#sailor fafnir
trollwizard · 4 months
📋 for Sigurd?
oh my big, foolish boy. sigurd mensch is full of tension and plays pretend that he's fine and it's cool, actually
Age: 13 sweeps
Height: 7'
Weight: heavy. he's heavy. he's a big boy. he's got that weightlifter bulk where hes got a little bit of belly but it's in service of being good at heavy stuff
Carrying: sword, probably. he tends to keep at least one kind of blade on him at all times unless he is in his ship. in which case there is a bladed weapon in reach no matter where you turn!
Last thought of: "I wonder what merles opinion on scaled chainmail is. does she also think it's sexy. what would she look like in scaled chainmail......"
Current Job: Blacksmith! he does general metalworking as well, and will do finer smithery like making jewellery. he's been tinkering off and on with a design for a ring for a particular delicate hand.
Main Goal: be nicer. bea has made it very clear that this is his main goal and he should not be pursuing others at this time.
Favorite Item: he once collaborated on a dress with merle to adorn it with metal arm cuffs and a wash of diamonds in a chain lattice. he's VERY proud of his part in it and when she wears it he is a messy combination of smug and very attracted to her.
Love Anyone?: merle riddel. she puts up with him, somehow, and he's grateful for it! he's a huge sap about her and wants to scoop her up and give her flowers and read her poetry. but she's so independent and strong willed he usually settles for telling her that her rack is bangin, which makes her laugh (his favorite sound)
Pale For?: Bea and Fafs. he's recently been doing a lot of deep discussions with fafnir about aspects of his past she wasn't privy to.
Ashen With?: nobody at the moment, but he's gotten around even in this quadrant.
Hate Anyone?: he's actually called off blackrom for the time being. he thinks this is a good idea that will benefit him. he frequently makes the wrong choice regarding his quadrants.
If you could do one thing right now, it would be: put a little sailor outfit on his cat, Murphy.
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historias-multorum · 1 year
Madara Uchiha (Naruto)
Suneater aka Tamaki Amajiki (BNHA)
Tilly Green (Big City Greens)
Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
Princess Tavra (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)
Ginko (Mushi-shi)
Donna Benetienvo (Resident Evil Village)
Karamatsu Matsuno (Osomatsu-san)
Fafnir (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Cala Maria (Cuphead)
Tagged by: @apocalypta-secundus Thank ya!
Tagging: @theyvefallen @heroic-endeavors @heromuses @lunaferrous and anyone who wants to give this a go!
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multis-sermonibus · 1 year
Muses Coming Soon!
So like with the main blog here are some muses coming over here to this blog as well!
Lin (Spirited Away)
Female Cool Trainer Jade (Pokemon Colosseum)
CereCere / Sailor Ceres (Sailor Moon)
PallaPalla / Sailor Pallas (Sailor Moon)
Yui Kodai (BNHA)
Tomoko Shiretoko (BNHA)
Ryuko Tsuchikawa (BNHA)
Rumi Usagiyama (BNHA)
Reiko Yanagi  (BNHA)
Elma (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Fafnir (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Tensa Zangetsu (Bleach)
Arisawa Tatsuki (Bleach)
Hiyori Sarugaki (Bleach)
Nanao Ise (Bleach)
Toshiro Hitsugaya (Bleach)
Shinazugawa Genya (Demon Slayer)
Mina Mongoose (Sonic)
Tikal the Echidna (Sonic)
Nicole the Lynx (Sonic)
Lanolin the Sheep (Sonic)
Charlotte Custard (One Piece)
Charlotte Cinnamon (One Piece)
Charlotte Poire (One Piece)
Ulti (One Piece)
Belo Betty (One Piece)
Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
Aiko Yumi (Huniepop)
Polly Bendleson (Huniepop)
Kagami Uchiha (Naruto)
Mei Terumi (Naruto)
Mabui (Naruto)
Hanabi Hyuuga (Naruto)
Yugito Nii (Naruto)
Yagura Karatachi (Naruto)
Utakata (Naruto)
Kin Tsurugi (Naruto) 
Pakura (Naruto)
Yugao Uzuki (Naruto)
The 3rd Kazekage (Naruto)
Minato Namikaze (Naruto)
Suzume (Naruto)
Supertrainer Luna Storm (Pokemon Colosseum)
Supertrainer Sierra Storm (Pokemon Colosseum)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Sailor Star Maker (Sailor Moon)
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aved-animates · 7 years
Commission Info
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Anime and cartoon stickers! 
Far left: Single sticker designs I am selling for $2.50 each
Middle: Miss Kobayashi”s Dragon Maid sticker sheet! All the main characters of Miss Kobayahsi’s Dragon Maid in one sticker sheet hand made and cut by me. 
Far Right: Pretty Guardians Sticker Sheet! Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Jupiter all in one sticker sheet! 
New Designs are made consistently and I am open for commission so feel free to message me! 
Get your single stickers and your sticker sheets at my etsy shop: Quirky Kitties
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
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Most pagan religions are polytheistic in nature, meaning they believe in multiple divine beings. This is one of the hardest parts of paganism for outsiders to understand. In a culture where strict monotheism is treated as the norm, it can be difficult to wrap your head around the idea of worshiping more than one god.
