#same shincihi same
akai-anna · 10 months
only to have his plan in ruins once he gets home. what a baby.
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heizuha-queen · 4 years
Okay so there’s this blog that said that Heiji is a Slytherin and I was like wtf??? Heiji is such a Gryffindor!! The blog is letitrainasunnyday
Yeah I saw it a while ago and it completely shocked me that anyone would think of Heiji as a Slytherin and I wanted to add an argument to every single point she made tbh because it was wrong lol but I refrained. I guess I’ll do it here lol 😂
Their argument was that Heiji was much more ambitious. But, Heiji is as ambitious as Shincihi because they both have the same strong desire to succeed in their lives and in solving cases, however the only difference is that Heiji has more desire to win because he’s very competitive, which is a Gryffindor quality (it’s very known that Gryffindors are competitive af)
Their other argument was that Heiji is obsessed with proving himself better and Shinichi doesn’t feel the need to that which is a Harry Potter quality. The Sorting Hat Quote to Harry Potter was “there’s talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself” Harry Potter more than once tried to prove himself to others so technically that makes Heiji more similar to Harry in this situation, and Harry Potter is a textbook Gryffindor. Don’t forget that Heiji’s desire to be better is from how competitive he is and it also has to do with ego and pride, which is, again, a Gryffindor thing, because Gryffindors are very prideful
Plus don’t forget that Slytherins are very calculating people, unlike Heiji who is impulsive (like Gryffindors). And on top of that, Slytherins don’t mind hurting others to succeed and get what they want and they are cunning (this is one of the biggest traits in Slytherin) and Heiji is not cunning and Heiji would never hurt anyone to get what he wants.
And another argument that they made was that Heiji has stronger survival skills than Shinichi does which I find weird tbh because Shincihi has strong survival skills as well and unlike Heiji he is actually more calculating when he thinks on how to survive and Heiji is more impulsive and does the first thing on his mind (which, again and again and again, is a Gryffindor Quality)
Overall, even if Heiji was more ambitious than Shincihi and he had Slytherin qualities, he would still be a Gryffindor because he has more Gryffindor qualities than Slytherin ones, and the Gryffindor ones stand out more in his personality.
Btw this is no hate towards letitrainasunnyday at all, it’s just my opinion.
Here’s a link to where I explained why Heiji and other DCMK characters are in the houses that I put them in
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
So... @gogopri ‘s and @deductionfreak‘s Ghost AU, right you guys? It’s awesome, you’ve probably seen me reblog all of the content. And because it’s so amazing, I decided to dedicate a little something to them! Hope you like it!
“And the murderer is Takeshi-san!”
Ran remembers a time when Shinichi had said things like this, had pointed across to the murderer, having successfully boxed him in throughout his deduction process. Now, it’s her turn, as he stands translucently beside her, flickering in and out of existence.
Takeshi Hiro, the murderer of a twenty-three-year-old hairdresser, puts both of his hands up in surrender, as if he knows there’s no point in refusing it. Maybe he’s given up with keeping it a secret after the lengthy evening of police interviews, or maybe he just knows that Ran’s put together all of the evidence.
Either way, when the handcuffs click into place over his wrists, he doesn’t deny his actions.
“You did well, Ran,” Shinichi says, from beside her. He smiles, but it’s sad, as if he knows she’s never going to be satisfied with the ending of a case – they both know the one case they’re aiming to solve has no clear end in sight. “Well done.”
Ran turns back, towards the outlines of the body in white tape and shakes her head. How many more deaths will they need to solve – how many more ghosts are going to haunt her, trying to get her to solve their murders?
“I don’t understand why Takeshi-san did it,” Ran says, walking to the exit. Shinichi follows beside her, glances around the scene one more time. He doesn’t speak, just watches as she tries to process through everything, “what would lead someone to murder another?”
She waves goodbye to the police officers on the scene, promises to stop by the station later to give her statement, before leaving the scene behind. It’s not like she consciously goes looking for murder scenes, but they keep finding her now that Shincihi’s –
“Desperation,” Shinichi says, once they’re outside of the house. “Doesn’t it always come down to that? The desperation to live, to keep people from outing the truth, don’t all murders come down to that eventually?”
Canines chew her lip, as Ran tightens her fists around her school bag, her hands whitening, losing all colour. Even with the amount of pressure she’s putting on them, they’re still not as pale as Shinichi.
The only thing as pale as Shinichi though, are the murder victim’s she been plagued with seeing.
“And you,” she mutters, “do you know what type of desperation it was that led to you…”
She can’t say it. Even now it’s impossible to admit her best friend is dead, that she’s in love with a ghost.
Because that’s what Shinichi is – dead. They’d gone to tropical land, and while Ran had made it home that night, Shinichi hadn’t. He’d been found near the outskirts of the park, with a cracked skull and a distinct lack of heartbeat.
“Desperation to keep me quiet,” Shinichi mutters, “but even dying wouldn’t keep me from talking, you know that.”
He offers her a smile then, as if it’s no big deal to be dead, as if it doesn’t matter that he can’t move on to some sort of… beyond. It’s unfair, cruel even, that he won’t show any of his real feelings to her.
