#sanford booba
mitzyfanggz · 2 years
Wip of Sanford. :3
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Oo a ;) booba boi
You thought for a little bit then spoke “how about Sanford?”
Deimos made a chuckle “Ford? Well don’t be surprised when you walk in there and he has no shirt on.. but he is a serious but gentle person…. Me and him go back-“ he smirked “Oh we are here!”
You chuckled “huh interesting…” you picked up bear and cradled them like a baby as you unbuckled and opened and got out of the truck as Deimos beat you too it “allow me~” he raised a hand
A. Take his hand
B. Let bear bite his hand
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vinnival · 3 years
Hello, wondering if I could get a madness combat matchup
Im a female, bisexual, around 6’1 with dark brown hair that goes around halfway down my back. I’m skinny and pale as can be and when it co,es to meeting new people I’m shy and don’t talk around people I haven’t met before but when I’m around my friends I’m pretty loud and weird. I absolutely love music and I listen to it all the times, I care for people that I know a lot, I mostly refuse anything nice my friends try and do to me. I’m a big fan of horror games and movies and really into gory ones, I don’t really like how I sound or look and I hate being in crowed places with people I don’t know. It takes a lot to make me mad but when I do get mad I mainly just stay quiet.
Any op that can easily stomp on me (5'7) is one that I respect 😩 enjoy this bbg!
You got a match! You're matched with...
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Deimos and you two were friends and super close since you were tiny, and he decided to introduce you to The Group!
You hit it off moderately well with everyone! And then you managed to land a spot on said team :)
You would've never realized Sanford immediately fell for you because TALL WOMAN
You two haven't talked much until one day you were tasked to go steal some gasoline from a nearby A.A.H.W. warehouse with Sanford
Man that boy was nervous
He kept tripping up and looking back at you while you two snuck through the warehouse
You two talked minimally, but when you got back home, he started conversing a lot more with you
Deimos eventually called you and told you to help him with some tech stuff
"Yo, stop making out with Sanford and come help me build this roomba"
"DEIMOS" you both screamed through the phone
You two could hear him cracking up in his room across the base
You two looked at each other, exasperated
You then nodded at him and left the room
He heard you yelling some VERY colorful expletives straight into Deimos's face
Sanford soon found out you were putting Deimos through EXTREME silent treatment
You would frequently visit Sanford and be with him, your reasons being "Hank is very intimidating and 2B is always studying some grunt organs, Deimos is just stupid"
You two grew closer, and soon you acted the same around Sanford as you did around Deimos
Being rough with him, joking around a lot, just being jolly old friends
He loves your music taste btw I just know he does
He'll listen to your music with you happily
He also really gives off "horror movie enthusiast" vibes so YES he would watch them with you
Afterwards, you would talk about your ratings and which parts of the movie were the stupidest
You two would definitely prank Deimos for that "make out" joke, maybe the scary maze game prank?
You pointed out one day the fact that he never wears a shirt
"Shirts make me uncomfortable, plus I'm buff as hell, why not show it off?"
*you both go back to playing SCP containment breach*
He's a tad more jumpy with horror games but he's got the spirit
You mentioned how you felt about yourself and he did his best to reassure you on how wonderful you are, in all different ways
Ohoho he will never forget THAT incident, either;
THAT incident was the time when Sanford was held at knifepoint and gunpoint by multiple different grunts because Deimos fell asleep (he lost so much sleep the previous night due to working on the roomba) and couldn't warn Sanford.
It was tense, silent, a pin could he heard dropping on the ground
And then Sanford spots a flying canister zooming straight towards his threat group, and recognizes it as a flashbang
He closes his eyes while all the grunts go completely temporarily blind
He quickly took out the men holding him hostage, and turns around to YOU...
You came sprinting in, as silent as you could be
Your face held clear rage but you remained silent
You jumped on one of the grunts blindly firing and just fuckin SLAMMED one of Sanford's spare hooks straight into their face
You jumped off, dragging their struggling body along as a body shield, and used their pistol to quickly end the others also blindly attacking
You decided to go an extra mile by furiously stomping on all of their heads until their skulls caved in, the grunts' blood spilling out by the quarts onto the ground, and getting all over your shoes and pants.
When you were done letting out your anger, you shifted your eyes to a very shocked Sanford
VERY shocked. Like, his jaw felt like it was on the ground
He never seen you get this violent over anything before
You smoothed your hair, took a deep breath in and out, and just smiled at him;
"San, you're gonna catch flies with your mouth open like that."
You two returned home and told off a very sleepy yet very sorry Deimos
You trotted to your room to get ready to clean up, and Sanford followed you 🤔
"I. Holy shit. Was that really you back there?"
You just looked at him, at your hands, and back at him
"Uhm... I think so, yeah...? Why?"
