anherosixtynine · 10 months
Bro outed himself
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cy-lindric · 2 years
as a british person i gotta say the map you just posted is the best thing i’ve ever seen. heck yeah. england yote directly into the sea
Lmao I meant no disrespect to my neighbours BUT it had to be done. I simply needed Wales lording over a bunch of islands. Just little chunks of Cornwall and east Anglia and Hampshire.
I haven't really decided yet if there was some sort of geological cataclysm or if England has always been like this, but I think probably the latter (in human memory at least). The whole project is pretty late medieval vibes but I have it in my mind that the Anglies haven't really been unified and have derived from the old saxon kingdoms so I'll probably give places silly names like the island state of Issex and its capital Wincæster lol
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Frank, your generated images confuse and terrify me. So in other words, you’re nailing it.
Thank you!
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iria2w · 5 months
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werewoofs · 2 years
when youf FUCKING MEDS wont kick in !!!!
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copperbadge · 8 days
That “I don't need more than 200 songs” tag on the portable mp3 player post has me like
Okay look
People give me these aghast (with sympathy) looks when I inform them that Spotify caps playlists at 10,000 songs
I am apparently spiders Georg on Spotify??? I literally had to start a second “all the music I wanna hear again at random someday” playlist recently. D:
Sammit! This isn't the realization I wanted to have on a Thursday afternoon!
IDK, is that really outlier behavior? I thought that's why Spotify is so popular to begin with. I feel like I'm always talking to folks who have these massive music libraries they want ongoing access to.
I'm not really much on music generally, which I think is an aphantasia thing, but I find a lot of music kind of irritatingly unlistenable; I can't just ignore a song I don't enjoy when it comes on and I don't enjoy probably 70% of all music, closer to 90% when you get into anything without lyrics. I doubt there are ten thousand songs in the world I'd want to listen to, so when I find one I like I make sure I own it and add it to my little library, but my entire music collection fits on my phone and doesn't even take up the majority of the space. I say that I like a musician if I like an average of three songs per album, but I don't bother keeping the songs I don't.
I do think it must be kind of nice to like that much music, you must get a great variety, but I couldn't do it. I don't even have a Spotify, I didn't see the point.
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lavendervodka · 10 months
I’m still in my KankuSaku arc. Art by me, Nov 2023
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Pretty sure it’s the art for one of the future chapters of my fanfic (I really hope to translate it to Eng once I’m finished). Tsunade takes Sakura as Konoha’s brightest medic to one of the pre-war Sammits as all the Kages bring the best ones so all the medics will set some unified standards for emergency aid in the field and etc.
Kankuro has only a few minutes to see her personally. Sakura’s cheeks are slightly pink because of the weather, but Kankuro’s are slightly red from pure excitement to just see her. She’s passionate in telling him something about her medical routine and he’s just… He’s so so in love.
I mean just look at the way he looks at her. I’m crying.
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thammit · 1 year
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I want to enjoy my time… I’m going to enjoy my time, Sammit.
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thatblog19 · 1 year
“We're still trying to live in a world that no longer exists.”
The implicit denial of the harm civilization inflicts cannot hold any longer. How, if at all, will humanity alleviate this existential dysfunction? Good question.
Well, fuck nostalgia, colonial civilization has made the planet uninhabitable. The old rules/policies no longer apply, cannot. We’re trying to live on planet that no longer exist, it has changed dramatically & collective human behavior is the cause of that dramatic change.
Own it.
We all think we’re the victim who’s not responsible so no intrinsic need to help, compromise, assist & so on. This bystander affect, castrating our own agency to avoid blame, lets us sit back & judge (the moral high-ground) -to not care- while nothing is done to mitigate or heal this dying ecosystem.
The truth is everybody must participate in making the planet inhabitable, no on is immune, not even a corporation nor any governing institution. To neglect this obligation is criminal given the current circumstances.
The shift of agency from capital to the community requires your assistance & imagination. You don’t have to participate, you get to participate. Yes, you are valuable & valued in this community, & we all need your help to make it so.
It’s a mother’s task, a hero’s quest, a labor of love, for our blue babushka.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 2 years
Guilty Pleasures
A/N: During an impromptu chat session in the @spnfanficpond's discord server, we decided to play a sprint game with a prompt! @princessmisery666 provided the prompt, and we all wrote a little something for it. When everyone else mentioned they were writing Dean, my contrary brain decided to write Sam.
Prompt: Guilty pleasures - so there is a song called No One Else In The Room by Jessie Reyez, I've started writing something for it for another fandom but it got me wondering. When no one else is in the room what songs/movies/tv shows do they boys watch/listen to that they'd never admit to anyone else. How do they react when they get caught?
Summary: Sam's not usually guilty about the things he likes, but there are still a couple of things...
Pairing: None.
Warnings: No beta reader on this, and it was literally written in 30 minutes with only a couple of cosmetic changes made after that. It's rough.
