#zhang zhixiao
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Core-shell structural units show outstanding toughening effect for ceramics
Toughening has always been an important research direction of structure ceramics. The addition of secondary phases to the ceramic matrix to prepare composite ceramics is an effective toughening pathway in the field of structure ceramics. Both phase-type and microstructure of the secondary phases play a decisive role in the toughening effect of the ceramic matrix. Being different from the conventional independent phase as the secondary phase, B4C@TiB2 core–shell structural unit has been purposely designed as an innovative kind of secondary phase to toughen the Al2O3 ceramic matrix, providing a new concept for the toughening studies of structural ceramics. A team of material scientists led by Zhixiao Zhang from the Hebei University of Engineering in Handan, China recently successfully prepared a kind of Al2O3 composite ceramics toughened by B4C@TiB2 core–shell structural units consisting of the B4C core enclosed by the TiB2 shell.
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chiquinquira13blog · 2 years
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Se cumplió un año del lanzamiento de “The oath of love” este drama cuenta con dos versiones una que fue transmitida por la tv y otra para la web.
En lo personal el drama es bueno, y el amor de los personajes no se da tan rápido como uno espera, si te gustan los dramas de Romance este es el adecuado.
La química de Xiao Zhang y Yang Zi es buena, no entiendo a quienes dicen que Yang Zi no es buena actriz, son gustos de cada quien. Ver a Xiao Zhang como el doctor Gu Wei en verdad es genial, la forma en que al principio es frío con Lin Zhixiao y poco a poco ella se va ganando ese corazón frío y como Gu Wei detrás de ese doctor frío y sin sentimientos hay una persona que sufrió la pérdida de un gran maestro y refleja esa pérdida en el desempeño de su trabajo. Lin Zhixiao dentro de su inocencia se da cuenta que el doctor Gu la ayuda a superar sus miedos y la hace una persona más segura que vence sus miedos para lograrse convertir en una gran musico
Si tiene la oportunidad vean el drama, pero si son de aquellos que no les gusta lo romántico y hasta cierto punto lo ingenuo no se los recomiendo
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 6
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So I must say... I never recognized Lian Song in his war apparel. Wow. That was like a totally different person. Now that I’ve seen Eternal Love of Dream, it makes sense since he likes to create new weapons and stuff, but well, yeah, I guess the first time I watched the drama I only noticed Yao Guang. Who seems not so happy to see Si Yin. Well, they bow politely and then both Lian Song and Yao Guang leaves. The fact that they came worries both Si Yin and Ling Yu. They wonder if there are bringing bad news, but Mo Yuan says that Lian Song never got to experience war, so he came for that reason. Ling Yu is to go at the front line, while Si Yin will stay with Mo Yuan. I have to say here... Mo Yuan’s head piece for war is really... interesting? I wonder how come it doesn’t fall off his head. Okay yes, there is some sort of elastic band, but honestly, it doesn’t look extremely secured in my opinion.
Mo Yuan decides to teach Si Yin how to control the Donghuang bell. Well, seal it. Does he sense something? Si Yin looks so happy that he’s willing to teach it to her. He’d rather not teach her actually, but she’s the only one amongst her disciple with a high enough rank? status? cultivation potential? I don’t know how to translate it well, but basically, the others wouldn’t be able to use this method even if they knew how it worked. Si Yin is wondering then if he didn’t realized her real identity.
Time for the battle came. The Yi even have some kind of weird creatures in the back. But Mo Yuan is like, yeah like  I care, I am going to invoque some lightning, split the water in two and freeze it. So the Yi rush through the river. And I am wondering, why didn’t Mo Yuan just put back the back in it’s place? It worked well for Moses.  Then huge disgusting creatures comes from beneath and kills the masses, and Mo Yuan’s tactical plan gets destroyed.
Yanzhi tries to stop Li Jing from jumping in the battle, but he rushes in anyways, even though he knows they will lose for sure. Oh boy I love fighting scenes. Bad ass Ling Yu and bad ass Die Feng. Li Yuan comes for a fight with Ling Yu. I am so stressed TT I love how they always spit blood. Then it gets bad for Ling Yu and Si Yin jumps in to save him. Ling Yu is like don’t come and Si Yin doesn’t make it on time to save him. Si Yin is crying over Ling Yu’s near coming death and then Li Yuan is about to strike her, but Li Jing stops him. He says since his wifey was useful, doesn’t he have the right to protect someone? So Xuannü stole the plans for the tactical, that’s why they can win. But even so, protecting the enemy is out of question. Si Yin is like, Li Jing you made Xuannü steal my stuff? But they don’t have the time to explain, someone, I am not sure... since it’s a phenix, is it Zhe Yan? But that person looked more like Bai Zhen. I would recognize Yu Menglong’s face anywhere, such a cutie. Well that person takes them away. Yep, it’s Bai Zhen. I knew it was him.
