#sandstone blocks Orange
clovercrafted · 1 year
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🌷test build and tree practice
Messing around on a friends test superflat, decided to go back to my roots and make a cute little cottage styled build. This’d make a very cute starter base! I'm especially excited about the trees!
Also sorry if you're not on the tag list! Tumblr is telling me that people have deleted their blogs when its probably just url changes, let me know if you'd like to be added/readded!
Tag list ☘️: @gronglegrowth @absintheaftershock @adairctedgibbgirl @theronlovingcare @thefoxesraven @yourfriendphoenix @entomolodee @grymmdark @polnareffsbrows @sluttysoulcowboy @sculkgrowths @berieecraft @asynchronouscommunication
blocks used below
roof - bricks, granite, polished granite (stairs and slabs), dark oak fence, dark oak gates, terracotta (for the little inner bit), dark oak stairs, dark oak trapdoors
walls - sand, sandstone, smooth sandstone (base), stripped spruce, dark oak stairs (frame), dark oak trapdoors
decoration - glow lichen, glow berries, hanging roots, peonys, roses, tulips (white, pink, orange, red), barrels, plantpots, dead bushes, moss, spruce trapdoors, flowering azalea leaves, composter, lantern, dark oak fence, dark oak gate, dark oak slab, dark oak trapdoor, white stained glass (windows)
path - cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, moss carpet, azalea leaves, blooming azalea leaves, grass, tulips (pink, red)
trees - mangrove logs, azalea leaves, mangrove leaves, moss, moss carpet, green banner, glow lichen
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honourablejester · 4 months
Random Minecraft
I wanted a round house, and I love the desert/savannah style palette, so I played around in a desert flat world:
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Stripped spruce is a nice framing block, and the roof gradient from spruce to oak to bamboo was fun. I also really like the strip of orange.
This one I've started interiors for, at least of the central atrium space:
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I really like the strip of orange terracotta. The walls climbing from stripped birch to sandstone to orange terracotta to oak as it merges with the ceiling ... I'm enjoying the colours. Also I wanted a big green carpet/mosaic in the centre, just for pop.
I need to work on it some more, the exterior looks a bit unfinished, but I'm definitely enjoying the colours and gradients with this one.
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fitzs-space · 2 years
Some more moblin/hybrid headcanons if it is no trouble please
I wanna talk about Creepers I wanna talk about Creepers!!!
I like making these lil fuckers very diverse. their the overworlds little love. originally made as protectors of ancient temples of the original builders, but left forgotten only for the world around to give them back love and life. let them adapt to their environments and all that, let their bones of sandstone become covered in mosses or crystals, let them become something that can survive.
Love the lil guys.
Alright but the creepers themselves? they always look a lot different then most of the Creeper moblins you'd find right? always feel a lot more aggressive or more willing to attack players? what makes these Wild creepers so different from their moblin counterparts?
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ITS CAUSE THEY ARE JUST BABYS let them be! they just are trying to survive and haven't learned of life yet. Kinda like how most mandred baby's need a few years before they actually form memory's and all that, it takes a bit before some moblins form the proper code to become players. So for a while these little creeper pups will wander the wild near half blind as all of their scenes still develop. Their eyes as babys see only one colour and in high contrast, not the most optimal for surviual (more or less what you see when you spectate as a creeper in game you know?) So a lot of their instincts are keyed up so they actually survive. They are just lil guys with no arms, so they just kinda explode as a defense. Creeper pups that are born within actual packs are a lot less aggressive, cause they don't need to live the start of life fighting for survival. Not to say wild creeper pups wont be able to survive outside of packs,, its just rare, even rarer for them to become players.
So the main thing that makes creeper mobs different from moblins is mainly age. And that's also why, while most creepers are relatively only kinda 3-4 feet ish, creeper moblins are just, Huge.
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But the moblins are just very diverse! lot of variation to be expected, want a centaur? got em, many arms? all for hugs. horns, long tails, short tails, big floppy ears, no visible outer ear, pig shaped, cat shaped, you want em they are there. lot like dogs they are.
