themodernvedic · 7 years
Benefits of Chanting the Gayatri Mantra
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The Logic Behind Mantras and rituals is the support of every truth seeker who believes in its efficacy, power and glory.He may be of any caste, creed, clime or sect. It is only his faith and purity of heart that really counts. The Gayatri Mantra, also known as the Savitri mantra, is a highly revered mantra from the Rig Veda (Mandala 3.62.10), dedicated to Savitr, the Sun deity. Gāyatrī is the name of the Vedic meter in which the verse is composed. Vishvamitra is said to have created or authored the Gayatri Mantra. The Gayatri Mantra is an impregnable spiritual armor, a veritable fortress, that guards and protects its votary, transforming him into the divine, and blessing him with the brilliant light of the highest spiritual illumination and awakening.The mantra is an important part of the upanayana ceremony for young males in Hinduism, and has long been recited by dvija men as part of their daily rituals. Gayatri, Gita, Ganga and Gau (cow) are the 4 pillars of Indian culture. Among st these, Gayatri is the most supreme. All Hindu scriptures, sects, Rishis, etc proclaim in unison that Gayatri has a deep important message for the world humanity. In Atharva Veda (19/71/1) it is said that Gayatri meditation blesses its devotee with a long healthy life, a strong vital force (Prana), divine energy, fame, wealth and God Realization. Usage of the Gayatri Mantra Upanayana Ceremony
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The sacred thread (yajnopavita) is received by the boy during the Upanayana Ceremony. Imparting the Gayatri mantra to young Sanatan men is an important part of the traditional upanayana ceremony, which marks the beginning of the study of Vedas. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan described this as the essence of the ceremony, which is sometimes called "Gayatri diksha", i.e. initiation into the Gayatri mantra. However, traditionally, the stanza RV.3.62.10 is imparted only to Brahmin boys. Other Gayatri verses are used in the upanayana ceremony for non-Brahmins. RV.1.35.2 is used in the tristubh meter, for a kshatriya and RV.1.35.9 or RV.4.40.5 may be used in the jagati meter for a Vaishya. Mantra-Recitation Gayatri japa is used as a method of prāyaścitta (Prāyaścitta (Sanskrit: प्रायश्चित्त) is the S
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anskrit word which means "atonement, penance, expiation". It refers to one of the corrective measures in dharmaśāstra as an alternative to incarceration or other forms of danda (punishment) when someone is convicted of certain crimes) It is believed by practitioners that reciting the mantra bestows wisdom and enlightenment, through the vehicle of the Sun (Savitr), who represents the source and inspiration of the universe. Brahmo Samaj
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राजा राम मोहन रॉय In 1827 Ram Mohan Roy published a dissertation on Gayatri mantra in which he analysed the gayatri mantra in context of various Upanishads. According to Raja Ram Mohan Roy, a Brahmin should always pronounce om at the beginning and end of the Gayatri mantra. From 1830, the Gayatri mantra was used for private devotion of Brahmos. In 1843, the First Covenant of Brahmo Samaj chanted the Gayatri mantra for Divine Worship. Hindu Revivalism In the later 19th century, due to many Hindu reform movements, the chanting of the
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Swami Vivekananda Gayatri mantra became common for everybody. In 1898, Swami Vivekananda claimed that, according to the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita, a person becomes a Brahmin through teachings from his Guru, and not because of birth. He performed the sacred thread ceremony and the Gayatri mantra on non-Brahmins, in Ramakrishna Mission. The Gayatri mantra has been popularized to the masses, outside Brahminic culture through pendants, audio recordings and mock scrolls. Various Gayatri Yajñas organised by All World Gayatri Pariwar, at small scale as well as large scales in late twentieth century also helped spread the Gayatri mantra among the masses. Popular Culture A version of the Gayatri mantra is featured in the opening theme song of the TV series Battlestar Galactica (2004). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhkmglawA2w A variation on the William Quan Judge translation is also used as the introduction to Kate Bush's song "Lily" in her 1993 album, The Red Shoes. In her Living Proof: The Farewell Tour the singer/actress Cher sang Gayatri mantra while riding a mechanical elephant. She later repeated her performance during the Classic Cher tour. The Swiss avantgarde black metal band Schammasch adapted the gayatri-mantra as the outro in their song "The Empyrean" on their last album "Triangle" as a Gregorian chant. The Gayatri Mantra is universally applicable, for it is nothing but an earnest prayer for Light, addressed to the Supreme Almighty Spirit. This single mantra, repeated sincerely and with clear conscience, brings you closer to the supreme good."
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Sage Vishwamitra The ancient Hindu scriptures reveal how the sage Vishwamitra was given the Gayatri mantra as a gift for the penance and austerities that he performed for many years. This was not only a reward for Vishwamitra but was a boon for the entire humanity. Meditation Through meditation on the Gayatri, one can become aware of the inner motivating principle of the five elements, the five vital airs in the human body and the five sheaths which encase the Atma. Just as there are three basic energies that govern man---the physical, the metaphysical and the psychical, the ādhi-bhoutik, the ādhi-daivik and the ādhi-atmic, Gayatri has three facets, Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati. Gayatri fosters the metaphysical, Savitri, the physical, and goddess Saraswati, the psychical. These three karañas or instruments have to be cleansed and sublimated so that man can realize the goal of his life. Through the recital of Gayatri mantra and meditation thereon, this great task can be achieved.
