#sam x paulie
fruity-salie · 1 year
They are the reason I am still alive. 💙💜
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dontbesoweirdkira · 6 months
Imagine coming home from a long day of running errands to see ¡yandere! Sam Trapani beating one of your admirers to a bloody pulp on your front door step.
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Warnings: Gore, violence, mentions of stalking, obsession, forced relationship
A/N: I drew this at the depths of night when I couldn’t sleep. I haven’t seen really any yandere mafia stuff soooo…… here you go!! Art + headcannon…you may now feast.
Requests: open 24/7
Bonus pt.2
(I mention that the admirer is young, I mean like Sam is 40 so the other guys is late 20’s to early thirties. Sam is just getting insecure about his age)
Sam had been stalking and slowly trying to court you for about a year and he’s getting closer to his goal of finally making you his; but this new guy that just moved in next door is just fucking it alll up.
It first started with the guy going over to your house to introduce himself and harmlessly wanting to be a friendly neighbor. Then quickly become bolder and bolder with his flirtations, much to Sam’s dismay! Could you believe that THE Sam Trapani is extremely jealous of this guy?? Probably 10 years younger and quite handsome, That boy is a serious threat.
You laugh louder at his jokes than you do at sam’s, your clothes are getting much more revealing and the way you prance your little ass over to him anytime he calls your name was seriously eating at him and he’s at his wits end of it. Sam knows he’s getting older but is his charm really that stale now?
Even when Sam is having a full conversation with with you this little shit will come around and inject himself into the whole interaction. Sam even started going grocery shopping on your schedule just to be able to have some alone time with you and yet again this man appears out of the wood works. Every. Single. Time.
(Okay that’s a little dramatic but the point still stands…Sammy cannot keep up with him. He’s finally met his match and he’s so whiny about ittt)
The other guys noticed this and found it extremely hilarious, Trapani wasn’t the hot shit of the town anymore and there was someone younger and more good looking ready to take his place and his girl. They poked fun and joked how Sam was now officially an old geezer and that a young damsel like yourself wouldn’t want anything to do with him. They fed into his insecurities and made everything just ten times worse. Of course they meant no harm, Sam usually wouldn’t be hung up on a girl for too long and plus he still had pretty much every other woman of Lost Haven in his hands so what what the big deal? Why were you so damn special anyways?
“Look Sam,” paulie breathed in between laughs. “Y/N is admittedly very gorgeous but just leave it alone at this point. She’s very obviously more into him than you. What about that broad down at the Corleone…what was her name??”
“Michelle..” Sam gritted in a low venomous tone
“Right, Michelle! Maaaaybeee…you can get her out of that hell hole and I’m sure once she cleans up nicely she’ll be…something of a wife” Paulie erupted into laughter once again after finishing that sentence, barely able to hold back the tears that accompanied it.
Sam already decided enough was enough and there was no point in trying to play this whole love game thing fairly. Going down to your house and giving it to you straight was the only way he could think of doing this. He wanted your love story to feel organic and for your admiration for him to slowly bloom but you’re obviously not getting it. You don’t understand that Sam is the only possible match for you.
So much time stalking, analyzing and carefully articulating every move he made with you isn’t about be washed down the drain just because some bright eyed sucker wants to fuck you. No…it’s okay though. You’re just slightly misguided by all the butterflies and fluff but soon he’ll lead you right back to where you need to be.
As his car approached your door, he noticed a fellow holding a huge bouquet of flowers and a wrapped gift in his hand ready to knock on your door. Obviously Sam’s time was running out far sooner than he had previously expected at that moment something inside of him snapped.
Without thinking any further he got out of his sleek black car and opened the trunk, out of it he grabbed a bat and started towards the young man.
”Oh hey Sam! I’ve been knocking on y/n’s door for quite some time now. Do you know where sh-“ before the young man could even finish his next sentence the bat connected with his head and continued to do so as Sam kept striking him over and over..
Nothing was said out of Sam’s mouth as he beat him to a pulp…actually nothing could be heard throughout the entire neighborhood outside of the thwacking of the bat and the cries that escaped the admirer’s lips, pleading for him to stop. Everyone in the neighborhood silently watch from a distance, they all knew of Sam’s affiliation and no one wanted to be next on Salierie’s list. Even the birds decided to stop chirping in fear they too would meet the same fate as the fellow
This continued on for another couple minutes before a blood curdling scream broke Sam’s attack.
“Sam?!? What the hell are you doing to him????”
