satoaifan4eva · 3 months
Heyyy! I'd love it if you made a fanfic of the Negaishipping Wild West AU ;D Thanks!!
Okay, sure!
Title of story: Beyond the Sunset
(Part 1)
Down in the desert, with the sun scorching the dry grounds and the cactus that spread thinly across the Westonia Region, two horse-like figures were moving across the land.
The two horse-like figures you were seeing are Mudsdales, the best mode of transportation across the Westonia Region. Upon these two horse-like Pokémon were two champions, a boy and a girl, from two different regions visiting this dry region, searching for ways to help any town they come across.
The boy was Ash Ketchum, Champion of Alola, as well as the Monarch of the PWCS, with his partner Pikachu on his lap, his Lucario on the back of Ash's Mudsale, passed out from heat exhaustion, and his Charizard flying above Ash with intentions of giving his own trainer enough shade from the hot sun. The girl was Iris, Champion of Unova, as well as the world's youngest and strongest Dragon Master, with her partners Emolga and Excadrill already passed out from the heat; Emolga was on her lap, and Excadrill on the back of the Mudsdale Iris was driving. Iris also had methods of gaining shade from the sun, with her Hydreigon flying above her.
These two have just arrived from their respective regions, with intentions of offering help to people from towns in Westonia. They just finished visiting the first town in the region, and they were just now making their way to the biggest city in Westonia. But unfortunately, they left for the town on the hottest day of the entire year, and that tripled here in Westonia, which was making the journey there even more painful.
They are about halfway through to the city when we start our story. "Sheesh," Ash complained. "How much longer? I've got to get Lucario out of this heat!" Ash was getting scared for his Lucario, and they were trying to hurry to the city. "Quit your whining, Ash!" Iris yelled at him from the back. "Only a little kid would get that affected by the heat!" Iris was trying to act tougher than her boyfriend, but was failing miserably; She was struggling just as much as Ash, maybe just a little more since she had TWO Pokémon passed out from heat. And to make matters worse, the clothes they were wearing were making them sweat like crazy!
When they got to Westonia, they bought some local Western attire, so they could blend in with the culture well. It was easy for Ash to choose his clothes: Blue jeans with a cool design on the lower legs, Cowboy boots with spurs, a red long-sleeve shirt, and a brown vest, as well as a nice Cowboy hat on his head, a belt around his waist and some good gloves around his hands. Iris had the most trouble. Everyone insisted that Iris wear a dress, as most girls in Westonia do, but Iris would not put one on, as the only times she wore a dress were during Unova Champion moments and duties, and whenever Ash invited her to a nice party. In the end, Iris won the argument and got an outfit similar to Ash's: Blue jeans with that same design on the lower section as the one on Ash's, boots with spurs, a purple long-sleeve shirt, a black vest, and a pretty Cowboy hat on her head, a neat belt around her waist, and only one glove on her left hand. The one move Ash didn't know she would do was that Iris unbuttoned the bottom of her shirt, exposing a small amount of her lower stomach, and tying the ends together underneath her chest. While he watched his girlfriend do this, you can garuntee that he had a hard blush on his face, and he wasn't even putside in the heat yet!
Iris was about to completely unbutton her shirt when she heard her boyfriend scream in excitement. "I see the town!" Ash exclaimed. Iris was excited by this news, as she was ready to rest in an inn with air conditioning for the remainder of the day. With a command of High Horsepower to the Mudsdales, they were galloping at full speeds towards the town. At long last, they arrived at Sandform City, the largest city in Westonia!
They parked their Mudsdales at the stables, and went inside the inn, where the city's local Nurse Joy was waiting at a counter. "Hello, and welcome to the Pokémon Center!" Iris and Ash were quick and desperate for a room. Telling her about what happened along the way. With a calm smile, Nurse Joy told them that the only way to wake up Pokémon from heat exhaustion was to constantly run cold water from the showers onto their bodies. "Works for me! I need a shower, anyway!" Iris said. "Me, as well!" Ash said, following after his girlfriend.
Both were slow to walk up the stairs, as not only were they carrying the bodies of their tired Pokémon up those stairs, but they were also in a lot of pain doing so, as the bodies of Steel Pokémon get hot quickly, with their bodies absorbing heat. No wonder Steel Types are weak to fire!
