#sanchez sacco
diarioelpepazo · 5 months
Se lució con trío de victorias en Estados Unidos. El profesional registra cuatro victorias y un segundo puesto en sus últimas siete actuaciones Efrén Rodríguez Viene de culminar el mejor de sus once años de actividad como jockey profesional en Estados Unidos, además de ganar el título anual de campeón en Parx Racing, Philadelphia, el venezolano Mychel Sanchez brinda una gran faena la tarde de carreras de este domingo 14 de enero de 2024 en el hipódromo de Tampa Bay Downs, al redondear un hat trick al colocar a sus conducidos al tope de la pizarra en tres ocasiones. Mychel Sanchez inicia su tarde triunfal al obtener su primer lauro en la cuarta carrera de Tampa Bay Downs, con una pensionada del entrenador también venezolano Antonio Machado, la tresañera Seafarer (Always Dreaming), a la que impone en distancia de 1.700 metros sobre grama con ventaja de 3 cuerpos y 1/2. Continúa Sánchez la tarde de éxitos en la sexta carrera de Tampa Bay Downs, prueba en la que conduce a la victoria al tordillo Crazy Mason (Coal Front), del establo de Gregory Sacco, con ventaja de 1/2 cuerpo en un Allowance Optional Claiming de $53.000. Sánchez cierra con broche de oro sus compromisos del domingo en Tampa Bay Downs al jinetear a la victoria al ejemplar Passage of Lines (Soldat), de la cuadra de Jamie Ness, en Starter Optional Claiming de $24.000 que el ejemplar castrado obtiene por 1 cuerpo y 3/4 de ventaja sobre su más cercano rival, Freedom Road, piloteado por el también venezolano Daniel Centeno. Con este desempeño, Sánchez termina la semana hípica con cuatro triunfos y un segundo lugar en sus últimas siete actuaciones en Tampa Bay. Mychel Sánchez ya marcha al frente en la estadística de Parx Racing, donde defiende su título de 2023. Tiene ocho victorias y producción de $229.860, mientras que en el hipódromo de Tampa Bay Downs, en el meeting actual, ya está entre los cinco mejores, con once triunfos y producción de $276.414. Sánchez aparece para esta semana, los días lunes 15, martes 16 y miércoles 17 de enero, con un total de 18 compromisos de monta en Parx Racing, Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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sanchezsacco · 4 years
Agustín Bobbio inaugura “Suburbios”
Miércoles 11/3 a las 19 hs. en El Más Acá  Más de 50 pinturas creadas en 2019 y 2018
El prolífico artista plástico Agustín Bobbio inaugura “Suburbios”, su segunda muestra individual con más de 50 obras, las más representativas de su producción 2019-2018. La exposición se compone de pinturas en acrílico sobre tela de mediano y gran formato. Entre ellas se encuentra la primera tela que Agustín pinta, de adulto, con su padre, el reconocido artista visual Pablo Bobbio residente en Houston, Estados Unidos (*).
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Con curaduría de la artista plástica Nora Aslan y la diseñadora Paula Saralegui, el montaje de “Suburbios” abarca la totalidad de las salas de la galería El Más Acá, de San Telmo. La muestra se inaugurará el miércoles 11 de marzo a las 19 hs. en Av. Caseros 514, CABA y estará abierta al público hasta el 31 de marzo, de lunes a sábados de 12 a 19 hs. con entrada libre y gratuita.
Acerca de “Suburbios”
Rodrigo Alonso: “Las obras de Bobbio no se rigen por modas ni por lineamientos estéticos de ocasión. En un mundo signado por el cambio permanente, él prefiere la constancia, la construcción de un universo propio en el cual priman los valores consuetudinarios de la pintura. De ahí su apuesta por la expresión, el gesto, la materia, la pincelada. Para llevar adelante sus trabajos, no parte de bocetos, esquemas ni planificaciones previas. Se enfrenta a la tela en blanco poniendo todo su corazón, su cabeza y su cuerpo. Las pinturas de Agustín Bobbio se caracterizan por una evidente libertad compositiva y por un lirismo marcado. La complejidad plástica y cromática promueve las dislocaciones entre el todo y los detalles. (Rodrigo Alonso. Extracto del catálogo de ‘Suburbios’).
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(*) Sobre el cuadro conjunto con su padre 
Agustín Bobbio: “El encuentro con mi padre fue profundamente hermoso. La idea de hacer el cuadro surgió de él y fuimos trabajando puntualmente. Fue un encuentro simple y de muy buena energía en el que me sentí muy cercano a él. También tuvo algo divertido porque usamos como paleta un vidrio roto”. Pablo Bobbio: “Era una obra que él tenía pintada pero no le convencía y le propuse hacer algo con ella. Yo arranqué y él me siguió, fue como un juego. Fue un momento maravilloso pintar con mi hijo, una experiencia de mucho placer. La sensación fue compartir, cuando hoy en el arte todo es competir”.
Dijeron sobre Agustín Bobbio y su obra
Nora Aslan: ”Nora Aslan: “Agustín Bobbio, él y su obra, todo uno. Escucharlo hablar refiriéndose a su trabajo es sentir el fervor que acompaña el proceso. Todo el campo que la tela le ofrece se agita con la libertad de su pincelada y se va internando en territorios inesperados a fuerza de gestos y colores con vigor y pasión. Admiro y celebro su entrega, que es la de un verdadero artista ” (Artista plástica, curadora de ‘Suburbios’).
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Mariano Oropeza: “Las pinturas de Agustín Bobbio parecen volver el ritual de una pintura que ilumina cavernas”. (Extracto de “Creo que puedo sentirlo”, artículo de Ramona sobre ‘Arte Singular en Argentina’). 
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Pedro Roth: “Agustín Bobbio va a dejar una huella en la historia del arte argentino. Es un artista abstracto y semi-figurativo con una enorme originalidad. Es desgarradoramente abstracto. Tiene un discurso propio, sus cuadros hablan por sí mismos, va narrando una historia a lo largo de su carrera. Vengo siguiendo su camino no sólo como un colega que puede mirar a un colega más joven, sino que hice las fotos de muchas de sus obras y veo una evolución en su técnica cada vez más depurada en el sentido de la obra”. (Artista plástico, fotógrafo, ensayista).
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Elena Blasco: “Las pinturas de Agustín son poderosas, tienen un poder no dicho; sin mediar imágenes despliegan una magia propia de un alquimista que mezclando sus pócimas convierte lo común en oro. Eso hace Agustín cuando lo veo en el taller mezclar los colores en la tela: los convierte en oro que sale de una danza entre su mano y su cabeza, una danza ritual del rito que más me interesa, el del arte. (Artista plástica, catálogo de ‘Arte Singular en Argentina’). 
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Raúl Santana: “El artista compone un inspirado microcosmos con sus propios ritmos: sus marchas y contramarchas nos permiten pasar del sentimiento virginal de sus incandescentes paisajes, que convocan esa luz por lo general dichosa, a la elocuencia casi salvaje de las figuras nacidas de sus gestos rotundos. Esos gestos se amontonan para expresar máscaras de una agresiva o doliente humanidad, ahora hecha signos haciendo misteriosos rituales sobre el plano”. (Extracto de “Agustín Bobbio. Abandonar las orillas”, catálogo de ‘Nexo’).
