#saint leo the great
orthodoxadventure · 9 months
He who was visible as our Redeemer has now passed into the Sacraments.
Saint Leo the Great
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Let no one be ashamed of the cross by which Christ has redeemed the world.  None of us must be afraid to suffer for the sake of justice or doubt the fulfillment of the promises, for it is through toil that we come to rest and through death that we pass to life.
St. Leo The Great
Ora Pro Nobis
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daily-praise · 11 months
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Today’s Reflection:
Jesus today tells his disciples that they need to be honest even in little things by telling a parable about a dishonest steward who secured a place for himself once he was let go. Yet, we must be careful, because we cannot buy our way into heaven as the rich man mentioned earlier in Luke’s gospel tried when he stored up all his riches in new barns but ended up a pauper when God demanded his life. And for this, he was considered a fool. Therefore, we ought to look at this steward in our gospel today, in the right way, for he was prudent and repented from his sinful way, and this is what is important, for we too ought to become more prudent in our lives by repenting, so that we may do what is right, and that is loving God and our neighbor a like.
Today’s Spiritual Links for November 10, 2023
Join the National Eucharistic Revival Today’s Mass Readings Today’s Reflection The Holy Rosary Liturgy of the Hours New American Bible Non-Scriptural Reading Prime Matters Respect Life Month 
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cruwuisal · 1 year
"He had a marvelous time" - Lionel Messi x The Last Great American Dynasty
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portraitsofsaints · 2 years
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Happy Feast Day Saint Leo the Great Doctor of the Church 400-461 Feast day: November 10 (New), April 11 (Trad) Patronage: Protector of Rome
Saint Leo was born in Italy. He was the pope from 440-461. As pope, he clarified the teaching of the incarnation: that Jesus has two natures, fully divine, fully human. He's best known as the pope that stopped Attila the Hun at the gates of Rome. St. Leo is a Doctor of the church; one of two in the first millennium considered "Great". He promoted orthodoxy through his prolific writings and sermons. {website}
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SAINT OF THE DAY (November 10)
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November 10 is the Roman Catholic Church’s liturgical memorial of the fifth-century Pope Saint Leo I, known as “St. Leo the Great,” whose involvement in the fourth ecumenical council helped prevent the spread of error on Christ's divine and human natures.
St. Leo also intervened for the safety of the Church in the West, persuading Attila the Hun to turn back from Rome.
Eastern Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians also maintain a devotion to the memory of Pope St. Leo the Great.
Churches of the Byzantine tradition celebrate his feast day on February 18.
“As the nickname soon attributed to him by tradition suggests,” Pope Benedict XVI said in a 2008 general audience on the saint, “he was truly one of the greatest pontiffs to have honoured the Roman See and made a very important contribution to strengthening its authority and prestige.”
Leo’s origins are obscure and his date of birth unknown. His ancestors are said to have come from Tuscany, though the future pope may have been born in that region or in Rome itself.
He became a deacon in Rome in approximately 430, during the pontificate of Pope Celestine I.
During this time, central authority was beginning to decline in the Western portion of the Roman Empire.
At some point between 432 and 440, during the reign of Pope St. Celestine’s successor, Pope Sixtus III, the Roman Emperor Valentinian III commissioned Leo to travel to the region of Gaul and settle a dispute between military and civil officials.
Pope Sixtus III died in 440 and, like his predecessor Celestine, was canonized as a saint.
Leo, away on his diplomatic mission at the time of the Pope’s death, was chosen to be the next Bishop of Rome.
Reigning for over two decades, he sought to preserve the unity of the Church in its profession of faith and to ensure the safety of his people against frequent barbarian invasions.
Leo used his authority, in both doctrinal and disciplinary matters, against a number of heresies troubling the Western church — including Pelagianism (involving the denial of Original Sin) and Manichaeanism (a gnostic system that saw matter as evil).
In this same period, many Eastern Christians had begun arguing about the relationship between Jesus’ humanity and divinity.
As early as 445, Leo had intervened in this dispute in the East, which threatened to split the churches of Alexandria and Constantinople.
Its eventual resolution was, in fact, rejected in some quarters — leading to the present-day split between Eastern Orthodoxy and the so-called “non-Chalcedonian churches,” which accept only three ecumenical councils.
As the fifth-century Christological controversy continued, the Pope urged the gathering of an ecumenical council to resolve the matter.
At the Council of Chalcedon in 451, the Pope’s teaching was received as authoritative by the Eastern bishops, who proclaimed: “Peter has spoken through the mouth of Leo.”
Leo’s teaching confirmed that Christ’s eternal divine personhood and nature did not absorb or negate the human nature that he assumed in time through the Incarnation.
Instead, “the proper character of both natures was maintained and came together in a single person.”