After 5 minutes of running constant cold water on their bodies, Lucario and Excadrill finally woke up! Relived by this, Iris quickly claimed to be the first one to take a shower! "Alright," Ash groaned at the hearing of this. "I'll go find our room and get us settled in." While she was preparing for a shower, Ash found the room they were staying and immediately took a good nap as soon as he landed his head on the pillow of one of the two beds in the room.
After Iris was done with her shower, Ash went in next, and it was around sunset when he was done! After he was done, they went down to the diner and had a pretty tasty dinner! By the tike they were finished eating, they were both exceedingly tired. It was pretty much dark outside when they decided to go to bed. Just before they both fell asleep, this small conversation happened.
Iris: Hey, Ash?
Ash: Yeah, what's up?
Iris: Why did you volunteer for this? This place is so hot, it's tiring!
Ash: Because people are struggling here, and I don't want it to endure!
Iris: I had a feeling you'd say that... Well, I would never dream of leaving you alone to do this in this massive amount of heat!
Ash: You still with me, then?
Iris: Of course! I'm with you until the end of the Sunset!
Ash: Thanks.Well, let's get some sleep. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.
Iris: Will do! Goodnight! I love you!
Ash: Goodnight! And I love you, too!
And with that, the two dosed off, with intentions of learning why the people of this fine town are struggling with finances.
That's all I've got for now! I just woke up, and I ran out of ideas instantly, so I made this a multi-parter! Enjoy for now, and when you're ready for it, send me an ask, and I'll make more!
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xprojectrpg · 11 months
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Throwback Thursday - Tayammum:
2 years ago Dust became trapped in her sandform after a mission, and it took a mixed set of skills to bring her back.
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grivessillus · 3 years
Spider-Man No Way Home Theories, etc, 2.
So I watched Spider-Man 3.
It's been years since I saw it.
I was curious about Sandman. Yes, I did yell at the film a few times.
For clarity. I will call Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield Amazing, and Tom Holland Spectacular. That's the ones they are anyway.
Sandman. So Many Things
So Sandman in S3 is fine transforming back and forth between normal and sandform. It's not a issue.
And he leaves. He doesn't die.
So why is he stuck in Sandform in S:NWH.
And it's a bit of a stretch to have him protect Spectacular in S:NWH.
He leaves Spider-man on eh to ok terms. Not quite rush to his defence terms. Time passed, maybe.
Sandman doesn't have anything to fix. He can transform with ease. The only thing he needs is money to save his daughter.
So why is he in Sandform in S:NWH. He goal is the same. Save his daughter. But the being in Sandform is out of place.
Making him Sandform all the time is lazy!
Condescending To Villains
There's a wierd and condescending thing in S:NWH in the 'fixing' the villains.
Their powers are not the cause of their problems.
Sandman doesn't even need it. Or he shouldn't. As it is, they make a modified version of the machine he got mutated in.
Just help his daughter! Give him some money. Give the guy stuff to sell. He didn't even get to steal anything. The poor guy didn't even get meaningful help. Help him! Help his daughter!
I'm guessing they pulled him from after the fight. They can't have pulled him from before. He is teamed up with Venom till the end.
Dr Octopus needed the chip fixing in his neck. That happens.
Green Goblin. He needs help. But he also isn't safe. At least have him stay at a neutral place.
Electro is a completely different character. But the 'fixing'. Ehhh.
You can't stop a guy using his powers. He is insane though. He needed mental help for his terrifying issues.
He's still focused on transforming people.
I hate to say it. But Electro and Lizard need locking up. Maybe leave them in the cells.
Bad Implications
So it implies they sent the poor cured villains back to their deaths or capture.
Though some are ragingly angry when they die.
Sandman at least goes back to hiding out in peace.
But Dr Octopus gets sent back to die. Poor Otto Octavius.
Electro goes back to being in storage.
Lizard goes back to planning. Except he's now cured?! He isn't completely cured in TASM2.
Green Goblin goes back to who knows when.
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Untold Tales of Spider-Man 03: Celebrity – by Christopher Golden and Jose R. Nieto
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Well this story sucked.
