#sakura hanuro
narhinafan · 1 year
ss fans don't like what you have to say about sk lol, saw a salty ss stan getting made at one of your posts under the sasuke uchiha tag (they also tagged it under naruto, karin uzumaki and sakura hanuro, apparently as the people who grew up with naruto should be adults by now they have no excuse and should grow up 🤣 so salty.
I have only 6 posts tagged with Sasuke Uchiha tag it isn't my fault I always make sure to properly take my posts.
I bet it is the most recent one I reblogged this year.
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themildestofwriters · 2 years
Top of my basic needs pyramid is to get emotionallg fucked up by some good BAMF Sakura Hanuro fanfiction with some tantalising angst.
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rebelmutnts · 4 years
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if you save, please, like and/or reblog
if you use on twitter and want to, you can give credits: @/rebelmutnts
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bluestarsaber · 4 years
What are you think of Naruto getting brainwashed and Sakura Is the only one who can save him
Are you referring to the Genjutsu in the Last? If so that was stupid because Kurama should of been able to repel it. As Studio Pierrot broke that rule just so they could have Naruto guilt trip into loving Hinata.
Or if you are referring to a hypothetical scenario in which Naruto gets brainwashed and Sakura is the one or only one to snap him out of it, It would depend on when in the Naruto timeline or how it’s done. For example if it’s before Naruto and Kurama become friends and he is under some genjutsu I could see Sakura was her skilled chakra control and genjutsu breaking Naruto out of it. If post Kurama and Naruto being friends and he is brainwashed in someway that is not genjutsu, I could see Sakura being able to reach out to him and break the control or given him the strength and will to do so, due to their bond and feelings for each other.
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sakuraturquoise · 4 years
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Happy Narusaku day 2020
This year I tried something different. Second time I tried to do manga . Hope you liked.
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valleyggd · 4 years
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HC: grunge/punk Sakura AU with a splash of body positivism (scars and body hair) 
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naruto-shitpostden · 5 years
Naruto: i wanna commit a felony
Sakura: nO!
Sasuke: when and where
Kakashi: *aggressively sipping straight vodka*
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a-spoopy-bird · 5 years
i um
yeah i wrote a naruto fanfic sue me. slight blood tw and hella angst because you know its ya boi
    Naruto fell from the windowsill into Sasuke’s living room with a grunt. The only thought sustaining him was the need to get somewhere safe. The ground wasn’t safe. He could get kicked down here, or stomped, he had to get to somewhere safe. 
    With a heavy groan, he hauled himself to his sore feet, listing to the right before stumbling forward. His knees hit the arm of the couch and sent him sprawling onto it. Naruto groaned again, body aching everywhere, face throbbing. 
    He faintly heard someone click on a light and winced at it. Everything seemed to be coming from far away, like he had fallen down a well. A face swam in front of him. He instantly felt better, relaxing his sore muscles and melting into the couch slightly. 
    “Sas...uke…” He coughed wetly.
    “You idiot, what happened?” Sasuke struggled to turn the blonde onto his back, hissing through his teeth when he inspected his face. 
    Naruto didn’t have the energy to cry out in pain. His eyes were sliding closed as Sasuke tried to get an answer out of him. A shake on his shoulder only jarred him back to reality so much. 
    “Naruto, who did this?” Sasuke’s voice was intense. His hand was gripping Naruto’s shoulder, the other on his phone. “Answer me, please, dammit!”
    Naruto blinked sluggishly. Why wouldn’t Sasuke let him sleep? He was so tired, and everything hurts… 
    The hand on his shoulder started to shake, and Naruto faintly heard half of a conversation. 
    “Sakura? Are you busy? It’s Naruto, the idiot’s all busted up. No, he’s not responding. Yes, of course I tried! Yeah… yeah, alright. See you in a few.” Sasuke turned back to his boyfriend. “Help me out here, alright?” 
    Sasuke wound his arm under Naruto’s and hauled him up. “Jesus, how much do you weigh?” He groaned, stumbling towards the door. 