Ironically, monotheism — the belief in a single, all-powerful creator deity — is a relatively new invention. Zoroastrianism, the first monotheistic religion, is only about 4,000 years old. In the big scheme of things, that really is not a long time. Evidence for polytheistic religion dates back much, much farther (like, up to 40,000 years). We could argue that polytheism is the natural state of human spirituality.
Within pagan communities, polytheism is often described as a spectrum, with “hard polytheism” on one end and “soft polytheism” on the other. Hard polytheists believe that every deity is a distinct, separate, autonomous spiritual being. Soft polytheists believe that every deity is a part of a greater whole. As we’ve already discussed, extreme soft polytheism isn’t actually polytheism at all, but monism — the belief in a single divine source that manifests in different ways, including as different deities.
Hard polytheism is pretty straightforward. Norse paganism is an example of a hard polytheist system. Most Norse pagans believe that Odin is distinct from Thor, who is distinct from Freyja, who is distinct from Heimdall… you get the idea. Each of these gods has their own area of expertise over which they preside. If you’re dealing with a love matter, you’re probably going to seek out help from Freyja rather than Thor — unless you have a close, ongoing working relationship with Thor. (We’ll talk more about these types of close working relationships in a future post.)
Soft polytheism can be a little harder for people coming from a monotheist system to wrap their heads around. I think Jeremy Naydler describes it best in his book Temple of the Cosmos (here discussing Kemetic/Egyptian polytheism): “Shu and Tefnut are distinct essences dependent on Atum for their existence… The image often used in ancient Egyptian sacred texts concerning the gods in general is that they are the ‘limbs’ of the Godhead.” Shu and Tefnut, who are described in mythology as Atum’s children, are an extension of Atum’s creative power. However, they are also distinct beings with their own thoughts, feelings, and agendas. (It’s worth noting that we also have myths describing Atum’s birth. He is not a supreme being or a timeless force like the Abrahamic God.)
Monism is soft polytheism taken to its logical extreme. In her book, Wicca For Beginners, Thea Sabin describes it this way: “Think, for a moment, of a tree with a thick trunk that splits into two large branches. In turn, smaller branches grow from the large ones, and still smaller branches from the small ones, and so on. Deity is the trunk of the tree, and the God and Goddess are the two main branches. The smaller branches that fork off of the two big ones are the worlds gods and goddesses…”
If you’re not sure what the difference between soft polytheism and monism is, here’s a good litmus test: If you believe in the existence of a supreme divine force, you’re a monist. If not, you’re a polytheist.
Many pagans are somewhere in between hard and soft polytheism. For example, you may believe that Zeus and Jupiter are different versions of the same deity, filtered through the lens of Greek and Roman culture, respectively — but you believe that Thor is distinct and separate from Zeus/Jupiter, even though all three of them are gods of storms.
To make things even more complicated, there are some pagans (and some atheists, for that matter) who believe that the gods exist less as autonomous beings and more as archetypes within mankind’s collective consciousness. Their stories resonate with us because they serve as mirrors for different parts of ourselves. In this sense, we create the gods in our own image.
This belief is how we get “pop culture pantheons.” Some people work with fictional characters as archetypes in their spiritual practice. After all, if Sailor Moon is the ultimate representation of feminine power for you, what’s stopping you from putting her on your altar? Some pop culture pantheons have actually broken through into mainstream paganism — there are a lot of Wiccans who work with Merlin, believe me.
This interpretation is a bit different from polytheism, and could really be its own post (or several), so for the sake of keeping things short and sweet I’m not going to go any deeper into it. If this interests you, I recommend reading the work of Jungian psychologists like Clarissa Pinkola Estés and Robert A. Johnson. You may even want to check out The Satanic Bible by Anton LeVay for a particularly spicy take on the idea that we create our own gods and devils.
Just know that you can still practice paganism, even if you aren’t 100% sold on the idea that the gods literally exist.
Your take on polytheism doesn’t necessarily have to match up with the historical cultures you take inspiration from. For example, you may be a hardcore monist, but find that you’re drawn to work exclusively with the Norse gods. Or, you may be the hardest of hard polytheists, but find that the Kemetic gods are the ones who really speak to you. This is all totally okay! One of the benefits of paganism is that it allows for a lot of personalization.
Now that we’ve got the types of polytheism out of the way, let’s address the other big question that comes up when pagans discuss polytheism with monotheists: Does that mean you believe all those crazy myths are true? Once again, the answer depends on the pagan.
Just like some Christians are biblical literalists who believe that the Bible is a factual historical account, there are some pagans who believe that their mythology is factually true. However, many pagans accept that these stories have fantastical or exaggerated elements, but still convey a spiritual truth.
There are multiple Norse myths about men being transformed into dragons by their lust for riches, the most famous of which is probably the story of the dwarf-turned-dragon Fafnir. (Yes, Tolkien did steal that plot point from Norse mythology. Sorry.) These stories aren’t really about the dragons, though — they’re about the corrupting power of greed. The stories are true in that they teach a valuable life lesson that resonated deeply with ancient Norse culture. But did dragons really roam the earth in ancient times? Probably not.