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Rishis selected the words of the Gayatri Mantra and arranged in such a manner that they not only convey meaning but also create specific powers of righteous wisdom through their utterance. Hindu Vedic scriptures describe how many of these sages accumulated tremendous spiritual powers through years of deep meditation and the chanting of the Gayatri – these spiritual powers are called Siddhi. Chanting of Gayatri Mantra removes all obstacles in our path, thereby increasing our wisdom, spiritual growth and development. The teachings and powers incorporated in the Gayatri Mantra fulfill this purpose. Righteous wisdom starts emerging soon after Jap(recitation) of the Gayatri Mantra is performed. Gayatri mantra is considered as the most important and sacred among all the mantras . The material and spiritual benefits that it bestows are immense and deep. Yet it is a pity that the educated society of today do not realize its supreme importance. A vertical split is witnessed in the society in such matters. One category of people having received modern education tend to accept only those things that pass the touchstone of logic and reasoning. They have a cynical attitude about all that is ancient, simply because it is ancient. On the other hand, the other category of people think that in matters of spirituality, religious logic and reason have no significance. These are matters of faith only. This dichotomy is unfortunate as well as false. The belief that reason and faith are diametrically opposed to each other lacks the correct understanding of the ancient beliefs and systems. There is a place for both in this universe. Gayatri mantra is a very compact mantra having three parts. That is why it is called tripada. Its simple meaning is - “We behold the illuminating brilliance of Lord Savita (Sun). May He inspire our minds onto the righteous path.” The sublimity of human life lies in the up-liftment of intellect. If human mind is able to get its inspiration from the dazzling radiance of a divine power like the sun, it can acquire all kinds of riches and resources. Not only worldly gains but even the spiritual progress of a person is dependent on his mind. Even atheists base their rejection or acceptance on the strength of reason, that is to say, their mind is an essential element and a determinant in their scheme of things. The non-believers and cynics cannot have different thoughts about a prayer that seeks this universally accepted and esteemed ‘intellect. Concepts of heaven and salvation are not simple concepts which can be experienced by everyone. Hence atheists do not believe in them. Possibly, to overcome this very difficulty, the ancient seer of Gayatri mantra included words over which which nobody can have any disputes. In Gayatri mantra, the term dhiyah or buddhi has been used in the plural sense – connoting ‘many kinds of intellect’. It is a misconception that the Hindu systems of philosophy are concerned only with the spiritual or the non-worldly. Many persons neglect the material or worldly aspects of the life under this wrong impression. Gayatri mantra seeks the enhancement of all kinds of intellect, not simply the spiritual intellect but also the physical, economic and administrative intellects. The Upanishads contain many names – bhootvidya (the science of spirits), manusyavidya (the science of humans), the science of rashis, the science of nakshatras (stars and planets), janvidya, etc. These miscellaneous nomenclatures suggest multiple kinds of intellect. Just as the superiority of intellect is beyond dispute, so is the superiority of sun-god in all ages. Even those who do not look upon the sun as a divine entity must necessarily accept its intrinsic relationship with the cycle of life and the sustenance of all activities and phenomena in this world. If the sun remains hidden behind the clouds for a few days, the air becomes impure and polluted. Without the sun, there will simply be no life. As a man thinks, so does he become. This is the law of nature. The sun symbolizes brilliance and infinite energy. He is also the primary deity of the Gayatri mantra. Psychology and other mind related sciences have established that those who contemplate upon such a source of brightness, will themselves become bright and enlightened. Gayatri mantra has often been recommended by many as a mantra for solo recital. But a closer scrutiny of its meaning indicates otherwise. The plural words like dhimahi (“we contemplate”) and nah (“our”) reflect the underlying spirit of collective chanting. Solo recital is of course not harmful, but even during this type of japa , the reciter should have the intrinsic feeling that he is a constituent part of the broad society and not a separate entity.
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Markandeya rishi There is another widespread misconception in public. It is that only a very elaborate and strictly prescribed manner of mantra recital gives any benefit while a casually done japa produces harmful effect for the person. This impression is wrong. Markandeya rishi says, “In whatever manner Gayatri japa is done, it purifies the interior and fulfills all desires. If however the japa anusthana is done in the proper and prescribed way the benefits are simply indescribable.” This means that even for a person engrossed in the daily grind of life, it is very easy for him to grasp the benefits of this mantra. Upliftment of the mental and intellectual level of the society is a great need of the 21st century. The Gayatri mantra is focused precisely at this enhancement, and should therefore be valued and practiced by the modern neo-educated too. Activation of Internal Power Centers The syllables of the mantra are said to positively affect all the chakras or energy centres in the human body - hence, proper pronunciation and enunciation of the mantra is very important. According to Sathya Sai Baba, the Gayatri Mantra "will protect you from harm wherever you are, make your intellect shine, improve your power of speech, and dispel the darkness of ignorance (Dhiyoyonah prachodayaath)".
