#saint hates inv the most
mushroominaforest · 2 months
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Hunter wakes up one morning to realize their sister has left the shelter without waking them up. Weird…
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pikuniku53353358 · 7 days
My au for "Rain world" - "Sinful world"
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ATTENTION, FURTHER INFORMATION WILL TOUCH A LITTLE ON MY PERSONALITY AND INFORMATION ON MY AU on rain world "sinful world"! PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY TO THE END, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME! AND I'M ALSO OPENING AN ASK BLOG ON MY AU, SO IF YOU WANT TO ASK MY CHARACTERS ANY QUESTIONS, THEN YOU'LL HAVE TO HAVE AT LEAST SOME INFORMATION ON Sinful world ANYWAY! (and this post was written with the help of a translator, so I apologize in advance for any possible mistakes^^") So, if someone doesn't know, then I'm Piku_nik, but you can just call me Piku. I am 13 years old, I draw on my phone with my finger in ibis paint. I'm looking for different fandoms, such as: rain world, hollow knight, ori and the blind forest, just shapes and beats, gravity falls, fundamental paper education, etc.I will mainly draw art for the rain world game.My favorite ships for this game:
Spear master/Hunter
I also have my own au related to rain world, and now I will tell you a lot of it. However, I will not mention one part of the information, since my Persians themselves will be able to answer it in the form of an aska (so do not hesitate to write me messages with your questions about my au :)), and I will not be able to mention other information since I am currently writing fan fiction on a Russian platform called "Ficbook.net " by This week, and it's not finished yet. Some of my readers are following me on tumblr, which means I won't be able to drop plot spoilers here. Don't worry, you'll find out in time, but it will take some time :)
AU setting: all SW actions take place in a kind of simulation. The world is quite realistic and is located in three-dimensional space, however, by its very nature it obeys game laws and logic, which means that the creatures there have an indicator of karma, hunger, cycle duration report, etc., in general, everything that is in the base game.
Characters: Inv (Enot)
Cold-blooded Wind (Golden Eye)
Fragile Compassion
Big Heart
Feeling of Fault
(the list of characters will be updated over time, but at the moment there are as many characters in the fanfiction as written above)
The plot in brief:The developers have already created many different mini-worlds called "campaigns" and placed slugs with different histories, chaoacters and goals for life there. But that wasn't enough for the gods. They became bored with ordinary worlds that follow some kind of rules. Therefore, they hastily created the "Enota campaign" and created almost simultaneously one of their most important and dominant persons in SW — Enota and Fear (he was not called that before, so I will call Whity in this period of time, BUT this is not the canonical name of this character, but only a temporary code name)). They were both immediately told that they existed in a fictional world and that they were created only so that both poor slugs would suffer. And Enota was also given out how pathetic and insignificant he was, and then they threw both slugs into their world. An important clarification: Whity and Enot had not seen each other before, the developers created them separately from all the others so that they would not see each other inadvertently.
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Enot did not know how to survive in his world, which is why he spent a lot of effort to survive his first cycle. All this was observed by Whity, which in fact is essentially the soul of Enot, which is imprisoned in his consciousness, into which Enot himself can penetrate only when he is asleep. And so, in a dream, the slugs met and became friends. The developers also informed him about their nature when creating Whity, and also said that if Enot commits at least one sin, it will affect his soul, that is, on Whity itself. He will be in terrible pain and constantly writhing in pain. And knowing all this information from the developers, Whity asked his friend not to commit any sins. The soul was terribly paranoid and did not allow Enot to enter normally and step in. He even forbade slug to pick up a spear in principle, and as a result, to fight in order to banal self-defense.
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Enot did not know how to survive in his world, which is why he spent a lot of effort to survive his first cycle. All this was observed by Whity, which in fact is essentially the soul of Enot, which is imprisoned in his consciousness, into which Enot himself can penetrate only when he is asleep. And so, in a dream, the slugs met and became friends. The developers also informed him about their nature when creating Whity, and also said that if Enot commits at least one sin, it will affect his soul, that is, on Whity itself. He will be in terrible pain and constantly writhing in pain. And knowing all this information from the developers, Whity asked his friend not to commit any sins. The soul was terribly paranoid and did not allow Enot to enter normally and step in.
