#san sheng san shi shi li taohua
dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 10
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So Heavenly Lord refuses to call off the wedding. Then Ye Hua comes in and greets them. Seeing him, Zhe Yan thinks that Ye Hua looks exactly the same as Ye Hua. The Heavenly Lord did think so too and wondered if bits of Mo Yuan’s soul didn’t came back in the person of Ye Hua, but Zhe Yan is like, impossible, he wouldn’t steal someone else’s body. The Heavenly Lord agrees, it was his thought before, but when Ye Hua ascended at the age of 20 000 years, he thought it was proof that he wasn’t Mo Yuan. Zhe Yan is really surprised for him to have ascended so young. Zhe Yan asks if he has a wife hahaha and Ye Hua responds that none have been appointed for him yet. I love Zhe Yan.
Sangji wants to take advantage that his dad is having a little party to beg him to show mercy for Shao Xing. The party is ruined. Bai Zhi is really unhappy about it, it makes Bai Qian looks even more laughable. Zhe Yan says it’s not his fault, he didn’t think this prince was that stubborn. Well the Heavenly Lord agrees, they’ll die together in front of his guests (Zhe Yan and Bai Zhi). Teary moment as he’s getting ready to kill her, but Zhe Yan stops his sword. Zhe Yan tells Bai Zhi why not cancel the wedding, Bai Zhi starts to agree, but the Heavenly Lord says it can’t be like this, because they need to account to Qing Qiu for this. Then Lian Song steps up. He says it’s okay to cancel the wedding and daddy is like nonsense! We want the wedding between our two tribes. And then Lian Song is like let me finish, of course we want the wedding, we’ll just switch the groom. Bai Zhi is like who do you think my daughter is? You say you change the fiancé and we just agree! Lian Song says I meant that the groom would be my nephew Ye Hua. AND THERE IT IS! SUJIN’S UNHAPPY FACE LOOKING AT YE HUA. In ya face! Okay, this reaction is undeserved of now for someone who hasn’t seen the drama yet and I am not going to explain any further. But it was very satisfying for me. New comers, watch out for her. She’s glaring so much. Zhe Yan thinks it’s a good idea. Bai Zhi is like dude, we managed to get rid of an engagement and now we bring another one? Zhe Yan is like if she’s still unhappy, we’ll just call it off then. So they accept and the Heavenly Lord appoints Ye Hua to marry Bai Qian as his wife. Like his main wife, other wives would be concubines. Su Jin’s face though. Nope, you won’t be Ye Hua’s wife. Sangji is sent to be lord of the north sea. It is settled.
Lian Song feels a little bad. If so, Ye Hua tells him he can marry her himself instead. But then Lian Song says as soon as she ascends to goddess, she’ll be the woman you shouldn’t provoke in all heaven. Ye Hua is like, it’s okay if I marry her. When he gets to his palace, Su Jin is crying and asks him why did he agree to this engagement. He’s like why wouldn’t I? And she tells him that he must know her feelings, how could he keep such a straight face, they grew up together. She confesses her feelings for him. And then he says, Su Jin I always thought of you as my aunt and I respect you on the same lever I respect my mom. HAHAHAHA! She’s like only 20 000 years older than him whereas Bai Qian is 90 000 years older lol. She’s like I know you don’t have a choice, I am sorry. He’s like, I am not forced to. I will have to get married one day and whoever that is doesn’t matter. And he’s like are you going to be like Bai Qian and force me to marry you?
Here I have to stop for a little bit. Bai Qian doesn’t want to get married with you either. She doesn’t even know that she’s engaged to you. Well in the drama, in the book it’s a whole different story though (and she still doesn’t particularly wants to marry Ye Hua, it’s more like okay, it’s an arranged marriage oh well that’s life). But it’s interesting here to see that maybe under that ice cold facade of someone who does what he’s told to do, he has feelings of revolt, unhappiness. Anyways, not dwelling too much on that and back to the story.
Su Jin goes crying to Le Xu.  She tells her that she can’t change anything in the wedding arrangements for Ye Hua, the only one who can is the Heavenly Lord. Su Jin wants to go and beg him, but Le Xu tells her something. She knows of her feelings for Ye Hua and that she would be a good wife for him, but Ye Hua’s dad and grandfather have great expectations for him and the woman who can marry Ye Hua can only be of Tian clan, Wang clan, that kind of high rank girls. No matter what, Su Jin could never be Ye Hua’s wife. I love Le Xu’s headpiece by the way, so elegant, if it wasn’t weird I think I would love to bear that hairstyle all the time. Anyways. She says that maybe if Ye Hua had feelings for her, she would have had a chance, but he doesn’t so why long any longer for something she can’t have?
Fengjiu swaps the small bell for a flute. So stupid...
Xuan Nü is mad at a maid who’s pregnant with Li Jing child. Li Jing stopped her from drinking contraceptive potions. The maid is sent to be excuted.
Bai Qiand goes back to Kunlunxu. Fengjiu follows her. Bai Qian is sad to see Kunlunxu in such a state. She drinks in Mo Yuan cellar. She entrusts a spell into Fengjiu’s care before putting her to sleep for three days and she heads for the Donghuang bell. She manages to seal him, but he curses her to be sent to the mortal realm, without any memories of who she is.
Donghua, alerted by the lights in the sky, goes to the bell only to notice that it has been put down again. He summons the little immortal keeping watch. He says he was put down to sleep by a very gorgeous woman. Donghua asks if it was the lady that came with him the previous day, but he says no, another one. Bai Qian is reputed to be prettier than Fengjiu. And she indeed is. Yang Mi <3 The little immortal gives the flute to Donghua.
Bai Qian wakes up in the middle of the woods in the mortal realm. The only thing she has is her fan. And a little kitten. She doesn’t remember who she is, neither knows where she is. She finds an occupied house and wonders who she is.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 9
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Okay but Sangji is just so suspicious, like nobody except Ye Hua notices? Lian Song spots the two of them and tells Sangji to send her back to Qing Qiu before their dad comes back. He’s going to take her himself, but Sangji isn’t going to let him do that. Lian Song tells him that the wedding between him and Qing Qiu was to solidify their dad’s power, they can’t displease Qing Qiu. Sangji says okay, I’ll marry Bai Qian, but I want her maid as my wife too. Hearing that it’s an insult to Bai Qian, Shao Xing tells him to send her back. Sangji tells her don’t worry, I’ll protect you and he decides to ask the heavenly lord to cancel the wedding so he can get married with Shao Xing. Lian Song is like why do I have to deal with my elder brother’s crap now?
Well Sangji’s dad isn’t happy with that either. He says that Bai Qian is looking down on them since she let him rot in there for a month, but daddy says well even if she let you wait 30 000 years you should have waited. Then Ye Hua comes in. The Heavenly Lord says that she’s already a queen, he should be as a mere prince more than happy to marry her, why shouldn’t he be pleased with that? Then he guesses he fell in love with someone else and asks the guards to bring Shao Xing in. Any of his sons or grandson, no matter what, can’t fall in love. Their weddings should only be strategic alliances. Then he orders to throw her down the zhuxian platform. She begs for mercy, Sangji begs for mercy too. He even asks to be allowed to marry her. If it’s not Shao Xing, he’s never going to get married. So the Heavenly lord orders to lock her inside the Suoyao tower. (suo means lock, yao means “demon” but not necessarily bad ones, it points to animals that took human form, like Shao Xing who’s a snake but cultivated for years before taking a human form). When the Heavenly Lord leaves, he tells Ye Hua that he can marry as many concubines as he wants, but his purpose is to rule his kingdom one day, not to be with a woman. So basically, he forbids him to ever fall in love. Even with his wife. Poor Ye Hua. He entrusts chasing the Jinni beast to Ye Hua.
Ye Hua thinks back of the past, when he was a kid. His granddad wouldn’t allow him to see his mother. If he wants to see her, he has to ascend as a high immortal before he reaches 20 000 years (which is extremely young). Which he managed to do. Seeing him covered in blood, Le Xu is aggravated. Such a cute kid. He says not to blame his dad for it, it’s his fault for wearing light colours clothing, from now on he will only wear dark colours so she won’t see the blood and be sad. I mean, that’s cute but sad. Le Xu is so sad for her son having such a hard life. He has a dream of Si Yin awwww. Oh yikes. Sujin. She brought food for him but he ignores her. He’s wondering about that person always appearing in his dreams, wondering if it isn’t an omen of some sorts. She gossips about Bai Qian but he ignores her again.
Sangji goes to save Shao Xing. Lian Song tries to stop him but he’s too worried. So Lian Song decides to help him to at least talk with her. She’s fighting against things and he hurries away, rather angry I guess.