Peter Parker is hanging out at the Daily Bugle flirting with Betty Brant when J. Jonah Jameson orders him to head to Angelique's, a Fifth Avenue French restaurant where Johnny Storm is escorting starlet Heather Fox "to an early dinner...before her big premiere tonight." The Bugle is doing an article comparing "the heroic Torch to the criminal insect" Spider-Man. Jonah promises Pete two-thirds of his usual rate because "these paparazzi things are a breeze." (An amusing comment considering what's going on in ASM these days.)Peter positions himself on the sidewalk at the restaurant and is nearly trampled by the professional paparazzi when Johnny and Heather show up. He wonders how Johnny ended up so famous while Spider-Man ended up so infamous.Johnny and Heather aren't the only ones dining at Angelique's. William Baker is there with his date Candace. The menu prices are almost more than he can afford but it's worth it to him to impress Candace. He met her when he was casing the jewelry store at which she works but had to wait until he was out on parole to ask her out since he is the Sandman and had been captured by Spider-Man. But Candace doesn't know any of that and, spotting the Torch, she moons and sighs over him so much that William's jealousy gets the better of him. He attacks the Torch, trying to prove to his date who the real man is. Soon, Spider-Man joins the fight. The Sandman thinks this is great. It gives him more opportunity to prove himself to Candace. He doesn't know that she is mortified, that she is experiencing her worst date ever. She ends up side-by-side with Heather who is "looking bored and exasperated." The women talk. Candace fawns over the Torch only to learn that Heather thinks Johnny is a boring kid, that she'd rather go out with a different member of the Fantastic Four ("I mean, a girl has to be curious," she says) and that she thinks the Sandman is a "sandy hunk".In the fight, Spidey lets the comments of the crowd get to him ("Ya can't expect real heroes like the Torch to keep bailing you out!"), which translates into him letting the Sandman wallop Johnny from behind. Sandy realizes he has ruined his date. When he sees the rest of the Fantastic Four arrive, he skips out. Spidey hears the crowd cheer and thinks they are cheering for him until he sees the Fantasticar with Reed, Sue, and Ben in it. The recovering Torch angrily tells Spidey, "You need to relax, buddy." Spidey, unrepentant, tells Johnny to get back to his date. "I'm sure she's really impressed by your feats of derring-do," he says. "Not particularly," says Heather who has approached the two super-heroes. As the paparazzi snap photos of Johnny and Heather, she tells him that she is ditching him to go have café au lait with her new friend Candace. She only joined the heroes because she wanted to ask Spider-Man "if there was any way he could put me in touch with that Sandman guy." Hearing this, Johnny's face turns bright red ("For once, the change in color wasn't brought on by fire.") and, seeing that, Spidey swings away whistling a happy tune.
I really hope we didn’t peak with the second story in this anthology. This story is by far the weakest of the three I’ve looked at thus far and bears more similarities to the first story than the second.
This was another Marvel Team Up issue except one weirdly more focused upon the Sandman than the Human Torch. We get things from Peter’s, Sandman’s and Sandman girlfriend’s point of view in that order.
The majority of the story consists of  a super powered brawl in a fancy restaurant. Were this a comic book it’d be good enough for maybe a backup story or at a push a filler issue. Here it’s downright unacceptable.
Prose is (aside from maybe radio) is the weakest possible medium to do action set pieces in. Whilst the likes of Horowitz or Fleming can pull it off it’s notoriously difficult and especially so when you have characters designed for a visual medium in the first place. Spider-Man action set pieces typically involve a lot of punching, kicking, dodging, etc. in prose that just isn’t that interesting to read about. You just find yourself lamenting that you can’t see what is happening. Although a part from a neat trick where Torch burns Sandman the action we get is bog standard.
Sandman attacks the Torch, the Torch retaliates backed up by Spidey, they go back and forth, Spidey uses the fact that he is made of sand against him, he escapes. That is the sum total of the action here and it constitutes half the goddam story if not more.