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No matter how hard Enot tried to rid his friend of these sins, there were more and more of them, and at the same time the pain from these sins only became stronger and more unbearable. At this point, a Feeling of Fault appears in the plot. This character is metaphorical, we can say that he does not exist in reality, he is needed so that one can understand the thoughts and feelings of one of the characters, in our case, Enot. That is, it means that only Enot can see Feeling of Fault and talk to him. Because of the fractures in the relationship with Whity, Feeling of Fault began to tell Enot that he was still a loser and a weakling, which only added more oil to the fire and made the whole situation only worse. At some point, a real scandal broke out between Enot and Whity during which they stopped being friends. After that, after a while, Whity was completely consumed by sins, and Enot's Feeling of Fault became especially strong during this period of time. Enot's consciousness, in order to protect him, sharpened Feeling of Fault and began to gradually erase all painful memories associated with Whity. At some point, he completely forgot about his former friend and can be said to have started life with a clean slate. And it would seem that this is a good thing, now Enot has become completely free from the prohibitions of his former friend, and even now no Feeling of Fault will bother him, but... The thirst for blood still remained in him. At first, Enot tried to suppress her and he killed especially only scavengers, because they had caused him too much pain in the past, but over time, Enot's moral compass completely erased and he began killing everyone indiscriminately in rather cruel ways, eager to hear the screams of his victims and taste their torn flesh and meat. Enot-maniac was very strong because he faced enemies every cycle and learned to defeat them. He became so strong that the scavengers, realizing that they could not resist this psychopath in any way, began to hide in secret bunkers underground without proper food, heat and much more. Enot-maniac destroyed the lives of many creatures, and those who miraculously survived were left with many mental injuries. The most revealing of them will be my scavenger character named Cold-blooded Wind. As a child, an Enot-maniac tore off his eye, but he was able to escape, however, this incident affected not only physically, but also mentally (you can learn the details of the Wind's background from ask. Believe me, everything is much worse there than you think. This is the third most tragic character in SW)
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He even forbade slug to pick up a spear in principle, and as a result, to fight in order to banal self-defense. It seemed to Enot-maniac that he had reached the top and found his happiness and the meaning of life, but... That's not so. He actually needed companionship and good friends all this time. He began to wish for it as soon as the developers abandoned him to his fate. Throughout his life, Enot has never been able to feel real affection and support from others, and as a result, the murders of Enot-maniac began to get boring. What's the point of killing everyone and everything like that? He had tried all possible methods of murder on his victims anyway, everyone had long ago realized that Enota was a maniac worth being afraid of... A small piece of forgotten memories was able to remind Enot-maniac of the void sea, which Whity once told him about and he headed to it in order to finally find his long-awaited peace. But plunging into it, Enot found himself in a dating simulator. He spent a lot of time in it, and during this time, Enot, communicating with other slugs and not killing anyone, realized that he was wrong. That killing is not an option and that he wants to find friends! That's just how to do it if you can't get out of dating sim? But who said that it is ABSOLUTELY impossible to get out of dms? Remembering what kind of drug addiction an Enot egg could create in a dating simulator, he threw it at one of the buttons in this space and it was swallowed up by a singularity. Then the walls cracked and behind them was the code of all slug campaigns, as well as the code of the dms itself, which was also swallowed up by this black hole. After that, this hole in space and time turned into a portal and sucked Enot into it.He found himself back in his campaign, but now some of the chips from dms are now working in his world (that is, the egg can now create fierce nonsense and drug addiction here if desired), as well as slugs from its campaigns appeared in different parts of his world. The Raccoon has a new chance to start this life from scratch, make friends and find his happiness by ascending into the void sea. First of all, he changed his name to Eve, since the name Raccoon was now associated with his dark past. After meeting the Monk, he realized that there were probably a lot of such popadans in his world, so Inv decides to create his own gang called the "VC Gang" (VC - Void Cats). At the moment, this gang consists of Monk, Survivor, Hunter, Gourmet, their tamed red lizard and Inv himself, who is the leader here.On the way of our friends, there will be many obstacles that will mainly occur due to Fear (as Inv called Whity when they met again), which, due to sins, received quite a lot of power and authority. In order to put obstacles to slugs, he sends a black parasite blob into the real world, which infects a creature nearby that is afraid of Inv, which means that he cannot infect the same Inv friends, because slugcat is obviously not afraid of them. However, other obstacles will be encountered due to Inv's dark past, which he tries to hide from everyone. Scavengers still remember the time when the Enot Maniac raged in their world, and this will have its consequences...
