#samantha headers
dumpitos · 3 months
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SATC QUOTES ; like if save or use
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p0rkbun · 1 year
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melissa/sam headers i made :3
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saintlopezlov3r · 1 year
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disturbedgirls · 2 years
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the love witch (2016) dir. anna biller - headers
like or reblog.
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maddiesflame · 2 years
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conrad fisher layouts
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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harvey-guillen · 1 year
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Headers of the most perfect woman to ever exist
No credit needed
Open in new tab and change .gifv to .gif to save
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khaoconha · 2 years
⊹ ׂ ִ ୭ samantha melania packs ৎ ࣪ ׅ ⊹
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੭୧ ♡Take the risk. You'll thank yourself later ㅤ੭୧ 𝆹 🌸
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broodingmystery · 2 years
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creatreasurebox · 8 months
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Étape de la création du header pour Wicked Little Town. Je vais tenter d'expliquer comme je peux mon processus de création. Désolé si c'est un peu bordélique. 😅 Vous pouvez cliquer sur afficher davantage pour voir:
J'ai choisi la première photo avec la fenêtre car j'aimais le reflet sur le parquet et que ça marcherait avec l'extérieur enneigé que j'imaginais. J'aimais aussi les moulures sur le mur, je les ai donc gardé mais moins fan du chandelier, surtout qu'il n'était centré, je l'ai fais disparaitre. Puis voulant une scène plus aérée, j'ai utilisé le "generative fill" de photoshop et le "stamp tool" pour agrandir la pièce. Je suis partie à la recherche d'élément qui pourrait raconter l'histoire des personnes qui vivraient dans cette maison, un canapé, un chien, un chat, un couple qui avait une excellente ombre qui marcherait super bien avec ma fenêtre (parfois, je cherche pas trop loin 😂 ). Le design devant représenter la saint Valentin sans être trop "romantique" et le thème de l'anniversaire sans être trop "anniversaire". J'ai rajouté des petits chapeaux sur le chien et le chat, des fanions, une photo du couple sur la commode et sur l'étagère, la décoration de leur gâteau de mariage. A chaque élément ajouté, il fallait donner une ombre, un reflet dans le parquet si nécessaire et changer le coloring des objets pour qu'ils correspondent à l'ambiance de la pièce. Et puis, j'adore les plantes et les livres, donc il fallait évidemment que j'en rajoute. Je trouve que ça donne un côté plus cosy. Pour l'extérieur, étant donné que la ville où se trouve le forum a un lac et est entouré de forêt, je suis partie sur ça. Pour la version sombre, j'ai changé l'image d'extérieur avec une qui avait des reflets de la maison allumée dans l'eau du lac. Et c'était parfait pour le Corgi, il existe tellement de photos d'eux que j'en ai trouvé un allongé, quant au chat, il est parti à l'aventure. J'ai changé le verre d'eau sur la table pour un verre de vin, l'horloge au mur montre maintenant 1h du matin et puis, j'ai allumé les lumières. C'est des petits détails, mais je trouve que ça continue à raconter un peu l'histoire du couple, peut être qu'ils se sont installés sur le canapé pour boire un verre et le chien s'est endormi alors qu'ils discutaient ? 😊 Pour l'animation, j'ai passé les headers à After effects, j'ai trouvé sur pexels une vidéo d'un chat noir, il a donc été rajouté à l'extérieur et il cherche son amie, la chatte à l'intérieur de la maison. (peut être qu'elle est allée le retrouver la nuit 👀), j'ai rajouté un effet neige qui tombe que j'ai trouvé sur youtube et la nuit, un oiseau qui passe rapidement devant la fenêtre. C'est assez discret, mais on peut voir le reflet de la neige animé sur le parquet, surtout la version sombre. Pour la typographie du titre, j'ai utilisé Scotch Display qui est un fond Adobe, je trouvais que une typographie serif donnait un côté plus cosy et romantique. Et pour la tagline, c'est Caslon, parce que j'aime Caslon. 👀 Je pense que j'ai fais le tour, si vous avez des questions, hésitez pas à les poser dans les commentaires de ce poste et merci d'avoir réussi à lire jusque là. 🫣 liste des images utilisées: pexels-eberhard-grossgasteiger-1624503 pexels-serkan-atay-19730755 pexels_videos_1536279 (1080p) Falling Snow Realistic Overlay Loop pexels-curtis-adams-8583905 pexels-taryn-elliott-4440123 pexels-emma-bauso-2253870 pexels-karolina-grabowska-5726036 pickawood-rwa0Yh38FeA-unsplash samantha-gades-BlIhVfXbi9s-unsplash kari-shea-3_cyj5YkhTs-unsplash jeffery-ho-TIN_Lh9-Y7g-unsplash markus-spiske-UaQ1t-nQHyk-unsplash annie-spratt-JruJFy08KB8-unsplash pexels-maksim-goncharenok-4352247 sunguk-kim-WTKvaChRvBg-unsplash pexels-karolina-grabowska-5726036 nataliia-kvitovska-MYwbqIfccvg-unsplash pickawood-rwa0Yh38FeA-unsplash filipp-romanovski-pDbhjYjrWpk-unsplash content-pixie-6CFCrt-7tHw-unsplash fatty-corgi-EpRAM95thHU-unsplash pexels-serkan-atay-19730755 fatty-corgi-wHgkrmuMFOY-unsplash pexels-anna-shvets-4587992 alexander-london-mJaD10XeD7w-unsplash
