kingmintyreturns · 1 year
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hi life is kicking my ass. what if we were in spunch bop
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Minty is such a sweetheart. I also really love his selfship with Sandman. They’re just too cute!! I hope I did you and your boyfriend justice!
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ghostfiish · 7 years
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Commission for @silverwastes​ AKA Alphazi on FR of their dragon, Sandmint! Thank you so much :) I love Wildclaws and this was a fun one to work on!
[Image on the right is a different size for commissioner’s convenience. Do not use either of these images if you are not the commissioner.]
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reithya · 7 years
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Christmas gift for a friend on flightrising/deviant art of their Wildclaw Sandmint! Sandmint is the great x8 grandson of my 1st gen Imperial Survine and we have lots of little cute things written about it xD her da name is mamakanaynay and her flightrising is Alphazi x3
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kingmintyreturns · 11 months
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explodes @umlexis drew sandmint pokemans.....
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kingmintyreturns · 1 year
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a scribble because i havent drawn in forever and i realized we share the same dynamic
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kingmintyreturns · 1 year
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14th anniversary of punch out wii was yesterday, released may 18th, 2009. i was a second grader then. i feel old.
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kingmintyreturns · 11 months
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kingmintyreturns · 1 year
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yknow normally i would be very shy about my age regression tendencies due to fear of being misrepresented but you know what, it's my recovery and i get to choose (or involuntarily succumb to) the coping mechanism
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kingmintyreturns · 1 year
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kingmintyreturns · 1 year
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commission by NeoGeo
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kingmintyreturns · 2 years
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made this last night for valentines day💞 more thoughts below
this valentine's day was bittersweet for me as i had a lot of uncomfortable emotions, but i think it was for the better that i confronted them.
not long ago, men really, really scared me. to the degree that i would become angry just by seeing one. i was in a toxic community that confirmed my fears and i tried to change my sexuality so that i wouldn't be attracted to them anymore.
i had just decided to finally leave this community that had a hold on me for so long when i came back to the PO fandom.
there is no reason why mr. sandman should have appealed to me. his features represented everything i found threatening and abberant in the human race - his imposing stature, strong jaw, booming voice, protruding brow, large hands and feet, five o'clock shadow burgeoning from his face devoid of softness.
in other words, his "maleness" - which in itself is a culturally bound, cisnormative concept.
mr. sandman was a one-dimensional caricature that represented every man in my mind; having a voracious hunger for senseless violence and domination that can never be satisfied, laughing while watching someone weaker bleed out on the ground.
and yet, i enjoyed him vicariously through shipping canon characters and drawing him with a full spectrum of emotion; sadness, gentleness, and vulnerability included.
these thoughts bothered me endlessly. what if he had a capacity for love, a humanity that nobody could see on the surface? a desire to use those big hands to protect out of devotion, not patriarchal possessiveness? a surprisingly forward-thinking worldview rooted in healthy masculinity?
it started out small; imagining that Maybe, just Maybe, he wouldn't laugh when I'm hurting. maybe he'd even comfort me, scooping me up in those huge arms, a powerhouse turned shelter.
and as i continued to make self insert art and writings, i felt myself getting a little bit closer to healing. i still have a long way to go, and a real therapist - god knows love can't cure deep-seated traumas.
but in the meantime, it can carry you and keep you warm.
i've been asking people in my life about the definition of love, and it seems that there are as many definitions as there are people. but it tends to boil down to two main components: it's a working relationship, and it perseveres through the darkness, within reason, of course.
it's not two or three or five or ten perfect beautiful people coming together who will drop the other at the sign of imperfection. and yet, loving someone means always expecting better and challenging the other to improve.
you can call me crazy, but that's exactly what loving darius "mr. sandman" has helped me do in many ways both tangible and non. and my therapist thinks it's incredible and healthy, concern trolls be darned :P
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kingmintyreturns · 2 years
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"Come on out. I don't bite." artistic study of a modern masterpiece. please, for all that is holy, if you haven't seen Mike & Melissa, please do. i realize it's kind of a self-own for me to compare myself as a selfshipper to this borderline incel's purple skunk gf power fantasy, but aside from the meme value of this short film, i can't help but come back to it due to its unabashed sincerity and genuine plea for connection, even if through fantasy. also...warning for some VERY suggestive scenes, lmao. fun fact: mike & melissa was shown in front of a college class...
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kingmintyreturns · 1 year
mr. squeeman man me a squee
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kingmintyreturns · 1 year
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being a grown up makes me very tired.
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kingmintyreturns · 1 year
*remembers that one madohomu parody with gla/ss joe and mr. san/dman i did last year*
funnily enough i weakly associate sandmint with madohomu but in the almost exact opposite way thematically.
imagine a pink-coded cinnamon roll who is actually deeply traumatized, fighting repetitive (internal) battles with no end in sight and a badass who would shatter despair with an uppercut from a broken fist no matter how much it hurts, not out of a particular selflessness, but because hope is fucking worth it.
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