"Wow that was hot"
He clapped a hand over his mouth and you cracked up at that
"Well thank you, you're not so bad yourself!"
After you cleaned up, Sanford was waiting for you;
"So does that mean we can date?"
"Makes sense in my book," you grinned before kissing him on the cheek
Deimos teases you two a lot more lol
I hope you liked it hun! You're blessed with height and I love you for it /p
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6krptic · 3 years
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Yes Deimos, I understand you…
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Hi wanted to say my Sanford hc that probably will be added in my imagines / hcs because it's MY BLOG.
They are nonbinary and use he/they. I will never shut up about it.
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snakeguy999 · 3 years
Sanford my beloved ♥❤
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knightlysnowy · 3 years
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It’s obv ketchup and mustard ;;; ANYWAYS Sanford!
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Wip time
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ranchberrycrunch · 3 years
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hello madness combat tumblr deimos and sanford lol redraw of this https://twitter.com/amphibily/status/1391486328144080896
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Dunno if you’re still taking requests
I see a lot of language speaking reader 😂 how about we change it up
A basic friends to lovers with the main 3 boys ?
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As friends, Hank treats you like any other grunt in Nevada but he doesn’t hurt you at all. He likes hanging around you and training with you. To him, you’re a cool grunt.
When you become lovers however, he sees you as the best thing in the world. He’d die to make sure he doesn’t lose you. He’s not afraid to show it either. He gives you a lot of hugs and occasionally compliments you and says how much he really loves you.
As friends, Sanford is you’re good ol trusty big muscly man. He helps you with things that are too hard for you to handle, and he likes to tell you stories about his crazy adventures in fighting AAHW
As soon as you turn into lovers, he worries about you a lot. Even if you have the slightest scratch, he’ll make sure it goes away as soon as possible and gives you as much affection as possible. Speaking of affection, this man is just full of it. He hugs with his extremely muscly arms and squeezes you into his bare chest, right between his man booba (goddamn 😳). Also he likes to give you cheek kisses a bunch.
As friends, you two are practically inseparable. The two of you love to pull pranks on the other members, tell the worst possible jokes to each other just for the lols, and do many stupid things, regardless of how much it annoys any of the members.
Becoming lovers is when things get real…sus 😳. Dude is a massive simp for you. Always cuddling you, making out with you (even with his tongue), flirting with you (sometimes it gets dirty), and god knows what you guys do in the bedroom…😳
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boobaeworld · 4 years
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🎶🎵✅💯 Wellllllll as you can see Syd Vic has definitely hit the JACKPOT 🎰🏦💸 You can hit the J A C K P O T 💰 too, it’s very simple ✍️[email protected] #memasgoldenthumb #udangsurabaya #Boobae #Boobaeseasoning #teamboobae #ImNextUp #peace #love #happiness #repost #videooftheDay #friedfood #hotgrease #razzledazzle #magical #atlanta #apoka #sanford #daytonabeach #bikeweek2020 #nowadays #free #whatsfordinner (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFLqbVQJSbr/?igshid=10v7xwjigkas
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Hug headcanons
Deimos - Clingy, hug him once and he's going to expect hugs all the time
Sanford - Soft, his booba make good pillows
Hank - Cold, unsure but they enjoy them
Doc - Normal, hesitates at first but will hug back
Tricky - Fidgety, he can't stay still to save his life
Jebus - Normal, he'll go all dad mode and rub your back comfortingly too
Auditor - Toasty, will probably burn you
Torture - No
Engineer/Soldat - Don't you have a job to do?
Agent - Confused, why are you showing them love??
Grunt - Lovely, they will hug back
Fluffy grunt - Amazing, they will steal your wallet tho so be careful
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vinnival · 3 years
Hey! Hope its ok if i ask for a madcom matchup :)!!! I didnt see anything about them being closed but if they are feel free to ignore this lol..
Anywhosies! I'm a 5'4 guy but I have a mean slouch so it probably makes me a bit shorter, I have messy dark brown hair that reaches my mid back. I just look tired always lol. I also hve like. Pretty small hands.. I think tht shit is so embarrassing but all of my friends love it, they call me baby hands nd shiz its so humiliating😭.
I think I'm an overall friendly person, I love makin friends nd talking to people although I may end up talking your ear off and end up getting annoying, I love telling jokes nd tryin to make people laugh. My humour is pretty dumb tho, nd I get kind of loud when messing around. I can be very temperamental, I can get angry/annoyed very easily 😭 I just tend to be very emotional all together💔💔 m emotionally energetic and physically lazy x_x . I'm a very touchy person I like being able to playfully jab someone or wrap my arms around them etc etc. I'm a big night owl and I don't get as much sleep as I should. I'm very protective of my friends 😎 I'd get in a fight for them LMFAOO. I'm pretty hardheaded I think, I'm also just.. Not the smartest lol.
