#sidlotte fanfiction
ao3feed-janeausten · 1 year
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javajunkieao3 · 2 years
Sidlotte Fanfiction:  Season of Love
Following Sidney's engagement, Charlotte comes to London at Lady Susan Worcester's invitation. Unbeknown to Charlotte, Lady Susan has plans to get the couple back together.  SIDLOTTE
AKA.- a dream season 2
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When Charlotte returned to Willingden, she had no interest in every going anywhere else again.  It seemed that everywhere she went was fraught with either scandal or tragedy, what with her dear friend, Georgiana, nearly being sold into marriage in London and Charlotte’s own heart being torn to shreds in Sanditon.  She would do well back home in Wellingden, at least for the time being.  It was safe there, far from the Parkers and persistent memories that seemed to be around every corner.
           But, of course, the memories didn’t exactly leave her in Wellingden.  She did well to avoid them during the day, but at night, her resovle was powerless to her dreams.  She dreamt of the sea sides, rolling hills with the wind whipping against her face and his mouth against hers.  Every night, she went to bed wishing that she would not dream of him, and when she awoke, she wished that she could again.
           It wasn’t long after her journey back home that she received a letter from Susan Worcester.
My dearest Charlotte,
             I heard of the horrible engagement.  I could hardly believe it.  Mrs. Parker told me that you had gone back to Willingden, but the countryside is no place to mend a broken heart.  I insist that you join me in London for the season.  I will send a coach.
 Your friend, Susan  
           Two days later, a carriage had arrived and the Haywards were befuddedly helping their daughter in the car with her trunk. She had explained to them that one didn’t exactly turn down an invitation from Susan Worcester. Besides, maybe it would do her some good.  She hadn’t been able to shake a constant sense of melancholy since she returned to Wellington.  At least London would be distracting.
           “Promise me that you will write,” her mother implored, smoothing her hair away from her face.  
           “I promise.  Every week I will send a letter.”
           Charlotte waved to her parents as the carriage departed and then settled herself inside, wondering what came next.  Idly, she thought how Sidney was also in London.  She felt both a dinstict thrill along with the churning of her stomach.  But, as he said before, it was a city of a million people.  What were the odds they would meet?
           “Charlotte, my dear, it is so good to see you,” Susan said, pulling the younger woman into a tight hug.  She beckoned a footman to take Charlotte’s trunk as they walked into her opulent manor.  Charlotte hadn’t known what to expect, but the house certainly did not disappoint.
           “How was your journey here?”  Susan asked.
           “Pleasant, thank you.”
           “I’m glad to hear it.”
           “Thank you for your hospitality in inviting me,” Charlotte said.
           “Nonsense, I did nothing of the sort.  You are my friend, no hospitality needed.”
           They went inside into the front drawing room and Charlotte spoke to one of her maids who returned a few minutes later with a tray of tea and tea cakes.  Charlotte happily took a tea cake, famished from her travels.
           “Tell me, how are you doing?”  Susan asked.
           “I’m perfectly fine.”  Susan set her with an apprising look, and Charlotte sighed.  “I’m trying to forget him, which is practiclay impossible.”
           “Of course it is, love doesn’t fade that easily.”
           “It was impossible to stay in Sanditon, there wasn’t a place I could go that didn’t remind me of him, so I went home to Wellington, but then admittedly, I wasn’t able to escape him there, either.”  She took a deep breath.  “But I must.”
           “Which is why you are here,” Susan said, punctuating the sentence with the clank of her tea cup against its saucer.  “There is no better distraction than London.  You have music, art and dancing.  Just you see, Sidney Parker will soon be nothing but a distant memory.”
           Charlotte smiled slightly, taking a sip of tea.
           “First order, I plan on throwing a ball to celebrate your arrival for the season.”
           “Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Charlotte said quickly.  “I couldn’t imagine putting you out like that.”  
           “Nonsense.  It’ll be nothing.  We’ll have it for this weekend.”
           Charlotte nodded.  “That sound wonderful.”
           Susan grinned, pleased as punch, and Charlotte said, “Do you mind if I lie down for a bit?  I’m a little tired from the ride.”
           “Of course,” Susan said, standing.  “Your room is all ready.  Bridgette will take you there.”
           Charlotte followed Bridgette, glancing back at Susan for a moment as she left.  The older woman was smiling placidly and offered her a small wave.  When Charlotte was out of earshot, Susan turned to one of her other maids and said, “Make sure Sidney Parker and Eliza Campion receive invitations.”