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rukafais · 1 year
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[image id text: Screenshot of the wikipedia entry for the supernatural episode Pilot, with the header “Effects”. Text id: To depict the supernatural aspects of the show, the series makes use of visual, special, and make-up effects, as well as stuntwork. Businesses, such as visual effects company Entity FX,[21] were contracted for production of the pilot episode. Subsequent episodes were filmed in Vancouver and required a new crew that works exclusively for the show.[22] Mary Winchester's death scene, which had the character pinned to the ceiling and burning to death, required actress Samantha Smith to lie on a floor with two propane pipes spouting fire approximately five feet away from her on either side. For the actual burning of the character, a fake body the crew named "Christina" was made out of wire and papier-mâch��, and was then ignited on a fake ceiling.[15][23] However, the room quickly caught fire, forcing an evacuation.[23] Green screen coincided with the visual effects for the ghostly Woman in White,[4] 
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[ image id text: Screenshot of the wikipedia entry for the supernatural episode Pilot, artificially magnified: Text id: Mary Winchester's death scene, which had the character pinned to the ceiling and burning to death, required actress Samantha Smith to lie on a floor with two propane pipes spouting fire approximately five feet away from her on either side. For the actual burning of the character, a fake body the crew named "Christina" was made out of wire and papier-mâché, and was then ignited on a fake ceiling.[15][23] However, the room quickly caught fire, forcing an evacuation. ]
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[Image id: A reaction image of a person eyeballing their computer screen.]
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thommi-tomate · 1 year
Sign language for FC Bayern Frauen
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As with the men's team, the Red Deaf fan club has developed the names in sign language for the women team, the posters will be used at FC Bayern Frauen matches at the Allianz Arena, such as Saturday's game against Frankfurt.
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Magull: "Breaking down barriers".
"I think it's great that FC Bayern fans have developed the posters for us players. A club like FC Bayern is a home for all people, and this project is a wonderful example of how people get to know each other, get closer, discover and cultivate common ground. Inclusion is always about breaking down barriers that should not exist. We are glad that, as FC Bayern, we can contribute to this." - Lina Magull
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Gwinn: "Signs for everyone".
"The supporters of the 'Red Deaf FC Bayern Fanclub' have developed some very cool, beautiful and interesting signs for us; I would like hearing people to learn them too, because sport connects all people. When it comes to inclusion, it's crucial that we all find ways to do it together. No one has to feel excluded, neither on the playing field nor in our society." - Giulia Gwinn
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Harder: "Encourage each other".
"In a team we always have to help each other. Things don't always go well and in one direction. So we have to support each other to be brave, even if we don't feel like it at the time. And what is true for us as a team is true for society as a whole. We have to encourage each other to be open, to step out of our comfort zone and take the first step towards others, even if we are not sure. I'm sure people will be surprised at how positive the reactions will be, and in the end we will all grow as a society." - Pernille Harder
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Hansen: "Be open, take your time."
"Inclusion is important to me because absolutely everyone should belong in our society, whether it's in sports or wherever. It's important that we, as players, set a good example, serve as role models and make people think. Personally, I am grateful to be in a position where I can promote these issues. Everyone can contribute, and it often starts with being open, spending time with the other person and simply listening to what they have to say." - Tuva Hansen
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Belloumou: "A school subject like other languages".