Like the first story, this one isn’t much as a Spider-Man tale because it doesn’t really get personal at all and it doesn’t involve the two halves of his life really impacting upon one another. The closest we get is that Peter’s day job positions him to be at the scene of Sandman’s attack. Frustratingly the story doesn’t start like that as we actually visit the Bugle and get what might be our third exposition dump about Peter’s status quo in the whole book. Here at least we see Betty Brant and the story seemed like it was going to touch on her and Peter’s relationship somehow but it’s pure filler.
Spidey is also weirdly out of character here. It’s like if they took the jerkass Spidey from ASM #8’s backup story and used him as the basis for this story. He’s not quite as bad but he kind of enjoys Human Torch’s rejection, is seriously jealous and frustrated by the public’s lack of appreciation. Him being upset that the public hate him is one thing, but here he’s almost back to being AF #15 Spidey.
The story also makes little sense in regards to the Sandman. First of all there is a mind boggling line about how when he isn’t in his sandform he’s literally flesh and blood. Nooooooooooo he really isn’t. As Spider-Man 3 wonderfully demonstrated, he’s always sand 100% of the time. He can make himself look and like a human’s senses, but even if he looks human you can’t knock him out as though he was a normal guy. And Spidey doesn’t even do that when he gets the chance because he alerts him like a moron.
The plot is also dumb because Sandman, a repeat felon who is also now super empowered was released on parole…for good behavior. Not only is it unbelievable for Sandman to act that way at all, but why the fuck would the prison allow him to leave given his record and more importantly his super powers?!
Just about the only good thing about this story was the brief insight into Sandman’s mind where we learn how he’s grown resentful of normal life’s rules given his power and the brief scenes of his and Torch’s dates chatting. But the latter is purely because it was something vaguely different that broke up the dullness of the fight scene.
The experience was made all the more unpleasant by DeSantos ear grating performance for this story. His Sandman isn’t too bad but everyone else sounded subpar at best and unbearable at worst (chiefly the female characters).
All in all this story was rather pathetic and skippable.
P.S. This story’s placement within Spidey canon is vague but it seems to broadly happen towards the end of Peter’s high school career. It is clearly influenced by ASM #21 even if it’s placement in relation to that issue is not clear at all.
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skipdrawz · 4 years
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Name: Sir Throwalot 
Tribe: Eerie 
Rank: B
Bio: The one that all started baby and he only just make people explode into clothes don't worry there fine (I think...)
Name: Alertcarner 
Tribe: Brave
Rank: B
Bio: An robotic Car former that care about saveing the day and stoping crime 
Name: D & C
Tribe: Slippery
Rank: D
Bio: Dog & Canie the fire hydrant are a team that they explore the world together there BBFF 
Name: Cess & Tic
Tribe: Charming
Rank: A
Bio: Have a similar power to Sir Throwalot but this time it have to be a princess costume and Tic is is there to explode them when it time
Name: Unarmorwear
Tribe: C
Rank: Eerie 
Bio: The pre evolve form of Sir Throwalot and can only make them explode only just keeping there underwear which is very werid
Set 1
Name: Bigheaded
Tribe: Eerie
Rank: D
Bio: He make any one head into a giant bobble head now 50 percent off
Name: Leaky
Tribe: Slippery
Rank: E
Bio: Make a person leak normal water or something else leak all around them 
Name: Becky Bounc
Tribe: Charming
Rank: C
Bio: Make people into pogo sticks but she very kind to every one
Name: Whoppse
Tribe: Charming
Rank: A
Bio: Make people skin pink and give them whoope cushion arms and feet's and also make far sound lucky there not farts 
Name: Bik N’ Horn
Tribe: Brave
Rank: A
Bio: The legend daredevil that is a bike and not scared to turn his oppnet into one or not 
Name: Wighen
Tribe: Shady
Rank: B
Bio: He turn have a person into chicken that it and he can lay eggs 
Set 2 
Name: Joiner
Tribe: Slippery
Rank: B
Bio: Join a boy and a girl into one person who can never see each other but always together 
Name: Chewdog
Tribe:  Eerie
Rank: E
Bio: Turn people into a toy bones he run away from D&C
Name: Shellman
Tribe: Tough
Rank: A
Bio: He very busy guy his true form was inside his shell
Name: Sandformer
Tribe: Charming
Rank: A
