#Slugcat Headcanons
ragaposts · 9 months
I'm bored right now, so might as well share my rainworld headcanons! Voice claims will be tomorrow, probably if school doesn't ruin my posting spree.
Survivor !!
Survivor is pretty calm, relaxed and alert.
He enjoys the quietness of peace, he enjoys more laid-back people to be around, otherwise he might get uncomfortable and uneasy around those who aren't.
He's just a normal dude I would say
Survivor is absolutely protective of his younger sibling, Monk.
Monk !!
Monk is sweet and pure, definition of innocent.
I don't care about Monk so I don't know what else to say... sorry!
Hunter !!
Hunter is snappy, argumentive and smug.
Hunter is an old fella, and he's usually going around being grumpy.
He is a very talented hunter, to no surprises. He doesn't take jokes lightly.
He's a gay old man because I said so and I want him to be, yipee!!
Artificer !! (I think that's how you spell it?)
Unpleasant and smug, she makes fun of others and is very judgemental.
Artificer despises Rivulet. She finds Rivulet as too loud and annoying, constantly getting on her nerves.
Gourmand !!
Fatherly, sweet and absolutely full of care and prosperity.
He enjoys making food for his colony members and his friends. He is most likely to befriend another creature than to hurt them.
Gourmand is very sympathetic. He feels sorrow for pretty much everyone.
Of course he's daddy material, in both ways I could say.
Gourmand is overall the top family guy, everyone loves him and Noone could hate him!
Rivulet !!
Hyper, scatter-brained, excitable, agile, physically very fragile, positive Gillcat that knows how to defend themselves Verbally and physically!
Rivulet may seem very stuck-up and annoying when you met her, but deep inside she is a very caring individual, with more motivations in life than most people!
She tries to always stay positive, though she breaks under pressure easily, she remains as joyful as ever!
Rivulet is a joy to be around, constantly cracking up giggly jokes and fun stories. Rivulet could also be described as a sweet, ball of sunshine!
Even though Rivulet may be joyful and seem nice, she is truly a different individual inside. She is very snarky and fiery, quick to judge, and throws insults at the tiniest inconvenience. Overall Rivulet is very defensive, and won't let anyone push her around without a fight!
Rivulet cares deeply, maybe too much, for the ones she loves.
Spearmaster !!
Gloomy, grumpy and socially awkward.
Spearmaster is more of the quiet, strike first type. He is always ready to defend himself, very alert and trained to withstand harsh conditions and terrains, despite his seemingly "scrawny" build.
Spearmaster prefers the company of himself and the wilderness, but makes sure to spend enough time with his family and friends.
Spearmaster is motivated by strength and ambition, his natural desire to hunt and fight only fuels those motivations more.
For some reason I imagine Spearmaster to be very muscular, more fit to the harsh side of the world where he was placed in.
Saint !!
Grumpy, introverted and slick.
Saint is truly a strange Slugcat. His unusual, creepy desire to stand around places, watching others from a safe distance is enough to scare or freak others out.
I don't care about giving Inv or Nightcat hcs, I'm terribly sorry!
But now into the silly Iterators!!
Five Pebbles / FP / EP
Snappy, strong-willed, regretful, and obsessive, in a protective way.
Five Pebbles is a younger iterator who usually finds comfort in his most trusted people, but rarely does he ever open up.
He bottles his emotions, until they particically explode.
Five Pebbles is very oddly protective of Moon, even after everything he had done to her.
Past all the anger he felt, he did truly and genuinely love and feel sorrowful for her.
FP is just zesty to me idk why
Looks To The Moon / LTTM / BSM / Moon
Kind-hearted, Tranquill, docile, mature and forgiving.
Moon is a older generation Iterator, with surprising levels of gentleness and care for other people and creatures.
Moon rarely truly gets mad at others, because she knows the despair and other buried feelings hiding inside others, she knows it wouldn't change anything to push those feelings and fuel them further than they already were.
Moon is an understanding, unique individual. She gets others like no one else does, and most people consider her as a friendly, welcoming source who is always open to chat or vent to, even if she may not know you.
Her Ancients adored her, along with the others. It was like she was created perfect, as if she was the pencial of what others could achieve.
Moon did not like the attention and love of her Anicents very much. Of course, she always stayed quiet and respectful, constantly obedient, and responsible. She did not like the way the Anicents treated the other fellow Iterators, why, if they were the same? Each and every Iterator deserved and needed the love of care from their Anicents, their parents...
Seven Red Suns / SRS
Cynical and causal, wrongly judgemental.
Seven Red Suns is a complicated iterator, created shortly after Looks To The Moon.
They were treated decently by most of their Anicents and peers, although they weren't quite satisfied with it.
Seven Red Suns is just zesty I guess, I don't like them enough to make anymore hcs of them hhhhh
No Significant Harassment / NSH / SIG
Prankster, laid-back, oddly defensive, coolest, and chillest guy !!
No Significant Harassment was made shortly after Seven Red Suns. They were raised pretty much together, which meant they were Step-Brothers- or adopted brothers.
No Significant Harassment had always been as cheeky and mischievous, and as he grew up and matured, he stayed no different. He loves throwing out jokes and seeing others laugh.
No Significant Harassment is not the one to be pushed around. He is very defensive and is quick to disapprove of anything negative made of him, even if it was true.
No Significant Harassment is perfectly content with the way his life is!