They are a type that will completely adapt to their environment, part as a way of camouflage when they were pups, so you'll find as many creepers as there are biomes sometimes. Its more common to see a typical mossy green creeper, but its to be expected when so many biomes are just, green plants. depending on seasons there are creepers that are more orange/yellow// general autumnal colours. In the desert its common to creepers who look like cactuses due to how flat deserts will tend to be, easiest form of camouflage when in plain sight. There are still creepers who look more like sandstone in the desert too, as well as creepers who look more like stone itself when one goes far enough into caves. it's just more common to find creepers that match closer to plant life. So sometimes one will see stonelike creepers covered in mushroom's in place of the flowers what grow on most aboveground creepers.
then nether creepers! a lot more fire resistant and way less likely to explode. They will puff smoke a lot more in place of the exploding. territorial things they are, but that's to be expected with most nether moblins. Some match with the warped and crimson forest, with all the mushrooms and vines that grow on them, but Its rare to find crimson creepers due to that being the Piglins main territory. So most creepers live within in the wastes, very similar to netherrack and will glow much like magma blocks as means of warding off threats, or when they are about to explode! But its generally not super common to see nether creepers as is, due to them having lesser defenses and living in higher danger then the overworld.
Does any of this make sense? maybe not! I just like the idea of Creepers being creatures that were original created similar to that of iron golem sentinel types, made to protect temples made by the ancient builders, The ancient builders tried to make em look like pigs, because they themselves looked like pigs, but much like actual Creeper lore, they fucked up a lil But they eventual got reclaimed by nature kinda idea.
other random notes? -Doc's horns are actually natural for some creepers, they are more bone like, or are almost woodlike depending on the creeper. -the flowers//general foliage holds cultural significance depending on the pack. though most packs aren't very strict with the ideas. It used to be seen when a creeper lived without flowers they were more willing to fight, due to less flowers growing when a creeper produces more gunpowder. -the act of gifting flower crowns// placing flowers on a creeper IS however a very significant thing that many packs still practice, and has led to a few awkward conversations between Doc, Ren and Renbob a few times,,, -that very much is AwesomeDude that I drew with the four arms up there. -Python is a nether born creeper! one that lived in the wastes, that's why his texturing was all red/white like. -If you read my netherMutt Tango then you'll love to hear that one member of his pack was a creeper runt that was from the crimson forests. she was a centaur type and she would not hesitate to throw the angry flaming mutt baby into a bag on her saddle until he calmed his ass down /hj.
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It is currently 5:33AM on August 16th. I'm writing this first thing in the morning before work, so forgive any spelling errors. First of all, take into account the biome in which acacia wood is found, the Savannah. Savannahs in real life are very warm and hot, and sometimes a dude needs some goddamn air in his house okay. Also, when you build a house with only acacia wood, it's a nice color palette. Maybe if you were a competent builder you'd know that. Mic drop. I'm not writing more than this I have work in like an hour. Also acacia wood irl looks nice. Fuck you
holy fuck the madman did it. i respect you for that. however i have some combatting words you british fuck. dude duh acacia wood looks good irl but we arent talking about irl are we. irl acacia wood doesnt look like someone dyed a plank of wood with sniper tf2's hyper-dehydrated piss. this accounts for your whole thing about heat too. dog yknow where else is hot? the fucking jungle and jungle wood doors look NORMAL instead of looking like you picked a door off of arkham asylums disused rusted over sister complex meant to store folks like kermit joker.
if YOU were a competent builder youd know that if a blocks only synergy is with itself its a shit building block. all good wooden houses or really any build in general has multiple types of blocks that go into it and acacia wood clashes so disgustingly with any other wood or really any convenient material that its as good as dogshit. if you were in a workplace and you only worked well with yourself but your job was to fuckin cooperate with people youd be fired asap. if i get online and see someones house made out of that pure highlighter orange shit im going to get banned from the server for 'firing' said house from its job of having four walls and a roof. maybe you could use red sandstone or something but who in the love of fuck is gonna be thinking oh im gonna use red fucking sandstone in my survival build. nobody. nobody gives a shit about red sandstone. nobody should give a shit about it. its lame and so is the badlands. mic drop. fuck you too.