Bio: Can turn into anything as long there sands and is not cat litter 
Name: Ballorina
Tribe: Charming
Rank: B
Bio: turn people into balloon and float to space
Set 3
Name: Dumbkey
Tribe: Tough
Rank: A
Bio: Turn people body into a turkey with only there head intact and yes he can be eaten
Name: Updownside
Tribe: Shady
Rank: C
Bio: Switch people arms and legs around is hard to eat
Name: Mustop
Tribe: Tough
Rank: A
Bio: A bunch of muscle on the top not a lot on legs
Name: Air O’ Bag
Tribe: Mysterious 
Rank: A
Bio: Make people into head with wheel air bags
Name: Safecontey
Tribe: Charming
Rank: B
Bio: Turn people into traffic cones is slow to run
Name: Flatrina 
Tribe: Charming
Rank: C
Bio: make only the head arms and feet move able so your more like a rug
Name: Acorman
Tribe: Slippery
Rank: B
Bio: Make people to according with just there just head in tact but that according to him
Name: Tubtall
Tribe: Slippery
Rank: B
Bio: Make people have a tube body only have the heady and tighs out, hey he like hamburges
Name: Cymchimp
Tribe: Mysterious 
Rank: C
Bio: turn people into a toy monkey non stop it get annoying quickly
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colingoedecke · 6 years
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“Among the Menagerie,” from the visual poetry series Sand~Scribed ~ #sandscape #sandformation #lightandshadow #lightandshadows #shadowscapes #waysofseeing #sandscribed #whatdoyousee #imaginaryworld #northwestharbor #easthampton #oceanside #seaside #sands #thefloatingpoet #colingoedecke #pleinairimagery #hamptons #visualpoetry #naturepatterns #visualstoryteller #worldswithinworlds #animals #menagerie #natureasart #beautyiseverywhere #dreamlike #beachcombing https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq3hyf1gDv9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s953xayautkn
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I’m gonna make this short and sweet, because that is exactly how this photo op was. Well, Jared obviously was as tall as ever. :) But the moment in itself was very sweet and so was he. There isn’t much to say about the photo really. Just that I brought these sandform toy ice cream cones with me, because I thought they could look cute in picture. :) When Jared saw them he laughed this very recognizable Jared laugh where you can really hear the “ha ha ha”. So I hand him one cone, we turn to each other, look at each other and snap. :)
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bbdeathz · 4 years
Folge 28
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Ja, Folge 28 und Gou hat Memmeon gefangen. War sogar recht schnell und die restliche Folge wurde es dann gesucht. Der Dialog von Gou war gut und somit ist es egal, dass ER es bekommen hat, anstatt Ash. Ich fand Gou da schon sehr gut und im Endeffekt hätten sie den selben Dialog mit Ash machen können. Nimmt sich nichts.
Voice Acting war teils auch sehr lustig, weil sie alle wegen Memmeon geweint haben und da muss die Stimme ja auch passen :P
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Oh, die Curry wurden so einfach mal gezeigt aus dem Camp und eine Spezialität Galars. Sowas kleines fasziniert mich, weils halt Spieleinhalt ist, der hier kurz gezeigt wurde
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Memmeon war auch echt niedlich in der Folge. Es schaut schon süß und hat gleich für Ärger gesorgt mit seiner Fähigkeit.
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Ich mag wie sie es visuell gezeigt haben, dass sie das Weinen überträgt und weils halt PM ist, wird da teils auch mit dem Weinen übertrieben, weils lustig sein soll. Besonders Kickerlo versucht sich das nicht anmerken zu lassen und dreht sich um :D Es scheint sogar so als versucht es stark zu bleiben, damit es nicht zu sehr auffällt.
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Da er Memmeon bekommt und es nicht nu ein random Fang sein soll wie so oft, wird der Dialog natürlich verbessert. Fand die Szene hier echt schön, weil die Wasserfontäne davor war und das hatte ein schönes Bild bei Gou dann. Und den Dialog mochte ich auch, zumal der elativ früh kam
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DAS habe ich nicht erwartet xD Na zum Glück war der Rest der Folge noch gut für Memmeon, sonst wäre das echt zu früh. Der Aufbau ist zwar im Endeffekt egal, aber dennoch. Das ist auch schon ein bisschen Komedie, weil er den Ball halt aus Versehen geworfen hat, aber Memmeon halt da war :D Ja, da war ich leicht baff
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TR im Hintergrund nen Abgang machen xD Die waren FAST da, aber dann kam der Wind. Und keiner bemerkte sie, was es noch lustiger machte.