           Susan Worcester’s thoughts on the whole Charlotte Hayward and Sideny Parker situation was simple.  She was never wrong with matters of the heart.  And here, one of those hearts involved happened to belong to someone that she held in the highest regard. She did not know the details of Sideny Porter and the Campion woman’s engagement.  The whispers around it all had been regrettably quiet, but she had heard from a certain footman, who reported Sidney Parker chasing after Charlotte’s carriage on horseback on her way out of Sanditon.  There was only one reason that a man did such a thing, and it was not indifference.  Therefore, she would set things right.  She’d make sure of it.
           The next day, Charlotte set out into town to explore a small book shop that Susan had told her about.  The sun was unusually warm, even more so than in Sanditon, and she pushed her bonnet further down on her head to shield her eyes. The street was busy, people of all sorts moving and talking, but instead of finding it overwhelming like when she had come to find Georgiana, Charlotte found it invigorating.
           She easily found the book shop and went inside, breathing in the heady scent of leather and paper.  She didn’t have the slightest idea what she was looking for, which was her favorite way to look.  She wove through the aisles slowly, letting her attention fall wherever it may.  She came across a thick volume on botany, and for some reason it caught her attention. She hooked her finger around the top of the book and pulled it out.  To her surprise, she recognized a man through the now vacant hole of the shelf.  She quickly put the book back, but it was too late.
           There he was.  Tall and broad, and every bit the man that she remembered.  The man whose heartbeat she had felt through his hands. The man who kissed her.  The man who had a question that he could now never again ask.
           “Mr. Parker,” she said in a stilted voice.
           They stared at each other for a moment, neither of them knowing what to say.  She didn’t know how long they would have stood there had another shopper not nudged past them, literally pushing them into action.
           “I’m surprised to see you in London,” Sidney said.
           “Susan Worcester invited me to stay with her during the season,” Charlotte said.   “She’s over on Darlington?”
           He nodded.  “Yes, I’m familiar.”
           Another person passed – she didn’t know where all these people were coming from – and she stepped closer to avoid an elbow.  She was close enough now to smell his aftershave, a mixture of tobacco and musk.  He looked down at her, and the very act of holding his gaze hurt, because they had such a future ahead of them back in Sanditon, and now there was nothing. They were nothing.      
           “Excuse me, I need to go,” she said thickly, pushing past him.  “It was good to see you, Mr. Parker.”
           Behind her, she heard him say, “You as well, Ms. Heywood.”
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zoesongs · 3 years
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For my Sanditon pals: Ch. 3 of All at Sea is now posted. 
Summary: Sidney awakens to learn of Charlotte’s fate and comes to a realization about her.
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riga789 · 3 years
First in my affections – Chapter 14
Fandom: Sanditon (TV 2019), Sanditon - Jane Austen, AUSTEN Jane - Works
Relationships: Charlotte Heywood/Sidney Parker
Series: Part 2 of First in my affections
Charlotte and Sidney are now engaged. But as Sanditon’s fate hangs in the balance, so does theirs.
Or, what happens after the events of “A midsummer night’s proposal”.
Also on Fanfiction.net
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sanditoncreative · 4 years
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The story is found here
I love the new cover Grainne Swann has made for my Sanditon fic The only reason to marry is Love 💕
The story is found here
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misspiony · 4 years
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I love the new cover Grainne Swann has made for my Sanditon fic The only reason to marry is Love 💕 Now it totally looks like a book I would pick out in the book store
Link to story
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beth-dixons · 4 years
Title: Surprise
Rating: E
Fandom: Sanditon
Pairing(s): Charlotte/Sidney, Esther/Babbington
Summary: Sidney is at a party he doesn't want to be at until he meets Charlotte and they hookup for a steamy one-night stand. (Implied meant-to-be). Set in modern times, American cause I can't write contemporary London speak convincingly. Nothing too experimental just some regular old happy smutty one-shot.
Prompt: surprise
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
Irrevocably Gone - Part 1
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Ok, guys! It’s finally here! I really hope you enjoy it! See you at about the same time tomorrow: 
By a stroke of cruel destiny and brotherly incompetence, Charlotte Heywood and Sidney Parker have been torn apart. The sepparation takes its toll on them both, in different ways, until an old friend decides to step in and lend a helping hand.
If the summer spent in Sanditon, was filled with adventure and blosoming romance, winter brings with it longing and feelings that struggle to come to the surface from beneath a web of strains and deception. But winter is also a time for comfort and joy. Can Sidney and Charlotte find their way back to each other this Christmas or is their love story destined to remain irrevocably gone?
Read here
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viviansternwood · 5 years
Based on two prompts:
a married fic with a falling out, some passionate arguing in front of people, and then a gentle reconciliation - by @yorkshirewench, and
a future married fic with babies, or with Charlotte being pregnant - by anon.