Hearing your familiar voice, Sam swiftly stood up to face you, hurriedly trying to explain what happened.
“Look…y/n calm down, this is just a simple miss understanding…”
He flashed a brisk smile and steadily started walking towards you
“Just come with me and we can speak about this over dinner, huh? You’d like that?”
Shaking your head and carefully backing away from the deranged man, you cried out
“No…n-no…no Sam….” A breath passed “Y-you gangsters are all the same…you hurt people without cause, just look at what you did to him! He was a good man!”
Sam for a moment, stopped walking and looked back at the bloody scene he had just created before looking back at you.
“Oh sweetheart…”
He began walking towards you again, this time faster so he could catch your arm.
“…trust me when I say, this isn’t the worst i could’ve done to em’. ”
Pulling you in close to his chest, he moved slightly to the side of your face and lowered his lips to your ear before speaking again,
“I’ve got something to make it up to you, doll face.” Looking down at his bloody and bruised hands, he held a perfectly intact rose…
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sunnysaystuff · 2 months
my story + a photo of jeremy below!👀 I might add another?
So I came to NYC to see the Great Gatsby Musical on Broadway because I've heard tons about it and it features my favorite actress (Samantha Pauly)!
But I didn't realize til I got to the musical last night that JEREMY JORDAN WAS STARRING AS GATSBY HIMSELF. THAT'S RIGHT I DIDN'T KNOW. SO I PULLED UP AND GATSBY CAME ONTO STAGE AND I WAS LIKE. Holy SHIT is that Jeremy Jordan.
And we had BRILLIANT seats, like row D-G in orchestra. So I was pretty sure my eyes weren't fucking with me—and then he SUNG. At that moment I KNEW it was him, like dude, I had been listening to his voice on repeat for days...
From the soundtrack of Hazbin Hotel. My god the second he sang I was like YEAH. OKAY. IT'S JEREMY FUCKING JORDAN.
I was freaking the HELL out every time he got on stage—like he had so many solo bits; there was one part where he sung about Daisy (his love interest fyi) in the song For Her—and I was like dAMN THOSE VOCALS.
He was INCREDIBLE and so was everyone else!
But the best part was when the musical ended. We were directed outside to the stage door, and obviously I was rushing to be near the front, so I was just hanging there—waiting as other actors came out—and then AND THEN!!!
and then There He Was. He came out of the stage door and began signing programs.
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(psps as said above :00 enough notes and I'll add a better photo mayhaps?)
and then quickly added "in Hazbin Hotel" because I didn't wanna be weird
[Idk if it's okay to post his signature publicly—tell me if it is / isn't and I'll edit the post to have a pic of my program in it :D ]
He thanked me and moved on Y'ALL HE MADE EYE CONTACT WITH ME😭😭😭I'M GOING CRAZY!
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lustheavens · 8 months
NSFW Alphabet - J
A/N: Hello everyone! Long time no see 🙈 Here's a new part of the NSFW Alphabet! For some reason the inspiration hit me out of the blue and this is the result. Hope you enjoy! 🥰
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Tommy tends to prefer alone-time when he's angry. Although it's not unusual for him to end up in situations which makes him angry, he doesn't like to act upon that feeling. He's all too familiar with what happens if you let your anger take control and he prefers to stay as far away from it as he possibly can. That being said a way to deal with it is through self-satisfaction - a lot of it - and by setting the mood with music, alcohol and tobacco to calm the nerves. After pouring himself a whiskey he puts on some of his favourite tunes on the gramophone. Taking two sips of whiskey before putting the cigar in his mouth, he slowly feel himself sinking back into his armchair. With a deep exhale through the nose he closes his eyes, trying to embrace the sensual jazz tunes playing in the background. As his mind gradually becomes calmer he senses the familiar feeling of his groin pressing against his pants, desperately wanting out. With the cigar in his mouth he breathes in while undoing his pants, pulling his aching shaft out. He instantly wraps his hand around it and starts moving it up and down, his head dropping back against the headrest while exhaling the tobacco smoke followed by a deep groan. The events which got him so angry in the first place are still lingering which replaces the initial slow but steady pace with a more rough, fast one. Although he's not usually the vocal type the groans keep coming and become more and more hoarse as he keeps pleasuring himself. His free hand grabs onto the armrest tightly as he bites down on his bottom lip slightly. He watches his own hand with an intense gaze for a moment, his eyebrows furrowed deeply. His abs give off a small twitch as the pleasure intensifies. A few more pumps and a small wave of the orgasm washes over him causing his head to once again fall back against the headrest, a deep moan slipping past his parted lips. Seconds later the full-on orgasm hits him making him grit his teeth and tighten his grip around his shaft as he rides out his anger-fueled orgasm, not stopping until his muscles are numb and he's completely out of breath.
