#sanders sides half blood legacy au
A Gift from a Goddess
First part of the Sanders Sides Half-blood Legacy AU.
"Nico, who was  at the-" Will froze when he found Hestia standing on his threshold.
"To what to do we owe the honor of your visit, my lady?" Nico asked gesturing for the goddess to enter the small home. She appeared older now than she usually did in her visits to the camp. She could have easily been mistaken for a young woman in her mid-twenties, maybe. But there was an unmistakable warmth to her deep brown eyes and gentle smile. She wore a simple brown cloak, the hood raised about half way over her head.
Hestia nodded her thanks to Nico as she came into the little house. "There's no need for formalities, Nico, you know that. And I believe that you and your husband had a request of me?"
"I-yes." Nico held out his hand and Willi seemed to reboot. He crossed the room and took Nico's hand. "We've been considering adoption."  
Hestia nodded. "It is very not often that sacrifices are made to me specifically. I take that to mean you are quite serious about this family business."  
"Yes, Lady Hestia," Will answered. "We've been in contact with an adoption agency, but nothing has officially gone through yet. We had hoped that..." He trailed off with a sigh.  
"That I would grant you a blessing in the starting of your family," Hestia finished for him.  
Will nodded. "Yes, my lady."  
The goddess smiled. "I'm not like my siblings, Will, you may call me by my name. Have you considered what sort of child you might wish to adopt?"
"That's part of why we haven't yet," Nico answered. "Adopting a mortal child...it feels like we'd be endangering them. There are the kids at camp, but many of them have half-siblings that they're close to and it would feel like splitting them up."  
"We don't want to cause fractures in the camp by singling out a single child," Will added.  
"Parenthood is a very big step, and not one to be taken lightly. Have you considered a surrogate mother?"  
"We have, but we couldn't endanger a mortal that way. And even if a demigod we knew would be willing to do so... There's a lot to unpack there too," Will answered with a sigh.
The goddess nodded. "You've thought a lot about this."  
"We have to," Nico replied. "As much as we would like to adopt, we also have to consider who our parents are and how that would affect the child, whether they were mortal or biologically one of ours by a surrogate mother. And that may mean putting aside our wants completely."
"That's why we asked your blessing," Will admitted. "To know if this was even a good idea."  
Hestia smiled fondly at the young couple that stood before her. "Hold out your arms, Nico."  
Nico blinked in confusion, but did as he was told. "Um. Okay."  
Hestia brought her arms forward, pushing aside the cloak and rested and infant in Nico's arms.  
He quickly drew the baby to his chest, eyes wide and watery. Will wrapped arms around Nico and child alike. "I- Hestia- I don't-" "You're welcome," she answered softly and the little one reached out and grabbed at Nico's face. "After a year is when most children can be weaned, so that is the age I made him."
Nico broke into a tearful laughter. "Thank you, Hestia."  
The goddess grinned and turned to the son of Apollo. "Well, Will, have you nothing to say?"
"We never even thought about names," Will blurted.  
"I rather like the name Virgil," Hestia answered thoughtfully.  
"Oh my gods that's perfect," Will practically sobbed. "Can I give you a hug?"
Hestia laughed lightly. "Of course, child." She drew Will into her arms and hugged him tightly. "You will make wonderful fathers, I'm sure."  
"Thank you. Thank you so much," Will mumbled as he stepped back.
Hestia held out her arms to Nico and he passed their new born one year old to Will before stepping into in her embrace. She hugged the son of Hade's tightly. "I believe you two have some celebrating to do," she said as she stepped back. "I'm sure your family will be excited to meet Virgil."  
Nico and Will walked with the goddess back to the front door.  
"Hestia,...I-I truly don't know how we could ever repay you-"  
Hestia held up her hand. "I am not my siblings," she said again, cutting Nico off. "This child is a gift. All that I ask is that you take care of him the best you can."  
"We will," Will promised.  