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That's all for now. I remind you that you can safely ask me additional questions about my au. My characters will answer them in the ask blog. I hope at least someone has read up to this point and is interested in my QwQ fanfiction, and I'll also give you a link to my fanfiction just in case, maybe someone won't be too lazy to read it with the help of a translator: https://ficbook.net/readfic/13570641
Additional content by my au:
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Designs by Cold-Blooded Wind and his friends - Fragile Compassion and Big Heart.
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sugarr-moon · 1 year
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relationship chart time wooooooo
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-monk doesnt really hate arti, just dislikes her, but there is no option for that
-spearmaster isnt there for most of my AU bc they leave for SRS
-saint is a cringefail loser and noone likes them
-nightcat and inv are the same person which i will explain in a future post
-everyone likes gourm and gourm likes everyone theres no hatred in their heart
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colfy-wolfy · 1 month
Rain World shipping tier list cuz I saw willow do it and i wanted to do one too LOL
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When making this, I realized just how much of a hater I seem like for slugcat ships and I SWEAR I don't hate fun and am not an asshole about it... please listen 😭 (yapping under cut)
First of all, I like inv, they're just my least favorite slugcat cuz any ship involving them makes me uncomfortable so they take up most of the low tier. Secondly, most these ships would only work if these slugcats existed in the same (or near the same) timeline and most do not. ofc when shipping these characters, it can nearly never be canon compliant so I'm fine with shipping cuz I get that it's fun to ship them. their dynamics can be interesting or cute! But personally, it's hard for me to ship when they're wild animals that show very little personality in-game besides their abilities and lore. I want it to be clear though, I dont HATE shipping (except for the morally questionable ships ofc). It's just my personal preferences that make it harder for me to connect with shipping a lot of the slugcats. In fact, I drew monk x hunter for a request once despite me putting it in the green tier lmfao. Also the ship I added on the top tier is salsa rosa (survivor and monk's parents), the only ship that has any chance of being canon. ALSO also, I headcanon saint as aro and very old.
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readingismyhobby24 · 2 months
im doing pretty good too ^_^!!!!
im SO excited to yap about rainworlds >:D i wanted the game a lot like last year and its like “oh wow i have it now lol” so ive been playing it a bunch and reading about the lore (because its super hard to tell the lore in the game)
to start off simple, you play as a slugcat (basically cat mixed with a slug) in an ecosystem with other creatures, id like to mention how i enjoy that the creatures dont just have set animations for their actions like most games, theyre placed on a rig and the ai has to go off of what to do which i find interesting! you, the slugcat arent meant to be a hero in the story, youre basically just another part in the ecosystem, youre also very low in the food chain (below you are basically just small creatures and plants, while lizards, scavengers, vultures, etc are above you.)
i also enjoy how it isnt JUST a survival game, each character has a story, such as how monk and the survivor are brothers that were seperated, how hunters cycles count down instead of up because she has a disease, etc!
oh yeah i should also probably do a gender chart so nothing gets too confusing (highlighted in yellow is canon, highlighted in purple is implied, white is just my own personal interpretation)
male- gourmand, monk, survivor
female- artificer, rivulet, hunter
neither- spearmaster, inv, saint, nightcat
oh yeah! i should probably explain the actual main thing you SHOULD be worried about!
basically, every cycle is around 13 minutes i believe (except rivulets, hers are shorter, but its back to normal when you meet five pebbles) and when the 13 minutes is up, you have to find shelter before everything rains. you have a certain amount of food pips depending on the campaign, if you have full food pips you can hibernate for the night and itll save, if you dont have enough filled it wont save and will give you one extra food pip, you can also eat extra so you have a few food pips already filled for the next cycle!