The hormones in this man is no joke. It would be a litte bit exagerated to say that anything turns him on, but it's really not far off. Being a major philogyny it wouldn't take much for Paulie to get the arousing thoughts and desires going. Arriving home after a wild night out filled with dancing, flirting and drinking is more than enough to set the mood. As his back hits the mattress with a thud he lets out a content sigh, his hands already reaching down to undo the button of his pants as well as pull the zipper down. His boxers instantly follows as he swiftly get rid of his pants, his button up shirt and tie still on but looking messy. With his eyes closed and his head resting against his soft pillow, his hand grabs his shaft firmly before rhythmically starting to move up and down with short but steady strokes. A moan filled with anticipation slips past his lips before his breathing syncs with the pace he keeps on his shaft. The events of the night keeps replaying in his head almost making him a little bit dizzy. The strokes start to pick up the pace, all while making sure to stop at the tip for a moment to squeeze just a tiny bit more before going back to the rhythmic pace he kept before. As the dizziness start to come back his other hand reaches down to his balls, gently starting to massage them, a throaty and deep moan emersing from his lips. His eyes slightly roll back for a moment as the orgasm starts to build up. Knowing how much he loves it when a woman pulls on his hair during sex he stops massaging and brings his hand up to grip onto the base of his hair, sending chills down his spine. The sensation of the hair-pulling and pumping of his shaft combined quickly drives him over the edge, the orgasm completely taking over his senses. Along with an intense orgasm comes multiple moans and groans that last until he collapses completely, ever muscle in his body weak but his mind incredibly satisfied.
Stress is a major trigger for Sam when it comes to masturbation. Considering his high position within the family it's safe to say that he's not exactly a stranger to the feeling of being overwhelmed. It usually happens in the shower where he's completely disconnected from the world around him. As the steamy water trickles down his skin he lifts one arm up and presses the palm of his hand against the shower wall, his head lowering forward slowly until his eyes are looking directly at his feet. The brisk jets of water almost feel like a massage against his tense shoulders och back causing a heavy sigh of relief to leave his now slightly parted lips. The other hand moves to his groin, gripping onto his shaft before slowly starting to move up and down, forwards and backwards. His head instantly falls back instead and in that same moment his eyes closes shut. His hand starts moving faster and his breath quickly becomes heavier with every stroke - a faint moan followed by a low groan echoing between the walls. The hand that is pressing against the wall soon becomes a fist on which Sam finds himself leaning his forehead against for support. As his legs start to tremble and that oh so familiar feeling starts spreading through his body he lets out another groan while at the same time the pumping motion becomes all the more vigorous. His breath picks up the pace and his knees bend slightly in an attempt to stabilize himself as the orgasm continues to build up. For a moment his breath becomes uneven and only seconds later he gives in to the feeling of euphoria, slamming his fist against the wall and squeezing his eyes shut as he cums. A long, breathy groan escapes his lips before the feeling of calmness and satisfaction finally takes over both mind and body.
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iamcxlleigh · 3 months
﹙💭﹚ 𝓣𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐎. 𝖻𝗈𝗍 (𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗂)
★ — 𝐦𝐲 𝖴𝖲𝖤𝖱 𝗂𝗇. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐢 : @Calleighseyo
★ — ❝ You and Tommy had the perfect marriage, but would you be able to forgive him when you learn a harsh discovery? ❞
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weetlebeetle · 1 month
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Dreamy sigh. DonoLinc.
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los-sanchos · 1 month
Really seeking for someone to roleplay with me!!!
I wouldn't mind a roleplay on Mafia 1 and 2, I can come up with plots easily, I can write a roleplay as Jen and slash in any details as you feel comfortable) I can write in two languages: English, Russian, I can correspond in large and medium posts, I can easily adjust to anyone 🤝
would preferably choose Paulie/Tom, Joe/Vito, but definitely won't refuse your ideas. Write to me in private messages or in the comments, we will definitely think of something worthy.💕💕
I don't have any special triggers, and if you have one(for blood, +18 and the rest), warn me in advance
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I am deprived of some new paulie x reader fics and headcanons so if there are any sweet beautiful angels out there who write (and or love paulie as much as I do) I'm begging for some paulie things cause he is so neglected and that is my sweet angel bby boi and I'm gonna die if I don't get any reader inserts to quench my delusion
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kofolacitrus · 1 year
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Sam and his famous cheeks 👉👈
Smooth boi
For @demonzriti
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mdemn · 9 months
@demonzriti commissioned me to write this little silly fic for @sametrapeni the other day. it’s really just 1,065 words of crack mpreg!sam/paulie.