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merlions · 1 year
Just tonight finally getting around to watching the new Dune - I was waiting cause some small part of me thought I'd be able to actually finish the book this time, but I finally have to admit defeat like the last time I tried.
Always been SO baffling to me how everyone seems to regard it on the same level as other sci fi novels, like Tolkien. I ate Tolkien for breakfast at 24 years old where I struggled with it even at 17, and since I first tried Dune at 14 I thought it might be the same principle, but I couldn't even get through the *audiobook* of Dune at 25 without like terrible headaches from just being so. Fucking. Confused.
Specifically the names! Not just names of people, but also titles and places etc etc etc.
Anyways while watching this I realized my problem FINALLY, and realized that I've been like imposter syndroming myself into believing I don't have mild color-grapheme synesthesia.
Dune is literally confusing to me JUST because A's and H's and K's are really similar colors to each other for me (arrakis, atreides, harkonen, kwisatz haderach etc (...i had to look up all those names cause i literally couldnt remember them as im watching the damn movie lmfao)) and they're also really similar to the color of the desert on the book cover, all like shades of red, some of which become oranges with the rest of the word. So reading the book to me is like. Every time a name comes up I am staring at a block of sandstone. Trying to pick one color out of the multitude of nearly-identical hues.
Which makes sense I guess why it's so frustrating to read, but also is a fascinating, COMPLETELY new insight as to how I read books or read/hear words in general. Like...it never occurred to me that that was the problem cause I genuinely didn't know I primarily use color to tell people/words apart.
I've always been a "speed reader", like is that just bc I identify a word and its color, and then every time it reoccurs I just notice the color and then mentally fill in meaning instead of reading the word again?
What implications does this have. I know color grapheme is the most common form of synesthesia, is it common to have problems reading like I have with Dune, or do people with it find themselves reading faster because of it? I heard it's supposed to be distracting but except in very specific cases, like Dune, it seems to specifically be helpful and clarifying? And like I find myself never going out of my way to get certain colors of things, but always ending up with that specific color of thing - ex. I never try to buy red backpacks but at one point I noticed every backpack I've ever owned in my entire life has been red. Have I been leaving myself messages. Have I been receiving messages from the Spice. Spice must flow. Spice must flow
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theluckywizard · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!
Thank you @melisusthewee and @nirikeehan for the tags!
I've been writing a bunnnnch since I got back from vacation and have been working on a Hawke and Rose smut scene on Giant's Staircase in the Western Approach for an academic-style smut writing exercise. It will feature in my long fic In the Shattering of Things down the line at some point! "With this caution and exhortation in mind, write a sex scene for a story in which you know your fictional characters well. Objective: To gain access to this rich material indirectly so that this experience often considered universal can feel singular, as though come to be for the first time in history." As with all smuts, I believe the set up is just as important as the business. So here is some set up! CW: spicy but probably mostly SFW
“Cats again, is it?” asks Dorian, smirking at us both. “A proper hunt. I spotted a half dozen at least. It’ll take all night,” says Hawke. I slip my arms around his waist without hesitation and Dorian salutes us both. We stroll lazily toward Hawke’s chosen destination, my insides humming with the intensity of my delight as his lips meet my hair, inhaling deeply. “Always upping the ante, aren’t you?” I remark, my eyes sweeping up the ruins. I can see the orange dance of firelight on the sandstone blocks above. He promised to find us a place we could wrap up in each other’s arms all night. At least we’ll have the high ground. “I challenge you to find a better place to canoodle than this,” he says, handing me up. We scramble up the crumbling structure which time has miraculously stabilized, hanging on to