This is one of the most important skills for any pagan: finding the spiritual truth in a myth or story. If you read a myth about Artemis transforming a man into a deer because he spied on her while she was bathing, what does that tell you about Artemis? Next time you read or listen to a myth or folk tale, try to find the message at the core of the story. You may be surprised by how this changes your understanding of the mythology.
If you’re interested in paganism but aren’t sure where to start, it might be helpful to gauge where you fall on the polytheism spectrum. Are you a hard polytheist, a soft polytheist, or somewhere in between? Are you a monist? Do you believe the gods function more as archetypes? Write it down so you can look back on it later.
When we talk about specific pagan traditions in future posts, I’ll point out where they fall on the polytheism spectrum. If you’re looking for a path that is compatible with your own beliefs, this is one thing to keep in mind.
Finally, know that your beliefs about the gods might change as you continue to learn and grow. That’s a natural part of religious exploration, so don’t try to fight it!
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thestonelady · 3 years
Shadows and Waves
Pairings: Adelaide x Manta; Adelaide x Kai (mentioned)
Set post canon
Tag list: @clanlessrebel @somin-yin @lazypartridge @keviriass @krishu213 @moonagxdaydream @wpbianca99
Time moved on, life changed. And the spirits watched from beyond.
And something awoke...
Adelaide has done as she had wanted ever since escaping her arranged marriage. Every choice in her life has been her own. Including embracing the shadows and giving her conciousness up.
Yes, she had always made her own choices, even if they seemed outright mad. And no, during her limited mortal life, never had she regretted giving her heart to the dark spirit, Manta.
She had known from the moment she saw him on the island that he was the only one she wanted.
But as her quest continued she realised there was some duty to fullfill before she plunged into the darkness of the sea.
Kai knew. And while he loved her fiercelly, he understood he wasn't the only one. Told her about his beliefs - the ones they taugh had their children alongside the indigenous of her ancestors - about Gods, valkyries, dwarves, dragons and cursed gold. Sigurd, the Slayer of Fafnir was one his favourite stories to tell. And while he would tell her how he shall find his place in Valhalla, she would find hers in the halls of Aegir and Ran. And she would everytime swear the shadows twirled in the corners as if amused.
She embraced darkness and felt nothing.
... But divinity came from worship.
And the people of Santo Domingo never forgot Adelaide. Her, who brough back the old ways, who made sure every person and every belief to be accepted in her realm. Her, who saved them all from the Crown and the literal Armageddon. Santa Adelaida some even called her, prayed to her in times of hardship, prayed to her when sailors went on long voyages. She was, alongside the ancient gods and spirits, the one they always put their faith in.
And that was exactly what Manta had expected.
Sluaghs were all-knowing but had no mind of their own. But yet she felt thoughs slowly forming. She heard people calling upon her for help, and she felt the need to answer in some way. Memories of past slowly resurfaced.
She felt in her... Heart? Core? ...emotions the longer she stared into the darkness.
Manta was there, of course. His violet gaze holding hers, waiting. Her being was enfulged in his cloak. One of his hands was holding the back of her head while the other was at her back. She felt like she was floating in water.
Sluaghs were all-knowing...
"I am a spirit," she said, "But I am not a sluagh anymore."
"No, you aren't," Manta confirmed, "I hold no control over you now."
"You knew this would happen," she stated knowingly.
"I did," he affirmed, "You may have traded divinity for balance once, but the worship never ended. Your soul would have changed one way or another."
Adelaide closed her eyes, concetraining on her soul.
"I still feel you."
"Call it an aftereffect of choosing to become a sluagh," he told her, smiling, "There is a bound between us now. What it means to you is all up to you."
She opened her eyes again, and staring straight into his violet eyes, she stated, "I think you already know what my answer is."
"I do"
One of his hands wandered into her own. She knew what she should do. Piercing him, putting a piece of herself into him, just like he did many years ago. Even now, he didn't wince.
"I love you," she told him.
"We won't be apart," he promised, "We will always watch from the shadows."
"And deep waters," she added, "Together"
"Together" he echoed.
She leaned in and kissed him.
"I've missed this," she whispered against his lips.
"I know," he said taking a step back, "Come, we have much to do and many to meet."
The spirit hold out his hand to her, and she took it gently, feeling what he felt through the bond.
He wouldn't tell her outright, she found out. No, instead he would let her know through their bond. Oh so gently, it felt like a warm caress inside her chest.
Warm... Not something expected from the Jailer of the Seas.
She put her hand on his chest, there where once...
"I know," he said.
"Next time you do something like that, tell me beforehand," she told him, "I don't want to relive that day."
"I won't need to," he smirked, "You would know."
Of course, the bond.
There was still much to learn about being a spirit.
"Come now," he beckoned her, "There is much to do."
Yes, she could hear it, feal it. They truly had much to do.
And they had an eternity before them.