One of my main hobbies is drawing :) I love making art nd I usually end up drawing up gifts for my friends. I also enjoy playing video games but I'm usually not good at them at all... I used to take karate classes so I think im pretty good at fighting :). I love listening to music but I feel as if my music taste is drastically different to the point where its kind of embarrassing (frm death grips to planet booty like what is this..😕)
Alright i hope that is good enough XO.. I hope u have a good day or night! Take care❤!
Aw hell yeah dude thats a good amount of info! Lets me match you easier :) enjoy!
You got a match! You're matched with...
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Living that #hitchiker life
You were trying to catch a ride to anywhere that wasn't home when a car stops for you
"Do you know how to fight?"
One of the two guys asked you this
"Uh... what the fuck? I mean, yeah, but-"
"Great, get in."
You got in obviously
"I'm Sanford, and that's Deimos."
Deimos waved at you nonchalantly, his cig nearly flying away into the wind
This was just before their official designs were given to them btw
You told them about yourself and they did the same, and Deimos really liked your humor!
Sanford made you laugh a couple of times, and you appreciated that
You two managed to beat the shit out of many grunts
When Sanford donned the Official Clothes, goddamn you fell hard and fast
This man just decided to be shirtless and vulnerable all the damn time
How could you not ???
You lived in the base alongside Sanford, Hank, and Deimos
You all had your own routines and habits that seemed to just slide right in place with each other
Most of the time you ended up crossing paths with/being around Sanford (you thanked whatever higher power there was for the blessing)
His personality fits nice with yours, he knows how to keep calm in most situations and would be there with you to help you through emotional swings
He loves watching you draw, he thinks your art is so cool
You two also love playfully arguing while you draw, sometimes turning into friendly karate matches
You'd usually beat him obvs
Sometimes you would crack jokes while fighting and he'd start laughing, leaving you with an opening
He doesn't mind the exploit,, the jokes are funny
You draw things for everyone, but mostly San because you're around him the most
You four were super close and relied on each other to live, all good in your own ways
You in particular taught everyone some obscure defensive moves from karate
When Sanford asked for you to help him privately one day, of course you agreed to help
He had his balance totally off on his stances
Which means you had to get up close and personal to help him correct his posture.
his skin was so w a r m . . .
For a man that was shirtless 25/8 you'd think he'd be bone cold
Mf was a toaster oven
"How the fuck are you a literal heating pad you never wear a shirt"
"Guess I'm just hot like that"
"Hell yeah you are"
You both laughed off the retort but man did something change
You noticed his cheeks were just a little tinted
Ngl so were yours
You both locked eyes while you tilted his arms into the correct position he needed to be in
He stared at you, and you smiled
Then, you quickly leaned forward and pecked him on the nose, then congratulated him on the correct pose and promptly left the room
Man.,nfndfbdm -sanford, on the floor
You two started dating the next day ofc 😩
Sorry this was a couple days late! I got a job recently and I've been training, plus I've been meaning to hang out w my bf!! Its been hectic but I hope you liked it op <33
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yanderepeace · 3 years
PLAYER HUGGING THE GRUNTS(plus a random grunt)
(Red means the bad things)
I feel like player reaches up to his chest so u can imagine wrapping your arms around his waist and him looking down at u blushing. He will adore the attention you give him
Will bend down to hug u too!
Ur probably like an inch taller than Him or more. But this grunt smells like cigarettes probably falls asleep on u will smile when u do hug him
“Heheh thanks player I really needed it”
U also reach up to his chest. Smiles and hugs u back BOOBA It feels awkward because he doesn’t have a shirt on
“This feels nice just a little longer?”
U reach up to his shoulders so yay! He gets taken of guard because of the sudden hug. But slowly hugs back he doesn’t know how to hug but he tries Old man XD
“Huh what’s this? A hug oh ok….”
You reach up to his chest again. He smiles and pickes u up and spines you around doesn’t stop until he’s done. again like sanford doesn’t have a shirt on
He’s surprised but happy and relieved to be hugged by you. Hugs you back and tries to not hurt u
“Tell me when to stop ok”
HOLY SHIT HE’S TALL. U ask him to bend down and he does so and he’s surprised to be hugged by YOU but he’s not complaining besides it shows just how much u love him
“Thank u my god I will never forget this”
He was a little scared but happy u hugged him. He really needs it probably cries a little but tries to hide it
“No I’m not crying it’s just…..I needed this”
Happy boi snuggles into ur chest. Doesn’t release he is not letting go
“Huh I’m not letting go? O-oh I’m sorry it’s just….ur really warm”
Arena mode character(I call him arena)
Acts like a kid being hugged by his mom. But gives in and hugs u back while smiling
“playeeer stop I’m not a kid”
Random grunt
Terrified tries to fight back because it thinks ur trying to hurt him. But stops he hesitantly gives in and hugs you. Smiling from the warmth u give it
“H-hey stop this!……..actually this feels nice”
@saltymongoose HEY LOOK I UPLOADED!!!!
