#sanemi slander
painedpen · 11 months
You don’t understand I need Sanemi being scared shitless of Genya’s boyfriends because they saw him yell at Genya exactly one (1) time and got whooped Nezuko vs Daki style
Sanemi: God you’re so useless, you might as well just disappear!
Genya: *starts tearing up*
Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu appearing behind Sanemi: …
Sanemi: *sweating* I’ve made a grave error
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teacupofdrpepper · 1 year
People are so wrong people are so so so wrong when they make hcs or fanart of sanemi enjoying when genya is physically punished for things. This man folded his “he’s not my brother” act the second genya was sliced and diced, he is the older brother who goes “only I’m allowed to bad mouth/hit my sibling” and fists fights person b for said bad mouthing/hurting his sibling.
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sumarmz · 6 months
Do you have a problem in life? Well I have the solution! Blame it on Giyuu!
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I mean look at that punchable face, he's clearly the root of all suffering. In fact Giyuu caused my patents divorce because of how fucking ugly he is. This man is not hot and he is quite literally the most annoying thing in all existence. He has the crustiest oiliest hair in the whole world like you know damn well his hair is not naturally like that its because of how fucking greasy it is I bet when he's alone he snacks on his lice. He's probably so emo he doesn't even shower since he can't swim so he's afraid of water how pathetic can someone be imagine being the water hashira and not being able to swim. His tragic backstory is legit just a copy and past of Shinobu. His haori is so fucking ugly like let it go man ur best mate and sister are long gone just cope💀💀💀
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astro-can · 10 months
why i love shinobu and why you should too
its in the title.
lets start. this is directed to all shinobu haters and no i will not say this politely.
mfs be like "i hate shinobu because she's all ara ara and she bullies giyuu 🥸" do you have ANY OTHER VALID REASON???
you guys think shinobu bullies giyuu? ok then, where's the sanemi slander? where's the obanai slander? shinobu is the only one who actually makes an EFFORT to TALK to giyuu because he's all lonely and stuff and the things she says are her just teasing him, while sanemi and obanai out there telling giyuu to close his mtherfcking mouth and quit the demonslayer corps 😀 shinobu's canon impression of giyuu is a simple "he should talk more" while sanemi and obanai's impressions are "he's so fucking annoying and ugh and shit"
giyuu's impression of shinobu is "she talks to me often. she's earnest and hardworking. she looks unwell at times." he def knows that she's just teasing him and although he may be a lil oblivious he doesn't take her words to heart. but FANON shinobu is all "oh you should jump off a climp tomioka-san *insert high laughter here*"
also, is what she says WRONG? she says "you have no friends, you're so lonely" bc its true. my bro gotta make more friends. she's trying to make him open up to his fellow hashira more.
i was on pinterest and saw a whisper that said "idk why yall hate on shinobu, she's literally such a well-written character" and i was like YES PREACH but there was this one comment that said,
"she left kanao and aoi. what was she thinking about drinking all that poison? after getting killed, she left douma to kanao and kanao would've been killed if it weren't for inosuke. she was so driven by revenge that she lost sight of the people that are still in her life, like the butterfly mansion girls, etc etc. and kanao and inosuke aren't even strong enough to kill douma, it was just for plot armour."
be quiet. shinobu drank that poison to assist kanao in killing douma. kanao went along with the plan, and she was fully aware that she had to fight douma for as long as she could until shinobu's poison came into effect. kanao and inosuke together are most definitely strong enough to take on an upper moon demon, though they would've been killed if it wasn't for shinobu's poison. shinobu was HELPING THEM. if shinobu hadn't sacrificed herself, inosuke and kanao would've died, douma would've lived and prob killed the other butterfly mansion girls, and most importantly, tanjiro would've permanently become a demon bc kanao wouldn't have been here to inject the drug into him. shinobu sacrificed herself for the sake of the people that she cared about. the butterfly mansion girls were def sad at her death, but keep in mind that shinobu played a pivotal role in the destruction of demons and kanao and inosuke would not be alive if it weren't for her.
"she's always smiling, it's so annoying"
"lol shinobu can't even get over kanae's death, what a loser"
people who say that obviously don't know what happened to her in the past. her sister was killed by douma, and before she died, kanae had told shinobu "i wish you would smile more often, your smile is beautiful". after kanae's death, shinobu always wore a smile so that her juniors and the butterfly mansion girls would've had to worry about her. she's in a near-constant state of anger, but she masks it all behind a smile. you think its annoying? you think its easy to get over your only family's death? you think she's a loser for only wanting the best for her juniors? well, congratulations, you are certified as the most stupid person to exist. you try having to live through the death of your beloved parents, sister, and juniors. if you don't love your family then imagine someone you care for the most getting killed. do you think you could always have a smile on your face after that? shinobu isn't strong physically but she sure does have the strength to not crumble under pressure and sadness.
shinobu is a very well written character and i respect the author of kny for creating her. if you're going to hate her for no valid reason, i suggest you think again.
thank you for coming to my ted talk and stay tuned for my next tumblr post: why i think tanjiro is the best mc and why you should too
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ghost-1-y · 8 months
Witch!Shinobu x AFAB!Reader
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Content Warnings: MDNI, sexual content, unprotected sex, mistress/slut dynamic, dom!Shinobu, sub!reader, cunnilingus (Shinobu receiving), scissoring, squirting, cum-eating(?), spanking as punishment, aphrodisiac, thigh riding, hair pulling, degradation (reader-receiving), lighthearted Sanemi slander, lmk if I missed anything!!