While they play chess, the Heavenly Lord tells Ye Hua should take a concubine or two, but Ye Hua says he has no interest in woman. Then a domestic tells them Sangji is asking for an audience. Ye Hua is about to leave, but the Heavenly Lord tells him to stay. Sangji kinds of looks like he wants Ye Hua to leave, as he’s embarrassed. He begs to let Shao Xing go, if not he’s going to die with her. Then he says, well go and die if that’s what you want, I can’t control that for you, but I can make life extremely hard for that little snake lady. It’s not because I want to be bad towards her, you are the one that harmed her. Yeah yeah.
Bai Zhi isn’t angry that Sangji wants to cancel the engagement, but that he took in a maid instead makes him very angry. Zhe Yan agrees that it’s improper and tells him to come with him to the palace. Seems like he has a plan. Bai Zhi is like why should we go, they should come to us. Zhe Yan tells him that Bai Qian has been staying at his place for a few days already and it seems like she doesn’t want to marry him either. So they should suggest to call off the wedding and ask for a compensation instead.
Bai Zhen comes for Bai Qian and asks her why does she look so sad, is it because the wedding has been called off? She’s like, why would I be upset about that, I have no interest in that Sangji, I met him back then when I was Si Yin and he didn’t leave me any impression. She asks about Fengjiu, she hasn’t been there since a while, but she’s for sure to come back that day because it’s Bai Qian’s birthday and she grew up with her aunt and is more filial to her than her own parents. But on her way, she meets the Jinni beast. She tries to run away as her cultivation level is really low, but she’s about to bump in a tree when she’s saved by Donghua and love at first sight.  Ugh. I don’t like their love story in Ten Miles of Peach Blossom... But I like her hairstyle better. She wants to repay his kindness and follows him. He gets to the Donghuang bell. He gives the immortal looking on it a bell, if there is any change in the next ten days, he should use magic to make it ring. Donghua forbids her to follow him any further.
Yanzhi came to see her dad. She’s such a good girl. She’s like, Li Jing doesn’t even want to come to see you once. I mean, your dad is quite the evil dude, even you shouldn’t go and see him. He doesn’t deserve it. Ouuuuuuh, Qing Cang opens his eyes.
Lian Song follows Ye Hua, he has something to tell him. He tells him he’s not fully accomplished, he lacks a love trial. Ye Hua wonders why? Then Lian Song tells him, well imagine you were Sangji and forced to marry somebody you never saw, how would you feel about it? Then Ye Hua says, I don’t care, marry her and that’s it. He’s thinking of making Ye Hua getting married to Bai Qian, he’s the only one who can buy peace with Qing Qiu because of his status and rank, which would solve the insult of Sangji’s acts, plus would save Sangji. Ye Hua agrees to it without hesitating. He clearly doesn’t care.
The Heavenly Lord looks very embarrassed to have Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan at his place. YES BE ASHAMED. Zhe Yan suggests to cal off the wedding, Bai Zhi agrees, they planned it like this, but the Heavenly lord is like no, we can’t call it off. That dude. Your son made their precious daughter a laughing stock, they come to solve the problem in a proper manner so they keep a good relationship and you say no?  Thick skinned dude. Really.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 6
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So I must say... I never recognized Lian Song in his war apparel. Wow. That was like a totally different person. Now that I’ve seen Eternal Love of Dream, it makes sense since he likes to create new weapons and stuff, but well, yeah, I guess the first time I watched the drama I only noticed Yao Guang. Who seems not so happy to see Si Yin. Well, they bow politely and then both Lian Song and Yao Guang leaves. The fact that they came worries both Si Yin and Ling Yu. They wonder if there are bringing bad news, but Mo Yuan says that Lian Song never got to experience war, so he came for that reason. Ling Yu is to go at the front line, while Si Yin will stay with Mo Yuan. I have to say here... Mo Yuan’s head piece for war is really... interesting? I wonder how come it doesn’t fall off his head. Okay yes, there is some sort of elastic band, but honestly, it doesn’t look extremely secured in my opinion.
Mo Yuan decides to teach Si Yin how to control the Donghuang bell. Well, seal it. Does he sense something? Si Yin looks so happy that he’s willing to teach it to her. He’d rather not teach her actually, but she’s the only one amongst her disciple with a high enough rank? status? cultivation potential? I don’t know how to translate it well, but basically, the others wouldn’t be able to use this method even if they knew how it worked. Si Yin is wondering then if he didn’t realized her real identity.
Time for the battle came. The Yi even have some kind of weird creatures in the back. But Mo Yuan is like, yeah like  I care, I am going to invoque some lightning, split the water in two and freeze it. So the Yi rush through the river. And I am wondering, why didn’t Mo Yuan just put back the back in it’s place? It worked well for Moses.  Then huge disgusting creatures comes from beneath and kills the masses, and Mo Yuan’s tactical plan gets destroyed.
Yanzhi tries to stop Li Jing from jumping in the battle, but he rushes in anyways, even though he knows they will lose for sure. Oh boy I love fighting scenes. Bad ass Ling Yu and bad ass Die Feng. Li Yuan comes for a fight with Ling Yu. I am so stressed TT I love how they always spit blood. Then it gets bad for Ling Yu and Si Yin jumps in to save him. Ling Yu is like don’t come and Si Yin doesn’t make it on time to save him. Si Yin is crying over Ling Yu’s near coming death and then Li Yuan is about to strike her, but Li Jing stops him. He says since his wifey was useful, doesn’t he have the right to protect someone? So Xuannü stole the plans for the tactical, that’s why they can win. But even so, protecting the enemy is out of question. Si Yin is like, Li Jing you made Xuannü steal my stuff? But they don’t have the time to explain, someone, I am not sure... since it’s a phenix, is it Zhe Yan? But that person looked more like Bai Zhen. I would recognize Yu Menglong’s face anywhere, such a cutie. Well that person takes them away. Yep, it’s Bai Zhen. I knew it was him.
Si Yin is devastated by Ling Yu’s death and she begs Mo Yuan to save him. But he only tells her to get Die Feng so they send Ling Yu’s corpse to Kunlunxu. I the book, he doesn’t die by the way, actually the novel doesn’t spend that much time on when Bai Qian was still a disciple at Kunlunxu. Si Yin is sad to no limits and blames herself for the death of Ling Yu. She tells Mo Yuan that Xuannü stole the plans. So they realize they are sure to lose. And then so many officers come to report bad news. Mo Yuan asks Bai Zhen to take Si Yin away. Well he probably knows she’s Bai Qian and if he wasn’t sure, the fact that Bai Zhen, fourth son of the Qingqiu king came to save Si Yin when they are not implied in that war... well it says a whole lot. I love Bai Zhen’s outfit though **
Bai Qian seeks comfort in her brother, she blames herself, saying that if she didn’t keep Xuannü in Kunlunxu, if she didn’t met Li Jing, Ling Yu wouldn’t have died. Bai Zhen says he’s the one who sent Xuannü to her, so he’s to blame too then. She also says that if it weren’t for her sister in law, wife of her big brother, she would have killed Xuannü way before and Bai Zhen says she’s no Qingqiu people anymore since she chose the Yi and next time Bai Qian bumps into her, she should kill her without mercy. She deserves it.
The three princes of the Tian want to participate actively in the war, but Mo Yuan says it falls to his responsibility to fight it and he has sixteen disciples to lead the armies with him. Then he says he need 10, 000 people to sacrifice themselves. Sangji asks Mo Yuan to rethink about this, but Mo Yuan says it’s the only for the rest of them all to survive, otherwise more people are going to die. The leader of Sujin clan offers his men to do it. Than Yao Guang says that if they use an unknown general, Qing Cang is going to guess it’s a decoy. Apart from Mo Yuan, the only other person would be her. So she volunteers to lead the 10,000 soldiers. He reminds her that doing so she’ll die for sure, but she says she knows and she’ll do it.
Bai Zhen will lead Ling Yu’s troop at the front line and Si Yin Yao Guang’s troop at the back. At first Mo Yuan doesn’t really want to let Si Yin do it, his baby disciple. But since Bai Zhen offers himself... I guess he does to keep an eye on his little baby sister. Because Qingqiu isn’t part of the conflict.
Fighting choreographies are just so beautiful in a way. I can only admire the hard work of the actors for that. Well they manage to defeat the army and Mo Yuan says that if they retreat, they still have a chance to live. But Qingcang isn’t willing to give up, as long as he’s king, the war won’t stop. He takes out the the Donghuang bell. Si Yin jumps in, trying to do I don’t know what... Bai Zhen is like noooo! Mo Yuan goes after her, fortunately because she’s definitely no match for Qing Cang. He sends her back to Bai Zhen and rushes to stop the Donghuang bell. He ends up having a fight with Qing Cang. This aerial fighting scene is just too beautiful. However, there’s one moment, I could clearly see it wasn’t Chao Yuting, but a double, even though they did a very good job overall, never including any face shots and everything. I wish he could do those stunts himself though. That would be awesome. The only problem is Mo Yuan’s headpiece. It looks so terrible that it makes it a little too... oh well.  I can’t take it as seriously as I should. Mo Yuan pushes Qing Cang in the bell and then flies towards. Then he tells Si Yin to wait for him before getting in the bell too and sealing it. Only his corpse comes back. Si Yin catches it.
