holliesocks · 4 days
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Lake View with Sandthorn
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somediyprojects · 1 year
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Sandthorn stitched by wafflepie. Pattern designed by Alisa Okneas.
Sandthorn by Alisa Okneas - before and after backstitch. Pattern link here, done on 32 count evenweave! Finished this last year and only just got round to washing and ironing it yesterday...
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vantage-nutrition · 10 months
Skincare benefits of sea buckthorn supplements
“Invest in your skin. It is going to represent you for a very long time.” Linden Tyler
Beautiful skin requires commitment; it’s not a miracle. Many skin supplements are available in the market, but Sea buckthorn is one of the most widely used supplements for skin care. Known by the scientific name Hippophae Rhamnoides, Sea buckthorn can be found throughout Europe and Asia. Let’s delve deeper into understanding this naturally available supplement.
What is sea buckthorn?
Sea buckthorn is a thorny shrub with delicate, willowy foliage and vivid orange-yellow berries. The leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits are all employed in traditional medicine. The oil and fruits of sea buckthorn are most beneficial for the skin.
Other names for this shrub include seaberry, Siberian pineapple, sandthorn and sallowthorn. It is commonly found in rocky coastal areas or dry subalpine areas.
Sea buckthorn oil can be produced from the fruit as well as the seed. The berries of sea buckthorn are high in vitamins, carotenoids (plant pigments), and fatty acids, while the seeds are a rich source of fatty acids.
The commonly used product of sea buckthorn is fruit oil, which is rich in essential fatty acids, α-linolenic 18:3 ω-3 acids, linoleic 18:2 ω-6, and pulp oil that contains high levels of monounsaturated palmitoleic acid 16:1 ω-7 [1]. It contains omega-3, 6, 7, and 9 fatty acids along with flavonoids. [2].
Benefits of sea buckthorn supplements
Good for Cardiovascular Health
Sea buckthorn is good for cardiovascular health. It contains Palmitoleic acid, which is an omega-7 fatty acid. These fatty acids help lower cholesterol and improve cardiac function while reducing inflammation.
Boost immunity and prevent diseases
Sea buckthorn contains antioxidants, which protect cells from free radical damage. Free radicals are often the underlying cause for cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular diseases.
Promotes glowing skin
Because of its high concentration of vitamins and fatty acids, sea buckthorn is commonly utilized in skin and hair care products. Aside from vitamins A, E, and C, the oil is high in gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that promotes blood circulation and slows aging.
Sea buckthorn is also known for its anti-aging properties. It may help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Sea buckthorn oil contains plant sterols such as beta-sitosterol and campesterol, which help to hydrate the skin, smoothen its texture and increase its elasticity.
Regulates oily hair
When it comes to hair care, sea buckthorn can assist get rid of extra oil without damaging the hair. Sea buckthorn oil is therefore used to control greasy hair and scalp.
Benefits for Acne-prone skin
Sea buckthorn oil supplements help in signalling the oil glands to reduce the excess production of sebum, thereby assisting in reducing acne outbreaks.
Diabetes management
Studies have shown that sea buckthorn may help reduce blood glucose levels in prediabetes. It also supports liver health. People taking sea buckthorn have a more remarkable ability to secrete insulin[3].
How to take Sea buckthorn?
Sea buckthorn supplements are usually safe to consume. It is not advisable to those who are allergic to sea buckthorn as an ingredient. Individuals who are on medications for blood thinners and regulating blood pressure or pregnant and lactating women should consult their healthcare provider before taking sea buckthorn supplements.
Supplements may range from 350 mg to 1,000 mg of sea buckthorn. These may come in capsule, soft gels, tablets, oils, juice, and various other formats. It is always advisable to not exceed the recommended dosage on the pack when taking the supplement.
Skin is the largest organ of the body, and its health is reflective of our overall wellbeing. Identifying skin problems and choosing the right supplements is essential for better health outcomes. Sea buckthorn can solve many common health concerns related to your hair and skin. Above all, do not forget to maintain healthy lifestyle practises such as drinking plenty of water, eating wholesome meals, staying physically active and leading a balanced stress free life so that your skin can radiates a healthy glow.