Biografía del artista
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Agustín Bobbio nace en Mar del Plata el 10 de febrero de 1974 en un hogar de artistas y se traslada a la Ciudad de Buenos Aires durante su infancia. Crece entre las piezas y cinceles de su madre –la ceramista y escultora Paula Saralegui– y las telas y pinceles del taller de su padre —el artista visual y fotógrafo Pablo Bobbio–, un espacio frecuentado por reconocidos artistas de la esfera nacional. Estudia en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón, donde se gradúa de Profesor Nacional de Pintura como última camada antes de pasar a denominarse IUNA y luego cursó materias en la Licenciatura en Artes Visuales de la Universidad Nacional de Artes. Ejerció la docencia en la escuela primaria Juana Manso y fue ayudante de la cátedra Proyectual Pintura de Domingo Florio en la UNA. Posteriormente realiza su clínica en el taller de la artista plástica Elena Blasco, donde trabaja hasta el día de hoy, dedicándose completamente a la pintura, actividad que ejerce con intensa pulsión, llegando a realizar cuadros de gran formato en apenas uno o dos días. Muestras. Realiza su primera exposición en 2003 en La Manufactura Papelera junto con Beatriz Provitina. En 2005 participa con animaciones en la “Muestra sobre viñetas de Francesco Tonucci” que organiza en el Centro Cultural Recoleta. En 2006 interviene en la muestra colectiva de la galería Arte y Parte con Carlos Barrovecchio y Dora Garraffo. En 2017 llega su primera exposición individual, “Nexo”, al Centro Cultural Borges, donde despliega las pinturas creadas entre 2013 y 2016. En 2018 es seleccionado por el CFI para exponer en las Salas Nacionales de Exposiciones junto a los artistas Darío Berterreche y Pablo Scheibengraf componiendo “Relatos construidos”. Y en 2019 integra la muestra colectiva de “Arte Singular en Argentina” en El Más Acá Club Cultural. En esta galería prepara el montaje de su segunda muestra individual “Suburbios”, ya abarcando la totalidad de sus salas con las obras más destacadas de su producción 2018-2019.
Agustín Bobbio en la Web:
Materiales de prensa
Contacto de Prensa 
Lorena Sánchez | 11- 5818-1800 | [email protected]
Marta Sacco | 11-4973-8558 | [email protected] 
Web: https://sanchezsacco.tumblr.com
Post permanente: https://tmblr.co/ZQba5w2npBvBR 
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divisecalciobambini · 3 years
de bruyne maglia  prestazioni incoerenti. E ora Ian
de bruyne maglia  prestazioni incoerenti. E ora Ian Wright ha espresso la sua onesta opinione sul duo di centrocampo dicendo che l'Arsenal non può permettersi di continuare a pagarli £ 500.000 a settimana combinati e ottenere molto poco in cambio. come Mkhitaryan e Ozil, rispetto a quello che stanno guadagnando stiamo parlando di £ 500.000 a settimana", ha detto Wright su BBC 5 Live Sport. "Non credo che l'Arsenal possa permettersi di pagare quel tipo di soldi senza ottenere un ritorno, soprattutto quando guardi cosa stanno cercando di fare in questo momento.
"Perderai anche [Aaron] Ramsey che probabilmente vuole £ 200.000, quindi stiamo salendo a £ 700.000 a settimana in denaro che dovremo dare". trovare tre o quattro giocatori a cui puoi pagare un sacco di soldi che ti diano l'output che desideri".Wright è sempre stato un
 grande fan di Ozil, ma anche l'ex attaccante ora ha i suoi dubbi sul fatto che il 30- anno rappresenta un buon rapporto qualità-prezzo. Per quanto siti maglie calcio replica  iguarda Mkhitaryan, l'armeno è stato almeno un acquisto migliore di Alexis Sanchez.
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netmassimo · 5 years
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Il romanzo "Artemis - La prima città sulla Luna" ("Artemis") di Andy Weir è stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2017. In Italia è stato pubblicato da Newton Compton Editori nella traduzione di Marta Lanfranco.
Jasmine "Jazz" Bashara vivacchia facendo il corriere su Artemis, l'unica città sulla Luna, ma sogna di fare be altro e per accumulare i soldi necessari contrabbanda vari prodotti con l'aiuto di un contatto sulla Terra. Tra i suoi "clienti speciali" c'è anche Trond Landvik, un ricco uomo d'affari che un giorno le offre un sacco di soldi per sabotare i raccoglitori di anorite di Sanchez Aluminium, parte di un piano che gli porterebbe un ulteriore arricchimento.
Jazz cerca di mettere in atto il suo piano di sabotaggio ma gli imprevisti cominciano a mettersi in mezzo tra lei e i molti soldi che Trond Landvik le ha promesso. Le cose si mettono davvero male quando Jazz comincia a rendersi conto che dietro all'azienda c'è molto più di quanto sospettassero e ciò include anche la presenza di un assassino.
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monasticcellphone · 7 years
Let’s Recap: I have the same bday as John Waters, Vladimir Lenin, Nicola Sacco, Tyra Sanchez, Sheryl Lee, and now I discover KANT.
Aries/Taurus cusp really is powerful
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aven90 · 6 years
La Ropa Sucia/31
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José non capiva bene come mai finiva sempre in punizione, ma quei giorni vennero compensati dalla ricezione di un sacco di informazioni. Ad esempio, era venuto fuori che Miguel Espimas e Clara Sanchez avessero una relazione, in cui è venuto fuori che i secondi avessero una lavatrice. “Quindi è per questo che quel maledetto di Pedro fa tanto il gradasso in discoteca… sa di avere un vantaggio su…
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sounds-right · 6 years
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Samuele Sartini, un grande ottobre: 12/10 Sali & Tabacchi (Reggio Emilia), 13/10 Miu discodinner (Mondolfo, PU), 20/10 Pineta (Milano Marittima, RA)
Poche settimane fa abbiamo intervistato Samuele Sartini che ci ha raccontato cosa succede nel suo mondo fatto di musica e ritmo. "Stanno succedendo un sacco di belle cose nel mio mondo! Qualche settimana fa ho raggiunto la prima posizione nel genere sul portale americano Traxsource con il mio nuovo singolo "Do What You Like", un brano pubblicato dalla leggendaria Nervous Records di New York. Proprio in questi giorni sono in studio di registrazione che sto ultimando il suo follow up"...
E per quel che riguarda i dj set? Samuele Sartini continua a far ballare i top club italiani. Venerdì 12 ottobre torna al Sali & Tabacchi (Reggio Emilia), sabato 13 dopo tanto tempo è invece protagonista al Miu discodinner (Mondolfo, PU), nelle sue Marche. Il 20 ottobre invece è sul palco del mitico  Pineta (Milano Marittima, RA).
Samuele Sartini è un top dj house italiano molto attivo nei top club di tutto il mondo. Marchigiano, è nato a Chiaravalle (AN) e risiede a Monte San Vito. Nell'estate 2017 ha fatto ballare party legati al GP di Formula 1 nel Barhein, il Jimmy'z di Montecarlo e in Italia è guest in costanza al Pineta di Milano Marittima e al Just Cavalli di Milano, due dei locali di riferimento per chi cerca l'esclusività. In console ho stile preciso e una tecnica esemplare, ma più che di 'numeri' e gesti che sanno stupire, ogni suo suoi dj è pieno di musica e di melodia, ovvero si mette sempre al servizio di ha voglia di ballare. Samuele Sartini è anche un produttore conosciuto in tutto il mondo. Ha remixato tracce di superstar come Calvin Harris, Roger Sanchez, Paul Van Dyk ed Armin Van Buuren ed ha all'attivo diverse hit all'attivo diverse hit recenti ("When The Sun Goes Down", interpretata da Jay Sebag, è stata trasmessa da emittenti come RTL 102,5 TV, Radio 105, Radio Deejay ed m2o, proprio come "Gimme the Funk", che è piaciuta anche a stelle del mixer come Todd Terry, Bob Sinclar, Oliver Heldens, Sander Van Doorn o Robbie Rivera). E non è tutto: troppi non sanno che Avicii deve un po' del suo successo proprio a Samuele Sartini. Per la versione cantata del suo primo successo (Tim Berg - "Seek Bromance"), Avicii prese la voce da "Love U Seek", un brano pubblicato da Samuele Sartini nel 2011 su Do It Yourself. Questa canzone è tornata con Rework curato dal dj marchigiano nel gennaio 2018, una nuova versione che mette ancor più in in risalto la bella voce di Amanda Wilson.
www.samuelesartini.com facebook.com/djsamuelesartini https://www.instagram.com/djsamuelesartini/
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computacionalblog · 6 years
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk http://www.nature-business.com/nature-facebook-hack-puts-thousands-of-other-sites-at-risk/
Ten years ago, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg introduced a tool that connects other sites and apps to Facebook passwords. That convenience came with a risk.CreditCreditMarcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — When Mark Zuckerberg introduced an online tool called Facebook Connect in 2008, he hailed it as a kind of digital passport to the rest of the internet. In just a few clicks, users would be able to log in to other apps and sites with their Facebook passwords.