i’ve never written anything like it, but with the week i’ve been having, it was so refreshing & fun to write! i hope i did the idea justice for you & i hope it can bring a smile to @sametrapeni’s face! they’re lucky for a partner like you!! <33
read & enjoy if that’s your thing! and if it’s not but you have a self-indulgent thing (no matter how silly you think it is!) you’d like for me to write for you, check out my kofi! & my ao3 for writing refs & commission rules! but know there’s really very little i wouldn’t write & can/will do other fandoms!
Paulie walks his fingers over Sam’s tummy, and Sam won’t ever admit it, but it’s the number one thing he’ll miss the most about the pregnancy.
Though lucky for Sam, he doesn’t have to, because Paulie does it for him. “I’ll miss this.” Paulie mutters, flattening his hand to rub over the hard lump where the baby’s resting. “Feelin’ ‘em in here like this. Knownin’ you’re really carryin’ ‘em. Our baby.”
Sam rolls his eyes, fighting the smile tugging at his lips. “I won’t. This shit is for th’ birds.”
Paulie laughs, loud and full, and at this Sam does smile. It’s impossible not to.
“Sam, I—“
Sam cuts Paulie’s words off with a groan, loud and long. He tilts his head back against the headboard and cradles his stomach. He sighs through his teeth, he can almost feel his eye twitching as the pain radiates through his lower back.
“Sam? Sammy? Hey, what’s wr—“
“Shut up, Paulie.” Sam grits out, like every word takes incredible effort.
Paulie’s alarm only grows as he sits up. He looks down at Sam and Sam contemplates punching Paulie right upside the head. Sam has begun to sweat just a little, his thick eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His breathing is labored and concentrated.
“It’s. I think.” Sam takes a deep breath, groaning through the pain again, “Christ. Christ, Paulie. I think it’s time.”
“Time? For what? Sammy, time for what?” Paulie asks, his voice raising in alarm with each question.
Sam looks at him with a flat affect. And again, he considers hitting Paulie.
“Oh, I don’t know, Paulie. Time for some fuckin’ tea and cakes, maybe? Maybe time to go for a light stroll? Maybe time for a shower? Jesus Christ. I think the baby’s coming you fuckin’ dunce!” Sam yells, his eyes slipping back closed, his breathing laboring even more with every breath.
The panic shows on Paulie’s face as he throws the blanket off of them. “What?”
“Paulie. Don’t piss me off.” Sam answers, his voice still on edge.
Another contraction hits Sam and this time he groans loudly, bringing his knees up. He nearly screams, his hand slipping under his shirt to rub at the skin of his taunt stomach. The baby is much lower than it had been previously. And Sam doesn’t know anything about birth or babies and really isn’t sure how they ended up in this predicament in the first place but Jesus Christ this hurts. How did Tommy ever convince Sarah to do this twice?
“Sam. Sammy. You have to breathe. What did Sarah say? Like HEE-HAHH-HEEE-HOO—“
“Paulie. I’m going to fuckin’ shoot you. I swear to God, I will. I swear to fuckin’ God.”
“Sam. That’s not breathin’. Maybe you need to stand? Walk around, right?” Paulie jumps out of bed and puts his hands on his lower back, and starts pacing around, “Like this, right? Sarah did a lot of walkin’ when she had her baby girl. Oh Christ, should we call Sarah? I’m gonna call Sarah.”
“Paulie.” Sam grits again, then groans, another near scream. “Sam!” Paulie rushes to Sam’s side, places his hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Baby? What is it?”
“Sit.” Sam takes another deep breath, “Down.”
Paulie nods, and sits on the edge of the bed, snaking his arm around Sam’s shoulders. He stays still for about another minute, before Sam feels another wave of pain, similar to the first, hit him like a ton of bricks.
He tries not to let on how badly it hurts, but honestly? Getting shot hurt less.
Paulie notices Sam tense and he jumps out of bed again, “I’m callin’ Sarah.” he mutters, mostly to himself, as he nearly sprints out of the room.
Sam had known, realistically, that Sarah would be his midwife. There’s no one he’d trust more. Sarah had two children, and had had them at home, more or less by herself. But the idea of Sarah seeing him like this, in pain, writhing, the idea is mortifying.