the main objective of the game is to follow the guide (iggy/overseer, i prefer to call em iggy) to Looks to the Moon and then Five Pebbles (theyre both iterators which ill explain later!!!!!) im not quite sure how the campaigns end, but ill find out trust :3
so basically, the iterators are what created the slugcats (i believe) and gave a few of them purposes, most were to send a message (like how spearmaster was made to be a messenger), also they have funky names like “Seven Red Suns” and “No Significant Harassment”
also some parts of the game are just really funny 😭 like i know its a game thats probably intended to make me mad but i cant help but laugh at the fact that spearmaster canonically got top surgery (in a way) and that theres a dating sim after you finish inv’s campaign
after each cycle you gain karma! (everytime you die you loose karma too btw) which can help you get through certain passages :)
remember how i mentioned that hunters cycles counted down instead of up? thats an important detail to her story :) because she basically has a disease, after the certain number of cycles, it starts to effect you, and death is permanent (fun fact! if you die in hunters campaign permanently you can go into gourmands and find her body (did i forget to mention that some parts of this game are actually really disturbing? i HATE the spiders.))
its such a confusing yet amazing game, its definitely worth it to get it with the DLC, the sound effects of the creatures, explosions, stabbing, literally every small detail is incredible and i LOVE the music !! oh yeah theres also an upcoming dlc with the nightcat… im very excited :3
sorry if i yapped a lil too much or jumped around too much or if this is hard to understand 😔
bonus pictures of the slugcats with the timeline :) i love them a lot
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Okay! Wow!! This sounds really cool and interesting!! And also stressful because this sounds like a game I'd be horrible at 😅 (but honestly I'm bad at all games except for LoZ games, but even then I still struggle with them). Thank you so much for explaining it to me! The little slugcats are adorable by the way!!!
Also, never worry about yapping too much to me!! It literally doesn't bother me at all. I love hearing what you have to say!!! And getting long asks of people yapping actually makes me super happy ^_^
I hope you have a great day/night 🩵
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ragaposts · 9 months
I'm bored right now, so might as well share my rainworld headcanons! Voice claims will be tomorrow, probably if school doesn't ruin my posting spree.
Survivor !!
Survivor is pretty calm, relaxed and alert.
He enjoys the quietness of peace, he enjoys more laid-back people to be around, otherwise he might get uncomfortable and uneasy around those who aren't.
He's just a normal dude I would say
Survivor is absolutely protective of his younger sibling, Monk.
Monk !!
Monk is sweet and pure, definition of innocent.
I don't care about Monk so I don't know what else to say... sorry!
Hunter !!
Hunter is snappy, argumentive and smug.
Hunter is an old fella, and he's usually going around being grumpy.
He is a very talented hunter, to no surprises. He doesn't take jokes lightly.
He's a gay old man because I said so and I want him to be, yipee!!
Artificer !! (I think that's how you spell it?)
Unpleasant and smug, she makes fun of others and is very judgemental.
Artificer despises Rivulet. She finds Rivulet as too loud and annoying, constantly getting on her nerves.
Gourmand !!
Fatherly, sweet and absolutely full of care and prosperity.
He enjoys making food for his colony members and his friends. He is most likely to befriend another creature than to hurt them.
Gourmand is very sympathetic. He feels sorrow for pretty much everyone.
Of course he's daddy material, in both ways I could say.
Gourmand is overall the top family guy, everyone loves him and Noone could hate him!
Rivulet !!
Hyper, scatter-brained, excitable, agile, physically very fragile, positive Gillcat that knows how to defend themselves Verbally and physically!
Rivulet may seem very stuck-up and annoying when you met her, but deep inside she is a very caring individual, with more motivations in life than most people!
She tries to always stay positive, though she breaks under pressure easily, she remains as joyful as ever!
Rivulet is a joy to be around, constantly cracking up giggly jokes and fun stories. Rivulet could also be described as a sweet, ball of sunshine!
Even though Rivulet may be joyful and seem nice, she is truly a different individual inside. She is very snarky and fiery, quick to judge, and throws insults at the tiniest inconvenience. Overall Rivulet is very defensive, and won't let anyone push her around without a fight!