The Yi comes to say they won’t fight anymore, as they don’t want to be the Tian’s enemies. Sassy Bai Qian is up hehehe! She turns looking at Li Yuan with those killer eyes. She decides to attack everybody, they should all die too. Yanzhi begs Si Yin. Si Yin is restrained back by her older disciples. Bai Zhen is just standing there being pretty, until he knocks her out. Bai Zhen is such a bad ass and takes her back to Kunlunxu.
Siming tells Donghua that Mo Yuan died while sealing the Donghuang bell. Donghua is shooooook. And dismisses Siming before calling him back to send him go to Ziming palace as soon as possible. They can’t delay.
Li Jing is drinking his problems away. When Xuannü comes next to him, he slaps her away. He doesn’t care she did that for him, that war had nothing to do with him. She says he’s her only support now and he tells her she’s relying on the wrong person. As Li Yuan will probably ascend as the king now, he’s most likely to die very soon. Li Yuan never hid the fact that he would rather have Li Jing dead.
Siming comes to help Li Jing take over Li Yuan as king of the Yi. Li Jing refuses at first, he’s not interested, but then Siming tells him in that case he’s most likely to die. Plus he has to avenge for his mother’s death.
The lotus flower dies. Si Yin asks Zheyan when will Mo Yuan wake up?
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 3
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Okay so my thought here is that Li Jing must be the most clean guy of this whole drama. He’s always taking a bath. Like always. Well, with women so he’s probably not just purifying his body from all that filth, it’s still a bath. He must smell real good always floating in rose petal water. Anyone else ever think about the character of a drama smell? Sorry if that’s weird. Anyways, so he’s in his favorite place in the world - is it clear enough that it’s a bathtub? - when he calls for Si Yin, who has been passed out for the last ten days after drinking too much. Yuling tried to commit suicide a few times and now he’s refusing to eat. Si Yin wants to go and see him, but Li Jing says that it’s impossible now because the adoption ceremony is going to be soon, so no visitor allowed. Well he himself could see him, but before he can say anything anymore, his big brother comes in and scolds him for trying to seduce Si Yin: he took that suggestive gesture on purpose. He makes his brother angry which results on Li Yuan to leave. Then he asks Si Yin if she’s not a woman, that he already sees through the spell hiding her identity. But he’s bluffing and she ends up believing him and thus revealing that she really is a girl when he actually had no idea, well just suspicions.He says he’s going to help her escape because he feels they get along very well and considers her as a friend. She’s a bit reluctant at first, but then agrees to be his friend. He makes him write a letter  to Yuling, he will personally give it to him. The he suggests that when they escape he takes along Yanzhi but she’s like hmmm no thanks I am also a girl, but you can’t tell her!
Mo Yuan finds Si Yin’s whereabout through a dream in which he tells him they are in the Ziming palace.
Late at night, a drunk Li Jing comes to find Si yin. He says he has a secret to tell him and it’s that he likes him. Si Yin is too shocked to say anything so Li Jing jumps on him, trying to open his clothes, but Si Yin tries to push him away: I never silently agreed! Then Li Jing passes out on her bed. Si Yin’s so funny. She rolls him in the blankets like a sushi and uses him as a pillow for her feet hahaha!
Thank god, they fave up on the man bun for Donghua. It really didn’t suit him.
The second eldest disciple is extremely mad when he learns that Yuling and Si Yin were abducted by Qing Cang. But right then Mo Yuan comes out and he’s going to bring them back: you don’t mess with the war lord.
When they wake up, Si Yin tells Li Jing what happened the previous night and Li Jing runs away really ashamed of his actions. Then Si Yin bumps into Yanzhi who’s about to confess her feelings. Right when she leaves, Mo Yuan arrives, like the saviour he is. Mo Yuan is just so bad ass, Li Yuan can’t do anything to stop him from getting back his disciples. Then they end up bumping into Qing Cang himself and Mo Yuan provokes him in a duel. But Mo Yuan is just too strong, even though Qing Cang is also super strong. Li Jing even comes to help them to flee away. Then there’s lightning and Mo Yuan is like oh crap, it’s Si Yin’s trial. He locks her in a grotto and takes all the strikes for her. Si Yin begs to come and receive it himself since it’s her trial, but Mo Yuan takes it all for her and thus Bai Qian becomes a high immortal. And for some reason, the golden lotus flower glows.
When Si Yin wakes up, she runs to see Mo yuan, but he’s on confinement. Die Feng scolds Si Yin for not studying hard enough to get ready for her ascension. She goes to see him and promises to cook for him when he gets out. Mo Yuan smiles happily. A guy looking like Mo Yuan appears behind Si yin. The flower became almost human.
Yanzhi frees up her big brother Li Jing who was punished for helping Si Yin and the others. She only asks of him to greet Si Yin if he meets him. Li Jing decides to go to Kunlunxu, not the mortal realm.
Si Yi is now studying extremely hard. Bai Zhen comes to pay a visit to Si Yin. A boy so beautiful ** He only came to pay a short visit. He came while Zhe Yan went to the Yi clan to convince them against the war. Bai Zhen is worried Si Yin would have to participate in the war, but Bai Qian will do it if her master goes to war. But however the war won’t be stopped and has to happen according to Zheyan. And manbun Donghua is back! Arrrrrgh! Stop this! Donghua suggests that they replace Qing Cang with a lord that is willing to cooperate and that they could manipulate. Seems like he’s already having someone on his mind. Siming answers saying that Li Jing is a womanizer, so he would be easy to control.
Bai Zhen leaves Kunlunxu and tells Si Yin to study well and come back to Qingqiu to find a good spouse so their mom would stop nagging him and trying to get him married. He says nobody will stop her from going to war if she wants to, but not to impose to much on herself. She still has four big brothers.
Li Jing goes to Kunlunxu and climbs up the mountain even though it’s really dangerous since there are protections. He gets attacked and bumps into Zi Lan. He says he came to see Si Yin, but then doesn’t reveal he’s from the Yi clan. When he meets with Si Yin, he says he came to fulfill his love for him, to never be separated from her. He’s willing to give up everything for her. He only has thought of her ever since she left and doesn’t want to ever have anyone else but her. How cute <3 and Si Yin not knowing where to stand, she’s so embarrassed haha!
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 8
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Something both Ten miles of Peach Blossom and The Pillow Book are just so wonderful at, is their soundtrack. I can’t get enough.  I love it so much, just hearing one of those songs makes m go squeaking and I hate so much the fact that Netflix automatically skips it when I watch episodes one after another.
Lexu has been in labour for seven days, no less and gives birth to a little prince. The Heavenly Lord and Yangcuo are pretty sure the foetus was impregnated by the golden lotus, but even if not, that baby isn’t your regular baby. The scene is exactly the same as when Mo Yuan was born.  It’s so creepy how they made Su Jin touch the baby’s face. Well it’s a little girl, it’s okay if she doesn’t know acting yet. I guess she’s supposed to look like she cares for the baby, like a big sister.
Bai Qian saved the girl that snake girl. She used thousands of years to finally take a human form. Since she has no where to go, Bai Qian sends her to Bai Zhen. I love how they joke around about the fact that whoever is looking for him goes to Zhe Yan’s peach blossom forest to find him, because they all know he will most likely be there and not at his own place. He doesn’t want to take her as his maid and takes her instead to his parents’ place to serve his mom instead. Which happens to be quite okay because they plan to move out and leave that grotto to Bai Qian, so when they’re gone Shaoxing (snake girl) can take care of her with Migu. His mom teases him a little bit about the fact that he’s the handsomest of her children, if he was born as a girl he would be more beautiful than Bai Qian. He protests a little bit and leaves for the peach blossom. She asks Zhe Yan if he’s not bothered by Bai Zhen who has been clinging to him since his first year of life, but Zhe Yan says that without Bai Zhen he would feel lonely and takes his leave too.
Die Feng goes and look for Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen: they can’t find neither Si Yin, nor Mo Yuan. That makes the both of them extremely shocked. The family rushes to find Bai Qian, extremely worried. Dramatic music. Dramatic fog. The mom is so anxious, but Zheyan says it’s okay, it’s a miracle she’s still alive, but they still can save her, but the only way is to give her half of one’s cultivation. The king says he’ll do it, but his wifey says it’s not okay since he’s king, he needs all of his power. She’s going to do it. But then Zhe Yan tries to stop her again, she’s in too much of a hurry, if she does that, there’s a chance she won’t be able to save Bai Qian and get into a demonic state. She asks Bai Zhen to take Zhe Yan out, but he scolds her again for not letting him finish what he has to say. Honestly, he’s doing it on purpose for taking such long breaks while speaking. He’s stopping her from acting too fast because they only need the shenzhi herb and it will solve the problem. Just... to get you have to beat four overly powerful beasts, but that okay, nothing to worry about. They fight a little about who’s going to get, but it’s Bai Qian father in the end that is going. He only has a few hours to go an co back, so he has to hurry.