Summary: Your girlfriend usually spends all day cooped up in your shared cabin brewing potions and studying spells, and, of course, placing the occasional hex on someone she doesn’t particularly like. One day, when you return to your home deep in the woods, you find that she has come up with a rather…interesting potion recipe, and wishes for both of you to try it out together.
Word Count: ~2.6k
Divider Credit: @/benkeibear
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The woven basket you carried was slowly getting heavier as you trudged along the hidden trail that led you deeper into the woods, the soft crunch of the leaves a delightful sound which rang again and again with each step you took. Above, there was the loud staccato of a woodpecker looking for its next meal, and ravens soared overhead as they returned to their nest before sundown.
The red and orange foliage was mesmerizing, something you always looked forward to in the autumnal months of the year. It also signaled the beginnings of cooler weather, after the dreadful heat that summer brought upon the land. You hummed to yourself, singing melodic tunes that you’d heard since you were young – lullabies which would silence the cries of any newborn child. 
As you continued your way into the forest, you stopped to collect herbs and vegetation you found on the trail – finding mushrooms and gourds growing wild near trees, as well as the occasional set of animal bones left behind by some predator. It may have weighed down your basket even more, but the look on your girlfriend’s face would be worth it after a day away from the cabin you two lived in together.
Your eyes eventually caught a plume of smoke rising above the trees, as a small oak wood cabin appeared within the forest, surrounded by shrubs and flowers. You walked up the mossy stone pathway that led to the entrance, the door opening for you without having to knock, sensing your familiar energy as you walked closer.
The soft crackling of the fireplace was soothing as you walked inside and placed your basket on the wooden table – organizing the items you’d picked up both from the forest floor as well as the farmer’s market in the nearby village – where you’d purchased foods for the upcoming week. You brought the foodstuffs into your shared kitchen, putting them away into their proper places before gathering the remaining items and carrying them upstairs, the soft creak of each step you took giving away the age in which the cabin was built.
You knocked on the door that led to your girlfriend’s bedroom, hearing a soft “come in” before entering. She was, as usual, at her desk – looking through what seemed to be a spell book with unbroken focus.
Her room was enchanting, her shelves lined with books about herbology and magick, as well as jars filled with various ingredients that she’d use for potion making. Her black cat was sitting on the comforter of her bed, eyes watching you as you walked over to her desk.
“I’m back, ‘Nobu,” you gave her a quick kiss on her cheek before placing your basket on her desk, “I brought you some ingredients, I hope they’ll be of some use to you!”
She turned to you, a faint smile on her lips as she peered through what the basket contained, taking out various herbs and anything else you gathered for her on your walk home.
“Thank you, love, I appreciate this,” she spoke softly, “I’m sure I’ll find good use for them.”
You grinned and sat down on her bed, her cat walking over to you before sitting in your lap, allowing you to pet it. A comfortable silence ensued, you watching her study whatever spell she was working on, with nothing but the faint sounds of the fireplace from the living room and the soft purrs from the cat in your lap filling the air.
“I saw Sanemi flirting with your sister the other day,” you mused, watching the way her shoulders tensed, “he was so awkward with the whole thing, it was hilarious to watch honestly.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to hex him so he won’t be able to shit for the next week,” she responded, and you giggled. Shinobu was always protective of her older sister, which you admired, but you found it slightly amusing what lengths she’d sometimes go to display such protection.
“I’m sure he’ll appreciate you for that, ‘Nobu,” you smiled, and she continued her reading.
“I wanted to ask you about something, love,” she paused, “unrelated to Shinazugawa’s poor flirting skills.”
You laughed, “I’m listening.”
“However, I’d like for you to tell me if you trust me first,” she said.
You looked at her, briefly stopping the soft pets you were giving her cat, “of course I trust you, Shinobu,” you said seriously, “you’ve never given me a reason not to. I trust you fully.”
You could see some of the tension melt from her shoulders, relief seemingly filling her veins as she turned to you, her violet eyes searching yours.
“I’ve come up with a new potion,” she started.
“Really? What properties does it have?” you asked, and a faint smile appeared on her face.
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I incorporated ingredients that are initially used for love potions, such as rosewater, rose petals, and cinnamon, however, I got curious and added some other ingredients to it as well.”
“Like what?” you asked curiously.