Si Yin is devastated by Ling Yu’s death and she begs Mo Yuan to save him. But he only tells her to get Die Feng so they send Ling Yu’s corpse to Kunlunxu. I the book, he doesn’t die by the way, actually the novel doesn’t spend that much time on when Bai Qian was still a disciple at Kunlunxu. Si Yin is sad to no limits and blames herself for the death of Ling Yu. She tells Mo Yuan that Xuannü stole the plans. So they realize they are sure to lose. And then so many officers come to report bad news. Mo Yuan asks Bai Zhen to take Si Yin away. Well he probably knows she’s Bai Qian and if he wasn’t sure, the fact that Bai Zhen, fourth son of the Qingqiu king came to save Si Yin when they are not implied in that war... well it says a whole lot. I love Bai Zhen’s outfit though **
Bai Qian seeks comfort in her brother, she blames herself, saying that if she didn’t keep Xuannü in Kunlunxu, if she didn’t met Li Jing, Ling Yu wouldn’t have died. Bai Zhen says he’s the one who sent Xuannü to her, so he’s to blame too then. She also says that if it weren’t for her sister in law, wife of her big brother, she would have killed Xuannü way before and Bai Zhen says she’s no Qingqiu people anymore since she chose the Yi and next time Bai Qian bumps into her, she should kill her without mercy. She deserves it.
The three princes of the Tian want to participate actively in the war, but Mo Yuan says it falls to his responsibility to fight it and he has sixteen disciples to lead the armies with him. Then he says he need 10, 000 people to sacrifice themselves. Sangji asks Mo Yuan to rethink about this, but Mo Yuan says it’s the only for the rest of them all to survive, otherwise more people are going to die. The leader of Sujin clan offers his men to do it. Than Yao Guang says that if they use an unknown general, Qing Cang is going to guess it’s a decoy. Apart from Mo Yuan, the only other person would be her. So she volunteers to lead the 10,000 soldiers. He reminds her that doing so she’ll die for sure, but she says she knows and she’ll do it.
Bai Zhen will lead Ling Yu’s troop at the front line and Si Yin Yao Guang’s troop at the back. At first Mo Yuan doesn’t really want to let Si Yin do it, his baby disciple. But since Bai Zhen offers himself... I guess he does to keep an eye on his little baby sister. Because Qingqiu isn’t part of the conflict.
Fighting choreographies are just so beautiful in a way. I can only admire the hard work of the actors for that. Well they manage to defeat the army and Mo Yuan says that if they retreat, they still have a chance to live. But Qingcang isn’t willing to give up, as long as he’s king, the war won’t stop. He takes out the the Donghuang bell. Si Yin jumps in, trying to do I don’t know what... Bai Zhen is like noooo! Mo Yuan goes after her, fortunately because she’s definitely no match for Qing Cang. He sends her back to Bai Zhen and rushes to stop the Donghuang bell. He ends up having a fight with Qing Cang. This aerial fighting scene is just too beautiful. However, there’s one moment, I could clearly see it wasn’t Chao Yuting, but a double, even though they did a very good job overall, never including any face shots and everything. I wish he could do those stunts himself though. That would be awesome. The only problem is Mo Yuan’s headpiece. It looks so terrible that it makes it a little too... oh well.  I can’t take it as seriously as I should. Mo Yuan pushes Qing Cang in the bell and then flies towards. Then he tells Si Yin to wait for him before getting in the bell too and sealing it. Only his corpse comes back. Si Yin catches it.
The Yi comes to say they won’t fight anymore, as they don’t want to be the Tian’s enemies. Sassy Bai Qian is up hehehe! She turns looking at Li Yuan with those killer eyes. She decides to attack everybody, they should all die too. Yanzhi begs Si Yin. Si Yin is restrained back by her older disciples. Bai Zhen is just standing there being pretty, until he knocks her out. Bai Zhen is such a bad ass and takes her back to Kunlunxu.
Siming tells Donghua that Mo Yuan died while sealing the Donghuang bell. Donghua is shooooook. And dismisses Siming before calling him back to send him go to Ziming palace as soon as possible. They can’t delay.
Li Jing is drinking his problems away. When Xuannü comes next to him, he slaps her away. He doesn’t care she did that for him, that war had nothing to do with him. She says he’s her only support now and he tells her she’s relying on the wrong person. As Li Yuan will probably ascend as the king now, he’s most likely to die very soon. Li Yuan never hid the fact that he would rather have Li Jing dead.
Siming comes to help Li Jing take over Li Yuan as king of the Yi. Li Jing refuses at first, he’s not interested, but then Siming tells him in that case he’s most likely to die. Plus he has to avenge for his mother’s death.
The lotus flower dies. Si Yin asks Zheyan when will Mo Yuan wake up?
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missojingeo · 3 years
FiT (Book 1) Chapter 31
To choose a partner is to choose a life. When I decided to be a doctor's wife, I'm ready to face the fact that he couldn't take care of me all the time." 一 Lin Zhixiao FiT (Book 1) Chapter 31 #TheOathOfLove
💌💌💌 129 When in Germany, Gu Wei and Zhang Wei were roommates and they chatted with each other. Gu Wei: “She is very calm and used to living alone since she was a child.” Zhang Wei: “My wife is a little worrying. I always worry about her whenever I go out. If there is something, I can’t fly back. You must be very relieved.” Gu Wei: “Yes, sometimes I really feel that she’s doing well without…
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