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windclan — year six — leafbare
crowfoot dies.
cariboustripe, fireye, hurricanefang, poppyblaze, and sandthorn become warriors.
antpaw dies.
sedgepaw is apprenticed to owlwhisker. thistlekit dies.
baylight has one kit, whiskerkit. woodpaw is reapprenticed to sapsnow.
dewspots has three kits, boulderkit, sugarkit (dappled she-cat), and thunderkit (pale tom with dark stripes).
mudclaw dies.
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foreigndreamerr · 6 years
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autumncottageattic · 7 years
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Sandthorn, very sour, tasty and useful
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blog-salim-universe · 5 years
Good for Diabetes
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athenagc94 · 2 years
Written in Rose Quartz
Epilogue - Unsuur/Builder Fic - Rose Quartz
Here’s the last chapter of this fic. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I’ve got more ideas with different Sandrock characters, so keep an eye out for those in the future. And, of course, fanart of all these characters once I pick the pen back up.
You can also keep up with it on my AO3 here.
Beginning | Prev | End (You are Here)
“Okay, but get this.” Heidi settled back in her barstool and crossed her legs. “The busty geegler that saved the hero at the beginning was actually the leader of the bandit gang the whole time and the hero decided to—”
Robbie groaned. “You need to stop taking book recommendations from Ernest.”
Heidi wrinkled her nose. “It’s called good literature, Robs.”
“Is that what we’re calling it?” Pablo muttered under his breath. Robbie snorted as she took a sip of her drink. The sandthorn juice burned her nostrils and she bit back a cough. “No offense, but you wouldn’t know good literature if it bit you in the ass.”
Heidi crossed her arms and huffed. “Those’re some bold words comin’ from two people who don’t even know how to read.”
Pablo rolled his eyes. “I know how to read.”
“The back of shampoo bottles doesn’t count.”
“I, for one,” Robbie announced loudly, drawing a stink eye from Yan who sat all alone at the end of the bar, “have never read a word in my life.” That was a flat out lie. She liked weird books—much weirder than Heidi’s romance novel between a busty geegler and a human, but Heidi’s pinched expression made the declaration worth it. 
“Besides, there’s too much excitement in the real world to bother with books.”
“Speaking of excitement,” Heidi leaned forward in her seat. Across the saloon, someone whooped followed by the clink of glasses. It seemed everyone was in high spirits that evening. “It’s finally the big day, isn’t it?”
Robbie toyed with one of her curls. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
“The day your boy toy officially moves in,” Pablo said as he stuffed a berry tart in his mouth, “It’s all you’ve talked about these last few months. Or have you already forgotten how sickeningly in love you are?”
“Oh, I might have to remind myself.” Robbie tapped her chin. “Where should I start? The way Unsuur’s back muscles flexed perfectly as he helped unload the latest water shipment from Atara or the fact that when he was trying to get Banjo out of a tree, he almost got himself stuck instead?”
“I watched it happen,” Heidi attested, “Burgess had to help him down.”
“But Unsuur rescued Banjo in the end,” Robbie said.
Pablo made a noise of disgust. “Of all the men in this town…”
“Of all the men in this town,” Robbie bit off, “Unsuur is one of the finest.” She shoved him playfully. “And you’ll do well to remember that, unless you want to fight me in the town square.”
Pablo threw up his hands, but wisely kept his mouth shut.
“So, when does he move in?” Heidi vibrated in her seat. She loved love and decided to experience it through her.
“After he finishes his patrol this evening.”
Robbie smiled to herself. Though it would hardly make a difference. Unsuur spent most nights with her anyway—claiming something about his duty to ensure her safety while Heidi finished construction on her expansion. Now that it was done, they could make it official. She had a second level with two bedrooms. Her old room could become a storage closet—as it was probably intended to always be.
Her favorite addition had been the balcony at the back of the house. She and Unsuur could sit out there and quietly watch the sunset at the end of a long day—just like they always planned.
Her first purchase at By the Stair was a full bed that looked small in the new bedroom. They would need some more furniture to fill the space. Though Unsuur and his incredibly long legs would thank her for the worthy investment.
“It’s a little empty right now,” she said with a shrug, “but more furniture will have to wait until I’ve rebuilt my savings.”
“Need some help with that?” Pablo grinned fiendishly.
