saintshigaraki · 2 years
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the sexual tension between me and this url that i’ve had since quite literally the first day i created this blog
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ihatebnha · 2 years
ALPHA SHIGARAKI..............
It's perfect for him, he's perfect, isn't he???
Like, just think about it: it makes so much sense that he'd have to sniff you down and scent you twice a day, that he'd both expect and HELP with a nest for you, needing to know that home is with you, within you...
He just... has that inherent desire to protect what's his? Keep it safe and healthy and well-fed, always, because it is his and only his. And not to be nasty but... alpha Shigaraki needing to knot you, not for pups but because it soothes his temper and quells his rage... as being with you is his inherent, natural instinct??? Anyway.
a l p h a s h i g a r a k i ....
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tsukishumai · 3 years
please cam….please expand on drug dealer choso. i want him….so badly.
no bc u don’t understand how much I’ve been thinking about drug dealer!choso — biggest drug dealer in shibuya, only deals with the purest, top quality drugs, pretty much controls the market of the party scene. always surrounded by a haze of smoke, yet always smells clean and crisp.
he was possessive from the moment he met you — loved the way you looked in his lap, made sure you were by his side wherever he went so everyone knows that you’re his. he loves to show you off, but hates when people look, even more when they try to touch. but choso doesn’t get angry, he doesn’t yell or fight. no, he’ll simply impale the greedy hand of whatever bastard that tries to touch you to the table with a knife — a sick smile on his blood splattered face.
drug dealer!choso who takes care of you, tells you to quit your job because as long as you’re with him, you don’t have to worry about a damn thing. if you’re not with him, you’re with one of his men, bc you know damn well he’s going to make sure you’re protected at all times. choso, whose name you only have to utter once at any jewelry store, and they’re bringing out the best pieces for you to see. choso, who can get you any reservation at any restaurant you want with just one call. his baby is well sugared.
drug dealer!choso who asks you to test out his products — no it’s ok, don’t be scared. this ecstasy is pure — he makes sure of it. only the best for his baby, because he loves the look in your eyes when it hits — blown-out pupils, disheveled hair, grinding teeth. just a little a kiss on the neck, and your rutting so hard against him, he could feel your wetness through his pants. he knows it feels good, knows that just one little flick of his tongue on your clit feels like fireworks, what more if he slipped in his finger? you dont mind that his doing a line off your tits right before he nips at your nipples. you just never want him to stop.
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pluvi my beloved…how do knight!draken and arranged marriages connect 🙏
knight!draken who returns a war hero. the campaign had been long and grueling, but he returns victorious, the death of the former king well and truly avenged and himself little less than a legend.
when your parents tell you that they've arranged a match for you, he's hardly the first on your list of suitors. you've never met him, and knights are not among the pool your parents typically would choose from. you know his name, though; can't conjure up a face but you know of him. the prospect is more than a little terrifying and it only increases as the day of his visit draws nearer.
he's more handsome than you're expecting. taller, too; a little imposing but clearly doing his best not to intimidate. you'd expected the rumors to be exaggerated yet you find every one to be accurate or, to your surprise, find him to exceed them. your parents have already made up their minds—it's obvious when they leave the pair of you alone for a moment. perhaps he knows that as well as you do. perhaps he notices the way you stiffen when they leave. whatever it is, he takes the opportunity to talk to you and asks you if you're willing.
the question comes as a surprise. you wonder why he'd bother, when your opinion of the matter is hardly important. you'd blame it on your surprise at the question, but you respond truthfully and tell him as much.
and he surprises you further by being thoughtful, by responding with sympathy. by telling you that he has no intention of marrying through force and that if you truly wish not to have anything to do with him then he'd discuss with the king (my friend, he says pointedly, the man who initially approached your parents about this union). but then he continues, and he says that should you be interested he would like to be a good husband to you.
he tells you of his affair with his charge in the turbulent times prior to outright war, tells you of how she'd been candid with her fears. he tells you that he wants to be different for you. and you know just how rare of a man he is, you're well aware that though he's given you the option you'd be a fool to give him up. so you don't. you tell him that you wish to marry him.
when he kisses your hand in farewell it lingers, both his lips and his fingers. he makes eye contact before he stands to his full height—towering, but not intimidating. not anymore.
you think you could see yourself loving him.