"Enjoy your celebration." Hestia turned and vanished as she walked away.  
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saibug1022 · 5 years
Sanders Sides Demigod AU
So this is a very late birthday present for @coconut-cluster. Actually, it's so late it might not even constitute as a birthday present because it took so long. (Yes I've been working on, writing, discussing, and researching this for days what of it?) It's barely got even the remnants of a format, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway!
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Son of Apollo, god of...let's just say the arts, archery, and medicine.
Apollo? God of music? Theatre? The arts? And just all around extraness?
Yeah he's the son of Apollo.
Roman is skilled with anything involving missile projectiles, from archery to basketball, and is a natural musician and actor.
He can actually charm people with his singing voice and, if he is focused enough and has the energy, can almost cast spells with songs. For instance, when he used it in the forest incident to lead him and Virgil out of the woods.
For weaponry, Roman is the only one with a magic weapon. Most often it's a double bladed sword, but it can be separated into two swords, used as a spear, or melded into one single sword.
Also, for some reason no one can explain, it's actually made of Imperial Gold instead of Celestial Bronze, but there's red detailing in the hilt and designs on the blades.
Of course he also has a bow, he's the son of Apollo, but his sword is his signature weapon.
His smile is like sunshine and he has ALL OF THE FRECKLES
He has Auburn hair and is the second shortest of the main four, much to his annoyance, though he's still tall at 5’10 (177 cm)
His eyes are green and he's the pretty boy of camp, giving all of the Aphrodite kids a run for their money.
Roman knew since he was brought to Camp Half-Blood for the first time for the summer by his mom when he was six, because he was immediately claimed by Apollo.
His mom told him early on that he was a demigod but it wasn't until the golden sun with it's arrows for rays that he knew exactly who he was.
But knowing he was a demigod he became obsessed with the magic and fantasy of Greek mythology, and as a kid who had already heard so many fairy tales, he had...strong opinions on the gods.
And their children.
And that included his brother.
He's getting better, especially since the forest incident, which resulted in him befriending and pining after Virgil.
Him and Patton fangirl over Disney and dashing heroes and stuff such as that.
Him and Logan it's all sass battles and such and they act like they hate each other but literally the entire camp knows that's die for each other in a heartbeat. You boys aren't fooling anybody.
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Son of Athena, goddess of wisdom
He's??? So smart??? Like there's Athena Cabin smart, and then there's Logan smart. The dude is on a whole nother level.
When it comes to weapons Logan uses twin landsknecht daggers, as they are weapons that require you to be precise and calculating. They aren't really anything special, with navy blue hilts and Celestial Bronze blades, but that's perfect for him.
Logan has black hair and blue eyes, and is the second tallest of the main four, at just over six feet. (182 cm)
Logan took, surprise surprise, a much more logical standpoint on things.
He was from a long line of legacies. No one, even his father, knew he was a true son of Athena not just her legacy
So you can imagine his surprise when he got to camp and was properly claimed.
He adapted to this new development rather quickly and got on with his life, electing to, with the support of his family, to stay at camp year round and visit his family once in a while, usually for holidays and such.
It was actually so that his friend and totally not crush Patton wouldn't be lonely most of the year.
As a legacy, Logan dove into Greek Mythology similar to Roman, but rather than focus on the story elements Logan memorized as many stories, weapons, and monsters as he could.
He's like a walking Mythapedia.
The counselor of Aphrodite, Valerie Torres-Rosario, once set him up with Patton as a sort of joke (but everyone at camp low-key shipped them) and Logan was so astonished.
How can anyone be so happy? And pretty? Wait pretty? Wait, shit, 404 error, Logan.exe has shut down.
Well can you say POWER COUPLE?
Battle couple, leader couple, just all around the most badass couple at camp that literally everyone loves.
Random fact: Logan has a southern drawl that he often dials down, worried it'll cause people to not take him seriously. But sometimes he let's it out with Patton, and yes it makes the poor boy melt.