Santo Domingo was an unusual place. For centuries, since they became independent from the Spanish crown, all people lived in equality no matter their origin or belief. So it was set by their liberator: Adelaide, whom some believed was the patron of the island.
Alongside her, which was a local curiousity said to be estabilished by Adelaide herself, were other spirits worshiped : Northern, Mezo and Southern, who were the embodiments of the Americas; a Mermaid, who represented everything light; and lastly the representation of darkness, Manta, 'Hijo de La Muerte' - the son of Death.
To this day, Santo Domingo stood strong, an odity in the world, but a beautiful odity which many had seeked out. 
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teefa85 · 5 years
I’ve nothing to do tonight, so I’m gonna post the results of my scavenger hunt.  By section!  Since I’ll ramble on how I chose if something fit.
Normally, when I take pictures, I stick to shows I know personally.  However, since this was a scavenger hunt, I took pictures of anything that could fit.  As long as I knew who the characters were, I was allowed to use it.  Hey!  If I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t be able to do some of these as I don’t watch some of the genres I put in (I don’t give a shit about Sports...so I don’t watch Sports Anime, for example).
Series Genres/Classifications
Long Running Anime Series I chose to go with at least 300 Episodes, just to cut it off somewhere.  Of course, as there are some crazy long things out there, if friends wanted to play this game together, they could choose to have a bonus point for something of over 500 as well.  Or it could be one point no matter how many episodes.  Note, that if you’re going for Pokemon, the character must have appeared in the anime and is not a game-exclusive character (like most of the MCs and many of the E4). FOUND...Brock with Steelix (Pokemon)
Long Running Game Series Seven games seems like a good long time, since a common number is 2 (usually to see if a game should become a series), 3 (some love to stop on a trilogy), or 5 (it just seems to be a good number).  And fifteen years gives it enough time to be played by a multitude of people.  So unless there were like 2 or 3 games and then they rebooted it over ten years later, it works.  Again, with Pokemon, no anime exclusive characters (like Professor Ivy) would count. FOUND...Link, Ocarina of Time era, in Zora Tunic (Legend of Zelda)
Show With a Reboot I’d either count adding new episodes (like Inu Yasha eventually did) or completely remaking it from the ground up (like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Sailor Moon Crystal, or Hellsing Ultimate).  As long as the show went away for a time but then was brought back later on. FOUND...Edward Elric (FMA)
Retro Show Anything from at least 15 years ago, it’s good!  And by that, I mean it ended then.  So...no Pokemon, even if it began in the 90s.  Note that shows with a Reboot count, since the original show did end back then, and usually it’s nostalgia that causes said Reboots. FOUND...Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon)
Shonen Series It’s a Shonen Series...nuff said! FOUND...Todoroki with a very animated Present Mic (Hero Aca)
Shoujo Series It’s a Shoujo Series...nuff said! FOUND...Mew Ichigo (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Sci-Fi Series It can be any sort of science fiction series.  Whether it involve mecha, space travel, time travel, or any crazy science shennanigains.   It doesn’t matter if the show is set in the modern day (especially since the 80s seemed to thrive on “world will end in ‘99″ in stories) or sometime in the far future. I didn’t manage to find anything.  Well, there were some Voltron cosplayers.  But I could never catch any of them.
Fantasy Series It can be any sort of fantasy series.  Iseki, sword and sorcery, feudal adventures, middle ages Europe.  You get the picture. FOUND...Natsu and Lucy (Fairy Tale)
Slice of Life Series All of those simple stories set in the modern day. FOUND...Tohru, Kanna, Fafnir (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)
Action Adventure Series As long as the show has some sort of battle or travel story, it’s good.  It doesn’t matter whether or not the story is a Shoujo or Shonen! FOUND...Soul and Maka (Soul Eater)
Romance Series Those stories that are set around people falling in love.  Can be a single pair struggling in their feelings, a love triangle, or even a full blown Harem!  Just as long as romance is a part of the story.  You don’t need to find an entire couple, though you can choose to give bonus points for anyone who does. No, I didn’t find any of these either!
Sports Series People playing ANY sport!  As long as there’s athletics and competition of some sort, it can fit.  What else can I say...as I’m not really the type to watch sports, whether it’s anime or not. FOUND...Yuri and Victor (Yuri on Ice)
Harem Anime Harems, Reverse Harems, either will do!  Just a story with one protagonist being pursued by multiple characters!  You can take a picture of one character for this, since getting the entire harem (or even two or three of the characters and the protagonist) is very rare.  Still can choose to hand out bonus points if people do find that. FOUND...Honey-Sempai from Ouran Host Club
Yaoi or Yuri Anime Any anime that involves a same sex couple as its main leads.  And only if they’re the main leads!  So even though Haruka and Michiru are a very sweet and devoted couple, as it’s Usagi and Mamoru who are the main romantic leads it wouldn’t count.  There are shipping scores down below if you did find them, though. FOUND...Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena) who told me an amazing story about the time she climbed a railing to reach an Anthy cosplayer at another con!