“So without leaving his Father's glory behind, the Son of God comes down from his heavenly throne and enters the depths of our world,” the Pope taught.
“Whilst remaining pre-existent, he begins to exist in time. The Lord of the universe veiled his measureless majesty and took on a servant's form.
The God who knew no suffering did not despise becoming a suffering man, and, deathless as he is, to be subject to the laws of death.”
In 452, one year after the Council of Chalcedon, Pope Leo led a delegation, which successfully negotiated with the barbarian King Attila to prevent an invasion of Rome.
When the Vandal leader Genseric occupied Rome in 455, the Pope confronted him, unarmed, and obtained a guarantee of safety for many of the city’s inhabitants and the churches to which they had fled.
Pope St. Leo the Great died on 10 November 461.
He was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XIV in 1754.
A large collection of his writings and sermons survives, which can be read in translation today.
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About St Patrick (left)
About Pope St Leo the Great (right)
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However he did it, this man talked Attila the Hun out of sacking Rome.
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cruger2984 · 11 months
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"Peace is the first thing the angels sang. Peace is the mark of the children of God. Peace is the nurse of love. Peace is the mother of unity. Peace is the rest of the blessed souls. Peace is the dwelling place of eternity."
One of the greatest popes in the history of the Roman Catholic Church, was born circa 400 AD in Tuscany according to Liber Pontificalis. By 431, as a deacon, he was sufficiently well known outside of Rome that John Cassian dedicated to him the treatise against Nestorius written at Leo's suggestion. About this time, Cyril of Alexandria appealed to Rome regarding a jurisdictional dispute with Juvenal of Jerusalem, but it is not entirely clear whether the letter was intended for Leo, in his capacity of archdeacon, or for Pope Celestine I directly.
He was a man of deep learning and exceptional qualities, after his ordination, he became the personal secretary of the Pope.
In 440, during his absence in Gaul, Pope Sixtus III died, and on September 29th, he was unanimously elected by the people to succeed him. Soon after assuming the papal throne Leo learned that in Aquileia, Pelagians were received into church communion without formal repudiation of their errors; he censured this practice and directed that a provincial synod be held where such former Pelagians be required make an unequivocal abjuration. Leo raised the prestige of the Holy See to unprecedented heights, and, his greatest theological triumph was the Council of Chalcedon in 451, where he confirmed the doctrine of the Incarnation against Eutyches, who professed that Christ has only one divine nature.
When the papal legates read his letter, the bishops endorsed it with famous words: 'Peter has spoken through Leo.'
His masterly exposition of the relationship between the two natures of Christ has remained in the church's official teaching.
In 452, Attila the Hun, infamously known as the 'Scourge of God', set out with his army to attack Rome, after the indecisive outcome of the Battle of Chalons a year ago. Attila then invaded Italy, sacking cities such as Aquileia and heading for Rome. He allegedly demanded that the sister of the reigning Emperor Valentinian III be sent to him with a dowry. Panic seized the whole population, while several soldiers deserted their position. Leo confronted the invaders with a cross and persuaded the ruler of the Huns to return his country. A tradition said that Attila changed his mind when he saw behind the Pope the threatening figures of the apostles Peter and Paul, determined to defend from heaven their church on earth.
There was one time when Leo begged forgiveness for 40 days at the tomb of St. Peter. Then the apostle appeared to him and said: 'Your sins are forgiven by God, except those committed in conferring Holy Orders.'
Thereafter, he restricted the ordination of the candidates of mature age who had been thoroughly tested. Leo died on November 10, 461 at the age of 60 or 61, and, as he wished to be buried as close as possible to the tomb of St. Peter, his body was entombed within the portico of Old St. Peter's Basilica. He was the first pope to be buried within St. Peter's. Pope Sergius I had Leo's remains moved to the south transept, inside the basilica in 688. The relocation was apparently due to the number of later papal burials obscuring the prominence that Sergius believed Leo's tomb should have.
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justana0kguy · 1 year
2023 AUGUST 17 Thursday
"Thus we shall return to those who have offended us what the goodness of God has granted us. May insults be cast into oblivion, wrongs ignore torture from now on, and all offenses be set free from fear of reprisal!… If someone should detain such prisoners… may he fully understand that he himself is a sinner and, so as to receive forgiveness, let him rejoice that he has found someone to forgive. In this way, when we say, according to the Lord’s teaching: “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” (Mt 6:12), we shall have no doubt that we receive God’s pardon as we formulate our prayer."