Back at Kunlunxu, Li Jing pays a visit. He came to visit Si Yin. Zi Lan gets pretty annoyed at that, because all that happened was because of him. Die Feng calms him down and Li Jing just repeats over and over that he wants to meet with Si Yin. He brought what she wants, but Die Feng says he can ask as much as he wants, but Si Yin left. Li Jing is shocked and the disciples leaves.
Die Feng promises Mo Yuan that he will find back Si Yin and apologizes for not taking good care enough of him. No matter how far he has gone, Die Feng will bring them back together. Then he tells the other disciples to also go back to their family and leave Kunlunxu. This is so sad. He asks of them not to try to get revenge from the Yi as Mo Yuan sacrificed himself so the peace would reign. That moment is so solemn. THE SOUNDTRACK THOUGH. I love those scenes of the disciples paying respect to their master. It shows so much of Chinese culture in a beautiful way.
So mister Heavenly Lord isn’t that happy about Si Yin taking away Mo Yuan’s body and he doesn’t know how to deal with the situation, which he complains about to Donghua. Donghua says to just find a reason why there is no body and to just tell everyone that Si Yin and Mo Yuan went in hiding together. Seems that it convinces pretty well our Heavenly Lord. Siming praises Donghua for calming him down and Donghua says that since Si Yin was Mo Yuan’s favorite disciple, he’s surely most happy to be with him in his afterlife. Does Donghua also knows Si Yin is a girl? I don’t remember him seeing her, but if he did he would probably be able to see past Zhe Yan’s spell. It’s bad ass Donghua. Without the man bun. I am sorry about all those man bun comments, but I just dislike it so much on Donghua and don’t get why they aren’t more consistent with his hairstyle haha.
Bai Zhi comes back in a very very bad state. He managed to get the herb. Bai Qian is back to being a girl. They don’t have time to make the cultivation energy into a pill, so they will have to do it directly and no matter what they can’t stop in the middle of the process. And it works. First thing she worries about when she wakes up is her master, they put in a cave specially to preserve the freshness of his body. Sounds a little creepy like this, looks like Mo Yuan is their next lunch haha. It is actually normal when she says it, it’s just that this cave is optimal to preserve a body in a good state. They think that she almost died was to repay Mo Yuan for taking the lightning strokes for her, as she ascended as high immortal too easily. Bai Zhen brought Fengjiu so Bai Qian could see her and scolds her for not asking her brother’s help, he would have gave his blood to Mo Yuan for her. And thus thousands of year went by, without anyone talking about Mo Yuan or Qing Cang anymore.
Awww mature Bai Qian is just so beautiful. And she still brings flower to Mo Yuan like she used to at Kunlunxu. Seven days after, it’s the day Qing Cang could break the seal of the Donghuang bell. She’s planning on doing her best to keep him sealed him.
Bai Qian was in isolation for cultivation but something happened. Sangji came to see her, since there is a wedding promise between the two of them. But she’s not interested, she might even shatter to pieces in a few days and spending her last days alive taking care of him is a little unfair. Migu tells her that if she doesn’t want to marry him, then she can just not marry him. She tells him to take care of Sangji with Shaoxing and to go get her at the peach blossom forest when he’s gone. So Migu tells Sangji that Bai Qian went again in isolation which bothers him a lot. He’s upset that he didn’t even get to see her at all. Then Shaoxing come to give him some fruits and Migu is like great, looks like the prince likes Shaoxing, let her take care of him, less work for me, so he leaves the two of them together.  So Sangji is in love with her, but Shaoxing doesn’t want to follow him unless he breaks the engagement with Bai Qian. She owes too much to her, she saved her life. He tells her that according to Qing Qiu’s tradition, it would be up to Bai Qian to decide to whom Shaoxing would get married and he asks does she want that? She doesn’t she’d rather stay as a servant by his side. So he says let’s go back now then, why differ any longer. She doesn’t want to do something that would make her feel sorry for Bai Qian. He says that by not seeing her, that’s how they got to know each other, so it’s destiny. He’s not taking her as a made, he will marry her. And then they leave the fox cave.
When he gets to the heaven, Ye Hua notices that his uncle brought a little snake back with him. Awww, handsome Ye Hua. He calls out for Lian Song.  There have been traces of Qing Cang’s mount near Junji mountain lately. But he didn’t call him to tell him only about that. Sangji was supposed to stay at Qingqiu for at least three months to get to know Bai Qian before the wedding. Ye Hua says he doesn’t know about how it is with his relationship with Bai Qian, but he noticed he brought back a snake with him. It’s very bad and Lian Song hurries out. Ye Hua’s domestic asks him why does it matter that Sangji brought back a little snake. Ye Hua says before Bai Qian took in a snake maiden, so it means Sangji brought back Bai Qian’s servant back with him. Ye Hua called out Lian Song so he could lend a hand before things become bad.
So happy to finally see Ye Hua awwww! <3  I love this drama so much!
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 5
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So Si Yin just caught Li Jing cheating on her with Xuannü. As soon as he sees her, Li Jing gets away from Xuannü.  He looks quite embarrassed. He apologizes and says that in the end, Yi clan and Tian clan don’t have any possible future together and that what he said before was absurd. Si Yin looks extremely hurt, she doesn’t even have the time to finish what she’s saying that Xuannü is already begging for her to give them her benediction since they are so in love. She’s disgusting. Si Yin is extremely angry. Then Li Jing tells her he doesn’t deserve to be with her, now she can go and stay forever by Mo Yuan’s side. Aw, she’s crying and says that she lets them be before leaving. Li Jing’s mount tries to stop her from leaving, but she runs back to the mountain to go and hide her tears.
Si Yin is burning all the letters and poems Li Jing wrote to her while drinking. She’s so heartbroken. And the soundtrack is so perfect. She even burns the gift he made for her.
Li Jing and Xuannü leave Kunlunxu. He asks her if she really wants to go with him, he’s only a powerless prince back there. She’s like, well... I kind of betrayed Si Yin, which includes betraying the whole Kunlunxu so... I can only rely on you. So he takes her away. His mount seems pretty sad though.
Mo Yuan is out of isolation and wakes Si Yin up. He tells her not to drink while burning things, if he came a little later, she would have burnt down all of Kunlunxu. She admits she was wrong of doing so and asks him how are his injuries. He says he’s fine. He tells her Li Jing has beautiful eyes, but unfortunately he doesn’t have taste. She wonders if he knows everything, but he just says that he only knows Li Jing left with Xuannü that same morning. He comforts her a little, but then she says she doesn’t want to talk about those two and asks about the Donghuang bell. He wonders why she’s curious about that and she explains that it’s because she heard the it was in Qing Cang’s possession and when she was looking informations about it, it only said it was made by Mo Yuan. Mo Yuan tells her that they gave it to the Yi tribe when the Tian tribe went against the Mo tribe, as a token of peace between them. It is a weapon capable of destroying everything and the only way to stop it is for a powerful soul to sacrifice itself and seal it back. The bell can also seal a soul away, but the people who can do that are limited to: Zhe Yan, Bai Zhi, the Heavenly lord and Mo Yuan himself.
Mo Yuan is invited to a war meeting. Usually he doesn’t go to that kind of event but this time he decides to go and he will take Si Yin with him. Die Feng tells Si Yin that Mo Yuan must have decided to go to cheer him up and scold him saying he should learn to make Mo Yuan worry less about him. Then Die Feng says they all know he’s really sad because Li Jing took away Xuannü, since he likes her. She’s like what? But doesn’t get to explain. I believe it’s also better they think so.
On his way back to the Ziming palace, Li Jing gets caught by Li Yuan. Qing Cang doesn’t look happy at all. Yanzhi tries to calm him down, but hm no, dad is really mad this time. He says he never treated him badly, of his three children he treated him with the most erm... leniency. He’s about to kill him, but then Xuannü tries to stop him. Such a fake. She lies about how Li Jing faked to be Si Yin’s friend only to gain knowledge for the Yi clan. She says even though he couldn’t get anything, she’s willing to help in his stead to destroy the Tian clan. She says she’ll help him get Mo Yuan’s tactical plans. But before she tells him her plan, she wants him to promise two things to her. She says she wants to get married to Li Jing and enter the Ziming palace. Of course he agrees.
Si Yin and Mo Yuan meet the two princes of the Heaven, Sangji and Lian Song. She hears they are planning the engagement between Sangji and Bai Qian, to reinforce the friendship between the Nine Heavens and Qingqiu. She gasps out of surprise. Mo Yuan explains that she was raised by Zhe Yan, she must have been moved to hear about her benefactor. Then they ask her if he thinks Zhe Yan would approve of this plan, but Si Yin doesn’t know, it doesn’t seem like Zhe Yan has any interest in that kind of trivial matters.