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It will protect you from harm wherever you are -- traveling, working, or at home. Westerners have investigated the vibrations produced by this mantra and have found that when this mantra is recited with correct pronunciation, as laid down in the Vedas, the atmosphere around becomes visibly illumined. Brahma-prakāsha, the Divine Effulgence, will descend on you, illuminate your intellect and light your path when this mantra is chanted. Also repeat shanti thrice at the end, for the repetition will give shanti or peace to three entities in you -- body, mind, and soul. The masters of Mantra Vidya know that when we speak, the words are uttered by different parts of our mouth such as, throat (larynx), tongue, teeth, lips and the root of the tongue. During speech, the nerve-fibers of the mouth, from which the sound emits, stretch different parts of our body and pressurize the corresponding glands. If a particular gland, gets diseased or dysfunctional, we start stammering  when we speak those specific words. There are many large and small, visible and invisible glands in our body. Yogis know that some specific energies are hidden in these glands. Different words have different impacts on different glands, because of which, the energy of these glands gets stimulated. There are twenty-four letters in the Gayatri-Mantra which are related to twenty-four such glands located in the body which, on getting stimulated, activate and awaken the powers of righteous wisdom and enlightenment. By chanting the Gayatri Mantra, the sitar of the subtle (Sookshma) body, of the Sadhak  gets activated, tinkling twenty-four different points of our body, and creating sound waves which impact important  elements of the invisible world. It is this impact which becomes more and more pronounced and tangible through regular chanting of the Gayatri Mantra. The flow of sound of these twenty-four letters of the Maha Mantra is of deep significance. The experts of the science of sound, know the powers hidden in sound and the results which can be achieved by its subtle vibrations. Sound is synonymous with Brahma. It is
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Brahma  from whom the original creative vibration is generated, which is equivalent to seven-times chanting of OM. Just as the pendulum of a clock keeps on moving by swinging to and fro, the sound waves of Om create vibrations which regulate this creation. These vibrations lead to generation of the three main waves of Sat, Raj and Tam related to Hreem, Shreem and Kleem elements respectively. It further gets divided into branches and sub-branches which are known as Beej-Mantras. The letters, words and clauses of the Gayatri Mantra have been analysed by seer vision. The vibrations generated due to the gayatri mantra, emanate from the unified field of creative energy, and are arranged in a specific, special sequence forming a large number of inter-relationships.
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The Gayatri-mantra when Chanted with sincere devotion, plugs the sadhak’s soul into the supreme and inexhaustible fountain of spiritual energy. For example, Singing of the Deepak-rag with sincere devotion lights up extinguished  lamps. It starts raining when the megh-malhar tune is sung.  The warbling of cuckoo incites passion in men as well as women. Even strong iron bridges may collapse by the sound vibrations created by the in-step, coordinated and rhythmic marching of troop soldiers. This is the reason why armies are forbidden to march rhythmically, in-step, while crossing bridges. Dr. Hutchinson of America has achieved success and fame by curing several patients suffering from incurable and painful diseases, with the help of different musical sounds and vibrations. In India, Tantriks keep a Thali (large metallic plate) on a pot and play it like a drum, in a special rhythm. They are capable of curing persons bitten by poisonous snakes and scorpions. They are also capable of healing those suffering from thyroid goitre, Vishvel (poisonous creeper), ghosts, phobia, etc. The vibrations of a specific sound spread in the ether, attract atoms of similar type and return to their origin position within a few moments, duly charged with appropriate energy which  has a curative impact on the appropriate area. This is how Mantras have miraculous effects. The chanting of Gayatri Mantra activates a network of nerves in the mouth which in turn stimulates specific glands. As soon as the glands get stimulated, a Vedic symphony is created which spreads in the ether, takes a round of the entire universe and comes back to its source with its energy augmented manifold. Gayatri Sadhana, thus, becomes  a spiritual as well as a material boon for the Sadhak. Gayatri Mantra becomes extremely potent depending upon the sadhak’s confidence coupled with faith. Psychologists are well acquainted with the power of self confidence. Tulsidas has in his Ramayan compared faith and confidence to Bhawani and Shankar and stated, “Bhawani Shankaro vande shraddha vishvas rupino”. It is faith which has the power to turn a bush into a ghost, a rope into a snake and an idol into God. There are people who happily sacrifice money, comfort and even life for defending one’s faith and conviction. Eklavya, Kabeer etc. are examples of persons who acquired Knowledge  not directly from their masters, Gurus, but by having unflinching faith in them. The basis of hypnotism is to get the desired work done by the subject just by infusing faith in him. The Mantra of a Tantrik works miraculously on the patient only if he has deep faith in it. A Sadhak devoid of faith may utter a Tantrik Mantra hundreds of times but it will not have any effect on him. This fact applies to Gayatri Mantra as well. When the Sadhak takes up Sadhana with faith and confidence, Gayatri Mantra becomes much more effective and proves to be extra-ordinarily powerful due to the combined effect of faith and the Mantra’s own intrinsic spiritual energy. Observe the following sketch. The sketch below depicts which particular letter oGayatri is related to which part of the body.