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sukumen · 3 years
CONGRATS ON 2.5k!!!!!! so so deserved!! also i don’t think i ever told u this but you were my first ever mutual on here and i just 💞💕💞💕 if it’s still open can i request bakugou + exes to lovers?
HOORAY FOR 2.5K --- AU/TROPE FICLETS: bakugou x exes to lovers.
notes: things we already knew about me: i overwrite. WOW! this got so long, but i had so much freaking fun with it, i can’t even tell you. it’s my first time writing bakugou and i hope i did him justice, especially with this trope that i love. thank you so so much for the support and love victoria - it’s an honor to have been your first mutual!!!! i hope you enjoy this~
summary: it was an odd match from the start, you and katsuki --- at least that’s what you tell him when you walk away after a year and a half. as you leave, you remind yourself of the probability your quirk had read the night of your first date - 73% chance of breaking up. not certain, sure, but high enough to help you through missing him: this was always going to happen. you tell yourself the same thing a year later when he becomes your protection detail at a support item expo that’s received a major threat: being in the same industry, you were always going to cross paths.
but, over the course of your week together, you start to realize that not everything has a rational explanation, a logical way in or out. not Katsuki, and certainly not the way he makes you feel.
quirk details: reader has a quirk that grants insight into the probability of an outcome occurring. ultimately, she can analyze a situation and determine within seconds how likely a specific outcome is if she was to move forward with all variables unchanged. she uses it primarily to design her support items, but can also use it in personal situations too. notably, she used it to work out how likely it was that she and bakugou were going to break up in a misguided attempt to deal with her feelings.
key limitations: scenarios have to be simple for her quirk to work - she can only determine if something will or won’t happen, not what will happen. the information she has will impact the accuracy of her prediction; this means that using it for personal situations - which often rely on the complicated emotions of other people - can be tricky. but, being emotional too, she doesn’t always remember that….
Snippet (2.7k, slight nsfw at the end):
Your flight ends too quickly for your liking, the walk to the arrivals gate even more so. Katsuki is waiting for you under a Starbucks sign as planned with arms folded over his chest while a second hero - a newcomer to the rankings - makes small talk beside him. 
As you move in their direction, time follows in slow motion, each step rigid as you’re reminded of the day you’d walked the other way and out of his life. You’d been strong willed then and hadn’t turned once to see the look in his eyes as you went. But now, you can’t look anywhere but him, not even when the other hero notices you and waves for your attention.
He hasn’t changed much in the year apart. There’s a littering of scars that you’d noticed on the news and are seeing for the first time in person; but otherwise, Katsuki is the same man you’d always known, imposing but in a way that’s nearly comforting after his years in the public eye.
He seems to be watching you right back, but where your gaze is full of scrutiny, his is practically empty. Looking right through you as you draw near, which doesn’t change even when you still in front of them.
“Hi,” you squeak out, giving an awkward half-bow that you hope neither of them read too much into. The person beside Katsuki - hero name Phantom - introduces themselves right back, their bow deeper before they return to their rambling. They’re too caught up to note the way you and Katsuki don’t share names with each other and, with the moment lost, have gone to avoiding each other’s eyes altogether.  
The tension lasts until the other support item maker - a man you recognize from the flight - emerges from baggage claim. The sight of him shifts the tides and you all start to gather your things for the hotel. Katsuki still hasn’t said a word to you, though if the others have noticed, it doesn’t show. You, of course, have and even as you trail behind him and Phantom to make small talk with the other designer, your eyes linger over his broad back.
Somehow, you’d expected more...anger when he saw you next. 
Of course, this calm is pleasant, especially when you’re in public. But, there’s something about it that’s disappointing as well. Leaves you with an emptiness in your gut that you push past with animated conversation with your new companion.