The tool was adopted by thousands of other firms, from mom-and-pop publishing companies to high-profile tech outfits like Airbnb and Uber.
Now those outfits could have been exposed to the consequences of an attack on Facebook’s computer systems. On Friday, the company said the account entry keys of at least 50 million Facebook users had been stolen in the largest hack in the company’s 14-year history.
But the impact could be significantly bigger since those stolen credentials could have been used to gain access to so many other sites. Companies that allow customers to log in with Facebook Connect are scrambling to figure out whether their own user accounts have been compromised.
The hack and its fallout underscore the lengths to which Facebook has cemented itself as the identity of the internet, and what happens when the security systems of one company — trusted by so many — fail.
“Just the sheer fact that this exists will magnify the scale of any hack,” said Jason Polakis, an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
In Europe, where tough new data privacy regulations went into effect in May, the authorities are preparing an investigation of the Facebook breach. Ireland’s Data Protection Commission, which is responsible for overseeing Facebook in the region, said it was gathering information and establishing the scope of its inquiry.
Tinder, the dating app, has found no evidence that accounts have been breached, based on the “limited information Facebook has provided,” Justine Sacco, a spokeswoman for Tinder and its parent company, the Match Group, said in a statement. Tinder, as well as other Match Group apps, rely on Facebook Connect as a method of logging in.
Ms. Sacco added that Facebook could do more to help by providing a specific list of users hit by the attack.
Over the past decade, Facebook has sold outside companies on Facebook Connect with a simple proposition: Connect to our platform, and we’ll make it faster and easier for people to use your apps.
The Connect tool was about achieving ubiquity. Users would be more apt to sign up for new apps and sites if doing so was easier, Facebook argued. It also brought an added measure of security, since users wouldn’t need to create and remember new passwords every time they signed up for a new app.
But in July 2017, that measure of security fell short. By exploiting three software bugs, attackers forged “access tokens,” digital keys used to gain entry to a user’s account. From there, the hackers were able to do anything users could do on their own Facebook accounts, including logging in to third-party apps.
In a blog post on Tuesday evening, Facebook said a continuing investigation of the close to 50 million accounts that were compromised “has so far found no evidence that the attackers accessed any apps using Facebook Login.”
But there are still questions about an additional 40 million Facebook accounts that may have been affected. Facebook forced those 40 million users to log out and reauthenticate their credentials. It was unclear whether these accounts used Facebook to connect to outside apps.
Citing “an abundance of caution,” Facebook said it was building a tool to help outside developers identify users who were affected in the hack by pinpointing potentially compromised accounts on their services.
In a conference call with reporters on Friday, Facebook said it had not assessed the scope of the breach, nor did the company discover who was responsible for the attack.
The Facebook breach is reminiscent of a catastrophic attack on Yahoo that was disclosed in 2016. Yahoo said attackers had gotten access to the company’s code and used it to forge 32 million access tokens like those stolen from Facebook.
Hackers often target large databases of credentials, which can provide access to other accounts if users created the same password for multiple sites or have logged in to third-party accounts with their Facebook account.
Since Friday, Facebook has held calls with developers at other companies to explain steps they can take to assess the damage at their own organizations.
The security team at Uber, the ride-hailing giant, is logging some users out of their accounts to be cautious, said Melanie Ensign, a spokeswoman for Uber. It is asking them to log back in — a preventive measure that would invalidate older, stolen access tokens.
Uber has reviewed its login data from the past year and hasn’t found any indications that Facebook credentials were used improperly.
“But we still have to go through the investigation,” Ms. Ensign said. “For those that are most at risk, we have logged them out, so they’ll have to log back in to the account.”
Facebook faces fallout from regulators both at home and abroad. On Friday, Senators Mark Warner of Virginia and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, both Democrats, used the occasion to renew their calls for legislation reining in large tech companies.
The European Union’s probe will be an early test of its new data-protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation. The law allows Facebook to be fined up to 4 percent of its global revenue, though many consider such an outcome unlikely.
“G.D.P.R. was designed to address the big tech giants, who are enormous, have huge resources and do very complicated things with personal data,” said James Castro-Edwards, the head of the data-protection practice at the London law firm Wedlake Bell. “This is the sort of battle that G.D.P.R. was drafted to be used in.”
As Facebook’s power has grown, some outside companies have become wary of relying on it too much.
While Tinder originally relied exclusively on the Facebook login for several years, the dating company last year introduced a way for people to create new accounts without using Facebook. Since then, fewer than 25 percent of new users sign up for Tinder using Facebook Connect.
Similarly, Netflix stopped allowing users to connect using their Facebook accounts three years ago, and new customers must create user names and passwords when they sign up.
But for the thousands of other companies that rely on Facebook to serve customers, it is unclear whether or not they will know the extent of the damage.
“So many websites support Facebook login, and it was vulnerable for so long that it’s hard to give an idea of the scope of this attack,” Mr. Polakis said.
Follow Mike Isaac and Kate Conger on Twitter: @MikeIsaac and @kateconger.
Adam Satariano contributed reporting from London.
A version of this article appears in print on
, on Page
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Thousands of Sites at Risk After Facebook Is Hacked
. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/02/technology/facebook-hack-other-sites.html |
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk, in 2018-10-03 02:43:44
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magicwebsitesnet · 6 years
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk http://www.nature-business.com/nature-facebook-hack-puts-thousands-of-other-sites-at-risk/
Ten years ago, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg introduced a tool that connects other sites and apps to Facebook passwords. That convenience came with a risk.CreditCreditMarcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — When Mark Zuckerberg introduced an online tool called Facebook Connect in 2008, he hailed it as a kind of digital passport to the rest of the internet. In just a few clicks, users would be able to log in to other apps and sites with their Facebook passwords.
The tool was adopted by thousands of other firms, from mom-and-pop publishing companies to high-profile tech outfits like Airbnb and Uber.
Now those outfits could have been exposed to the consequences of an attack on Facebook’s computer systems. On Friday, the company said the account entry keys of at least 50 million Facebook users had been stolen in the largest hack in the company’s 14-year history.
But the impact could be significantly bigger since those stolen credentials could have been used to gain access to so many other sites. Companies that allow customers to log in with Facebook Connect are scrambling to figure out whether their own user accounts have been compromised.
The hack and its fallout underscore the lengths to which Facebook has cemented itself as the identity of the internet, and what happens when the security systems of one company — trusted by so many — fail.
“Just the sheer fact that this exists will magnify the scale of any hack,” said Jason Polakis, an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
In Europe, where tough new data privacy regulations went into effect in May, the authorities are preparing an investigation of the Facebook breach. Ireland’s Data Protection Commission, which is responsible for overseeing Facebook in the region, said it was gathering information and establishing the scope of its inquiry.
Tinder, the dating app, has found no evidence that accounts have been breached, based on the “limited information Facebook has provided,” Justine Sacco, a spokeswoman for Tinder and its parent company, the Match Group, said in a statement. Tinder, as well as other Match Group apps, rely on Facebook Connect as a method of logging in.
Ms. Sacco added that Facebook could do more to help by providing a specific list of users hit by the attack.