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Son of Hebe, goddess of youth
Patton is kind of the definition of “looks like a cinnamon roll, and is a cinnamon roll” but when it comes to his abilities he's probably the most powerful of the bunch.
He can manipulate age, sucking the youth out of people and monsters with only a touch. He can almost always control it, but he usually wears gloves anyway. No one actually knew the extent of this until Capture the Flag one day.
Logan ran afoul of an orthrus (a two headed dog the size of a pony) and Patton without even thinking ripped off his gloves, holding on until the monster aged into dust.
He tends to not his powers much after that, so he instead studied with the Apollo cabin to be a healer and learned to use a slingshot and crossbow.
Also while not having a magic weapon persay, Patton does have a magic pouch with Celestial Bronze spheres for his slingshot that can hold way more than it seems. It's not bottomless but it can hold way more than you'd think.
Patton, poor baby, is the shortest of the group at 5’8”. (172 cm)
He's blond with freckles, but not NEARLY as many as Roman.
His eyes are green and you don't immediately think "hero" when you look at him. He's shortish and not exactly muscular. But let's just say that Tartarus has it's fair share of mosnters who underestimated him.
Patton also stays year round with his younger brother Dennis but that's because of a less happy reason.
See Hebe is a beautiful woman who Mr. Hailey fell in love with, but only for her beauty and they only had a one night stand. So he was not happy when a baby showed up at his door.
He got even worse when it happened again (although with a different goddess).
One day Patton took Dee and just left. Thankfully they were quickly found by a satyrs, Talyn, who escorted them to camp.
They stayed in the Hermes cabin for quite a while, Dee even longer than Patton, before being claimed.
Patton fit in quite quickly with his cabin mates. The children of Hebe are “highly sociable, take pride in community service and happiness of others, enjoy parties and feasts, tend to maintain a youthful appearance throughout their lives, are known to be fast healers, and are very good at planning social activities and parties.
That sure sounds like Patton to me.
Obviously is the dad of the entire camp.
Him and Logan, though Logan won't admit it, totally are mom and dad of CHB.
Random fact: Patton is next in line for counselor of the Hebe cabin.
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Son of Phobos, god of fear
He can instill fear in people, as well as make them see their worst fears. He can look at someone and know what their afraid at that moment and their worst fears. He can also sort of sense fear of all kinds, from nervousness to anxiety to terror.
Virgil has a sword made of stygian iron, with a hilt of onyx inlaid with amethysts.
Also, he's the only one who had the sense to have a freaking shield. He doesn't always use it, but it's usually at least on his back if he's going into combat. He also has a small hand crossbow, but he doesn't always bring that with him.
Virge has brown hair, dyed purple, and actually tends to not wear much eye shadow, since the sweat from training can make it run.
He also straightens his hair but has Hobbit hair that only the other three have seen because he's kinda self-conscious about it, and each time was an accident. (Aww that might a cute fic idea. “3 times Virgil accidentally showed his curly hair and one time it was on purpose”. Might write that if y'all want, idk.)
Moving on from his hair, he's got brown eyes, and while he doesn't wear a lot of eyeshadow (think the much less intense eyeshadow from his first few appearances) he still tends to wear white foundation and such. Idk anything about makeup.
Virgil is actually the tallest at 6’3” (190 cm) but is often so slouched he seems to be as tall as Logan if not shorter.
Virgil and his parents didn't even know he was a demigod, not until a satyr named Joan showed up at his doorstep on his 12th birthday.
So he shows up to camp for the summers although when everything at home becomes too much he is known to stay at camp for a week or two.
His family situation is okay, but it's pretty tense and that just overwhelms him sometimes.
Him and Roman didn't get along at first, Roman convinced he was the son of an “evil” god. Then the forest incident happened and Virgil realized maybe Roman wasn't the stuck up brat he seemed to be. They became friends and now Virgil is slowly falling in love. Curse those damn freckles.
