiga Antelope live on grasslands and have huge noses to detect fresh growth from hundreds of km away and clean air before it enters their lungs. Where humans and animals live could also change dramatically and in different parts of the world there are new types of forests to help cultivate more plants and wildlife which is beautiful. See images - Sinagpore Supertrees and Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest), Milan.
Considering how animals evolve, I’ve started to think about the way humans might evolve due to climate change. For example, what if human noses evolve and become huge in order to separate polluted air from clean air? My project could investigate a different way of (future) human living.
Within my developing practice, I strive to illustrate women in a way that’s representative e.g. different shapes and sizes. Ancient Goddess figurines interest me and the idea that the female body is non-static. For example, writer Judith Thurman describes ‘diversity of shapes is eloquent about the stresses of life and gravity on the female body’. Therefore, every aspect of the body is like that for a reason. Incorporating current environmental issues and stresses humans are facing is a natural progression for exploring an alternative way of portraying humans, and eventually (possibly) a (different) world.
https://www.pnas.org/content/115/43/10953 (climate change & mental health)
https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/climate-change (climate change & women)
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psycho-pass-lists · 7 years
Mika’s Drunk Texts
(See Akane’s drunk texts here!!)
10:39 pm - to Togane
roses aer red
violtes are blue
if i ahd a dominator
i’l so totally point it at yuo
10:44 pm - to Togane
prtety good huh
woulda becqme a poet if not an inspector
tru story
11:03 pm - to Kamui
who are you again
11:13 pm - to Kamui
right no one who amtters got it
12:40 am - to Yayoi
yu’re pretty cool
for an enforcer
12:42 am - to Ginoza
you suck
for an enforcer
12:57 am - to Ginoza
yeh yeah cry me a river
1:15 am - to Chief Kasei
y you like tsumenori so much
i gotta know
1:28 am - to Chief Kasei
i was the one hwho solved the mystery around togane!!!
2:01 am - to Chief Kasei
fine don't reply to me watever
only need me whenver yu want me to bring down tsemori
2:03 am - to Chief Kasei
am i a good inspector 
2:08 am - to Rikako
yu ruined my childhood
youre like tsunameri version 2
cuz yu both conceited, arrogant, and just plain weird
but yur almost worse
if tat is possuble
2:17 am - to Saiga
stap callin me whiny
ur face is whniy
2:43 am - to Risa
nver told any one this
but i’m sorry you died
yu were one of the good ones
2:50 am - to Sho
yo y didn't you do a better job rescuing inspector aoyanagi
2:53 am - to Sho
of corse it’s yur fault and yu should feel guilty
3:12 am - to Akane
uyo’re not following the rules
3:17 am - to Akane
sorry autocorrected from ‘sup’
3:23 am - to Akane
well you’re prob doing something wrong anyways
4:42 am - to Kogami
i havto know
wats so special about you
4:56 am - to Kogami
is it the abs
its totlally the abs isn't it
5:11 am - to Kogami
ive tlod no one tis yet
but my psycho-pass is alqays at 0
plannin to bring down tsumori
5:32 am - to Kogami
no no one set me up to say that
5:58 am - to Kogami
togane had nothin to do with this
i made it uop
6:01 am - to Kogami
i mean
6:02 am - to Kogami
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Compilation Post
Mitsuki Saiga
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Part 1
First Role as Link: A Link Between Worlds
Other LoZ Roles: Ravio (ALBW), Gulley (ALBW), Irene (ALBW), Link (TFH, LA:Switch)
LoZ-Related Roles: Hyrule Warriors
Main LU character: Legend
Other LU characters: Ravio
Alternate LU Voice for: (None)
Some characters with the same voice:
Maria Ross (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003), The Luminary (Dragon Quest XI), Joshua Bright (Legend of Heroes), Haihane (Sekirei), Lin Shaolee (Black Cat), Benio Amakusa (Ouran Highschool Host Club), Dain (Deltora Quest), Edward V (Black Butler), Kako (Monogatari Series), Nasu Suketaka Yoichi (Drifters), Elio (Pokémon Masters), Jing (King of Bandits)
In the game:
A Link Between Worlds (Link)
Link's Awakening: Switch
A Link Between Worlds (Ravio)
Hyrule Warriors (Ravio)
A Link Between Worlds (Gulley & Irene)
Original Post
Voice Compilation (Various Voices)
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Elio/Yō from Pokémon Masters EX
He speaks at 0:07
Longer video here or in the original post with more voice clips.
He laughs, hums, grumbles, and cries after 1:24 (in the longer video).
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Jing from Jing: King of Bandits
He first speaks at 1:32
Jing has black hair and a yellow-orange coat.
He speaks at 1:33, 3:15, 3:31, 4:02, 4:40, 4:47, 7:13, 7:55, 8:17, 8:36, 8:52, 9:44, 10:16, 10:28, 10:48, 11:18, 12:00, 12:31, 12:55, 15:01, 15:56, 17:16, 17:31, 18:06, 18:17, 19:13, 19:17, 19:25, 19:30, 19:44, 20:34, and 20:50.
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Yoichi from Drifters
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Lin Shaolee from Black Cat
+one character with another LoZ voice
Lin Shaolee has a long black ponytail.
Some times he speaks are 3:11, 4:06, 4:24 hey look it's Marin, 5:04, 5:37, 6:26, 11:51, 13:40, 14:00, 15:18, 17:40, 18:31, and 19:14.
Baldorias has messy red hair (Ghirahim/Byrne voice).
He only shows up at the beginning and speaks at 0:56.
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Dain from Deltora Quest
He first speaks at 2:48
Dain has purple hair.
A few times he speaks are 2:48, 3:17, 3:54, 4:16, 4:32, 4:56, 6:08, 7:07, 9:03, 15:31, and 17:53.
Original Post
Haihane from Sekirei
Haihane is the one with spiky hands.
Original Post
Voice Samples from Mitsuki Saiga
Free Talk at 0:00, Dialogue 1 at 0:12, Dialogue 2 at 0:42, Dialogue 3 at 1:12, Dialogue 4 at 1:49, Dialogue 5 at 2:42, and Narration at 3:21.
Original Post
In the Compilation Post for SS Link/Sky
Shindou Takuto from Inazuma Eleven GO
Original Post
Original Post
Sakuya Nijou from Norn9
In the Compilation Post for ALBW Zelda/Fable, Fi
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Part 2 - Click Here
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typhlonectes · 7 years
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They found the first carcasses in late December, on the frozen steppes of Mongolia’s western Khovd province.
By the end of January, officials in the region had recorded the deaths of 2,500 endangered saiga antelopes — about a quarter of the country’s saiga population — and scientists had identified a culprit: a virus called peste des petits ruminants, or P.P.R., also known as goat plague.
It was the first time the disease, usually seen in goats, sheep and other small livestock, had been found in free-ranging antelopes. For the saiga, an ancient animal that once roamed the grasslands of the world with the woolly mammoth and the saber-toothed tiger, the outbreak was potentially catastrophic.
The antelope’s numbers, once in the millions, have been severely depleted by illegal hunting, habitat loss and competition for food. The species is described as critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List...
54 notes · View notes