Ran turns her face away, glances out at Tokyo. It’s painful how everything’s moving the same way, nothing having changed even when Shinichi technically doesn’t exist anymore.
None of this is fair.
“Hey,” Shinichi says now, and he circles around to stand in front of her. Ran stops walking out of politeness, glances across at him. “Ran, it’s okay. We’re going to solve this together, okay?”
Ran feels tears well in her eyes. This is not how their life should have gone. She nods her hands, places her hands over Shinichi’s, leaves them to hover because she’ll never be able to hold them again.
“Okay.” She nods.
They’re going to solve his murder, and then, Shinichi will finally be able to move on.
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meitanteimary · 7 years
So you think had Shinichi not confessed in London he would have lost ran forever? Why?
This is surely not a simple question, so I’m gonna try to analyse the situation. This is gonna be long. 
Let’s see things from Ran’s POV. Imagine if you were Ran. Now, think about all the times Shincihi just left you. 
Let’s start from Tropical Land: finally you get to have a sort of a date with the guy you have a crush on and everything’s fine except someone gets murdered. You are upset, and you’re crying and what does he do? ‘Go on I’ll catch up with you later!’ and he disappears. He leaves you there, crying. But he’s a detective, he knows what he’s doing. And you trust him (#1). But you wait, and wait, and time passes and you don’t get a call nor anything. And you have so many questions.
Then the Diplomat Murder Case happens and you are so confused cause where was he? why is he here? why didn’t he tell me he was gonna be here? and you want to talk to him and ask him what happened but he just says ‘Wait for me Ran’. And you trust him (#2). But he disappears. Again. Where did he go? What happened? Who knows, certainly not you. 
Then you are on stage during your high school play and someone dies and BAM, Shinichi appears again. You thought that little Conan was actually Shinichi but here he is. And he didn’t call, he didn’t warn you he was gonna be there. You are confused and probably angry and you have so many questions but he comes closer to you and whispers ‘I have something important to tell you’. Next day you find yourselves again with him and everything seems to be back to normal. You are so happy. He’s back! He even asks you to go out for dinner! Maybe this time he won’t leave. Maybe he’ll explain. Maybe I finally get to understand what happened. Maybe- ‘Don’t worry Ran I’ll be back soon!’. And you trust him (#3). Next thing you know, Conan is apologizing because Shinichi had to leave. And you’re broken, and you have enough of this, cause he did it again. Whitout any explanation. He left you. Because solving cases is more important than you. Solving cases is more important than being with you.
Then he appears again. But it doesn’t… feel like him? No, that’s not him. Except for the fact that Shinichi IS there, but as the Shiragami. And he saved you when you fell in the forest. Again, you have so many questions. Where have you been? Why didn’t you tell me you were gonna be here? What’s happening? You want to confront him. He’s leaving to solve the next case and you stop him, but… Shinichi reassures you that he’ll come back. ‘I’m sure the question you wanted to ask is the same as mine.’. And you trust him (#4). But he won’t come back. Again.
This is becoming too much. Shinichi’s never there for you when you need him. I’ll come back… Wait for me… You’re getting tired of this. Still, you choose to trust him. One more time. You forgive him. Because you love him. You convince yourself that if you’ll wait for him, he’ll eventually come back and explain everything.
Then one day, guess what? You go to London! Shinichi’s gonna be so jealous! But you care about him and you don’t want him to be sad cause he couldn’t come, so you spend hours and hours on the internet, looking for everything a fan of Sherlock Holmes could love about London. You are so excited! You are in London and you call him and-what? ‘I’m solving a case and I don’t have much time, sorry’. WHAT?! You get mad at him, but if he told you he’s solving a case it must be important after all. You call him again to apologize.
But then something happens. You hear it. The Big Bang through the phone. He’s in London. You find him, and this time, you want to confront him.
Why didn’t you tell me? He keeps finding excuses. But this is too much. You decide not to trust him this time. He keeps leaving you and he’s gonna do it this time as well. You are sure about this. Love is 0, cause everything he’s been doing is playing with you and your faith in him. Everytime, everytime he tells you he’ll come back and he never does. Does he know how much he made you cry? Does he know how many times you needed his help and he wasn’t there? But you keep falling for him. Everytime. Because you love him, and you are so stupid cause there’s nothing you can do about it. Stupid, stupid Ran. You just want to run away from him, just like he’s been doing with you for the past months.
So, this is the situation. I don’t know if Shinichi would’ve lost Ran forever, but you see, I think Shinichi himself realised this was too much. Because Ran deserves better. Because this is not fair. Because she has nothing to do with this, it’s all his fault. Because he loves her. And so, he tells her. Just for once, he says fuck everything. It’s risky and reckless and stupid, and there’s gonna be consequences. But he loves her. He loves her because he’s fucked up, and he makes her suffer, and he doesn’t deserve her, and he makes her wait for him… but she keeps waiting for him. Why does she keep waiting for me? Who knows what’s going on in heart? Why can’t he deduce that? But after all, ‘The heart of a woman whom one likes… how can someone accurately deduce that!’
You trust him (#5). But this time, you truly smile while you keep waiting for him. Because you know that this time it’s really gonna be worth it. 
Hope you liked my analysis! I hope you read it without getting bored since it’s really long (:
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