American Cartoon There’s always some representation from American Cartoons.  It doesn’t have to be an anime-esq show like Teen Titans Original or Avatar:  The Last Airbender (though you can choose to give bonus points if the person does find such a show).  I mean...I’ve found Scooby Doo and Blues Clues in the past at conventions! FOUND...an Avatar Group (Avatar:  The Last Airbender)
American Comic Series Marvel, DC, Archie Comics.  ANYTHING that’s serialized in an American Comic Book, it can fit. FOUND...Captain America
Disney Movie While you could use it for American Cartoon, I’ve always seen an amazing number of Disney Movies represented at the con!  Even years after the movie has come out! FOUND...Moanna
Magical Girl Series Do I need to even explain what a Magical Girl Anime is? FOUND...Rei and Michiru (Sailor Moon)
Monster Taming Game/Show No limits, as long as the character is found in a Monster Taming series.  You can get the game version or the anime version! FOUND...Adventure 1 Era Kari (Digimon)
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inuyashasfangs · 6 years
my moon and stars @strawberrylozenge tagged me to do this here @roseate-angel tag, so here i am!! thank you for taggin me; i love these things! (first answer’s here, remainder’s under the cut for length)
what movie do you wish you were a character in?
i concur with your answer of wanting to be in a ghibli film! the environments are always so calm and sleepy and full of love that the appeal is kind of intoxicating. romanticize ghibli water physics 2kforever
or maybe not even be in an existing movie and be put in my own little pixar short for pocket-sized feels
create your dream fragrance; what would be the ingredients and the name?
black cherries and woodsmoke. i like floral tones and natural, earthy musks; anything warm and sweet is really my jam. i’d call it sandpaper!
as a siren, what bewitching song would you sing to lure people to their doom?
*cracks knuckles* alright, i’m obsessed with siren mythos. i can go on about this stuff for days and days, you hear me? one of the origin stories for sirens (there’s loads) is that they were women aboard sea vessels in the 18th century that were, for some reason or another - usually impurity or mouthiness - bound by the wrists and ankles and thrown overboard to drown in the sea. later on, a wood carving in the woman’s visage would be affixed to the front of the boat; a patron saint of the sea craft, if you will.
unbeknownst to the men, the women they’d murdered and mocked with their gestures of recreation would be reborn in the form of sirens — angry, beautiful creatures with gnashing fangs and fluttering eyelashes known to entice men with their mellifluous voices and lure their ships into the craggy rocks they roosted upon, where the sailors would run aground and suffer a fate of splintering wood and raging waves, swallowed up in the same ocean they’d used to kill.
tangent aside, if i were a siren, my go-to call would be “sick of losing soulmates” by dodie, “boats and birds” by gregory and the hawk, “wings” by birdy, or “trade mistakes” by panic. they’ve all got a soothing quality to them and i love them all for separate but equal reasons.
*clicks shoes together three times* anywhere in the world (fantasy or reality) where would you go?
in terms of reality, i‘d love nothing more than to go to japan to visit all the shrines and get in tune with the nature of the countryside. riding a bike along a well-worn path with cicadas singing in the distance is my ideal spring afteroon.
as for fantasy? ahhh it’s tough but probably skyrim. i’m cheesy and like the idea of cat people and magic and pissing off the townsfolk with my repeated and unnecessary usage of my speed shout to run to the morning market.
the world of miss kobayashi’s dragon maid is just as appealing, if not more so. i want to meet tooru and hang out with fafnir and be absorbed into the sweet, gentle hijinks of kobayashi and her dragon friends. i’d be a water dragon glamored for the profession of baking and run my own pastry shop and teahouse.
similar to harry potter, if you could reside in a painting, which one would you choose?
the happy accidents of the swing by jean-honoré fragonard! i’ve always loved this one.
like the symbols associated with the gods and goddesses; what would be your chosen symbol/s to embody you as a person?
a water bearer’s carafe made of dragon’s breath opal.
if you were to create your own met gala theme, what would it be based on?
classical music. the idea is flowing silk and playing with shape and structure to convey the emotion of every piece. so say, a midnight blue gown based on für elise with a fitted bodice and romantic layering of the skirt.
(if the met sees this and decides to rip it, slide me a smol check of $20k, thanks!)
what seven objects would you choose to hide a fragment of your soul in?
my deku omanjyuu; the seed of a cherry tree; a bottle of ink; a piece of sea glass; my journal; one of the pins on my backpack; my vices & virtues vinyl
you’re whistling while you work, what animals would you like to come and join you?
a cat! a big cat. a clouded leopard. cats are slinky and graceful but also big fools and i would love to have such a large friend accompany me in my day-to-day work whistling.
like the story of swan lake; what mythical creature/beings from folklore, would you like to transform into by day?
an octopus or anglerfish mermaid. i just want sharp teeth and the freedom to splash around and dive for pretty rocks.
i tag (if you haven’t already done it!) @divinesheik, @magefeathered @shousanki, @cloudmask, @girlwithribbon, @kageyawn, @deafmic, @adamworu, @adziedoodle, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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hollowphobia-casual · 7 years
Favourites Game
I got tagged by @knifetotheback
I tag @sunshinedrago, @mistercrowbar, @blueskyesartic, @thelovelyghosty, @nickala, @dansome0203, No one who doesn’t want to do this thing has to do it, I’m mostly got nothin’ better to do. Colour: Black/Red/Purple Animals: All animals, I’m a huge animal lover, apart from spiders, they creep me out. Fav. 3 Movies: To be completely honest, I don’t know, I watch films for different reasons, so I could say I like this movie, but say another movie does something better that I enjoy, but maybe does something else not as good, as such I’m going to recommended some movies that I think people should see.