Over the past decade, Facebook has sold outside companies on Facebook Connect with a simple proposition: Connect to our platform, and we’ll make it faster and easier for people to use your apps.
The Connect tool was about achieving ubiquity. Users would be more apt to sign up for new apps and sites if doing so was easier, Facebook argued. It also brought an added measure of security, since users wouldn’t need to create and remember new passwords every time they signed up for a new app.
But in July 2017, that measure of security fell short. By exploiting three software bugs, attackers forged “access tokens,” digital keys used to gain entry to a user’s account. From there, the hackers were able to do anything users could do on their own Facebook accounts, including logging in to third-party apps.
In a blog post on Tuesday evening, Facebook said a continuing investigation of the close to 50 million accounts that were compromised “has so far found no evidence that the attackers accessed any apps using Facebook Login.”
But there are still questions about an additional 40 million Facebook accounts that may have been affected. Facebook forced those 40 million users to log out and reauthenticate their credentials. It was unclear whether these accounts used Facebook to connect to outside apps.
Citing “an abundance of caution,” Facebook said it was building a tool to help outside developers identify users who were affected in the hack by pinpointing potentially compromised accounts on their services.
In a conference call with reporters on Friday, Facebook said it had not assessed the scope of the breach, nor did the company discover who was responsible for the attack.
The Facebook breach is reminiscent of a catastrophic attack on Yahoo that was disclosed in 2016. Yahoo said attackers had gotten access to the company’s code and used it to forge 32 million access tokens like those stolen from Facebook.
Hackers often target large databases of credentials, which can provide access to other accounts if users created the same password for multiple sites or have logged in to third-party accounts with their Facebook account.
Since Friday, Facebook has held calls with developers at other companies to explain steps they can take to assess the damage at their own organizations.
The security team at Uber, the ride-hailing giant, is logging some users out of their accounts to be cautious, said Melanie Ensign, a spokeswoman for Uber. It is asking them to log back in — a preventive measure that would invalidate older, stolen access tokens.
Uber has reviewed its login data from the past year and hasn’t found any indications that Facebook credentials were used improperly.
“But we still have to go through the investigation,” Ms. Ensign said. “For those that are most at risk, we have logged them out, so they’ll have to log back in to the account.”
Facebook faces fallout from regulators both at home and abroad. On Friday, Senators Mark Warner of Virginia and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, both Democrats, used the occasion to renew their calls for legislation reining in large tech companies.
The European Union’s probe will be an early test of its new data-protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation. The law allows Facebook to be fined up to 4 percent of its global revenue, though many consider such an outcome unlikely.
“G.D.P.R. was designed to address the big tech giants, who are enormous, have huge resources and do very complicated things with personal data,” said James Castro-Edwards, the head of the data-protection practice at the London law firm Wedlake Bell. “This is the sort of battle that G.D.P.R. was drafted to be used in.”
As Facebook’s power has grown, some outside companies have become wary of relying on it too much.
While Tinder originally relied exclusively on the Facebook login for several years, the dating company last year introduced a way for people to create new accounts without using Facebook. Since then, fewer than 25 percent of new users sign up for Tinder using Facebook Connect.
Similarly, Netflix stopped allowing users to connect using their Facebook accounts three years ago, and new customers must create user names and passwords when they sign up.
But for the thousands of other companies that rely on Facebook to serve customers, it is unclear whether or not they will know the extent of the damage.
“So many websites support Facebook login, and it was vulnerable for so long that it’s hard to give an idea of the scope of this attack,” Mr. Polakis said.
Follow Mike Isaac and Kate Conger on Twitter: @MikeIsaac and @kateconger.
Adam Satariano contributed reporting from London.
A version of this article appears in print on
, on Page
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Thousands of Sites at Risk After Facebook Is Hacked
. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/02/technology/facebook-hack-other-sites.html |
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk, in 2018-10-03 02:43:44
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sanchezsacco · 4 years
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Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk http://www.nature-business.com/nature-facebook-hack-puts-thousands-of-other-sites-at-risk/
Ten years ago, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg introduced a tool that connects other sites and apps to Facebook passwords. That convenience came with a risk.CreditCreditMarcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — When Mark Zuckerberg introduced an online tool called Facebook Connect in 2008, he hailed it as a kind of digital passport to the rest of the internet. In just a few clicks, users would be able to log in to other apps and sites with their Facebook passwords.
The tool was adopted by thousands of other firms, from mom-and-pop publishing companies to high-profile tech outfits like Airbnb and Uber.
Now those outfits could have been exposed to the consequences of an attack on Facebook’s computer systems. On Friday, the company said the account entry keys of at least 50 million Facebook users had been stolen in the largest hack in the company’s 14-year history.
But the impact could be significantly bigger since those stolen credentials could have been used to gain access to so many other sites. Companies that allow customers to log in with Facebook Connect are scrambling to figure out whether their own user accounts have been compromised.
The hack and its fallout underscore the lengths to which Facebook has cemented itself as the identity of the internet, and what happens when the security systems of one company — trusted by so many — fail.
“Just the sheer fact that this exists will magnify the scale of any hack,” said Jason Polakis, an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
In Europe, where tough new data privacy regulations went into effect in May, the authorities are preparing an investigation of the Facebook breach. Ireland’s Data Protection Commission, which is responsible for overseeing Facebook in the region, said it was gathering information and establishing the scope of its inquiry.
Tinder, the dating app, has found no evidence that accounts have been breached, based on the “limited information Facebook has provided,” Justine Sacco, a spokeswoman for Tinder and its parent company, the Match Group, said in a statement. Tinder, as well as other Match Group apps, rely on Facebook Connect as a method of logging in.
Ms. Sacco added that Facebook could do more to help by providing a specific list of users hit by the attack.
Over the past decade, Facebook has sold outside companies on Facebook Connect with a simple proposition: Connect to our platform, and we’ll make it faster and easier for people to use your apps.
The Connect tool was about achieving ubiquity. Users would be more apt to sign up for new apps and sites if doing so was easier, Facebook argued. It also brought an added measure of security, since users wouldn’t need to create and remember new passwords every time they signed up for a new app.
But in July 2017, that measure of security fell short. By exploiting three software bugs, attackers forged “access tokens,” digital keys used to gain entry to a user’s account. From there, the hackers were able to do anything users could do on their own Facebook accounts, including logging in to third-party apps.
In a blog post on Tuesday evening, Facebook said a continuing investigation of the close to 50 million accounts that were compromised “has so far found no evidence that the attackers accessed any apps using Facebook Login.”
But there are still questions about an additional 40 million Facebook accounts that may have been affected. Facebook forced those 40 million users to log out and reauthenticate their credentials. It was unclear whether these accounts used Facebook to connect to outside apps.
Citing “an abundance of caution,” Facebook said it was building a tool to help outside developers identify users who were affected in the hack by pinpointing potentially compromised accounts on their services.
In a conference call with reporters on Friday, Facebook said it had not assessed the scope of the breach, nor did the company discover who was responsible for the attack.
The Facebook breach is reminiscent of a catastrophic attack on Yahoo that was disclosed in 2016. Yahoo said attackers had gotten access to the company’s code and used it to forge 32 million access tokens like those stolen from Facebook.
Hackers often target large databases of credentials, which can provide access to other accounts if users created the same password for multiple sites or have logged in to third-party accounts with their Facebook account.
Since Friday, Facebook has held calls with developers at other companies to explain steps they can take to assess the damage at their own organizations.
The security team at Uber, the ride-hailing giant, is logging some users out of their accounts to be cautious, said Melanie Ensign, a spokeswoman for Uber. It is asking them to log back in — a preventive measure that would invalidate older, stolen access tokens.
Uber has reviewed its login data from the past year and hasn’t found any indications that Facebook credentials were used improperly.