Him and Logan get along pretty well and tend to hang out when everyone at camp is being a little too much. When they just need some practicality.
Patton is his best friend ever, they're totally bffs.
They're like the most wholesome friendship ever and honestly, even before Roman became Virgil's friend, people were starting to question if Virgil was really that bad, because if he was how could he befriend someone as precious as Patton?
Random fact: He somehow always manages to wear black and purple? He somehow even managed to get a hold of a black Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, something no one can explain considering they we're all supposedly bright orange.
I think that's all I've got for now. Maybe I can expand on this to make it more of an au? I've hinted at the existence of Remus and Dee, I could add in Thomas, maybe I could write some fics? It's all up to y'all.
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bat-besties · 6 years
On Impossibility - 5
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3    Chapter 4    Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8  Chapter 9
A popular!Logan and loser!Roman high school AU based on @2pointomg’s idea with eventual Prinxiety. 
·       not able to occur, exist, or be done.
Eg. It is impossible to fund both the sports and drama programmes with the school’s limited budget.
·       very difficult to deal with.
Eg. The situation which Logan Sanders, Student Body President, is in after he convinced the school board to cut the unsuccessful drama programmes is impossible.
·       (of a person) very unreasonable.
Eg. Roman Prince.
To Roman, nothing is impossible. Not following his older brother Patton to acting college, not being a loser taking on the school’s popular Student Body President and definitely not writing and performing an epic school play with no money and six cast and crew members.
Edited by @alpacasarethegreenestanimal, who has an amazing fanfiction on AO3! If you like superheroes, sarcasm and Virgil angst then you'll love this
Logan had never been more productive. He was ahead on homework, debate preparation and extra credit work, more invested than ever in running the student council and had recently taken over running the accounts of Elise's band. Cutting out lunchtime as a break had greatly improved his efficiency, which was doubly true when he followed a traditional meal structure of seven or eight meals throughout the day, skipping the need for a proper lunch altogether. His parents had always tried to understand their unique son, so when he explained his new regimen to them they let him take a smaller dinner at his desk as well, providing that he promised them he wouldn’t work himself too hard. Logan wasn’t working hard enough – he taught himself basic ASL and studied Hamlet, watched Bill Nye on his laptop as he read essays on Cicero, then took up jogging every morning before school so he could join the track team. It may seem counter-intuitive, but two weeks on Logan had confirmed the hypothesis that losing Virgil was the best thing which had ever happened to him. 
Virgil leant against Logan's bright red locker, looking as though he was the fulfilment of the collective hopes of Simmons High and had fallen back to sleep. The position was much less comfortable than it looked, and the currents of conversation swirling past him were unnerving, but if he couldn’t see Logan coming then he would be engaged in conversation before he could run away.
There they were – those tapping soles in their regular rhythm cutting across the scuffles and pounding feet of the rest of the student body.
‘Virgil.’ succinct for once in his life, the single word from Logan was both an inquiry and an accusation.
Virgil forced himself to open his eyes slowly. God, Logan looked awful. He had lines under his eyes and his polo shirt had a tiny crease on the shoulder. To the outside eye he seemed fine, but Virgil knew that for Logan this was like rocking up to school in a dressing gown clutching a beer bottle. Why was he like this? Had Elise not checked he was fine after the fight, and had Joan not seen how exhausted he looked, and had the people constantly asking him for help not noticed how overburdened he was? He was with all these damn people the whole time, why hadn’t he asked a single one for help? Virgil hated that he couldn’t stand on his moral high ground when he saw his friend floundering in the waves beneath him.
‘Virgil?’ Logan’s forehead was creased with concern.
'Um, yeah. Well, I was just going to ask you something, but you look really bad man, is everything...Are you okay?’
'I am fine, not that it is any of your concern. What do you want?’
‘Well, I’ve joined Roman’s play thing and we really need money for costumes, so I was wondering if you could, you know find some to, you know, fund it.’