“Shatavari, maca root – both of which I ground into a powder, as well as damiana…which, if you’ve listened to my ramblings or have gone through my herbology books, you’d know that these are–”
“Aphrodisiacs,” you finished for her, your interest peaked, “and you created a potion out of these ingredients?”
“Yes,” Shinobu answered, “from what I could tell given the results of it, it’s a very potent lust potion, and I was wondering–”
“Do you want to drink it together?” you blurted out, slightly flushed from both the idea as well as the obvious eagerness in your tone.
She hesitated, “only if you’re completely fine with it, I know this is something new for both of us, so I just wanted to make sure–”
“Yes, when can we start?”
A slight smirk appeared on her face, before getting up from her desk and walking towards one of her shelves and pulling out two jars with a pink-tinted liquid inside them. She handed one of them to you, and turned her back for just a second to sit down on her bed.
“Honestly, one sip should be enough to cause the desired effects, so just–” she paused, eyes widening and mouth agape as she realized you’d already downed half of the entire jar.
You looked at her, fear in your eyes, “um…it’s not gonna kill me, right?” 
She shook her head, “no, but…oh fuck it,” she exclaimed, before downing nearly half of it herself. 
An awkward silence ensued, both of you waiting for the other to start exhibiting symptoms.
“Uh…’Nobu, I love you, but…are you sure this is gonna work?” you asked, and she rolled her eyes.
“Yes, I’m certain it should work. I highly doubt that any of the ingredients would cancel each other out.”
“Okay, well…I hope I didn’t just drink that gross liquid for nothin—oh fuck–!” you jolted, careening over as you went to hug yourself, a searing hot sensation bubbled deep within your gut. Startled by your sudden movement, Shinobu’s cat crawled out of your grasp and left the room. You looked over at Shinobu with widened eyes, nervous considering how strong the reaction was, and she looked slightly concerned before going into a fetal-like position herself, seemingly dealing with a similar situation as you were.
The feeling of heat in the lower part of your abdomen began to radiate, spreading to other parts of your body. You shuddered, starting to become irritated by the clothes you were wearing – your skin just felt so sensitive. Without hesitating, you removed your outer layers, leaving you in nothing but a bra and panties. Shinobu eyed you hungrily from her position on the bed, seemingly liking the idea of removing her own clothes as well – taking off the butterfly-patterned cardigan that was a gift from her sister, as well as the rest of her outfit. A blush spread across her cheeks, panting from her increased heart rate as well as the heat that seemed to fill each and every crevice of the room.
“Well, I knew the effects would be strong, but–” Shinobu gasped, “this is more than what I originally anticipated.”
“Kiss me, ‘Nobu, please.”
She didn’t waste any time, her hand going behind your neck and pulling you into her, kissing you fervently. She forced her tongue into your mouth, causing you to moan as she used it to massage and caress your tongue. She brought her hands to your breasts, roughly tweaking at your nipples and pinching them, the pain mixing with the pleasure and sensitivity of each touch she gave you.
Your moans were wanton as she fondled your breasts, grinding against her thigh as your panties grew wetter – barely even able to taste the friction due to how slick it was between your thighs. She slapped one of your tits, before taking her bra off and pulling you down by your hair so you could suck on hers while she continued to grope your own. You took one of her tits in your mouth, moaning at how soft and supple her skin was before sucking at it, earning a moan from her as she grabbed a fistful of your hair.
“Such a good slut for your mistress, aren’t you?” she cooed, and you whined around her nipple, licking and softly biting at it just as she liked. Her head tilted back, as she took her free hand and placed it between her legs, rubbing at her own clit to get herself off as you moved to her other breast, lavishing it with the same attention that you gave the first before reaching up to kiss her once more.
Your hips continued to grind down on Shinobu’s thigh, your movements getting faster as you listened to her moans. Suddenly, without warning, you were cumming – nearly choking on your own saliva from how unexpected it was. You got lost in your own pleasure, fucking yourself on her smooth skin, moaning deeply into Shinobu’s mouth. Once you came down from your high, you noticed that Shinobu was eerily quiet. You opened your eyes, swallowing thickly at the disapproving look she gave you.
“Did I give you permission to cum, slut?” she asked, demanding that you answer.
“No–” you breathed shakily, “no, mistress.”
If Shinobu was feeling the same effects of the potion as you were, she was damn good at hiding it, because she readjusted her position and patted her lap, beckoning you to crawl over it.
“Do you know what happens to sluts who don’t obey?” she asked, her voice sickeningly sweet given the foul words that were coming out of her mouth.
“They– they get punished,” you stuttered, and she nodded.
“That’s right, bad sluts get punished. I want you on all fours and crawled over my lap, do you understand?”
You nodded meekly and obeyed her command, arching your back as she traced her hand down your body, eventually reaching the fullness of your ass. She grabbed a handful of your flesh before pulling her hand back and landing a slap on your ass, earning a small yelp from you. The smacks continued, as she alternated between your ass cheeks with each slap, both proudly displaying a blooming redness as she punished you.