Robbie shook her head. “Absolutely not. No more bets with you. I think I’ve learned my lesson.”
He pouted. “Oh, come on. I think you’ll like this one.”
“He always says that,” Heidi whispered in her ear, ever the sound voice of a reason. Though, she liked to think she’d grown wiser as well. She thanked the lapis lazuli. “Don’t fall for his tricks. He just likes to stir up trouble.”
“Why don’t we let Robbie decide for herself.” His gaze flicked over her shoulder. “One hundred gols says you can’t get that guy who just walked in to kiss you.” He thrust his chin in the direction of the upper landing. Robbie turned to see Unsuur and Justice stepping through the door, shaking sand from their hair and coats. Just seeing him made her smile. 
“I’m thinking of the awkward, gangly one, but I guess it’s your choice.”
She slapped the bar top. “I’ll take that bet.”
Pablo snickered. “Of course, you will.”
“Easiest hundred gols I’ve ever made.” She finished off the rest of her drink and slipped out of her seat.
She hurried up the landing and cut the guys off before they reached the bar. She whistled softly, “Well, aren’t you gentlemen a sight for sore eyes. I do love seeing a man in uniform at the end of a long day.”
Justice snorted. “Evenin’ to you too, Robs.” He brushed past them to join the others at the bar. He took the open seat next to Heidi and she ducked her head sheepishly to hide her blush when he greeted her. Robbie arched an eyebrow. Curious. That reaction alone would warrant her attention sometime soon but, right now, she had a bet to win.
A gentle smile curved Unsuur’s lips. “I thought you’d still be working at the shop? Did you finish up early?”
“Arvio brought the bed this morning and it didn’t take that long to set up. I figured I’d come meet you up here when you finished your shift. You always have dinner here on Fridays.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him in. His brows rose ever so slightly—a question in his eyes. “But quick, I need you to kiss me.”
He glanced sheepishly at the other patrons. “What? Why? We’re in public.”
For someone so daring behind closed doors, he still got adorably flustered when she showed any affection in a public space. “Pablo bet me a hundred gols that I couldn’t get you to kiss me and I gladly took that bet.”
The corner of his mouth twitched. “Well, now I know I shouldn’t.” Even as he said it, his hands settled on her hips. She smoothed the fabric on the front of his Civil Corps jacket, feeling the muscles hidden under the layers of fabric. A purr rumbled deep in his chest. “How else are you going to learn your lesson? Taking bets from Pablo gets you into trouble.” He couldn’t even keep a straight face as he said it.
“This seemed like an easy hundred gols. I know you’ve had your eye on that stone table and chair set at Arvio’s—the granite one.” She bumped noses with him and he nearly melted into a puddle at her feet. He loved gentle touches and she was more than happy to shower him with them. “Every little bit helps.”
He shrugged. “It would look great on our balcony.”
“So, then, what do you say?” She leaned in a little closer. “It’s just one kiss.”
“With you,” his fingers dug into her hips, “It’s never just one.”
She stuck out her tongue. “I mean, that’s fine with me too. He didn’t say anything about stealing more than one kiss from the awkward, gangly one.”
He made a face. “Is that really how he described me?”
“Does it matter?”
Unsuur sighed in exasperation. “One kiss, then we’re leaving. Uncertain is probably getting lonely without us.”
“But that’s why I made Undecided out of that tanzanite to keep him company.” She tapped him teasingly on the tip of his nose. His body turned to liquid as he gazed upon her with a look of pure adoration—along with something else—something that made her belly tighten.
He leaned in until his lips brushed the shell of her ear. “I want to take you home.”
Her body burned brighter than a star on the edge of extinction. The unspoken promise in those words and the way he pressed his hips subtly against hers told her exactly what he had planned for her once they made it home.
She never called anywhere home before Sandrock. She was a wandering soul, flitting from place to place with no real direction. This whole time, she’d been looking for a justification to put down roots, but maybe she didn’t ever really need one to begin with. 
She was just too afraid to take a chance, and that stupid fortune had been her excuse, but Unsuur made it worth the risk.
“Kiss me.”
He pressed his lips to hers. Someone whistled behind them, but she didn’t care. The rest of the saloon and its patrons melted away until only Unsuur remained. The man she loved, her rock, her reason to stay.