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Also SOWAS passt echt zu dem kleinen Angsthasen. Kommt wie ein PKMN rüber, wo anfeuern eine nette Geste ist und sowas sollte öfter vorkommen bei es. Fand das halt süß wie sie alle gehyped waren.
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. . .
Ja, sowas einzubauen liegt naheliegend bei so einer Fähigkeit. Memmeon Sandform
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Selbst das Rotom Phone weint :D Das sind nette Details.
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Die Szene aus dem Trailer. Das Wasser haben sie echt schön gemacht und durch dieses Funkeln kommt die Lage von Memmeon irgendwie besser rüber. Dass es hier sitzt und ängstlich ist und so.. armes Ding :(
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Und hier haben wir die letzte Komponente von dem Overview Trailer :D TR fängt es nicht, es ist nur für Ärger da. Ich hab es mir ehrlich gesagt wichtiger vorgestellt, weil es im Trailer war, aber egal. 
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Der Dex von TR ist einfach ein Mood. xD I just... donf feel like it. und die Tonlage dann. Mit sowas muss TR arbeiten 
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Gou hatte, wie gesagt, guten Dialog. Ist aber auch das mindeste bei einem wichtigen Fang.
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Die Szene war wegen dem voice acting echt lustig, weil TR hier weinte und durch die Stimme und dem Dialog kamen sie hier wie paar kindische Erwachsene rüber, weil sie halt weinen und dann Sachen sagen wie ‘Ihr seid gemeint’ und so.
Selbst Ash und Gou meinten, dass SIE sich wie die bösen fühlten xD
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Noch mehr guter Dialog. Und Memmeons Augen funkelten hier richtig. Sehr schöne Szene.
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Und während sie TR bekämpfen kam so eine kleine Szene für Memmeon. Ich deute diese mal so, dass es lange umhergelaufen ist und nie so eine Situation hatte wie hier mit Gou, sondern es alleine war. Memmeon traff auf Menschen und PKMN und diese Szene IST wichtiger, weil es hier so aussehen soll, dass es lange gewandert ist und so und nie jemanden wie Gou traf. Ja, so in etwa.
Haben sie ja nicht einfach so eingebaut.
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JO DIE COOLEN KIDS IN TOWN! De hatten alle solche Brillen, damit sie nicht weinen müssen und gegen TR kämpfen können. War schon recht cool wie sie da als Squad standen :D
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Sehr süß ist es und gute Folge mit Gou. Und ich sage es hier mal: Ich war nie wirklich auf der Seite, dass Ash es bekommen SOLL, aber aus dem Trailer heraus dachte ich, dass es normal ist, daran zu denken, aber ich hab nie gesagt, dass es so sein muss. Dass er dann letzte Folge Porenta bekam, war dann die Wendung und weil Gou hier gut war und der Dialog auch, ist es egal, dass Ash es nicht hat. 
Aber ich möchte schon, dass es gute Screentime etc bekommt. :> Aber ja, gou hat es egfangen und es war schon süß an manhen Stellen.
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DAFÜR haben sie es eingebaut :D Damit es nochmal Hangry Mode gehen kann :D Hätte mir aber schon was anderes gewünscht, aber wenigstens hat es ne eigene Szene hiermit. Und wie süß es am Anfang auch ist
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Eternal Priest of the Sands
The preservation of ancient bodies was largely mundane, but combined with a mystical tether to the soul, creates a simple and effective immortality. 
[ ][ ] Life Unending – Your body has been carefully prepared and preserved, your soul taught the pathways back to life. Reduce all physical damage you would take by 1, to a minimum of 1. At first level, if most of your body is intact, you will return from death either after d6+1 days or when a lengthy ritual is performed. At second level, you can recover from being reduced to ash or dust. Your body will slowly reconstitute once revived, but after your first death you will never look entirely human again. The best you can hope for is to look like a well-preserved corpse, but entropy will take its toll over time.