each other for balance. The tower top glows from the light of a small brazier he brought up, blankets laid out across the stones. To my left I regard a humanoid skeleton that Hawke has clearly sat up against the parapet wall, a dusty bottle inside its bony clutches and a desiccated, ages old wheel of cheese by its side. I turn to Hawke slowly, eyebrows raised high and his fingers tap over his cursed grin the way it always does when he’s desperately trying to contain gleeful laughter. “He was like this when I got here, I swear.” “I don’t know how you’ll ever plan to top this one,” I remark. “And the pile of varghest carcasses was pretty outrageous.” “Mm. Sounds like a dare. And you know I can never pass up a dare.” From up here we have a clear view of the camp below, far enough away that I assume they can’t hear every detail of our conversation, but if they looked up, they would know that something was afoot on top of the tower. Hawke claims my hand as I continue to survey the scene and draws me close with a sudden tug, knowing full well the effect of that little acceleration, my insides molten with anticipation. I assert myself though, aware of how I could passively ride his passion to several climaxes. I cradle his face in my hands, at least to prove I’m not resigning myself to another night with him, surrendering to his persistence the way I had for months. His chin and jaw are freshly shaved and his cropped locks fall over his forehead, too short to be tucked behind his ear the way they used to be. I run a finger over his handsome brow and then down to his soft lips which part on a wisp of a sigh. The intensity of his look dissolves into a vulnerable entreaty for more of me, the same look he’s given me since before that time in the tower when he’d first unlocked me. We meet in a feverish embrace, our kisses having greater urgency now like they’re somehow more fleeting in spite of being less so than ever. Something to desperately cling to while bashing our way through impossible danger. “You must have something planned,” I say, kicking off my sandals and standing on his big feet. “Aside from ‘make my beautiful lover come several times’? Not really,” he says, his fingers grazing over the hardened peaks of my breasts, my stay joyfully abandoned back at camp. “A bit ambitious. What if I want to turn your knees to jelly for a change?” I ask, my head dropped all the way back to gaze up at him with a grin. His brow lifts high, his smile slightly agape, his chest heaving on the deep, amorous breaths he draws. “Anything you want.” “Anything? What if I’m secretly some sort of depraved monster?” he says, bending for another kiss. “Well, I can always say no,” I remind him, pressing a brazen hand over his hardening length. “Oral. In a sailboat. With a squid and a sweetroll.” “Tempting, but no.” “Like a dog. Covered in honey, wearing our helmets.” “You’re going to make me guess, aren’t you?” I say, poking him gently in the belly. He shrinks back slightly, his hands leaping up protectively. “Lie down.”
Tagging in case they have WIPS to share! @crackinglamb, @rakshadow, @about2dance, @warpedlegacy, @monocytogenes, @rowanisawriter, @skyeventide AND YOU
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After a long wait, Minecraft Block Brawl is ready to begin!
The polls will start Thursday, June 15 at noon EST. May the best block win!
Side 1 (June 15)
Acacia Wood vs Air
Amethyst Block vs Barrier
Bedrock vs Birch
Calcite vs Cherry Leaves
Cherry Planks vs Chiseled Sandstone
Chiseled Red Sandstone vs Crafting Table
Crimson Stem/Hyphae vs Crying Obsidian
Dark Oak Planks vs Dark Prismarine
Deepslate Gold Ore vs Deepslate Tiles
Diorite vs Enchantment/Enchanting Table
Falling Sand vs Fletching Table
Flowering Azalea Leaves vs Grass Black
Ice vs Light Blue Stained Glass
Mangrove Planks vs Magenta Glazed Terracotta
Lava vs Moss Block
Mossy Cobblestone vs Mushroom Stem
Side 2 (June 29)
Light Grey Glazed Terracotta vs Mud Brick
Mycelium vs Note Block
Oak Plank vs Obsidian
Orange Glazed Terracotta vs Oxidized Copper
Pearlescent Froglight vs Petrified Slab
Pink Concrete vs Polished Basalt
Powdered Snow vs Purpur
Red Mushroom Block vs Quartz Block
Spruce Log vs Soul Soil
Stone vs Stone Brick
Tinted Glass vs Stripped Warped Stem/Hyphae
Warped Stem/Hyphae vs Exposed Cut Copper Stair
Red Sand vs Sculk Block
White Glazed Terracotta vs White Concrete Powder
Shroomlight vs Slime
Smooth Quartz Block vs Raw Copper Block
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*throws hands into air* Textures! And! Colors!