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Maybe some hank headcannons to start off the new blog?
Thanks for the ask anon!! And may I say, A very nice way to start of this blog <3 I wrote these as general Hank hcs that can kinda apply to all versions, Since I see some vers ( I.E MAG Hank, Antipathy, Average,etc. ) having some different quirks. So these can just apply to all three of them!
TRIGGER WARNING - Stalking, Kidnapping, Stabbing mention, Implied murder.
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To catch Hank's eye is something remarkable. He's an unfeeling, slaughtering, terror of a grunt who's only lover is carnage... Atleast that was until you stepped into his life, your biggest mistake yet.
You probably didn't even KNOW you did at first, Hank keeps everything well hidden. He not only keeps his feelings but himself as well.
He prefers to watch you at first, Learning your rountine, likes, Dislikes, friends, etc. He wants to know every little detail because it boggles him how someone like him could fall for someone like you.
He watches you for a long, long time.
But then while he watches you, He slowly realizes how fragile you are... You probably accidentally hurt yourself at one point or he spots a scar and it hits him like a bus, Maybe he just sees you in a fight: Which is common place in Nevada but the outcome doesn't change. Compared to him, You are small, fragile, brittle... weak. He needs to protect you.
After that he's not just watching you, But the people around you. If they treat you badly, or even make the mistake of laying a finger on you, He does what any good protecter would do: Take out the threat.
Possibly gets Sanford and Deimos too if he's unable. Those two would question it if course but it's not like Hank cares. All that matters is your safety
If possible, He may even ask Deimos and Doc / 2BDamned to set up a couple cameras around the area. However he 2B takes a lot more convincing than Deimos.
Either says that you have something to do with the A.A.H.W. and need to have a eye kept on or straight up admits his infatuation with you. After all: He highly doubts anyone could get in his way. Even if they wanted to
Eventually though: Watching isn't enough. He wants to be able to hold you. He sought comfort in your presence, He's sure you wouldn't mind him seeking out a little more close contact.
He is very touch starved too, So the idea of you holding him, the same way he would do to you. His legs turn to jelly and now he's absoluely restless. Promises himself that when you do, He'll savour every second.
You are the only one who can do this to him. You are the ONLY one who's allowed too.
Realistically, You are indeed fucked after being taken by Hank. You aren't getting away from him no matter what you do or say. Once you are in his arms, You aren't ever leaving them again.
He makes quick work of your allies after taking you. Can't have them questioning where you are and going looking in places they shouldn't for answers.
He's not the jealous type because in his mind. There is no reason to fall for anyone else but that doesn't mean he'll let you talk to them. Not unless necessary. You just need eachother. Noone else.
Most would characterize the monster of a man as impatient but he's willing to wait years for you to love him back. His determination is unbreakable: When Hank wants something, Hank gets without fail
Everytime you try to fight back or attempt to hurt him, He finds adoreable! You can probably not do any real damage without a weapon. His booba thick,,,,,,
If you were to get your hands ahold of a possible weapon, which is unlikely: He'd still find it cute but would have to punish you for it. How could you be so careless with it and hurt him? Not that he's not into it...
Either way, If you try to get along with Hank. He's suprisingly one of the easiest to get along with.
You've already got him wrapped around your finger, after all.
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chekkabodo · 3 years
madcom headcanon rambles LOL
stereotypical hardcore cold guy with secret soft spot for unexpected shit like kittens and puppies and the like
Super excited to come up with new unusual ways to kill like Sims players trapping mfs in pools without ladders or preteen boys beating the shit out of plush toys
boobs. booba. Cis dude who was into Deimos before he realized he’s a dude and the love for him didn’t go away.
Doesnt know how to dress himself and has to rely on Deimos for fashion
Trans dude who looks up to Sanford a lot and wants to be as buff as he is
Grabs Sanford’s tits constantly. we all know he does
Getting over his nicotine addiction cause Sanford wants him to stop but also cause he realized that for whatever reason whenever he gets back into smoking he gets shot a lot more (smoking kills!)
ah of course. The young and impressionable Dr Hofnarr made a business page on MySpace but then came across some emo scene shit and was like 👀
He kinda got into it but kept it as a personal thing til he incorporated it a little into his clown shit and the improbability drive turned it from “fun side interest” to “core chunk of his personality”. Look at him. He goes ^-^ and said oh teh noes. Am I wrong
Hot Dog Vendor LMAO
he dresses up as the main 3 sometimes cause he thinks they’re cool. don’t tell anyone
MAG Hank
Consciously divergent from Hank, retains all of Hank’s memories prior to his creation but creates his own memories onwards
The Savior
his hair fucking falls out. Barely attached. that’s all
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