[ ][ | ] Slake The Sands – By placing your palm against a creature's body, you can drain its life force. This deals 1 entropic damage per round, and requires that the target be either willing or helpless to stop you. For each damage dealt this way, you may either recover 1 health or gain d6+1 days of being returned to the appearance of a normal human. This magical disguise feels real to the touch, and will even guard against attempts to detect your magical nature. If the creature drained is not an ordinary human, then for the duration of the disguise you may take on some of its features or mannerisms (i.e. draining from a reptile may give reptilian eyes, a construct may cause stiff movement, etc.). At second level, you may recover health and gain the advantage of the disguise.
[ ][ | ] Curse of Desert Winds – You can curse the skies above to dry up. Once this curse is uttered, rainclouds in a mile radius will be herded away and not a drop of rain will fall until you dispel the curse. At second level, you can also summon a raging sandstorm around you in a hundred foot radius. Any creature out in the storm without protection will take 1 sandstorm damage per rounded and suffer from limited vision.
[ ][ | ][ | | ] Sandform – You are capable of transforming into mobile sand, and back again into preserved flesh. At second level you are able to gradually accrue more sand, becoming twice your ordinary mass, and doubling your unarmed damage. At third level you can grow to double your mass again, allowing a single unarmed attack to strike two or three targets if they are stood close. While in Sandform, you are in complete control of the grains that make you up, but must remain in a mostly-cohesive mass – grains that are shed too far from the rest lose any connection with you and become ordinary sand. While in Sandform you can also spend a turn to regenerate health by assimilating sand from any suitable source into your mass, regaining d6-1 health (minimum 1).
[ ][ ][ ] Servant of the Gods – You are familiar with dealing with higher powers. You gain a +1 bonus per level to social interactions with beings of great power, and a d6 bonus per level to rolls made to research them.
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specks52 · 6 years
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Formation • • • • #ameturephoto #ameturephotography #amateurphotographers #photographer #photographie #photography #photoshoot #photo #sea #beach #portraitphotography #portrait #portraits #photograph #photographer_tr #photographers_tr #amateurphotography #sandformations #limestone #rockformations https://www.instagram.com/p/BrsgobGHty5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hymsnkh41ei5
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xprojectrpg · 1 year
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Moment of Awesome - April Parker/Mayhem:April and Sooraya Qadir train in the Danger Room and April discovers just how sneaky Sooraya can be.
Damn, it looked like Mayhem could blend into the shadows just as well as she could if she wanted to... game on. Sooraya stayed where she was though, carefully watching the area around her. Three more tiny tendrils snuck out, creating a similar sound effect in two other locations before moving the two earliest tendrils just a bit. Come little spider... come come. Come little spider... come to get the fly.
'There!' April sent a tendril out to the left, web flying to the right as she targeted the sand tendrils nearest the chains. The resulting effect was. "Huh." She tilted her head, then realized she'd made the noise out loud and given away her position. "Shoot."
Sooraya gave as many chains as she could a firm tap and amidst the discordant sound, she launched a thicker tendril from the darkness above, tapping April's on the top of her head. Materializing on the closest platform into her human shape for a few moments, her laughter echoed through the space.
April shook her head as the noise rang out, both hands shooting web towards the laughter. "That was rude," she called out as she moved to a better vantage point. "We'll have to team up and use it against the others at some point!"
"Just don't try this at home, kids!" With those words Sooraya focused and tipped backwards off the platform.
"Soo–!" April jumped from her corner, webs flying in front of her in an effort to catch or slow the other woman's fall.
After only one tiny moment of freefall Sooraya shifted into her sandform, soaring up in a large plume of sand. The webs were neatly avoided as she became even with April's platform and a fat tendril shot out, wrapping around April's ankle securely. Hesitating only for a second, Sooraya continued rising and pulled April with her.
Flying behind a strong tendril of sand was pretty cool once she got used to it. "We're doing this again in group training!!" April called out with a laugh, slowly curling her body towards her feet in an effort to tag the sand keeping her moving.