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The details are given below :- Letter (Gland) Granthi Involved Energy Tat Tapini Success Sa Saphalta Bravery (Parakram) Vi Vishwas Maintenance (Palan) Tur Tushti Well-Being (Kalyan) Va Varda Yog Re Revati Love (Prem) Ni Sookshma Money Yam Gyana Brilliance (Tej) Bhar Bharga Defence (Raksha) Go Gomati Intellect (Buddhi) De Devika Suppression (Daman) Va Varahi Devotion (Nistha) Sya Sinhani Dharna (Power of Retention) Dhee Dhyan Pran (Life-Breath) ma Maryada Self-Restraint (Sanyam) Hi Sfuta Tap Dhi Medha Far-Sightedness Yo Yogmaya Jagriti (Awakening) Yo Yogini Production Naha Dharini Sarasta (Sweetness) Pra Prabhava Ideal Cho Ooshma Courage Da Drashya Wisdom (Vivek) Yat Niranjan Sewa (Service) The Gayatri-mantra activates the above-mentioned twenty-four divine qualities in a devotee. The Mantra of Vedmata Gayatri, consisting of twenty-four letters, is very small but it contains an ocean of infinite knowledge. The knowledge underlying it is so profound that if a person understands it properly and brings it into regular practice,he can make his present as well as future life truly happy and peaceful. The message of Gayatri is meaningful both from spiritual as well as material point of view. If it is well understood and contemplated upon, the gayatri-mantra manifests itself as a source of perennial fountain of true wisdom. With regular chanting, varied accomplishments (Siddhis) and prosperity start manifesting in the life of devotees. Most of the people think that some god or goddess is bestowing these gifts, since they are unable to see and understand the working of these subtle divine energies and the transformations flowing therefrom. Once they realize that these transformations are taking place because of their own Sadhana, they will come to know that these sidhis are not attained by some unexpected gift from somewhere, but are the result of a well organized scientific process of spiritual growth. Gayatri Sadhana is not based on blind faith but has a solid scientific basis.  It is essential to recite the Gayatri mantra at least three times a day. This will reduce the effects of the wrong acts you do every day. It is like buying goods for cash, instead of getting them on credit. There is no accumulation of karmic (result of action) debt, since each day's karma (action) is atoned for that day itself by reciting the Gayatri mantra. "Sarva roga nivaarini Gayatri" (Gayatri is the reliever of all diseases). "Sarva dhukha parivaarini Gayatri" (Gayatri wards off all misery). "Sarva vaancha phalashri Gayatri" (Gayatri is the fulfiller of all desires). Gayatri is the bestower of all that is beneficial. 
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Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya According to the late Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya, “The rishis and sages of the Vedic Age had experienced and experimented on the enormous extrasensory energy pools – the chakras, upachakras, granthis, koshas, matakas, upayatikas and nadis, hidden in the subtle cores in the endocrine glands, nerve bundles and ganglions." It is said that the activation of these rekindles rare virtuous talents and super-normal potential. Scientists, meta-physicists and spiritual practitioners are studying and rediscovering these ancient approaches towards self-realization. The secret of the supernatural impact of Gayatri Mantra in the physical domains of life lies in the unique configuration of the specific syllables of the mantra. The cyclic enunciation of this mantra stimulates the subliminal power centers in our subtle body. The pressure on tongue, lips, vocal cord, palate and the connecting regions in the brain generated by continuous enunciation of the twenty-four special syllables of the Gayatri Mantra creates a resonance (or a vibration) in the nerves and the ‘threads’ of the subtle body. The musical flow thus induced titillates the extrasensory energy centers. The latter begin to stimulate and a sublime magnetic force gets aroused in the Sadhaka that attracts the vital currents of Gayatri Shakti, immanent in the infinite domains. This magnetic charge induced by the continuous repetition of the Gayatri Mantra ‘attunes’ the seeker’s mind to link with these supernatural power-currents. It is significant that the prolonged repetition of the Gayatri has a cumulative effect on our bodies and our minds.  Our minds are sharper, our immune system is stronger, and our hearts are open.  When the energy centers, including our main Chakras, are activated by the vibrations of the Gayatri mantra, a positive and healing effect can be observed on our life force energy – on our Prana. Gayatri can be listened to, chanted, or even thought. There is power and potency in all three approaches.  Choose the approach that you are most comfortable with.