[ … ] 
“Who was she?” Your eyes screw shut before the words even make it out. How embarrassing --- all that talk to yourself about letting it go and you fold not even three steps into your shared suite. It’s none of your business who she is -- it’s none of your business what he does. But, your heart twists every time you think about the two of them in the back of the welcoming party. You’ve never seen him like that - at least not from an outsider’s lens - leaning into another person so closely and the curiosity comes tumbling out of you before you can stop it.
Katsuki is silent for a long while; long enough that you almost think he hadn’t heard you. But, the stiffness in his shoulders tells you aren’t so lucky and after a moment of you watching him untie his shoes, he finally turns to look at you. The glance is brief, but poignant, before his focus returns to himself --- this time, his tie. “I don’t think you’re in any place to be asking me that,” he grunts, tugging at the fabric until it loosens.
Embarrassment sears your throat, a sting you feel behind the eyes as you turn them towards the floor. It’s bad enough that you’d given into the urge to ask, but Katsuki being so straightforward is mortifying. He’s right, of course, but what makes it worse is that he’s not even trying to belittle you with that answer. He means it as simply and plainly as he’s said it: you’re in no position to ask him to tell you something like that.
Self-indulgence from you is rare and you find it’s for this very reason. When you step out of the safety of your logic, your equations, your reasoning, you always manage to trip yourself up. Even now, you want to push, misplaced jealousy gnashing its teeth at the back of your mind. But, his response has sobered you  and you lock it and your curiosity up tight with a stiff apology and a goodnight.
Katsuki doesn’t look up again until your door closes behind you.
[ … ] 
When the chaos has gone, and dust settled, a gang of thirty-something villains is in handcuffs and you’re banged up; ankle throbbing, but very much alive. You haven’t seen Katsuki since he’d stashed you away with the others with a promise to come back, but you’ve heard enough steady explosions to think he must be okay. 
Still, you want proof. When the panic room door opens with a creak, his face isn’t the first you see, but it’s all you’re thinking about. Him, and getting back to him. You want to say it’s the last of your adrenaline, but even you know better. Know adrenaline from longing well, even with your limited experience and you let yourself admit something you’ve hidden for twelve months.
You miss him. 
And even with the lengthy process that usually follows a villain attack, this will likely be the last full day you’ll have with him for the rest of your life.
The realization makes the panic room shrink to a quarter of the size, pain punching air out of your lungs so fast your vision swims. You need to go, you tell yourself, Katsuki’s promise lost in the static of your upset -- you can’t be here right now.
Your ankle smarts when you start putting real pressure on it, but the pain isn’t enough to stop you from pushing to the front of the line to leave.  With each step past someone else, you hear sneers and you think you apologize, but when you’re so cotton-mouthed, you can’t really be sure.
Either way, it doesn’t slow you. The madness makes it easy to peel away from the crowd and though it takes you some time, you don’t stop until you’ve made it outside where you can breathe. For everything that’s happened in the last forty-five minutes, the island’s relatively unaffected, air as cool and breezy as every other night that week. The only real sign of the attack where you are are sirens and voices rising from the other side of the expo center - where you imagine Katsuki to be. 
The thought - that he’s so close - should be comforting, but your despair does good work to keep it bittersweet; to remind you that it won’t be for much longer. It has to be selfish to be so upset when this had all been your choice to begin with; but for the first time since the breakup, you don’t try to explain away what you’re feeling. To dissect and rationalize so you can avoid it altogether. 
For the first time since the breakup, you let it all in.
[ … ]
It takes Katsuki fifteen minutes to find you. Each one finds him more agitated than the last as he works himself up, searching every space by the now empty panic room to figure out where you’d gone. 
At first, he’d assumed the best - that you’d been ushered with the rest of the group to the lobby waiting with police and paramedics. But, a quick skim of the crowd came up empty for your familiar face and panic set in not long after. 
An admittedly tense conversation with the officer that had unsealed the room revealed that one civilian - a woman with a noticeable limp - had broken away from the group just as the doors opened. It’d done well to calm him, knowing someone had seen you after the fighting was over, but he’s hardly settled, if the way he stomps through the floor is anything to go by. “She never fucking listens,” he growls to no one in particular, eyes narrowed in razor sharp focus. 