"We should all learn at least basic sign language at school. Just like we learn French, English or German. It would be a great sign for everyone, and society would become aware of what's outside the box. It is useful, and at least a first step, for athletes to become aware of the issue, as we do through our names in sign language. Personally, I am happy to be able to raise awareness of inclusion through our project." - Inès Belloumou
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Meaning of each sign in the names
Mala Grohs: always plays before the game with the Rubik's Cube
Anna Wellmann: waves
Ines Belloumou: "beautiful" (Bello is beautiful in italian) in Italian, in Italian sign language.
Glodis Viggosdottir: playing defense
Magdalena Eriksson: hairstyle
Tuva Hansen: strong charisma
Giulia Gwinn: braid
Maximiliane Rall: midfield engine in biceps combination
Tainara: from Brazil
Katharina Naschenweng: "Snacking" (Naschen in german is snacking) in Austrian sign language
Carolin Simon: Harry Potter
Linda Dallmann: small and fast
Sydney Lohmann: very good understanding of the game in combination with number 12 and strong charisma
Alara Sehitler: goal celebration
Lina Magull: always wears a bow tie
Jill Baijings: red cheeks
Sarah Zadrazil: "strong in duels" in Austrian sign language
Samantha Kerr: eyebrow
Georgia Stanway: tattoo on arm; stan "way"
Jovana Damnjanovic: Hair shape
Lea Schüller: Strong header
Klara Bühl: striking smile
Franziska Kett: Chain (chain in German is Kette)
Pernille Harder: "Hard" in sign language combined with goal scoring
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Submissions so far!
Have a new mosaic header, with the women who were submitted so far, and a list, grouped by show/movie etc., under the readmore!
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Don't worry; if your champion isn't in here, you can still submit them via this form, until April 30th!
I chose these pictures based on the following ranked criteria:
included/linked in the submission OR
actual still from the movie/show/whatever, rather than a promo shot or fan art etc. AND
showing them in a characteristic and/or competent situation
for the characters Deanna Troi, Dr. Beverly Crusher and Seven of Nine, I decided to go with their most recent appearances in ST:PIC
If by any chance I chose NOT a still/screenshot, but your manip of the same, please let me know if you'd like me to take it down/replace it, or keep it and credit you!
Ally McBeal (TV show): Ally McBeal
Better Call Saul (TV show): Kim Wexler
CSI (TV show): Catherine Willows
DC (franchise): Alex Danvers DC (franchise): Sara Lance DC (franchise): Zari Tarazi
Doctor Who (TV show): River Song Doctor Who (TV show): Sarah Jane Smith
Drawtectives (Youtube show): Jancy True
The Expanse (TV show): Camina Drummer The Expanse (TV show): Chrisjen Avasarala
Greys Anatomy (TV show): Dr. Addison Montgomery
Harry Potter (franchise): Fleur Delacour
Holby City (TV show): Dr. Bernie Wolfe
House of the Dragon (TV show): Rhaenys Targaryen
Jane Doe books (book series): Jane Doe
Leverage (TV show): Parker Leverage (TV show): Sophie Devereaux Leverage: Redemption (TV show): Breanna Casey
The Librarians (TV show): Eve Baird
Little Witch Academia (TV show): Amanda O'Neill
Lupin III (TV show): Fujiko Mine
Marvel (franchise): Melinda May
Once Upon a Time (TV show): Regina Mills
The Owl House (TV show): Eda Clawthorne
Person of Interest (TV show): Sameen Shaw
Pokémon (franchise): Cynthia Pokémon (franchise): Iris Pokémon (franchise): Nemona
Rizzoli and Isles (TV show): Dr. Maura Isles
Sanctuary (TV show): Dr. Helen Magnus
The Sandman (TV & Comics): Death of the Endless
Sonic the Hedgehog (franchise): Amy Rose
Star Trek (franchise): B'Elanna Torres Star Trek (franchise): Deanna Troi Star Trek (franchise): Dr. Beverly Crusher Star Trek (franchise): Erica Ortegas Star Trek (franchise): Jadzia Dax Star Trek (franchise): Kathryn Janeway Star Trek (franchise): Seven of Nine
Star Wars (franchise): Ahsoka Tano
Stargate (franchise): Samantha "Sam" Carter
Tomb Raider (franchise): Lara Croft
Warehouse 13 (TV show): Claudia Donovan Warehouse 13 (TV show): Helena George Wells Warehouse 13 (TV show): Myka Bering
The X-Files (TV show): Dana Scully
Xena Warrior Princess (TV show): Xena
(please stay civil in the notes: no bashing anyone, no matter who, or where they're from!)