    Naruto’s head lolled and rested against Sasuke’s shoulder. He stared hazily at the ground, falling asleep. He faintly heard Sasuke talked, but it wasn’t relevant. His feet dragged against the ground, too tall for Saske to fully support. 
    “Naruto, I swear to god, come on, snap out of it.” Sasuke jostled him a little. No reaction. “Hey, idiot, come on.” 
    Sasuke swore, trying to hurry out the door, but Naruto was dead weight at this point. He dragged the beaten boy to Kakashi’s car, knowing the keys would be in the center console. He managed to get him buckled into the front seat, before getting into the driver's seat. 
    Sasuke jumped when his phone rang. He hastily answered it. “Hello?” 
    “Sasuke, where are you?” 
    “I just got this idiot into the car, on my way. He’s responding less now, I’m- I’m getting worried.” What an understatement. He was beyond worried. Naruto was the only person besides Kakashi who understood, who knew what it was like, who could comfort him. He was half-dead in the passenger seat. 
    “Listen to me. Get him here. We have the emergency room prepped. We contacted the police, they’ll let it slide if they see Kakashi’s car speeding.” Sakura informed him. “Get Naruto here, quick.” And with that, she hung up. 
    After gently turning off his phone, Sasuke slammed the palms of his hands against the steering wheel. Tears threatened to spill over. He gripped the steering wheel hard with his left hand before slamming his right against the steering wheel. 
    With a final, steadying deep breath, he jammed the keys into the ignition and started the car, pulling out of the driveway and out of the neighborhood. All along the fast and slightly illegal journey, he kept sneaking glances at Naruto. The blonde haired boy slumped against the window, nose gently trickling blood against the cold glass. 
    Sasuke pulled into the hospital parking lot, roughly yanking the key out of the ignition and rushing out of the car. Sakura and a team of people came out of the hospital with a gurney. Sasuke helped then situate him on the gurney, careful to work with them. Then, before he could process what was happening, Sakura had lead Naruto away, leaving him alone in the parking lot. 
    The waiting room wasn’t large- there were two other families here. Sasuke checked his watch- two in the morning. Was it really that late? Sasuke sat in one of the uncomfortable plush chairs, jogging his legs and massaging his knuckles. His mind bounced around, latching onto irrelevant facts and onto anything about Naruto. 
    “Sasuke?” Sakura had peeked her head out of the door. “Could you come back here for a moment?” 
    Sasuke stood up, the fog in his head lifting a little. It had to be about Naruto. Maybe he was alright? Just concussed? He didn’t let himself hope that. He knew he attracted bad luck- it was his fault if Naruto wasn’t all right. Naruto was so happy and fun and bright, and Sasuke was just the complete opposite. He was going to suck all the bright sun out of Naruto just by being around him, just like his mom and his dad and Itachi- 
    “Hey. Snap out of it.” Sakura’s fingers snapped a few times under his nose. 
    “I- sorry.” 
    “He won’t calm down, he’s scared of the nurses and doctors. We can’t hold him still enough to sedate him.” She explained. “And I- I can’t stand seeing my friend hurt like that.” She turned her head, hiding her shame. 
    Sasuke nodded. She slid her card through a lock on a door and opened it. 
    The sound reached him immediately. Wet, harsh sobs punctured the air, along with the sound of several people struggling. Sasuke hesitantly stepped into the room, and resisted the urge to recoil. Five nurses were trying to hold him down, but he was putting up a better fight than Sasuke had expected him to. Tears streamed out of his eyes as he kicked and struggled against them, hyperventilating. He struggled to talk, half formed words breaking his sobs. 
    “No! Don’t- please- Stop! No! Don’t- don’t- please-” 
    Sasuke quickly wound around the nurses and placed his hands on either side of the other boy’s face. “Hey, Naruto, look at me.” 
    He struggled harder, jerking his head out of Sasuke’s hands. “Stop, stop, no, please stop,” He rasped, coughing wetly. 
    Sasuke tried again, but without touching him. “Naruto, please. Look at me.” 