So this time it’s Mo Yuan taking a bath. This pool has healing properties, he came to heal himself faster since he had to come out of isolation earlier than expected. Lingbao tianzun asks him if he tries to heal himself faster because of the lotus flower he is taking care of or because of the war and Mo Yuan says it’s for both reasons. He congratulates him as he could feel the soul of the lotus.
Li Jing and Xuannü are having their wedding and Li Jing can’t stop talking about Si Yin. He regrets not marrying her instead. That she would never betray her own clan to save her life like Xuannü did. He regrets betraying her for Xuannü. She says she did it all for him, but he tells her the person he loves isn’t her. When he wants to go out, his big brother is waiting for him and sends him to be imprisoned, not to be able to go out before the war. Then he sends soldiers get Xuannü. They beat her pretty bad and send her back to Kunlunxu as a proof of their will for a war.
Si Yin feels bad about making Mo Yuan worry about her. The lotus flower guy says that he came out of isolation before being healed is because of her. She’s relieved that last time she saw her brother they didn’t know yet of the marriage offer, otherwise he would have laughed at her. Then she wonders if Mo Yuan would take her to war. It’s so cute how the lotus flower guy answers her even though she can’t hear or see him, saying that if he was Mo Yuan he wouldn’t... but then her face is right next to his so he stops mid-sentence and leaves.
Die Feng is worried about the upcoming war, knowing that Mo Yuan hasn’t fully recovered yet. Then he makes the other disciples promise not to let Si Yin know, otherwise he would blame himself even more. Then Si Yin comes by and hear Die Feng say that when they came back to the Ziming palace, Xuannü and Li Jing got married. But then they get news that Xuannü has been sent back to the bottom of the mountain in a terrible state. She tells them that the Yi are already preparing for war.
Donghua is a really interesting guy. They are talking about a war about to start and he’s more concerned about tea cups. He likes that set and asks of Mo Yuan to give it to him hahaha. Donghua smh. Mo Yuan says he’ll send it to him the next day. The Heavenly lord asks Mo Yuan’s opinion, he says if he has to fight, he’ll fight, but after how they tame the Yi’s is none of his business.
Die Feng and Zi Lan take care of Xuannü’s wound and when there are out, Die Feng asks Zi Lan what Mo Yuan, the Heavenly Lord and Donghua discussed together. Zi Lan says that both Donghua and Mo Yuan didn’t seem that concerned about the war, only the heavenly lord kept being stressed out asking questions to Mo Yuan about what to do. Die Feng says that it’s not a good sign, the more Mo Yuan is relaxed before a battle, the harder it is going to win...
Xuannü comes to see Si Yin begging for his forgiveness. Si Yin is really angry and Xuannü is like but why would you accept to take me back if you can’t forgive me and Si Yin says she didn’t have a say in this, Die Feng saved her with Mo Yuan’s tacit permission. She tells her to get out as soon as she’s healed, otherwise she can’t promise that if ever she’s gets drunk she won’t try to avenge herself. She’s so acting, as soin as she leaves it’s her creepy face. So ugly.
As Si Yin is out of his room, Ling Yu is waiting for him. He came to get her as Mo Yuan is going to take them for war council or something like that. While they are gone, Xuannü plans on doing her thing ao they will lose.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 11
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Awwww, that opening though. It give me chills every time.
Anybody else loves a lot Qing Qiu? It’s so beautiful. Anyways, that morning Bai Zhen comes to Bai Qian’s place, but Migu says she’s not there. However Zhe Yan has came back. He’s going to explain to him the new wedding arrangements for Bai Qian.
Dong Hua wakes up Fengjiu and asks her how come she’s there. She says she followed her aunt and Donghua wonders if her aunt has any connections with Kunlunxu. So he didn’t know Si Yin was Bai Qian, well I guess he might have his doubts now that he saw the roll Bai Qian left. Fengjiu says her aunt doesn’t have any connections with them.
Li Jing went to Si Yin’s old quarters in Kunlun, still thinking of their past relationship. You can’t have back what you messed up dude. He ends up bumping into Donghua and Fengjiu. Siming is waiting for Donghua at the entrance of Kunlunxu and Donghua tells him about how somebody already knew about the bell being about to break open and sealing it back by themselves. And that person is most likely Bai Qian. Oh, Siming gossiping with Fengjiu. I love it. They are confused about how could Bai Qian know of the magic to seal the bell when she never went out of Qing Qiu ever since she was born, that and the fact that Mo Yuan never had any girls as disciple. Hearing what Shao Xing did, Fengjiu is really upset and wants to go get revenge. I missed Siming’s gossiping aww.
The Heavenly Lord lets Sangji take Shao Xing with him, but he can neve give her any title. On their way out, Fengjiu points her sword at Fengjiu. Fortunately, Siming brings peace for a while, but it won’t stop Fengjiu from yelling at Sangji. She puts back her sword only when Donghua tells her. Donghua asks Shao Xing about Si Yin, but Shao Xing says she doesn’t know. He insists a little more, but then Sangji says she really doesn’t know. Fengjiu keeps on following Donghua but as soon as he enters the Taichen palace, the guards don’t let her in. So she has to find another way to get in.
On Junji mountain, the Jinni beast noticed that Bai Qian is living there and doesn’t like having a human on his territory. When he gets in the house and sees the Yuqing Kunlun fan, he runs away. He’s wondering how come a female human can have that fan that used to belong to Mo Yuan’s disciple. But as he wonders, he gets caught by Ye Hua. Bai Qian is oblivious to all of this, when she sees red lightning, she’s like, that’s weird.
Their fight get to town and Jinni beast scares every body off. When he transforms in his animal form, Ye Hua has a little trouble containing him. He remembers he must not interfere with the civilians life. But there’s a little child in danger and he transforms in his dragon form to protect the child even though he’s not supposed to be seen in that form by the mortals. Then he kills the Jinni beast with a light beam. KAMEHAMEHAAAAA! That’s the spirit. He’s badly injured by the fight and changes in a smaller form to recuperate. And that’s how Bai Qian finds him. He recognizes Bai Qian as the boy in his dreams. Then Bai Qian says he’s the most handsome snake she ever saw hahaha. Hm... It’s a dragon Bai Qian, not a snake hahaha! How cute <3 So Ye Hua has to wait for three days before he can take back his human form. Bai Qian decides to keep him, well if he wants to leave, she won’t interfere, but he can never have another owner hahaa. Ye Hua is so “excuse meeee? owneeer?” Then she leaves him and he recognizes her fan.
To stabilize the power, Su Jin offers herself as concubines to the Heavenly Lord. He’s like well but no. I love her hairstyle though. She says that if he feels bad about it, he just has to promise her that after, no matter what is her wish, he shall make it come true for her. That would be enough to endure the sacrifice... That plan is stupid.
Bai Qian is taking care of her little snake. She tries to feed him raw meat and Ye Hua is like, well I don’t like my meat to be raw, I like it cooked. She kisses him to convince him to eat, but he’s offended hahaha. I love the two of them <3 She’s like ohh, the snakes here are so smart, you even know how to chose what you like to eat. So she takes him out to the market and Bai Ye Hua is like, it’s about to rain you stupid. So Ye Hua goes out and tells the immortal responsible for rain to not make it rain that day and goes back to the heavens.
Yan Zhi gets in town. She asks around about what happened and realizes it’s linked to the Jinni beast and she thinks that if she finds him, she might find her brother Li Yuan!
Bai Qian gets in trouble because of her fan. A dude accuses her of stealing it from him. He says it’s the Yuqing kunlun fan and right then Yan Zhi comes in the tea house.
And it ends on that note. Sooooo looking forward the next episode. I loved Yan Zhi. She’s such a sweet girl!
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 1
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So I have already seen Eternal Love before, but watching Eternal Love of dream made me want to watch it again since I loved it so much and even though I already know the story and plot I thougt why not make reviews of this one too? So here I am, waiting fore the last episodes of Eternal Love of Dream, getting some Yang Mi feels. I love her as Bai Qian and can’t wait for Mark Chao too as both Ye Hua and Mo Yuan. Plus another good point is that the OST for this one too is just so good! So yep. There are so many shows on my list (and I am still not done with I want to hear you song) but oh well!
The series starts in Kunlunxu, Moyuan’s residence. His disciple are chasing a really powerful magic weapon that their master just got. It’s a fan, but none of them manages to catch it. When Mo Yuan himself puts his hands on it, it still wants to go around and he wonders if he’s not about to get new disciples.
Zhe Yan sends Bai Qian to the Kunlun mountains so she can become Mo Yuan’s disciple. Since he only guys as his disciples, Zhe Yan gives her the appearance of a man. I didn’t remember that at the beginning she had such a weird way of dressing up, I only remember how elegant she is after that. Anyways, it’s probably to make her look younger (even though Yang Mi already looks so young, she’s so gorgeous). Another guy is also there to become Mo Yuan’s student and seems a little snobbish. Then the fan comes in flying and stops right in front of Bai Qian, now Si Yin, as it chose her as its master. Mo Yuan is a little surprised and notices almost right away that she’s a girl. The war lord can’t be fooled that easily. Since the fan is a very powerful weapon, Mo Yuan decides it’s better if it doesn’t go outside of Kunlunxu and accepts her as his disciple, pretending that he didn’t notice that she’s not a man : it seems it was fated to happen.