He’s worked up, above all, by his worry. But he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t vaguely wounded by the fact you hadn’t let him come back like promised. It draws him back, despite his best efforts, to the day you left --- the day you told him in no uncertain terms that you’d always expected one of you to leave, what with that know-it-all quirk of yours.
He’d felt then as he does now: utterly untrusted. Like he’s behind without even knowing there’s a race --- like he’s lost without any hope to catch up. He doesn’t like it, feeling that way again, and it gets him so unnerved that he starts to revert to old habits. Shoulders bowed, hands stuffed into his pockets, and, notably, taking a foot to every door that could stand between him and wherever the hell you’ve disappeared to. 
When he finds you, finally, behind the fourth, it’s with a kick so firm it turns your sob into a strangled squeak. 
[ ... ] 
“I thought I told you to stay put---” There’s venom in Katsuki’s voice, but a sort you know well. Worried more than enraged, even if his expressive face doesn’t show it. You move to answer, but he steps in before you can, eyes locked eerily on your face. “...Why the hell are you crying?” You reach up for your wet cheeks, cursing internally; you’d hoped to be well through this before you faced him again so the question catches you off guard. Long enough that Katsuki can close the distance and kneel at your feet, pulling your fingers away from your face so he can inspect it. “You gonna say something or what? Did someone hurt you?” 
You can tell he’s biting his tongue, tempering his rage until he’s sure there’s something to rage about. But even that muted anger can be dangerous and you’re quick to shake your head, hands coming up again to wipe your face. “No! No, it’s...just my ankle. From before, when we were running.”
Relief spreads in Katsuki’s face hearing that, like he’s grateful that that’s all it is. But, his frown stays put, deepening some when he reaches down for your ankle and watches your expression sour from the touch. “Hm. Doesn’t seem broken or anything.” He turns thoughtfully towards the building behind him, stilling at the sounds rising from the busy lobby. You try to glean purpose from his face, but have to wait until he speaks up again to work out what he’s doing. “‘S gonna take ages for them to see you right now. I can wrap your ankle up at the hotel and take you in for a check up before tomorrow’s flight.” 
You nod wordlessly, grateful for the chance to avoid anyone else for the night.
[ … ]
The quiet in your suite as Katsuki carries you in is a blessing.
You hadn’t realized how badly overwhelmed you were until you’d been alone on the balcony, so even just a few minutes going through the expo center was too much. Katsuki had picked up on it and hesitated very little in hoisting you up so you could move quickly through the crowd and rubble.
You’d insisted he didn’t need to do it at all, let alone again in the hotel; but just one glance at you down the slope of his nose had silenced you.
The first thing he does when the door shuts behind you is set you down on the couch, warning you to stay still with a look alone. When you’re settled, he disappears into his room before emerging with an impressively stocked first aid kit. And for the second time that night, he’s on his knees for you, taking your swollen ankle in hand to inspect it more closely. 
With so much happening earlier, his touch on the balcony was easy to drown out. Now, there’s nowhere to focus but him and the press from his palm as it cups your bare skin. He runs a thumb over scratches you hadn’t noticed, the way he traces the lines almost pensive, before his attention turns to the kit beside him. 
You, all the while, are stock still, frozen from the heat of his touch. It’s nothing compared to his mouth or the weight of his full body, but after so many months apart, it bowls you over all the same.
You don’t notice you’re crying again until he says something.
“You’re not crying over the ankle,” he says simply, though his touch softens just in case as he brings it into his lap with some bandage wrap.
You don’t know what it is, but something in the way he asks compels your honesty and you nod, feeling pathetic as you sniffle and look down at your hands.
“You gonna tell me what’s really going on then?”
You swallow thickly, words already threatening to bubble up like they had the night of the welcoming party. “I...I don’t think I can.” Or should, rather - you don’t need to use your quirk to know that nothing good could come out of this.
But, Katsuki is firm, shaking his head as he starts to wind the first layer of bandage carefully around your ankle. “Well, I’m sayin’ you can. So, don’t go crying by yourself for some dumb reason like that. If you don’t want to, you don’t want to. But if you do, you can.” 