The process of the photos:
I dislike the white concrete, it's too white. I need something a little more yellow- oh my god I forgot bone blocks exist
Just bone doesn't work. Hm. Bone, sandstone, stripped birch?
Still a hurtful transition, but I don't want to bring the 'white' up further. Yellow concrete powder is terrible, but orange...? Yes.
Though now I want to replace the out layer of acacia with something else, bring down the orange... But also Minecraft let me place the weird corner stairs wherever I want because they're so useful for making more 'weathered' looks or odd shapes. Also give me more types of stairs, I'm waiting on glazed terracotta stairs :3c
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jqui62 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cole Haan  Pointed Toe Suede Morgan Mules.
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tirsden · 3 months
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Project navigation: WIPS 1 (here) | WIPS 2 | project complete
WIPs of the other newer house in the House Flipper update that happened at some point when I'd shelved it. This time I blasted everything out but the roofs, and the new structure... needs windows bad lmao. I was having indecision issues over the outer wall textures so that got hashed out first. Windows will be next, and will help sooo much with how dern dark it is inside the house now.
Speaking of inside, the main inner space still needs some structural whatnottery to make the second floor less gravity-defying. I may put a small bathroom on the first floor because there's a lot of space that doesn't all have to go towards the planned kitchen, dining, and living room areas. It's hard to see past all the red brick sometimes... I wish I could just insta-blast every exposed surface with white paint to help my brain comprehend what I'm looking at and plan structural additions a bit more easily. Plus, doing that would help block the propensity to think, "Gee, this place would look nice in orange-red sandstone" for the billionth time because I get so used to seeing the flippin' brick texture during the construction phase. XD
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ledenews · 6 months
What’s Becoming of Wheeling’s Heritage – Part 2 – “Vision”
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(Publisher’s Note: This is the second of a two-part series that reviews the development of ideas concerning the corner of 10th and Main streets in downtown Wheeling and the organizations and individuals who are participating in the process thanks to the explanations provided the executive director of Wheeling Heritage, Mr. Scott Schenerlein.) The Original Gateway Scott Schenerlein remembers when the Wheeling Suspension Bridge was lit up for the first time back in the 1980s. There were bright flood lights on the historic span’s sandstone pillars and piers and on its suspension cables, too, and orange-lit lamps lined the pedestrian walkways on both sides. The bridge’s railings were painted red and the guiding lines were blue and white, and when the switch was thrown the very first time, it was a very big deal. Very big. “My dad worked for Yahn Electric at the time and he actually crawled all over the bridge to install a lot of those lights,” the Wheeling Heritage executive director recalled. “So, we have a lot of pictures from that day. “We were down by where Heritage Port is today when they lit up the Wheeling Suspension Bridge, and we were so proud of my dad. We were proud of him, and everyone involved because it looked so nice. It was a great idea to light it up then, and I love how it’s been lit up this time. What a treasure it is.” There was no doubt, though, back in the 1980s that when the extensive overhaul was finished, the Wheeling Suspension Bridge would re-open to vehicular traffic. That, though, is not the case this time around. The bridge, constructed and reconstructed in the mid-1800s so frontiersman and their families could cross on the way to the west, was closed in September 2019 following a second motor coach crossing. The first time the Wheeling Suspension Bridge was illuminated took place i the 1980s, and the historic span has been renovated a few times since. That’s why officials with the W.Va. Division of Highways have stated a final decision – vehicles or not vehicles – would be made once the $18 million beautification and preservation project was complete. And it’s completed, pretty much, but still, silence. Kinda. Back in January, Jimmy Wriston, the secretary of the state Department of Transportation, called the Suspension Bridge a “national treasure” but also said that “as far as vehicular traffic, it’s time has probably passed.”   “No matter what the official decision is by the state, the Wheeling Suspension Bridge and all of its great history will tie into what happens on the corner of 10th and Main streets as far as the idea of a welcome and heritage center. It ties in perfectly,” Schenerlein said. “The Suspension Bridge is the original ‘Gateway to the West,’ and no matter what, people will be walking back and forth so they can enjoy the incredible views. And thanks to the renovations, the span can be seen from near and far. “It also will be very special once the former hotel is demolished because it will be the first time in more than 150 years that the (northeast) corner of the Suspension Bridge will be visible,” he said. “I know that is very important to (Wheeling CVB director) Frank O’Brien and it’s important to everyone involved, too. That will be a sight to see.” The southeast corner of the Suspension Bridge can be viewed from the back of the Capitol Theatre loading area. Big Boy on the Block It was the Downtowner Motor Inn, it was opened in 1956, and it was a very popular place during Jamboree weekends for a couple of decades, but the lodge fell into disrepair and was sold to Boury Enterprises in the early 1980s. The founders of the Elby’s Family Restaurant franchise quickly revamped and renovated the lodge into a modern motel complete with a restaurant and a lounge for the evenings. The Best Western Wheeling Inn later was home to the Riverside Restaurant, a very popular eatery with a deck overlooking the Wheeling Suspension Bridge, and the show schedule at the Capitol Music Hall kept the grounds buzzing on most weekends. The ownership of the property changed again in 2004 when Nalini, LLC, purchased it, and in May 2022 the Wheeling Inn was deemed a nuisance property and the business was shuttered. In January 2023, the Wheeling CVB purchased the parcels for $1.7 million. The Downtowner Motor Inn was constructed in 1956 and was purchased and renovated into the Wheeling Inn in the 1980s. CHECK! Ever since Schenerlein and O’Brien have gathered a group of civic leaders and advisors to help guide what’s next for 989 Main Street. “There’s been a long conversation about that property for several years and we’re just glad that a deal worked out so there’s another chapter for that corner (of 10th and Main streets),” Schenerlein confirmed. “It’s always been a priority for Wheeling Heritage to establish a heritage center, and there couldn’t be a better opportunity and that’s why we put a survey out there so we could collect as many opinions and ideas as we possibly could. “It’s a process that’s already started, and now that we have the survey results, it’s time to move forward,” he said. “There were so many great ideas shared with us and once the property is clear, we can really concentrate on what’s next.” Main and Market streets are under construction right now thanks to the $30 million streetscape that's been ongoing for more than a year. The completion of the project is not expected until mid-2025. It was O’Brien, in fact, who revealed the next step when explaining three weeks ago the timeframe for the demolition, and now the bids are due by this Friday for the environmental remediation and the razing. The survey results indicated people want to learn and experience the city’s long history, and they wish to take advantage of the perched location of the property and also gain access to the riverfront that rests below. “We received over 4,000 responses, and the common denominator is seeing the old building be torn down in favor of something new,” reported Olivia Litman, marketing director for the Wheeling CVB. “And seeing the (northeast) corner of the bridge for the first time in more than 100 years also was high on the list of their priorities. “The community’s passion for this project was obvious with the survey results, and I think that’s the best part of it,” she said. “There are a lot of people who are discussing all of the ideas the participants offered and that’s one of the most important parts of all of this because this is the community’s project.” This rendering has existed for a number of years because a heritage center near the Wheeling Suspension Bridge has been a goal for a long time. Dollars and Sense Schenerlein, of course, is the executive director of Wheeling Heritage, and Alex Panas is the program manager, Amy Karrasch serves as the communications and development manager, and Johnathon Porter and Dillon Richardson are the organization’s digital content specialists. Those five individuals are challenged each day with the herculean task of discovering, documenting, preserving, and promoting the antiquities of a region that date back to the 1700s. Since the non-profit was created in 1994 as the Wheeling Area Heritage Area Corp., six different directors, and their respective staff members have achieved those goals and much, much more. According to the Wheeling Heritage website, the organization has “generated $86.6 million in economic impact, supported 1,109 jobs, and generated $6.4 million.” Those statistics could sharply increase, too, with the completion of the heritage center project on the upper downtown property. “The residents of Wheeling through the years have always had a big connection to our riverfront, and that’s why Heritage Port was completed in the early 2000s. I do believe it’s time to go back and freshen that up,” Schenerlein said. “And the Gateway project, I think, will connect us to the trail next to the river, too, and then there will be that connection to everything else that’s along the waterfront. The purchase of the former Wheeling Inn was finalized in January 2023 and the CVB