Sliver Of Straw / SOS
Rude, egotistical, snappy, quick-witted, sharp-tongued.
Sliver Of Straw was made in between the making of No Significant Harassment. She was always an unpleasant iterator to be around.
She constantly mocked and shamelessly ridiculed others for the cruel fun of doing it.
I hate Sliver basically !!
I don't want to do anymore iterators or slugcats, so I'll say some basic headcanons that count for every slugcat and iterator!!
I imagine that Slugcats hatch out of eggs, and aren't birthed like mammals. They are slugs after all!
I imagine that Iterators grow like human babies, they go through the same growing stages of life as we humans do, to a baby, a young child, a pre-teen, teen and finally adult! I love love love imaging the idea of baby Moon and if anyone draws any baby iterators please tag me, I'd love to see it and freak over it!
These are pretty much all my hcs, terribly sorry!!
Have fun, and be safe out there.
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yupmabel · 6 months
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they do this instinctually when u poke their ears
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mionzoka · 7 months
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New scug redesigns!
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amerricanartwork · 7 months
A quick little general slugcat headcanon (featuring a not-so quick drawing to go with it)!
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Slugpups have a habit of riding on their parents' tails, kinda like how human kids sometimes cling to their parents' legs! However, for slugcats it's not just for fun, but actually a somewhat instinctive behavior that provides some utility in allowing the parents to carry their kids around more easily when they're small and can't keep up as well on their own. Since slugcats naturally drag their tails — the tail's inherent thickness and large fat stores make it too heavy to lift off the ground all the time — it doesn't really hurt or hinder the parents' movement much, and so is generally pretty efficient when traveling with pups, especially for couples with larger or multiple litters to care for.
Besides that, young slugpups may ride on their parents' backs (usually with the parent walking on all fours in this case), sitting on their shoulders, or just straight-up being carried in their arms, though the final is generally the most difficult option. Once they're big enough they usually walk beside, holding one parent's hand until they're trusted to not stray too far.
Honestly this whole headcanon is pretty much just an extension of this from Survivor/Monk intro:
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susivoi · 4 months
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Tumblr screwed up when I tried to post this and deleted all my text so instead of a Bee Movie Reference you get me complaining about Tumblr
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bitsbug · 1 year
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In my sleep I dream of phylogenetic trees
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ask-the-pioneer · 2 months
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"Yes, I am now heading towards Five Pebbles, the local iterator. I find it funny how I was born and spent my first cycles in the shadow of his superstructure, while being completely oblivious to the existence of this demi-god. And now that I came back here... it feels even more uncanny."
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"Though, I really... I really wish Hunter did not abandon me like that. I thought we were meant to go on that mission together? I'm not blind, I know something is wrong with him. We used to go on expeditions in the past, but now that he has a very important payload to deliver and could use some help, he suddenly doesn't need it? I don't understand... I'm more than capable in combat, we make a good team, I thought he was happy with my company?"
"We separated earlier at Farm Arrays. Hunter kept insisting he has to do it alone, despite my pleading. Instead, I was told to head straight to Five Pebbles. I thought we had to visit there anyway? Iterators often use slugcats as messengers, I've learned..."
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"Sigh... I feel a little lost all on my own. I miss Hunter already. I hope that, despite everything, he's okay and we will return to NSH soon. But first, I need to pay the local iterator a visit. I'm hoping for some guidance in regards to... ahem... rot, yeah. I heard they've been affected by the disease, too. Maybe they've got an idea on how to manage it? It doesn't hurt to try. Maybe I'll hang around this area for a while to collect as many pearls as possible, then have Five Pebbles read them to me? One of those has to have some kind of instruction on how to treat rot, it has to... I refuse to believe that the disease which plagued iterators for countless cycles is untreatable."
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"Uh... the Red One?"
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failed-inspection · 5 months
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Thinking about Marks of communication as actual, physical marks
I imagine the colors aren't always the same for each mark given, and can vary widely (which is why my spearmaster design with a physical mark has a blue and black moon mark, rather than the red one shown here)
You're free to use this concept/idea for your designs if you want!!
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druidshollow · 1 year
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artificer headcanon design
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ninka3798452 · 5 months
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My rw designs and headcanons!! It seems to me that it would be nice to post the designs of the slugcats first. I will also be making designs and iterators, and a little later I’ll post sketches of slugcats made this week, I hope you like it!!
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minim-of-murdrum · 5 months
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I love my funny Rain World Mustelidae
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yupmabel · 6 months
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threat pose... they get skinny and puff up their tail
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mionzoka · 9 months
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Small headcanon that Artificer sometimes makes a sculptures of her children out of mud and pebbles and talk to them as if they were alive
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amerricanartwork · 6 months
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A non-serious, but fun little elaboration on my previous headcanon about slugcats being primarily mustelids: slugcats with real mustelid patterns! Apparently people were doing the same thing a while ago using real cat patterns, so I wanted to try my own spin on it and see how it would look! Plus it was nice to practice more dynamic poses with these guys, especially quadruped ones.
Sorry I haven't posted as much as I meant to; this took a LOT longer than I expected. But I think the result is pretty cute, and I honestly enjoyed realizing the similar color patterns in all these animals!
Which one is your favorite? I think I like the black-footed ferret best!
Also, non-patterned alt below:
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snickerdoodlesart · 2 years
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My headcanons, and the result of being a nerd.
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