Logan stared at him wide-eyed, ‘Virgil – there is no money. I looked. I don’t know if anyone else but me has realised, but the school has to spend a lot of money ensuring standard of learning is maintained, and its extra-curricular fund is not infinite.’
‘OK, look, man, let’s do this another time, what time were you up last night?’
‘Don’t patronise me, Virgil. Let’s do this right now.’ Logan folded his arms and somehow managed to stand even straighter, ‘I have agreed to help a small group of people from my Spanish class go over verb endings before a pop quiz, and I do not want to keep them waiting.’
‘Fine – what about the debate team trip to New York, could that be made less expensive?’
‘No. And we can’t cancel – all five of us are counting on a national win or at least placing high out of the finalists for college.’
‘Well, the theatre kids need stuff for college too.’
‘I am fully aware of that.’
‘Well, then can we- ‘
‘There is no money!’ Logan quietened his voice after people looked round at his outburst, ‘I have checked, and re-checked, and checked again, and we can run debate, sports teams, bands and choir and assorted student-led societies. Nothing else. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to Spanish.’
‘See you around.’
Something in Logan went slack at that smallest of amicable farewells. Then he drew himself up again. ‘Goodbye.’
Time to wade into the fucking river. ‘Logan, wait.’ The boy turned, ‘Um, we’ve been using lunch to iron out small details to maximise rehearsal time. It’s a good plan – I got it from you.’
Logan smiled a little, ‘Using dead time to work. It does sound like a good plan.’
Virgil cupped a hand at the back of his neck. ‘Would you like to join us? No big deal, just so you’re not sitting alone anymore.’
So, Virgil had noticed him – he had seemed too caught up in stirring up the theatre kids to louder and louder shouts of laughter with his little comments and observations. It was a nice gesture, but when Logan had spent so long as one half of a pair it was hard to be tacked onto Virgil’s new group: all loud, all weird and all on the outskirts of the social structure of the school. Besides, they wouldn’t want him there. He doubted Roman wanted him on the same continent as him, let alone the same lunch table.
‘Sorry, Virgil. I too have been maximising lunchtime efficiency. I – I am glad you at least learnt something from me. Well, I must be going.’
Virgil stood for a moment, watching the crowds rush past him and swallow up Logan. In that moment, he wished he could just let it go, ignore Roman and his crazy dream and Talyn and their beautiful designs trapped on the page, and Dahlia and her corny puns, and Terrence’s dancing, and Valerie’s evil laugh, and Kyle’s love of monologues. He wished he could let go of the memories of green plastic and blood rushing to his head, of the imagined scenario in which he could no longer paint and how much having that taken from him would hurt.
He didn’t want to dramatically run after Logan or tell him he was right and abandon his principles. All he wanted was to be lying on his bed, scrolling through Tumblr and to have Logan flipping through a book on his bedroom floor. Every now and then one would read out something interesting or amusing to the other, mostly they were silent. They might have film music on in the background and there would be a plate of Mint Oreos halfway between them, so that they could both reach. Perhaps later they would brainstorm ideas for Logan’s project, or come up with silly names for emo bands, or watch Cosmos for the fifteenth time and have twin existential crises afterwards. Perhaps they would have dinner with Virgil’s parents and tap Morse code on each other’s chairs beneath the table in one-word inside jokes. Perhaps they would just stay there forever, preserved in the golden afternoon sunlight as though in amber.
The school bell rang shrilly, and Virgil jumped, cursed, and ran to his first lesson.
It was ironic, really – Logan working on his Macbook in a comfortable suburban house worrying about money. It wasn’t impacting whether he’d eat or what he could afford to spend his weekend doing. It wasn’t part of his job at all to look at the school’s accounts, but Logan could not just stick to ‘salad bars’ or ‘laptops’. He had gotten this job (twice) to change things, and it had given him power and popularity, so he would do it properly. He had negatively impacted the lives of the theatre kids, and now he had to rectify that. Before, he had decided to follow logic: money for football, track and swimming meant college scholarships for the athletes and prestige for the school, which came at the expense of only fifteen people, and only six of these were really hurt by the decision. But now he would try something different – he couldn’t do the impossible Roman wanted him to, but for Virgil he would try his best to examine what he could do to help the play.