“Ah– ‘Nobu please…’t hurts,” you whined, despite obviously arching your back even more so she could continue. 
“Oh, I know, baby, but you have to understand that good sluts are ones who don’t cum without permission. Does your dumb little brain know that yet? Or are you just a mindless cum whore who needs to be fucked?”
“Mmmh— need you, ‘Nobu.”
Shinobu sighed, “obviously you’re too fucked out to comprehend anything I’m saying. But, you’re lucky, ‘cause I– I need to cum just as much as you do,” she started to pant, the effects of the potion slowly addling her brain as well. “Get off my lap, I’m gonna fuck you now ‘mkay?” 
You crawled off of her and laid on your back, legs spread as she moved herself between them, holding one of your legs as her pussy pressed against yours – both of you gasping at the feeling of copious amounts of slick leaking out of each of your cunts. Shinobu started to grind down onto you, gasping and moaning with each brush her clit made against your pussy. You whined, starting to buck your own hips to increase the friction she was creating.
It wasn’t enough.
Shinobu’s movements quickened, wanting, needing more – more friction, more pleasure, more you.
Her head fell back, her gasps and moans dripping from her mouth as her grinding became second nature, unable to stop or slow down even if she wanted to. The mattress creaked with each thrust, knocking the headboard against the wall with each buck of her hips against your sweet cunt. 
Your legs were shaking, one of them only being held up due to Shinobu’s grip on it – an attempt at stabilizing herself. Each brush of her cunt against your clit caused fresh tears to fall down your cheeks, your mouth permanently agape and emitting the smallest moans as you lost control over your voice. 
Eventually, Shinobu wasn’t able to hold herself up anymore, collapsing on top of you as she ground into your pussy, seeking your lips with hers as wanton moans escaped both of your lips.
“Fu– Fuck, baby I– shit,” she moaned, kissing you sloppily, the warmth in her gut unrelenting as she fucked you. 
You whined in response, babbling being the most you could do from how drunk you were from her pussy. Your abdomen tensed, feeling the familiar buildup inside of your stomach. 
“Nngh– ‘Nobu, I– I’m gonna–!” you whined. 
Her breath was hot against your ear as she panted. “Cum for me, slut.”
It was too much – by the time she brushed up against your clit once more, you felt a sudden rush of fluid gushing out of your cunt, causing a spike of pleasure unparalleled to anything you’ve felt before. You let out a high pitched whine as it sprayed all over Shinobu’s pussy, gasping for air as it messily dripped down both of your thighs. 
“Oh my– you’re such a filthy slut aren’t you?” she smirked, and you flushed red with embarrassment, “come clean up your mess, pet– I won’t let you go until you do.” 
Whimpering, you crawled out from under her and placed your head in between her thighs, sloppily licking up the mess you made on her pussy, swallowing everything you lapped up. Her soft moans encouraged you, moving up to suck on her clit before licking your tongue in circles around it. Her legs trembled on either side of you as you greedily swallowed all of the juices that leaked out of her, inserting two fingers inside of her cunt just to collect more of her sweetness on your tongue. You felt her tense above you, and a moan escaped her throat as she gushed all over your mouth, soft whines filling the air as you lapped up all that she gave you.
“Such a good slut f’ me…” she breathed, and you smiled as you licked the last of her up, earning a few more whines from the overstimulation you were causing her. You kissed her thigh before resting your head on her stomach, her fingers slowly brushing through your hair as she laid back on her bed, a sense of calmness filling the room as the burning effects of the potion slowly wore off.
“Mmh…love you ‘Nobu,” you mumbled, eyes closing due to how fatigued you were. She sighed, her own exhaustion becoming apparent as you relaxed against her.
“Love you more, my dear, always will,” she said softly, eyes slowly drifting shut as you both peacefully fell asleep in each others’ embrace.
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Taglist: @k-a-t-h-r-i-n-a, @wow-im-gay, @peanutpunchy, @love-me-satoru, @crazycatlddy, @dinosaur-crime-scene, @thisbicc, @gojoscumslut, @everyonesfinaldestination, @leehoonii-i, @kyojurismo, @briefrebelfanalmond, @izuoyarmin, @ahashiraswife, @d1gitalbathh @homo-homini-lupus-est-1701 (if your name is crossed out, it means tumblr didn't allow me to tag you - apologies for the inconvenience)
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theshinazugawaslut · 4 months
what's your opinion on the other Canon ships in kny, tanjiro x kanao, zenistu x nezuko, etc (I personally dislike them but I wanna know your opinion 🤧)
a/n: honoured someone wants my opinions. I'll go through canon ships first, then un-canon!
𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘳𝘰 𝘹 𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘰
I personally really dislike this ship since it came out of nowhere and it feels incredibly forced. Their designs and personalities don't complement each other that well. They seem more like good friends to me.
If we got more of them, it would've made sense.
But I do like the characters separately! The ship just isn't for me!