However, he doesn’t have time to deal with that, as the pain takes over again.
“Paulie!” Sam shouts, followed by another groan, “Get. In. Here. With. Me.” He forces every word out and in the silence in between words, he can hear Paulie talking, muttering, the scratch of a pen, like he’s taking notes.
“Just a minute, baby. Hold on!” Paulie calls back, then Sam can hear him mutter, “And what else, Sarah? Hurry. What else? Are you sure you can’t be here no sooner?”
Sam is feeling homicidal actually. He thinks it’s time to give into it. He might just kill Paulie before he ever gets to see his big-headed baby.
Sam has just about settled on the fact he’ll be a single father when Paulie comes back with a cup of ice and a small hand towel from the kitchen.
“I’m here, Sammy. I’m here.” he mutters, rushing to the bed.
“Sarah said this will help. Here.” Paulie leans over and puts a damp towel on Sam’s head. It’s ice cold and oddly, supplies immediate relief. Sam hadn’t realized he was so hot.
“She said you can chew on this ice. Don’t know what it’s supposed to do but she swears by it.” Paulie pushes the cup into his hands. “And to take your pants off. Which you know I have no problem with. Heh.” Paulie chuckles and reaches for Sam’s pants.
And the homicidal urge fills Sam again. He grabs Paulie’s wrist, almost spilling his cup of ice, “Don’t. Fuckin’. Touch. Me.” Sam grits, through crunches of the ice.
Paulie laughs, has the audacity to laugh. This causes Sam’s eye to actually twitch.
“Well, had you been sayin’ that 9 months ago, maybe we wouldn’t be in this, huh?”
Sam stares at him. He feels the rage fill in every pore of his body, and he realizes he has to speak, because if left alone with his thoughts for a moment longer, he’d kill Paulie. Truly and honestly.
“Paulie. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Get out!”
“Now c’mon Sammy—“
“Okay, okay!” Paulie laughs, and that beautiful crooked smile doesn’t leave his lips, and Sam is in limbo between wanting to shoot Paulie and to kiss him until they’re both breathless. Which of course makes Sam more upset.
Sam waits for Paulie to be turned around before he starts to strip out of his pants. He loves Paulie. More than life itself, and God, anyone knows that. But Christ.. he hopes their baby doesn’t get his sense of humor.
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f1sh13r · 2 years
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fruity-salie · 2 years
Sammy was a bad boy...
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dontbesoweirdkira · 6 months
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🎀Kira’s Masterlist🎀
Mafia Trilogy, Mortal Kombat, Invincible, D.C., Marvel, The Hunger Games, House of Ashes, Slashers, Apex, Overwatch, TWDG, StarWars, Borderlands,..to be continued
Requests open 24/7
(Yandere Alphabet) (Yandere prompt list)
Please be specific when requesting. At the least let me know the series, character, and if it’s Yandere or not. Or you’ll be ignored.
Default is she/her pronouns. Can do gender neutral. Mainly only write men but can write for women if it’s platonic. Most characters from my listed fandoms are available to request. Any fandom not listed you can ask if I know them because chances are that I most likely do.
Don’t write: NSFW, Ocs and anything that is so degenerative that you’d be shunned even on the early internet.
Do Write: Yandere, fluff, oddly specific requests, disabilities, illnesses, most things tbh
I don’t bite ;)
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Mafia Trilogy
Members Yandere types
Tommy Angelo
How many kids would he have?
Paulie Lombardo
¡Yandere! Paulie protects you
How many kids would he have?
How would he be as a dad?
Sam Trapani
¡Yandere!Sam getting rid of your admirer
Bonus pt.2^
Yandere alphabet-ABIJ
Yandere fluff
How many kids would he have?
How would he be as a dad?
Vito Scaletta
Dad Scaletta
Time traveler reader
Time traveler pt.2
Yandere Alphabet
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Mortal Kombat 1, 11, and X
Mk11 and 1 w/ low emotional intelligence darling
Mk11 Yandere sub-zero and scorpion
Yandere MK11 harem x reader
Yandere MK11 harem pt.2
revenant harem w/ queen darling
Fluffy Kira’s favorites with a clingy s/o
Yandere Johnny,Lao and Erron with a darling in a wedding dress
Kung Lao
General Yandere headcannons
Comforts you from somniphobia/noctophobia
Erron Black
He kidnaps you
masochist drabble
Johnny Cage
Platonic yandere with a young star
Yandere Alphabet
Yandere Johnny w/ singer! S/O
Yandere Raiden take cares of sick darling
Yandere Raiden with disabled darling
Yandere Raiden sleepwatches you
Yandere Raiden harem
Soft yandere drabbles
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Mark Grayson
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roleplayallday · 16 days
Hey, hey! :) still hoping someone will indulge me in a self insert/Paulie roleplay. I’ve been wanting to kiss the guy for awhile lol
Or, if someone isn’t into a self insert rp, what about Tommy/Paulie?