Truman show (1998)
Paprika (2006)
Love Actually (2003)
Fav. 3 Shows:
Game Of Thrones
Toradora (Fuck you an anime was run of TV, so technically it is a show)
Rick and Morty
Favourite OTPs: Lapis x Peridot, Ryuji x Taiga, Vax x Keyleth, Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter) x Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury), Illidan Stormrage x Maiev Shadowsong, Jaina Proudmoore x Arthas Menethil, Sargeras x Azshara, Yui x Azusa, Umiko x Nene, Ryuko x Mako, Ruby x Blake, Fafnir x Makoto Takiya and Ironbull X Dorian, Ash x Misty and Pearl x Marina
Day Of The Week: Saturday and Sunday, DnD
Season: none Favourite Characters: Grog Strongjaw, Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Ryybyn, Death (Darksiders, Sandman, Terry Pratchett), Asuka Langley Sohryu, Ironbull, Dante, Bayonetta, Futaba Sakura, Ryuji Sakamoto, Haru Okumura,  Makoto Niijima, Master Chief, Samus Aran, Sandor Clegane, John Snow, Tyrion Lannister.
Favourite Superhero: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (Wild Tiger), Saitama (Caped Baldy), Toshinori Yagi (ALL MIGHT), Bruce Wayne & Terry McGinnis (Batman), Favourite Childhood Movie: Slayers Movie, Lion King, Jurassic Park, Men In Black, Matilda, Mars Attacks!, Nightmare Before Christmas, Muppet's Treasure Island, Flubber, Mulan.
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silent-shanin · 7 years
I know this breaks the format, but Takaya as Sailor Moon and Fafnir as Tuxedo Mask. Thoughts on this?
My thoughts on this are that I am a very bad human being who never watched Sailor Moon
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ogg-weatherwax · 7 years
If I live with my girlfriend we’re getting cats! We love Maine Coon and Norwegian Forests <3 She wants one called Bastet and I want to call one Fafnir! or Luna and Artemis because Sailor Moon. Lesbian stereotype I know but it’s true! :3 
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myth-lord · 7 years
Where do all the creatures in Mythika live? In what kind of environment are they encountered most? Of course some of these monsters appear on multiple environments (like Bakunawa can be found both in Oceans and in Deep Oceans) but I put every monster with their most common and logical environment.
This list can be handy if you making your own game/world and you need mythological/cryptid/fantasy monsters for your environments!
Sorry for not putting the monsters in alphabetical order, but they are in species-order from:
Ooze -> Dragon -> Humanoid -> Beast -> Chimerae -> Aberration -> Fae -> Construct -> Undead -> Demon -> Plant -> Giant -> Vermin -> Titan -> Elemental -> Angel
Not every environment has its own species though, so it may appear a bit messy.
Let us start
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Cirein Croin / Dragon Turtle / Haietlik / Jormungandr / Adaro / Zitiron / Telchine / Akheilos / Caspilly / Echeneis / Gambo / Hippocampus / Ketos / Ziphius / Kun Peng / Charybdis / Lusca / Punga / Scylla / Each Uisge / Caleuche / Bakekujira / Draugr / Isonade / Ghawwas / Umibozu
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Each Uisge are the Kelpies of the oceans, they are far more vile though and often hide themselves among the sea-weed forests to stalk prey, they control sea plants and use them to pull sailors from ships.
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Bakunawa / Siyokoy / Leviathan / Marool / Iku-Turso / Kraken / Sazae-Oni / Con Rit / Shen / Muldjewangk
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Looking like enormous clam shells, the Shen are powerful casters of realistic illusions, they use these illusions to lure prey into their gaping maws or to scare bigger predators away, often weaving the illusions of powerful dragons to help them with it.
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Harpy / Taniwha / Lorelei / Shellycoat / Pua Tu Tahi / Ahkiyyini / Cyclops / Heikegani / Karkinos / Stella / Planctae / Symplegades
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Planctae are bizarre Rock Elementals that hide themselves among normal rocks to stalk prey, the related, much more powerful Symplegades are always encountered in pairs, they crush other creatures between the two of them and then feast on the bloody remains.