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Gayatri Mantra - Chakra Meditation Preferably in the morning before sunrise, sit straight with your head, neck and trunk aligned in a straight posture. Let your body and breath relax. Pay attention to the incoming and outgoing of your breaths. Continue breathing until a soft and rhythmical abdominal breathing gets established. Follow the energy centers systematically in ascending order, in the central channel, of the space behind the abdominal wall and the space in front of the spinal column Muladhara Chakra (Root chakra): Bring your attention to the tail bone and the pubic bone in the front, i.e. the pelvic floor area. Slightly contract the pelvic floor to deepen your awareness of the region. Visualize the Sun, reddish, soft and gentle as it appears at the crack of dawn. Silently recite the Gayatri Mantra Svadhishthana Chakra (Sacrum Chakra): In order to deepen your awareness of this Chakra, slightly contract the space between the sacrum at the back and the procreative organ in the front. Visualize the Sun moving up from the Muladhara Chakra into the Svadhishthana Chakra. Silently recite the Gayatri mantra. Manipura Chakra (Navel Center): In order to deepen the awareness of this Chakra region focus your attention on the space between your navel and the lumbar region. Exhaling while gently pulling in the navel can sharpen your concentration on the Manipura region. Visualize the sun as it would shine an hour or two later after the sunrise. Visualize the sun moving up from the Svadhishthana Chakra into the Manipura Chakra. Silently recite the Gayatri mantra. Anahata Chakra (Heart Center): In order to deepen your awareness, concentrate your attention on the space between the heart region in the front and the spinal discs between your shoulder blades. Visualize large bright Sun rising from the Manipura Chakra through the central channel to the center of the heart area. Silently recite the Gayatri mantra. Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra): Bring your attention to the space between the pit of your throat and the spinal column right behind.it. Visualize the Sun moving up from the Anahata Chakra up to the Vishuddha Chakra. Silently recite the Gayatri mantra. Talu Chakra/ Lalana Chakra (Uvula/soft palate center): Deepen your awareness on the space between the uvula/soft palate in the front and your neck discs in the posterior. Visualize the Sun moving up from the Vishuddha Chakra through the central channel up to the uvula/soft palate. Silently recite Gayatri mantra. Ajnya Chakra (The Eye-Brow Center): Deepen your awareness on the space from behind the eye-brow center to the Occiput area/cervical discs in your back. Visualize the Sun moving up from the Talu Chakra through the central channel up to the Ajnya Chakra. Silently recite Gayatri mantra. Sahasrara Chakra (The Crown Chakra): Deepen your awareness of and around the crown of your head. Visualize the Sun moving up through the central channel from Ajnya Chakra to Sahasrara Chakra. Visualize the brilliant sun with its rays spreading out like thousand petals of lotus into the space beyond. Silently recite the Gayatri mantra. You may end your Gayatri mantra-Chakra practice at this point. You may do as many rounds as you like depending upon the time you have. How to Open Third Eye with Gayatri Mantra Meditation Below are the step-by-step instructions on how to do this meditation in order to open the Third Eye Chakra: Sit in any cross legged posture you like. You can also do this meditation on a chair. Elongate your spine and tuck your chin in slightly (like a soldier at attention). Bring your hands in Gyan mudra. Then, rest your wrists gently on your knees, with your palms pointing slightly upwards. Close your eyes and turn them upwards such that you looking through the center of your forehead. This is Shambhavi mudra. Do this mudra for as long as is comfortable.Don't Over-do it. Release your eyes whenever necessary and continue with the meditation, reapplying it when ready. Start chanting the Gayatri Mantra mentally. Visualize the vibrations emanating out from your Third Eye, Chakra Point. Continue to chant the mantra silently. You can do this meditation for as long as you like. Start with 3 minutes and build up with time and regular practice. The Gayatri Mantra with Kriyas The following is a longer version of the Gayatri-Mantra, which activates the lokhas (heavens) in our awareness and specifically asks for enlightenment. It may be practiced with or without the kriyas (actions). Kriyas are said to connect us with our atman (soul). The kriyas should be practiced with the right hand only. Open your hand with the palm facing upwards. OM BHUH Touch the thumb to the base of the ring finger. OM BHUVAH Touch the thumb to the base of the little finger. OM SVAHA Touch the thumb to the middle of the little finger. OM MAHAH Touch the thumb to the tip of the little finger. OM JANAH Touch the thumb to the tip of the ring finger. OM TAPAH Touch the thumb to the tip of the middle finger. OM SATYAM Touch the thumb to the tip of the index finger. OM TATSAVITUR VARENYAM Touch the thumb to the middle of the index finger. BHARGO DEVASYA DHIMAHI Touch the thumb to the base of the index finger. DHIYO YO NAH PRACODAYAT Touch the thumb to the base of the middle finger. OM APO JYOTIH Touch the first three fingers to the right eye. RASO’ MRTAM Touch the first three fingers to the left eye. BRAHMA BHUR BHUVAH SVAR OM Touch the first three fingers to the third eye. When using the kriyas, it is recommended that you repeat the mantra three times and then continue repeating either the long or short version of the Gayatri mantra at least ten more times without the kriyas. Benefits of Chanting the Gayatri