He says it like it’s simple. Like it’s a given. And beside your better judgment, you lean into that open assuredness. You’d always loved it about him, after all --- the way he so firmly believes that nothing could stop him - or anyone - if he didn’t let it. For some people, it was self-importance, but nights holding him after good and bad days had taught you otherwise -- it was bravery.
Bakugou Katsuki was the bravest man you’d ever known. A blaze that shone so bright on its own that you felt out of place beside him -- like you couldn’t give him what he needed --  and decided for you both that that meant you didn’t have a chance. 
But, in the quiet of your suite, with Katsuki sitting comfortably at your feet, you decide that maybe he’s rubbed off on you some. That maybe, in your time alone, you’ve become a lot braver than you realized.
So, you suck in a deep breath, look him square in the eye, and tell him the truth.
“I miss you, Katsuki.”
[ … ]
He holds your hands to the mattress so tight they hurt, but the ache is welcome. You know him well, even now, and can read between the lines of your intertwined fingers. 
He’d missed you too.
All these days of looking through you, past you had been intentional to protect himself, but here, now, he’s completely laid bare. Mouth kiss swollen and eyes lined with tears he’ll wave off later, Katsuki is spilling out every ounce of love he’d held back the day you told him you’d always planned to leave.
You meet him halfway with an arch off the bed to chase his kisses and tell him that you love him --- and you’re sorry --- between each one.
The weight of his body is as precious as you remember and the heat of your tangled limbs lulls you into a daze that pulls your eyes shut.
Katsuki doesn’t notice at first as he’s dragging his mouth over your bare neck, but when he does, he’s quickly displeased. “Look at me,” he hisses, fingers tightening between yours. Your eyes open heavily and it takes you a moment to find his gaze in the darkness. But, once you’re back, he presses his forehead to yours and slowly, carefully presses forward until his cock’s stretched you to the hilt.
The fill feels like coming home. 
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touyaz · 3 years
ignore the fact that im eating my words here..........im very very excited about your naoya fic. your big big brained for that. when u said he'd enjoys giving oral bc of his ego....it made me look at him in a slightly different light
he gets one taste and suddenly he's hooked on giving oral. utterly insatiable. wants to live between your thighs, wants to have you for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert for the rest of his life. when he first gets into a relationship, i don't think going down on them is even a thought for him. but then his partner says something about how he's probably scared he wouldn't be able to make them cum with his hands/ mouth and he just— he can't have that. it's such a massive blow to his pride that they think he's that pathetic — as if he couldn't make them fall apart with a single finger — and he just needs to prove them wrong.
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suna-reversed · 3 years
please im LIVING for the naoya slander 💗 i hate him so much its unreal
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stariwrites · 3 years
i have so SO many soft shiggy headcanons but recently i’ve been thinking about how he loves to have you curled up on his lap, your chest touching his own, as he binges a newly released game. and he really likes it when your hand sneaks up the back of his neck and you gently run your fingers through his hair. it feels so…nice. it’s nice that you’re so willing to be so close to him, it’s nice that you touch him so tenderly, it’s nice to feel your heart beat so close to his. its just. nice. to be around you. and it’s these moments that he wishes would last forever.
🥺🥺🥺Vic your thoughts on soft Shiggy bring me so much joy you have no idea. It's always so sweet and it makes me want to give him a hug
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angelamajiki · 3 years
bakugou for the dark content ask game 💫
bakugou will burn his hand prints around your throat as a mark of his ownership over you
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yamagucji · 3 years
thinking about kyoutani with a bunch of rings and hand tattoos....lives in my mind completely rent free
im ALL for this, but also consider: kyoutani looking hard but acting soft. him with tattoos and rings crouching down on the side of some street to feed stray dogs :��)
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saintshigaraki · 9 months
real ones remember the saintdabi url
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ihatebnha · 3 years
SHINSOU BEING 6'5????????????????????????????????? CAITIE.................
I KNOW? I KNOW??? something about lanky beefcake shinso... about having to kiss him on ur tip toes??? a head taller than everyone else and sooo nonchalant about it...