She finally found her home.
And it was here, in Unsuur’s arms.
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devctiion · 2 years
Amala: (*sniff sniff, wrinkles nose*) ...The hell's that stuff? Collei: (*quietly studying the technique in which Master Tighnari applies the mousse*)
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His ears perk up at the sound of a familiar voice, the one he was grooming springing up out of his loose grip. "Oh, you two are up early. Good morning."
He turns his face more towards Amala to address her directly, "What you're smelling right now is Sandthorn Oil. I use it to waterproof my fur, but it's also a handy conditioner as well. Quite convenient, really."
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(时空中的绘旅人—For All Time—) New World: PARADISE Main Story Translation (Chapter 18  集会所 : Gathering Hub)
*For All Time Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Paradise’s main story tag will be #Welcome to Paradise
This place was far quieter than I thought it’d be. There wasn’t any hustle and bustle; only the slight clinking that ice cubes made as they were placed into glasses.
The Mercenaries inside the Gathering Hub were just like the ones outside, except for their weapons… They were clearly more well-equipped compared to the ordinary Ability-users in Paradise.
There was a figure seated in the middle of the bar up in front that gave me a sense of Déjà vu.
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He was wearing a pitch-black cloak and held a wine glass in his hand. The ice cubes within it clinking slightly. 
Feng Yan: Boss, I’ve brought her.
It was Ayn. And it looks like… He was the leader here.
Ayn: Come; sit.
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▷Choice: Must I drink?
MC: Must I drink? What’s the alcohol percentage?
Ayn didn’t move a muscle as he stared at me, instead, a laugh came from Feng Yan.
Feng Yan: Haha… Did you hear what she just said, Boss? She thinks we’re a bunch of tyrants; should we start putting her in her place now?
Ayn: Feng Yan.
Ayn’s utterance of Feng Yan’s name was quiet, but the latter immediately shut his mouth. He turned his gaze onto me, a hint of scrutiny in his eyes.
However, he said nothing; only picking up the glass of alcohol that had originally been left out for me, downing it in a single gulp.
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▷Choice: Is this some sort of test?
Ayn: Feng Yan.
Ayn’s utterance of Feng Yan’s name was quiet, but the latter immediately shut his mouth. He turned his gaze onto me, a hint of scrutiny in his eyes.
However, he said nothing; only picking up the glass of alcohol that had originally been left out for me, downing it in a single gulp.
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▷Choice: Hesitate to follow suit
I inwardly hesitated, not knowing whether i should follow suit or not; but my every action had already been seen through.
Ayn turned his gaze onto me, a hint of scrutiny in his eyes.
However, he said nothing; only picking up the glass of alcohol that had originally been left out for me, downing it in a single gulp.
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With this action as the cue, the surroundings suddenly became livelier— Toasting, rambunctious laughter and loud voices started back up in quick succession.
How many people are in this Pub? 10 or so? Or maybe in the 20s or 30s… It looks like the orderly silence earlier was just to let the big boss man welcome the new person.
Ayn turned his body to look straight at me. He was without a doubt, the worthiest person to be the center that leads all the people here.
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Ayn: You can do a self-introduction.
He was dressed very severely, with many harnesses and metallic devices on his cloak.
Even when he was facing me. He had a sort of merciless and harsh sharpness to him.
MC: What do you want me to tell you?
Feng Yan: Boss wants you to give a proper introduction of what your Ability is… What you can do; and what is it that you want.
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▷Choice: Make a quick introduction
MC: My name’s (Y/n), my Paradise Identification number is 307, and I’m distant cousins with Rorschach, the “Traveler”. The “Leveler” introduced me here; should we exchange contact details or something?
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▷Choice: Not for now
MC: I’m (Y/n); but there’s really not much about me to speak of. I’ve only come to visit and 
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▷Choice: Is this an interview?
MC: Is this an interview? I think we might have a misunderstanding here…
Feng Yan held his head in his hands, a defeated look on his face.
He’d taken off his hood indoors and looked much more amicable than when he was outside. Instead, Ayn was the one who’d his brows furrowed into a frown as he looked at me.
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Ayn: You brought here when she’s still unprepared?