Mantra on a Daily Basis Calms your mind: The chant of the gayatri-mantra starts with Om. The enunciation of this sound sends a vibration through your lips, tongue, palate, back of your throat and the skull, which is said to be extremely calming to the mind and helps in the release of relaxing hormones. The syllables of the Gayatri Mantra are so devised that they help a person concentrate and focus on whatever he wants to do. Successful Marriage Relationships: Delay in marriage, relationship disturbances and related worries can be solved by chanting the Gayatri Mantra on a daily basis. According to Indian astrology, marriage issues are due to the negative position of stars but Gayatri Mantra has a significant power to evaporate and change the negative position of the stars. Improves immunity: The pressure on tongue, lips, vocal cord, palate and the connecting regions of the brain generated by the continuous enunciation of the Gayatri Mantra creates a resonance in and around your head. These vibrations stimulate the hypothalamus (a gland that is responsible for regularizing the release and functioning of a number of bodily functions, including immunity) which then functions more efficiently. Experts say that this gland is also responsible for the release of happy hormones and therefore is very important in mind body connections — so the happier you are, the stronger is your immunity. Gayatri Mantra chanting helps stimulate your chakras and the extrasensory energy centers of your body. These chakras align themselves with certain essential lymph nodes and organs of your body that help in the proper functioning of your entire body. Increases concentration and learning: A study published in the International Journal of Yoga found that people who chanted mantras had better concentration and memory. This is because when you chant the Gayatri Mantra the resultant vibration first activates the three chakras that are present on your face and head — namely the third eye, throat and crown chakras. These three chakras help improve concentration as they directly relate to your brain, the pineal gland (crown chakra), eyes, sinuses, lower head, the pituitary gland (third eye chakra) and thyroid gland (throat chakra). When activated the vibrations help stimulate the associated glands– improving concentration and focus. Brings Prosperity and Development: Goddess Gayatri is considered as Annapoorna according to Hindu mythology, who is the Hindu Goddess of food. It is believed that worshiping Goddess Gayatri and reciting the Gayatri mantra on a daily basis, brings prosperity, wealth and development in life, giving you lots of happiness, love, food and shelter. Improves your breathing: While chanting the mantra you are required to take deep controlled breaths. Deep Breathing, when done regularly, helps improve your lung functions. Apart from breathing deeply it also helps oxygenate the entire body therefore keeping you healthy and fit. Helps keep your heart healthy: As per the results of a study published in the British Medical Journal chanting a mantra significantly slows down a person’s breathing, which helps synchronize and regularize his heart beats, helping him to stay healthy. According to the study, the synchronized beating and functioning of the heart along with the baroreflex sensitivity(a mechanism that helps maintain your blood pressure) are parameters that help keep heart diseases at bay. Improves the working of your nerves: As you chant the mantra the pressure that is exerted on your tongue, lips, vocal cord, palate and the connecting regions in and around your brain create a resonance or a vibration that helps in strengthening and stimulating of your nerves. It also stimulates the proper release of neurotransmitters that help in the conduction of impulses. Helps beat stress: Chanting the gayatri mantra also helps beat stress-related oxidative damage. Not only does it help your body build a stronger immune response but it also helps reverse the damage done by constant stress on your body. Strengthens the mind and keeps depression at bay: The chanting of this mantra helps stimulate your brain, keeping you calm and more focused. According to a study published in the International journal of Yoga, the chanting of the gayatri mantra helps stimulate the functioning of the vagus nerve, which is a common form of treatment for people with depression and epilepsy. The vibrations stimulate the penial body and help in the release of endorphins and other relaxing hormones, that help keep depression at bay. Gives your skin a glow: Vibrations stimulate vital points on your face that help in improving circulation and getting rid of toxins from your skin. The deep breathing helps oxygenate your skin, making it look younger and glowing. Helps relieve the symptoms of asthma: While chanting the mantra, one is required to breathe in deep and hold their breath for some time. This helps in strengthening the lungs and can be used as an adjuvant therapy for asthma. Attracts Positive Energy: Chanting the powerful Gayatri Mantra with perfect accent and pronunciation, illuminates and highlights the surrounding atmosphere and creates positive vibrations in the environment, attracting positive energy to soothe your mind and body. Read the full article
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themodernvedic · 7 years
Gayatri Mantra : Meaning and Universality
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India is land, where religious legacies and formalities are more important than mortal life. Diversity is the strength of this nation.The foundation of Hinduism lies in the rich cultural