“But we still have to go through the investigation,” Ms. Ensign said. “For those that are most at risk, we have logged them out, so they’ll have to log back in to the account.”
Facebook faces fallout from regulators both at home and abroad. On Friday, Senators Mark Warner of Virginia and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, both Democrats, used the occasion to renew their calls for legislation reining in large tech companies.
The European Union’s probe will be an early test of its new data-protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation. The law allows Facebook to be fined up to 4 percent of its global revenue, though many consider such an outcome unlikely.
“G.D.P.R. was designed to address the big tech giants, who are enormous, have huge resources and do very complicated things with personal data,” said James Castro-Edwards, the head of the data-protection practice at the London law firm Wedlake Bell. “This is the sort of battle that G.D.P.R. was drafted to be used in.”
As Facebook’s power has grown, some outside companies have become wary of relying on it too much.
While Tinder originally relied exclusively on the Facebook login for several years, the dating company last year introduced a way for people to create new accounts without using Facebook. Since then, fewer than 25 percent of new users sign up for Tinder using Facebook Connect.
Similarly, Netflix stopped allowing users to connect using their Facebook accounts three years ago, and new customers must create user names and passwords when they sign up.
But for the thousands of other companies that rely on Facebook to serve customers, it is unclear whether or not they will know the extent of the damage.
“So many websites support Facebook login, and it was vulnerable for so long that it’s hard to give an idea of the scope of this attack,” Mr. Polakis said.
Follow Mike Isaac and Kate Conger on Twitter: @MikeIsaac and @kateconger.
Adam Satariano contributed reporting from London.
A version of this article appears in print on
, on Page
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Thousands of Sites at Risk After Facebook Is Hacked
. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/02/technology/facebook-hack-other-sites.html |
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk, in 2018-10-03 02:43:44
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blogparadiseisland · 6 years
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk http://www.nature-business.com/nature-facebook-hack-puts-thousands-of-other-sites-at-risk/
Ten years ago, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg introduced a tool that connects other sites and apps to Facebook passwords. That convenience came with a risk.CreditCreditMarcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — When Mark Zuckerberg introduced an online tool called Facebook Connect in 2008, he hailed it as a kind of digital passport to the rest of the internet. In just a few clicks, users would be able to log in to other apps and sites with their Facebook passwords.
The tool was adopted by thousands of other firms, from mom-and-pop publishing companies to high-profile tech outfits like Airbnb and Uber.
Now those outfits could have been exposed to the consequences of an attack on Facebook’s computer systems. On Friday, the company said the account entry keys of at least 50 million Facebook users had been stolen in the largest hack in the company’s 14-year history.
But the impact could be significantly bigger since those stolen credentials could have been used to gain access to so many other sites. Companies that allow customers to log in with Facebook Connect are scrambling to figure out whether their own user accounts have been compromised.
The hack and its fallout underscore the lengths to which Facebook has cemented itself as the identity of the internet, and what happens when the security systems of one company — trusted by so many — fail.
“Just the sheer fact that this exists will magnify the scale of any hack,” said Jason Polakis, an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
In Europe, where tough new data privacy regulations went into effect in May, the authorities are preparing an investigation of the Facebook breach. Ireland’s Data Protection Commission, which is responsible for overseeing Facebook in the region, said it was gathering information and establishing the scope of its inquiry.
Tinder, the dating app, has found no evidence that accounts have been breached, based on the “limited information Facebook has provided,” Justine Sacco, a spokeswoman for Tinder and its parent company, the Match Group, said in a statement. Tinder, as well as other Match Group apps, rely on Facebook Connect as a method of logging in.
Ms. Sacco added that Facebook could do more to help by providing a specific list of users hit by the attack.
Over the past decade, Facebook has sold outside companies on Facebook Connect with a simple proposition: Connect to our platform, and we’ll make it faster and easier for people to use your apps.
The Connect tool was about achieving ubiquity. Users would be more apt to sign up for new apps and sites if doing so was easier, Facebook argued. It also brought an added measure of security, since users wouldn’t need to create and remember new passwords every time they signed up for a new app.
But in July 2017, that measure of security fell short. By exploiting three software bugs, attackers forged “access tokens,” digital keys used to gain entry to a user’s account. From there, the hackers were able to do anything users could do on their own Facebook accounts, including logging in to third-party apps.
In a blog post on Tuesday evening, Facebook said a continuing investigation of the close to 50 million accounts that were compromised “has so far found no evidence that the attackers accessed any apps using Facebook Login.”
But there are still questions about an additional 40 million Facebook accounts that may have been affected. Facebook forced those 40 million users to log out and reauthenticate their credentials. It was unclear whether these accounts used Facebook to connect to outside apps.
Citing “an abundance of caution,” Facebook said it was building a tool to help outside developers identify users who were affected in the hack by pinpointing potentially compromised accounts on their services.
In a conference call with reporters on Friday, Facebook said it had not assessed the scope of the breach, nor did the company discover who was responsible for the attack.
The Facebook breach is reminiscent of a catastrophic attack on Yahoo that was disclosed in 2016. Yahoo said attackers had gotten access to the company’s code and used it to forge 32 million access tokens like those stolen from Facebook.
Hackers often target large databases of credentials, which can provide access to other accounts if users created the same password for multiple sites or have logged in to third-party accounts with their Facebook account.
Since Friday, Facebook has held calls with developers at other companies to explain steps they can take to assess the damage at their own organizations.
The security team at Uber, the ride-hailing giant, is logging some users out of their accounts to be cautious, said Melanie Ensign, a spokeswoman for Uber. It is asking them to log back in — a preventive measure that would invalidate older, stolen access tokens.
Uber has reviewed its login data from the past year and hasn’t found any indications that Facebook credentials were used improperly.
“But we still have to go through the investigation,” Ms. Ensign said. “For those that are most at risk, we have logged them out, so they’ll have to log back in to the account.”
Facebook faces fallout from regulators both at home and abroad. On Friday, Senators Mark Warner of Virginia and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, both Democrats, used the occasion to renew their calls for legislation reining in large tech companies.
The European Union’s probe will be an early test of its new data-protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation. The law allows Facebook to be fined up to 4 percent of its global revenue, though many consider such an outcome unlikely.
“G.D.P.R. was designed to address the big tech giants, who are enormous, have huge resources and do very complicated things with personal data,” said James Castro-Edwards, the head of the data-protection practice at the London law firm Wedlake Bell. “This is the sort of battle that G.D.P.R. was drafted to be used in.”
As Facebook’s power has grown, some outside companies have become wary of relying on it too much.
While Tinder originally relied exclusively on the Facebook login for several years, the dating company last year introduced a way for people to create new accounts without using Facebook. Since then, fewer than 25 percent of new users sign up for Tinder using Facebook Connect.
Similarly, Netflix stopped allowing users to connect using their Facebook accounts three years ago, and new customers must create user names and passwords when they sign up.
But for the thousands of other companies that rely on Facebook to serve customers, it is unclear whether or not they will know the extent of the damage.
“So many websites support Facebook login, and it was vulnerable for so long that it’s hard to give an idea of the scope of this attack,” Mr. Polakis said.
Follow Mike Isaac and Kate Conger on Twitter: @MikeIsaac and @kateconger.
Adam Satariano contributed reporting from London.
A version of this article appears in print on
, on Page
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Thousands of Sites at Risk After Facebook Is Hacked
. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/02/technology/facebook-hack-other-sites.html |
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk, in 2018-10-03 02:43:44
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blogcompetnetall · 6 years
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk http://www.nature-business.com/nature-facebook-hack-puts-thousands-of-other-sites-at-risk/
Ten years ago, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg introduced a tool that connects other sites and apps to Facebook passwords. That convenience came with a risk.CreditCreditMarcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — When Mark Zuckerberg introduced an online tool called Facebook Connect in 2008, he hailed it as a kind of digital passport to the rest of the internet. In just a few clicks, users would be able to log in to other apps and sites with their Facebook passwords.