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Butatsch-Cun-Ilgs / Swamfisk / Knucker / Muirdris / Boobrie / Lukwata / Morgawr / Namazu / Zaratan / Afanc / Bunyip / Ahuizotl / Kappa / Suiko / Mishibizhiw / Nguruvilu / Water Leaper / Cuero / Grindylow / Migas / Abaia / Amhuluk / Encantado / Kelpie / Hrokkall / Traicousse / Tlanusi / Nargun / Rusalka / Undine
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Tlanusi are magical leech monsters the size of a horse. They can boil water and create powerful geysers which blow their prey high up into the air so they fall to their deaths. Expect some burns when you fight these terrors.
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Codrille / Hydra / Orochi / Wyvern / Vouivre / Vodyanoi / Bolotnik / Catoblepas / Lavellan / Seps / Tiddalik / Alp-Luachra / Bagiennik / Bukavac / Cipactli / Wizard’s Shackle / Druj Nasu / Abere / Mambabarang / Nuckelavee / Alraune / Mbielu Mbielu / Troll / Ettin / Kurage-No-Hinotama / Lou Carcolh / Moskitto / Brollachan / Dorotabo / Will o Wisp
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Vouivre are female Wyverns, they are more powerful than the males and have a venomous stinger with potent venom. They use the beautiful gemstone embedded in their foreheads to lure prey close and then pierce it with their stinger. They only feed on male flesh, like the Wyvern only feeds on women flesh.
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Orang Minyak / Basilisk / Pyrausta / Scitalis / Eloko / Nagual / Vish Kanya / Bonguru / Burrunjor / Kongamato / Ropen / Mapinguari / Ngoubou / Camazotz / Succarath / Zhenniao / Dingonek / Grootslang / Manticore / Xiao / Ahool / Abuhuku / Nandi Bear / Carbuncle / Anggitay / Mngwa / Peuchen / Shadhavar / Anhanga / Tikbalang / Parandrus / Jenglot / Wulgaru / Mokoi / Sigbin / Popobawa / El Tunche / Kayeri / Umdhlebi / Ya-Te-Veo / Asanbosam / Kapre / Cagn / Jba Fofi / Minhocao / Curupira / Adze
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Not all monsters are man-eating horrors, some are just grumpy herbivores that don’t tolerate other big things in their environment. Ngoubou look like big horned dinosaurs, some look more like Styracosaurus and others more like Triceratops.
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Hodag / Zburator / Likho / Alkonost / Maenad / Nuno / Rougarou / Skinwalker / Aniwye / Argopelter / Drop Bear / Gulon / Nependis / Questing Beast / Wolpertinger / Sagari / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Cu Sith / Cwn Annwn / Erlking / Faun / Gancanagh / Hidebehind / Kumiho / Nogitsune / Lechuza / Strix / Narcissus / Katsura-Otoko / Phooka / Ratatoskr / Sianach / Spriggan / Yale / Banshee / Baykok / Dullahan / Valravn / Raven Mocker / Vrykolakas / Ajatar / Binaye-Ahani / Nalusa Falaya / Batibat / Ladon / Leshy / Mandragora / Otso / Awahondo / Awd Goggie / Eintykara / Scarab / Humbaba
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Being both the terror and the greatest protectors of the forests, the bear-like Otso loves to toy with its victims before absorbing them into its plant-like mass. They are plants with the forms of feral bears, very much wanted by most Druids.
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Vritra / Bouda / Girtablilu / Intulo / Lunwaba / Urmahlullu / Alicanto / Ichneumon / Karkadann / Leontophone / Nemean Lion / Roc / Ziz / Salawa / Tuyango / Xhumpedzkin / Ammit / Leucrotta / Sak / Sphinx / Palis / Miraj / Pard / Pukwudgie / Djieien / Petsuchos / Aghash / Tsenahale / Cactus Cat / Splinter Cat / Devalpa / Aigamuxa / Death Worm / Khepri / Myrmecoleon / Scorpios / Sandwalker / Ghul
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Karkadann are aggressive desert unicorns, they attack anything bigger than themselves and scare away the smaller creatures. They love small birds though and would never attack such fragile creatures, many hunters use small birds now to hunt for Karkadann as their horns hold magical healing powers.
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Asdeev / Gbahali / Impundulu / Kamaitachi / Indrik / Musimon / Zlatorog / Chimera / Peryton / Piasa / Fachen / Satyr / Zheng / Utlunta / Asag / Omukade / Pazuzu / Tsuchigumo / Yeitso / Jinmenju / Wak Wak / Cacus / Fear Liath / Hraesvelgr / Inulpamahuida / Cherufe / Hala / Ebajalg / Nida
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Pazuzu are powerful wind demons from the mountains, they can bend and command the wind and most creatures that use it to fly. Fighting a Pazuzu is like fighting a winged army. Their four beautiful wings allow them to fly in the strongest of hurricanes.
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Adlet / Fenrir / Tizheruk / Kokogiak / Akhlut / Amikuk / Colorobetch / Qalupalik / Ishigaq / Jack Frost / Yuki-Onna / Snow Queen / Mahaha / Wendigo / Jotunn / Ice Worm / Barbegazi / Psonen
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Jack Frost are the winter version of the Erlking, they appear near winter times and in cold area’s they are as cruel as the burning cold and they have all ice based abilities and spells at their disposal. Whenever a Jack Frost appears the environment automatically turns into a frozen wasteland over time.