    Wild, wet blue eyes hesitantly locked with the cool black ones. He huffed and sniffled, glancing at the nurses periodically. 
    “Hey, it’s going to be okay. Can you breathe for me?” He coaxed gently. 
    Naruto breathed harder, not anymore even. He kept glancing back at the nurses, fear clear in his eyes. 
    “That’s right, babe. In, and out. It’s alright. They’re trying to help. Promise.” Sasuke offered a small smile. 
    “P-p-promise?” Naruto hiccupped, still trying to steady his breathing. 
    A nurse readied the sedative, waiting for a good moment to use it. 
    “What- what’re they going to do? I- I don’t want- don’t-” 
    “Naruto. They’re just here to help. Sakura is in charge of them. You know she’d never, ever hurt you.” 
    Sasuke nodded. “They’re going to give you something to relax, alright? It’s going to be alright, you’re safe.” 
    Naruto relaxed slightly, still sniffling. He nodded. “O-okay.” 
    The nurse gently eased the IV into his arm, and they all backed away, their job done. Sakura came back in, relieved. Sasuke reached for Naruto’s hand, gently rubbing circles on the back of his hand with his thumb. The sedative slowly took affect, and Naruto was out within five minutes. 
    Sakura pulled Sasuke from the room, back into the hallway. “I didn’t get a chance to thoroughly examine him, but he’s pretty beat up, Sasuke.” Her eyes searched his. “What happened?” 
    Sasuke looked away, shrugging. “He sneaks to my house sometimes, he practically lives there. I heard him crash in tonight, and he was on my couch half-dead.” Sasuke paused. “Is he- is he going to be alright?” 
    Sakura sighed lightly. “Knowing Naruto, he’ll be fine. He’s come closer to dying than this. But it’ll probably be touch and go for a while. Do you know how he ended up like this?” 
    Sasuke started to shake his head when it dawned on him. By her expression, Sakura realized what it was too. “It’s October 10th.” 
    She nodded. “He was probably over in Konoha’s graveyard.” 
    Sasuke cursed. “How many times have we told that idiot not to- not to go alone?” His voice stuck for a second. 
    Sakura shook her head helplessly. “He’s Naruto. It’s something he’d do. Even knowing the people there hate his guts. It’s just who he is.” She turned and went back into the room, leaving Sasuke to figure out how to get back to the waiting room. 
    Kakashi was in the waiting room when Sasuke came back. 
    Sasuke sat down heavily beside him. “How’d you know I was here?” 
    “Blood in the living room.” 
    Sasuke cringed slightly. “I’ll clean that up.” 
    “I already did. Was it Naruto?” 
    Sasuke nodded, clenching his hands together. 
    Kakashi checked his phone. “Went to see their graves?” 
    Sasuke nodded again, starting to jog his leg. 
    “Hey. That kid’s strong. He was strong enough to convince you off the brink. He can do this.” 
    Sasuke shook his head slightly. “He- he was almost in a panic attack. They had to call me back. I just- I’ve taken all the joy out of his life. This is my fault, I should’ve-” 
    “But you didn’t.” Kakashi interrupted. Sasuke’s head snapped up, glaring reproachfully at the white haired man. “Besides, Naruto has enough joy to go around. You know he’s glad to be in your life.” 
    Sasuke nodded and let it drop. There wasn’t any point in pushing it any further. 
    Kakashi pulled up the news app on his phone. “Looks like it was reported to the Konoha police. Figures, ever since leadership changed it’s been a disaster.” 
    Sasuke wasn’t paying attention. “I think I’m going to get some fresh air.” He stood up abruptly and half ran out the doors. He leaned heavily against the metal railing, feeling the cool October air chill his cheeks. He squeezed his hands into around the metal pipe, trying to stop them from shaking so badly. It didn’t matter what Kakashi said, he should’ve known Naruto would’ve tried something like this. He did every year when he was alone. Sasuke should’ve done something. He should’ve been with him, and he should’ve talked to him, and not just in his room eating shredded mozzarella cheese. 
    Kakashi walked out to join him, probably offer some words of half-baked wisdom again. 