Feng Yan: My humblest apologies; that was my miss.
He bowed apologetically.
I finally managed to regain my bearings. Feng Yan and the red-haired Mercenary explained that they'd provide me with better living quarters if I joined them, but I'd come here rather off-handedly, with the intention of glimpsing some information from them.
I was still contemplating whether I should apologize, and if leaving now would offend the other party, when I heard Ayn tap lightly on the table twice.
Ayn: Get her a glass of Sandthorn Berry juice.
Someone acted quickly, obeying the leader's order and setting out a glass of juice on the table before me.
Ayn: Someone who isn't even prepared really shouldn't be joining us. The Battalion only needs allies who can share a victory.
He'd ordered one of his subordinates to provide me with a glass of juice. Looks like the visuals he provided contrasted pretty harshly with his actual personality. Although the words he spoke were indeed icy.
Feng Yan leaned over and gave him a word or two, to which Ayn nodded at.
Ayn: Okay, got it.
Having said that, he stood up from his seat at the Bar.
He stopped near Feng Yan, leaving some instructions for him before he left. However, I couldn't really hear him clearly and was only able to catch the ending—
Ayn: ... Don't disappoint me.
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Ayn's movements were hurried, and he was very quick to leave.
He soon disappeared from the Gathering Hub…
Feng Yan's whining complaint that came next held the innocence of someone who had just been utterly wronged.
Feng Yan: We even offered you such good conditions in exchange; I can't believe you ended up setting us back by a glass of juice in the end, lil' greenleaf!
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▷Choice: You brought me here, clueless!
MC: I don't know anything at all; and you just went and brought me here… Plus, I haven't even complained about that!
Feng Yan: Fair enough. And here I thought that no one would reject the offer after I'd brought them all the way here.
Feng Yan: I didn’t think you’d be the one and only exception to that, lil’ greenleaf.
MC: ...What’s with that nickname?
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▷Choice: I don't have any intentions on joining this place…
Feng Yan: Fair enough. And here I thought that no one would reject the offer after I'd brought them all the way here.
Feng Yan: I didn’t think you’d be the one and only exception to that, lil’ greenleaf.
MC: ...What’s with that nickname?
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▷Choice: Little greenleaf? What kind of nickname is that?
MC: Little greenleaf? What kind of nickname is that?
Feng Yan: Green plants are very precious out in the Desert. It’s a good nickname; do you not like it??
This habit of giving someone a nickname upon their first meeting really had "Feng Yan" written all over it in bold…
The problem here was just that my eyes couldn't stop wandering to the big entrance of the Gathering Hub.
Ayn didn't return after he left; and no one knew what he'd gone off to do.
He was the leader of this "Battalion"; with many members that had already been in Paradise since a long time ago. And also occupied this entire area where the Gathering Hub was located...
I don't think I really know the Ayn of this World...
I took a big gulp of the juice, scrunching up my face in a grimace right after. It took me a good lot of effort not to spit the juice right back out.
...It was sour.
I continued drinking after that. A few mouthfuls later proved to show that it did have a sweet and rich aftertaste; it actually tasted pretty good.
Feng Yan had been watching me from the sidelines the entire time, a faintly discernible smile on his features.
MC: Do you look down on me, Feng Yan? I can’t drink with you guys...
MC: I’m not afraid of the sourness of the juice, but I just accidentally took too big of a mouthful on my first sip…
He airily raised his eyebrows.
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Feng Yan: ...Now, I wonder just which type of person you are?
Feng Yan: I told you before; there are only two types of people. One, desperate and looking for a resting place; and another, with bigger ambitions and desires.
MC: You seem to be implying that the people of the Battalion belong to the latter.
Feng Yan: That is correct. We’re a group that was created, centered around Boss… If you’re also an “ally” of ours, then your tastes and temperament will be accepted as a whole.
Feng Yan: But if you can’t become an “ally” ... Then your taste doesn’t matter. It’s just a pity the boss got disappointed because he’d asked me to win you over, only for me to fail on that end.
That sounded practical enough, actually... But, am I overlooking something? He said: he’d asked me to win you over?
That was a little suspicious considering how Ayn had left without saying much to me at all. I’d have failed, if that had really been an interview earlier.