Oh wait! Guys! That other dude! It’s the same actor as Yan Chiwu! How come? Well on wiki it says Chiwu is Zilan’s twin brother? How come would Mo Yuan accept as his disciple someone from the Mo clan? It’s supposed to be only celestials on that mountain? And it doesn’t say anything about it in the book, which I just finished reading. Oh well. Zilan is really different from Chiwu, it’s weird. It shows Liu Ruilin’s acting ability though which is nice! I like to see actors in different kinds of characters!
Then having two new disciples at the same time, Mo Yuan asks Zhe Yan’s opinion on who should be shixiong (that would designate an older training student) and who should be shidi (so the younger training student) Zhe Yan suggests that Si Yin should be the shidi and Bai Qian doesn’t really like it that way and she says that then she’s not becoming her disciple, she’s tired of always being the little one. However Mo Yuan bribes into being the shidi, to even things out he’s going to give her the fan. She thinks it’s fair then and sits back down, ready to bow to him.
Now that I have seen the Pillow Book, I think they had less money for Eternal Love. The Nine Heaven’s court is... it looks like it’s out of a 1990′s drama. Even Donghua... I like his hairstyle better in the Pillow Book. The man bun is not for him. Anyways, I was going to say that it seems that the Celestial Emperor isn’t that happy that Mo Yuan gave the Yuqi Kunlun fan to a little spiritual fox that we know nothing about.
It’s been 20 000 years (oh god I just hate so much to translate numbers from Chinese to English or French... just ugh, so complicated when I already hate maths) since Bai Qian became Mo Yuan’s student. She oftens goes to the mortal realm with another disciple to tell people’s fortune. The scene shows them hurrying back to Kunlunxu after men start fighting over a beautiful woman. If they wait for too long and come back too late, they might get scolded by their master. Well they still get scolded anyways, even though Dashixiong (eldest of the disciple, not in terms of age, but of the time he came in as Mo Yuan’s student, so he has been there the longest) covers up for them. Then Mo Yuan dismisses everyone except for Si Yin, who’s known to be his favorite disciple. He brought him back some peach liquor from Zhe  Yan since it’s her birthday. Okay, just to mention that it’s confusing, but I am switching between masculine and feminine to talk about Bai Qian/Si Yin and I really don’t do it on purpose. So the look on Mo Yuan’s face though. When I first watched the drama, I never realized that Mo Yuan had feeling for Bai Qian, but it actually shows very much. He looks at her so lovingly. I love Mark Chao so much <3
But Si Yin doesn’t get to enjoy his liquor as he gets kednapped by Yaoguang, an immortal in love with Mo Yuan. They took her in to become Yaoguang’s disciple, but Si Yin won’t agree since he’s already Mo Yuan’s disciple. Because he won’t agree, Yao Guang orders to take Si Yin to the water dungeon and let him rot there three days or until he agrees.
The disciples look for Si Yin everywhere, but can’t find him. Well, because he’s not there.Some of them think it could be the Yi’s doing, but Dashixiongsays that unless for Qingcang none of them is powerful enough to climb Kunlunshan to Kunlunxu. Also it had to be someone very familiar with Kunlunxu to be able to leave as quickly. So they guess it would be Yao Guang. Dashixiong and Lingyu go tell Mo Yuan while the others keep on looking.
So basically, Yao Guang wants Si Yin to get away from Mo Yuan because Mo Yuan likes him too much. One of the maids asks wether it is because Si Yin is that handsome which gets her a killing look from Yao Guang, probably out of jealously, but also because that would imply that Mo Yuan is gay. As she gets out of the water dungeon, Mo Yuan arrives asking if his disciple is in there. She says of course not, but Mo Yuan has no time to fool around, he doesn’t like speaking for nothing. He tells her to make way, but she won’t and points her sword at him, but Mo Yuan is too powerful for her and gets in taking Si Yin out. He’s really unhappy and doesn’t want to hear what Yao Guang has to say. She says she did it so he wouldn’t be criticized just because of a disciple. He convokes her for a duel on February 17, so they settle accounts. She’s really shooked.
Si Yin is in a really bad state, in his sleep he cals out for Mo Yuan and only calms down. When he takes her hand. Then he says that Yao Guang doesn’t deserve Mo Yuan. He looks so happy hearing that.
Shenye, the celestial emperor’s son comes to convince Mo Yuan not to fight with Yao Guang. The situation with the Yi isn’t stable and Qing Cang might look for any reason to start a war so the relationship between Mo Yuan and Yao Guang should remain good. Now isn’t the time to be divided. But Mo Yuan says that for the sake of Kunlunxu that battle has to be fought. But he promises that both Kunlunxu and Yao Guang fu would help the celestials in the war with the Yi. The celestial emperor wants to see Si Yin and understand why Mo Yuan cares so much about that disciple.
Yat! Fighting scene hehe! They are so bad ass! You wouldn’t see that in an American series. Mo Yuan wins rather easily. He asks her to move out of Kunlunxu and rejects her.
Si Yin finally wakes up and wants to go and see Mo Yuan. Then Yuling tells him that he has to copy some text 3000 times and that a girl came to see him. Si Yin can’t seem to think of who that could be. It’s Xuannü. Ergh. I so dislike her. I didn’t remember she came in the story so early.
When she sees Si Yin, Xuannü doesn’t recognize him as Bai Qian, but thinks that oh wow, there’s even somebody who looks like Bai Qian even more than that. Xuannü is Bai Xuan, Bai Qian’s big brother’s wife’s sister. She was sent by Bai Zhen. He didn’t come himself because Bai Yi,s daughter was just about to be born, so everyone went there to celebrate. Anyways, he sent Xuannü to Kunlunxu because her mom wants to force her into marriage and it felt improper for a girl to live with only two men which is why he and Zhe Yan don’t hide her in the Peach Blossom Forest, at least Bai Qian is a girl and they knew each other in childhood. Xuannü starts crying when Si Yin says that keeping her is a little... but seeing she’s crying, he runs to ask permission to Mo Yuan so Xuannü could stay at Kunlunxu. Mo Yuan agrees and says she should stay at Siyin’s place. Si Yin complains that he’s also a guy, it would be improper but the way Mo Yuan looks at him so means: did I hear something now? No? I thought so.
Si Yin goes to see a golden lotus flower to tell it he won’t be able to come and take care of it while he’s punished to copy, but he will come back as soon as he’s done. Just wait for him. The lotus flower glows at Si Yin touch. Seems it likes him.
In my memory, special effects weren’t as bad but oh well. I love this drama so much and Yang Mi + Mark Chao have so much chemistry together. I am glad to watch it again and... Liang Liang <3 That song is my everything!
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 7
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So excited for another episode of Eternal Love!! This is stupid since I know all of the story, or almost, but oh well. Whatever makes me happy just makes me happy!
Zhe Yan tells Si Yin that he won’t wake up, so she gets really desperate and begs Zhe Yan to save him as he is known as the best doctor in the Heavens. However he can’t, Zhe Yan’s soul has been given out to seal and stop the Dnoghuang bell. Sh feels bad because Mo Yuan wasn’t fully healed after receiving three lightning bolts for her, so that’s why he couldn’t escape from it. But then Bai Zhen tells her to remember what Mo Yuan said to her before sealing the bell: “Wait for me”. He says that if Mo Yuan said it, he’s going to come back for sure. She gets convinced easily. So she decides to look out for Mo Yuan’s body. Bai Zhen asks her if she’d rather not go back to Qing Qiu, but she declines the offer, she wants to stay by her master’s side. Both Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen leaves her alone. Oh, so little lotus flower isn’t dead. It flashes and flower lotus boy comes out to stay with Si Yin guard Mo Yuan’s body.
So Bai Zhen doesn’t think that Mo Yuan will really come back, he only said that to comfort Bai Qian, but Zhe Yan tells him that he really doesn’t understand what kind of person Mo Yuan is. He says that if he wouldn’t be able to come, he wouldn’t leave that hope for Si Yin.
Bai Qian is sad sad sad. Lotus flower boy hugs her, but then she runs back to Mo Yuan’s side and starts striping next to a knife. She stabs herself, but not where she took out her clothes, so why take them out? Oh well, she has a really nice shoulder, Yang Mi is just one of the most gorgeous women in the world, in my opinion. Lotus flower boy seeing her doing so tries to stop her, but of course she doesn’t hear, nor see him. The nine tail fox’s blood can help to preserve someone’s body.  So she’s feeding it to him so he won’t rot away.