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tsukishumai · 2 years
SUGAR DADDY GANG ORCA……maya your mind
god he just wants to spoil you rotten… doesn’t ever want you to worry your pretty little head about a thing… the personification of “my hands look like this so hers can look like that” … needs his little sugar baby to be all iced up
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losing my fucking MINDDDDD over your tags….hes the type to make is so clear in the beginning that all it’s ever gonna be is no strings attached…so when that changes and he has to eat his words…delicious.
YOU'RE SO CASUAL ABOUT IT TOO it kills him. like. he's laying in bed, you're getting re-dressed and he's half debating asking if you wanna take a shower at least before you go while stubbornly ignoring the butterflies in his stomach like he's going on a first date rather than watching you fix your hair, and then you drop the bomb.
you say you still wanna be friends, if he wants, because you like him. but you're starting to think about settling down. your best friend just announced she's getting married and a childhood friend is pregnant. you're about to turn 25 and it's been fun but you're looking for something more attached. you really just answered oliver's u up? text because you figure it'll be the last time. it's all so........ casual, the way you say it. practically clinical. kind of unnerving. you've always been like that, though—it's the very reason he initiated this arrangement in the first place—so he tries not to take it too personally. he's the one who'd said he wasn't interested in anything serious, that you should look elsewhere if that's what you want, so he shouldn't be so surprised. he shouldn't feel like you've punched him in the gut. you remind him of his words all those months ago without seeming even a little bit saddened by it; in fact he might call you bemused as you say you know what he wants, who he is, and that you're breaking it off because your mutual desires are no longer so mutual.
what you say as he's seeing you out, however, is the kicker. you tell him you have a date in a week. a colleague from work. seems sweet. taking you to a nice restaurant for dinner. when he shuts the door it feels a little like he's in a daze.
he's still lingering on it hours after you've left, laying in his bed again staring at the ceiling, the same position he'd been in when you'd initially broken the news.
he's not exactly worried about the date, not really. you've been on plenty of dates before and a salaryman isn't really your type. yet he wonders if you've ever thought of him as sweet and he highly doubts it, and for some strange reason that puts a bitter taste in his mouth. and he thinks that if you wanted to go out to dinner you could've asked him to take you. and he wishes you'd text him more about even the stupid mundane stuff in your life, and he wonders how his team would react if he introduced you as his partner instead of just his date at the next charity event, and he thinks about how his bathroom sink might look with a toothbrush for you taking permanent residence on it, and he imagines waking up to you cooking breakfast instead of an empty bed because you've slipped out before daybreak, and the way you call him oli with that little pout is bouncing around uncontrollably in his mind like you've put some kind of fucking spell on him—
he bolts upright in his bed. there's a hairtie on his dresser and he knows it's from you even without looking because, he realizes quite suddenly, he hasn't had anyone else over in months. he hasn't even thought about anyone other than you, not like that. it's only been you for some time.
so maybe you're wrong. maybe he'd been wrong that first night. maybe he wants something more serious, too.
you're probably going to make him get on his knees and beg when he tells you.
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sukumen · 3 years
SAMI YOUR TAGS ON THAT ALL SMITE AND BABY DEKU ARTWORK !!! i will be thinking about that for the rest of time
VICTORIA LISTEN LIKE I CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT? all smite certainly doesn’t regret coming across baby izuku, but it’d be a lie to say it’s easy. there are things he just doesn’t know, just isn’t good at, and he finds himself longing here and there for a mother figure.
and at first, it really is just that - a random thought. a fantasy, even, of a faceless someone humming over dishes, or singing over the baby’s small crib. then he meets you - pretty little thing from the bakery nearby who smiles big to greet them and pokes baby deku’s cheek when he reaches for your apron. the child takes to you quickly which brings all smite in tow soon after, and it’s only a matter of time before he starts to think about how he can give your face to his fantasies.
how he can make you theirs.
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touyaz · 3 years
looking so hard at your yandere bokuto wip
vic I am so sorry I keep forgetting about this fic 😭
here's a lil snippet just for you <3
gone c:
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