𝘻𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘦𝘻𝘶𝘬𝘰
Zenitsu and Nezuko COULD have been a good ship but it's not very well done and again, their personalities just don't match. Zenitsu's writing is already rather terrible when it comes to the screaming and yelling (though he has very good morals, great character concept ect.) and the yelling/being perverted is what ruins the relationship.
We also don't see a lot of Nezuko in the first place and she isn't aware of Zenitsu's feelings since she's a demon, so the ship just feels strange and uncomfortable to me.
I also just don't like the ship.
𝘢𝘰𝘪 𝘹 𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘦
I don't even know where it came from
I cannot stress this enough but their personalities do NOT match (what I mean by this, they are not the right people to balance each other out).
Doesn't help they deadass look like siblings.
Inosuke should've gotten a girl that had Tanjiro's personality, it would've worked better.
Aoi and Inosuke have borderline no meaningful interactions. Aithor just sloppily meshed them together.
𝘶𝘻𝘶𝘪 𝘹 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴
I think the ship works rather well; the girls each have their own separate personalities but I do feel like Hinatsuru is the only one who compliments Uzui's personality well but Makio and Suma are also good!
I think you can tell Uzui cares for them but it's not my favourite ship.
My friend James thinks Makio and Suma are annoying. Hinatsuru is "good" though.
𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘪 𝘹 𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘪
I adore this ship — Obanai and Mitsuri were made for each other; their writing, characters, personalities, and designs are just so cute and well-done!
I liked how the author fleshed out their characters.
My favourite ship!
𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪 𝘹 𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘦
What a shitty ass ship.
Doesn't work
Contradictory on every level (Sanemi claims he doesn't like ditzes/certain sort of women when talking about Mitsuri but Kanae is basically just Mitsuri in a different design)
Doesn't make sense
Creepy since Sanemi sees his MOTHER in Kane (the way Inosuke sees his mother in Shinobu/Nezuko).
Barely knew each other; Kanae died a few weeks after knowing Sanemi.
Definitely one-sided (Shinobu adopts Kanae's habits ect. Meaning how Shinobu acts is a reflection of how Kanae would've acted and Shinobu seems to not be all that fond of Sanemi, meaning Kanae probably respected Sanemi but didn't particularly like him.)
Sanemi and Kanae DO NOT match
The author sloppily put it together
𝘺𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘶𝘵𝘢
They complimented each other SO well.
We don't see much of them but you can tell they were made for each other
Yoriichi cradled her dead body for TEN DAYS
𝘩𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘫𝘪 (𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘻𝘢) 𝘹 𝘬𝘰𝘺𝘶𝘬𝘪
Devastating story.
He loved her so much.
Koyuki was a perfect match for him.
𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘰𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘶𝘯-𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘴:
𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘣𝘶 𝘹 𝘨𝘪𝘺𝘶𝘶
I hate this ship since I hate how they look together
I also feel like Giyuu doesn't need someone who jabs at his insecurities ("You really shouldn't be a Hashira, Tomioka-san!" she says to the man who obviously has issues about his place in the Corps.)
Shinobu's teasing nature doesn't match all that well with Giyuu in my opinion, even if she means it lightheartedly.
𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪 𝘹 𝘨𝘪𝘺𝘶𝘶
I feel like people slander it too much — the interactions the two have later on in the story give reason for people to ship it.
But I feel like whilst Sanemi fits Giyuu, Giyuu doesn't fit Sanemi. Like, what I mean is, I think Sanemi's nature matches Sabito's towards Giyuu, especially later on in the story, but I feel like Sanemi needs someone that isn't Giyuu.
I personally don't ship it because I feel like Giyuu's writing isn't all that delved into.
I love these two platonically though —Sanemi's parallels with Sabito will always keep me in a firm chokehold.
I'm fond of them since they remind me of todobaku but I personally don't ship sanegiyuu.
𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘦 𝘹 𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘳𝘰
These two, platonically/romantically, are so cute to me.
Inosuke always holding onto Tanjiro and Tanjiro's understanding of Inosuke is so precious to me.
𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘺𝘢 𝘹 𝘮𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘰
Such an adorable ship — I love the shy, angry guy paired with the oblivious, dense guy trope so much (#todobaku).
Their friendship was so sweet, too.
I wish we got more of them since they compliment each other so well!
𝘴𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘰 𝘹 𝘨𝘪𝘺𝘶𝘶
I love this ship BUT only if it's aged-up Sabito
To be honest, I think I only like this ship because I had such a big crush on Sabito when he first came up on screen (that man has such a strong personality).
I think the possible dynamic has lots of potential.
Giyuu obviously cares a lot about Sabito — unable to survive with the guilt of his best friend dying for years and causing him to become suicidal, like, bro was in love?
𝘮𝘶𝘻𝘢𝘯 𝘹 𝘬𝘰𝘬𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘣𝘰
The fanfics for this ship are always written so well
I don't actually SHIP it but the dark potential it has for fanfics...
𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘺𝘢 𝘹 𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘳𝘰
It's such a sweet idea — I feel like Tanjiro and Genya really connect
Don't personally ship it but it has such adorable fanarts
𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘰 𝘹 𝘯𝘦𝘻𝘶𝘬𝘰
Random ass ship
Seem more like besties that hold hands and run around together
But the shippers are sweet
𝘶𝘻𝘶𝘪 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘬𝘶
The fanfictions are SO funny
I don't actually ship it but they'd be so fun together.
A couple that seem like besties then you find out they're married with fifteen adopted children.
𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘣𝘶 𝘹 𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘪
Adorable ship
Only person Shinobu seems to genuinely like
I love these two together
/ if you guys want my opinions on anything else or would like me to expand, don't hesitate to ask!
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 4 months
Sanemi x snow breathing!reader who insecure about her hair that was similar to Mitsuri but with different colors! She also clingy and alaways hugs him :)
Soft spot
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Paring: Sanemi x Fem!reader
Synopsis: Sanemi doesn't care until it comes to you
Content: Fluff, readers' skin isn't described but is mentioned to have white hair and snowflake eyes, physical affection, insecure reader, mention of bullying, kiss at the end
Word count: 1.0k words
A/n: This was so cute to write!🥹
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"Your hair isn't werid. It's fine just the way it is," Sanemi said, putting his hand on your head. Your arms were wrapped around his waist and your chest resting on his musclar chest as you explained to him how you've been feeling about your appearance and other problems.
You couldn't wait for him to come by your house, so you stepped by at headquarters, and luckly, Sanemi was finished talking with the Serpent hashira. You've been standing there hugging Sanemi so tightly in the middle of headquarters you didn't think for a moment anyone could walk by and see how intimately close you two were being.
Usually, Sanemi would push you off him, sometimes even fighting you, but it was never violent. More so, Sanemi doesn't know how two react to such clingess and kind touch. So he pushes it away. However, over time, he's gotten so used to your touch, and right now, you needed him. He cares about you and doesn't push you away.
Other slayers in your ranking have recently been making your time in the demon slayer core difficult. Your appearance was consently made fun of because of your naturally white hair. It's very uncommon for someone you're younger adult age having white hair and others assume you're aging too fast when it's been your hair color from when you were born. Your eyes also had snowflakes like pupils as well.
Your snow breathing wasn't seen to be useful to other slayers when it came to group work. It was taring you apart and made you think you might not be good enough. What worried you more is that because of how often your appearance was made fun of, it made you worry if Sanemi would still be with you.
When you first joined the demon slayer core, you met sanemi and a handful of times, thanks to rengoku, and the two of you bonded over having naturally white hair at a younger age. However, no slander of a lower ranking, not even his fellow hashira, would dare say anything bad about his looks.
Sanemi, being a hashira, also made you think you were good enough. What if he dates one of the female hashira who are of his status? What if you don't find you attractive anymore? The "What ifs" plays in your head so much as you explain what's been going on to sanemi. When you were finished, you saw his face become visibly mad.
Usually, it's not a hashira's job to take on the task of discrimination and bullying in the core, but he was just about ready to fight any slayer to teach them a lesson. You opened your mouth to say something, thinking he'd say the things he'd do to the slayers who wronged you, but instead, he took a deep breaths.
Sanemi calmed himself down and then brought his hand and placed it on the back of your head. His expression was still serious, but he gently played with your hair and curled it around his finger. "You worry too much about others. You're off duty tomorrow, so let me take you home," he said. "You're cold as ice, and it's chilly out here. Let's go,"
For a moment, you felt sad, thinking Sanemi might have brushes off your concerns, but you don't pry anymore. The sun was going down with the night cold creeping it, and you ended up holding onto Sanemi's arms. His hands were in his pockets as he let's you hug his arm and walked you home. Luckily, you don't live too far, so after a bit, you were walking up to your front door.
The walk home was silent. You just assumed Sanemi was tied and just choked it up to him, needing to leave quickly to do his hashira duties. You reach to your front door and let go of Sanemi's arms to tell him goodnight. "One more thing," sanemi said, breaking the silence. "You're a strong slayer. You've been at the demon slayer core for a year. You're not going to be master level, but in time, you will, and in times, you've improved a lot. Your breathing technique will be put to very good use when it's time to fight muzan." sanemi looked at you.
"I'll have a word with the slayers bothering you. This is why the core is fucked up, to want cocky slayers for my liking" he scoffed. You look at him a bit starstruck as he praises you and actually sees your improvement. "As for you thinking I'd date one of the female hashira, I wouldn't. They aren't my type, plus mitsuri is clearly off limits, and Shinobu is gay so" he said so nonchalant you couldn't help but giggle.
Sanemi watches you giggle, and you start to see a faint blush on his cheeks. "You're not bad looking. I like my woman to be pretty but smart, and you're just what I like," Sanemi said. There's many pretty women in the demon slayer core, but hearing how Sanemi called you his woman and how he views your beauty, inside and out brought you to tears.