Time for the Yi brother to fight. Li Yuan isn’t really happy that Li Jing questions him being so in a hurry to take over the power. And reminds him that he always promised that as soon he would become king, he’d kill him. Well he’s already trying by strangling him. He acknowledges that he killed Li Jing’s mom and Li Jing pushes him away. The soldiers are also pointing against him. Seems like he agreed to Siming’s help. They want Li Jing as king because, one he’s stronger than Li Yuan, two the army has been deflated and  Li Yuan already plans on going again to war.  They don’t want that. He accuses them of betraying the crown, but they say they aren’t, they just want to switch the crown prince to one who will really care about the Yi people. Moreover the Tians said that if Li Jing becomes King they will accept their letter of surrender. Li Jing sends Li Yuan to jail and orders that Yan Zhi never be told about that situation.
Li Jing pushes away Xuannü again, but agrees that they must have been fated to be with each other as they both are... well not nice people. I think Li Jing could have been a nice guy though. Just things went wrong at some point.
The Heavenly Lord isn’t so happy that they can’t get back Mo Yuan’s corpse because Si Yin is sending them away. He sends his elder son to take care of the matter and remember that disciple that he put at risk the truce by wanting to avenge. Then Lexu comes in with a little girl. I hate so much the man bun on Donghua. The Heavenly Lord names her Sujin, in memory of her whole who sacrificed themselves at war and takes her in as a princess in the palace. Sujin is so cute as a child. So sad that she becomes what she will become ): The Heavenly lord entrusts Su Jin to his elder son Yangcuo. Lexu promises to take care of her as if she was her own daughter. She’s worried that’s because he blames her for not having kids. Even though they have been married for 30,000 years, she doesn’t know when she will have kids. Then Donghua tells her to go to Kunlunxu, there she will find her answers. Wow. I love how he says things without explaining.
Yang Cuo asks Si Yin not to look for revenge. She doesn’t agree and still wants to take revenge. Die Feng asks for forgiveness and says that nobody from Kunlunxu will look for revenge.
Lotus Flower boy feels that somebody touched the golden lotus. When he becomes a person, he won’t be back here and won’t even remember her. Then when he slowly disappears, he calls her name and for the first time, she hears him. She mistakes his voice for Mo Yuan’s voice. I feel so bad for that poor lotus flower boy.
When Lexu sees the lotus flower, she feels attracted to it and touches it than it gets into her. Die Feng tells her that this lotus flower was only staying in Kunlunxu waiting for it’s owner, so seeing that it disappeared, she must be the one. And she’s like how come is it me? They don’t know.
Die Feng goes to check on Si Yin and talk him into not going for revenge, but actually she doesn’t intend to. After all Mo Yuan lost his life to bring back that peace. She’s indeed the disciple that understands most Mo Yuan. Die Feng is wondering how come Mo Yuan’s body still hasn’t degraded. He then tells Si Yin about a jade the Yi have which can prevent the body to never rot.
She decides to go see Li Jing and ask for it, in the name of their past friendship. At first Li Jing thought she came for revenge, but she says that on the battlefield she was unable to know what’s wrong and what’s right, now she just came for borrowing the jade. He asks her if she wants it for Mo Yuan, but she won’t say. Then he says that because of their history, he should lend it to her even though she won’t tell her reasons, but he says it was lost. She leaves, depressed. And of course she has to bump into Xuannü on her way out who offers her to stay and rest a while before leaving. Already acting like an annoying queen. She also says that Li Jing gave her the jade and  that and if she wants she could give it to her. When Si Yin tries to catch it, she moves her hand away. The Si Yin pushes Xuannü and she falls on the ground. I think she’s exaggerating, that push wasn’t strong enough to make her fall down, Si Yin isn’t fully healed from her injuries and she kept feeding her blood to Mo Yuan. Li Jing comes right in and helps Xuannü to get up while Si Yin points to the jade, saying here’s the thing you lost. She’s so hurt and before leaving she says her biggest regret in her life is meeting Li Jing. He tries to run after her, but Xuannü ties him down and he uses a lot of strength to push her away, to the point that she coughs blood. Or is it from her past injuries? Maybe, but I like it better if it’s Li Jing who hurt her. He’s really mad at her and she tells him again that Si Yin only liked Mo Yuan, never, that he didn’t want to give her the jade because he’s jealous of Mo Yuan. My heart hurts for Li Jing. I don’t believe Xuannü is in love with Li Jing.
All the disciples all eat together. And drink. That scene is beautiful, with all of them pouring the alcool and bowing in direction of their lost ones’ usual sitting place and pouring he alcool on the ground. Si Yin propose another toast. To thank them for taking caring of her, even though she wasn’t a good student. Si Yin reminds them of one time they went to the Junji mountain to look at the sunrise and Die Feng says that once the mourning is done, they should go back again.
Then they all fall asleep suddenly. Looking at Si Yin, she clearly had something to do with it. She bids her farewell to them while they can’t hear her. Since she couldn’t get the jade, the only way to preserve Mo Yuan’s body would be to go back to Qing Qiu. On her way, she meets a girl being beaten by bad guys. Did she save her? Well she’s back to Qing Qiu and feeds her blood to Mo Yuan again. Or is it just some kind of unknown grotto? We’ll see next episode! Probably tomorrow, it’s too late tonight to keep looking, plus Netflix won’t load more than 24% after midnight for some reasons hmmm.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 2
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So last episode, they introduced at the very a golden lotus flower. The beginning of this episode tells us a little more on this and how Mo Yuan got it. It was entrusted to him by his father to take care of it until it takes a human form. While Mo Yuan is looking at it, Xuannü passes by and greets him. When she leaves, one of the disciples comes in and says that she looks a lot like Si Yin. I am probably sure that Mo Yuan is thinking that she doesn’t, but he says nothing about that and just says he’s going to isolate to cultivate and entrusts Si Yin in his care. I believe it Yuling, but not sure. Mo Yuan gave to copy punishment to Si Yin so he would be too busy to fool around for at least half a month, the time he will be isolating.
But that was underestimating Si Yin. She tries to convince Yuling to go to Qingqiu with her for the birth of Bai Yi’s first kid. It’s not as easy as she would want, but she ends up winning and they depart for Qingqiu together. But on the way they get attacked and they can’t seem to use their spiritual energy at all to fight back. But... bad ass fighting again ** I didn’t remember that Yuling was that awesome.  Before they get to know why they were attacked, they all commit suicde and more men are coming so they run away. However they get trapped by man from the Yi clan. The girl is like hey brother, why are they dressed so weirdly and this one is rather beautiful, and the brother then says she can raise those two back home as a hobby if she wants to. Then Qing Cang himself comes out and Si yin says they are Zhe Yan’s people going to Qing Qiu and Qing Cang agrees that Qingqiu is rather neutral in the conflicts opposing the different clans. They try to leave, but Qing Cang decides to take them to the Ziming palace. Then the princess talks to them on the way and even gets down of her horse to ask Si Yin if he’s married. Si Yin is like wow of course not. She seems rather happy to hear so and Yuling teases Siyin that the princess seems to like him.
Qing Cang holds a banquet which Si Yin and Yuling both attends. Then he decides he will adopt Yuling. Chinese censorship at work here. In the book, actually, Qing Cang he’s gay and wants to marry Yuling because he likes his good looks. Yuling tries to get away from it, but erm. Qing Cang doesn’t seem to be someone who takes no as an answer. Si Yin tries as much to help, but Qing Cang remembers seeing him by Mo Yuan’s side before and calling him master. So he knows they are from Kunlunxu. He sends them to imprisonment and tells Lingyu to chose carefully.
In the Ziming palace, Bai Qian can’t use her powers. Then some ladies come in for his entertainment and Si Yin is like... erm, let’s play next time, so they leave. Yanzhi, the princess, then comes to pay a visit to Si Yin.
The celestial emperor, according to wiki the Heavenly lord, I like that name though, is upset that Qing Cang didn’t accept his gift and he’s worried that he has in his possession the Donghuang bell. But Donghua says it was Mo Yuan’s creation so he of course knows how to control it. If even Mo Yuan isn’t scared, why would they be? The Heavenly Lord asks Donghua’s opinion. Donghua says didn’t he want to forge an alliance with Qing Qiu through marriage? I really can’t get used to Donghua’s men bun. It really doesn’t suit him at all.
Dashixiong is looking all aroung for Si Yin and Lingyu as they disappeared for quite a while now. The others aren’t that worried, they like to often go to the mortal realm, they will probably be back any time soon. But Dianfeng is worried because it’s soon Siyin’s ascension to high immortal rank. Even with Yuling’s help, Si Yin won’t survive it it they can’t find them back soon enough. Zi Lan begs Dian Feng to take him along to go and look for them.