As a married couple, Mr and Mrs Sidney Parker were not in the habit of spending a lot of time in town. Charlotte’s being much more of a country girl at heart, and them both preferring to be in constant close proximity to the rest of the Parkers, prevented them from residing for more than an occasional fortnight in town, and even that being commanded solely by Sidney’s necessary attendance to business affairs. The rest of the time, they were happy to return to Sanditon.
Ah, Charlotte’s beloved Sanditon. She felt there could be no better place in the world. Sidney always agreed with her on this, but she suspected it was more because he wished to see her happy, rather than out of his genuine affection for the resort.
“I do not feel fully at ease, except when you are near,” he had confided in her once, as they had been lounging in a settee in front of a fire, Charlotte reading out of Mrs Radcliffe’s The Romance of the Forest to him, her feet in Sidney’s lap.
She had thought that over for a moment. “An outlier,” she had said, referring to their conversations, ones they’d had before she had even known she was in love with him. He had nodded, pursing his lips and staring into the fire. “Well,” Charlotte had said, “now that you have me, I’m afraid you can’t truly be an outlier anymore. Whether you want it or not, I’m with you now. Perhaps we can be outliers together!” she had smiled at him. “I can study the art of brooding, and work on my aura of mystery.”
He had laughed at this, unable to bear it any longer with a serious face, and had pulled her in for a soft and heart-warming kiss.
continue reading on AO3
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sidlottedream · 5 years
Wish Upon A Star/part 5
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Part 5
Sanditon alternative universe
Sidney x Charlotte
Esther x Babbington
a/n: here is part 5 of the Sanditon unusual xmas story
Thanks for reading. 😘💕
Merry Christmas 🎄
Sidney and Charlotte slipped out of the cab giving eachother little giddy smiles.
"I - ahm, nightcap?" Charlotte suggested.
"Yeah-gladly" Sidney nodded.
Charlotte twirled around leading the way into the building, her heart not being able to stop from the rush of the love hormone. The kiss was everything. A cab may not be the most romantic place in the world to have the most anticipated kiss of the year, by hey, they both were not aware of the time or the place. They were only aware of the prevailing love for one another.
Love? Yes, love. The one they denied to themselves for such a long time.
As they stepped in the flat, Charlotte took her coat off and tossed it on the sofa and stood still for a second. Gulping she turned to Sidney. Suddenly she was terribly nervous again.
Sidney looked at her mesmerized. Her beauty captured him as he first set his eyes on her, this he could not deny, but he was a man who would not just go for the looks, he would fall in love for the person's spiritual side, her whole character and Charlotte was all. But, same as her, he suddenly was nervous as hell.
"Kiss her!" a voice said to Sidney, "you feel everything for her. I know, you have made way too many mistakes. Let not disappointment rule you!"
Sidney swayed his look to the man dressed in an impeccable regency style suit, wearing a top hat.
"She can't see us. Not at this very moment. Let us look into your past- but we already know your past. There has been lust, imaginary love, I know, and now she stands there, and she is all, can it be? The answer is yes. And it's not just because it's Christmas or some strange magic. It's just fate. I also know that you don't particularly believe in fate. What is it anyway? Who really cares?! She looks like a goddess in that dress! You love her blessed heart. Tell her exactly how you feel."
"I love you! I so wanted to tell you since Sanditon, since the summer in Sanditon- that I don't want to be friends- ahm" Sidney now said narrowing the gap between them, taking her hands, "I don't know why I waited so long -"
"Me, too" Charlotte smiled dearly beaming her eyes at the man.
"You do?"
Sidney nodded adding, " Isn't it obvious?! I think that - "
"I love you, too!" Charlotte said all flushed.
He smiled warmly before he pulled her to him into a kiss.
He kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, tenderly deepening it, making her slip a muffled moan. Easing out of the kiss, his hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest. Resting his forehead against hers, they both gathered some much needed oxygen. His dreamy smirk told her everything and she smiled back.
The clock struck midnight- love was the name of the game.
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kitten1618x · 5 years
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Six sentences from my unpublished Sanditon Sidlotte fic, Fingertips Have Memories (mine can’t forget the curves of your body):
“Oh,” Charlotte’s eyelids fluttered as heat surged through her limbs. Warm like honey, it settled between her thighs.
The carriage jounced beneath them, rocking their hips together in a deliciously tortuous prelude of things yet to come. All pretense aside, Charlotte found herself to be just as eager as her husband, her pulse ever quickening with each open-mouthed kiss he laved across her exposed skin.
Her own hands inched higher then, brushing against the slight scruff on Sidney’s face before she lost her fingers in the silky texture of his hair. Charlotte carded through the dark curls, finding purchase and giving an abrupt tug when his teeth grazed her nipple once more.