Word count: 314 words
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Sam hasn’t spent much of his life worried about being embarrassed about what music he likes to listen to or what shows he likes to watch. He spent so many of his younger years defiantly liking things that his dad or his brother specifically wouldn’t like, simply because they didn’t them, that being anything other than defiantly secure in his interests was simply against the grain. Not that he told them why he really went after what Dean called “butt rock” or what Dad had called “rom-com crap”. No, Sam always had a good reason prepared for why whatever he was enjoying was worthwhile.
“It’s educational, Dean. Serial killers are like monsters, so learning how they hunt can only help us figure out what we hunt.”
“Studies have shown that listening to classical music while studying can increase the amount of information your brain can absorb, Dad. If I want to pass, I need all the help I can get!”
More recently, it had been, “Girls take Art History, Dean.” Oh, and also, “Lucifer is possessing Vince Vincente, so this is research!”
This, however, was beyond even his own ability to justify.
That was why he was holed up in his room in the bunker, door closed and locked (even though Dean and Cas were helping Claire with a hunt two states over), headphones on his head, and the volume still kept almost too low for him to even hear. As he watched Applejack and Rainbow Dash prance across his laptop screen, he brought the bacon double cheeseburger to his mouth and took a huge bite. He savored the cheesy, bacony goodness while glancing gleefully at the raisin custard pie (the only pie Dean had ever pushed away from himself in disgust) he would eventually devour for dessert.
Sam didn’t let himself indulge in things often, but when he did, he went all in.
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Ye olde forever tags list: @datfandombitch @manawhaat @sammit-janet @littlegreenplasticsoldier @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @iwantthedean @growningupgeek @feelmyroarrrr @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @chelsea072498 @helvonasche @rizlowwritessortof @wheresthekillswitch @sandlee44 @icequeen1371 @tistai @pie-and-pudding @thelittleredwhocould @supernaturallymarvellous @ellen-reincarnated1967 @notnaturalanahi @salt-n-burn-em-all @fumar-et-flores @chalicia @smalltowndivaj @littlefreakingfangirl @straightestgay-voice @percywinchester27 @vanessa-monique-blog @lynn1712 @gallxntdean @antares1980 @hunterpuff @beffyblueeyes-blog @sammiesamness @cassieraider @emoryhemsworth @speakinvain @andkatiethings @latetothewinchesterparty @winchesterprincessbride @drakelover78 @calaofnoldor @idreamofplaid @akshi8278 @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
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cabnews · 2 years
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7ooo-ru · 4 days
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«Талибан» захотел отправить вице-премьера на саммит БРИКС в России
Боевики находящегося у власти в Афганистане исламистского радикального движения «Талибан» (запрещенная в России террористическая организация) захотели отправить вице-премьера и руководителя политического крыла группировки Абдула Гани Барадара на предстоящий в октябре саммит БРИКС в Казани. Об этом сообщается в письме, адресованном помощнику президента России Юрию Ушакову, передает РИА Новости.
«Мы выражаем интерес к участию в саммите делегации высокого уровня, в том числе заместителя премьер-министра Афганистана Абдула Гани Барадара, а также меня вместе с другими участниками», — указали талибы.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/21/378-taliban-zahotel-otpravit-vice-premera-na-sammit-briks-v-rossii-grss-343073725.html
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allaten24 · 1 month
ALLATRA SUMMIT: We've set a precedent that has a very big opportunity
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The ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT Summit was held in PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC. The international conference was held on May 11, 2024, at the Prague Lucerna Palace, a national cultural monument of the Czech Republic. The summit attracted guests from 35 countries in the Americas, the European Union, Asia and Africa. Participants included representatives of various expert groups, academia and the media.
As the esteemed Dr. Egon Cholakian, a U.S. national security expert and federal lobbyist who attended the event as part of his visit to Europe, said at the Summit, “Friends, you are in the heart of a national security issue. It's climate change." 
Independent climate change expert Taliy Shkurupiy (USA) at the “ ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT” SAMMIT said: “we don't even have 10 years and this is unfortunately our reality”.
Dr. John Ahn (USA), an expert in the development of new technologies in energy, chemical processes and natural sciences said at the ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT Summit: “The X factor is the additional heat caused by the rise of
magma is a cyclical process triggered by external cosmic forcing every 12,000 years, and our planet is already in that cycle this year, 2024." 
Independent climate change expert Talia Shkurupii (USA) bluntly stated that: “we understand exactly why this is happening and we understand that there is an anthropogenic factor behind it pollution of the ocean with microplastics this is causing the ocean to heat up much faster we need to bring scientists together and create a unified science center and really start working on solving this problem” 
U.S. intelligence expert at the ALLATRA Summit in Prague, Czech Republic Dr. Egon Cholakian said, “because climate is our #1 enemy, forget about tomorrow, the enemy is here today.”
It is very inspiring to hear the message that ends the official trailer of the ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT: 
We want to live.
                                                           Do you? 
      We have set a precedent that has great possibilities. 
                                    The future of the Earth depends on us. 
                              Look. Speak up, act! 
                                       ALLATRA CLIMATE SUMMIT 
The press release of the event “ALLATRA CLIMATIC CRISIS” was published on the American media platform https://www.einpresswire.com/.