Rivulet cares deeply, maybe too much, for the ones she loves.
Spearmaster !!
Gloomy, grumpy and socially awkward.
Spearmaster is more of the quiet, strike first type. He is always ready to defend himself, very alert and trained to withstand harsh conditions and terrains, despite his seemingly "scrawny" build.
Spearmaster prefers the company of himself and the wilderness, but makes sure to spend enough time with his family and friends.
Spearmaster is motivated by strength and ambition, his natural desire to hunt and fight only fuels those motivations more.
For some reason I imagine Spearmaster to be very muscular, more fit to the harsh side of the world where he was placed in.
Saint !!
Grumpy, introverted and slick.
Saint is truly a strange Slugcat. His unusual, creepy desire to stand around places, watching others from a safe distance is enough to scare or freak others out.
I don't care about giving Inv or Nightcat hcs, I'm terribly sorry!
But now into the silly Iterators!!
Five Pebbles / FP / EP
Snappy, strong-willed, regretful, and obsessive, in a protective way.
Five Pebbles is a younger iterator who usually finds comfort in his most trusted people, but rarely does he ever open up.
He bottles his emotions, until they particically explode.
Five Pebbles is very oddly protective of Moon, even after everything he had done to her.
Past all the anger he felt, he did truly and genuinely love and feel sorrowful for her.
FP is just zesty to me idk why
Looks To The Moon / LTTM / BSM / Moon
Kind-hearted, Tranquill, docile, mature and forgiving.
Moon is a older generation Iterator, with surprising levels of gentleness and care for other people and creatures.
Moon rarely truly gets mad at others, because she knows the despair and other buried feelings hiding inside others, she knows it wouldn't change anything to push those feelings and fuel them further than they already were.
Moon is an understanding, unique individual. She gets others like no one else does, and most people consider her as a friendly, welcoming source who is always open to chat or vent to, even if she may not know you.
Her Ancients adored her, along with the others. It was like she was created perfect, as if she was the pencial of what others could achieve.
Moon did not like the attention and love of her Anicents very much. Of course, she always stayed quiet and respectful, constantly obedient, and responsible. She did not like the way the Anicents treated the other fellow Iterators, why, if they were the same? Each and every Iterator deserved and needed the love of care from their Anicents, their parents...
Seven Red Suns / SRS
Cynical and causal, wrongly judgemental.
Seven Red Suns is a complicated iterator, created shortly after Looks To The Moon.
They were treated decently by most of their Anicents and peers, although they weren't quite satisfied with it.
Seven Red Suns is just zesty I guess, I don't like them enough to make anymore hcs of them hhhhh
No Significant Harassment / NSH / SIG
Prankster, laid-back, oddly defensive, coolest, and chillest guy !!
No Significant Harassment was made shortly after Seven Red Suns. They were raised pretty much together, which meant they were Step-Brothers- or adopted brothers.
No Significant Harassment had always been as cheeky and mischievous, and as he grew up and matured, he stayed no different. He loves throwing out jokes and seeing others laugh.
No Significant Harassment is not the one to be pushed around. He is very defensive and is quick to disapprove of anything negative made of him, even if it was true.
No Significant Harassment is perfectly content with the way his life is!
Sliver Of Straw / SOS
Rude, egotistical, snappy, quick-witted, sharp-tongued.
Sliver Of Straw was made in between the making of No Significant Harassment. She was always an unpleasant iterator to be around.
She constantly mocked and shamelessly ridiculed others for the cruel fun of doing it.
I hate Sliver basically !!
I don't want to do anymore iterators or slugcats, so I'll say some basic headcanons that count for every slugcat and iterator!!
I imagine that Slugcats hatch out of eggs, and aren't birthed like mammals. They are slugs after all!
I imagine that Iterators grow like human babies, they go through the same growing stages of life as we humans do, to a baby, a young child, a pre-teen, teen and finally adult! I love love love imaging the idea of baby Moon and if anyone draws any baby iterators please tag me, I'd love to see it and freak over it!
These are pretty much all my hcs, terribly sorry!!
Have fun, and be safe out there.
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