    “Before you say a word, please, don’t.” Sasuke said voice shaking, his grip on the bar increasing. 
    Kakashi simply nodded and leaned against the railing, book in hand. For some reason that irritated Sasuke more. He bit the inside of his lip, trying to quiet the noise in his head so he didn’t scream at one of the few people close to him. 
    Kakashi looked up. “This is just as bad huh? Sorry, sorry, I’ll go now.” He closed his book with a snap and went back inside. 
    Sasuke sighed again, easing some of the tension out of his shoulders and releasing his lower lip from between his teeth. His hands shook when he detached them from the railing. Countless thoughts swirled through his head. 
    It’s your fault he’s in here, if you had been a better boyfriend, if you could’ve just been there for once, maybe this wouldn’t have happened, you filthy Uchiha, you aren’t even welcomed in Konoha just because of your stupid parents. Maybe if he killed you too this wouldn’t have happened. If you had died then Naruto wouldn’t be in the hospital right now, it’s all your fault Sasuke it’s all yOUR FAULT-
    “Oi.” Kakashi’s familiar greeting shattered Sasuke’s spiral. He felt a hand firmly placed on his shoulder. “Breathe, kid.” 
    “I- I can’t,” He grit out. “I-it’s- it’s my fault, Kakashi, I-” 
    “Stop that.” He jostled Sasuke’s shoulder a bit. “It isn’t. He needs you here just as much as you need him. Who else would stop him from doing reckless stunts unsupervised?” 
    “But- but I-” 
    “You can’t save him every time, Sasuke. Life isn’t that simple.” Kakashi sighed, leaning against the railway beside him. “Listen, this time may be bad, but I’m confident he’ll recover. He’s had much worse.” 
    Sasuke would have laughed if he could remember how to breathe properly. He struggled to pull a full breath in. “I was- I was just eat- eating cheese, K-Ka-” He broke of, wheezing for breath. 
    His eyes began streaming when Kakashi held his inhaler in front his face. Hands shaking, Sasuke took it, desperately taking a puff. “Thanks,” He groaned once he could talk. 
    Kakashi shrugged. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, kid. It was what, two in the morning? You don’t have to be ready for everything all the time.” 
    They stood there for a long moment, each in their own thoughts, before going back into the waiting room. 
    Naruto was discharged the next morning. He was waiting at the receptionist’s desk when Kakashi woke Sasuke up. 
    He was there in an instant, quietly taking Naruto’s hand as he filled out forms with the other one. Naruto chuckled softly, rubbing the back of Sasuke’s hand gently. “I’m alright, Sas. Look, they even gave me free merch.” He joked, showing off his hospital tags. 
    Sasuke just stared before saying, “I equally want to kiss and punch you right now, dick.” 
    Naruto laughed again. “I’ve reached my punch allowance for the month, Sasuke. You gotta wait until November now.” His face stayed in the same carefully constructed, optimistic half-smirk he wore so often, but Sasuke knew different. 
    “Fine. I guess you’ll just get your ass kicked again in a few weeks. Better work to pay your hospital bills.” 
    At a concerned look from the secretary, Naruto jumped to explain. “Oh- oh no, he didn’t do this, don’t worry. We love each other very much.” He grinned widely, throwing his arm around Sasuke’s shoulders. 
    Sasuke’s worry and anger seemed to lessen as he watched Naruto spew actual sunlight. 
    That didn’t mean it was gone for good. 
    “Sooo. Naruto.” Sakura was waiting in the parking lot. 
    Naruto’s eyes widened, and he turned around, looking for a way out. Not finding one, he slowly turned back around to face her. “Hi, Sakura.” He grinned nervously.    
    She tapped her foot angrily. “What. The hell. Were you thinking.” 
    “Ha, you see, Sakura, I was-” 
    “Can it, off-brand Goku!” He recoiled slightly, the excuse dying in his mouth. “If you weren’t already beaten up so badly I would literally murder you right now.” 