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heritage that is bejeweled by gifts from ancient India. Indians believe in respecting and imbibing every facet of religion’s positivity. For Hindus, the Gayatri-Mantra, is a highly revered mantra from the Vedas, which was never authored, but is believed to have been revealed to Brahmarshi Vishvamitra by God. Gayatri Mantra is a complete prayer for the protection, nourishment and finally, liberation of humanity. Indians are made to chant this Gayatri-Mantra from a very young age. But do you know why ? Why has every Indian memorized the Gayatri-Mantra? Why ? Who is Mother Gayatri? Gayatri is the Mother of all scriptures (Vedas). She is present, wherever Her name is chanted. She is very powerful and bestows pure thoughts on anyone who worships Her. She is the embodiment of all Goddesses. Our very breath is Gayatri, our faith in existence is Gayatri. Gayatri has five faces, they are the five principles of life. She has nine descriptions, they are Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah Tat Savitur Vareñyaṃ Bhargo Devasya Mother Gayatri nourishes and protects every being and channelizes our senses in the right direction. Gayatri is the mother of all Vedas (Gayatri Chandhasam matha) Gayatri, however, has three names: Gayatri Savitri Saraswathi
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These three forms of Gayatri are present in everyone. Gayatri represents the sense organs that we have. She is the master of all senses. Savitri is the master of Prana (Life Force). Many Indians are familiar with the story of Savitri, who brought back to life her dead husband, Sathyavan. Savitri signifies truth. Saraswathi is the presiding deity of speech (vaak). The three represent purity in thought, word, and deed (thrikarana shuddhi). Although Gayatri has three names, all three are present in each of us as senses (Gayatri), the power of speech (Saraswathi), and the life force (Savitri). The Gayatri-Mantra AUM BHOOR BHUWAH SWAHA, TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASAYA DHEEMAHI DHIYO YO NAHA PRACHODAYAT ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेन्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् ।। Gayatri-Mantra (the mother of all vedas), is the foremost mantra in hinduism and hindu beliefs. Its literal meaning is  "May the God Almighty illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path". If you intend to chant the Gayatri mantra, it is quite important that you chant it with the correct pronunciation and with the deepest integrity of your hearts. This of course, means that you need to know the correct pronunciation of the words behind the mantra.  The Sanskrit words of the Gayatri-mantra carry tremendous power when chanted correctly. Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha  (Om Bhoor Bhoova Swa-Ha) Om Tat Savitur Varenyam  (Om Tat Sa-Vidoor Va-rain-yam) Bhargo Devasya Deemahi  (Bhaargo They-Vas-Ya Dee-Mahi) Deeyo Yo Naha, Prachodayaat  (Thee-Yo Yo-Na-Ha, Pra-Cho-Da-Yaat) The prayer form of the Gayatri takes various forms. The Gayatri Mantra is known as the Savitri Mantra,if it is invoked as a salutation to the Sun. The form that can be used to pray to Lord Shiva is called Rudra Gayatri. One may sing Ganesha Gayatri for Lord Ganesha One may sing Hanuman Gayatri for Lord Hanuman One may sing Saraswati Gayatri for Goddess Saraswati. One may sing Tulsi Gayatri Mantra as well.
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Literal Word - Meanings Om The Primeval Sound Bhur The Physical Body/Physical Realm Bhuvah The Life Force/The Mental Realm Suvah The Soul/Spiritual Realm Tat That (God) Savitur The Sun, Creator (Source of all Life) Vareñyam Adore Bhargo Effulgence (Divine Light) Devasya Supreme Lord These First Nine Words describe the Glory of God Dhīmahi Meditate Dhiyo The Intellect Yo May this Light Nah Our Prachodayāt Illumine/Inspire "dhiyo yo na prachodayat" is a Prayer to God
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Detailed Description of the Gayatri-Mantra Stanzas with meaning Meanings of the words ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: Om, Bhur, Bhuvah, Svah Om: The sacred word, word of creation, first word, word of god (Equivalent to Holy Ghost in trinity) usually used at the beginning of a hymn or mantra.  Bhur: The physical plane of existence (which is of the nature of 5 elements) Bhuvah: The astral plane of existence (which is of the nature of subtle elements) Svah: The causal plane or celestial plane (plane where the existence is as subtle as ideas or notions, from which creation happens).   तत्सवितुर्वरेन्यं Tát savitúr váreṇyaṃ Tat: That, God, (Equivalent to son, in the Christian Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost) Savitúr : Source of all, creation, supreme reality, Divine illumination (of goddess Savitri or Shakti) Váreṇyaṃ: the foremost, fit to be worshiped, deserving oblations  भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि Bhárgo devásya dhīmahi Bhárgo: Great spiritual effulgence, Radiant one, one who illumines all Devásya: Godly, divine reality, of divinity, Virtuous and joyous Dhīmahi: We meditate on you. Dhee=intellect. Thus Dhimahi means we focus our intellect on you धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt Dhíyo: Intellect, intelligence, reasoning and discriminating faculty which is a tool for attaining higher wisdom Yo: Who, the one who is being prayed, You (the supreme one)  Nah: Our (intellect)  Pracodáyāt: Stimulate, Propel towards the higher reality When put together, the complete translation of the gayatri-mantra is: “We meditate on the most adorable, desirable and enchanting luster and brilliance of our Supreme Being, our Source Energy, our Collective Consciousness….who is our creator, inspirer and source of eternal Joy.  May this warm and loving Light inspire and guide our mind and open our hearts.”