You needed the reassurance to be told you're doing good and how pretty you are. "I'll tell you as many times as you need to hear it since you forget that," Sanemi as he steps closer to wrap his arm around your waist to pull you close, making your bodies touch and lips just inches apart.
"I have to go to work for the night now. Don't come to headquarters again. I'll come by here in the morning," he said. You become a bit flustered with how close in contact you are with him, opening your mouth to speak bit it comes out in stutters.
"Easy, easy." Sanemi flirts, seeing how flustered you are. He had a small smirk on his face and watched you nod your head. Understand what he just said. "Good girl," Sanemi said, bringing his hand to your cheek and cups it. Before you knew it, his lips connected with yours, so loving and passionate you couldn't help but kiss him back.
Sanemi pulled away after a few seconds and let you go. "See you tomorrow," he responds, red in the face, and quickly walks away from you. "See you," you reply, waving your hand as sanemi walks away.
You placed your finger over your bottom lip and sighed. He's always leaving you flustered and missing him already.
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lunaefall · 1 year
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Well . . . that explains a lot 💀
Sanemi I am so sorry for slandering you in season 1.
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signedeclipse · 11 months
Yeah I’m unfollowing- Sanemi and Gyomei are the two strongest hashira. I’m tired of people slandering and not giving them credit.
No taste at all.
I dont know if you read what I said, but I feel like its better if you walk away if you're so upset that I just think theyre cool and not that theyre awesome.
They ARE good characters and there was zero slander, this is hilarious 😭
Forgot I'm not allowed to have favourite characters or personality preferences, my bad!!
Ps. my first hate mail its worth saving forever
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cherrykamado · 1 year
btw this is a sanemi slander account
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painedpen · 9 months
ngl a little piece of me dies every time I see someone defend the way Sanemi treats Genya. I don’t understand how you can excuse his actions, but hate someone like Zenitsu.
“B-But he was trying to get Genya away from the Demon Slayers! He loves his brother!!” Okay??? Are we just ignoring the fact that he genuinely tried to poke out a 15 year old child’s eyes????? Make it make sense.
“I despise you so much that I’ve decided to disown you, now stand there and let me verbally and physically attack you.” Sounds like a real loving brother to me. A regular Mother Theresa here, folks.
Not saying that you can’t like Sanemi, just don’t try to defend his actions towards Genya and others like him. At the very least, don’t do it on my platform. In fact, if Sanemi is one of your favorites, I suggest you move on. I’ll not be treating him very kindly in the future.
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toxiccluvvv · 1 year
I have a confession to make- and I don't know you so-
I don't like shinobu
Also reason why giyuu gyomei and misturi are the best hashira
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Spares nezuko
Doesnt assault a child (*cough cough* obani *cough cough* sanemi)
Is hot asf
His haori. That's it that's the reason.
Long hair
Blue eyes
All body inclusive breathing style
Has tragic backstory
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doesn't assault children
Prays for the children ⬆️
Is sad for tanjiro and nezuko
I giniminasorus which means he's a freaking teddy bear
Has some rocking ass prayer beads
Is very respectful
Doesn't act happy about killing a little boys sister
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Doesn't hurt the children
Has a scar kink (proly idk she be lookin at Sanemis scars a little funky ykwhatimsayin?)
Obeys the masters wishes to not kill nezuko
Is a sweetheart
Managed to withstand rengokus training
Obani is a simp for her so theoretically she could stop him from doing stuff and make him her errand boy
Has a cat
Developed a new breathing style that's literally love
Won’t take the slander;
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•She’s had the biggest disadvantage to becoming a hashira, and still did.
•she’s determined
•she’s smart
•purple eyes.
•dead sister
•very kind (unless you a demon☺️)
•wears a butterfly clip
•is definitely a sub (just like me fr)
Anywayssss I rest my case
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shokami · 2 years
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ਏਓ 。 JIN. twenty four centuries old. she/her. 3.6.23 <33 INTP; 5w4 ; sp/sx ; taurus ☼ leo ☽ scorpio ↑ . . . lover of winter and fall, with a lavender obsession. the raging antagonist who commits mass arson for a good cause. aspiring author. butterfly/moth connoisseur. and loving spouse of Lucifer and Lord Morax. . . ♡
jin’s anthem : eyes on fire by blue foundation
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# 001. — creative writing college graduate. currently, suffering somewhere in some random city … european.
# 002. — baking at four a.m, dancing to let’s grove by earth wind & fire with lucifer. caught sitting on the counter eating peanut butter like a local gremlin. coffee obsessed, prefers caramel macchiatos or caramel iced coffees.
# 003. — owns two cats, and a shiba inu who does drugs in her free time. also gets caught sitting on the counter eating peanut butter that i left open at four a.m.
# 004. — manga and book collector that never get read at a timely fashion. tattoos, piercings, lover and local mother of plants and growing ecosystems.