staged a press conference the following day. “We hear about other towns along rivers and how they thrive because they utilize the waterfronts, and we have a boating community here in the Wheeling area that should be able to come into downtown Wheeling to enjoy things like the Artisan Center and River City, like Waterfront Hall and what they have there, and other things, too,” he said. “That’s a whole community that really can’t utilize that growth right now in our downtown.” Other than discussing the ideas for the welcome and heritage center, Schenerlein has stressed “sustainability” for the property, and quite simply that means what sits at 10th and Main streets must pay for itself. “In our meetings, we have discussed many times that cannot just build something that doesn’t sustain itself somehow, and one of the ideas is a boutique hotel of some kind with some other amenities, too. It’s something I bring up often,” he said. “I know what it takes to operate the Artisan Center, and it’s not cheap. “So, sustainability is a piece of the project, so I believe a place where people can stay overnight and go enjoy our downtown is really important. And once we get folks in here, we have the chance to orient them to where they are and what’s around them, and maybe they’ll go to Oglebay, or to Independence Hall, or to a restaurant,” Schenerlein added. “Who knows? We’re going to run the numbers, review all of the offered ideas, and then go back to the community again to see what they think.” https://ledenews.com/whats-becoming-of-wheelings-heritage-part-1-special/ Read the full article
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radar-of-minecraft · 10 months
Minecraft Items Challenge Attempt 2: The Bountiful Update: Part 1
Welcome to the Bountiful Update, this is another one of the most played old versions of Minecraft if you want to play a version of the game that has really shitty combat. It's also the last update before an extremely long time with no updates, and the first update in the Microsoft Era
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New world selection screen. Still no world thumbnails.
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Oh goodie, my skin is complete!
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My Alpha Slabs have broken, and will remain that way until Update Aquatic.
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After the time I spent fishing last update, I think I might have too many saddles.
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This update added a bunch of new Wood Blocks, so I thought it would also add better signs, but apparently those weren't added until Village & Pillage
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New Collection Section out of Red Sandstone.It was either this or prismarine, which would be a better choice, but it would stop me from building the Collection Section until after I've raided an ocean monument.
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I then crafted up all of the new Stone blocks, and I have to say the crafting recipes for Diorite, Andesite, and Granite have to be the most obscure recipes in the game
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Up next is banners, only the 16 basic ones instead of the 12.7 quattuordecillion types that you can make with dyes, I built a little cow pen because I've noticed that animals are spawning less and less frequently around my base, and I want a consistent source of food for when I get to bigger updates like The Combat Update and those that make up Modern Minecraft
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Also, my nether portal is broken, unfortunately it will not stay that way for long, when I go into the nether for Magma Blocks in the Frostburn Update the portal will fix itself
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In this post I added the Birch Fence, Birch Fence Gate, Birch Door, Spruce Fence, Spruce Fence Gate, Spruce Door, Jungle Fence, Jungle Fence Gate, Jungle Door, Acacia Fence, Acacia Fence Gate, Acacia Door, Dark Oak Fence, Dark Oak Fence Gate, Dark Oak Door, Cut Red Sandstone, Red Sandstone Stairs, Red Sandstone, Red Sandstone Slab. Chiseled Red Sandstone, Diorite, Andesite, Granite, Polished Diorite, Polished Andesite, Polished Granite, Armor Stand, Iron Trapdoor, Chiseled Stone Bricks, Coarse Dirt, Slime Block, White Banner, Light Gray Banner, Gray Banner, Black Banner, Brown Banner, Orange Banner, Yellow Banner, Lime Banner, Green Banner, Cyan Banner, Light Blue Banner, Blue Banner, Purple Banner, Magenta Banner, Pink Banner, and Red Banner.
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Up next I raid an Ocean Monument, before swimming was added, this is going to be hell.
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ainews · 1 year
Brownstone housing is one of the most iconic features of New York City. It's that classic red-orange hue that lines the streets of many of the neighborhoods in the city, gracing the façades of entire blocks, and lending each corner a unique townhouse charm. But why is it so popular? Here is a closer look at why brownstone has become an iconic part of New York City.