At least he had somewhere to start from: there was no money. How could he get some? Borrowing from a bank wouldn’t work, even if money could be made selling tickets. Fundraising, then. He knew enough by now to know that selling rainbow T-shirts to raise money for theatre may be seen as a slight. Moreover, those free T-shirts were part of a project which would be his legacy to the school which had accepted him: compassion, equality and empathy.  Fine, at $3 each if he could sell 50, then that was $150. It was a start.
He stared out of his window, down the darkening street. Bake sales? Eight people could make a lot of cake, even if two of those had baking skills so disastrous they had vowed to never try having any snacks but Mint Oreos ever again. Logan pushed away his laptop to lie on his bed instead. He closed his eyes. There was a calculus test tomorrow, and he had an essay due in he really should rewrite. However, his priority should be to help the people he was elected to represent.
Mariana Sanders tried. She tried to tell her son he didn’t have to do everything himself, she tried not to feel hurt when he corrected her grammar or brushed aside her view on science even if she held a chemistry degree, she even tried to take his textbooks away from him when he stayed up at night working until he began to plead with her and she relented. His father was happy to let Logan do what he wanted, provided he seemed happy and in control, but she just wanted to understand what was making him happy and if he needed help staying in control. She stopped outside his bedroom door and knocked softly. ‘Honey?’
‘Vinegar.’ He sounded tired.
She pushed the door open and threw some papers at him.
‘`Sweet Pea' and `Pussy Cat': An Examination of Idiom Use and Marital Satisfaction Over the Life Cycle’’ he read, then smiled up at her. ‘We’re not married.’
‘Same principle.’ She was glad he was lying down, and his school stuff was away on its shelf, ‘Are you going to bed soon?’
‘Sleep is incredibly important- ‘
‘I know.’
She sat down on the bed and tugged on his tie. Sighing dramatically, Logan loosened it, then at a look from his mother removed it completely.
‘Everything alright with you?’
‘There’s a lot on. Still, you know me, perfectly in control of it all.’
‘Invite Virgil over tomorrow, you need a break and I miss his confusion whenever I slip an MCR quote into general conversation.’ She rubbed his arm, ‘I’ll get you guys Oreos.’
Mariana frowned. ‘Logan, is everything alright with you and Virgil?’
That look. He had that look and she was knocked back years. ‘How did you lose your new astronomy book?’, ‘Are you sure that everyone is away on your birthday?’ and once, terrifyingly, ‘Where did you get that bruise?’
‘No. Just a slight disagreement, both he and I are men of principles…’
She pulled him into hug, and he broke off. There was a beat before ugly, racking sobs began to shake his body and he clung onto her desperately. ‘There, there.’ She stroked his back.
A single tear wended its way through Logan’s hair, though he was too upset to notice it. Mariana tried to blink it back. She was the mother, and she was meant to sit and be a rock, not break down alongside her son! But – she was upset for him and angry at him, and goddammit she was human too.
Logan couldn’t even think straight. ‘Mom.’ He had soaked the back of her top, ‘Mom.’
‘I’m here, Lo.’ She was crying openly now, ‘Lo, you idiot, I’m here. I’m here.’
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So. It struck me this afternoon that there's now canonically a cabin for Hypnos, god of sleep, at Camp Half-blood.
And there's a lot of fics that include the personification of Sleep from the short vids into Sides fics.
And while, I personally, have never done that before (on grounds that Sleep is canonically not a Side and only meant to be the personification of Sleep.) I may have to change that simply because there's a cabin to Hypnos at camp and that's just too good of a connection to pass up.
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