Yanzhi helps Si Yin to escapes. She doesn’t know where is his shixiong, but he should go first as now is the right time. She follows the bird she sent him but then loses it and meets with Li Jing. Li Jing likes Si Yin’s clothes and wants them as gift so he goes trying to take them off Si Yin. They fight because she doesn’t want to and they fall in the pond. Well right in time because soldiers are chasing Si Yin. But then Li Jing helps Si Yin to hide. When the way is clear, Li Jing realizes she’s a celestial and Si Yin mistakes him for an adopted son of Qing Cang. But then Li Jing declines his identity as the second prince. Si Yin tries to run away, but Li Jing catches him back and by accident their faces get really close. Woops! Li Jing is troubled by that pretty face too and pushes Si Yin away asking who he is. Si Yin says she’s Mo Yuan disciple. He’s ready to be sent back but Li Jing isn’t interested by keeping people against their will and would let him escape. However, they are seen by soldiers so it’s too late now to flee. But then Li Jing helps Si Yin out and makes the guards leave. Then he asks wether Si Yin is the one Yanzhi likes. He will then send him back from where he came from, since she likes him enough to help him escape.
The big brothers says to let Li Jing get close to Si Yin so that wat when the war starts he can frame him and get rid of him.
Yanzhi asks Lijing to help her set free Siyin. Li Jing <3 he’s like it you like him you should just lock him up and keep him for yourself. Li Jing agrees to help her set him free. He liked that boy and doesn’t want him to die in the Ziming palace.
Fengjiu is just born. They all look so happy awww. Bai Zhen is so cute. Yu Menglong <3 And that babyyyyyyy!! The cutest <3
Aww, I am so excited to watch this again! Yet I am too tired to keep on watching for tonight. Since this is the second time I am watching it, I am noticing so many things I didn’t the first time and it makes it even more enjoyable somehow. Maybe also because my Chinese improved a lot since then as my knowledge of the xianxia type, which I am obsessed with. I am looking forward the next episodes.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 4
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Si Yin is really embarrassed by Li Jing’s love confession. She doesn’t have that kind of feelings for him and she rejects hi. He says he wants to live with her like it was in the Ziming palace. Si Yin doesn’t really know what to say, she seems agitated, and says that he could sleep in the guests room that night and she’ll send him back down the mountain the next morning. She apologizes for disappointing him. Right then, Diefeng rushes in: he knows he’s Li Jing and wants to fight him, but Si Yin step the between of them. Diefeng won’t let him go and fights Li Jing. Si Yin begs to let him go and even Lingyu begs too, saying he helped them while they were in the Ziming palace and without his help, Lingyu might even have commit suicide. Si Yin tells Li Jing to go and Diefeng sends Zi Lan after him. It’s so nice to see Liu Ruilin in another role when I just finished a drama with him. Zi Lan is so less self asserted than Chiwu, it makes such a difference! Well, he didn’t catch up on Li Jing. He flee towards a cave that has a big evil aura and which Mo Yuan forbid his students to go near.
Si Yin takes Xuannü on a walk. Then Li Jing’s mount comes to get him and asks him  to save his master. They both leave Xuannü alone behind. He was attacked by a fire bird and Si Yin helps him fight it away. She’s about to slay it when an elder man tells her to have mercy. So he kept that phoenix there to eliminate it’s evil spirit, he didn’t think it would hurt them. So he’s going to take care of it. Then he gives to her another fan: Poyun fan.
Li Jing isn’t in the best of state and Si Yin takes care of him. She thanks him to have put himself between her and the phoenix. He says it was useless that he did. Si Yin tells him it’s normal that his cultivation would be oppressed in Kunlunxu when he’s from the Yi tribe. He feels worthless, but asks her a way to see her again. She gives him a piece of paper with markings on it (I can’t seem to remember the word and it’s like... so dumb) which will let him come and out freely of Kunlunxu. She tells him to be careful as her shixiong don’t know that she’s a girl and it has to remain that way.
Xuannü’s mom came to get her. She says she doesn’t want to go back and get married. Her mom says she’s only a second wife, she can’t be married like her big sister in a nice family in Qingqiu. She hides behind Diefeng who tells the mom why keep on forcing her on that marriage. She’s like, will you take responsibility for ruining my daughter’s wedding? Then Diefeng is like euhh... So Si Yin comes in to help. Siyin says he’s the second prince of the west sea and that he doesn’t have any engagement. So the mother is ohhh so you were opposing me because you are interested in Xuannü! Diefeng is like what no? But Si Yin and Lingyu stops him from talking and says he’s shy because they just developed feelings for her and if she rushes him that’s no good. Why not let Xuannü stay for a while to let their feeling grow? hahaha. When the mom leaves, Diefeng is really unhappy and  tells Xuannü he isn’t interested by her.
Li Jing sends poems to Si Yin. She’s really upset when Xuannü starts reading them aloud.
There’s a little flashback. Xuannü used to always tell Bai Qian how envious she was of her face, that she wanted so bad to look like her. Tired of her complaining, Bai Qian says she’ll just give it to her, Zhe Yan knows a spell for that.
Actually, Si Yin is really happy about the poems. Until one morning Li Jing’s mount sends him a letter in which Li Jing says he’s tired of living, goodbye this cruel world! Si Yin rushes to him, he’s lying down, eyes closed. Si Yin is super worried. She tries to bring him back with her fan but it doesn’t work. The mount says his affection his of the heart, not the body. So she says that if he wakes up, she’ll agree dating him. He starts smiling. She’s really mad about it and he says you can’t take back your promise, if you do I am really going to die. She’s like, suit yourself, I am going to class now. He’s so cheesy. He’s complaining that in the two weeks he has stayed in Kunlunxu, he has only seen her this time and promises that for the rest of his life, he’ll only love her, if he goes against his word, he’ll never have kids and lead a lonely life.
Xuannü is really jealous of Si Yin. She asks him why is he avoiding her? Si Yin is super uncomfortable. She tries lying but it doesn’t work at all. So she says lately she has been busy going to see her friend. Xuannü asks if she can go too. Si Yin doesn’t really want to, well I wouldn’t want either to bring someone extra on my dates too... She’s such a manipulative woman. Si Yin ends up agreeing to take her with him. But when Li Jing sees her, urrrgh. I didn’t remember he was mesmerized from the first sight. This makes me so sad, I loved Li Jing ): He says that when Si Yin’s too busy to come and visit him, she should come so he’s not bored. She then tells him that in the next day she might be busy because Mo Yuan is going to come out of isolation. She asks him if he will go back to his concubines but he promises he’ll stay in Kunlunxu and only have her. Li Jing is jealous that Si Yin talks so much about Mo Yuan. He also blames her for bringing someone with her when she comes to see him, so he can’t talk freely with her. Then she hears some birds and she leaves Li Jing right away. He follows her and  hears her conversation with Diefeng. She thought that Mo Yuan came out of isolation, but it was just Zi Lan. Diefeng praises him for his piety, but she says it’s not that, she just wants Mo Yuan to be out as soon as possible because it’s all because of her. Li Jing is heart broken and goes back to his grotto.
Xuannü wears Si Yin’s clothes to go and see Li Jing. At first, he thought she was Si Yin but he recognizes her fast enough. She tells him that it’s impossible for two people from the tian tribe and yi tribe to be together. Then he says that he knows, if she wasn’t form the tian tribe, he would have married her into Ziming palace. It’s nice because here Li Jing talks of Si Yin as a woman while Xuannü speaks of Si Yin as a man, she still hasn’t figured out that Si Yin is Bai Qian. Then she says that if Si Yin loves someone, it’s most likely Mo Yuan. Li Jing gets angry at hearing that. And then Xuannü takes Bai Qian’s appearance. Yang Mi here is doing such a good, imitating Xuannü’s facial expressions. Those characters are so different. It yikes me so much that people take Xuannü for Si Yin, they have nothing in common, except maybe that they are both petite.
Xuannü and Li Jing go together in the mortal realm. She says that if she was half important in his heart as Si Yin, she would feel contented. He feels really bad about that night they slept together. Oh no, actually he wanted to see Si Yin, but she was delayed so she sent Xuannü first to keep him company. As soon as Si Yin comes, he has no eyes for Xuannü, and she’s so pissed off. He asks Si Yin how long before he can leave his master and she says about 70 or 80 thousand years. He’s again jealous, saying that she just doesn’t want to leave Mo Yuan’s side. She gets a little concerned and wonders would told him something like that. Xuannü leaves, they are a little bit angry at each other. Uneasy moment. He takes out a little gift he made for her. It’s already a little better. Then she asks him if he ever went to Donghuan junji mount. She says next time they should go there together and he’s happier.
Qing Cang learns that Li Jing is gone and Li Yuan tells him he guesses he went to Kunlunxu to follow Si Yin. Qing Cang really isn’t happy about that. He says that if it is so, he’s not his son anymore.
Li Jing met with Xuannü again. And they do naughty thing ): Right that same moment, Si Yin is writting to Bai Zhen to tell him she likes Li Jing and asks him his advice since there will probably be a war between the tian tribe and the yi tribe. But right then, Diefeng comes in ranting about Li Jing. He say he saw Xuannü and Li Jing holding hands. Si Yin rushes out and when she gets to the grotto, Li Jing is on top of Xuannü kissing her. Poor Qian Qian TT
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