The tool was adopted by thousands of other firms, from mom-and-pop publishing companies to high-profile tech outfits like Airbnb and Uber.
Now those outfits could have been exposed to the consequences of an attack on Facebook’s computer systems. On Friday, the company said the account entry keys of at least 50 million Facebook users had been stolen in the largest hack in the company’s 14-year history.
But the impact could be significantly bigger since those stolen credentials could have been used to gain access to so many other sites. Companies that allow customers to log in with Facebook Connect are scrambling to figure out whether their own user accounts have been compromised.
The hack and its fallout underscore the lengths to which Facebook has cemented itself as the identity of the internet, and what happens when the security systems of one company — trusted by so many — fail.
“Just the sheer fact that this exists will magnify the scale of any hack,” said Jason Polakis, an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
In Europe, where tough new data privacy regulations went into effect in May, the authorities are preparing an investigation of the Facebook breach. Ireland’s Data Protection Commission, which is responsible for overseeing Facebook in the region, said it was gathering information and establishing the scope of its inquiry.
Tinder, the dating app, has found no evidence that accounts have been breached, based on the “limited information Facebook has provided,” Justine Sacco, a spokeswoman for Tinder and its parent company, the Match Group, said in a statement. Tinder, as well as other Match Group apps, rely on Facebook Connect as a method of logging in.
Ms. Sacco added that Facebook could do more to help by providing a specific list of users hit by the attack.
Over the past decade, Facebook has sold outside companies on Facebook Connect with a simple proposition: Connect to our platform, and we’ll make it faster and easier for people to use your apps.
The Connect tool was about achieving ubiquity. Users would be more apt to sign up for new apps and sites if doing so was easier, Facebook argued. It also brought an added measure of security, since users wouldn’t need to create and remember new passwords every time they signed up for a new app.
But in July 2017, that measure of security fell short. By exploiting three software bugs, attackers forged “access tokens,” digital keys used to gain entry to a user’s account. From there, the hackers were able to do anything users could do on their own Facebook accounts, including logging in to third-party apps.
In a blog post on Tuesday evening, Facebook said a continuing investigation of the close to 50 million accounts that were compromised “has so far found no evidence that the attackers accessed any apps using Facebook Login.”
But there are still questions about an additional 40 million Facebook accounts that may have been affected. Facebook forced those 40 million users to log out and reauthenticate their credentials. It was unclear whether these accounts used Facebook to connect to outside apps.
Citing “an abundance of caution,” Facebook said it was building a tool to help outside developers identify users who were affected in the hack by pinpointing potentially compromised accounts on their services.
In a conference call with reporters on Friday, Facebook said it had not assessed the scope of the breach, nor did the company discover who was responsible for the attack.
The Facebook breach is reminiscent of a catastrophic attack on Yahoo that was disclosed in 2016. Yahoo said attackers had gotten access to the company’s code and used it to forge 32 million access tokens like those stolen from Facebook.
Hackers often target large databases of credentials, which can provide access to other accounts if users created the same password for multiple sites or have logged in to third-party accounts with their Facebook account.
Since Friday, Facebook has held calls with developers at other companies to explain steps they can take to assess the damage at their own organizations.
The security team at Uber, the ride-hailing giant, is logging some users out of their accounts to be cautious, said Melanie Ensign, a spokeswoman for Uber. It is asking them to log back in — a preventive measure that would invalidate older, stolen access tokens.
Uber has reviewed its login data from the past year and hasn’t found any indications that Facebook credentials were used improperly.
“But we still have to go through the investigation,” Ms. Ensign said. “For those that are most at risk, we have logged them out, so they’ll have to log back in to the account.”
Facebook faces fallout from regulators both at home and abroad. On Friday, Senators Mark Warner of Virginia and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, both Democrats, used the occasion to renew their calls for legislation reining in large tech companies.
The European Union’s probe will be an early test of its new data-protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation. The law allows Facebook to be fined up to 4 percent of its global revenue, though many consider such an outcome unlikely.
“G.D.P.R. was designed to address the big tech giants, who are enormous, have huge resources and do very complicated things with personal data,” said James Castro-Edwards, the head of the data-protection practice at the London law firm Wedlake Bell. “This is the sort of battle that G.D.P.R. was drafted to be used in.”
As Facebook’s power has grown, some outside companies have become wary of relying on it too much.
While Tinder originally relied exclusively on the Facebook login for several years, the dating company last year introduced a way for people to create new accounts without using Facebook. Since then, fewer than 25 percent of new users sign up for Tinder using Facebook Connect.
Similarly, Netflix stopped allowing users to connect using their Facebook accounts three years ago, and new customers must create user names and passwords when they sign up.
But for the thousands of other companies that rely on Facebook to serve customers, it is unclear whether or not they will know the extent of the damage.
“So many websites support Facebook login, and it was vulnerable for so long that it’s hard to give an idea of the scope of this attack,” Mr. Polakis said.
Follow Mike Isaac and Kate Conger on Twitter: @MikeIsaac and @kateconger.
Adam Satariano contributed reporting from London.
A version of this article appears in print on
, on Page
of the New York edition
with the headline:
Thousands of Sites at Risk After Facebook Is Hacked
. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/02/technology/facebook-hack-other-sites.html |
Nature Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk, in 2018-10-03 02:43:44
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madeinpop · 6 years
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 27 Settembre al 3 Ottobre 2018 ǁ stagione 16
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, eccoci di nuovo a voi con delle succolenti segnalazioni, in particolare vi consgliamo l'evento organizzato dal buon BRUNO MANTRA al VIRGO in provincia di Padova per dare luce all'underground musicale veneto, se potete partecipate numerosi. CHECcO & LoRIS   «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti»   ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ Ω MEETING ETICHETTE VENETE INDIPENDENTI Ω https://www.facebook.com/events/184194335585845/ ɝ a partire dalle ore 16:00 si terrà presso il VIRGO art & culture Box via Padana 32 SANT'ANGELO di Piove di Sacco (Pd) in incontro per far conoscere le realtà musicali indipendenti venete.   saranno presenti le etichette CABEZON, PIPAPOP Records, IOHOO Records, Mr. WOLF Records, SCHIAVETTI Records e BEAUTIFUL LOSERS Records, inoltre una rappresentanza di SHYREC, di cui Made In PoP è sostenitrice, ci saranno i ragazzi della bande collettivo d'asrtisti MATTAOIO5, il sito di divulgazione musicale UNDERGROUND PLAYLIST.   ovviamente protagonista sarà la musica, con il palco libero per esibizioni e jam session, un live acustico dell'artista folk della Nord Carolina MATTHEW PAUL BUTLER ed a corredo di tutto i djset della brava JULIE e di CHECcO MERDeZ per Made In PoP.   partecipate in molti per SOSTENERE la MUSICA!!!     ► FESTIVAL ◄ Ω  TREVISO COMIC BOOK Festival27/30 Settembre http://www.trevisocomicbookfestival.it  ᴥ in diverse location sparse per la città di Treviso si terranno esposizioni, workshop, incontri, performance, mostra-mercato e immancabili concerti UOCHI TOKI, Roger Ramone, Alex Paone, ORNELLO, NU GUINEA e tanto tanto altro, programma in evoluzione https://www.facebook.com/events/2144441965829813/   ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 27 Settembre ᴥ COCKNEY London pub via Garibaldi 9 COREZZOLA (Pd) da Austin/Texas arriva ERIKA WENNERSTOM garage/rock, già leader degli Heartless Bastards. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte e Cultura via SS. Fabiano e Sebastiano 13 PADOVA tra alegria e saudade, tra festa e malinconia la band PEDRA PORTUGUESA. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) evento dedicato agli amanti dei grandi chitarristi rock blues con ROB MO e WILLIE j. LAWS con loro anche Marco PANDOLFI. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) stasera alla scoperta dello speed country dei The KILLIBILLIES.   ► VENERDÌ 28 Settembre ᴥ VIRGO Club via Padana 32 SANT'ANGELO di Piove di Sacco (Pd) OttoEventi ospita il ritorno con la full band dell'ottimo cantautore MASSIMO DANIELI SOULSHIFT, in apertura set acustico per il solista MATTIA MENEGAZZO. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA passaggio patavino per presentare il loro recente disco "Rob a Bank" per il combo ravvenate dei COMANECI. ᴥ CA'CORNERA via Ca'Cornera 3 PORTO VIRO (Ro) si balla e si cante in pizzatoria in occasione del concerto de L'ISTRICE folk-rock. ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) torna la musica in osteria con i bolognesi SO BEAST exp. postpunk duo e i padovani LITTLE BOY LOST psych/doom duo. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO serata jazzy con l'interplay del trio composta da Tommaso TRONCON, GianPaolo RINALDI e Max TRABUCCO. ᴥ OUTSIDER pub via San Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv)  festa di presentazione del nuovo disco per i DO'STORIESKI folk a km zero. ᴥ HOME Rock bar via Fonderia 73 TREVISO ospite sul palco il trio romano JOE VICTOR giullari rock della notte. ᴥ PADIGLIONE 9 via Forte Marghera 30 MESTRE musica forte al Forte, suoneranno infatti i PACINO potente quartetto rock/alternative. ᴥ IL BRUCO Circolo Operaio via Cristoforo 69 MAGRÈ di Schio (Vi) in occasione del suo tour europeo farà tappa qui EVEL ARC cantautore folk a stelle e strisce, in apertura REDIMEN folk/ambient one/man/band. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA aperitivo sonorizzato dall'artista KOLE LACA (East ROdeo/2Pigeons) che presenta il suo nuovo progetto "Shkodra Elektronike" elettronica che si mescola a tradizione ᴥ LABI Tap Room via del Lavoro 3 ROSÀ (Vi) party d'inaugurazione per questa tap room con i live per i grandi GLINCOLTI e altre band. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) il circolo si trasformerà in un saloon con il psychobilly del duo LOW RANGER & the ANEMIC Man. ᴥ TOTEM Club via Vecchia Ferriera 135 VICENZA serata From Disco To Disco con illive per Francesco DE LEO (Officina della Camomilla) GERMANÒ e cantautori locali, a seguire djset ORDINARY NOISE (Last Nite). ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia 1 GREZZANA (Vr) qui il trio NICK's AIRLINES con un sound rockabilly aggiornato. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA folk rock dal gusto irlandese per Mark GEARY con il dublinese accompagnato dai FIREPLACES. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER Pub via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) festeggiamenti per i 23 anni del locale con i carichissimi live dei Mr. WOLAND e le glorie locali The BROKENDOLLS.   ► SABATO 29 Settembre ᴥ RUVIDO barber rock Club viale Arcella 3/e PADOVA dalle 20:30 concerto in barberia per i RECATTIVO alternative rock post/grunge. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA a pochi giorni dalla pubblicazione del suo primo disco, si esibirà qui la brava ANNABIT con il suo electropop raffinato, ospiti pure Cino e Pocket Girl. ᴥ Festa in Piazza via San Martino VOLTABRUSEGANA (Pd) presso l'area giovani della sagra suoneranno le scatenate BLUE RIMMEL, cinque ragazze che si muovono tra rock e indie. ᴥ Osteria del VICOLO via Paggiola 7 CITTADELLA (Pd) il cantautore folk, e non solo, JOE SANKETTI accompagnato da Stefano Miozzo alla chitarra. ᴥ OFFICINA 31021 via Bonisiolo 1 ZERMAN di Mogliano Veneto (Tv) dalle 18 inaugurazione di questo nuovo spazio giovani, nato a 8 anni dalla chiusura de LA SVOLTA, ci saranno mostre artistiche, performance, musica. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO questa sera al saloon il rockabilly & psychosis degli americani The LIVING DEAD. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) serata death/black metal con le band ASKESIS, SEPOLCRAL e i finladesi TORCHIA. ᴥ CA' San BARTO via Boscalto 53 RESANA (Tv) serata di rock energico e potente per le band BOOK of MIRRORS e MAD WOOD. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) evento dedicato agli amanti dei grandi chitarristi rock blues con ROB MO e WILLIE j. LAWS con loro anche Marco PANDOLFI. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) qui ci saranno due band, UBRIS che presentano il loro disco "Hobolo" in uscita via Jetglow Records, in apertura gki storici DIRTY SANCHEZ. ᴥ ARGO 16 via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) in occasione del matrimonio di Fabio ed Anna si terrà una grande festa dalle 21, suoneranno la marcia nunziale le band heavyrock MOSHPITS, EXILIUM, MERCILESS ATTACK, RACKET e LAST REBELS. ᴥ NOVAK Club via Castellana 59/f SCORZÈ (Ve) a presentare il loro nuovo disco saranno qui la metal band The MOOR, a seguire ViVeLeRock party. ᴥ VINILE Disco via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) apertura della stagione 44 (leggete bene, 44!!!) di questo glorioso locale, ci sarà il live dei VIRTUAL TIME che presentano il loro nuovo disco, a seguire djset del KING MAX, CASTE e gli altri mas-ci. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) horror & punk rock dal capoluogo ligure con le band L'ESPERIMENTO del Dr. K e i COCKS. ᴥ Bar dei SALBANELLI via Porta di Sotto live in versione ridotta in compagnia de Le CORRIERE della SERA folk-rock. ᴥ Bar al CIRCOLO via Pecori Giraldi 22 San VITO di Leguzzano (Vi) prima esibizione live per il duo femminile DOUBLE M rock-pop acustico. ᴥ Bar FAGGIN via Marconi 37 ISOLA Vicentina (VI) energico rock'n'blues'roll con i BLUE BLOOD. ᴥ Festa di FINE ESTATE piazza XXVI Aprile BUSSOLENGO (Vr) festa in piazza con i concerti per SANGUE Blues e il demenziale r'n'r di LITTLE TAVER & his Crazy Alligators. ᴥ The FACTORY via Garibaldi 37 CASTEL d'AZZANO (Vr) inaugura la stagione di questa club house con i concerti di AVXILVM, SHIZUNE e le leggende postcore DUFRESNE a seguire djset per le Scarlet Brigade. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA dagli States il country man GRANT MALOY SMITH. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER Pub via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) altra serata di festa con il ritorno per The LEGENDARY KID COMBO + Valigetta di Andy djset.   ► DOMENICA 30 Settembre ᴥ SALE DOCKS riva delle Zattere VENEZIA dalle 16:00 si terrà la manifestazione del movimento "No Grandi Navi" in laguna, imbarcazioni tradizionali e piccoli barchini a motore per dire no ai grandi "mostri" del mare, in riva ci saranno concerti e giochi per bambini. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) dalle 18 GoDown records ospita mister Lighton KOIZUMI icona della scena garaepunk revival e i suoi leggendari The MORLOCKS che sono in giro a presentare il loro nuovo recente album. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) aperitivo con il sound desertico dei veronesi KAYLETH e con loro i DOUBLE SWINDLE local punkrockers. ᴥ RADIO GOLDEN bar Piazza San Martino 13 CONEGLIANO (Tv) aperitivo con lo spettacolo "Liberamente" ideato e cantato/suonato da Giulio "Estremo" CASALE, ex leader degli Estra. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte e Cultura via SS. Fabiano e Sebastiano 13 PADOVA ore 19 aperitivo cantautorale con LUCA FERRARIS e i suoi musicisti meravigliosi. ᴥ L'ULTIMA SPIAGGIA tiki bar piazza S.Biagio VICENZA aperitivo acustico con ospite il bravissimo JOE SHAMANO in trio, blues dell'anima. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) aperitivo cantautorale con ONE MAN PIER il cantabarista. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) aperitivo molto hot, da Denver (Us) arrivano i psychobilly The LIVING DEADS. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA questa sera il cantautore Luca BOSCAGNIN, veronese di nascita ma londinese d'adozione.     ► Lunedì 1° e Martedì 2 Ottobre ᴥ visto gli strafalcioni linguistici che si leggono in giro in certi post pubblicati in giro per i social network e soprattutto in questa newsletter si consiglia di dedicare le serate buche alla lettura di molti libri e farsi una cultura.   ► MERCOLEDÌ 3 Ottobre ᴥ Cso PEDRO via Ticino PADOVA evento speciale in occasione del passaggio in Italia delle leggende hardcore/rap russe MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE, a supporto le local band DANNY TREJO e Mr.WOLAND. ᴥ CEREBRATION Festival Parco Milcovich via Jacopo da Mantegna PADOVA inaugura oggi questo festival con i live ROVERE e LEMARDOLE, ma non ci saranno solo live, scopri il programma qua https://www.facebook.com/events/313340435885795/ ᴥ VIRGO RADIO ogni mercoledì alle 21 c'è il contenitore dell'associazione OttoEventi che divulga musica, arte e cultura indipendente, per ascoltare BRUNO connettevi qua https://www.spreaker.com/user/virgoradio/   • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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Parla Samuele Sartini - "Fare il dj è inseguire i propri sogni"
Che sta succedendo nel tuo mondo musicale in questo periodo? Cosa bolle in pentola?