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Goddess Saraswati Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati are latent in the entire universe. Bhur, Bhuvah and Swah in the Gayatri mantra refer to the body (materialization), the life-force (vibration) and the soul (radiation). Bhur means the earth, which is nothing but the combination of materials. This denotes the human body, which is also a combination of many materials. Bhuvah refers to the life-force, which makes the body vibrate. Swah refers to Prajnāna-shakti, which sustains the life-force. This Prajnāna-shakti is also known as constant integrated awareness which can also be termed as radiation. All three, namely, materialization, vibration and radiation are present in a man born in this universe. This is similar to the three bodies that we have. The one we think we are (physical body) The one others think we are (mental body) The one we really are (Atma) Various Meanings of the Words Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah used in the Gayatri-Mantra Bhuh Bhuvah Svah Earth Atmosphere Beyond Atmosphere Past Present Future Morning Noon Evening Tamas Rajas Sattwa Gross Subtle Causal Gayatri is described as having five faces. The first is "Om". The second is "Bhur-bhuvah-svah". The third is. "Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ". The fourth is "Bhargo Devasya Dhīmahi". The fifth is "Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayāt". Gayatri represents the five prāñas (life forces) in these five faces. When one's intelligence and intuition are developed by the recitation of this mantra, the activating deity is Gayatri. When the life-forces are protected, the guardian deity is called Savitri. When one's speech is protected, the deity is called Saraswati. Because of the protective roles of Savithri, Saraswati and Gayatri, in relation to life, speech and intellect, Gayatri is described as " Sarva-devatā-swarūpini " --- the embodiment of all goddesses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SarlTxrAbIY Gayatri-Mantra in Yajurveda Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Yajurved Adhyay 36, Mantra 3 - The actual Gayatri Mantra is given in Yajurveda and i
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t does not have "Om" (ॐ) at the beginning. There is no mention of "Om" in the mantra anywhere. By putting "Om" in front of the mantra, it actually becomes useless. As mentioned in Gita Ji Adhyay 8 Shlok 13, "Om" mantra is the sole mantra for jaap of God 'Brahm' and Vedas are describing the glory of Param Akshar Brahm, the Supreme/Complete God. So, this Mantra of Yajurved is praising the Supreme God, Param Akshar Brahm.  Gayatri-Mantra as Depicted in Various Scriptures and Ancient Texts Original Qualities of Gayatri
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Goddess Gayatri Chandogya Upanishad 3.12.1,2,5… This entire creation of this universe is Gayatri. Gayatri is speech and protects (trayati) the entire creation on this universe. Gayatri indeed is all , that exists. Speech is Gayatri; for speech sings and removes fear from mankind's mind and soul. Gayatri is four-footed and sixfold.
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Origin of Bhur Bhuvah Svah Chandogya Upanishad 4.17.1-6 … Prajapati (the progenitor of the worlds) often brooded on the existence of three worlds. From them he extracted their essences. Fire was extracted from earth, air was extracted from the sky and the sun was extracted from heaven. He further brooded on these three deities. From them he extracted their essences as well. The Riks (Rig-veda) were extracted from fire, the Yajus-mantras (Yajur-veda) were  extracted from air, and the Saman (Sama-veda) were extracted from the sun. He brooded on the three Vedas as well. From them he extracted their existences. Bhuh was taken from the Riks, Bhuvah was taken from the Yajus-mantras and Svah were taken from the Samans. 4-6. If by any chance, sacrifice is rendered defective on account of the Riks (or Yajus or Samans), then with the Mantra ‘Bhuh Svaha’ (or 'Bhuvah Svaha' or 'Svah Svaha'), the Brahman priest should offer an oblation in the fire. On verification, through the essence of the Riks (or Yajus or Samans), through the virility of the Riks (or Yajus or Samans), he makes the injury of the sacrifice look good in respect of the Riks (or Yajus or Samans).
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Gayatri as the Protector Brahadaranyaka Upanisad 5.14.4 … The Gayatri Mantra is based on truth and universality. Truth is often based on strength. Strength is breath, and therefore dependent on the breaths we take. So, Gayatri protects (tra) the wealth (gaya) and the breath of those who chant the gayatri-mantra with earnestness and devotion. When one recites Gayatri-Mantra on behalf of someone, he protects that person's breath too!
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Four 'foots' of Gayatri Brahadaranyaka Upanisad 5.14.5 … This verse talks about the unbounded wealth constrained by the four 'foots' of the Gayatri Mantra.  The first foot (aum bhur bhuvah svaha) is said to be equivalent to the wealth accumulated in the three worlds put together. The second foot (tat savitur varenyam) is said to be equivalent to the wealth confined within the three main vedas of hindu mythology. If one was to receive a gift for eternity, that would equivalent to the third foot of Gayatri Mantra (bhargo devasaya dheemahi). The fourth foot (dheeyo yo nah prachodyaat) is based on the glory of sun, whose power and wealth remains unequaled and unrivaled. Hence, there is no amount of wealth that can be equal to the fourth foot of the Gayatri Mantra Buddhist Corpus
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Samyutta Nikaya 111, Majjhima Nikaya 92 and Vinaya i 246 of the Pali Canon Buddha refers to Agnihotra as the foremost sacrifice and the Gayatri mantra as the foremost meter: aggihuttamukhā yaññā sāvittī chandaso mukham Universality of the Gayatri-Mantra For every kind of power, proofs are often searched, by direct perception or by the process of inference. In the past many Men have tried to find out by what direct proof they could experience the transcendental power of Gayatri-mantra. They found the ultimate proof in the Sun. Without the Sun there will be no light at all and the entire universe will be plunged in darkness. All activities will come to a standstill. In this world hydrogen is essential for the growth of plants and of living beings. The Sun's primary components are hydrogen and helium. Without hydrogen and helium, the world cannot survive. Hence, the ancient men concluded that the Sun was a visible proof (of the transcendental power of gayatri mantra). They also found some subtle secrets about the Sun. Hence, they adored the Sun as the principal deity in the Gayatri-mantra. “Dhiyo yonah Prachodayāt” - May the Sun illumine our intellects in the same way he sheds his effulgence. This prayer addresses the Sun (in the Gayatri mantra). In the same way, they came to regard the Gayatri mantra as the mother of all Vedas.
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