~ Saint Leo the Great, Sermon 48, 2-5 : PL 54, 299-300
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stjohncapistrano67 · 2 years
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orthodoxadventure · 9 months
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Our Saviour, dearly-beloved, was born today: let us be glad. For there is no proper place for sadness, when we keep the birthday of the Life, which destroys the fear of mortality and brings to us the joy of promised eternity. No one is kept from sharing in this happiness. There is for all one common measure of joy, because as our Lord the destroyer of sin and death finds none free from charge, so is He come to free us all. Let the saint exult in that he draws near to victory. Let the sinner be glad in that he is invited to pardon. Let the gentile take courage in that he is called to life. For the Son of God in the fullness of time which the inscrutable depth of the Divine counsel has determined, has taken on him the nature of man, thereby to reconcile it to its Author: in order that the inventor of death, the devil, might be conquered through that (nature) which he had conquered. And in this conflict undertaken for us, the fight was fought on great and wondrous principles of fairness; for the Almighty Lord enters the lists with His savage foe not in His own majesty but in our humility, opposing him with the same form and the same nature, which shares indeed our mortality, though it is free from all sin. Truly foreign to this nativity is that which we read of all others, no one is clean from stain, not even the infant who has lived but one day upon earth". 
Nothing therefore of the lust of the flesh has passed into that peerless nativity, nothing of the law of sin has entered. A royal Virgin of the stem of David is chosen, to be impregnated with the sacred seed and to conceive the Divinely-human offspring in mind first and then in body. And lest in ignorance of the heavenly counsel she should tremble at so strange a result , she learns from converse with the angel that what is to be wrought in her is of the Holy Ghost. Nor does she believe it loss of honour that she is soon to be the Mother of God. For why should she be in despair over the novelty of such conception, to whom the power of the most High has promised to effect it. Her implicit faith is confirmed also by the attestation of a precursory miracle, and Elizabeth receives unexpected fertility: in order that there might be no doubt that He who had given conception to the barren, would give it even to a virgin.
-- Saint Leo the Great of Rome, Homily 21, on the Nativity
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daily-praise · 2 years
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Today’s Reflection 
Our readings at this time of the year are naturally moving more and more toward the return of Jesus. Therefore, the Church recalls that Jesus gave us a warning that we ought not to focus so much on the coming of the Kingdom, because, as Jesus said, it is already here. Although this is true, at times it may seem as if the coming of Jesus is delayed. Therefore Jesus tells us in his warning that in those moments of doubt, we ought to hold on to our faith and pray persistently so that our faith will not waver. Yet, at the same time, Jesus cautions us to remain humble in our approach to life, and not go off chasing rainbows as it where, for if one is in the Kingdom of God, there is no need to locate Jesus, for he is located nowhere else but in the Kingdom of God.
Today’s Spiritual Links for November 09, 2022
Join the National Eucharistic Revival Today’s Mass Readings Today’s Reflection The Holy Rosary Liturgy of the Hours New American Bible Non-Scriptural Reading Prime Matters Church Life Journal
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imaginesig · 2 months
Documenting A Propsal
Paul Aron x Leclerc!Reader
Your engagement as documented by your brothers girlfriend.
I’m editing this while watching the Hungarian GP— Paul what are we doing?? This isn’t how we win championships?? Let’s come back better please
to Alex Saint Mleux
from Yn Leclerc
hey i was on instagram and im not able to see your account
Hey thats so weird
i just saw some stuff that insta is glitching
oh ok
it messes up all the time so im assuming this is one of those mass breaks
i guess your right
in that case can you let me know where you got that dress from your last post
the link is coming your way!!
alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by mama_leclerc, paularon_, charles_leclerc, and 123 others
alexandrasaintmleux: best part about dating someone with a little sister? She doesn't know she's getting proposed to in a week but I do!!!
tagged no one
mama_leclerc the sweetest!!! Just who my girl needs ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc she doesn’t know and I don’t know how to feel
Paularon_ thank you so much for agreeing to help!!
Alexandrasaintmleux planning on documenting the whole thing!! I hope she believes our lie and doesn’t find out she’s blocked 🤞🤞🤞
annaron_ I'm so unbelievably excited
alexandrasaintmleux same!! messaging you right now about a engament dinner theme
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alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, annaron_, and 184 others
alexandrasaintmleux: just some fine tuning!! Thank you @/maxverstappen1 for distracting her while we walked through the plan
tagged no one
maxverstappen I’m never taking her to play paddle again
Charles_leclerc she’s a bit competitive
arthur_leclerc and mean
lorenzotl and intense
paularon_ and scary
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alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by charles_leclerc, mama_leclerc, paularon_, and 142 others
alexandrasaintmleux: since Paul can't post it, "last race as bf-gf"
tagged: no one
paularon_ ❤️❤️
mama_leclerc beautiful pictures ❤️❤️
arthur_leclerc I don’t like how this makes me feel 😭
annaron_ crying
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alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by nailartist, charles_leclerc, Francisca.cgomez, and 281 others
alexandrasaintmleux: wonderful job by @/nailartist!! Our girl is all photo ready 💅
tagged: no one
nailartist it was a honor to do these special nails!! They’re gonna be gorgeous with the bling 💍💍
alexandrasaintmleux thank you!!!
mama_leclerc I love the matching nails!!