MC: I’m not sure I quite understand what you’re saying… You mean, he wants me to join?
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Feng Yan: Yes; very much so, actually. He’s very satisfied with you, and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him that satisfied with someone.
MC: Mr. Second-in-command.
Feng Yan: What?
MC: Are you sure one of us isn’t misunderstanding what the two words “very satisfied” means?
Feng Yan: Of course not! Same goes for Boss. Trust me; I'm the one who knows him best.
MC: But I think I'm the former— Someone who's seeking refuge.
Feng Yan nodded, but made no jabs at me. Instead, he took it in stride and carried on—
Feng Yan: It's fine if that's what you think. But only the strong can live in satisfaction here; even in "Paradise".
Feng Yan: It's getting close to 4PM now… The "Safe Period" is almost over.
He pointed to the clock on the wall.
Feng Yan: Only during the Safe Period will "Paradise" truly be a Paradise.
Feng Yan: Get going, lil' greenleaf. —The Boss will definitely blame me for not doing my job well, but I think it'll be better for you to go out and see for yourself.
Feng Yan: Go out and take a look at the truth outside and come back again out of your own will.
MC: And you're so certain that I'll… Come back? You aren't tricking me, are you?
Feng Yan: You're someone who the Boss thinks well of, so why would I possibly do that?
I obediently rose from my seat.
MC: I'll be going then; thank you for inviting me— And thank you so much for the Sandthorn Berry juice today!
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥Welcome to PARADISE ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 17) | Next Part: (Chapter 19)
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kbeautynotes · 4 years
PURITO Sea Buckthorn Vital 70 Cream Review
Ready for another review? I’ve been trying plenty skincare with Centella lately and felt like I needed to add something different to my routine. So, I chose to try out the Sea Buckthorn Vital 70 Cream first, out of the other PURITO creams. Sea buckthorn (Hippophae), also known as seaberry or sandthorn is a plant which is packed with nutrients like vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids and minerals.
Full review on my blog out now: PURITO Sea Buckthorn Vital 70 Cream Review
Have you tried this cream before? Which are your favorite products from the brand? Please share your thoughts!
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toart · 8 years
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I never got around to drawing my aurinbaby, Rin! She lives in Malgrave.
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windclan — year eight — greenleaf
ploverfrost dies. shadowclan being the only clan with an extra seer, they send flametail over.
sandthorn also dies.
baywillow becomes a warrior.
duskpaw, emberpaw, furzepaw, and stagpaw are apprenticed to whitetail, halofur, echofang, and duskthroat.
hootkit dies.
cypressfall and vanillaeye have seven kits: bluekit (blue she-cat), cottonkit (blind, golden-brown she-cat with copper eyes), frostkit (she-cat with hazel eyes), juniperkit (warm grey she-cat with gold eyes), larchkit (pale, golden-brown tom), silverkit (deaf, warm grey tom with amber eyes), and slightkit.
and that's it!
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The magical proprieties of sea buckthorn #seabuckthorn #seabuckthornberry #seabuckthornoil #sandthorn #sandthorntea #seaberry #beartender #foodinspiration #cocktailinspiration #recipe #flavourcombinations #liquidchef #mixology #mixologist (at Adrian Cristian Consultancy)
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Hey it's me! With the Watership Down rewrite. Do you have any ideas what their names could be? I mean I know I want Bugwig as Tigertuft, Bluebell as Bluebellflower, Dandelion as Dandelionstep and Silver as Silverfur and maybe Buckthorn as Sandthorn but the rest? I mean, maybe Blackberry should just stay as Blackberry? ... but I want to change his name... maybe Berrynight!? Help?
and i dunno, i’d just go with whatever you like!
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authordavidlawlor · 3 years
Dutch Courage: The femme fatales who lured Nazis to their deaths
Dutch Courage: The femme fatales who lured Nazis to their deaths
Among the dunes of Zuid-Kennemerland, on North Holland’s west coast, the silvery-green leaves of sea buckthorn are buffeted by the Atlantic’s salty breezes and fearsome gales. You’ll find the shrub on coasts across Europe, and all the way to Mongolia and northwestern China. Also known as sandthorn, sallowthorn, or seaberry, it is a hardy plant that can withstand temperatures as low as -43 C.…
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