If you’re down, dm me here or on discord! My discord is kazikuns
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lustheavens · 2 years
SFW Alphabet - A
A/N: Hello everyone! I’ve been gone for almost a year now although I said I’d be back sooner. Unfortunately a bunch of things came along and I didn’t have the time or energy to run this blog the way I did before my break. However, I’m hoping to finally have a little more time to be active again but I will have to make a couple of changes for that to happen. I will make a proper post about this soon! Anyway, today I bring you the first part of a SFW alphabet series that I will run in parallel to the NSFW alphabet series. Hope you enjoy!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Words are not Tommy’s strongest attribute so automatically gifts and surprises speaks volumes when expressing his affection towards you. Every now and then he’d come home at the most random times, ask you to get dressed up and meet him outside for a surprise. In the majority of those occasions he’d be planning a night out at a fancy restaurant or going to the saloon to get some drinks and have a fun time dancing the night away together. Money is something he wouldn’t give a damn about as long as you are having a great time and nothing you’d say or do could make him change his mind about that. Another thing that Tommy does to show affection is to hold your hand whenever he gets the chance to, whether it be in bed at home or out in public. He really likes the feeling of your fingers intertwined with his. Behind closed doors he always make sure to ask if you need help with anything. He doesn’t mind doing the cooking or the dishes every once in a while and he certainly doesn’t mind the smile spreading across your lips when he offers to relieve you from all of the household chores. Don’t be surprised to come home to a bouquet of roses and chocolates with little love notes, he loves giving them as much as you love receiving them. He simply doesn’t trust how the words will come out of his mouth so action is the way to go.
If there is one art that Paulie has mastered it would be to show affection without you having to ask for it. His whole love language is based on being as physically affectionate as possible. Random hugs from behind, little cute gifts every now and then followed by a big kiss, a loving arm around your shoulders or around your waist...as long as he gets to be close to you he’d do anything to show you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him. Even when he’s not in the happiest of moods or even when he’s in a devastatingly sad or frustrated state he still finds most of his comfort in holding you in his arms. It’s important to him that you’re aware that despite how good or bad his day has been, you are still the only thing that makes it all better. Paulie is all for public display of affection. As much as he loves cuddling up close with you on the couch in the evenings listening to the radio and playing with your hair, he loves it even more holding you close as you walk the streets of Lost Heaven together. Wether it be a night out with the gang or you dragging him along to go shopping during the day, he loves sneaking in loving kisses on your cheek or running his hand down to your lower back when walking past a crowded space before pulling you back in close to his side. Simply put he loves showing you how much he loves you.
You’d think that Sam would approach affection in a somewhat cold way, but the fact is that he’d be quite the charmer. Although he’s a rather tough guy who likes to assert dominance he’d never turn down a chance at seeing you smile because of something he said or did - even if it meant being a softie for a little bit. He would be the most affectionate in private due the pride he puts in his intimidating image and therefor late night romantic wine-drinking and sensual kisses would not be unusual between the two of you. When you’re cooking he’d walk up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, pressing his chest enticingly close against your back, brushing your hair to the side and placing light kisses on the back of your neck and shoulders. Sam’s affection towards you would also show when you’re crying or feeling very down. Your happiness is everything to him and he’d take your bad days very seriously, sometimes a bit too serious to the point where he’d not let you do anything on your own. His soft and gentle side would really shine through in moments such as these and he would have no shame whatsoever about it. Generally though he’s not that big into being all over each other in public. A guiding hand on your lower back and soft spoken nothings into your ear are not uncommon however.
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iamcxlleigh · 1 year
If you want a devilishly handsome mobster to make you fall in love, or imagine a scenario with him, you're in luck!
I haven't written about MAFIA for a while but I'm willing to listen to any request (except very racy ones, it's not my style to write that), any scenario in your head I'll try to write :)
I accept applications for MAFIA DE and MAFIA II (at the moment, I do not accept applications for MAFIA III).
Here is my master list so you can see my other writings on MAFIA !! ↓
Calleigh Angelo ⸻ master list. 💌
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