Un sacco di belle cose! Qualche settimana fa ho raggiunto la prima posizione nel genere sul portale americano Traxsource con il mio nuovo singolo "Do What You Like", un brano pubblicato dalla leggendaria Nervous Records di New York. Proprio in questi giorni sono in studio di registrazione che sto ultimando il suo followup.
Che sound ti sembra stia funzionando in discoteca e nei festival in questo periodo?
La situazione è davvero in continua evoluzione e penso non sia più solo una questione di genere,  ma l'unica prerogativa davvero importante è emozionare il pubblico.
Che stavi facendo un attimo prima di rispondere alle nostre domande? Cosa farai subito dopo?
Un pranzo di lavoro dall'esito molto positivo ed ora mi attendono tre ore in studio di registrazione.
Che consigli daresti ad un giovane dj?
Sempre lo stesso ormai da anni! Individua la tua strada, insegui il tuo sogno creandoti un'identità ben precisa che possa renderti riconoscibile e collocabile sul mercato negli anni.
C'è davvero crisi nel clubbing?
Un po' di crisi c'è, certo, ma chi in questi anni più difficili ha saputo lavorare con passione, professionalità e competenza è riuscito comunque a fare la differenza!
Se tu potessi andare in vacanza in questo periodo, dove andresti e perché?
In questo momento Maldive! Avrei davvero la necessità di staccare la mente per qualche giorno e credo che poche mete al mondo ti permettono di farlo come le Maldive.
Qual è la caratteristica che un dj deve necessariamente avere per intraprendere questa professione? Sembra facile, ma invece non lo è mica tanto, fare il dj…
Mi collego un po' al discorso che facevamo in precedenza in merito al consiglio da dare ai giovani dj; Ci vuole personalità, sposare una causa e portarla avanti con dedizione e tanta tanta passione. Il pubblico deve respirare che stai amando ciò che fai.
www.samuelesartini.com facebook.com/djsamuelesartini https://www.instagram.com/djsamuelesartini/
Samuele Sartini è un top dj house italiano molto attivo nei top club di tutto il mondo. Marchigiano, è nato a Chiaravalle (AN) e risiede a Monte San Vito. Nell'estate 2017 ha fatto ballare party legati al GP di Formula 1 nel Barhein, il Jimmy'z di Montecarlo e in Italia è guest in costanza al Pineta di Milano Marittima e al Just Cavalli di Milano, due dei locali di riferimento per chi cerca l'esclusività. In console ho stile preciso e una tecnica esemplare, ma più che di 'numeri' e gesti che sanno stupire, ogni suo suoi dj è pieno di musica e di melodia, ovvero si mette sempre al servizio di ha voglia di ballare. Samuele Sartini è anche un produttore conosciuto in tutto il mondo. Ha remixato tracce di superstar come Calvin Harris, Roger Sanchez, Paul Van Dyk ed Armin Van Buuren ed ha all'attivo diverse hit all'attivo diverse hit recenti ("When The Sun Goes Down", interpretata da Jay Sebag, è stata trasmessa da emittenti come RTL 102,5 TV, Radio 105, Radio Deejay ed m2o, proprio come "Gimme the Funk", che è piaciuta anche a stelle del mixer come Todd Terry, Bob Sinclar, Oliver Heldens, Sander Van Doorn o Robbie Rivera). E non è tutto: troppi non sanno che Avicii deve un po' del suo successo proprio a Samuele Sartini. Per la versione cantata del suo primo successo (Tim Berg - "Seek Bromance"), Avicii prese la voce da "Love U Seek", un brano pubblicato da Samuele Sartini nel 2011 su Do It Yourself. Questa canzone è tornata con Rework curato dal dj marchigiano nel gennaio 2018, una nuova versione che mette ancor più in in risalto la bella voce di Amanda Wilson.
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years
Predicting early death in older adults with cancer
Publication date: September 2018
Source: European Journal of Cancer, Volume 100
Author(s): Rabia Boulahssass, Sebastien Gonfrier, Jean -Marc Ferrero, Marine Sanchez, Véronique Mari, Olivier Moranne, Cyrielle Rambaud, Francine Auben, Jean -Michel Hannoun levi, Jean -Marc Bereder, Isabelle Bereder, Patrick Baque, Jean Michel Turpin, Anne-Claire Frin, Delphine Ouvrier, Delphine Borchiellini, Remy Largillier, Guillaume Sacco, Jerome Delotte, Cyprien Arlaud
Predicting early death after a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is very difficult in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to develop a scoring system to estimate risk of death at 100 days in elderly cancer patients to assist the therapeutic decision.
This was a multicentric, prospective cohort study approved by an ethics committee. Elderly cancer patients aged older than 70 years were enrolled before the final therapeutic decision. A standardised CGA was made before the treatment decision at baseline. Within 100 days, event (death), oncologic and geriatric data were collected. Multivariate logistic regression was used to select the risk factors for the overall population. Score points were assigned to each risk factor using the β coefficient. Internal validation was performed by a bootstrap method. Calibration was assessed with the Hosmer–Lemeshow goodness of fit test and accuracy with the mean c-statistic.
One thousand fifty patients (mean age: 82 years) joined the study from April 2012 to December 2014. The independent predictors were metastatic cancers (odds ratio [OR] 2.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], [1.7–3.5] p<0 .001); gait speed<0.8 m/s (OR 2.1; 95% CI [1.3–3.3] p=0.001); Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) < 17 (OR 8; 95% CI; [3.7–17.3] p<0.001), MNA ≤23.5 and ≥ 17 (OR 4.4; 95% CI, [2.1–9.1) p<0.001); performance status (PS) > 2 (OR 1.7; 95% CI, [1.1–2.6)] p=0.015) and cancers other than breast cancer (OR 4; 95% CI, [2.1–7.9] p<0.001). We attributed 4 points for MNA<17, 3 points for MNA between ≤23.5 and ≥ 17, 2 points for metastatic cancers, 1 point for gait speed <0.8 m/s, 1 point for PS > 2 and 3 points for cancers other than breast cancer. The risk of death at 100 days was 4% for 0 to 6 points, 24% for 7 to 8 points, 39% for 9 to 10 points and 67% for 11 points.
To our knowledge, this is the first score which estimates early death in elderly cancer patients. The system could assist in the treatment decision for elderly cancer patients.
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