    “Hey, Sakura, don’t you think that’s a bit intense?” Kakashi said from where he was leaning against the car. He peaked out from behind his book. “Besides, Sasuke and I already have first punching dibs. Get in line, kiddo.” 
    Sakura sulked for another moment. “I gotta get back to work. Naruto, if you do anything else stupid this month, I won’t hesitate to break your arms.” And with that, she stormed back into the building. 
    “Guess I have to break your ribs.” Sasuke remarked calmly, ducking into the passenger seat. 
    “Konoha beat you to it- fuck.” Naruto realized his slip up a little late. 
    “We been knew, Nards.” Sasuke said saltily.
    “Hey wait! Why do you get the front seat?” 
    “You got it on the way here, idiot.” 
    “Don’t remember! Didn’t happen!” Naruto said, getting into the backseat.
    “You probably don’t remember falling onto my couch at two a.m half dead but here we are.” Kakashi remarked simply. 
    Naruto shut up and sulked the rest of the way back to the house. 
    He sat at the kitchen table, fiddling with the bandage on his left hand. “Guess I can’t really plead the fifth here, huh?” He felt hot shame and guilt eating away at his stomach. Which was fine. Nothing he couldn’t hide easily.
    “Obviously.” Sasuke was not impressed by Naruto’s stab at humor. “Why in God’s name would you go there? Especially on your birthday!” 
    Naruto blinked in surprise. “Y-you remembered?” 
    Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Of course I remembered, it’s your birthday, why wouldn’t I?” 
    He fiddled with the bandage some more. “No one else really did, ya know?” 
    Sasuke sighed. “Yeah, well, I did. Happy seventeenth or whatever.” 
    “That’s gay. Anyways, you still have to explain yourself.” Kakashi said from his corner. 
    Naruto looked at his hands. “Just- I wanted to see them, ya know? I don’t care what they think, they’re my parents, not theirs. I- I should be able to visit them peacefully without being chased down, ya know? It’s not- it’s not like I’m doing anything wrong, I just wanted- just wanted to clean off the headstones.” 
    Sasuke reached his hand across the table. Naruto reached out to take it, but Sasuke slapped the back of his hand. 
    “Hey! What was that for?” He yelped, pulling it away. 
    “For being an idiot! How many times have we told you to not go to Konoha? Especially on the tenth!” Sasuke took a deep breath in. “I’m glad your not dead.” 
    “Yeah, me too.” He said saltily. “Man, why are old people so mean?” He whined. 
    “Maybe you’re just weak.” 
    “Sasuke I’ll- ouch!” Naruto had jumped up and disturbed his healing ribs. 
    “Don’t hurt yourself anymore, idiot!” Sasuke got up to look at his bandages. 
    “No, no, I’m good, just moved wrong.” 
    “If you’re shitting me I won’t hesitate to fully break your nose.” 
    “Oh, it’d be a lot scarier if you had just gotten beat up by old people with sticks and rocks.” He snarked. 
    Sasuke raised an eyebrow. “They beat you, Naruto Uzumaki, parkour expert and self proclaimed ninja, with sticks and rocks?” 
    “I can’t hit old people!” 
    “But you hit Kakashi the other day!” 
    “Stop. I’m not old. And if you two are gonna be this grossly in love, take it to your room. I don’t wanna see it.” Kakashi interrupted, pulling out his book. 
    “Still, if you ever go to Konoha alone I won’t hesitate to eat your eyebrows and steal your eyeliner.” Sasuke said before grabbing his boyfriend’s hands and tugging him upstairs. 
    “Gasp! Not my eyeliner!”
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Sakura Haruno.
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winter-ashby · 7 years
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How could anyone want to become a puppet without a soul?
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usedatlas · 2 years
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Sakura Hanuro for the soul whilst i finish up her character sheet
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If you hate Sakura Hanuro, Lucy heartfila, or Lisanna strauss, I hate you and you smell
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vanta-ebooks · 8 years
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sakuraturquoise · 4 years
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Happy birthday to Sakura
March- 28
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valleyggd · 5 years
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xsilxncex · 9 years
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