#sandtion fanfiction
fortunatelylori · 5 years
Coming soon: Irrevocably Gone - My Christmas Special fic
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She hated him because he had found it so easy to give her up. She hated him because he was right now somewhere being happy with the woman he had loved for ten years. But most of all she hated Sidney Parker because he had taught her how to love him but not how to shut him out of her heart when her love became an inconvenience to be cast aside and retold through the years as an amusing anecdote to his high society, dandy friends.
I am so excited to announce that after a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears, my Christmas Special fanfic is almost ready to be put out into the world.
It’s a 5 part Sidlotte extravaganza that has gained a whole different significance for me since the announcement of the cancelation.
I will start posting this on the 20th of December (this Friday) and will update every day, culminating with the finale on the 25th.
I would like to take this moment to thank @and-holly-goes-lightly for beta reading this and for coming up with the title of the fic. It’s from Jane Austen’s Lady Susan and it’s pretty much perfect for this piece.
Also a special thank you to the people who contributed fan placements, namely: @and-holly-goes-lightly , @kitten1618x , @ladysusanknowsstuff  and @sweetrupturedlight . I will signal every fan placement as we get to it during the updates.
That’s about it for now. See you on the 20th!
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