A large number of participants of the Creative Society project, which is a partner project of ALLATRA, were also present and spoke at the event. Creative Society has largely taken ALLATRA's long-standing climate analytics and developed it. The projects work together to solve the climate problem.
ALLATRA Climate Crisis Summit. Official Trailer
Subscribe to the partner channel 
#Summit   #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #Sustainability #GlobalCrisis #FutureGeneration #ALLATRA 
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slylutfi · 1 month
one minute im happy the next week i feel nothing , that cycle keeps looping and its so cruel because that shred of happiness is what keeps teasing me, as if my life coild
be woerh it, GOD SAMMIT MAN
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politiciansstuff · 3 months
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Zəngəzur dəhlizi Çinin Avropa ilə iqtisadi-ticari əlaqələrinə də çox geniş imkanlar açacaq
Millət vəkili, Ana Vətən Partiyasının sədri Fəzail Ağamalı "Sherg.az"a açıqlamasında deyib ki, Azərbaycan ənənəvi olaraq beynəlxalq münasibətlər sisteminə kifayət qədər böyük təsiri Şanxay Əməkdaşlıq Təşkilatına yüksək səviyyəli dəvət olunur. Deputatın sözlərinə görə, ölkəmizin bu tipli yığıncaqlarda iştirak etməsi hər şeydən öncə Azərbaycana verilən diqqətin, önəmin, dövlətimizin gücünün, imkanlarının göstəricisidir:
“İyulun 3-də Şanxay Əməkdaşlıq Təşkilatının sammitinə dəvət alan cənab Prezident İlham Əliyev Qazaxıstanda çox yüksək səviyyədə qarşılandı. Dövlət başçısı sammit çərçivəsində liderlərlə əhəmiyyətli görüşlər keçirdi. Prezidentin Rusiya, Pakistan, Türkiyə, Qazaxıstan və Çin rəhbərləri ilə görüşləri həmin ölkələrlə mövcud əməkdaşlığın imkanları və gələcək hədəflərin geniş müzakirəsi predmetinə çevrildi. Xüsusi olaraq Azərbaycanla Çin arasında strateji əməkdaşlıq haqqında imzalanmış bəyanat çox böyük əhəmiyyət kəsb edir. Bu bəyanatda Azərbaycanla Çin arasında indiyədək mövcud olan əməkdaşlığın əhəmiyyəti qeyd edilməklə bütün sahələrdə şaxələnməsi və gələcək hədəflər öz əksini tapdı. Siyasi-iqtisadi, mədəni-humanitar sahələrdə əməkdaşlığın yüksək səviyyədə qurulması hər iki lider tərəfindən təsdiqləndi. Azərbaycan və Çin dövlət başçılarının görüşü iki ölkə arasında yüksək səviyyəli əlaqələrin olmasından və qarşılıqlı etimadın konkret nəticələri kimi təsdiqini tapdı. Çin hər zaman Azərbaycanın ərazi bütövlüyünü birmənalı dəstəkləyib. Azərbaycan da eyni şəkildə Çinin ərazi bütövlüyünə dəstək ifadə edib, Tayvanı Çin ərazisinin tərkib hissəsi kimi tanıdığını bildirib, orada keçirilən qondarma seçkini qəbul etməyini açıqlayıb”.
Parlament üzvü vurğulayıb ki, “Kəmər və Yol” layihəsinin mühüm hissəsi olan Orta Dəhlizin infrastrukturunun önəmli bir hissəsi Azərbaycandan keçir:
“Həm Bakı-Tbilisi-Qars layihəsi, həm də açılması nəzərdə tutulan Zəngəzur dəhlizi Çinin Avropa ilə iqtisadi-ticari əlaqələrinə də çox geniş imkanlar açacaq. Bu, Çinin geostrateji və geopolitik maraqlarına birbaşa cavab verir. O baxımdan Çin Azərbaycana xüsusi diqqət göstərir. Əlbəttə, bu əməkdaşlıq Azərbaycanın da maraqlarına tamamilə uyğundur. Maraqlarımızın üst-üstə düşməsi Pekin-Bakı münasibətlərinin ən yüksək səviyyədə qurulmasına imkan yaradır. Bütün bunlar həm ikitərəfli görüşdə, həm də bəyannamədə öz əksini tapdı. Mühüm məqamlardan biri də Azərbaycan və Çin dövlət başçılarının bir-birini qarşılıqlı olaraq öz ölkələrinə dəvət etməsidir. Bunlar Azərbaycan-Çin münasibətlərinin inkişafına yeni imkanlar, yeni təkanlar verəcək. Bir sözlə, cənab Prezidentin ŞƏT-in sammitində iştirakı çox böyük siyasi-tarixi əhəmiyyət kəsb edir”.
“Sherg.az” saytı
İsmayıl Qocayev
04 iyul 2024-cü il
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sawtelghad · 7 months
بورش وجاغوار وكورفيت.. شاهد أكبر مقبرة لأفخم السيارات وأغلاها في العالم باليابان https://sawtelghad.net/40976
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