Almost near the ceiling, Sooraya formed a little smirk with a slender tendril of sand before April's face, before simply letting go of her ankle, sending April in a neat little freefall. She rematerialized on one of the platforms and laughter once more rang through the large room.
It was instinctive to attempt to slow her fall, and April wasn't so different from others that way. But her instinct twisted, hands and legs in a freefall as tendrils formed automatically, slowing her fall and giving her the ability to glide much like a flying squirrel. "This is SO. AWESOME." Her exclamation was muffled by the wind she generated, but her shrieks of glee were universal.
The landing was a bit rough, but what were some easily healed bumps and bruises in the face of flying? She'd do it again. She definitely wanted to work with Sooraya on that being a legit move they could pull off in the field.
"Glad you are having a good time. Tired of being trounced yet?" Sooraya called down, still fighting to stop her laughter. "Or do you want a second chance?"
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xprojectrpg · 2 years
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Moment of Awesome - Sooraya Qadir/Dust:
In the wake of Garrison Kane's return from the Brotherhood, Sooraya asks some difficult questions about the failed mission and for a favour.
Sooraya let out a sigh. "Probably I should just be frank... I can understand why you shared whatever information you gave them. And I respect the hard choice that you made there. I don't know if I could've done so... But with Avalanche... it was the closest I've come to death I think and emotionally I'm struggling with the fact that this is because a teammate and trainer I trusted shared my weaknesses. I spent a couple days stuck in sandform, unable to communicate in any way..."
She shifted uneasily before continuing: "I need to deal with this myself mostly. But I also want to be honest and not let this fester."
"That's fair. I wasn't the first to suggest Avalanche be directed at you with the Brotherhood. And he ignored Magneto's rules about how far the Brotherhood were allowed to go." Kane said. "But I was still in charge. All I can tell you is that the Brotherhood was coming for us at some point. I thought sooner and with a bit of my control was better than the alternative. But you had to pay the price for that, and I don't blame you for whatever resolution you feel you need."
"I need to know exactly what you shared with them about me... Wait..." Sooraya frowned as something caught his attention. "What do you mean with 'Magneto's rules about how far the Brotherhood were allowed to go'? What happened there?"
"No fatalities. No serious injuries. The point was to show they could humiliate the X-Men, not execute them."
"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Sooraya shook her head. "Magneto has something arrogant over him, but he can put his word where his mouth is. I think that is the scariest bit... But back to my original question... you mentioned my weakness against types like Avalanche... anything else? Other weaknesses? Tactics I usually use? Or things you specifically didn't mention?"
"That you could be significantly more lethal with the right training, but being an X-Men had made you shy away from the most dangerous aspects of your powers."
"Alright... so not something that is directly hugely damaging... possibly leading to underestimating me a tad, but best not to assume that." Sooraya mused softly, speaking mostly to herself.
"Sooraya, I did my best to keep things to their own knowledge and prejudices. But I had to give up some info. I'm sorry about that, but it was the only way to make them believe I'd broken with the X-Men. I'm not sure what you want here. If you want to feel betrayed, you're right. I betrayed you. Bigger priorities aside, I still gave them a blueprint to hurt you. I take responsibility for that."
She let out a slow sigh. "Like I said, I do understand why you had to make that choice, Garrison. And I do appreciate you taking responsibility. It just scared me what happened... and knowing what they know seems to help a little." She hesitated a little. "Can I ask something else from you though?"
"Go ahead." Kane had been straightforward the entire time. It was clear both that he felt he ultimately made the right choice, but he wasn't going to try and duck taking responsibility for the hurt it caused.
"Train with me in the Danger Room. Not as a trainer, but just together." Sooraya met his eye grimly. "I imagine with you gone, Mags might be pissed, but he might also like to imagine he is sowing distrust among the X-Men. So let's overcome any of that before he has a chance to launch some kind of plan on it. Second, with him out there along with Sentinels and whatever threat can think of... we're gonna be fighting side by side again no matter if you end up with the X-Men again... so better to work through any stuff that might be there in the Danger Room."
"You're going to have to give me some time, but I'll be back. If I have a place, but that seems likely. And believe me, I'm not giving Magneto any free passes." Kane nodded. "Next time he faces the X-Men, he faces all of us. Together."
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