Coming soon...
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ao3feed-janeausten · 1 year
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dicebarnart · 4 years
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Some Sidney Parker for ya cause I can’t stop thinking about Sanditon and Theo James
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zoesongs · 3 years
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Sanditon pals: Ch. 2 of “All at Sea” is posted. 
Summary: Sidney’s search becomes a matter of life and death.
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riga789 · 3 years
First in my affections – Chapter 13
Fandom: Sanditon (TV 2019), Sanditon - Jane Austen, AUSTEN Jane - Works
Relationships: Charlotte Heywood/Sidney Parker
Series: Part 2 of First in my affections
Charlotte and Sidney are now engaged. But as Sanditon’s fate hangs in the balance, so does theirs.
Or, what happens after the events of “A midsummer night’s proposal”.
Also on Fanfiction.net
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sanditoncreative · 5 years
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The masterlist is finally here!!!Lori and I just want to offer up a huge thanks to all the amazing authors and artists for gifting us with hours of free and fabulous entertainment! And thank you to our fellow sisters (and bros who are out there) for showing our content creators the love and support they deserve! xoxo ❤️
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Day 1: Forbbiden Love/Luv You
Tam Lin (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: NEStar / tumblr: @palis-delon
Am I never to get away from You? (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3/tumblr: @misspiony
Reality Has No Place In Our World (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - tumblr: @jomiddlemarch
Forbidden Love (pairing: Georgiana x Otis) - ao3: Muze / tumblr: @growingstronglikeahighgardenrose​
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Day 2: Time travel/Miss you
Moebius (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: NEStar / tumblr: @palis-delon
Candy Hearts & Tropey Starts/Miss You (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney)- ao3: Muze / tumblr: @growingstronglikeahighgardenrose
Time Goes By (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney / Tom x Mary / Esther x Babington) - ao3: AmandaBecker / tumblr: @amandabecker19
Never Love Another (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - tumblr: @the-ubiquitous-miss-heywood
I Watch Her From A Distance (pairing: Stringer x Charlotte) - tumblr: @angie4872
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Day 3: Enemies to lovers/xoxo
Candy Hearts & Tropey Starts/Enemies to Lovers (pairing: Clara x Edward) - ao3: muze / tumblr: @growingstronglikeahighgardenrose
A Lily Amongst Thorns (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: NEStar / tumblr: @palis-delon
A Man Needs Good Friends Or Ardent Enemies (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - tumblr: @jomiddlemarch
Enemy Love (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: AmandaBecker / tumblr: @amandabecker19
Blessed (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - tumblr: @angie4872
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Day 4: But there was only one bed/Hug me
What Am I To You, Exactly? (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3/tumblr: @misspiony
In The Still Of The Night (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: NEStar / tumblr: @palis-delon
Candy Hearts & Tropey Starts (pairing: Georgiana x Stringer) - ao3: muze / tumblr: @growingstronglikeahighgardenrose​
Bed Awaits Me At The End (pairing: Esther x Babington) - tumblr: ​ @jomiddlemarch
Residential Community (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: AmandaBecker / tumblr: ​ @amandabecker19
Let Me Hold You Really Tight (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - tumblr: @angie4872
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Day 5: Arranged marriage/Be mine
The Hall (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: AmandaBecker / tumblr: @amandabecker19
The Only Reason To Marry Is Love (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3/tumblr: @misspiony
Where Have You Been, Sidney Boy? (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: NEStar / tumblr: @palis-delon
Married at First Sight (pairing: Esther x Babington; Charlotte x Sidney; Arthur x oc; Georgiana x Otis) - ao3: muze / tumblr: @growingstronglikeahighgardenrose​
A Perfect Arrangement (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: Riga789 / tumblr: @riga789
Be Mine Again (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - tumblr: @angie4872
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Day 6: Free Choice
To Keep It All The Year (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - tumblr: @jomiddlemarch (choice: hallmark movie style)
Love, Loyalty and Lust (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: NEStar / tumblr: @palis-delon (choice: A/B/O)
Borrow My Heart (pairing: Charlotte x Stringer) - ao3/tumblr: @useyourtelescope (choice: fake relationship)
Soulmates (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: AmandaBecker / tumblr: @amandabecker19 (choice: soulmates)
Blue Moon (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - ao3: missheywoods / tumblr: @estherdenham (choice: mash-up of several prompts)
Love is ... (pairing: Charlotte x Sidney) - tumblr: @angie4872 (choice: true love)
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Stay tuned for our next event — details to follow, soon!
x Mods Lis and Lori x
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