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Dheeyabery / Tengu / Tesso / Rat King / Akaname / Doppelganger / Ewah / Horerczy / Kaw Kaw / Keukegen / Marabbecca / Rokurokubi / Bauk / Kikimora / Mad Gasser / Rawhead / Springheel / Gargoyle / Ittan-Momen / Osschaart / Harionago / Oniate / Poltergeist / Dybbuk / Gremlin / Imp / Rakshasa / Flaga / Anteros  
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Oniate are created from the hands and claws of criminals. These perfect assassins are often controlled by evil and powerful Liches and Necromancers, they do their job well, mostly strangling their victims while they are sleeping. There are also giant Oniate, which are created from the hands of Giants or even Titans.
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Aitvaras / Peluda / Buckrider / Goblin / Amphisbaena / Chichevache / Colo Colo / Chupacabra / Centaur / Ly Erg / Pesta / Tatty Bogle / Barghest / Gwyllgi / Gloson / Cagrino / Stray Sod / Fear Gorta / Antaeus / Blemmyes / Brucha / Gaueko / Land Wight / Nuberu / Planetnik / Poludnica
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Gaueko are the protectors of the night, the protectors of fear, they are the night, they are living shadows. And all whom don’t fear the night and darkness will become its prey.
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Hypnalis / Baku / Nightmare / Cauchemar / Nocnitsa / Incubus / Succubus / Phobetor / Shtriga
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One little bite of these beautiful white cobra’s and you’re in a coma until the pretty snake thinks it’s time for you to die, then they slip into your endless nightmare and kill you from within.  They are called Hypnalis.
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Gaasyendietha / Berserker / Arzshenk / Stymphalides / Emela Ntouka / Behemoth / Taotie / Muscaliet / Kurita / Tooth Fairy / Fulad-Zereh / Invunche / Juggernaut / Muramasa Blade / Wanyudo / Aatxe / Chon Chon / Leyak / Fext / Gaki / Gashadokuro / Polong / Sluagh / Bushyasta / Cerberus / Delgeth / Empusa / Erchitu / Makhai / Geryon / Kasha / Odontotyrannos / Jidra / Jubokko / Xing Tian / Tartalo / Apocalypse Locust / Hekantoncheires / Enenra / Ifrit / Grim Reaper / Erinyes / Valkyrie
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Taotie are even more voracious and gluttonous than their smaller cousins the Gulon. The Taotie doesn’t have a stomach so all the food they eat is wasted into oblivion keeping the creature forever hungry and never sated.
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A Bao A Qu / Nurikabe / Fafnir / Kampe / Sybaris / Zirnitra / Zmey / Balaur / Chrysaor / Gorgon / Lamia / Echidna / Minotaur / Tera-Tsutsuki / Gray / Mothman / Otoroshi / Tenome / Jorogumo / Arachne / Leanan Sidhe / Redcap / Thriae / Agrippa / Grotesque / Golem / Pixiu / Haetae / Terra-Cotta Warrior / Acheri / Berbalang / Lich / Mormo / Moroi / Mummy / Nosoi / Pandora Box / Tiyanak / Toyol / Raktavija / Argus / Jack-in-Irons / Ouktazaun / Ankou
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The Pandora Box has some vile aura around it, it makes victims more curious and almost forces them to take a peek. Once they are open these chests release the most vile of spirits and evils upon the victims, eventually turning the victim into one of their mass before closing again to lay a trap for the next victim that wanders by.
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Nidhogg / Dactyl / Mimi / Olitiau / Whowie / Dalaketnon / Svartalfar / Trenti / Charon / Gold-Digging Ant / Eurynomos / Buggane / Fomorian / Karzelek / Lampad
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Trenti love to collect mushrooms and toadstools of all types, they keep entire gardens of the fungus underground and use their spores and poisons in battle, making their enemies sleep, paralyzed or worse.
ANYWHERE (these monsters can appear in any setting on any environment, spare maybe for the Ocean.)
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It / Cuelebre / Tiamat / Ashinaga-Jin / Tenaga-Jin / Tarasque / Dijiang / Automaton / Talos / Candileja / Zombie / Hellequin / Nekomata / Brobinyak / Papinijuwari / Virabhadra / Gegenees / Salamander / Veela / Sylph
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Gegenees are the male species of a multi-armed race of giants, the female variant is known as Virabhadra and it has even more arms than the male, females have eight arms and males have six arms. While the males are much stronger the females are faster and they use eight weapons in battle.
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eebon · 3 years
Bold what applies to your muse, italicize situational ones. Feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
country │ backwoods │ sailor │ upper class │city slicker | foreign speaker │refined | other
educated │self-taught | uneducated | doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words  | omits entire words on occasion | mixes up words │ just makes up their own words │ archaic English │ depending on mood or setting
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world(pun)-weary │ brash │ authoritative
refers to self in third person │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children│ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others
Something like Fafnir (x) or Jin (x) (x) 
Tagged by:  ironbloodcd Tagging: @silentmagician @doomstarmagician
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