Charles_leclerc beautiful
Alexandrasaintmleux ❤️❤️
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Alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, and 182 others
alexandrasaintmleux: first, a sister date (plus Leo) and now off to her special night!!
tagged: no one
fransica.cgomez so so excited!!
charles_leclerc im not ready
arthur_leclerc me either
Lorenzotl we can still stop them, steal the boat
alexandrasaintmleux who are you acting so big and bad for?? All of you cried when Paul told you he was proposing
charles_leclerc I was exposed by my own girlfriend 😭😭
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alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by charles_leclerc, mama_leclerc, lorenzotl, and 173 others
alexandrasaintmleux: floral dinner party to celebrate 🩵
tagged: no one
charles_leclerc you’ve done a wonderful job planning and setting this up!!
mama_leclerc thank you sweet girl for all the work and time you’ve put into making this so special for Y/n!! Not only have you helped guide Paul and make his plans come to life, you planned a wonderful event to celebrate in a way Y/n will love!!!
alexandrasaintmleux 😭❤️❤️
Lorenzotl the floral theme came to life
annaaron_ we plan a great celebration!!
alexandrasaintmleux i say we start a bussiness
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Alexandrasaintmleux posted a story
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Caption: she said yes!!! My beautiful bride to be 🫶💍✨
I’m crying I love you!!!!
Omg I just stalked your account, that’s so sweet😭😭
It was Paul’s idea to document everything but he couldn’t post it
You’re the best 🥹🥹
I love you baby sis
I love you too Alex
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Liked by charlie_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, paularon_, and 837, 948 others
ynleclerc: good time to say I have a crush on him??
Tagged: paularon_
Paularon_ 🩵🩵
arthur_leclerc can't you be normal
ynleclerc Paul wants me despite my quirks
Arthur_leclerc quirks?? girl thats mental illness
alexandreasaintmleux my gorgeous gorgeous bride to be!!
ynleclerc you are the best🫶💋
Charles_leclerc I cried the whole time you guys were gone
ynleclerc awww char 🫶
lorenzotl I love you baby sis
ynleclerc i love you too
comments have been limited
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Liked by aronralf, annaaron_, ynleclerc, and 823,928 others
Paularon_: my forever date 🩵
Tagged: ynleclerc
ynleclerc forever and always
annaaron_ i cant wait for a sister in law
paularon_ im scared for what you two can will get into
aronralf so proud! Congrats!!
paularon_ thank you!!
charles_leclerc the plan was perfect
arthur_leclerc you really know our sister
paularon_ i'd like to think so
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dailydoseoflhs · 2 months
01: Daffodil
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Charles Leclerc, himself, knew that he was capable of being a great and loving boyfriend to his partner. The thing is, his career demanded so much that time will wear out his interest and love.
Even if he tells everyone, he's not ready to settle down, deep inside he is ready.
Now, he never know what have gone wrong with Alexandra. He thought everything is working out in their favor. They got a dog names, Leo Leclerc-Saint Mleux, a male Dachshund. Everyone thinks they are the endgame, he himself even thinks of that too.
So, where did it go wrong?
Is it because he was never present that much? But, he makes time for her and even if he doesn't he asked for forgiveness.
Charles stares at his ceiling, mind filled with thoughts and possibilities.
Was it the karma? He knew he was "homie hopper" type of man, he wouldn't deny it. But in his defence, Monaco is a small country, so it's impossible that they wouldn't know each other.
Charles wanted something new. He wanted to have a new beginning.
Meanwhile in the Philippines
A girl in STEM named Lucille makes her entrance to the National University - MOA in Senior High school department. A new beginning for her. She takes STEM as her strand.
She greeted her fellow classmates at the section. Sitting near the front, Lucille opens her airpad and the note app.
This is her dream and she will live in it.
Although, she knows something is missing to her dream.
Love. Love is missing to her dream, she never thought of love until she hits college. She always told her friends, she doesn't need love. Love would hinder her dreams.
But working as an employee of her mother's flower shop, she realizes love is everything. She took this course because she loves life. Her mother have a flower shop because she loves flower.
People must have love.
Lucille sighs and her teacher enters. She starts writing down on her ipad.
Unknown, to the two person who is having a love crisis. A red string attach itself on their pinky finger.
Tangled and jumbled, the string symbolizes love's way.
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