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wildestdream · 2 years
Blog rec anon here to spread the cheer! Recommend a blog that: 
Is a bestie from afar
Reminds you of a specific taylor song (can be for whatever reason)
Has the best tags on their posts
Makes amazing gifsets
Has pretty colors!
Has a great icon or header
A blog that you think Taylor should scroll through!
Is a bestie from afar: I'm sure I'll forget some but @thenighttrain @stillwritingpagez @iftye @cellphonehippie @speaknowtv @folkloredeluxe @tolerateit @fuckyouforever
Reminds you of a specific taylor song: @cellphonehippie for diary of me rights💛 and @reputation for the best url🖤
Has the best content: idk about tags but I love @itwasntasingle & @tolerateit
Makes amazing gifsets: @nessa007 vanessa's the queen of giffing @tayloralison @cherryslips elena & ashley for the prettiest taylor gifsets @loversmore ems for the softest aes gifs ever
Has pretty colors: @sunsetbabe no one does colors better than samantha
Has a great icon/header: @purpleswift @tayloralison those purple headers🥺 and @cruellesummer for the aes I wish midnights had and @cellphonehippie because I'm still in awe of how cool it is!
All my mutuals deserve to be lurked by Taylor tbh💞
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zerocksout · 5 months
After today MAFS episode...
I was so shocked to see the header. Why was Samantha the only normal one?!
I hope they become friends and Jack gets to learn about microbiology just so he can spit random facts about ocean life to confuse people before he (in Jack's voice) returns to the dark-neyass...
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Meet Our MCs and OCs - New Look!
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Thank you to everyone who has sent in their MC and OC profiles during the past few weeks. We now have over 70 Choices MCs and OCs in our archive! This is a wonderful way for us all to learn about the many unique and wonderful characters in our fandom.
The MCs and OCs highlighted in the header were selected at random. We will be updating the header periodically so others will have the opportunity to appear. We hope you'll take the time to learn about all of the wonderful, unique MCs and OCs in our fandom!
Remember, We accept new submissions at any time. Please tag @choicesficwriterscreations or DM your profile link to @jerzwriter or @lucy268-mod if you would like yours to be included.
The creators and their MCs / OCs selected for this banner are (in order of wheel selection):
@julia-highstorms (OH F!MC, Rei Sato); @peonierose (OH F!OC, Luna Auclair; @ezekielbhandarivalleros (OH M!MC, Jake Twenboah); @jerzwriter (WTD F!MC, Zoe Rivera); @gutsfics (HU/RCD M!OC, Avalon Hammond); @storyofmychoices (OH F!OC, Olivia Hadley); @missameliep (D&D F!OC Elizabeth Foredale); @phoenixrising308 (TRR/TNA F!OC Jessica Garcia); @dr-colossal-pita (OH M!MC - Oliver Valentine; @inlocusmads (COP F!MC - Nora Rose); @liaromancewriter (OH F!MC - Cassie Valentine); @starrystarrytrouble (OH F!MC - Eve Valentine); @lucy-268 (OH F!MC - Samantha Carlson); @noesapphic (TRM F!OC - Olive Aster-Rys); @genevievemd (OH F!MC Genevieve McClure); @bebepac (TRR F!MC - Mia Jones); @jamespotterthefirst (OH F!MC Lilac Allende), and @princess-geek (D&D F!MC - Beatrice Foredale).
Congratulations to the winners! Please check out their MC's Profiles and all others here:
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samcarepeter · 10 months
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#  𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑  :  independent  ,  private  ,  selective  roleplay  blog  dedicated  to  𝔰𝔞𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔥𝔞  𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯  from  𝔰𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪  𝔣𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔰𝔢  .  +18  content  present  including  thriggering  themes such  as  violence  ,  nsfw  ,  horror & gore  !  minors  & personal blogs please do  not  interact  . 
𝐀 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 affirmation  -  action  legacy  ,  anti  -  hero  ,  ax  -  crazy  ,  berserk  button  ,  beware  the  nice  ones  ,  big  sister  instinct  ,  blood  -  splattered  warrior  ,  dark  &  troubled  past  ,  famed  in  -  story  ,  family  of  choice  ,  final  girl  ,  former  teen  rebel  ,  hallucinations  ,  hero  with  bad  publicy [ ... ]
samantha  aka sam carpenter  is  loved , written  &&  haunted  by  𝔩𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔥  ,  23  ,  𝔰𝔥𝔢  /  𝔥𝔢𝔯  .
psd credits . icon & header edited by .
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