The history of brownstone in New York City dates back to the 19th century when Italian and Irish immigrants moved to the city and began constructing the distinctive homes. It was cheap: at the time, building supplies were plentiful and it was an inexpensive material to work with. Its most common form, a sandstone brick, became a popular choice for building brownstone homes.
The color of brownstone comes from the minerals in the stone, which often contain iron, copper and manganese. These elements combine to give the brick its unique reddish-orange hue. This hue is also quite durable, so it's able to withstand harsh weather conditions that come with living in a city like New York.
Brownstones were quick to take off in the city. Aside from their cheap production cost, their unique charm has captivated home buyers for generations. From the outside, brownstone homes have an elegant, distinguished feel. They call to mind images of old-world wealth and sophistication, even though they were originally quite affordable.
Today, brownstone is a major part of the NYC aesthetic and culture. Its presence is heavily linked to the classic look of the city, and entire neighborhoods have been built around the brick style. These days, brownstone homes can sell for millions of dollars, making them one of the most desirable types of housing in the city.
In other words, brownstone has become a part of NYC history. From its humble beginnings to its current status as one of the most desirable housing types in the city, it's easy to see why brownstone has become an iconic, instinctive part of New York City.
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jqui62 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cole Haan  Pointed Toe Suede Morgan Mules.
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radar-of-minecraft · 1 year
Minecraft Items Challenge Attempt 2: Beta 1.2
Welcome to Minecraft Beta 1.2, this update notably includes dyes and dyed wool, as well as birch and spruce trees.
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First thing I did was grab not enough bones, I grab more later but I don't have an image for it. Bones are a new item and also the dye that I need the most of.
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I made a new section of the collection. This time out of orange wool instead of yellow because last time I didn't remember how bad the light colors looked with the classic textures.
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Here, by the way, is my plan for when Birch and Spruce saplings are added in Beta 1.5. Oak Leaved that generated before Beta 1.2 become a random type of leaves when updating, this includes Jungle Leaves, which are otherwise unobtainable until commands are added, and unobtainable in survival until Jungle Trees are added.
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And we are off, looking for birch and spruce trees.
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And about a kilometer away from base, my birch tree
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I immediately dig down to look for Lapis now that I know I am in b1.2 chunks. I was also not paying attention and I fell into a cave.
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What is this worthless blue shit, this can't recolor a sheep!
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That's better.
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About 24 minutes later, I finally see a snowy taiga. about 3.5km from my base. Much closer than the 7km from last attempt. I grabbed 3 stacks
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I accidentally dropped the render distance down. This looks like Silent Hill.
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The Forest Fire is still raging, and probably will until fire spread is heavily nerfed in Beta 1.6
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Home Sweet Home. Gave it a makeover for the second update in a row
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Grabbed the last few remaining items I needed for the collection, like ink sacs and milk. I tried to milk a squid but that was removed in an earlier version of Beta 1.2. I then went on a wild goose chase looking for a cow, only to fall off a cliff and get my first death of this attempt before finding one.
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And here's all of Beta 1.2; Sugar, Sandstone, Birch Wood, Spruce Wood, Cake, Dispenser, Charcoal, Bone, Block of Lapis Lazuli, Note Block, Bone Meal, Light Gray Dye, Light Gray Wool. Gray Dye, Gray Wool, Ink Sac, Black Wool, Red Dye, Red Wool, Orange Dye, Orange Wool, Yellow Dye, Yellow Wool, Lime Dye, Lime Wool, Green Dye, Green Wool, Cyan Dye, Cyan Wool, Light Blue Dye, Light Blue Wool, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Wool, Purple Dye, Purple Wool, Magenta Dye, Magenta Wool, Pink Dye, and Pink Wool.
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Up next is Beta 1.3, which will involve yet another upgrade to the house, although this one is much more substantial, as well as grabbing slime balls now that slime spawning is fixed and also finally turning the difficulty back up now that beds exist and I don't have to spend half my exploring time cowering in a hole. Also, I checked. My world did not get corrupted when I upgraded, meaning that this is the farthest I've ever gotten.
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radioves · 3 years
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