# 005. — thinks i’m edgy, but is a soft anti-social butterfly. just wants a kiss from my man tbh
# 005. — an unfortunate kenma kozume, and layla kinnie.
# 006. — in an active relationship with the love of my life
# 007. — local norse pagan and demonolatrist, practitioner of seven years. demonology and astrology studier.
# 008. — casual cozy twitch streamer! follow and support me at Motheon_ i wanna see your faces over there <3
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animes and mangas consists of — jujutsu kaisen, haikyuu!!, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, dragon ball, chainsaw man, highraise invasion, kamisama kiss, noragami, inuyasha, spy x family, every studio ghibli movie ever, demon slayer, rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai, tokyo ghoul, yuri!! on ice, sailor moon + more
characters consist of — gojo satoru, geto suguru, lucifer morningstar, alastor, stolas, shoko ieiri, hange zoe, vegeta, gohan, lord beerus, shinazugawa sanemi, kyoujurou rengoku, kenma kozume, kuroo tetsurou, yato, tomoe, dazai osamu, gogol nikolai, sesshomaru, raiden shogun, zhongli, il dottore, layla, denji. + more
. . . dislikes the heat. any form of gojo satoru slanderers. people who slander others comfort characters, animes, food etc. mahito. when my apartment is above 50°. slow drivers. nuts… why they taste like that? being sensitive to the sun.
༶ • ┈┈┈┈┈୨ ✧ ୧┈┈┈┈┈ • ༶
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potofstewie · 1 year
All the things Uzui Tengen has done:
1. Push over my wife (Suri)
2. Not help her up even though he was right next to her
3. He punched my son (Ino)
4. He punched my son's brother (Zenny)
5. Made a joke about firing my other son (Tomi) and made fun of him for being antisocial (the image below)
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6. Tried to take Aoi and one of the caterpillars by force
7. He's called the kamaboko squad trash (Tanji, Zenny, and Ino)
8. He even talked down on them
9. He said Tomi was gloomy and that he looked
like he was at a funeral
10. Called my wife weird
Basically, he deserves to be executed. /Hj
I'm gonna answer this in bullet form and with full sentences because if there is one thing I am, it's being a good lawyer for Tengen and i will nOT TOLERATE THIS SLANDER
He didn't push her over, everyone was shocked at what was transpiring and leaned for a better look. Mitsuri just happened to be a bit clumsy and fall.
The same thing can be said for Rengoku, the kindest one out of them all and yet he too let her stay on the ground.
Deserved, he spoke ill about his wives survival status.
Also deserved, he wasn't taking the mission seriously and was being a bit of a creep by being too obsessed with the fact that Tengen has 3 wives.
If that is from fanfiction then that is automatically void.
He did so for the sake of the mission and she was wearing her uniform so of course he would take her as someone who could help him out.
Tengen is a man of flamboyant energy and thinks well of himself (but knows his limits). Compared to him, yes the gang is trash in terms of looks and skill but that is quickly revoked when the district fight happens.
They are his subordinates, that is expected.
Sanemi and obanai think lowly of Tomioka and yet you are able to love them. If we compare their thoughts on Tomioka to that of Tengen, it is safe to say that Tengen is more on the polite side of things.
Sanemi thinks she is weird (and annoying) too. Everyone is weird to one another.
Basically, he doesn't deserve such a cruel fate.
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nymphoheretic · 11 months
The sanemi tag showing people being mean about my husband today got me fucked up.
Like if you don’t like him don’t write about him?
I’m so protective of Nemi.
He’s a sweetheart. He’s so selfless. He gave up everything to protect people he cared about-
Stop slandering my mans people
I haven't been in the tags lately because I'm writing and when I'm writing , I don't read fics at all.
What are they saying?
Cause I will fight anyone who slander Nemi. He's one of the sweetest men ever after Kyoujuro.
My older brother love is showing I know
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theshinazugawaslut · 6 months
Nobody can look at me amd tell me Sane,I would ever become an alcoholic after the war and be rude to his family
Whoever started that headcanon deserves to go to jail because I will not stan Sanemi slander (that is unwarranted because let's be read, he a Lil bitch)
Now, look, I'm not a violent person, my doll, but whoever made that headcanon gotta square the fuck up, and I'll show'em what a real pounding looks like.
But, genuinely speaking, that man would never become like his dad, especially not in the alcoholic and abusive manner. I already have a very set image of Sanemi in my head - soft, gentle despite it all, so much love I think it'd make anyone's heart burst by watching, and I also heavily believe that love would be such an intimate, vulnerable thing for him so you're most likely ALL his firsts, no matter what AU you shove him in.
He'd be an amazing husband - your comfort, your happiness is his #1 priority. And oh god, his kids, he'd be in so much awe of them all the time - something that is half himself and half all his love - fuck yeah, that's all his to cherish, till the end of time.
Thank you for sending this ask, my dear, I've gone all mushy now.
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